This is a story of revenge, pure and simple.  There are those who will shake their heads in disgust when they read about what I did, but fuck them; they didn’t live the life that I did.




It started twenty-seven years ago on the back seat of a Chevy Impala.  A man, whose name I never found out, drove his cock deep into Mary Alice Reardon’s fifteen year old cunt and the sperm that shot out the head of his dick found the egg that became me.


Mary Alice, being the good Catholic she was, would not even consider an abortion and so she was sent to live with relatives until I was born.  One day, shortly after my arrival, I was given up for adoption.  The people who adopted me were killed in a car accident (luckily I was at home with the babysitter) and since they had no living relatives I became a ward of the state.  I disappeared into the system and for the next seventeen years I was bounced from foster home to foster home with a little time out for a six month stretch in the Juvenile Detention Center.  That period was seventeen years of living hell.  Granted, I do not have a clear memory of the first five or six years other than I got spanked a lot because I had a bed wetting problem (actually, beaten with a belt is what it was) but I have vivid memories of the last twelve.




My first really clear memory is of the Ferguson’s.  The family I had been living with before the Ferguson’s moved out of the state so Child Protection Services placed me with Sam and Martha Ferguson.  The Ferguson’s let me know from day one that I should be grateful to them for taking me in.


  They had two other children, Tommy who was two years older than me, and Marie who was the same age.  I don’t know what they were paid to keep me, but other than the food I ate none of it was spent on me.  My clothes were always Tommy’s hand-me-downs.  If Tommy or Marie got sick they were rushed of to the doctor’s office, but if I got sick I was given a couple of aspirin and put to bed.  Tommy and Marie saw a dentist once a year, but I never saw one.  I was given a list of chores and I caught hell if I didn’t do them or do them right, but I noticed that Tommy and Marie never did anything but go outside and play.


I was with the Ferguson’s for two years when suddenly I was taken away from them.  I found out later that they were swingers and had somehow gotten arrested for “lewd and lascivious behavior.”  It came to the attention of Child Protection Services and I was removed from “an unsuitable environment.”




They didn’t have a foster home available at the time so I was moved into the County Youth Facility which was a fancy name for an orphanage.  In reality it wasn’t even an orphanage; what it was was a jail without a fence.  It sat on twenty acres that it shared with the County Juvenile Detention Center.  The detention center was seven buildings surrounded by a barbed wire fence and just outside the fence were the four buildings of the youth facility.  The thing was that the same personnel ran both places and the prison guard mentality of the detention center carried over to the youth facility. 


Imagine, if you can, and eight year old sleeping on a bunk in a room with fifteen other boys when the lights come on at 5:30 AM and an adult yells at the top of his lungs:


“Drop your cocks and grab your socks.  I want beds made, floor swept and mopped by 0615.  Come on, MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT!”


As an eight year old I had no idea what drop your cocks and grab your socks meant.  One of the older boy groaned, “Shit!  I was almost there” but as an eight year old I didn’t know what that meant either.


We were marched -- that’s right, lined up and marched -- to the dinning room (in later years I would learn to call it the mess hall) for breakfast which was most always oatmeal and toast or chipped beef on toast.  Then the school buses would take us to school.  In the evenings you had to take your homework from school to the ‘attendant’ (read ‘guard’) to have it checked.  If it met with his approval you were allowed to go to the recreation room to watch whatever TV shows the ‘attendant’ picked out or play board games with the other boys (girls were in a different building).


At nine it was “lights out” and around nine-thirty the moans and whimpering started as the older boys moved in on the younger ones.  At eight I didn’t know what that was either.  It never happened to me and I found out later that the older boys had found out that the “new fish” were prone to running to the attendant unless the older boys brought them along slowly and “prepared the new boy for what was to come.  Fortunately for me I was only there two months and I was placed in another foster home before the older boys had a chance to get to me.




How the Stottlemeirs became foster parents was beyond me.  Vern and Nancy were both abusive drunks and I learned early on to find a place to hide when they started chasing their shots of Seven Crown with bottles of Stroh’s beer.  Of course it wasn’t much better the next morning when they were suffering through their hangovers.  But even sober they were abusive.  I got beat if they didn’t like the way I cleaned my room.  I got a taste of the belt if they didn’t like the way the dishes looked after I washed them and I got whipped if I _____ (fill in the blank).  I was with the Stottlemeirs for two and a half years and then Vern drove his car into a tree at about fifty miles an hour.  Nancy never had a sober day after his funeral and it came to the attention of Social Services and I was removed from her house and it was back to the Youth Facility for me.


Nothing had changed in the time I was gone.  The moans and whimpering still started about half an hour after lights out, but I was old enough by then to know what was going on.  I also knew that it was something I wanted no part of. 


One thing you learn as an orphan bouncing from foster home to foster home is that you are on your own.  I know now that there were plenty of foster homes was there was love and compassion, but I was never lucky enough to end up in one of them.  But at the time - I was eleven then - I knew that I was on my own.  Kids at school made fun of me because I was “different” -- I had no real family -- and like all schools there were bullies who preyed on the smaller and younger.  I was a frequent target and my life was hell until one day an older kid took me aside and told me that bullies only pick on those who didn’t fight back or who were too small to fight back effectively.


“You don’t have to fight fair when they are bigger than you.  Hit them with a rock; stab at them with a knife or broken bottle, but let them know that if they fuck with you they will get hurt.  Do that and they will leave you alone.”


I listened to him and the next time one of the bullies picked on me I swung back and hit him in the mouth.  It hurt him because my fist was wrapped around a rock that I had taken to carrying in my pants pocket.  He stood there stunned and I hit him again and that time he fell to his knees and I smashed him in the head with the rock and I was so mad that I probably would have kept beating on him if I hadn’t been pulled away.  I wasn’t ever bothered again.


Anyway, that was the mentality I had when I went back to the Youth Facility.  I’d been back four months when four older boys came to my bunk one night after lights out and one of them said:


“Come on fish, it is time to let you know who runs this place” (fish is what new kids were called and even though I had been there before I was new to them).


One of them pulled my blanket off me and I came off the bunk wildly swinging my right hand which was holding a butter knife I had swiped from the mess hall.  I had sharpened it by rubbing the edge on concrete and while it wasn’t all that sharp, but it did draw blood from two of the four and all four of them took off and left me alone.  The next day one of them, he had a slash mark on his cheek, told me that he would get me for that and I told him that the next time he fucked with me I would kill him.  I was at the Youth Facility for another seven months and was never bothered.




I had just turned twelve when I was put in another foster home.  Norm and Glenda Miller seemed an alright couple at first and I began to think I had lucked out and in a way I did.  Norm was some kind of traveling salesman and Glenda was a stay at home housewife.  Norm would be gone two or three weeks at a time and it would just be Glenda and me at home.


One night when Norm was on a business trip Glenda came and got into bed with me.  She said she couldn’t sleep well when she was alone and if I didn’t mind she was going to sleep with me.  I didn’t care so I scooted over to give her some room and she scooted over to stay next to me.  Her hand reached out and took hold of my cock and she whispered:


“Another reason I don’t sleep well is that I’m always horny.  Would you like to help mommy with her problem?”


