WARNING: This story contains explicit sexual matter. If you are
under 18, or live in a jurisdiction in which such matter is
illegal, please stop reading now.

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DEDICATION: For Angela, on a special day. May her dreams come

ISLAND  (FMM cons, bond)

by Jane Urquhart

	Josh idly swept the area to his right with the binoculars. He
never tired of watching the big "gooney birds" hitting the beach
and rolling ass-over-teakettle whenever they landed, but, as a
scientist, he had a job to do. Preparing to head for the office,
he took one last look at the sea--then stopped. Something was
out there. Where nothing should be. He stood, turned, and ran to
call his colleague.

	"Hey, Jim!" he shouted. "Get the spotting scope! Something out
at sea!"

	Jim, his partner, sauntered out of the little building carrying
the big green spotting scope. He didn't hurry. He had learned
that few things were worth hurrying for. Tall, blond, heavily
muscled, bronzed, wearing only white shorts and flip-flops, he
looked so much like Josh that people called them "the twins."
But Jim was five years older, knew more, had been more "theres"
and done more "thats" than Josh. He was the leader of their
two-man team.

	"Where away?" he asked as Josh approached him.

	"About ten degrees right of the entrance to the channel," Josh
said. "May just be a log, but we ought to look."

	Jim settled the scope on the wide rail of the office veranda
and swung it toward the area Josh had indicated.

	"Yep," he said. "Life raft. Nobody in it as far as I can see,
but we have to check. You want to go in the jet-ski?"

	"Sure," said Josh. "I'll wave if it's worth your bringing the
boat." He set off jogging toward their little pier.

	So Angela, who had given up hope the day before, was rescued.




	They put her in the narrow cot in what they called "the guest
house," a tiny hut reserved for whatever unlucky pilot was stuck
with the duty of making their monthly supply delivery. 

	"She's a mess," said Josh. "We'd better get on the horn and get
her on a plane back to the hospital."

	"Nah, she's not that bad," said Jim. "I've seen people in her
shape before. Sunburned, but we can ice her down twenty minutes
at a time and take care of that. She's undoubtedly dehydrated,
but there was still water in that can on the raft, so she was OK
until she passed out, and that obviously wasn't long ago. We can
get her over that fast. Maybe a little touch of heat exhaustion.
Otherwise probably nothing wrong at all. She was lucky. And
she's a looker. That long hair is going to be beautiful when it
dries, and look at those legs! And the tits. They may not be
huge, but they're gorgeous. And you want to send her off to the

	"But people are worrying about her right now," Josh said. "We
can't just keep her here."

	"I guess we'll have to," Jim said. "The comm radio went out
just before you called me." Jim was lying, but only a
little--the radio would go out within a very few minutes. He
would see to it.

	"We could signal with the emergency beacon," Josh said.

	"Don't be so fucking creative," Jim said. "How long since
you've talked to a woman?"

	"Uh . . . nearly six months, I guess, the same as you. What are
you driving at?"

	"She'll be good company in a couple of days," Jim said, "and in
a week I can get the radio going again. Why make a federal case
out of it?"

	"Uh . . . yeah. I kind of see what you mean." 

	Jim was right. Forty-eight hours later Angela was still
shedding skin, which made her itch a little, but otherwise she
felt pretty well. She was still weak, but she was up and around.
She was wearing a pair of Josh's shorts, tied with a nylon line,
and a T-shirt that made her feel like she was inside a tent. She
knew Jim and Josh could see her nipples where they touched the
light cotton, but she wore what she had to wear. The shirt,
slacks and underwear she had worn when they found her was in
shreds, they'd said, so they'd thrown it away.

	She was everlastingly grateful to Jim and Josh, who not only
had pulled her out of the ocean but had nursed her through a bad
night and day. And been perfect gentlemen throughout. On top of
that, she thought smiling, both of them were, well, very
attractive. To say the least. Big, tough, blond muscle men like
the ones she'd dreamed of, not the ones she actually knew. She
remembered a fleeting thought she'd had more than once about
being tied to a tree while men caressed her naked body and
threatened her with their, their things. She smiled. Her libido
obviously had come back just as fast as the rest of her, but, of
course, nothing could come of it. She could hardly select one of
them and make a play for him--it would be unjust. Nor would
she--she was faithful to her live-in boyfriend. But she could
fantasize a little.

	Only two things bothered her. First, she was quite embarrassed
when she thought of the way Josh and Jim had had to carry her to
the bathroom from her cot when she was still  too weak to get
there by herself. She had a vague memory of one of them helping
her through the door. But the second thing was far more
troubling--she had to get back home. Her friend, perhaps future
husband, George, was going to be worried sick when he found out
she was missing. With luck, that wouldn't happen for a week or
so, but, all the same, she was worried. Her job would wait--she
had been traveling in Africa studying patterns of post-colonial
culture, and the courses she was to teach wouldn't start until
October. Nobody worried about assistant professors in the
summer, especially brand new assistant professors. If only she
hadn't decided to go home early, to take an old, small Russian
airliner chartered to an African company, if she'd paid more for
a trans-Atlantic flight rather than going the long way to save
money, she'd have been in a different plane, and would never
have heard of this island in the Indian Ocean. But she indeed
was on the wrong plane, one that had crashed in the sea. She had
survived by some miracle, she was on the island, and she wasn't
going home until Jim got the radio repaired.  

