Evolutionary Psychology Perspective 		by: Jem 
Aura (c) 2006

	I had a very stimulating conversation the other day with a 
group of musicians. We go to a local bar on Monday nights after 
our music class. I was pushing the subject of Evolutionary 
Psychology and had the whole group enthralled and fully 
	One of the women called me afterward and wanted to ask a 
favor of me. She had been having trouble with her daughter, and 
the subject matter at the bar had struck her hard with how closely 
it matched what she had experienced as a girl, and now what her 
daughter was experiencing. I knew this woman - we're in a band 
together - and I knew her daughter also. 
	"Jim, I know this may sound strange, but I was hoping 
maybe you could talk to Jenny about the evolutionary 
psychology stuff. She is so smart, I really think it will help her to 
deal with what she's been going through."
	"Well, we covered a lot of ground the other night, which 
part did you want me to cover?"
	"I was hoping all of it. I mean, I was kind of skeptical during 
the first half of it, but by the end of the night, most of the loose 
pieces were fitting together.  I normally wouldn't ask a friend to 
have a talk like this with my daughter, but I think she might 
actually listen to you. You're very passionate about the subject."
	"Hmmm.   I've never tried to frame it for a young audience. I 
guess I can wing it. So how should we work it?  I mean, you want 
me to just come over there?"
	"Oh, I don't mean right away, unless you're free. How ever 
you want to handle it is fine."
	"So tell me, what has she been doing to make you so 
	"Well, you know Stevie's nephew?"
	"I think so. Isn't he the one everyone thinks is his brother?"
	"Yea, that's him. Well, he's over here a lot with the kids. He 
likes getting away from his home life I guess. Anyway, he told me 
a while ago that Jenny was being forward with him. Like really 
aggressive. I'm not sure why he told me, because I think he's lying 
about the details. Jenny swears it didn't happen the way he said 
it. But really, that's beside the point: We've talked and talked, 
and she is confused about what's going on inside her. I think 
hearing that it's not her going crazy, that there is a reasonable, 
even if it is really complicated, explanation, will help her to cope 
with it better."
	"I'll do what I can."
	"Could you refresh my memory of how co-dependency fits 
in to it?"
	"Co-dependency is a behavior that belongs to the peer-to-
peer mating strategy."
	"There's more than one mating strategy?"
	"There's lots. But there are three primary strategies. One 
is the one we all know and love, the peer-to-peer strategy where 
the man is invested in supporting the family and gets to pretend 
like he's the boss. Another is peer-to-peer 'affairs' where mating 
occurs secretly and the man does not invest in the child but 
allows the woman's mate to raise it as his own.  And lastly, the one 
none of us like to admit even exists, the adult-male-to-
adolescent-female strategy. In this strategy, the man again does 
not invest in the child. The mother of the girl will help her to raise 
the child."
	"Why do we need three strategies?"
	"Well, we don't any more.  We did a long time ago, and 
there are a lot more than just three strategies, but those are the 
primary ones.  Co-dependency is needed because women need 
to be boss when it comes to certain things, and in certain 
situations. Men are a pain in the ass and sometimes it was better 
for everyone if they just didn't hang around."
	"Yes.  You see - this is where it gets very complicated - 
women and men have evolved to have specialized skills. Men are 
good at fighting, defending, building, making things, and problem 
solving. They have the ability to focus an incredible amount of 
resources and attention onto a specific goal and see it though to 
its conclusion without easily being distracted or diverted. They 
are good at teaching older children the cause-and-effect 
relationship of life in general. They build long term character 
into the child by making them understand consequences for their 
actions, and as such they don't feel bad watching a child suffer a 
bit as a result of their poor choices. A woman can hardly stand to 
watch a child suffer in any way, shape, or form. She is specialized 
in raising the very young children, being tuned-in to their short-
term physical and emotional needs. While men are very sensitive 
emotionally, they are not as emotive as women - meaning they 
don't express emotions very well.  While women are not as 
sensitive emotionally - meaning they are emotionally tough, 
women are very emotive.  These characteristic differences are an 
indication of the means in which women exert their control. 
Women trasmit their needs through emotional influence, and men 
are designed to receive the signals and obey them. That is co-
	"We are?   Please, do continue."
