Hailey                          Written by:   Jem Aura ©





I am concerned for the health and welfare of children in today’s society. Certain behavior models that run contrary to popular belief I feel have significant merit in truth. This story attempts to bring these concepts out. I would like to receive feedback from anyone who finds the concepts interesting and compelling.  I have a selfish desire prove these concepts to the world so that I may not be viewed as harshly by society.


          I believe I have identified, through my own struggles and thoughts, certain aspects of human sexual behavior that can, through understanding, be used to significantly reduce the harmful affects of sexual abuse on children. This story and narrative are in no way intended to condone the sexual abuse of children. It is simply a brutally honest view into the workings of sexual behavior in humans. Admittedly, many of the concepts contained within fly in the face of the general consensus formed by the psychological community. I can only say that trying to understand the intricacies of human behavior from within a human brain is a very confusing exercise - whether you are a psychologist or not. Anyone could have gotten it wrong (and modern psychology definitely has it all wrong) - and when it comes to human behavior, no-one should ever claim to be an expert.  But the simple fact is: Acknowledging the lack of control we have over emotional responses to life’s conundrums can allow for a new, broader, and more objective view of the true human condition.  The important thing is to consider the consequences of continuing on with the status quo of beliefs that - contrary to popular opinion forged by a bunch of quacks claiming to be “experts”, do much more harm than good to the children we try to protect.


Let me introduce a concept to you: Above I mentioned that we have no control over our emotional responses. But if we don’t, then who or what does? Simply put, emotional reactions are instinctive. But to make it work right, there is a part of our instinctive subconscious that decides when where and how to inflict us with the neural peptides that are our emotions. It is a very intelligent and prominent aspect of our brain. It is a compartment of our mind that we are seldom aware of – similar to the compartment that processes visual information: That part is watching what we see and looking for patterns that it can bundle up and name. Like seeing someone we know. Subconsciously we process the visual information and the recognition is done at blinding speed outside of our consciousness. Similarly with emotional responses, the emotional compartment (or as I’ve name it “The Lurker”) it watches our lives like a soap opera on TV, and when circumstances are right, it pushes any of a wide variety of emotional buttons that in turn trigger our instinctive behaviors.

Those behaviors come from a script that is written into our DNA. They enter our consciousness as packets of behavioral algorithms intended to coax us into doing something, Along with the behavioral suggestions comes a wide array of justifications in the form of suggested consequences and rewards. There are two very important things to know about the Lurker:  The first is that the justifications, being his attempt to convince us that it is okay to proceed, are usually lies designed to mask his true motives.  The second are his motives.  It has no concern for our happiness, only seeing to it that we mate, have sex, and raise children. It has no other motive whatsoever. Every emotion we ever feel directly or indirectly supports those motives. Of course we can break them up and be more specific and say that he helps us survive, seek out relationships, gain status in society, be sneaky and manipulative, fall in love, etc, but those all support his basic motives.  I guess a third aspect of the Lurker that should be understood is that the breadth and width of knowledge available to him, and the complexity of the behaviors that he commands, should never be underestimated. As our own conscious selves grow in intelligence and problem solving capability, He works furiously to stay ahead of us, keeping us in the dark.  And he’s not working alone. they can communicate with each other through our emotions and subtleties of our body language – actually, that is their language. Their tools include the ability to compartmentalize our minds, develop denial through a strong feeling of contentedness,  using several people with roles to play within a family to see a behavior through to it’s conclusion, such as co-dependency, etc.  All without our knowledge.  


While there are several mating strategies that the Lurker has at his disposal, I will treat two of the primary ones within this story: Peer-to-peer mating (marriage), and adult-male-adolescent-female mating (commonly referred to in modern society as child sexual abuse)  In the latter strategy, the Lurkers belonging to the mother, step-father, father, and the adolescent girl all coordinate the event to occur, setting it up to happen,


If my theories are even approximately correct, then there is a much more effective treatment available for sex offenders, and there is a much more effective cure for the abused. But most importantly, there will be a strategy for prevention that will be incredibly effective.  In implementing these strategies, known predators with tendencies toward violence, rape, kidnapping, etc. would probably have to be permanently institutionalized.  The non-violent sexual deviant would be treatable and a high level of confidence in public safety of our children will be had.


One condition under which the Lurkers of an entire community will work in unison is when a man is discovered having sex with an adolescent girl.  All of the Lurkers push emotional buttons that instill a completely irrational sense of outrage toward the man, ostracizing him from the community, and emotionally damaging the girl. This outrage is generated by the same complex system that evokes our sexual desires and jealousy, and it exists for reasons completely different from what common sense would dictate.  It is not intended to keep a girl from getting pregnant, It is simply to give the mother control over the men in the community so that her Lurker can choose time and place of the event. With the weapon of community outrage at her disposal, her Lurker can plot and scheme all sorts of devious things.  You see, it is totally obvious that an adolescent girl is intended to mate right away. That is how nature works. Every single species on the planet mates the moment they are able. Humans are on the cusp of shrugging off the influence of natural selection through modern technology and medicine. The things that used to cull our numbers no longer do. But the behaviors are still there and it will take millennia upon millennia to weed them out. These mating strategies that I am referring to are ancient programs, developed through natural selection over vast numbers of generations. The community outrage toward the man is there to drive the mating behind a bush, in secret, with a particular man. He must then abandon the girl and his offspring.


In the absence of violence, kidnapping or rape behavior, these mating strategies do no harm to the adolescent girl physically or emotionally. In fact, if played out fully as intended in the ancestral environment, the girl in intended to gain great advantage from it. This is due to the mother-daughter relationship during the raising of this first child. It is intended to mold the young girl into a woman, instilling vast knowledge of how to be a matriarch in her own clan and how do control an alpha male through co-dependency. Under her mother’s care, the girl and her child are protected from the confusion of a mated relationship while she learns the ropes.


All of these strategies, depending on your gender, exist in all of us. Some are exhibited more homogenously across human behaviors, many are held in reserve as contingencies or supplements, depending on any given situation. They are like tools in a tool-box - we all have the same box with the same tools, it is a matter of what life has dealt you that determines which combination of tools the Lurker decides will work best.


Some of these behavioral tools take the form of a particular style of body language and demeanor, as in the vastly different behaviors of alpha and subordinate males. But if something happens to the alpha, and a subordinate takes his place, that new alpha will shrug off his old demeanor and a new strategy, from the toolbox, will assert itself, and his behavior will hardly be recognizable except that he behaves a whole lot like his predecessor. It is incredibly important for people to understand this. It is the reason that there is an epidemic of sexual abuse going on. Once a “subordinate” feeling male begins to experience the symptoms of one or more of the subordinate behavioral programs,  instead of society propping him up and reassuring him with a sense of status, so that the subordinate male programs will cease to assert themselves, they beat him down with extreme guilt and shame, label him, and then stick him back into society with a new and improved feeling of being at the utter bottom of the social ladder.  At this place on the ladder, his Lurker may choose one of the high risk strategies, the ones that are used only when all others have failed - abduction, rape, murder, etc.


As we consider this, I believe every one must concede the logic in this - and in doing so, you can then understand how irrational your own reactions are to these poor men, possibly creating a crack in the door wide enough for you to sense the Lurker at work inside you. These men are in need of a family, clan, community, where they can feel needed and important, and instead, our Lurker pushes all the worst buttons at them - hatred, loathing, resentment, disgust, anger, etc.   Very few among us have the objectivity and spiritual fortitude to see through these behaviors for what they are, and only one in the history of man to actually preached it. Jesus said, do unto others...  and in that particular strategy, lies the healing of us all.  And perhaps He knew that to say “feel unto others...” would be impossible.