	Meanwhile, she would eat, sleep, and get her strength back. She
would explore this tiny, idyllic island while she waited for Jim
to repair the radio and arrange to send her back to
civilization. She could never get enough of the surf and
sand--they were luxuries she had seldom been privileged to enjoy.

	Three days later, the fifth of her stay on Itak Island, she
wandered down to the office after her daily siesta. She was
surprised to see that both Jim and Josh were there. Usually one
or the other would be out somewhere, doing mysterious things
with instruments whose uses she could not begin to fathom. They
had told her they had to be here, and nowhere else, to study
something about variations in weather patterns caused by ocean
currents. But on this day they seemed to be waiting for her.

	"Hi, guys," she said as she eased the screen door shut behind

	"Hi, Angela," said Jim. "We've been waiting for you. We can
still get news from outside, even if we can't talk back. And
there's a tsunami out there somewhere. It may hit us."

	"I've heard of those," said Angela, suddenly frightened. "Big
waves? That wash everything away?"

	"We hope not everything," said Josh. "We just don't know."

	"We're not sure of anything," said Jim. "All we have are some
sketchy reports--ships that reported seeing the thing hit an
island, and a mid-ocean earthquake report. But we have to act as
if it's coming and it's bad. So we're going to hole up in this
building for a while--it should be tough enough to stand
anything but the biggest one."

	"We might die," said Angela, turning pale.

	"We could," said Jim, "but it won't be because we didn't try to
stay alive. There's a basement here that ought not to be flooded
completely. We're in the middle of a lot of very shallow water,
so if we keep a sharp lookout we ought to see the wave coming in
time to dive down there, and we have some scuba gear we can put
on if we have to. Then, when we get through it--we will, you
know--we have a lot of emergency stuff, like food, water and
blankets, stashed in an underground, watertight storage unit.
We'll be OK. I'm telling you. We'll make it. Anyhow, we want you
to help us move some stuff from one of the outbuildings--books,
charts, old reports, a lot of stuff we've stored there. Would
you mind?" 

	"Of course not," said Angela. "Doing anything is better than
just sitting around waiting to die." She was frightened. Really,
really scared, more than she could remember being before, even
when she woke up in a boat with no land in sight. Jim's
reassurances helped, but could she trust him? She wasn't sure.
But she wasn't just going to give up.

	Co-ordinating all the charts with the radio reports they'd
received finally led Josh to conclude that they had at least two
hours before the big wave arrived, and probably more. So they
began the backbreaking work of lifting the things they had to
move onto dollies, horsing the dollies through soft sand for
twenty yards and unloading them in a back room of  the office
building. Angela couldn't move the dollies at all; she
concentrated on dragging boxes over to the door so the men could
do the lifting. She was strongly impressed by their
strength--they tossed the heavy boxes around as if they were
empty. Sweat was rolling down their sculptured chests. Their
necks looked bigger around than Angela's thighs. The cords in
their forearms stood out as they wrestled with the dolly; their
biceps bulged. Their stomachs looked like washboards.
Perspiration matted the thick hair on their legs. Angela was as
hot as they were, working as hard as they were, and she felt
dull pains in her own arms. She was amazed that with a real
threat of death hanging over them all she still could thrill to
the sight of these two men simply flexing their muscles. But
then she had always loved the sight of men's bodies straining
under stress.

	Once, when she and Jim were standing at the door of the
outbuilding, resting while waiting for Josh to bring another of
the forms that told them which boxes were which, Jim looked down
at her, then reached up and caressed her cheek.

	"Tough little babe, aren't you?" he said.

	She smiled, thrilled at his touch.

	"Not very," she said. "I do the best I can."

	"As far as I'm concerned," he said, "you could just stand there
and look beautiful."

	Her face reddened. Beautiful? Dirty and covered with sweat?
Hardly. But she warmed at his words. Neither he nor Josh had
touched her before, and now he was calling her beautiful. She
fought back an unexpected surge of desire. Then Josh came
striding up and they went back to work.

	They had barely begun to empty the outbuilding, but Angela was
nearly exhausted from the labor and the heat. They walked over
to the office building when the two hours were up.

	"We'd better start watching the sea," Josh said. "It's coming
roughly from the south-southeast. If we just keep somebody
scanning with binoculars we ought to see it in time."

	"OK, Josh," said his boss, "Thanks for doing the calculations.
But I think both of us ought to be on the lookout."

	"Can I help?" said Angela. "I think I could see a big wave

	"Oh, sure," said Jim. "I'll get another pair of binoculars. But
we're all going to have to be out there on the porch until it

	"All right, Jim," Angela said. "I'm thirsty, and I expect you
are, too. I'll bring out some drinks for all of us."

	Just then, however, Josh yelled.

	"It's here!" he said. "Down the stairs!"

