Cat Dream 					By: Jem Aura (c) 2004

This morning I heard a comment on the radio about an old movie "Cat People" 
and it reminded me of a dream I had as a teenager. I remember seeing the 
modern version of "Cat People" starring Nastaja Kinsky, but I think they were 
referring to an older version. I fell in lust with Nastaja after seeing her in 
"Boarding School", a cheesy flick about three teens determined to lose their 
virginity during the school year. Nasta was the only reason to watch it. In any 
case, the picture of the cougar (north American mountain lion) is about the 
dream, which occurred prior to my seeing "Cat People".
This was without a doubt the weirdest, most disjointed, and most vivid dream 
I've ever had. When I woke up I wanted so bad to climb right back into it. Even 
after all this time I can recall it in great detail. 
In the dream I was standing in a basement with a sliding glass door that faced the 
woods in back of the house. It was night. The light shining on the small patio 
outside the door lit the immediate surroundings but blotted out the rest with 
intense glare. I was tinkering with something when movement at the door caught 
my eye. A beautiful young girl, tall and graceful, with long blonde hair  had 
walked up to the door and stood there looking at me. She was wearing a sheer 
nightgown and I could not help but notice the light penetrating the fabric to 
illuminate the contours of her otherwise naked body. I immediately felt a 
connection to her. I did not recognize her  but we were communicating 
somehow. She needed my help. I became fearful. I could sense that her need 
was great and that getting involved would be dangerous somehow. I glanced at 
the lock on the door. Instantly she had sensed my apprehension and, without 
judging me, smiled a sweet smile and slowly turned toward the woods. As she 
floated into the gloom beyond the stark patio light, I regretted my cowardice. 
She was beautiful. I was standing there - stunned. Immovable. As my dreaming 
mind swam in the eroticism of her image, my attention was again distracted by 
movement. Trees were moving against the glow of the moon somewhere rising. 
No. I was moving - walking amid the trees. But why? Fear again seized me. 
Surely she was nearby. I'm exposed. They - She - can see me but I have the 
glare stuck in my mind - my eyes. 
As panic threatened to spring me from my bed into wakefulness, I felt a soft 
hand take mine and soft words whisper in my ear. 
"Thank You". She said. 
Turning me to face her she slid her arms around me and held me. Her head 
pressed against my chest. 
My senses reeled. Fear quickly subsided as my desire for this creature 
consumed me. I lost a short struggle with myself to find out what her problem 
was. I preferred to continue holding her forever. Of course she sensed my 
desire, just like she sensed everything else.  Embarrassment in the knowledge 
that she knew where my desire had already taken me quickly evaporated as she 
looked in my eyes. Without a word her look told me that she intended to fulfill 
those desires, no, wait - she knew my desires would be fulfilled by her - not 
intent, but more like destiny, or fate, or fact. She knew it and now so did I - but 
not now. 
The girl, the woods, and my mind...  swirled away. 
I was running. Fast. Recklessly fast. I was in pursuit of something up ahead. 
Was it her? A light glow among the trees -  shadows. It was the edge of the 
woods up ahead. I was emerging from the dark onto a green field. People were 
all about. Young people - and music. There's a party on the golf course in my 
neighborhood. Why would they allow a party on the golf course? A stage with 
amplifiers and everything. It makes no sense. They chase me off if I walk the 
dog after hours. 
But I'm gaining on my prey. I've never run so fast in my life, and tirelessly. It's a 
kid on a dirt bike. Sounds like a 125cc Honda. Man, that asshole is tearing up 
the greens. He's ruining it for everyone. They'll never allow a party here ever 
again. But why did they??  He saw me!  he's trying to lose me - faster. I smell the 
exhaust and the noise is crackling in my ears. I spring into the air and with my left 
hand took the kid by the neck to the ground. He's hurt - bleeding and terrified. 
I seem to recognize him - something familiar. 
Fear again began to seep into my psyche. Someone was yelling angrily. Were 
they angry at me? She's calling me - where? I look up and see her standing at the 
edge of the woods. She wants me to follow her. I realize this scene on the golf 
course has nothing to do with her problem - but damn that kid on the 
motorcycle really pissed me off. 
Again the trees drift by overhead as I run down the forest path. Where is she? 
Up ahead I answer to myself, knowing she was.             Faster and faster I run. 
My eyes penetrating the gloom easily now. The path twists and turns and I fly 
on as if my head is mounted on an Indy 500 race car - just above the layer of 
underbrush my vision skims along. 