I might have been a virgin, but I knew a little about sex and I had been masturbating for almost a year.  When my cock grew in her hand she giggled and said:  “Yes indeed baby, I think you would like to help mommy out” and she pulled me on top of her and guided my stiff little cock into her.  “Just push it in and out baby; that’s all you have to do, push it in and out.”


I came pretty quick and Glenda said, “Was mommy’s little boy a virgin?  Oh baby, mommy is going to have so much fun teaching you.”


She slid down and took my cock in her mouth and when she had me hard she pulled me on top of her again and off we went.  I fucked her four times that night; got two more blow jobs and my first taste of pussy when she taught me how she liked to have her pussy eaten.


Did I like it?  Does a duck walk barefoot on the beach?  Norm’s trips took him away for two or three weeks at a time, but the downside was that when he came home he was home for two or three weeks. So it was two or three weeks of fun and games and two or three weeks of going nuts waiting for him to leave again.  This went on for a little over two years and then one day it all went to hell.


Norm had just left on a trip and Glenda asked if I wanted dinner or did I want to go upstairs to her bedroom and play “hide the weenie.”  I of course opted for my favorite game.  She sucked my cock and I licked her pussy and then she said:


“Come on little man, fuck your mommy.”


I climbed on and fucked her until I came and she hugged me to her and held me tight.  Then I heard, “Now it is my turn” and I looked over my shoulder and saw a naked Norm come out of the closet.  He had a tube of KY in his hand and a hard cock pointing toward me as he headed for the bed.  Glenda was still hugging me tightly to her and she started crooning into my ear:


“It’s all right baby.  Mommy’s little man will like this.  Do this for mommy baby.  It will be okay; trust mommy baby, trust mommy.”


I struggled to get away, but she held on tight. “Let daddy have his fun baby and he will let you have more fun with mommy.”


I loved the hell out of playing with Glenda, but not at the price of taking Norm up my ass.  I kept trying to get away and suddenly “mommy” stopped her crooning and said:


“Hold still you little bastard.”


I felt the cold KY rubbed against my asshole and one of Norm’s fingers pushed its way in.  Glenda tightened her grip and I bent my head to her right tit and took the nipple in my mouth.


“That’s it baby,” Glenda said, “Just relax, play with mommy.”


And then she screamed as I bit the nipple as hard as I could.  I don’t know if I bit through it or not, but I was trying to.  She let go of me and I was off of her and the bed and running for the bedroom door before Norm knew what was happening.  I ran downstairs for the kitchen, grabbed a carving knife out of the knife block and then got in a corner and got ready to fight Norm off.  It was maybe five minutes before Norm came into the kitchen and saw me cowering in the corner with the knife.


“I let you fuck my wife for over two years and this is the thanks I get?  You threaten me with a knife?”


I didn’t say anything, just stayed in the corner with the knife up and watched him.


“You had it made kid.  Good pussy and lots of it and it could have stayed that way.  I’m calling Social Services tomorrow and telling them I want you out of here.  I’m going to tell them you tried to rape my wife while she was asleep.”


One thing that happens when you accept that you are on your own is that you grow up fast.  You also learn a lot watching TV and Glenda’s favorite shows were on Lifetime and they always had shows about child abuse and the like and I watched with her and learned a lot.  When he was done talking I said:


“You do that and I’ll tell them all about the last two years and that you tried to rape me.  It will be your word against mine and while you may be the adult I know too much about Glenda’s body -- the scars, tattoos and birthmarks -- and it won’t matter who believes what, but the rumor will go out that you and Glenda are pedophiles.  Most people believe that where there is smoke there is fire.  Best you just tell them that you took a job out of state and are moving.  You say anything against me and I’ll show you just how effective a crying young boy can be when he yells “sexual abuse.”


He turned and walked away and me and the knife went to my room.


Norm left on his trip the next day and Glenda threw murderous looks at me until the lady from Child Protective Services came to pick me up.  Then it was tears and “I’ll miss you sweetie; I wish it didn’t have to be this way.”  She gave me a final hug and I looked down inside her blouse and saw the bandage on her tit and I smiled to myself. Served the bitch right.  But I was going to miss the fun and games.




My next stint at the Youth Facility only lasted five weeks before I was placed in another foster home.  I learned years later that every effort was made to get the kids out of the center because it was more expensive to keep them there than to place them in homes.


I was with Bill and Sharon Winkler for almost nine months.  They had two kids; John who was my age and Marsha who was two years younger.  The two of them didn’t like me because as they saw it I was competing with them for family resources. Any money spent on me was money not spent on them.  The two of them were always picking fights with me and then running to mommy and daddy and blaming me.  Finally the Winklers decided that they couldn’t take the turmoil any more and back to the Youth Facility I went.


Next were Bud and Alice Turmint.  Alice had always wanted children, but for some reason she couldn’t have any. So she talked Bud into becoming a foster family.  Bud gave in to her, but he didn’t like it one bit.  He was happy that there hadn’t been any “brats” around and he let me know just how unwelcome I was -- never in front of Alice of course.


Then Alice fell, hit her head and broke her leg.  She was never “quite right” after hitting her head and Bud was only too happy to tell Social Services that Alice was going to require all of his attention and that even though Alice and I had grown close I was going to have to go.


I was three months past my sixteenth birthday when I went to live with Steve and Fran Myers.  They had sixty acres just outside of town and they kept horses. It was soon apparent, at least as far as Steve was concerned, that I was there as another pair of hands to do the work the sixty acres and horses required.  By that time in my life I was used to the fact that whatever family took me in wanted something from me and for the most part I was willing to go along if it kept me out of the Youth Facility.


Steve and Fran had a sixteen year old daughter and Merrily thought her shit didn’t stink.  Mom and dad treated her like a little princess and she was spoiled rotten.  She expected me to suck up to her and to kow-tow to her like mom and dad, but I was having none of it and so she didn’t like me and I ignored her. One of the things that Merrily did was ride horses at horse shows.  She rode the horses and I mucked out their stalls.  She rode the horses and I shoveled the shit out of the Logan horse trailer.  She rode the horses and I got to brush and curry them.


It was two days after my seventeenth birthday when I walked into the barn and the lights went out.  I was on my knees shaking my head and trying to clear it when Steve stepped in front of me and in a voice full of rage said:


“That’s just a taste of what you will get if you lay a finger on Merrily.  She’s too good for the likes of you so you had best keep your dick in your pants.”


I managed to get out, “I don’t even know what you are talking about.”


“Bullshit you little turd.  I saw you watching her work Baron in the corral.  I saw the boner you had in your pants.”


It was true.  I had been watching Baron being worked and I had gotten a hard on, but it was from watching his wife, not his daughter.  Fran packed a pair of Wranglers better than any woman I’d ever seen and she filled out her shirt just as good.  But I wasn’t going to tell Steve that.  And I wasn’t going to just take what he had done to me.  He was a grown man, an adult, and he had to blind-side a kid?  Fuck that shit!


“No way would I touch that little whore.  She isn’t going to give me fleas.  No way am I taking a dog’s left-overs.”