	"Yes you are.  Women, out of necessity, have evolved the 
ability to control men through emotional influence. And men have 
evolved to be controlled emotionally. However, There are many 
practical lessons regarding the Matriarchal role, and child rearing 
in general, that need to be taught before a young girl will be 
ready to exercise her super-powers of emotional control.  These 
are practical lessons, not instinctive, because human society ebbs 
and flows much faster than evolution can keep up,  and there are 
many cultural situations that must be learned by a young girl 
through observing her mother while raising her first baby. Keep 
in mind that whenever we are talking in terms of Evolutionary 
Psychology, or evolved behaviors, we are always talking about the 
ancestral environment, not modern times."
	"How the Mother orchestrates the incredibly volatile 
situation that ends up with her daughter pregnant, for her 
education, is something that has become encoded into our 
mating behavior. Once the girl finishes raising the child to a 
certain age,  she then seeks out a peer aged mate and tries to 
establish herself as a matriarch. She will test her ability to control 
the emotional state of the male by expressing displeasure in him 
and then watching to see to what lengths he will go to make her 
happy, even though he probably never did anything wrong in the 
first place."
	"Wow, I've done that. So that's why I did it.  Very cool."
	"Yea, and cruel.    Does that clear it up for you?"
	"Clear as mud."
	"Talk to you soon."

	So later that week Jenny and I went to a noisy coffee 
house where we could talk without worrying about prying ears. 
	"So, what have you been doing to get your mom all worried 
about you?"
	"Nothing really."
	"Did she tell you what we were going to talk about?"
	"Nope. Just that she's too dumb to explain it all to me.  I'm 
am curious, but I'm pretty sure that this isn't about the birds and 
the bees...   is it?"
	"Well, in a round-about way it actually is, just not the way 
you've ever heard it before."
	Jenny gave him a frightened look and then glanced around 
to see who might be listening. 
	"Don't worry. This isn't about the mechanics of sex. This 
is about relationships."
	She relaxed noticeably once that sunk in.
	"You are feeling attracted to your cousin, aren't you?" 
	Jenny clicked her toungue "Gawd, I'm too sure. What has 
she been telling you?"
	"Please don't worry. It's perfectly natural. Do you want to 
tell me what happened?" 
	"Come on, please?  I'm not judging you. I think you are 
beautiful and incredibly intelligent. I wish I was your cousin. But 
it just doesn't add up to me. I swear I will never tell anyone a 
single thing you say here tonight. Please?"
	The beautiful and intelligent comment got a smile out of 
her, then she watched to see if I was just flattering her. I wasn't.  
	Jenny decided to confide in me:  "Dan likes me alot. I 
mean, we talk on the phone all the time, and chat on the 
computer, email, and he's always over here on weekends, and he's 
always right next to me when he's here.  I like him too - but he's 
almost as old as my dad. So it's like we are boyfriend-girlfriend, 
except it's like we would tease each other alot and even flirt and 
stuff, but it was always just goofing around. Then the other night 
we were wrestling and he was tickling me, and it got a little mushy 
all of a sudden. He was like laying on me from trying to hold me 
down, so I said "are you going to kiss me?"  and he started to, but 
then he didn't."
	"How'd that make you feel?" 
	Jenny shrugged. "I didn't really mind. I wanted him to, but 
he's afraid. He could go to jail." 
	"Do you think that's the only thing holding him back?"
	"Yea, and my mom and dad.  They'd freak."
	"I don't know. Your mom's pretty cool headed. If you 
ended up pregnant, well then she would probably freak."
	"Are we talking about the same mom?"
	"Yea.  It has to do with what I want to tell you about.  Your 
mom and I have talked about this stuff a lot and now she thinks 
the way I do."
	"And how is that?"
	"In a minute. Why did Dan tell your mom that you were all 
over him?"
	Jenny's eyes diverted from mine and settled on a spot at 
the center of the table. She was ripping a napkin into small 
	"Jenny?  Hello."
	"Because of what I said."
	"What did you say?"
	"It was stupid. I don't know why i said it. I wish I could take it 
	"Just tell me."
	She sighed deeply, thinking, and then excused herself to 
go to the bathroom. I grabbed her wrist before she slid out of the 
booth. "You can trust me, Jenny. You know you can."  And I let 
her go.
	"I threatened him." She said as she slid back in.  "I told him 
that I wouldn't care if he kissed me and stuff, just that we have to 
keep it really secret.  He wanted to, I think, but he was afraid of 
getting caught. I could tell he was going to say no, so I told him 
that I could make up any story I wanted to get him in trouble.  He 
didn't like that at all. He went straight to my mom, but he lied 
about what really happened. He didn't say that I threatened him. 