	In the basement they waited in silence. Each wondered whether
life was finished, the end of days coming here on this
godforsaken, beautiful island a thousand miles from a civilized
shore. Angela thought about her short life. She'd worked hard,
done what she was supposed to, put off pleasures in favor of
extra work, lived in libraries and classrooms. It wasn't all
work. She had George. He loved her. Maybe she loved him, she
didn't really know, for she'd never been in love the way the
stories told of being in love. Even sex. She'd had dreams, but
not much experience. She'd been totally conventional, when,
really, she dreamed of scandalous things, things that would
shock her parents, her friends. And now, within moments, she
might die. She'd heard of tsunamis that tore up concrete bunkers
just like the one she was standing in. And then what of her

	Josh impulsively reached out and took her hand.

	"Hey, Angela," he said. "Maybe we're going to die, but I've got
time to tell you I think you are the most beautiful sight I've
ever seen, and I'd give anything to live long enough to take you
to bed."

	Jim laughed. "Well, he's not the only one, Angela. We've been
talking about you, and we both feel the same way. For three days
now you've been around this place driving us nuts. Your face.
Those incredible blue eyes. That gorgeous light brown hair,
falling down in those waves. Your breasts, poking at that
T-shirt. Your legs. And just the way you are. We're both
absolutely crazy about you!"

	Angela was astounded. She blushed. She thought of the way she'd
worried about looking ratty in her makeshift costume, about the
fact that by her lights her hair was a sloppy mess. She still
had traces of the purple bruises she'd gotten on her legs
somewhere along the way. Her skin, though her sunburn had
healed, was still blotchy in spots. She had trouble believing
what Jim had just said. She was so startled she almost forgot
the peril that was about to descend on them.

	"But . . . ," she said. "But that's crazy! I've never looked
worse! You hardly know me, really. And I don't drive men nuts,
I'm just Angela!"

	"You're our Angela, and you're beautiful," said Jim. "Right,
Josh? We found her, and she's ours--law of the sea."

	Suddenly a resounding roar drowned out the familiar, steady
sound of the surf  that had become the background of their
lives. They heard no sounds of destruction, no breaking glass,
no tearing wooden partitions, no desks or chests being pounded
into bits, only the deafening crash of millions of tons of water
sweeping away nearly everything in its path.

 	Water, not a stream but a solid bolt of power, poured down the
stairway into the basement, utterly dark as the lights went out.
The raging flood slammed the three of them against each other
and, finally, against the walls. Each held tightly to the other,
slipping, sliding, all three together being swept off their feet
and hurled aside as the torrent hit. But the building held. More
water came in. Angela felt Josh lose his grip on her. He was
swept away. Jim held on a moment longer, then he, too was gone.
She was utterly alone, trying to hang onto a pipe that somehow
she had found within her grasp. For a second it seemed as if
time had stopped--she was suspended between life and death,
pounded by a vengeful sea, an ocean that seemed determined to
take back the prize it had lost when Jim and Josh rescued her.
Then her hand was torn away from its precarious hold, and she
was falling, being hurled one way, then another. Water slapped
at her face. She was submerged. She despaired, knowing that she
was going to die. Then the roar, the hellish noise, the roar
that she thought must have gone on for hours, suddenly stopped.
An eerie silence descended. The wave had passed. She struggled
to regain her feet, found herself against the wall and managed
to push herself up. Water, waist high, swirled about her. But
she had survived.

	  Never in her life had Angela lived through such a terrifying
moment. Never had she been frightened to the depths of her
being. She found it difficult to believe she was still there,
still breathing, still able to think after such an event, so
harrowing that her blood still pounded in her ears for long
minutes after the wave was gone. She heard someone cough, retch.

	Jim spoke first. He was only two or three feet from her.

	"I guess it was a little one," he said. Then he smiled in the
darkness. "But it'll do until a big one comes along."

	Suddenly they were laughing, hugging each other, kissing, with
abandon. Josh waded over and joined them. The fact of survival
was sinking in.

	And Angela began to think in earnest. Something had changed,
somehow. Soaked through, bedraggled, utterly blind except for
the sliver of light that came from the place a door had once led
to the basement stairway, she heard again in her mind the words
Jim had said just before the wave had struck. "We're both
absolutely crazy about you." This time she heard them in a
different way. She really heard them as the praise they were.
She accepted them. She was attractive. Very attractive,
apparently. She had deeply affected these two rugged, powerful
men, the kind of men she had daydreamed about all her life and
never thought she would have at her side. And then she
remembered, "she's ours--law of the sea." Like a treasure they
had found, she thought. She smiled. Suddenly she told herself 
that possibilities always before out of her reach, always
unattainable, might now be within her grasp.

	But her circumstances hadn't changed--she was still committed
to a man a thousand miles away. And yet . . . .

	Her mind continued to churn as they struggled up the stairs,
heading for light. They met chaos. Jumbled furniture, broken,
torn asunder, lay strewn throughout the rooms they walked
through. No door still hung on its hinges. No window held its
glass. Nothing was left unharmed except for three survivors,
each one slightly bruised, none hurt at all seriously. Angela
gave thanks to her God. She suspected the others did, too, as
they stood and surveyed the wreckage.

	"God, what do we do first?" Josh breathed.

	"Shelter," said Jim. "In case you hadn't noticed, there's no
roof on this building. We've got to rig a shelter of some sort."