“What?  What are you saying?”


“Your little Miss Perfect spends her evenings out behind the silo on her hands and knees while Buck (their male Great Dane) makes her his bitch.  I ain’t taking no dogs sloppy seconds.”


“You’re lying you little bastard!”


True, but so what?  He started to kick me and I rolled to the left and my hand hit metal.  I looked down and saw a small hand axe lying on the floor in the straw.  Steve charged at me and kicked at me again and I avoided the kick and brought the axe up and smashed the flat side of the blade into his knee. He screamed and went down.


“You’ll pay for that you little bastard; I’ll kill you” and he got up and dragged his bad leg toward the house. I knew he had a couple of rifles, shotguns and hand guns in the house so I ran past him into the kitchen and grabbed the keys to the pick-up truck off the hook just inside the door and ran for the truck.


Long story shortened, the cops caught me.  My story was backed up by the huge bruise on the side of my head, but the bottom line was that it didn’t matter -- I’d stolen the truck and that’s what counted.  Back to the compound I went only that time it wasn’t to the Youth Facility, but to the seven buildings inside the barbed wire fence and I was going to be there until I turned twenty-one.


I was there six months and one day I was called into the Vocational Training office and one of the councilors asked me if I would like to get out.  I said yes and one month later I was doing my Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky.  I did my three years, got out, got a job and got on with my life.




Three years went by and they weren’t bad. I got a job working in a warehouse as a fork-lift operator and over the next couple of years I worked my way up to foreman.  I always seemed to have a girlfriend, but I could never seem to get into a lasting relationship.  Not really surprising, given my past, but I did have hopes that some day something permanent might come along.


I did have one constant in my life.  While I was in the Army I spent a lot of time wondering who I really was and where I had come from.  By the time I took my discharge the idea that I wanted to find my parents was firmly planted in my mind.  I wanted to know who they were.  I didn’t want to know why they had abandoned me; I didn’t want to walk up to them and say, “I’m the kid you kicked to the curb all those years ago,” I just wanted to know who they were.


I looked into it and found that it wasn’t all that hard to do.  All I had to do was go to Social Service’s Child Protection Service Department to get the form, fill it out and then they would forward the request to the people who gave me up and ask if they were willing to meet me.  If the people who gave me up said okay then it was a done deal, but if the person or persons said no that would be the end of it.  It was that “but” that kept me from filling out that form.  If they said no I would never find out who they were, but they would know that I was looking and they might take steps to make it even harder to find them.  It didn’t seem like I could ever make it happen, but I constantly thought about it.




Like millions of people I bought lottery tickets in the hope that some day I would hit it big.  I know that the odds are 137,000,000 to 1 on hitting the jackpot, but the way I looked at it all the past winners faced the same odds and they won so why not me?  One Sunday morning I got up and got the paper off the porch and checked the results of Saturday night’s lottery drawing and almost had a heart attack.  I had all six numbers!  The jackpot was a little over twenty-seven million and I yelled and screamed and danced around the house and when I went to bed that night I couldn’t sleep for thinking of all the things I was going to spend the money on.


 I got the rude awakening when I got to the lottery office on Monday afternoon.  It turns out that three other people also had the same six numbers.  When the pie was divided and I took the cash option instead of the annuity and the taxes were taken out I ended up with just a little over 486,000 dollars.  Not what I had hoped for, but it was still enough to set me up for life -- as long as I kept working of course.  I bought a three bedroom condo and moved out of my apartment.  I furnished the condo, replaced my eight year old pick-up truck with a new one and bought myself a few toys and still had over 154,000 dollars in the bank.


Then I did the one thing I had been thinking of for years.  I got out the Yellow Pages and went looking for a private detective.  It had to be a specific kind of detective.  I didn’t want a large agency because they would be too prone to follow the rules.  Pretty much the same with smaller outfits that had several people employed.  What I needed was a small one or two man operation, an outfit that was likely to be hungry and a little more open to bending the rules.  To be honest about it, I wanted some one who would do what had to be done even if it had to be done illegally because that was the only way I could see getting access to my file at Social Services.


The first two I went to see turned me down, but the third listened to me and then said, “It will cost you.”  Three weeks and twenty thousand dollars later I had the file on Mary Alice Davidson, nee Reardon; a forty year old mother of two who had been married to Wendell James Davidson for twenty-one years.  The two children were Donald (19), and Tammy (17).  The file was complete with photos of the entire family including one really good one of my mother.  I framed the one of my mother and put it on the dresser in my bedroom.


I thought that was the end of it. I had found my mother and I knew who she was and what she looked like.  The file said “father unknown” and the only way I would get an answer to that question would be to ask my mother, but I had no intension of ever doing that. 


Months went by and the last thing I saw every night when I turned out the light and went to bed and the first thing I saw every morning when I woke up was the picture of my mother.  As time went by the pull on me became stronger and stronger until finally the day arrived when I knew I just had to see my mother in person.  Not face to face, but I wanted to see the real her, not just a picture.  That is when the wheels came off the wagon.  If I had just been satisfied with the picture none of what followed would have happened.


I took a weeks vacation and on the first Monday of that vacation I was parked on Wildflower Way just a couple of doors down from 5130.  At 7:05 AM the garage door opened and a Ford Taurus backed out into the street and Wendell was off on his way to work.  A 7:18 AM Donald came out the front door and walked to a Honda Prelude parked at the curb, got in and drove off.  At 7:41 Tammy came out and headed for a Honda Civic that was parked in the drive.  The front door opened again and there stood my mother.  She called out to Tammy and Tammy walked back to the front door and our mother handed her something, smiled, and then bent forward and kissed Tammy on the cheek.  Tammy turned, went to her car, got in and as she backed down the drive she waved at our mother and our mother waved back, blew Tammy a kiss and then went back into the house.


I felt the pain in my forearms and looked down to see that I was gripping the steering wheel so hard that I had strained my muscles.  My head was so full of rage that I’m surprised that steam wasn’t coming out my ears.  Smiles, kisses and goodbye waves for Tammy, but I had been tossed away like yesterday’s garbage.  At that instant the thought raced through my mind that the bitch had to pay.  She had to pay for the beatings, the mistreatment, the long nights I lay awake ready to defend myself from the older boys.  Yes by God, she had to pay and I knew just how I was going to do it.




The next morning I was again parked just down the street from 5130 Wildflower Way and when Tammy came out and got in her Civic I followed her.  She drove to the high school and parked in the lot and headed on inside.  There was an apartment complex right across the street and I drove over there and parked where I could keep an eye on Tammy’s car.


It was a long day. It was three-thirty in the afternoon before she came out and got in her car.  I followed her to the public library and when she went inside I pulled up next to her and parked. When I got out of my truck I ducked down and let the air out of her right front tire and then I followed her inside.  She was on a computer in the computer section so I took a seat at one of the tables in the Reference Section where I could keep an eye on her.  An hour later she got up to leave and I waited until she got outside before I followed.  When I got to my truck she was just backing out of her parking spot.  She hadn’t seen the flat because it was on the passenger side.  I rapped on her window and said, “Miss?  You have a flat tire and I pointed down at it.  She stopped, got out and looked and she made a nasty face.