I thought he would."
	"I had a feeling it was something like that.  Okay, thank you. 
Are you ready to hear what you're supposed to hear?"
	Jenny nodded. 
	"Have you ever thought about what life used to be like?"
	"What do you mean?"
	"Well, things just aren't the way they used to be."
	"How did they used to be?"
	"I mean a really long time ago."
	"Yea? How long?"
	"Say 50,000 years. "
	"Yeah, wow. Do you know what the world was like back 
	"Not really."
	"Not many people do.  It's important for you to understand 
what I mean when I say 50,000 years ago. There weren't any 
dinosaurs, and humans were exactly the same as we are today - 
only very, very, slightly less evolved.  You could take a child from 
back then, raise him in today's society, and you wouldn't be able 
to tell the difference.  The main difference is in the way  people 
lived. No real laws for society - except survival of the fittest and 
whatever behaviors come instinctively. And what they would 
teach their children, passed on from generation to generation 
about how to survive. Things we don't even think about any 
more. We think to go shopping at the corner grocery store. 
They had to know about all of the local plants and animals, their 
growth, where they could be found, their habits, when things 
were edible, all of the other things that plants, animals, and 
minerals could be used for. No stores. You find it for yourself or 
you die. And as the eons of time marched by, and life for people 
wasn't really changing, many behaviors that helped people to 
survive became written into our DNA. "
	"The most important difference between then and now is 
that without medicine and modern ways of storing food and 
water,  people just didn't live that long.  40 years was considered 
old.   So a whole bunch of behaviors that seem weird to us today, 
because we live so long and don't really need them any more, 
were very necessary back then."
	"What it meant was that,  just like all of the other animals on 
the planet, as soon as possible, each individual would mate and 
have offspring. Back then, a girl needed to get pregnant at your 
age, or even younger if possible,  just so her mom would be 
around to help raise the child and teach her everything she 
knows about raising children, dealing with men, and survival as a 
woman, before she died.  The behaviors that get written into our 
genes are very complicated. They are driven by age and 
circumstances. And once they are written in, they are very 
difficult to erase. Only more eons of time, behaving differently, 
will eventually wipe them away."
	"Consider that if a girl had a baby at 13, and her mother 
was 13 when she had her, then by the time the baby reaches 10 
years old, the baby's grandmother would be at least 36 already. 
She would  be even older for any of her younger children, and 
each of them, if they were girls, would need to be taught also. 
Evolution makes us want to have as many children as possible, as 
soon as possible.   It was a race against the clock - evolution has 
built into us the need to have sex at a young age."
	"Boys too?"
	"No, not really, boys are different.  You see, giving birth 
and raising a child takes a lot of effort. A woman invests a lot of 
her life and energy into growing fetuses and raising children. 
Men don't have to invest in the growing of a fetus, except right 
at the start, and for whatever reason, evolution has made it so 
that boys go about their adolescent years learning how to fight 
and learning from other men how to survive as men do. They 
don't settle into raising children the way girls do. They might 
have sex, but they won't stay around to try and help raise the 
child. Not until they are older.  When he is older, he will fall 
under the control of a strong woman his own age, and she will 
tame him and make him do things to help her raise her family. She 
will probably already have at least one child from when she was a 
young girl, but now she will have his children, and probably a few 
from other men that she sneaks off to see.  Evolution makes us 
want to have children from different fathers and mothers to 
increase the chances of having a really strong child, and decrease 
the chances of having all duds.  Back then, children died a lot, 
for a lot of reasons. People had to just keep churning out 
children as fast as they could in hopes of ending up with just a 
few that survived to have families of their own." 
	"But if boys don't want to have kids and girls do, how does 
it happen?"
	"I think you know already.  Don't you?"
	"Older men."
	"That's right."
	"So, you think I want to get pregnant?"
	"No, I know you don't. But there is a part of you that 
does. A part that you aren't aware of."
	"What part is that?"
	"The part that controls how you feel about things, the part 
that controls your emotions."
	"I don't control them?"
	"No, you don't. If something happens in your life that 
deserves an emotional response, it will come upon you whether 
you want it to or not. All you can do is choose what to do about 
it, and even then, if you don't do what the emotions intended for 
you to do, they will continue to bother you. But the feelings will 
come, and holding them back usually only makes them worse."