	"OK," said Josh. "Let's see if any of the other buildings made

	Making their way through the debris, they stepped out into a
perfectly ordinary day. Sun beating down. A mild breeze. Sand.
Surf. On the ground, however, nothing was normal. Boards, steel
reinforcing rods, chunks of concrete, shards of glass were
scattered everywhere. Not a tree was left standing. They picked
their way all around the building, only to find more devastation.

	"OK" said Jim, "Now we check the emergency storage site."

	Josh led the way toward a tangled pile of tree trunks fifty
feet from the office building. 

	"It's there," Josh said. "Under that log just to the right of
the big piece of tin."

	They used loose boards, of which there was no shortage, to
scrape a heavy pile of wet sand off a pair of steel doors that
had been marked by a lone metal post. Josh opened a small
fitting to equalize the air pressure, and the doors came open
easily, displaying a concrete-lined hole solidly packed with
wooden and cardboard boxes. Within  an hour they had pulled out
blankets, thin foam mattresses, a well-equipped tool box, two
large cans of water and a heavy package Josh said was filled
with dehydrated food. Jim gave Josh a meaningful look as they
unearthed a wooden box that held an emergency communications
radio, and that box was among those they left in storage. Josh
and Jim immediately fell to building a lean-to against the wall
of the office building, using the plentiful wooden debris.
Angela, no carpenter, learned from directions printed on the
food cans how they could feed themselves. Just after sundown
they were well provided for. The lean-to, large enough to hold
the three of them easily, was complete and rainproof; Angela had
a fire going and was preparing a Spartan meal. They ate in near
silence, exhausted as much from the day's emotional roller
coaster as from the immense amount of work they had done.		

	"I don't know about you all, but I'm tired out of my mind," Jim
said. "Now that I'm fed, I'm going to be asleep in thirty

	Angela, virtually out on her feet, never even thought of
objecting to the sleeping arrangements. Within a few minutes she
was stretched out between them on the lean-to's floor of
mattresses, still wearing the makeshift clothes she had worn
when the great wave inundated them. 

	She awakened once at the call of an outraged bird sometime
during the night. Finding Josh's hand firmly planted on her left
thigh, she smiled and removed it, then fell back into deep,
dreamless sleep.

	Once again she awoke, just after dawn, to find her companions
gone. She crawled to the open front of the lean-to and looked
out to see Jim stirring the embers of the fire. He turned,
smiled, dropped the stick he was holding and came to her.

	Standing over her, just in front of the entrance to their
sleeping chamber, he looked down.

	"How are you, lady?" he asked.

	She returned his smile.

	"I'm fine," she said. "I'm amazed, but I feel just fine. And
what adventures do you have in store for me today?"

	"Nothing much, I hope, " he said. "The one yesterday was enough
for me." He squatted, then sat beside her. Slowly, watching her
reactions, he put an arm around her shoulders and drew her to
him. She met his advance and fell into his arms. He kissed her,
tentatively at first, then, as she returned the kiss, he held
her tightly and began to probe her open mouth with his tongue.
Then she broke away, suddenly.

	"Hey, I've got to get some water," she said, blushing. "Let me
get a drink." Wordless, he handed her a bottle that he found
lying just inside the lean-to's entrance. She drank, swirling
the cool liquid around in her mouth, then swallowing, marvelling
at the pleasure she could find in a simple drink of water.
"Where's Josh?" she asked.

	"Gone exploring," Jim said. "He wanted to see if there's
anything we ought to try to save from the surf. Good man."

	From the start, from the first time she had groggily made out
his features when she regained consciousness in the pilot's hut,
she had been drawn to this strong, knowledgeable man. That kiss,
she knew, was not meant as a simple greeting, but as a prelude.
One kiss, between improbable survivors, was perhaps an anomaly,
something that could be forgotten. She could take his last words
and turn them into the beginning of a conversation. But she
could feel her own desire, and she knew his was just as strong.
Her old life of careful planning, prudent restraint, loyalty to
old-fashioned virtues, somehow seemed far off, irrelevant. She
had almost died, then escaped death again, and never had she
come close to experiencing the fantasies she barely let herself
acknowledge. Who could foretell the future? That day, that
morning, as the sun came blazing out of an iridescent sea, she
could cast caution aside, behave as wildly as she wished. And if
death came near again, then at least she would have lived.

	She closed the bottle and set it carefully to one side. Then
she reached out, willing her life to change forever.

	Jim pulled her across his lap, cradling her head in his arm. He
looked into her eyes, saw the invitation there, and kissed her
again, his other arm around her, allowing her to feel the
passion he had carefully suppressed before. She felt the
roughness of  his bare legs against her back through her thin
shirt. She felt his tongue, once more probing, this time more
insistent. He pulled back and kissed her eyes, then her neck.
She felt her vulnerability, felt her surrender. With his free
hand he reached down to pull the shirt up, over her breasts. She
closed her eyes and let herself  bathe in feelings of languor as
he kissed her breast, and then she felt a new wave of exquisite
pleasure that came as his lips engulfed her nipple. She sighed
in contentment as his tongue once more touched her, stroking,
pulling sensation from her willing body. Then suddenly he sat

	Her eyes opened. Josh stood looking down at them, a tiny smile
playing about his lips.

