
as of 7/17/1998

Please e'mail me with comments at JS3729@mindspring.com

1.      LCA - Love Conquers All  (MF, ff, mf, mc, ts, gangbang, rom)

	This story describes the lives of four people as they come to realize
	that they have been controlled by a woman for many years.  The story
	is a romance story above all, but all of the above elements are thrown 
	in too.   WARNING - there is very little actual sex in the story.  Most 
	of the sex is just hinted at.   

2.      LCA6SS - Love Conquers All Chapter 6 Sex Scene  (MF, rom)

	In reponse to the lack of actual sex scenes in LCA, I wrote this 
	addendum to Chapter 6 to describe Geo and Ingrid's touching and 
	sexy reunion.  I may write other missing sex scenes if I have time.

3.         SIL - Sister-In-Law     (MF, mf (teen), rom, cruelty)

	My second complete story deals with a wife who decides that she no 
	longer wants sex with her husband and what she does to torture him 
	after the decision.  This leads to the husband renewing his relationship 
	with his one true love - his sister-in-law. This story DOES have several 
	sex scenes.

4.      SSS1 - Short Story Series - Story #1 - Loving the Babysitter (Part 1 of 2)
	(mf  (teen)  MF rom love)       

	Part One of a story dealing with the realization a young teen has that his
	babysitter is his perfect woman, and then how he deals with a tragedy.

5.      SSS2 - Short Story Series - Story #2 - Loving the Babysitter (Part 2 of 2)
	(MF rom love)

	Part Two of the above story continues Sam's life and how he copes with 
	the changes his life undergoes.  This concludes the story.

6.      SSS3 - Short Story Series - Story #3 - Hypno Revenge (Part 1 of 3)
	(mc, nc, revenge, mf, ff, MF, FF)

	This story deals with mind control and the deliberate ending of relationships
	without the consent of either person and is NOT a nice story.  It does not
	have a happy ending.  You have been warned.

7.      CM - Cupid's Mistake  (MF, mf (teen), ff (teen), FF, rom)  * Work in Progress*

	Because of several negative responses to my treatment of lesbianism in my
	story LCA, I wrote this story as sort of an apology.  There is still romance, 
	happy endings, and charactors that aren't what they seem.

8.      SSS4 - GK37  (mc, nc, cons, MF, FF, rom)

	This story deals with mind control and chemically induced love.  But it does 
	end up with a happy ending.


That's all for now, but I am working on several other stories.