	"I guess that's true."
	"You know, when I was figuring all of this out for myself, 
this is where I really got stuck. Because I thought, Shit, if I'm not 
in control of my emotions, then who the fuck is? And who's side 
is he on?"
	"Hey, watch your language you dirty old man." Jenny 
smiled at the fact I used the language she was so used to hearing, 
and saying, when she was with her friends.
	"Your a big girl now, I don't think it's going to damage you... 
any worse than you already are."
	"Well, I'm pretty passionate about this stuff and sometimes 
I just get carried away."
	"Okay, Okay, so who the fuck is in control then?" 
	A woman sitting at a booth across the aisle glared at us. 
	"Shh !   Damn, that lady heard you.   It's the part of us that 
acts on instinct. I call him the puppeteer.  It's like he watches us 
walk around living our lives as if it's a soap opera on TV, and in 
front of him he has a bunch of buttons, One for each of our 
emotions. There are dozens of buttons for all kinds of 
situations. And he loves pushing them."
	"And he wants to get me pregnant?"
	"You bet he does.  It's all he thinks about.  But he works 
together with other peoples' puppeteers to make it happen 
exactly the way it is supposed to - I mean exactly the way he 
wants it to."
	"How does he do it? I mean why does he want to get me 
pregnant when he is me, and I don't want to?"
	"All right, one question at a time. How does he do it?  I 
already told you. He pushes buttons - but only when it suits him.   
Why does he want to get you pregnant?   He doesn't think like 
we do. He has his own reasons for pushing the buttons, and his 
reason for pushing it is almost never the same reason we believe 
we felt it.  He has three simple reasons for everything: Survival, 
mating, and raising children.  All of our emotions are for those 
three reasons. For example. If you see your mother get hurt, and 
you think she might die, your puppeteer would push a whole 
bunch of buttons to make you cry, feel sad, angry, anguish, 
anxiety, remorse, guilt, etc.  You would think that it's because 
you love your mother, and that's all. But the puppeteer sees 
your mother's suffering as a sign that she might not be there to 
raise you, and therefore you might not survive to mate and have 
children. Your crying and distress will bring others to help your 
mother, or if she is dead, to instill sympathy in others so that they 
might take you in as an orphan.  To him it's about survival.   If 
those other people watching you crying have nothing to gain 
from taking you in as their own, their puppeteers would not push 
that sympathy button, and they would simply leave you there 
without the least bit of guilt, because he is in charge of guilt also. 
But that would not normally happen, because we have also 
evolved compassion so that if everyone feels compassion toward 
an orphan, then everyone will be assured that, in the event they 
should die, their own child will be adopted and will survive. So we 
all have that built in reaction - and we all would like to claim it as 
something belonging to us, a good thing - but it is still just 
another string that the puppeteer pulls, for survival."
	"So how does he go about getting me pregnant when I 
don't want to?" 
	"Actually, he doesn't do it alone. It takes at least three 
puppeteers, all cooperating, in order to get a young girl 
pregnant.  But, you should understand that the puppeteer can't 
force anyone to actually do anything. All he can do is force 
feelings upon you, and he can also send ideas into your 
consciousness to suggest what action to take.  I'm sure that 
you've experienced a flash of anger toward someone, and then 
had the image or idea of hurting the person come into your 
mind... - That's the puppeteer.  Also, when we start feeling 
sexual, we get all kinds of fantasies running through our head - 
The one's we would never talk about - that's him too.   So, even 
though we feel angry, and think about hurting someone, we 
usually don't. At least not any more. A long time ago, people 
probably did act out what the puppeteer suggested simply 
because there were no consequences back then.  In fact, you 
were rewarded.  If a man killed a rival man, he got to take all his 
possessions, all his wives, and he was held in high regard as a 
strong man.  Now?  you go to prison for the rest of your life."
	"Anyway, the puppeteer is sneaky when it comes to young 
girls. You see, a young girl would be frightened to all of a sudden 
be faced with a man ready to have sex right there. And he cannot 
afford to have her upset and calling attention to him. All of the 
puppeteers in the whole society want this union to remain secret 
- I'll explain more of that in a minute.  So the man's puppeteer 
has him being gentle and nice, and her's pushes a bunch of 
buttons that make her feel playful, flirtatious, and wanting 
physical contact - allowing her to think it's all just a game and 
nothing to worry about -  and allowing those feelings to shape 
the relationship with the man over time until she feels very 
comfortable and trusting of him.  Then, at exactly the right time,  
they (the puppeteers) start pushing some secret buttons, ones 
she's never felt before. Powerful ones. And just like the fun and 
affectionate physical games they played before, they play the 
sex game. Not in a passionate way like adults make love, but more 
like a fun and titillating sexy game - that goes all the way."