	"Hey, guys," he said. "That looks like fun, but what about me?"

	Angela was chagrined. Would this lovely experience end here?
What if they fought? Josh had a right to complain. The thought
of these two men fighting over her thrilled her, then she
stifled the sensation, ashamed of herself. Had she lost all idea
of civility?

	"Well, Josh," Jim said, "I guess since we're partners it's
share and share alike, especially since we both get credit for
finding her. Law of the sea, right?"

	Angela was taken aback. What could he mean? she wondered.

	"Think she can handle both of us?" Josh said, sinking to his
knees. He reached out and stroked her bare leg. "Maybe she'd
like it!"

	Angela was thrown into confusion. She was lying in Jim's lap.
He was holding her, had been kissing her, and now Josh's hand
was on her thigh.

	"Wait a minute!" she said hotly. "I may be salvage, but I have
some choices here!" She jerked her arm from around Jim's

	"Think about it," said Jim. "We're certainly not going to hurt
you. We both want you, but it's terribly important that you want
us. If Josh strokes your leg, and I kiss you, what's wrong with
that? Like he says, maybe you'll like it. I think you might."

	And she knew that she did have choices. They were sharply
limited, however. She knew that. Jim had made a statement--he
and Josh were partners. If she spurned one, she spurned them
both. And she could not bring herself to do that. She was still
pondering when Jim's lips found her mouth again, and she found
herself responding to his kiss. She clutched him, she kissed him
back. And she could feel  Josh's hand moving up toward her hip,
her belly, her breast. As his hand touched her nipple she knew
she had made her choice, probably before he even returned to the

	Jim's kiss became more impatient. His tongue found hers, then
raked her teeth, marked her lips, turned to the dark recesses of
her mouth. Josh's hand moved down to her stomach, only to be
replaced by Jim's on her breast. With one hand she grasped the
firmness of one of the timbers that supported the lean-to; it
seemed, she thought, to give her a measure of connection with
reality. With the other she held onto Jim. He ran a hand up her
arm, stroking her where she gripped the wooden post. She felt
something like jolts of electricity, centered on her breast,
course through her body. She felt her vagina begin to lubricate.
She was wildly excited. At the same time, she was frightened.
What was she doing? Could this really be Angela? Then Jim broke
the kiss and looked into her eyes.

	"You've accepted this, haven't you?" he said. "But if you
didn't still feel unsure, you wouldn't be our Angela. Josh, let
go of her."

	Josh obediently removed his hand from Angela's breast.

	"Did you see that quarter-inch nylon line over by the office
door, partner?" Jim said. "Could you bring me, say, twenty feet
of it?"

	Josh looked mystified. "Sure, Jim," he said, and strode toward
the door. "This what you mean?" He held up a length of white

	"Yes," said Jim. Then he turned to Angela, still lying in his
arms. "Your holding on to that stanchion gave me an idea. Two
men is a bit much. But suppose you didn't have any choice at
all? Suppose you were entirely in our power, and you had no say
in what we did?"

	"But I do have a say," Angela said. "I could simply tell you to
let me go, and you would." But she was not really sure. Would he?

	"Maybe. Maybe right now," Jim said. He moved his leg so that it
would support her head, and took a penknife from his pocket,
opened it and began to cut a length of line. "But we're going to
tie you up, sweet girl, and then you'll have no choices at all.
What's more, I think you'll like it. We'll make you feel so good
you'd not have believed it possible."

	Angela felt a stab of fear.

	"Tie me up? You mean, tie me up, with that rope?"

	"Good God," said Josh. "What are you doing, Jim? This is crazy!"

	"I don't think so, Josh," he said. "We're not going to hurt
you, Angela. Really. I'd cut my hand off rather than hurt you.
But we're going to tie you up, painlessly, and you'll love it."

	Oh, God! thought Angela. A silly thought went through her
head--be careful what you wish for! Her fantasies, just
fantasies she never thought of realizing, were coming back to
tantalize her. Could she do this? Could she really let this man
tie her up? But he had already shown that he could, and would,
give her pleasure. He had had plenty of chances to force her to
do his bidding, to hurt her if he wanted, and he had not. In
fact, his mere kiss had driven her crazy with lust. No, not
crazy, she thought. Sane. Sane with lust.

	Jim had quickly pulled the T-shirt over her head and was
already fastening the line around her wrist. The white of the
rope contrasted strongly against the tan of her arm but almost
matched her breasts, so white that blue veins were visible under
her skin. He used a knot she didn't recognize, held it tightly
against her and jerked with his other hand. The knot didn't
give. Then he reached underneath her and picked her up, one hand
under her knees, the other beneath her neck. He lowered her
gently to a mattress just inside the door. She could still see
the sun, the sand, the broken trees. She lay limp, unresisting.

	"Do it quickly," she said, "before I change my mind."

	Jim, fastening the other end of the line he'd just tied to her
wrist to the stanchion she'd been holding, said, "Too late. It's
done." Then he pulled off the oversize shorts she was wearing,
baring her most private secrets.  "Josh. you take care of her
legs." He tossed a length of rope to Josh. She pulled hard with
her tethered right wrist  It moved a few inches, then stopped,
held fast. She breathed deeply. Yes, it was too late. She could
feel Josh at work on her ankle, and Jim was already knotting the
line around her left wrist. How could she be both terrified and

	"Come on, Jim," Josh finally said. "We've got to strip, too.
Wouldn't be fair, otherwise."