In knowing the truth, that all people in the world, every member of our species, unless suffering from a genetic defect or mutation, have these same behaviors written into the fabric of their being. That no-one is immune, that no-one can be trusted, that in and of itself would protect the children of the world much more effectively than trying to imprison everyone showing the symptoms of natural behaviors.  If we educate young girls that certain of their body language and natural behaviors can trigger a behavioral cascade of events in both that can spin out of control...   well, prudence will prevail.


Sorry about the long prologue, Enjoy.



Chapter 1


          Laura was the sweetest woman in the world. At least in Justin’s  world. In the barren landscape of Oklahoma, where his two sons lived with their mother, Justin felt like he actually belonged there. But he didn’t actually live there. He met Laura while traveling to Oklahoma to visit his sons. Justin lived several hours away.

          In her bedroom they would just hang out all weekend. their kids would crowd onto the bed to watch a movie or just to talk and play games. The boys would come and spend the day and at times there would be seven bodies sprawled across the king bed. Laura called it a “love sandwich”.

          The three girls loved their mother and seldom did they cause her any real problems or heart aches. Her oldest, Lindsay, was 21 and getting married. Lindsay and her fiance had moved back into the house temporarily, which Laura liked because Lacey, her 16 year old was too busy with her social life and being self-absorbed to ever help out in a significant way. Mostly she just needed someone responsible to watch after Hailey.

          Hailey was a blooming adolescent. Even though as a first impression she may seem younger than she is, mainly due to her big eyes and a cleverly scripted slurring baby talk that was a ubiquitous aspect of any conversation one might be brave enough to have with her.  Hailey in fact operated at a much higher level than anyone gave her credit - and that’s just how she liked it.

          Even though one gets the impression that Hailey is still emotionally very young, physically she is tall for her age. Her long blonde hair and slender build are more like the young teenager she is when seen from behind. But her face still has kissable cherub cheeks, a button nose, and a rosebud mouth.

          Hailey’s room is pink. Her bed, shelves and dresser covered in multi-colored stuffed animals. Half of her closet is dedicated to dress-up clothes while the other half is a shrine to Barbie and Ken. Again, her room seems to belong to a much younger girl.

          Justin had become accustomed to hearing Hailey’s baby talk and seeing her mood swings, not really noticing any pattern, or even caring for that matter. All he knew is that she needed attention, and that seemed to be her strategy for getting it. She had to compete for her mother’s attention, who admittedly had difficulty raising her. She was an unexpected pregnancy, and her second husband had strong feelings about abortion. Despite her commitment to not allow those feelings to affect her daughter, Hailey was emotionally needy.  The perpetual baby-talking was a fixture of her personality, and had Laura wondering if Hailey was developmentally challenged.

          Justin wondered the same thing until one day when, freshly showered, he was laying across the bed in Laura’s room watching a football game. He was exhausted, unwinding after having installed new flooring in three rooms of the house. Laura and Lindsay had gone to the grocery store and the bank. Hailey climbed up on the bed like she always did when she was bored. She was feeling mischievous and excited.


          The reason for these feelings was unknown to Hailey, but actually they came from a very complex biological process within her body: ancient biochemical programs that instinctively activate under the right conditions. Her Lurker was awake and alert to everything. Her Lurker pushed buttons that activated the hippocampus and hypothalamus sections of the brain excreting neuro-peptides into Hailey’s bloodstream, and sending packets of behavioral algorithms into her consciousness. In this case, the right conditions consisted of being alone with a strong, kind, and trusted adult man, one that her mother was accepting of, and the resulting feelings and thoughts were that of a strong desire for physical contact combined with an over-powering sense of promiscuity and mischievousness. Hailey had experienced these feelings on several occasions with Justin. The resulting thoughts and feelings had merged into a recurring fantasy where Justin would enter the bathroom and wash her methodically from head to toe. This fantasy seemed to satisfy her need for attention from him, while fulfilling her need for titillating physical contact, without actually thinking about sex.  No, her Lurker didn’t want her to think about sex. Having a baby is the last thing he wants her to think about. “Just have fun, play some games with the nice man. Let me send a few signals to him.” The Lurker thought as he choreographed a ballet of muscular reactions layered atop of her conscious thoughts that, when observed, took the form of a flirtatious tilted look, sultry undertones in the voice, and blushing cheeks. 


          Climbing up and sitting on Justin’s back, she asked, “Can I watch cartoons?”.

          “I don’t care. I’ll probably fall asleep anyway.”

          Justin had an easy way about him. Everyone felt comfortable around him. Laura and Justin had only been dating for a about a year, but since they only saw each other about every other weekend, it seemed like much shorter than that.

          Hailey had a crush on him. To her, having him as her mom’s boyfriend was the best thing ever. There was no jealousy, only endless opportunities to hug, wrestle, play dress-up, or Barbie dolls...   Her dolls had become Laura and Justin rather than Barbie and Ken, and she would play house, inevitably culminating in Justin doll giving Hailey doll a bath. And Justin was strangely very willing to suffer endless indignities and assaults on his machismo in order to nurture his friendship and favor with the girl.

          Today, however, Hailey was going to move into new territory. She was subconsciously committed to testing their relationship, and she spontaneously broached a subject that she knew was mischievous and would get his attention.

          “Do you love my mom?”

          “Yes.” said  Justin honestly.

          “Do you love me?”


          Justin wasn’t paying much attention to her, but he noticed something in the tone of her voice. And there was no baby talk.

          “How come in the morning the door is always locked?” She asked in non-baby talk fashion.

          “So that you kids won’t bother us.” Justin replied, still watching the football game.

          “I know what you were doing.” stated Hailey in a very matter-of-fact way. 

          This got Justin’s attention and he rolled Hailey off of his back and sat up to face her.

          “Sweetheart, I really don’t think you should be worrying about it. We just like to spend some time in the morning kissing, alone, that’s all.”  He lied.

          “This morning I was listening for a long time. I can hear everything under the door. I know what you were doing.” She said.

          “Well if you know, then you know why the door was locked.”

          Justin felt out of place. Not because of the subject matter, but because Hailey was conversing at a very high functioning level. It was a little scary to hear her like that. The same way a toy clown suddenly walking around and talking might scare the crap out of someone. Or when Linda Blair suddenly uses the voice of her possessor. He had never heard anything from her mouth that wasn’t twisted with baby talk or whining. Now she was looking him square in the eye and interrogating him without sarcasm, teasing, or anything he could discern that would betray her feelings. He had to just sit there and stare while his mind adjusted to her. Eventually, it became apparent to Justin that she was perfectly capable of interacting normally with the adults in her life, she just had not chosen to do so, until now.

          “Hailey, are you feeling alright?  You don’t sound like yourself.”

          “I’m fine. Why?”

          Looking into her swimming pool blue eyes he finally asked, “You sound like you grew up all of a sudden.  What happened to all that baby talk?”

          Hailey looked at her hands and shrugged. “I don’t know.”

          “You whine at your mom all the time and you always seem to be a lot younger than you are...”  Justin paused and then added, “You know you shouldn’t listen in on people when they want to be alone.”