	"Okay, back to the three puppeteers. The main one, the 
one that operates in complete secrecy, is the mother's 
puppeteer. First, he begins to see when the girl is maturing. He 
then, using a host of irrational ideas and lies, inflicts terrible 
urges on her mother to either get rid of her natural father in favor 
of a new mate, or if possible, she might just have an affair with a 
man that is accepted by her father - a subordinate man, because 
whatever man it ends up being, he needs to be able to have 
access to her, and the only way to do that is through her mother, 
and he can't be her natural father.  But if this is not possible, she 
will try to find a man outside of the relationship, and then leave 
the girl's father.  If for some reason her mother's puppeteer in 
unable to succeed in this goal, then her puppeteer will try to seek 
out a way to get her pregnant without the mother's help, but this 
is more dangerous, without her mother to screen the individual, it 
opens up all sorts of risks.  Of course this is the mother's 
puppeteer thinking all of this, not her mother, and he is operating 
without her knowing it.  To her, the need to find another man is 
overpowering, he makes her believe that it is her mate's fault. If 
your natural father is in the way, in her eyes, he becomes the 
worst human on the planet.  To her, this has nothing to do with 
you. The puppeteer wants it that way. Once the stage is set and 
there is a suitable man in the inner circle of the family, he keeps 
her content by pushing all the right buttons, and in deep denial 
with programmed ideas, thoughts that her new man, virile as he is, 
and her daughter, fertile as she is, have completely no interest in 
each other sexually.   Hah!   What a crock of shit that is!"
	My passion for the subject matter had my voice a little 
louder than it needed to be, and the lady across the isle got up 
and left.
	"Come on, this is a little hard to believe. My mom actually 
tries to get me pregnant?"
	"I know. It is hard to believe. Try to keep an open mind 
while I explain some more to you.  Secrecy is the holy grail of this 
strategy.  Everything is secret and unspoken. Even between the 
girl and the man.  After all, they are just playing. Your mother will 
allow you to get pregnant secretly. And remember, we are still 
talking 50,000 years ago.  People back then just went with their 
feelings. The puppeteers had an easy time of it.     So, to your 
mother, it is so secret that she won't even admit to herself that 
she allowed it to happen. Her puppeteer simply refuses to push 
any buttons except a few to make her feel that her daughter is 
safe and secure, and a sense of general well being even though 
she knows there's a rooster is in the hen house. Once the 
mother's puppeteer has set the stage, then, the man's and the 
girl's puppeteers push all the right buttons to allow them to feel 
good around each other, to enjoy physical contact, and 
especially to enjoy it to be done secretly, and as time goes by, 
they become more and more promiscuous and then, all of a 
sudden, she is aching for fulfillment. But it isn't passionate love 
making. It's done more like a game. Just having fun. They don't 
want to become too attached to each other because the 
puppeteers both know that it is a temporary situation. Afterward, 
the man's puppeteer makes him feel indifferent toward the girl 
and the child she is carrying, and he quickly  abandons them, if 
he is wise, and goes on raising his other children with his mate.  
The girl, too, feels indifferent, though they both may meet 
several more times until the girl begins to show. Then he will make 
himself scarce.  If the man your mother is mated to is not your 
father, then she would simply allow him to get you pregnant. 
Again, not consciously condoning it, just passively letting nature 
take it's course.   Any questions?"
	"Yeah.   Why?"
	"Why what?"
	"Why all the sneaking around. Why doesn't the puppeteer 
just push buttons so that everyone is happy with the girl getting 
pregnant?  Because I think everyone gets mad and angry when 
they hear about a man having sex with a young girl. So that must 
mean the puppeteers don't want that either, otherwise they 
wouldn't push the angry button. Would they?"
	"Wow, you are a quick study my girl. I am very impressed.   
Okay - excellent question.   You're right and your wrong.  The 
puppeteer does make everyone happy that the girl is pregnant - 
The puppeteers make everyone believe it was a nice young boy 
that did it, and there's no need to go bothering the girl about it - 
isn't she cute - such a nice glow... They only push the angry 
button at an adult man that gets caught. It's punishment for not 
being secret enough.  It has to do with co-dependency.   You 
see, women have a secret super-power. They have the ability to 
set up co-dependency in relationships. Men are subject to it. 