	Angela simply watched as the two men took off their clothes
hurriedly. Both of them were solidly erect. Both bodies were
magnificent. She was pinioned, helpless. Like her arms, her legs
were spread apart. She was totally vulnerable. No more
decisions, now, she thought, that's certain. Whatever happens,

	To her surprise, Josh took the first step. He leaned over, put
his mouth on one nipple and caressed it with his tongue. Then he
looked up, stared at her face.

	"My God, that's wonderful!" he said. Meanwhile, Angela felt the
electricity shoot down from her breast to her vagina. Her body
jerked. She said nothing, but shifted her glance and looked Jim
directly in the eyes.

	"Hey, take it easy!" said Jim. "Let's help her into the mood
real slowly. I'm just going to stroke her a little, then give
her a kiss she'll remember. You just follow what I do."

	He put his hand on an ankle and gently swept up past her knee,
giving her a delicious sensation of pleasure, not so strong as
the one Josh's treatment of her nipple had sent. But delicious.
He stroked the inside of her thigh. 

	"Do you feel that, Angela?" he asked. "It's only the beginning.
Soon I'm going to touch your breast. That will be even better."

	Angela knew that he was right. She waited.	

	Then Josh returned, stroking her forehead, running his fingers
through her hair, finally surprising her by placing his lips on
hers, giving her a gentle kiss. Jim's hand continued to stroke
her. Then he moved it to her breast, gently kneading her flesh,
just touching the nipple as if by accident. She moved her arm,
reaching to put it around his back. But the rope stopped her.
She let her arm  fall back to the mattress. Nothing was to be
her fault, but nothing would be by her will, either. Like or
not, she had to be totally passive. She began to like it.

	Jim moved onto the mattress beside her and reached out for her
stomach. He stroked it, making slow circular motions. Josh began
caressing the inside of her thigh. As yet neither had touched
her sex, but her excitement was building as she watched and felt
these two muscular, gorgeous men fondling her body.

	Josh, seemingly unable to help himself, fell on one nipple with
his mouth at the same time he sent his hand into her pubic hair,
searching for her secret place. He found it. Two fingers crept
stealthily into the lips of her vagina. At the same time, Jim
was sucking the fingers of her left hand while he moved his own
free hand onto her other breast and began to knead her nipple.
She gasped. 

	"I think Josh is going to begin the really good part of this
adventure for you, girl," Jim said. "You're going to feel

	Almost hypnotized, she waited expectantly. 

	Josh's fingers moved slowly in the wetness of her quim. Her
hips jerked, and his hand moved farther in. He touched her
clitoris and once more her body leapt. She raised a hand--and it
was held fast by the rope that tied it to a post. Jim was still
kneading her breast, flicking her nipple, as he leaned over to
kiss her. She could have turned her head--after all, it was
free. But she didn't feel free. She felt a desire stronger than
anything she had ever imagined. As his lips descended toward
hers she opened her mouth. His tongue met hers. She sucked his
teeth; he rammed his tongue deeper into her mouth.

	Jim broke the kiss. She stared and him and licked her lips,
wanting more. He spoke to Josh.

	"Seein' as how I'm senior here, I think I'll do the honors,
Josh, if you don't mind." Then he turned to Angela. "I'm going
to do with my tongue what Josh's hand has been doing. You'll
like it even better. I don't think you're entirely unhappy, are
you? "

	She shook her head, wordlessly signifying the negative. Josh
slowly removed his hand from her vagina. He handed a folded
blanket to Jim, who put his large hand under her and raised her
buttocks enough to slip it beneath. Then, once more, she felt a
hand enter her wetness. Having found his point of entry, Jim put
his head between her legs and began to explore her with his
tongue. As her ecstasy built, Josh once again surrounded a
nipple with his mouth, using his tongue to bring her to new
heights. And Jim's tongue found her clitoris. Josh's hand held
the other breast, fondling her nipple. 

	Great rippling shocks went through her entire body from Josh's
tongue on her nipple, across to the other breast he was
touching, deep into her groin, where she was feeling the
delicious roughness of Jim's tongue gently rasping her clitoris.
She felt the electricity in her mouth; her lips trembled. Her
very eyelids felt sensations of  pleasure. She jerked at her
cords, frantically trying to grasp the human flesh that was
giving her so much pleasure, pleasure so rich that it was almost
unbearable. But the ropes held her fast. Her body jerked

	Jim's tongue continued its leisurely caresses. Her body jerked
again. He reached up and placed a hand on each hip, holding her
lower regions motionless as she writhed. The surges of pleasure
increased until tiny drops began to escape her open mouth. She
closed her lips and swallowed. The powerful shocks continued.
Increasingly she lost control of herself. She began to mew, to
make tiny sounds, gasping, feeling a catch in her throat as
Jim's tongue hit home again. And then she began to fly, to feel
herself bodily lift off the mattress, her heels and head
supporting her, as she moaned in--pleasure? pain? something she
couldn't even recognize? Her climax came as a wave, building in
her fingers, coming through her wrists, starting at her ankles
and running swiftly up her open thighs, through her breasts,
gaining strength from Josh's continued strokes with tongue and
hand, until finally, finally, after what seemed an eternity of
pleasure, it lighted her vagina and she moaned once more, long
and low, suddenly breaking into a sob. And then the wave
receded, slowly, back the way it came, through her breasts,
through her thighs and arms, down to her ankles, her wrists, her
hands. She was limp. No ropes were needed. She was spent. And
yet . . . .  And yet . . . .