          After a thoughtful pause, Hailey, still looking at her hands and twisting the sheet around her finger, said, “I like to.   I wish...” a hint of whining snuck back in - probably because she’s wanting something. Then she decided to say something else, “It sounds like you really love each other.”

          “You wish what?” asked Justin, noticing her blushing cheeks amid an otherwise perfectly smooth complexion.

          “I dunno.” replied Hailey.

          During the one second it took for Hailey to utter those two words, a flood of information was passed from Hailey directly into Justin’s brain without him even knowing it: Her soft hushed tone as she spoke and the way she broke eye contact, looking down at hands that were busy doing nothing, conveyed that contrary to what she said, she actually did know what she wanted. Her blushed cheeks indicated that her hormones were active and that she was feeling excited and slightly embarrassed. Her head being tilted forward would not move as she glanced up at Justin to read his reactions. This combined with a submissive pose with shoulders slumped spoke clearly that her intentions were mischievous but not meant to hurt anyone, while at the same time indicating that she wanted feedback from Justin as to his willingness to go along with her selfish pursuit.  Then, at the moment one of her short upward glances met his eyes, her head tilted and turned ever so slightly, her eyes still locked onto his it became the hint of a sideways, tilted look, accompanied with a soft smile, and then, a quick bratty flash of her tongue.  This sort of communication has been occurring in humans for hundreds of thousands of years.  Without either of them knowing how or why, they both knew what Hailey wanted, and Justin was about to unwittingly disclosed to her that he wanted to play along. Again, they knew this, and yet they didn’t.

          Just like Hailey, Justin too had ancient programs that instinctively activate under the right conditions. His were much different than hers, but they meshed together to form a carefully scripted set of behaviors. The two gender and age specific programs that interacted, meshed in such a way as to cause a cascade of behavior intended to result in the successful procreation of the species. Age specific in that in a few short years, Hailey will no longer be attracted to a man so much older than her. Her programs will be replaced with ones designed to find a long term committed mate of approximately her own age. Justin however, will probably continue to seek out young girls with the younger programs running, for the rest of his life, while at the same time, be completely capable of, and interested in, participating in the peer-to-peer mating rituals and long-term commitments.

          A typical male’s peer-to-peer ritual program involves overt romance, gift giving, and an incredibly complex emotional co-dependency that the woman depends on for control within the relationship. Those programs are designed to set up long-term investment for the purpose of raising children that are dependent on their true parents.

          The typical adult-male-to-adolescent-female ritual program has no designs for long-term commitment to each other, or by the male to the child. Only the girl and her mother (or sibling matriarch, as well as many extended family members on the mother‘s side) are invested in the raising of the child. In this case, the programs are only intended to get the girl pregnant by a suitable sperm donor.  The mother of the girl will be the one ultimately responsible for raising the child, transferring her knowledge of survival, child rearing, and matriarchal responsibilities to the girl along the way before she dies. Because, you see, in our ancient ancestral environment, the life expectancy of a woman would be around 35 years. This means that if a female has a daughter at a young age, say 13, the mother will be at least 26 when her daughter becomes pregnant. That only leaves a 9 year window of opportunity for the mother to pass on her knowledge to future generations.


The mating ritual consists of a sequence of events that occur back and forth between the two participants. Contrary to what psychology experts believe, the female is actually the one that initiates it. Without her acceptance of him and promise of secrecy, the risks of her exposing him would be too great.


The male program is concentrated in the visual cortex, a radar of sorts that is finely tuned to pick up first on the physical characteristics of a female, and then, depending on the results of that, on the cues and signals that the female sends. That radar also acts to identify opportunities - an innate intelligence of the workings of family relationships and their built-in vulnerabilities. Once he identifies an opportunistic situation, and positions himself into it through extensive plotting and manipulation, (usually involving the mother, Modern terminology calls this grooming) At the moment the young girl gives him her approving signal, he is content in the knowledge that she will most likely mate with him and keep it secret long enough for him to be long gone.   This act of hyper-awareness and manipulative positioning that the male engages in is typically seen as initiating the event. Granted without it, little would happen, but for that matter, being born could be thought of as initiating it as well. The fact is that if either the girl or the mother were not accepting of the man, in the vast majority of cases, nothing would happen. If they are not accepting, the risks for him are too great.


Conspicuous in the ritual is the lack of romance. Progress toward mating is gained through teasing and game playing, as energy and excitement grow in both until outrageousness allows for a plunge into copulation.  Almost immediately afterward, the man is compelled to abandon the girl, at least for a while until he feels safe for another try. The girl pines for him until she is certainly pregnant.


          Continuing their conversation that Hailey had initiated about listening under the door to her mother and Justin making love, Justin pleaded with Hailey to speak her mind. “Come on, you can tell me. What is it?” asked Justin, feeling hyper-sensitive to her at that moment, and feeling a bit aroused all of a sudden, but not knowing why.

          “I wish I could be in there...   I wanna see what you’re doing.”  she started bouncing on the bed to disguise her embarrassment. Also to have an escape into “silly-little-girl” in case Justin’s reaction was not what she predicted it to be.

          “You know you can’t. And you’re asking the wrong person. I’m not your father.” He said calmly,  secretly hoping she would stubbornly argue with him on this subject the way she doggedly did on so many others.          “But you said you were just kissing.” she only paused long enough for Justin to open his mouth, “That’s not all you do, is it?” She asked, settling down from the bouncing.

          “Why would you want to watch?  I don’t understand. wouldn’t you feel silly with us making love in front of you?”

          Hailey leaned forward and slowly shook her head no.  “No, I wouldn’t” She said.   A car door closed outside and Hailey’s head turned, realizing her mother and sister had just come home.

          Climbing down from the bed, she whispered, pleading with him. “Please?   If you just leave the door unlocked,  I swear I won’t say anything. Paleeezzzuh?”

          That last “please” was thick with the familiar whine. The front door opened and Hailey skipped from the room. Justin could hear the baby talk thick from the other room as she begged for Twinkies. In a flash she had transformed back into q little brat.

          He got up and went out to help carry the groceries. As the baby talk continued out in the front room, Justin said out loud so everyone could hear, “I think maybe all that baby talk is just an act.”  as he shot a look at Hailey.

          Hailey stared back at Justin in shock, and it occurred to him that she was actually afraid. Was he going to betray her any further?

          Justin went over to her. No one was paying any attention.  He picked her up and swung her around, “I’m just kidding, I hope you stay a kid forever.”


          Two days later, Justin was swooning as Laura worked her magic in the early morning hours, her head bobbing up and down with rhythmic delight.  It had become their ritual. She loved the fact that she could please him so completely - that he had never had the services of someone so talented, let alone simply willing. His ex-wife never enjoyed giving out oral sex. Laura absolutely loved it.  

          But Justin was now aware of the little spy that had been lurking, and he was constantly distracted wondering if she was out there in the hall listening to them. He was also amazed how little Laura seemed to worry about making love noises. She always added her dialogue of cooing, hums, and slurps, and he always felt obligated to add his own sound track for her to monitor progress by.  The previous morning Justin had heard the door knob click ever so slightly and looked to see it moving slowly. But it was locked. That night he sat thinking about what it would feel like to have the young girl watching them. Now, during this intense moment of wonderful sensations, in a flash of pure spontaneity, Justin reached over and quietly unlocked the door, Laura being way to busy, and noisy to notice, continued on.