They have to be, because a good woman is going to test for it 
before she mates with him - oops, I mean....  okay - there are three 
main strategies for mating in humans: One main one is getting 
married. Another is having secret affairs. The last is the one with 
a man and a young girl.  The co-dependency is strong in a 
married relationship, can be strong in a secret affair, but there is 
no co-dependency in the man-girl relationship. Everyone, both 
males and females, are designed and intended to have all three 
types of relationships occur in their lifetime.  There is a critical 
time for a young girl to mature into a woman. It has been the way 
of our species to teach young girls how to integrate the co-
dependency instinct into their particular culture, while at the 
same time being taught everything she needs to know about 
raising children so that she can lead a family of her own 
successfully.  In order to teach her daughter correctly, it is very 
important that the girl is not under the influence of a co-
dependency relationship. So all of the puppeteers together - 
community wide - force the men to not be involved with the young 
girls after they become pregnant by  pushing the hatred button 
toward any man caught in a relationship with a young girl. They 
are rewarded if they do it successfully in secret by the guarantee 
that his child, even though he will have nothing to do in raising it, 
has an excellent chance of survival.  The hatred button toward 
these men is the foundation of the denial everyone feels.  When 
a girl comes up pregnant, people will avoid asking who the father 
might be, Their denial is thick and as long as it could be an 
immaculate conception, that's what it will be.  Perfectly normal for 
a young girl to be pregnant - but how monstrous for a man to 
have sex with a young girl. This is how people used to feel, and 
still do to a certain extent."

	"So, to sum-up, the whole thing is orchestrated so that you 
can go to school with your mom without any men bothering you 
before you are ready.  If you weren't intended to have a child 
that young, evolution would not have allowed you to be fertile at 
that age.  Ask any biologist if there is any other species on earth 
that doesn't mate as soon as they are fertile."
	"Wow. That's deep."
	"Any questions?" 
	"Yea, does this mean I'm having your baby?"
	"Very funny."
	"How do you know all this? You don't have any proof."
	"The fact that no one has a better explanation serves as 
proof enough for me.  And also there's the proof of our 
feelings. If you search your feelings, and examine when they 
come upon you and why, and the strange ideas that accompany 
them, eventually, maybe by the time you are as old as me, you will 
start seeing that sneaky old puppeteer back there pushing 
buttons, or pulling strings, or whatever.  It's really important to 
know how diabolical he is. He is a liar, and a sneak. It is incredibly 
difficult for us to see him that way because a long time ago, if 
you followed his lead carefully, it all seemed to work, so we have a 
built in belief that if we feel a certain way, there must me a 'good' 
reason for it. Don't believe it. Think about your life and what 
you do with a clear head. Don't act spontaneously - wait for the 
emotional influence to fade before making important decisions.   
I bet you wouldn't be real eager to tell your dad about your most 
private fantasies. Those are your puppeteer directing a film in 
your head of what he wants you to actually do."
	Jenny sat silent for a few moments thinking about this, 
pulling up her fantasies and examining them under this new light.  
	"So Jenny, answer me truthfully, would your fantasies have 
gotten you pregnant?"
	"Uhm, kinda sorta maybe"
	"Kinda sorta maybe?  Is that like being just a little pregnant? 
As opposed to a lot?"
	"I guess so." 
	"The next question is, did you ever fantasize that way 
about a boy your own age?"
	"Good, that fits my theory.    So now comes a question for 
you. One that you will have to find your own answers for."
	"Okay, Ask away."
	"Assuming you believe all this stuff, knowing how 'old 
school' the puppeteer is and how most of what he tries to do 
doesn't even make sense in today's society, what will you do 
when feelings and urges come upon you out of the blue, at the 
worst possible times, when you are the weakest and most 
vulnerable.  What will you do?" 
	Jenny opened her mouth to speak but I put my hand over 
it. "Words are meaningless.  Just show me."
	"What about God?   Do you believe in God?"
	"Very, Very much."
	"But this doesn't sound like God is doing anything. Are 
we just supposed to figure this out for ourselves, or is God 
pointing the way for us somehow?"
	"To quote from Forrest Gump: "I think maybe it's both, at 
the same time."

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