	In another moment she was calling out anxiously for Jim to
stop, for Josh to let her go--she could no longer stand the
sensations, her parts were too tender. The two men did her
bidding. Josh leaned back and stared at her flushed face. Jim
raised himself to his knees, leaving her vagina, swollen, red,
its lips distended, open to the air. She watched Jim wipe her
liquids off his face with the back of his hand. And yet . . . . 
And yet . . . .  

	"Fuck me," she said in a broken voice. "Fuck me now!," she said
more loudly. "I want you inside me! Now!"

	Jim smiled.

	"I think she may be liking this," he said to Josh. "You think

	"Maybe," said, Josh, grinning. Then he sobered. "But since you
had the first chance, maybe now . . . ."

	"Naturally," said Jim, "it's your turn. What I want you to do
now, though, is take it easy. Just slip it in and let it lie
there a while. You'll like that, Angela. Josh is not too big,
but he can make an impression. So go ahead, Josh. But take it
easy, make it last, and  she'll feel every minute of it."

	"Thanks," said Josh, as Jim rolled out of the way, sliding up
toward the head of the mattress. He leaned over and kissed
Angela, who by now was looking wide-eyed at him, murmuring
something even she could not interpret. Then he was gone, and
she saw Josh's face, smiling, loom over hers as his hard, smooth
penis slid into her dripping vagina. She once more pulled at her
ropes, trying to put her arms up to hold him. And once more she
failed, for the ropes held her fast. But she pulled her feet up
as far as they would go and opened her legs as wide as she
could, only to squeeze Josh tightly as he entered her. He came
to rest. Jim was right; she felt comfortably filled, not yet
greatly stimulated, but full of almost unbearable anticipation.
Finally, she pushed with her hips, trying to force him to begin
to move. He slid out, nearly all the way, and her buttocks rose
to chase him. Then he came slowly back, filling her, gently
pushing until his penis hit her cervix. A sensation of glory was
rising through her whole body from down there, where her vagina
engulfed  Josh's penetrating tool. Then he pushed her back,
sliding out, then deep once more. The waves of pleasure began to
rise again.

	Suddenly she felt a new sensation, one strange and unsettling.
A hand beneath her buttocks. A finger, slippery, touching her

	"Don't worry, Angela," Jim said. "You've got more ways of
getting pleasure than you ever dreamed of. I'm just going to
touch that spot, maybe give it a little surprise. You'll see.
You'll think it's wonderful!"

	He was wrong about her--her dreams had been more imaginative
than he thought. She shivered, feeling the new sensation as she
still rocked back and forth from the shocks of Josh's rhythmic
thrusts, once more gathering storms of electricity in her upper
arms and in her thighs. Her buttocks wriggled as the finger
penetrated, ever so gently, stretching her anus very slightly.
It went deeper. Then it was joined by another, stretching her,
yet the pleasure still grew, all over her body, coming now from
twin sources, her vagina and her anus. This time her climax came
suddenly, with renewed force, just as she felt the spurt of
Josh's fluids joining her own deep in her vagina. Once more she
moaned with pleasure--or pain? She didn't know. She didn't care.
Again, she felt absolutely spent. And yet . . . . And yet . . . .

	Josh fell full length on her body, breathing hard, gasping in
her ear until his breath began to slow, pinning her to the
mattress.  After a moment he rolled off, and she could see Jim,
looking down at her with a smile.

	"I don't think we're quite through here, do you, Angela?"

	She couldn't answer. Somehow, her voice didn't work. But a tiny
smile came to her lips.

	"I thought so," said Jim. "Now just relax, we need to rearrange
the bonds a bit."

	She didn't care. She just lay there, waiting. For something.
She wasn't sure what. She was afraid she couldn't stand any
more. And yet . . . .

	Josh started loosening the ropes from the posts on his side,
while Jim did the same on the other. She noticed that while
Josh's penis had shrunk almost back into his groin, Jim's was
still erect--erect and pointed at her, she thought, shivering.

	The two men reached for her, picked her up as if she weighed
nothing, and turned her over, so that she was lying on her
stomach. Then they refastened the cords.

	"It would help," Jim said, "if you'd get up on your hands and
knees. The ropes are a bit looser."

	She felt limp, still dazed, in some sort of sexual trance. But
she managed to pull herself to her knees, resting her forearms
on the mattress.

	"Now sit up, please," Jim said, "and open your knees."

	She did as he asked. Then Josh looked at Jim.

	"Now, Josh," Jim said, "Angela's going to need some stimulation
right there where it counts--that little nub, you know? So while
I'm working up top, you see what you can do with the bottom.
Just wait, Angela, it will be even better."