          Being distracted by the unwelcome thoughts of Hailey, it was taking Justin a little longer than usual. Conscious of this, Justin re-asserted his fantasy and began slowly climbing upward again toward climax.

          As the tempo increased, Justin was distracted again and glanced at the door. It was ajar just enough to peek through, and he could see Hailey’s nose pressed against it, blonde hair clearly visible.  Laura, sensing something, looked up to see Justin looking at the door. The game was up.

          “Hailey, go back to bed, we’ll be out in...”  Laura paused as Hailey quickly opened the door the rest of the way and entered the room.

          “But I want to be in here with you.” She said in her best whine.

          Hailey was staring straight at Justin’s erection, which her mother was holding straight up. Laura had committed herself to not doing things around her kids that would shed a negative light on sex the way her mother had. If she had had the opportunity to cover up Justin without Hailey knowing it, she would have. But to do it now would send the wrong signal, or so she felt. In her mind, they simply weren't doing anything wrong. Justin was wondering in the back of his mind somewhere if Hailey’s curiosity and willingness to discuss things with Justin was a reflection of her mother’s attitude.

          With big eyes, Hailey asked “Can I watch?”

          “You’ve seen enough already, we’ll be out in a minute”, Laura said calmly as if his penis was the centerpiece at the dinner table.

          It was apparent that Hailey was going to continue to protest and stall as long as she could. Hailey, being raised the way she had, simply did not see anything bad about sex. It was just an area of interest that she knew very little about, and was now strongly interested in.  So Justin rolled out of bed and climbed in the shower. This caused consternation in Laura who watched the confused looks of guilt and fear wash across Hailey’s face. Had she upset Justin?

          Laura consoled her, “It’s okay sweetheart, Justin’s not mad. We were almost done anyway.  You should knock first before you open the door.”


          Later Justin and Laura talked. He was surprised by Laura’s lack of concern over her young daughter spying and seeing her mother giving him head. Not to mention a close up of his full member. But Laura simply did not believe in punishing her for natural curiosity, and she won’t repeat the same mistakes as her own mother, who felt it necessary, through her religious convictions, to instill a sense of fear and disgust about sex and men in general. She felt she missed out on a very important time in her life, and it took 15 years of rotten marriage before she finally realized she had been lied to.


          A few days later they were in bed again, Laura sitting on top working her other sort of magic when there was a knock at the door. Hailey announced herself saying she had had a bad dream. Laura, with Justin planted deep inside her, reached out and opened the door. (The door knob is obviously right next to the bed).

          Justin was immediately suspicious of Hailey because she had not been in bed long enough to have had a nightmare, and she didn’t seem surprised to see her mother straddling him with her breasts exposed, the rest thankfully hidden under a thin sheet.

          “What is it honey?”  her mother asked, stroking her hair.

          “What are you doing?” asked Hailey, getting right to the point.

          “We are making love.”  and as if to illustrate, she lifted herself up a little and slowly settled back down.

          Hailey leaned into her mother and then tried climbing onto the bed, but there was no room on that side. Justin, rubbing Hailey’s back affectionately started to say something in protest but was cut off by Laura, “Go around to the other side where there’s room.”

          Even more shocking to Justin than this unexpected turn of events was when Hailey spooned herself up against him while her mother continued to rock, swinging her breasts in his face and moaning as if they were again alone in the room. He also noticed that Laura seemed to be more intensely aroused than normal, unlike himself. But that could very well have been his own shifted perception now that Hailey was there. He found that with Hailey next to him, he couldn‘t orgasm even though he remained very stiff.


Laura was not immune to the programs running in her boyfriend and her daughter. In fact, she was a central character. In the human ancestral environment, every single member of the family unit, including many of the extended family, had related programs, roles to play, germane to the propagation of the adult-male-adolescent-female ritual. Hailey’s mother’s Lurker, being close to the center of influence that made the strategy of the behavior work, of course had a significant role to play. In her case, the neural peptides coursing through her gave her a strong feeling of contentedness and well-being having her daughter present amid the sexual atmosphere of the bedroom. Those strong feelings were actually very irrational and were directed mainly at Justin. Under the influence, in Laura’s eyes, Justin became God-like. And those strong senses over-rode any competitiveness natural between females in this situation, and made conspicuous the absence of jealousy. The behavioral algorithms that infected her consciousness urged her to leave her daughter in the care of Justin, with the confident feeling that she will remain chaste.  Ha, what a crock of shit her Lurker feeds her. Knowing that this man was not related to her, he would do nicely as an example, and a donor. But she did not consciously think this. she was in denial of the true reasons, and justified them as a “teacher“ and “Nurturer“, and “loving mother“, and not with any intent of getting her pregnant. 


Part of the denial system built into the Mother is that as long as there is no identifiable man, the fact that her daughter is pregnant seems perfectly normal and acceptable. Again, the reason for this is so that the young mother can be indoctrinated into motherhood away from the confusing push and pull of co-dependency.  The mother goes about toughening her up emotionally to be able to handle a man, while at the same time teaches her the myriad of skills necessary for a woman in those times. It is a marriage of sorts - a very close one to one relationship until one of her other young daughters gives birth.


 Even though Hailey is her third daughter, and Laura is already past age 35, this particular behavioral tendency, keyed by the puberty of any of her daughters, will persist until she dies, the same way Justin’s attraction to adolescent females will. In age dependant programs, there is little evolutionary history for people past 35, so people just continue doing what they were programmed to do at that age until they die. When a woman stops menstruating, the resulting hormonal imbalance sends irrational signals and sets up behavioral changes, but they have no evolutionary significance. 


Males in the peer group of an adolescent female seldom exhibit the sexual maturity necessary to impregnate her. This alone suggests that the girl is meant to be available to an older male.  Considering that when a young male finally is capable of successful intercourse, that his preference is toward more experienced and fully developed females, and almost never toward and pubescent female, indicates that they too are excluding the newly fertile young females for still older males. Considering modern day statistics of sex offenders, the overwhelming majority of men caught at something regarding sexual contact with a child, assert that their attractions are toward the pubescent aged female, while also remaining attracted toward fully developed females.

If you suppose that the denial aspect of the individuals and community are true, and then consider the trends of physical attractions and behaviors of the different ages of both genders, a clear picture of the interdependent behavioral strategies emerges. Young girls were intended to raise their first child married to their mother.


Justin adjusted himself, putting his arm around Hailey, Hailey with her head on his chest. It was the strangest feeling he’d ever known. He was caressing Hailey’s back in a fatherly sort of way while thrusting his member into her mother. She just lay there quietly, apparently satisfied just to be witnessing the event, and maybe hoping that if she was quiet and unobtrusive, she might be invited in again. To Hailey, this was an electrifying and intensely meaningful moment. To the average reader, this situation would seem harmful to the girl, but that is only because your modern society and man-made religions have instilled a sense of moral degradation with regard to anything sexual. In the ancestral environment, sex was not something bad and it wasn‘t hidden from children. Hailey was not taught to feel guilt or shame about sex, and nothing in her nature (yet) would make her feel that way. 


Laura worked and worked trying to get Justin to ejaculate, but it wasn’t going to happen. Justin realized, almost too late, that if he can’t be satisfied with Hailey in the room, she might not allow her in next time. So Justin faked an orgasm.  But that was the last time he ever had to.