In my minds eye I become aware of certain realities (within my dream). I see 
myself from above. A small dot moving along a snaking line - as if on a map. I 
perceive that the girl is far away now - running much faster than I. But she 
knows that. She needs to get things ready for me. Why? What?....   For being 
so connected to her she sure can keep me from knowing certain things.  The 
map clarifies in my mind. There are boundaries of several forests that are 
germane to this girl. They overlap. We are in different forests. How did she get 
so far away? I want her with me NOW. 
I run on into the morning, following the beacon in my head. Hours pass and still I 
run - faster still than I ever have - times five.  My thoughts drift in and out, near 
and far, of her and of us, until she again stands in front of me. Still dressed the 
same. Beautiful as if freshly bathed and ready for bed. Beside her is...... 
something.   An animal. A large cat. A very large cat.  It's bleeding - or maybe 
it's dead. No, I can see it breathing. As I stand with her, bewildered as to what is 
going on, she leads me away from the animal lying in the clearing.  We are not 
alone. I see others sitting or standing in the shadows at the edges of the 
clearing... and mountain lions. Twenty or so people and animals emerge and 
approach us. We are surrounded by these....  her friends?  An angry face is 
suddenly nose-to-nose with me. A strong looking and handsome man.  I sense 
he is jealous, but the girl sends him back into the circle with the others by a wave 
of her hand. Who is this girl? 
Finally I begin to get some answers. Her voice filled my mind and my senses: 
"We are all that is left of a cursed people. Our line is that of the Cahokia 
Indian Spirit Guides. The Medicine Men - spiritual leaders of countless 
generations of Indians. The most powerful spirit is the mountain lion. It's nature 
to balance that which is out of balance. The blood line of the true Indian is 
broken and now the greatest spirit is emerging through lesser lines that were 
formed long ago."   I kept quiet.  "We can sense when we are among our own. 
Each time we commune there is a spiritual communion in our honor, and the 
knowledge of this world and the spirit world is temporarily merged. It is time for 
us to act and we are gathering tonight all that is left of the line. Unfortunately," 
she pointed toward the injured animal, "we sometimes forget our more civilized 
nature and someone gets hurt." She gave a knowing look at the man who 
confronted me. I looked over my shoulder and the injured animal was gone. A 
man was there sitting, cradling his head between his knees. He was bleeding. 
"What am I doing here?" I asked.     Those eyes looked into mine. "Surely you 
know by now. You are one of us - one of the blessed and the cursed. You are 
here to join with me, with us, in our final days."  With those words "join with me" I 
took her hands and pulled her lips to mine. We kissed as if an ocean separating 
soul lovers had suddenly dried up. I could feel her within my soul, mind, heart....  
There was nothing hidden - we were connected in a way I could only dream 
about. Thoughts, feelings, fears, were all shared in the span of a kiss and we 
were in love with each other as only two people can be who share such depth of 
intimacy and vulnerability. 
Out of the corner of my eye a shadow rose. I stepped back from... her? what is 
her name? The shadow was a jealous menace in the form of a large cougar and it 
was aimed at my throat. Frozen in fear I tried to will some movement on my part 
but foolishly I remained still. The instant that followed was a slow motion dream 
turned nightmare. My lovely woodland fairy morphed into the largest mountain 
lion I've ever seen. In the leaves under her leap fell a sheer nightgown. The two 
collided in the air before me - The larger animal gripping the other's neck in her 
jaws as they fell. The powerful jaws bore their fangs deep into the attackers 
neck, constricting blood, air, nerves, life. For a short eternity she straddled her 
jealous friend, squeezing the last dimness or spark that might have remained out 
of existence. 
She released him, looked up at me, and sprang out of the clearing. 
Trees, animals, and consciousness swirled away like morning mists under a 
warming sun. We were together. Why? How? In my dream I didn't care, because 
it was the answer to a very earnest prayer. And like dreams often do, The 
prayer created the reality. It was what I wanted - together and alone in the 
forest. How did her nightgown find it's way back on her body? Similarly, I didn't 
care or even notice the discrepancy. But what about this girl? What a 
contradiction she is. The smallest and most timid human in the group morphs 
into the hulk of all mountain lions. My love. As a young man, my judgment and 
decision making is more likely to be skewed while receiving an eyeful of this 
woodland nymph, lying among the ferns, whom I now know so intimately. My 
senses helped as well. This girl loves me. She saved my life. As the mists again 
began to alter the time and place of my dreaming consciousness, we made love. I 
was weak, inept, and unassertive. She was willful and hungry. The mists swirled 
as we drank each others passions. Darkness. 

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