	Josh lay down next to her, his hand stroking her thigh.

	"Now, girl," Jim said, "lean forward again. What I'm going to
do now, it may hurt a little at first. But I'll take it very
slowly, and it won't hurt forever. It's going to feel big, real
big. But you'll get used to it, and you'll like it. A lot."

	So she leaned forward, her buttocks high, offering herself to
Jim. She was tied. There was no way she could evade this, she
thought hazily, she could only make it easier on herself by

	"Josh, time to start," said Jim. "Just slow and easy--she may
be a little tender there. Angela, just relax, he won't hurt you."

	She did. She felt his fingers in her sex, her dripping, swollen
sex. And as she did they moved farther, slipped into the wetness
and began to caress her. She threw back her head and moaned once
more, quietly. Jim's fingers joined those of Josh as he brought
out fluids with which to ease his way into her body. Then only
Josh's hand was left.

	And once more she felt a hand caress her buttocks, a finger
find its way into her anus. New shocks began to pour through
her--she couldn't believe she was still able to feel. But she
felt the mattress give behind her, and almost immediately
something bigger, not a finger, was pressing at the entrance to
her backside. Consciously, she relaxed her sphincter as much as
she could, fearing what she knew was coming, yet excited beyond
all that she had experienced on this blissful morning.

	Slowly Jim's penis entered her, distending her anus, while Josh
used his fingers to caress her clitoris. She trembled, and
waited as, inexorably, that huge penis found its way inside. It
did hurt. Then something--she couldn't describe the new
sensation--but she felt it. Gradually she felt less
uncomfortable, gradually her bowel accommodated the intruder.
And gradually her arousal continued to build. It was almost more
than she could bear. She wondered--was this pain? Or a new
pleasure? She couldn't say. She didn't care. Suddenly, she
jerked backward, impaling herself deeply on Jim's solid shaft.
It hurt, a shock. Then the pain receded, more and more, and was
replaced by a feeling of satisfaction, of  contentment. And, all
the time, she felt Josh's fingers, touching her, raising her to
yet a new plateau of pleasure. Jim rested, inside her, his hands
around her, caressing her breasts.

	"OK, my girl?" Jim asked. 

	She raised her head, glad for a moment to get her breath, while
at the same time enduring those indescribably delicious feelings
in her rear, in her quim, in her nipples.

	She managed to speak. "Oh, yes!" she breathed.

 	Then before her eyes she saw Josh's penis, no longer shrunken,
not yet quite hard. Stretching forward just a bit she was able
to get it into her mouth. As her lips closed, she felt Josh
shiver. But he kept his hand moving, moving, sending shocks
through her each time a finger brushed her clitoris. She used
her own tongue to pleasure him.  She could no longer distinguish
one sensation from another--she was floating in a haze of sexual
pleasure she had never imagined could exist.

	Jim pulled back, then came forward again, not quite so slowly.
Her waves of pleasure built. Or was it pain? She didn't know. He
withdrew again, plunged forward, hard. She met him. And within
seconds they had clicked into a solid rhythm. He pushed,
retreated; she accepted him, she swallowed him, then she felt
him go backward--and push forward once more. Josh's penis in her
mouth was hard, somehow something to hold on to with her mouth,
for her hands were still tied, she was held fast. She was
thinking, still, in her haze. She knew that nothing remotely
like this had ever before happened to her. And she knew she was
in ecstasy. 

	As the motions continued, in her vagina and in her bowel, new
waves of electric pleasure built, screamed through her whole
body, then, just when she thought she couldn't stand any more,
more came, higher, stronger. She heard keening, knew that it was
her voice, sounding as she opened her lips and momentarily eased
the pressure on Josh's penis. Then she clamped down on him

	Finally, she reached the peak, and with a mounting, final
crescendo, her climax stiffened her. She screamed in joy, in
pleasure, in pain, in some sensation she couldn't name. And then
she simply collapsed on Josh's body, his penis gushing into her
mouth, she swallowing, then moaning, then sucking in ecstasy,
one thing then another, just as she felt Jim's hot fluids spurt
into her rectum. And Jim, too, collapsed.

	They lay there tangled, not speaking, for several minutes. Then
Jim began to stir. He sat up. Josh and Angela looked at him.

	"I guess it's time for me to find that radio in the emergency
bunker," he said. "I think I can get it running in an hour or
so, now, if somebody will pump the generator." He stood and
untied the ropes that bound Angela. Then he began to dress.

	Hesitantly, Angela looked up. She heard the surf pounding, felt
the sun's heat and the cool breeze that made it tolerable. Felt
Josh's body against hers. She had never felt so fulfilled. And
yet . . . . And yet  . . . .

             It was an effort for her to talk, to leave behind
the passivity that she had found so liberating. But she had to
speak, to make her wishes known.

 	"Jim . . . . Uh, I don't think you should hurry. Why don't we
clean up, get something to eat and have a nap? Then see whether
it's really time for you to go to work." 

	Jim smiled. "I guess there's no need to hurry," he said. 

				------THE END------ 

Please write to me at Janey98@hotmail.com. I'll be glad to
forward any messages to Angela, but I'll read them first.