          Later that evening, after Hailey was asleep in her own bed, Laura and Justin lay in bed together watching the local news. As a feature story, a man was accused of sexually abusing a young neighbor girl. His dopey, unshaven mug was flashed onto the screen along with video of him being escorted in leg irons and an orange jail suit into the courthouse.  The girl’s picture was also displayed along with her name and the neighborhood school she attended. Apparently her mother had been manipulated into allowing the journalist to make that information public.

          Laura shook her head in disgust. “Can you believe it? Shouldn’t a mother know better than to let her young daughter hang out over at a neighbors house?“ 

          About that time the mother of the abused girl gave her statement. “I trusted him!  He seemed like a very nice man, perfectly normal, and an upstanding citizen too. You can’t trust anyone any more. He is a monster, a wolf in sheep‘s clothing. I urge mother‘s everywhere to keep their daughters safe from..”  the mother started crying.  Justin secretly wondered how many times they recorded the interview before they finally got the one where she started balling.“   Listening to Laura, Justin could see some of the Irony and hypocrisy in Laura’s comments. But his own reaction was exactly the same. He saw the man as a creep. Deserving castration, torture, and even death.


As if the news story was a distant memory, Laura broached the subject of Hailey.  “Justin, what did you think about Hailey being in the bed with us?”

          “I don’t know. To be honest, it makes me nervous. What if she tells her dad?.

          “She won’t. I’ve already talked to her about that. I was worried that she might try the same thing with him, then she says ‘but mommy lets me!’ 

          “That’s exactly what I was thinking.  So what did you tell her?” 

          “I just said that if she ever told anyone that she would never, ever be allowed in my room ever again.”

          “Wow, total banishment.  Wait, you told her it’s okay for her to watch us? 

          “I know. It’s weird. I tried to find a way to say no but I couldn’t.“

          “How did she react to that?”

          “In a surprisingly mature way.  She said she just wants to know what making love is like even though she is too young to actually do it.  She said that somewhere she got the idea that it would hurt and not be fun and enjoyable. That’s why she became so curious when she heard us outside the door. Apparently it’s obvious that we enjoy it a whole lot.  She was amazed at how much we love it and she thanked me over and over for letting her share the feeling with us. Now how could I say no after that?”  Laura became emotional again relating this to him. This whole thing was stirring up an incredibly strong sense of connectedness with her daughter, the extent of which was unfounded and irrational – which indicates to me that the feelings are part of a programmed scheme. Part of a woman‘s denial structure, and part of the Lurker’s method of forcing programmed behaviors on us without us knowing it is the belief that if a feeling exists, there must be a “good“ reason for it.

          Struggling to gain control, she said “I’m so confused now. On the one hand I know in my heart that none of this is hurting Hailey. In fact, I believe it is helping her. She’s growing. On the other hand, I have always had very strong feelings about what is “appropriate”, and that was way over the line.“ she gestured at the TV, Justin guessed she  finally connecting a dot or two. “But then I start hearing my mother’s voice in my head, so I try not to listen.  I don’t know why all of these feelings are happening, or where they even come from.” tears were streaming again.


          Justin, seeing how this was affecting her, said “You feel like I do -  Hailey could no more be harmed by witnessing us making love than from eating a chocolate bar.  I mean, there didn’t used to be walls separating families. all of this puritan-anti-sex-it‘ll-damage-you-for-life crap is a fabrication and a fall-out from religious rules made a long time ago. But I think there‘s more to it than just that, but I’m not sure what.”

          “Oh Justin,  I’m so glad to hear you say that. I’ve been beating myself up and thinking I’m going crazy.  But Justin, it doesn‘t stop there. My mind has been full of all kinds of things. Can you believe I actually thought...“ she broke off, still crying.

          Justin waited, and when it seemed Laura wasn’t going to continue he said,  “Just make sure she remains discrete.”

          “I will.”  She said, blowing her nose.


          The very next time Hailey and Justin were alone, Hailey sprang into the subject.  “Did my mom say anything to you about us talking?” Hailey asked with reserved excitement.

          “Yeah, I think she mentioned something.” 

          Her eyes were bright, smiling, and devious. “What did she tell you?”

          “The part I remember is the part where you don’t talk to anyone about it for any reason whatsoever.  Do you remember that part?”  Justin answered in a sarcastic and gruff tone that was not representative of his mood. He regretted the tone he had used. It was fear that had motivated the reaction.

          Hailey’s expression changed instantly to being emotionally crushed. She was most excited about these turns of events because she adored Justin and wanted him to hold her again in the intimacy of her mother’s room – In the ‘love nest’.   She seemed genuinely hurt. 

          Justin’s heart did a back flip in his chest. “No, It’s not... I mean - I don’t mind, really. I’m sorry I sounded so mean. I’m just afraid. I’ve never known anyone that could keep an important secret. And it’s not really fair either.  I mean, what if I watched you naked when you are in the shower?  How would that feel?”  Justin immediately realized how disjointed that last comment was. He felt he had set this question up hoping for something, but it just appeared there on the tip of his tongue. He did it all subconsciously, the same way he answered Hailey’s body language with an unconscious “yes”.  Having listened to the sentence coming out of his own mouth, he was strangely aroused by it, realizing that in answering it, he would learn something significant about Hailey.

          “I wouldn’t care. You think I’m pretty, don‘t you?” She asked, using that familiar tilted look again.

          “You are incredibly beautiful - young, but very beautiful.” Justin said smiling down at her.

          “Then I wouldn’t mind at all.”

          “Well good, then it won’t feel so weird.”

          Hailey’s eyes widened a little and she looked aside as if thinking about something.


          That night Hailey called to Justin from the bathroom. “Justin, can you bring me a towel?”

          This was not an unusual request. The house was desperately short on towels, and many times he had been asked the same thing from various females at various times. It was an unspoken fact that the towels were located in the dryer, since there weren’t enough to ever get to the shelf in the linen closet.

          As Justin passed the towel in through the door, Hailey seized his arm and pulled him in. There she was, in all her glory for Justin to see.  Watching his eyes, Hailey displayed her body for him by holding her arms out and slowly turning a full circle, then she bowed dramatically.

          Justin was flattered, but that was one of many emotions coursing through his body all at once. Stunned was the strongest. Stunned at how absolutely perfect her body was. Every proportion exactly suiting an ideal that had been imprinted onto his visual cortex by countless thousands of generations of evolution – this is the exact image intended to trigger one of his mating programs.   He could have watched her spin a thousand slow circles, and never grown weary of her.  Stunned is how he felt because he was slammed with a chemical cocktail of neural peptides that felt like a dose of heroine because the image of Hailey was a perfect match, and all of the bells and whistles went off in his head at once.

          The vast majority of the adult human male’s programmed mating responses are triggered by what he sees. In the ancestral environment people didn’t go around announcing how old they were. The didn’t keep track. The program functions from visual information that indicates the female’s sexual maturity. A male that is under the influence of the adult-male-adolescent-female program is acutely aware of the physical characteristics of the pubescent female so that he can position himself into her life at the exact moment necessary to be the father of that first child. Because one lapse and she can turn up pregnant from someone else.  In any case, a detailed record of the proportions of the female body is used as a comparative tool for the visual processing center of the brain. In the case of a perfect specimen like Hailey,  naked and alone with him, that visual processing center sends out a code red alert to the rest of the brain and the fireworks begin. But even so, common survival sense can win out.


          Prudence dictated a hasty retreat, mainly for the benefit of those in the other room watching TV. He didn’t want to be gone too long.