“Let me back my truck out and that will give us some room to change it.”


As I moved my truck she went to get her jack and spare tire and I heard her cry, “Shit!!”




“The spare isn’t here. I had a flat last week and took the tire in to be fixed and then forgot to go back and get it.”


That was some luck that I hadn’t expected.  My plan had been to change the tire for her and hope she would offer to buy me a cup of coffee and when I accepted I would work on getting to know her better.  Suddenly all kinds of possibilities opened up.”


“We can handle that.”




“Take the tire off and take it to Donman’s Tire over on Beckworth.  It is only three blocks over.  Wait for them to fix it and bring it back and you’re good to go.  Tell you what.  You go on back into the library and relax and I’ll handle the tire.”


“Why are you doing this?”


“Doing what?”


“Jumping in to help me like this.  I don’t know you from Adam.”


“You don’t really know?”


“No, I don’t.”


“Two reasons.  One is karma.  I help you and someday I’ll be repaid when my sister or mother breaks down somewhere and some one helps them.”


“That’s one; what’s the other?”


“Oh come on; you have to know that one.”


“Apparently don’t.”


“You are a gorgeous girl and I’m a guy.  Guys are hardwired from the factory to show off or do things to help or impress gorgeous girls.  I’ll help you and then I’ll know for a long time to come that whenever you see a truck like mine you will think of me.  Guys like to think that gorgeous girls think of them.”


“You Irish?”


“Not that I know of.  Why?”


“Because you are so full of blarney.”




As we talked I had been jacking up the Civic and pulling the flat off.  “Go on back inside and relax.  I should be back in twenty minutes or so.”


“I’ll go with you.”


“Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to get in cars with strange men?”


“You aren’t driving a car; you have a truck.”


“That makes a difference?”


“Normally no, but you believe in karma so you know that if you don’t be good bad things will happen to you.”


“Okay, you got me there.”


On the drive to the tire place we introduced ourselves and made small talk.  The guy at Donman’s said it would take a half hour so I talked Tammy into going down the block to a Denny’s for coffee.  We were making more small talk when suddenly she said:


“Why is a guy your age trying to pick up a girl my age?”


“I wasn’t aware that I was trying to pick you up, but if I were what has age got to do with it?  I’m twenty-three (lying and taking a couple of years off my age) and you are what…nineteen, twenty (lying again and adding a couple to hers)?  What’s three years?”


“I’m only seventeen.”


“Well you certainly don’t look like a kid.  If I was trying to pick you up how long would I have to wait until you are eighteen?”


“Who said you had to wait until I’m eighteen?”


“Now we are back to the “who says I’m trying to pick you up?  Pretty pushy for a seventeen year old if you ask me.”


“I may only be seventeen, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think like I’m twenty-five.”


“Okay then; back to the question, “When will you be eighteen?”


“Why is that so important to you?”


“It is a ‘mother’ thing.  A mother will get bent out of shape if her seventeen year old daughter tries to go out on a date with a guy my age and in this state mother’s still have a say in what a seventeen year old can do and where she can go.  At eighteen the state considers you an adult and you can pretty much tell mommy to back off. Of course in real life it doesn’t always work like that especially if you are still living at home and mommy and daddy control the purse strings.”


“I’ll be eighteen in five weeks and I can hide you from mother for that long.”


“Whoa up there missy.  Just who is hitting on who here?”


“You don’t seem to want to admit it so I guess it is up to me to step up.  What’s the matter?  The gorgeous girl you just had to impress back at the library isn’t gorgeous any more?”


“Are you sure that you are only seventeen?”


“Seventeen and three quarters.”


By then we were back at the library and I started putting the tire back on the Civic.  She stood behind me and silently watched and when I was done and had put the jack away she said:


“So, where are we going on our first date?”


I turned to face her and said, “I’m supposed to be the adult here.  When did I lose control of the situation?”


“When you told me I was gorgeous.  Back to my question.  When is our first date and what are we going to do?”


“Does your mother let you go out on school nights?”


“No, but that still gives us Friday, Saturday and Sunday.”


“You want all three and you don’t even know if you’ll like the first one?”


“What can I say?  I’ve got to trust a guy who thinks I’m gorgeous.  What are we going to do?”


“I haven’t a clue.  What does a guy dating a seventeen year old girl do?”


“What you did when you were seventeen.”


“I don’t think so.  All I wanted to do was party, get drunk and get girls out of their panties.”


“You never took a girl out to dinner or to a movie?”


“Yeah, I did that.”


“It’s a start.”


“Are you sure about this?”




As I drove home I wondered at how easily things had fallen into place.  Maybe there was such a thing as karma and it was seeing to it that I got even with Mary Alice.  My plan was to take my revenge on Mary Alice through her daughter, but I had expected it to be a whole lot harder.  I had expected that it would take some time to get to Tammy - if I could get to her at all - but suddenly I found myself where I had not expected to be for another three or four weeks.  And what a surprise Tammy was.  Seventeen going on twenty-five indeed!




For our first date I took Tammy to dinner at an Italian restaurant that I liked and then to the movies.  Tammy told her mother she was going to the movies with a girlfriend and then she drove to the library and I picked her up.  She had a curfew so after the movies we stopped at a Sonic for a milkshake and then I took her back to her car.  I behaved myself, was a gentleman, and did the door thing when she got out of my truck and again when she got to her car.  She stood there looking at me expectantly and when all I did was smile at her she said:


“Doesn’t the gorgeous girl even get a goodnight kiss?”


“I never kiss on the first date.  I don’t want the girl to think I’m easy.”


“That’s where we differ.  I kiss on the first date just so I can find out how a good a kisser my date is.  If he isn’t any good there isn’t much sense in a second date, is there?”


And then she kissed me and it wasn’t just a little peck on the cheek.  I got a taste of tongue and I teased hers with mine and then broke the kiss.


“Best you hurry home.  We don’t want you to be late and get yourself grounded.”


“That would interfere with our second date which is tomorrow night, right?”


“I don’t know.  Was my kiss good enough to rate a second date?”


“It showed promise.  We will need to work on it.  Here?  Tomorrow night?”


Yes indeed!  Seventeen going on twenty-five.




The second date was a copy of the first except we spent some time necking in the library parking lot.  Sunday was our third date and I met her at the mall at ten and we drove out to the lake.  When she took off her jeans and sweatshirt I almost had heart attack.  I knew she was gorgeous from the neck up and the clothes I’d seen her in up to that point did hint at her having a decent body, but I was totally unprepared for Tammy in a bikini.  She was stunning!  I found out later that her 116 pounds were arranged 34C - 22 - 35.


“Race you to the water” she said.


“I can’t.  I have to sit here for a bit.”




“I just have to.”


She giggled and said, “Oh poor baby.  Did little old me give you a woodie?”


“You are evil.  Are you sure that you are only seventeen?”


“Sweetie, I haven’t been a teenager since I was thirteen.  Come on, the cold water will take care of your problem.”


“Not as long as you are still around in that bikini.”


“You are such a wuss.  Okay, I’ll go and hide.”