          Holding her chin, he kissed her cheek and said “I’m very impressed. You’re more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.”

          Hailey smiled, blushed fully, and delicately twiddled her fingers in a goodbye gesture, adding a tilted look and quick bratty tongue for good measure, as Justin backed his way out of the steamy bathroom.

          Not long afterward, everyone headed for their own beds except for Hailey, who led the way into the master suite and climbed into bed and began working the TV remote. Laura was quick to set down some new rules.

          “Hailey,  there’s no TV in here after your bedtime. You can stay, but it’s as if you are in your own bed with the lights out. all right?”

          Hearing this, Justin rolled his eyes at the oxymoron of her words. “No TV, but you can watch us have sex.“ 

          Hailey nodded, “I’m sorry.”: she said, over compensating for her very slight error in judgment.

          Laura could see how eager she was to please. Anything to stay in the love nest - and she liked that affect it was having on her. It was a pleasant change from all the whining and contrary attitude they had all become accustomed to.  She pondered these things as she went about her rituals getting ready for bed.  As always, the last thing she did was light candles on the bedside tables and turn out the lights.

          Justin was always in bed long before Laura, simply because his ritual consisted of brushing his teeth and throwing his clothes in the corner. As he turned to get in bed, Hailey was watching him. Out of habit, he had stripped off his boxers without even thinking, and now her eyes danced all over him. He slipped in under the covers and gave her a playful shove.  “What are you lookin’ at?”

          “You.”  She said, with a wide smile.

          She sidled up next to him, and he put his arm around her in the similar way they had done before. But this time Hailey’s hand slid rather swiftly from his chest and touched his penis and she giggled, disguising it as a playful tease.

          Justin calmly grabbed her arm and pushed it away, glancing between her and her mother to see if she had seen the move. She hadn’t. 

          Hailey witnessed Justin’s reaction, and especially how he protected her from her mother finding out. He was keeping it secret. This fact excited her greatly.

          Glancing at each other, Justin shook his head at her and mouthed the word “no”.  Hailey smiling, gave a coy and mischievous look. Then they exchanged smiles.

          In the glow of the candles, Justin was now between the two beauties. He and Laura Kissed passionately and soon they were fully aroused.  The lovers, in their turn, would glance at Hailey, who smiled back with sparkling eyes.           Pausing from kissing, Laura asked Hailey a question. “Does all this sloppy kissing seem gross to you?”

          Hailey shook her head emphatically “no”

          “Would you like to try it?”

          Half of the muscles in Justin's body contracted at once.  Laura cupped her hand over his mouth before he could speak.

          “I’m sure Justin wouldn’t mind showing you how, would you Justin?”   Laura shook Justin’s head for him using the hand on his mouth.

          Quickly Hailey was sitting up and leaning over him. Glancing once more at her mother for the go-ahead, and getting it, she kissed his mouth softly at first, then slightly deeper, but nothing like her mother had been doing.  Justin took her head in both hands, gently pulling her jaw open wider, then licked around her lips and teeth, then pressing firmer into a locked, deep passionate kiss.

          Laura watched the progress briefly, and then moved toward the foot of the bed. Lifting the covers from his legs to above his waist, she sweetly stroked him and drew him into her mouth.

          Justin groaned as Laura’s warm mouth enveloped him. Hailey noticed this and turned to see her mother sucking on Justin’s erection.

          Justin pulled her head back to him and they continued kissing.  Hailey, now sensing the fullness of her involvement, was becoming aware of her own arousal. Her mind raced around, flooded with new sexual thoughts and desires. It was immediately apparent to her that Justin was probably fantasizing about making love to her.  And he was.  But so was her mother- that Justin was imagining that Laura’s mouth was Hailey’s vagina.

          Yes, he had thought it almost immediately. But he was aware of alot of things. His mind was swimming. Almost to the extent that he could not enjoy himself.  He refocused his mind: With the image of Hailey naked, spinning and displaying herself to him, he checked the relative positions of everyone and deftly slipped his hand under Hailey’s sleep shirt and began caressing her small breasts.  At the moment his hand first touched her breast, he whispered “shhhhh” quietly through their kiss.  Hailey reveled in the secrecy of his touch and responded “Mmmmm”.

          Justin kept caressing her budding breasts freely, knowing exactly where her mother’s mouth was.  Eventually, switching hands, he slid one under the elastic of her panties and cupped her small butt cheek.

          Soon it was apparent that Justin was about to burst. Hailey stopped kissing him, feeling the volcano beginning to shake the ground under her that was Justin‘s body, and slid down a little to watch her mother.  Experience told Laura exactly when the eruption would occur. Usually she swallowed everything, but this time she stopped sucking and stroked him so that Hailey could see the sperm spewing out.

          During the aftermath, while he was still being gently stroked, Justin suspected that some of the strokes were from Hailey, even though he wasn’t in a position to see. It was the way she giggled, and then they both shushed each other and then giggled louder. 

          “Hey, what’s going on down there?”  Justin said calmly, to which full blown riotous laughter erupted.


          The next day Hailey and Justin were alone for a good part of the afternoon. Justin knew where the talk was going to go, and he had already decided how he was going to handle her. 

          Satisfying his ability to predict her behavior, Hailey began talking about the night before in her mother’s bed. She especially liked it when he was feeling her all over and kissing her, and they kept it secret, that was also very important. She never felt so alive and free in her whole life.  And of course she wanted to do it again, right then and there. She also wanted to ask Justin what he was thinking while they were kissing and her mother was sucking on him, but she couldn’t put a sentence together in her head that would sound right. So she let it pass. So after Hailey had related what she could to him, Justin replied to her:  “Hailey, I don’t want to make your mother mad. We love her more than anything and we need to protect her from the hurt that she would feel if we left her out.”

          “But she won’t know.” She said, disappointment oozing out in her voice.

          “Anything could happen. Let’s not take the chance.  Besides, she really likes the way you have changed since you started being with us. I think you could try anything you want and the worst that could happen is she would say no in a nice way.  You know how she is.”

          Hailey knew what he was saying was true, but she also knew that somehow it didn‘t fit her subconscious goal. It needed to be a secret. That was the key.  Exploring Justin‘s line of thinking a little further she asked: “Yeah, but what would I do?  I want you to be able to.... you know.   If you won‘t do anything I can‘t make you.  See what I mean?” 

          Again Justin was a little dazed at how sharp this little tack was. Probably the sharpest tack in the box. He had to think about this for quite a while. He started describing a couple of ideas to her but had to retreat from each of them. He finally settled on something:    “I know, while your mom is busy down there, you know... “   Hailey quickly nodded. “... tap her on the shoulder so she looks at you. Then you take my hand and put it on your breast and kind of giggle about it.  I’ll pull my hand away and you put it there again. This time I’ll act a little mad and jerk my hand away and say “You have to ask your mom”  I know your mom will probably get a little mad at me for getting mad at you, and she will say something like, “She’s just curious, it’s nothing to get mad over.“ and then I’ll say “then you don’t mind? I thought you would mind.“ then she will have to say “no, I don’t mind.“  then we can start doing some fun stuff ourselves.”

          This idea had started Hailey’s brilliant mind churning. Justin could see the gears turning as she processed this. She reached up and kissed him gently on the mouth, then walked slowly to her room, thinking. She liked that they had a new secret.

          On the following Friday, Justin was finally back in the bed he dreamed of all week. Hailey was still at a birthday party and was due home shortly. In the meantime, Laura was getting ready to talk to Justin about something she had been brooding over all week. 

          “Justin, Hailey came to me the other day wanting to talk. I am amazed at how that girl has matured. It’s like she’s a new little woman. I have had absolutely no trouble from her at all. Her teachers have said the same thing. Her friends parents are saying the same thing. Her sisters have both noticed. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

          “I know. I noticed the change beginning a few weeks ago.  I think being in the bedroom with us has given her a sense of security.  Like maybe it’s an instinctive thing - the favored child sleeps with the adults.  Who knows?  Whatever it is it’s working. I mean, all of her acting out is from insecurity, so it makes sense that if she is suddenly not acting out any more, she is feeling secure.“  Justin was eager to condone the bedroom thing. He knew Hailey would probably spring a surprise on them and he had been imagining it all week. But he wasn’t prepared for the fact that Hailey had pre-empted him, and especially how her mother had reacted to it.

          Laura began: “About that, I mean last weekend in the bedroom, I’m sorry I forced you to teach her to kiss.  I should have talked to you first. It was spontaneous.  I just know how I felt at her age and I can empathize so closely with what she was wanting.”  Laura again began to be overwhelmed with her emotions. Her voice cracked and she fought back tears.  “I trusted my mother and she lied to me about so many things.”  Now her tears were flowing as she lost control.

          “It’s all right. Actually, I’m extremely flattered that you trust me so much. And I adore her. It was a little strange at first, but I enjoyed it. To be honest, I never imagined such an intimate connection was possible between three people. It really lit me up with you doing your amazing thing and offering up your daughter to...  well you know.”  Justin trailed off not having the right words for that dead end.

          “You know she really loves you a lot.” said Laura, “ We talked for a long time the other night....“ this perked up Justin’s ears. “...I’m closer to her than I’ve ever been. She trusts me with her feelings and neither of us feel jealous of the other. It’s just the opposite. We love each other more than ever. You have brought us so much closer”  Laura blew her nose.

          “That’s great. It really is amazing how things have changed.”  repeating what had already been said.

          Laura braced herself and gave Justin a serious stare.

          “What?”  He said, defensively.

          After a thoughtful pause, she got up her courage and stumbled ahead,  “She asked my permission to have you touch her.”  Laura said, staring into Justin’s eyes and waiting for this to sink in.

          “What do you mean?  Touch her how?”  Justin said trying to be convincing in his surprise.

          “She’s curious to know what it’s like to be touched by a man.  She’s been watching us. She can see how much we enjoy it. It’s only natural for her to be curious.”

          “Yeah, but that’s got a prison term attached to it.  The kissing was pushing it.  What did you tell her?” 

          “I told her I’d talk to you about it.”

          “Don’t leave it up to me.”

          “It is up to you. I can’t force you to.”

          “So you want me to feel her up?”

          “No, I want us to enjoy some intimacy together.  Feel-up is not the right way of looking at it. Is that how you see it?   Feeling her up?”  a tinge of anger seeped into her tone.

          “It is what it is.  Saying it differently won’t impress the judge.  Because I’m just the kind of guy that would do 10 years and cover for you. You know that.  Maybe that’s why you aren’t as worried as I am.”

          “I guess I do know that. We all know you’d die for us. That’s why we love you so much.”

          “Well I may choose suicide rather than prison, and I have my boys to think of, so be careful. It‘s my life we‘re talking about. This ain‘t no game or God-damned soap opera.”

          The front door opened and Hailey’s sisters welcomed her home.  Justin needed some more information before he could allow anything to happen.

          “So what exactly, and I mean exactly, do you want me to do?  She’s home, we don’t have much time.” 

          About that time Hailey came marching down the hall with her sack of goodies from the party. She gave her mom a big hug while delivering Justin a knowing look. Justin winked in acknowledgment.  Laura pushed her gently out the door and suggested that she take a bath.

          Back to business, Laura explained as best she could what Hailey had expressed to her.  “She felt strongly aroused from the kissing. She knew you were feeling what I was doing to you and she seemed to be able to sense your passion, your excitement. She felt she was sharing in what was making you feel so good, contributing to it.” she paused.  “Is that true? Was she contributing? I mean you really did explode.”

          Justin was suddenly fearful that this whole thing was about to blow up in his face. Was she pulling information from him? Setting him up? Was she getting ready to label him as a pervert?.  Cautiously he replied. “It was an intense moment of intimacy that was completely new to me. I have mixed feelings. Strange ideas have been running around in my head about it ever since. I don‘t know what to think.” 

          “But she said she wanted your hands to be all over her, she is fantasizing about it.  In any case, if you had, I wouldn’t have cared.”  Laura paused thinking.

          “You’re not answering the question. If you want me to...“  He didn’t want to use “feel-up” again and he fell short of synonyms. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

          Laura thought a moment.  “I don’t care as long as you don’t penetrate her with anything.  And if she seems like she doesn’t like it, stop.”

          Holy shit!” Justin screamed. And then regretted it.

          Laura burst into tears.

          Justin desperately tried to take it back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. You just shocked me. I had no idea you were considering so much...  wow.”  

          Justin put his face in his hands. “Are you sure about this?  I don’t know if I can.   I mean, to be honest, I have had thoughts...  but I doubt I could act on them. And especially with you watching.  You were planning on being there, weren’t you?”

          “I guess so,  but... “Laura stopped, staring, looking out the back of her eyes, deep in her thoughts.   “She was so shy when she told me all of this. It was so cute to hear how she described things.  Do you know what she used as an example of how she wanted to be touched?”  She didn’t wait for his response “She said “like if he were giving me a bath, he’d have to rub his hands everywhere to make sure I was clean all over.” 

          Justin let that image sink in. “Well, maybe I could deal with that, playing daddy.  Kissing her was so strange, but a bath might be okay.... I think.“ 

          Then Laura said, “And I won’t be watching. Maybe you could start with that?”

          “Start?   What does that mean?  Are you sure none of this is going to blow up in our faces?”  Justin asked, genuinely concerned.

          “No.”  Said Laura honestly.  But if it does, it won’t be because of Hailey. She can be trusted.

          “What about the other girls?  They might see or hear something.” Said Justin a little nervously.

          “I’ll take care of it. Just stay in there until I tell you it's safe to come out.”  Laura left the room. Coming back in she added, “and do it quietly.”


          Justin had to adjust himself before he could stand up straight. But he managed it and headed for the hall bathroom.

          Two quiet knocks on the door and trying the knob it opened.  Justin slipped inside.

          “Hello beautiful.”

          Hailey could only smile.

          Sitting on the toilet, Justin looked down on Hailey, who was stretched out with just her head and knees sticking out of the water. She was shyly covering up between her legs.

          “Do you want me to wash you?”

          She nodded, still covering up.

          “Okay, sit up.”  She did and Justin reached for the bar of soap. There was a wash cloth in the water but he ignored it.  Soaping his hands, he slowly and methodically began washing her. Starting with her hands, each finger, carefully and thoroughly.  Her skin was slippery smooth under the warm soapiness.  After her arms and shoulders were finished, he massaged her breasts at length, feeling the tiny hard lumps that formed when he played around her nipples. Hailey’s eyes closed and a deep blush flowed into her cheeks. The moment stretched on, leaving no doubt that her breasts were of interest to Justin. She reveled in the attention he was giving her.