She ran for the water, dove in and then surfaced with just her head showing.  “Come on wuss, I’ve got it hidden.”


I suffered that day.  She had it, she knew she had it and she flaunted it.  There was the usual horseplay in the eater and she rubbed that magnificent body against me every chance she got and then laughed.  Thinks were moving too fast for me.  I had a plan where Tammy was concerned, but you have to be in control to make plans work and I hadn’t been in control since Tammy spoke her first words to me.


When we pulled away from the lake Tammy slid over next to me, put her head on my shoulder and said:


“You seem to be doing your best to keep some distance between us.”


“That surprises you?  Especially given the effect that you in that bikini had on me?”


“Yes, it does surprise me.  Most boys would have been falling all over themselves to get to where they could cop a feel while we played and claim it was accidental.”


“When I was seventeen I probably would have done just that, but guys my age go to jail if they do things like that to girls your age.”


“That only happens when the girl makes a stink about it.”


“Or the girl’s mother makes a stink about it.”


“That isn’t going to happen.  She isn’t going to know, at least not until I turn eighteen.”


“We hope.  You sound like you expect me to still be around come your birthday.”


“You better be.”


“Are we sounding a bit possessive?”


“It’s my chance and I’m making the most of it.”


“Your chance?”


“Yes sweetie, my chance.”


 “I don’t understand.”


“Do you know how many of my girlfriends would give their eye teeth to be sitting in this truck with you?  Damned near all of them.”


“I still don’t understand.”


“Remember telling me what you were like when you were seventeen and dating?  Party, get drunk and get the girls out of their panties?”


I nodded a yes and she said, “That’s just what my girlfriends and I have to put up with and it gets old.  Most of us want older boyfriends and now I have one and I plan on hanging onto you.”


“There you go being possessive again.”


“And you are loving it.”


The windows in my truck were steamed up when Tammy got out and went to her car.  The necking session had been pretty hot and I know I could have gotten away with putting my hands on her tits and probably could have even gotten a finger or two into her pussy.  How do I know?  I got my first clue when she put her hand on the lump in my pants and rubbed it as she giggled:


“I see that you still have your woodie.”


I pushed her hand away and said, “Yeah, and you are still only seventeen and underage.”


I was not going to rush things.  I had plenty of time -- or so I thought.




I didn’t see Tammy at all during the week.  She had after school activities every night and even thought she asked me to come to her soccer game and her field hockey game I passed.  She pouted and I said:


“Your mom is likely to be there and she just might notice the way we look at each other.”


I did talk to her every night on the phone and it got pretty mushy at times.  I did lay it on kind of thick, but Tammy ate it up.  We had a date for burgers and a movie for Friday night and again on Saturday.  Both dates were followed by long and very hot make-out sessions and as she left me to go home after our Saturday date she said:


I want to do something different tomorrow.”




“I want to come to your place, sit on the couch, hold hands and watch TV.”


“Not a good idea.”


“Why not?”


“You know why not.  I’ve been able to behave when we are out in public, but I’m not sure that I can do that in my own place.”


“Wow!  Something to look forward to.  You going to give me the address or meet me somewhere and I can follow you.”


She rang the doorbell at eleven-thirty AM on Sunday morning and when I let her in she looked around in surprise.


“I pictured you living in a one bedroom apartment.  This is nice.”


She walked around and checked out the place and said, “You even have a couple of spare bedrooms where I can stay when I run away from home.”


“Why would you run away from home?”


“To get away from my mom.  She is going to have an absolute cow when she finds out about you.”


“Why would she find out about me?  You said you were going to hide me from her until you turned eighteen.”


“And then I’ll take you home and introduce you to her and watch her wig out.”


She saw the look on my face and said, “What?  What’s wrong?”


“That’s four weeks away and we probably won’t even be seeing each other by then.”


“Three weeks and five days and why would you say that?”


“Truth time.  You are a teenage girl and right now you are doing the teenage equivalent of living dangerously.  You are keeping company with an older man; but because of that we won’t be going anywhere where your friends are or doing anything that your friends are doing.  I figure in another week or so you will get to missing your friends and I’ll be history.”


I said that knowing full well that even though she was acting twenty-five she was still only seventeen and would think like a seventeen year old.  She would take what I said as saying that she was not an adult and her response would be something like:


“Oh yeah?  Well we will just see about that.  I’ll show you!”


She did just what I expected her to do.


 “You think I’m just another kid, don’t you?  Does a kid kiss you and make you go weak in the knees like I do.  Are you some kind of pedophile pervert?   You would have to be if a “kid” can give you ‘woodies’ like I do.  Let’s go into the bedroom and I’ll show you what you can do with that kid idea.”


She got up and headed for the bedroom and half way there she looked over her shoulder and saw that I wasn’t following.


“You coming?”


“No.  I’ll admit that you do have an effect on me, but you are still legally underage in this state and the thought of jail terrifies me so nothing is going to happen until you are of legal age.  If you are still around by then.”


“You aren’t going to hurt me. I haven’t been a virgin since I was thirteen.”


“It isn’t a question of hurting you.  What it is is that I’m an adult and until you are eighteen you are jailbait.”


“I’m not going to tell anyone.”


“I know you aren’t because there isn’t going to be anything to tell.”


“So what are we going to do then?”


Knowing that I’d set the hook and that now there wasn’t any way in hell that she would stop seeing me before she turned eighteen I smiled at her and patted the couch next to me.


We watched “Titanic” on the big screen TV.  We played cribbage.  I fixed taco salads for dinner and then we watched “Sleepless in Seattle.”  By the time the movie was half over she was over being pissed at me and was cuddled up next to me on the couch.  By the end of the movie we were necking hot and heavy and twice I had to push her hand away from my cock.  It killed me to do it. It just wasn’t natural for a red-blooded guy like me to push away a sexy female who obviously wanted to make love, but the plan was to keep putting Tammy off so that on her eighteenth birthday she would trip me and beat me to the floor so I would land on top of her.


The plan was for me to arrive at the Davidson’s house on Tammy’s eighteenth birthday to take her out on a date.  Momma would take one look at me and immediately know what I planned on doing to her precious daughter on that date.  Tammy and I would leave and Mary Alice would spend the rest of the evening wringing her hands over what might be happening to her poor baby.  I would keep Tammy out all night and deliver her to momma around noon the next day thoroughly fucked and looking it.  Mary Alice would have spent one miserable sleepless night and never know why.  Not ‘red hot revenge’ by any means, but I would know that I had caused her some pain and that would be enough for me. Tammy would never know why either.  She might wonder why she never heard from me again, but she was young and she would get on with her life and in six months she probably wouldn’t even remember me.


There is a military truism that says no plan, regardless of how good it is, survives first contact with the enemy.  Tammy wasn’t the enemy, but she was, in a way, the opposition.  As the credits for “Sleepless” rolled across the screen Tammy got up and went to use the bathroom.  Maybe five minutes went by and she hadn’t come back.  I called for her, but got no answer so I got up and went to see what she was up to.  The bathroom door was open and I looked inside, but Tammy wasn’t there.  Since she hadn’t come back out of the hallway there were only two places she could be and that was in one of the bedrooms.  I walked to the door to my bedroom, looked inside, and saw that my plan had just turned into so much meaningless drivel.


Tammy was lying on my bed.  She had turned down the covers, she was as naked as the day she was born and she was finger fucking herself.  She looked up at me with heavy lidded eyes and moaned:


“I don’t want to wait for my birthday.”


I could of course have said, “Sorry, but that’s the way it has to be” and then turned and gone back to the big screen TV, but how likely was that when spread out on the bed in front of me was 116 pounds of gorgeous, gloriously naked female just begging for my cock.  She didn’t want to wait for her birthday?  I suddenly decided that I really didn’t want to either.


I stripped and went to her on the bed.  I lowered my head to taste her breast, but she pushed my head away.


“No time for that now.  I’ve been ready for this since our second date.  I’m primed baby, just put it in and make love to me.”


It had been about two months since I’d last been laid so I knew I was going to get off fairly fast and I told her that it would probably be quick and she said she didn’t care, just hurry and put it in.  She was so tight I though that I might get off just trying to work my way in, but I managed to get most of me in her without disgracing myself.  I started fucking her slow and easy, but she wasn’t having any of that.


“Hard baby, hard.  I need it hard baby.”


Her body was twisting and turning and pushing up at me.  Her hands were grasping and pulling me down while her hips pushed up and there was no way I could make it last.  I felt the rush coming up from my balls and at the last minute I woke up and tried to pull out of her, but her arms and legs clamped me tight and I sent spurt after spurt into her.


When my cock went soft I eased out of her and fell to the bed beside her and she reached down and took hold of my cock and started fondling it and said:


“How long before you can do it again?”


“I don’t know.  Maybe ten minutes.”


“Would it be faster if I helped?”


“How would you do that?”


“I could use my mouth.  I haven’t done it very often, but you could tell me how you like it done and I’ll see if I can do it that way.”


She had me up in less than four minutes and I’m pleased to say that I was able to make her cum twice before I let loose again and that time I had the presence of mind to pull my cock out before I shot.  As she ran her fingers through the puddle on her belly she asked me why I had pulled out.


“I’m on the pill baby; you didn’t have to do that.”


“Does your mother know?”


She’s the one who put me on it.  She said she hoped I would go down the aisle a virgin, but it would be just plain criminal not to take advantage of safeguards if they were available.”


I introduced Tammy to the joys of sixty-nine and we had one more session of love making and then it was time for her to go home.  At the door she kissed me and asked, “Tomorrow?”




“Why not?”


“Because you have other obligations.  You have homework to do, and you have your after school activities.  You owe it to your soccer and field hockey teams to be there.  You can’t just walk away from your friends because you found something you would rather do now.”


“I don’t have anything to do Wednesday.”


“Maybe not, but I do.  You will just have to wait until Friday.”




For the next two weeks Tammy and I got together every weekend. The idea of “dates” went out the widow.  All she wanted to do was make love.  No more dinner and then a movie; it was whatever I had in the fridge and then into the bedroom. 


She did give me a bit of a fright the week before her birthday.  “I told Debbie about you.”




“The girl who covers for me.  She is so jealous of me.  She wants to know if you have a friend.  It would be so cool.  They could use one of the spare bedrooms.  It is such a kick to hear her scream.”


“Hear her scream?”


“Oh yeah; Debbie is a noisy fuck.  Once when we double-dated we were parked out on Steven’s Point and I was on the front seat doing Billy Sprauge while she was doing Josh Martin on the back seat and I was afraid she was going to draw a crowd she was screaming so loud.”


“I thought we were trying to keep us a secret?”


“Debbie won’t say anything” Tammy said, but in my mind I pictured Debbie telling Sue who would tell Mary who would mention it to Barb who would share it with Nancy and so on until one of the mothers heard about it and called Mary Alice with “Do you know what your daughter is doing?”  I didn’t need that and for two reasons.  The first was that regardless of Tammy’s enthusiastic cooperation she was still legally a minor for another week and secondly, I still hoped to make my plan work and that required that Mary Alice remain in the dark about Tammy and me until Tammy’s birthday.


I let Tammy know just how upset I was over the revelation that she was blabbing about us and she swore up and down that Debbie would not breathe a word about us.  Well, what did I expect when I hooked up with a teenager?  I needed to remember that even though she sometimes thought - and acted - like a twenty-five year old she still was only seventeen.




Two days before her birthday my plan suffered another set-back.  It was a Saturday and twenty minutes after arriving at my condo Tammy handed me an envelope.  I opened it to find an invitation to her birthday party.


“I though we were going out on your birthday?”


“Mom wanted to throw me a party and I couldn’t say no.  We can celebrate the next day.  Besides, all my friends will be there and I can’t wait to show you off.”


It wasn’t what I wanted, but I could see where I could make it work for me.  Mary Alice would meet me and then have a full twenty-four hours to fret about me before I took Tammy out and really caused her to worry.


I rang the doorbell, the door opened and there stood Mary Alice.  There was my mother, just twelve inches from me.  “Yes?” she asked.


“Hi, I’m Rob” I said, and just then Tammy came running up, threw her arms around me and kissed me.  The look on Mary Alice’s face was everything I could have hoped for and when Tammy said, “Mom, this is my boyfriend Rob” it was the icing on the cake.  Confusion followed by horrified disbelief washed over her face and then, before she could say another word, Tammy pulled me along behind her and stared introducing me to her friends as her boyfriend.


There was an awkward moment when I was introduced to her father.  I could read his facial expression and it said, “I’ll cut your cock off if you mess with my daughter” but he offered me his hand as he said, “Good to meet you.”  He obviously didn’t mean it and in some small way I felt guilty.  It wasn’t his fault that that I was doing what I was doing.


An hour later I offered to spell him on the grill, but he told me that he had it covered and then said:


“You are a bit of a surprise.  I don’t believe Tammy has ever mentioned you before today.  I know for certain she never said anything about having a boyfriend.”


“It is a surprise to me too.”


“Oh?  In what way?”


“I never heard myself mentioned as boyfriend before today.  First I heard of it was when your wife opened the door and Tammy introduced me.”


“And how do you feel about that?”


“I don’t know.  For one thing I don’t know if I’m ready for a girlfriend and for another I’m not sure that if I was ready for one I’d want her to be as young as Tammy.”


“Then why are you here with her?”


“I don’t know that either.”


I explained how Tammy and I had met and then I lied a little.  “I dated her three times before I found out she was only seventeen.  She looks every bit of twenty and she acts like she’s twenty-five and I guess all I can say is that she fascinated me.”


“You know you have her mother in a tizzy.”


“I didn’t know, but I can’t say that I blame her.  Like you said, I am a bit of a surprise.”


“Well, as her father, at this point I think I’m supposed to ask you what your intentions are as far as my daughter is concerned.”


I stared down at the hot dogs and burgers on the grill and was silent for several seconds before saying:


“I don’t honestly know.  If she were four years older I would probably be asking her to marry me, but being just eighteen?  I don’t know.  The one thing I do know is that she won’t just let me walk away.  I tried, I tried really hard to get out of coming here today, but she managed to get me here.  I can just imagine what she will do if I tell her goodbye and she doesn’t want to hear it.  I can see her in a sleeping bag in front of my door and refusing to move from that spot until I change my mind.”