          “Get on you hands and knees so I can wash your back.”

          Hailey, with her crimson cheeks, turned over and exposed her exquisite behind. Justin carefully washed her back and buttocks for a long time, reveling in the sight of her in that classic erotic position, finally sliding his fingers down to her anus and rubbed the soap around it and over it several times.  Hailey twitched from the feeling but otherwise remained still. With one hand gently massaging her anus, he again caressed her small breasts that formed small cones when hanging from her chest in that position.

          Reaching down, Justin pulled the stopper from the drain and had her to lie down on her back again. Once the water line had exposed her torso he stopped the water from draining and turned on the hot water slightly to keep her warm.  Now one at a time he washed her feet and legs, catching glimpses between her legs whenever he could, which was quite often. Finally, he washed her stomach and, when he eventually slid his hand between her legs, he did it with a slow sliding motion, pressing firmly and cupping her mound of girlish flesh. She swooned and her hips raised in response to teasing the right spot.  He rubbed back and forth, allowing his middle finger to press at the center of her slit, over and over.  Faster he masturbated her. Soon she trembled and slumped back into the water.  Quietly, he rinsed and dried her off, Hailey silently looking into his eyes as he worked. When their eyes met, he would smile warmly and continue what he was doing. Standing in front of him, he continued to towel her off even though she was dry.  He stopped and kissed her. Neither of them wanted the moment to end - so for a few minutes, Justin softly stroked her breasts and kissed them, then her mouth, until there was a soft knock at the door.

          Needless to say, Justin was now sexually frustrated. Hailey’s innocent desires had aroused him in the most extreme way. Biding his time, he cleaned the kitchen, folded and delivered laundry, and picked up the house.

          Emerging from the master bathroom after a hot shower, Justin interrupted Laura and Hailey having a meeting on the bed. They stopped talking and giggled at him.

          “What are you two up to now?” Justin said with playful gruffness.

          “Oh nothing.” said Hailey.

          “Yeah, nothing much. Just that Hailey really enjoyed her bath.” Laura added, and they both started giggling again.

          “I guess so..” said Justin, “I wish I could have been in her place.  Who wouldn’t?”

          “Awe, do you want us to give you a bath little boy?” Laura said mocking him.

          Just then Lacey came in the room. “Gawd, you guys are sooo weird.” Apparently she had heard that last comment.  She marched to the computer table and shuffled around until she found the piece of paper she was looking for and left the room without looking at anyone. This caused more giggles.

          Justin, in his towel, crawled across the bed and began kissing Laura, whom he found he loved more intensely than ever. Hailey was pinned under Justin. He had crawled over her to get to her mom.  She wrapped her arms around him and gently kissed his shoulder, watching the experts.

          Justin let Hailey up and said “go lock the door sweetheart.” As she did this, He and Laura embraced and rolled from side to side, kissing each other lovingly.   Laura, pulling away, got up and began her bedtime rituals. Hailey, in her thin, lacy nightie, climbed up and laid on top of him. 

          She picked up where her mother left off. They kissed sweetly while Justin’s hands caressed the length of her body. 

          Laura stood watching them from the bathroom doorway, brushing her teeth. Justin saw her motion to him but didn’t catch her meaning at first. Laura lifted her shirt up in the front. Justin lifted Hailey’s nightie a little and Laura nodded in agreement.

          Justin simply could not believe what was happening to him. It was better than his wildest dream. Not only was he in a threesome, but one of them was the woman he dearly loved, and the other was an ultimate lolita love child of erotic proportions that had yet to be mapped. And to top it off. Neither of the girls were interested in each other in any way. They focused solely on him.

          Justin began working Hailey’s nightie up, and she helped him.  Once it was off, Justin ran his hands all along her body, from the back of her thighs to her shoulders, her light frame draped across him, he was still wrapped in a bath towel.

          Rolling her onto her back, they kissed as Justin alternately fondled her breasts and cupped her in his hand.  Hailey opened her legs for him, and he could feel the wetness seeping through her cotton panties as he cupped her there.

          Laura was taking a long time with her rituals, pausing for extended periods to watch Hailey enjoying herself so much. She signaled for Justin to remove her panties.

          Justin stood up from the bed and his towel fell to the floor. He was fully erect. Hailey playfully touched his penis with her foot. Justin slid her panties off and nudged her further up on the bed so that he could position himself properly. Holding her feet, he guided her legs open. She didn’t resist, but she covered herself with her hands and giggled as if he were tickling her. He laid down and began kissing her hands, licking them tenderly to show her what he was wanting to do to her.           Looking to her mother, still framed in the bathroom door, her mother nodded reassuringly to her. 

          Slowly Hailey removed her hands.  Gently Justin caressed her with his tongue, Hailey staring at the ceiling, her face wide with anticipation. Justin continued exploring the exposed region with his lips and tongue. Hailey began gyrating and moaning softly in delight, the way her mother did. Justin worked on her skillfully, using techniques he had learned over the years. She quickly had an orgasm.

          Justin smiled a little, knowing how his technique lit up all of her senses. He relished the sight of her, having just felt the girl shiver to a climax through his lips and tongue. Her face was flushed with deep blush and her legs were wide apart and she made no move to cover herself. He had just been swimming in the sweetest place in the world. He knew how clean she was, having just bathed her himself, so he had given her the full treatment: After sucking on her clitoris a while, feeling it stiffen between his lips, he had lifted her knees up and had her hold them, allowing him to probe his tongue all up and down her slit, and especially her anus. The sweet clean taste of her juices permeated his senses, and he covered his face in them. Hailey was stunned by the intensity of the stimulation he was creating in her. It was like electricity surging throughout her entire body, continually refocusing between her legs.

          Laura climbed onto the bed, smiling at Justin‘s damp face she kissed him and then gently stroked Hailey’s hair. “Well? how was that?” she asked Hailey.

          “Totally awesome.  It feels so good.”  She said in a dreamy, far off voice.

          “Remember what we talked about?” her mother asked.

          It took Hailey a moment for the question to even register, but her and her mom had talked about so many things that she looked blankly at her mother and shrugged.

          Laura bent over and whispered something into her ear.

          “Oh, That.” Hailey replied.

          “Are you ready to try?” 

          Hailey sat up and whispered into her mother’s ear, to which her mother replied, “No, he doesn’t know.”

          “Know what?” asked Justin.

          Hailey shook her head no, a hint of desperation in her expression.  But as if her mother didn‘t see her, she said “Hailey wants to learn how to...  please a man, and I told her we would show her if you agreed.”

          “Mom!”  She was embarrassed, and she closed her legs and sat up.

          “There are lots of ways to please me. Which one are you talking about

          This time Laura leaned over and whispered into Justin’s ear, to which he replied: “you’re kidding”  but he knew she wasn’t.

          After a short reshuffling of bodies, Justin was on his back in the middle of the bed, Hailey and Laura on either side. Laura began instructing Hailey on the art of sucking and stroking a man to climax.  Hailey had scooted her butt around to get a better angle, and now it stuck up in the air for Justin to see. He caressed her ass and rubbed her clitoris while she sucked on him. He was imagining what it would be like to slide his dick inside her sweet canal, from behind, the way she was presenting herself at that moment.

          It wasn’t Hailey’s technique that brought him to his orgasm so quickly, it was how she had her ass pointing at him, pussy staring at him, small cones hanging down, imagining the obvious and feeling her wonderful ass and sweet wetness.


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