“She got that from her mother.  Once Mary Alice goes after something she will worry it like a dog with a bone.  Good luck” he said, but I could still read the look on his face and it still said, “Mess with my daughter and I’ll cut your cock off.”


Half an hour later Mary Alice came up to me.  “I’d like to have a word with you.”


“So go ahead.”


“Not here; some place a little more private.”


“It’s your house; lead the way.”


She led me off to a room that I took to be her husband’s home office or den.  She closed the door behind us and then she cut right to the chase.  “You are too old for my daughter and I don’t want you seeing her any more.”


“Did you tell her that?”


“No I didn’t.  Tammy is headstrong and if I told her that she would keep seeing you just to show me that she was old enough to do what she wanted regardless of what I wanted.”


“Well for what it is worth Mrs. Davidson, I know that I’m too old for Tammy and I had intended to ease myself away from her, but I don’t like your attitude.  You don’t know me or a thing about me and yet you drag me off to the side and tell me that you don’t want me around.  Tell you what Mrs. Davidson; I don’t think I will ease away from Tammy after all.  You tell her you want her to drop me and if she does, fine!  But she will have to be the one to cause the break-up.  Think on that.  If you hadn’t butted in I would probably have been gone by the end of the week.  But now?  I could be around for a long, long time.”


And it was true.  I would have followed through on the plan and sent Tammy home looking well fucked and then I would have been gone like a thief in the night, but now I saw a way to keep my revenge going.  Stay with Tammy knowing that Mary Alice was hating every nano-second of it.  I left Mary Alice in that room and went back to the party.


I stayed close to Tammy for the rest of the evening and smiled every time I saw Mary Alice send murderous glances my way.  When the party was over Tammy walked me to the door and kissed me.


“I’d like to go with you, but I have to stay and help clean up.  Tomorrow?”


“Tomorrow” I said and then I kissed her again.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mary Alice watching and she was steaming.  Tammy was in for an interesting evening and I wondered if I would see her the next day.




She was at my apartment the next day and the first thing she said when she walked in was:


“Did my mother talk to you at the party?”


“Yes, as a matter of fact she did.”


“What did she say?”


“She said that I was too old for you and she told me to stay away from you.”


“That bitch!  She forbid me to see you again.”


“Yet here you are.”


“Are you going to do what she wants?  Are you going to send me away?”


“Not on your life.”


For the next three months Tammy and I kept steady company.  I attended her high school graduation, much to the consternation of Mary Alice, and instead of Tammy just coming over to my condo I started picking her up at her house.  The looks I got from Mary Alice were making it all worthwhile. 


Tammy started college and since the college was local nothing changed between us.  Then came the night that Tammy did not go home.  She stayed the night with me and then that weekend she stayed from Friday until late Sunday evening.  Monday I got a phone call from Mary Alice asking if she could come by and talk with me.  I told her that I was busy, but I could see her Wednesday evening and she said that would be fine.  I gave her directions and as I hung up I smiled knowing that I was putting her through hell.


Wednesday Mary Alice showed up and rang my doorbell at seven in the evening.  I walked her into the living room, offered her a seat and then asked her if she would like a drink.


“Yes thank you.  Vodka on the rocks if you have it.”


“I can do that.  So Mrs. Davidson, what can I do for you?”


“I want you to break it off with my daughter.”


“We have already had this conversation.”


“Yes we did and at that time you told me that if I had not interfered you would have ended the relationship.  That told me that your feelings were really not all that strong for my daughter and I’m hoping that I can use that to help you see your way clear to walk away from her now.”


“And why would I do that?”


“I know that you don’t see things the way I do, but I want what’s best for my daughter and right now that isn’t you.  I want her to finish college and then go on to law school and make something of herself.  I’m willing to make it worth your while” and she opened her purse and took out her check book and clicked her ball point pen.  With the pen poised over her checkbook she asked, “How much?”


“I sat and looked at her for several seconds and then said, “I only kept seeing Tammy because you pissed me off and now here you are doing it again.  Why would you think I’d take money to walk away from Tammy?”


“I checked you out.  You are a foreman on a loading dock and while I have no idea what you make you can’t have much left after making the payment on this place.  This place has got to be keeping you broke so let us just say that I figure that you could use some money.”


I stared at her for several seconds and then said, “I’ll tell you what I’ll do Mrs. Davidson.  I’ll give up Tammy, but not for money.  Let us see just how bad you really want me out of Tammy’s life.  Down the hall off the dinning room there are three bedrooms.  Mine is the first one on the left.  All you have to do to get me to walk away from Tammy is to stand up, take your clothes off and then walk down that hall to my bedroom.  Once you are there I will use all three of your holes as many times as I want until eleven which is my normal bedtime.  What’s it to be Mrs. Davidson?”


She looked at me, closed her checkbook and put it back in her purse.  She stood up and I stood up to walk her to the door, but stopped as she began to unbutton her blouse.  Her eyes stayed on mine as the blouse dropped to the floor and she reached behind her to unsnap her bra. 


I was stunned!  This was not the way it was supposed to go.  She was supposed to call me names, get up and storm out.  Her bra fell on top of her blouse and she hooked her thumbs in the waist band of her skirt and started to push it down.  I was trying to think of a way to gracefully get out of the situation, but those thoughts disappeared when the skirt hit the floor and she stepped out of her panties.  Mary Alice had a lush body that was just made for the hands of a man to play with.  As she stepped out of her panties and stood in front of me in thigh high nylons and heels she said:


“Leave the heels on or take them off?”


The question surprised me and I said, “What?”


“The heels; you want them on or off” and in that moment I knew what I was going to do.  It would cost me Tammy, but thoughts of revenge were just too strong.  Why would it cost me Tammy?  Because she was watching.  I told her about her mother’s phone call and we set it up so she could be there and hear it all.  And now I was going to fuck her mother in front of her -- or not!  If she came storming into the living room Mary Alice would grab her clothes and run.  When that didn’t happen I guessed that Tammy wanted to see just how far her mother (or maybe me) would go.


“On, leave them on.  Nothing sexier than fucking a slut wearing high heels.”


She winced when I indirectly called her a slut, but she kicked her panties away and turned and headed for the bedroom.  She stopped at the door on the left, turned to look at me and then opened the door and walked in.  I expected a scream when she saw Tammy, but not a sound came from the room.  I walked in and saw Mary Alice standing by the bed and with no Tammy in sight.  I thought she must have ducked into one of the spare bedrooms.  No matter; I was committed now and I undressed.  Once naked I said:


“Come over here and suck my cock.”


  Without a word Mary Alice walked over to me, went to her knees in front of me and took my cock in her mouth.  I was facing the closet and I noticed that the door was partially opened and as I looked a hand came out, gave me a “thumbs up” and disappeared back into the closet.  I let Mary Alice work on my cock until I felt I was ready to cum and then I grabbed her head in both hands, shoved my cock as deep into her mouth as I could and came.  I was holding her head and Mary Alice had no choice but to gulp and swallow.  When my cock started to get soft I took it out of her mouth and she looked up at me with hatred in her eyes.  I smiled and said:


“The deal is that I get to do what I want until eleven so don’t be giving me those nasty looks.  You signed on for this on your own.  Now get on the bed and spread your legs.”


 She did as she was told and I moved over her in a sixty-nine position and said, “Get me hard again.”  She took my cock in her mouth and went to work on me while I went looking for her clit.  This was a revenge fuck pure and simple.  But I also wanted Mary Alice to have a couple of climaxes.  She would hate it and she would be disgusted with herself for letting it happen and I very much wanted that.  I ate her to one orgasm and smiled to myself as she moaned with a mouthful of my cock.


As soon as my cock responded to Mary Alice’s mouth I positioned myself between her legs, lifted her legs up onto my shoulders and then forced my cock into her cunt a little bit at a time (I’m not all that big, but she was a little dry) and when I finally was all the way in I started fucking her.  I know it will sound strange, but at no time did I even consider that I was committing incest.  She might have been my mother, but she wasn’t really my mother to my way of thinking.


I fucked her until she started to moan and then was surprised when I felt her pushing her pussy up at me as I was driving down into her.  I had expected her to treat it as a chore to be gotten over with and to just lay there like a log.  But when she started pushing back I knew that she was getting into it and for some reason that pissed me off.  She was supposed to lie there and grudgingly take it, not enjoy it.  I began slamming my cock into her hard expecting her to flinch and ask me to take it easy, but what she did was put her arms around my neck and pull me down and kiss me.  When she pushed her tongue into my mouth I drove hard into her and she cried out and had a climax and her clutching cunt muscles pulled mine from me.  I fell to the bed and told her that she had her work cut out for her in getting me up again.


It took her a while, but she got the job done and I got her up on her hands and knees and moved in behind her.  My cock slid easily into her and I started fucking her hard and she moaned and mumbled, “Oh yes, oh yes” and that pissed me off again.  I pulled my cock out of her cunt and lined it up with her asshole.  “Enjoy this bitch!” I thought to myself as I shoved my cock in her ass.  No preparation at all -- I just rammed my cock into her ass.  All the stored and pent up rage I felt toward the woman who had thrown me away like yesterday’s garbage was in the head of my cock as I drove it in.  Mary Alice screamed and I smiled as I buried my bone in her shitter.  She cried and tried to pull away, but I held on tight and I fucked her hard.  She buried her head in a pillow and that muffled her moans, cries and groans.  I just kept fucking her butt until I felt myself ready to cum and then I drove as deep into her as I could and blew my wad.


My next surprise came when I started to pull my cock out of Mary Alice’s ass.  She pushed her ass back at me and tried to keep my dick in her.  I leaned forward and whispered in her ear:


“You like my dick in your butt?”


There was no answer so I started to pull back again and again she pushed back in an attempt to keep it.


“Just say yes Mrs. Davidson.  Just tell me you want my cock in your ass and I’ll leave it there.  If you don’t say yes I’m pulling it out.”


“Yes” she moaned.


“Yes what Mrs. Davidson?”


“Yes I want your cock in my ass.”


Her words had a magical effect on my cock.  It stopped shrinking.  It did not start to get hard right away, but it did stop going soft.  I reached under her and fondled her tits and she moaned.  I tweaked her nipples between my thumb and forefinger and she moaned louder and pushed her ass back at me.  My cock started to grow and as soon as it was hard enough I began fucking her again.


“Oh yes, oh yes” she moaned, “Fuck my ass, fuck me ass” and I did. It took me over ten minutes to cum again and the entire time she moaned and cried, “Oh yes, fuck my ass, fuck my ass.”  She had at least two orgasms before I finally had mine and pulled out of her.  I told her to go get a wash rag and clean my cock.  She did what I told her and then I told her to suck me hard again.  I didn’t think she could do it.  I was young and healthy, but I had just come in Mary Alice four times and that was a personal best and I only managed to get four times because of the situation.  The idea that I was getting even with Mary Alice was a driving factor; still, I did not think five times was going to be possible.  I hadn’t counted on Mary Alice’s desire to have my cock back in her ass.  She worked on me for a long time, but she did finally get my dick to struggle upright and then she looked at me and said:


“Where this time?  In my ass again?”


“This one is mine mommy dear” came the voice from the closet and a very naked Tammy came out and walked toward the bed.  “You can have the next one” she said to her mother as she moved over me and lowered herself onto the erection that her mother had just built.  Mary Alice cried out, “You fucking bastard” and she ran from the room and several minutes later I heard the front door slam.  Tammy looked down at me and said:


“Bad boy!  Bad, bad boy!  Shame on you for fucking my mother. You better say no the next time she wants your dick up her ass or I’ll cut your cock off.  You are mine and I’m not sharing.”


“You could have stopped it.”


“I know, but I wanted to see how far she was willing to go to get you out of my life.  Just so you know -- it ain’t going to happen.”


Tammy moved in with me the next day.




It was amazing how much things had changed.  It started out with me planning on using Tammy to get my revenge against my mother. Once that was done I was going to walk away from Tammy and let the both of us get on with our lives, but the little shit had managed to get her claws in me and I couldn’t seem to break away from her.


Two weeks after I had taken her mother’s ass her father showed up at my door while Tammy was in class.  I let him in and before he could speak I held up my hand and told him I would be right back.  I walked into my bedroom and when I came back I tossed him the little black box.


“Just in case you were going to ask me again what my intensions were concerning Tammy.”


He opened the box and looked at the ring and then he looked at me and said, “I have to agree with my wife on this.  Tammy needs to come home.  We want you to step aside.  If there is anything real between you two it will still be there when she graduates college.  Date her, keep in touch with her, but send her home.”


“You and your wife don’t seem to understand that it has to be Tammy’s choice, not mine and not yours.  When she gets home from class tonight I will propose.  If she says yes you will get an invitation to the wedding.  If she says no I will tell her that she needs to find another place to stay.  Maybe she will choose to come home to you and maybe she won’t. Again, that will be up to Tammy.”


“She is too young to be making choices like that.”


“Tell her that. Unless I’m mistaken that was her car door I just heard slam.  She has a habit of kicking it closed when she has an arm full of books.”


Tammy walked into the room and saw her father.  “Daddy.  What are you doing here?”


“I’ve come to talk you into coming home.”


“Forget that daddy.  I’m a little too old to have mother micro-managing my life any more.”


“I’m afraid I have to insist.”


“Insist away dad; it isn’t going to happen.”


“I didn’t want to have to make threats, but you leave me no choice.  You come home where you belong and your mother and I will continue to pay for your college education.  If you don’t come home the funds will stop.  And the car you are driving is in my name and I’m paying the insurance on it.  If you don’t come home I’m taking it back.”


Tammy just looked at him for several seconds and then she dug into her purse for her car keys and tossed them to him.  “Under the circumstances father, I don’t believe I’ll ask you to stay for dinner.”  Turning to me she said, “See him out sweetie; I’m going to get dinner started.”


As she left the room he said to me, “Can you reason with her?  She needs to get her degree.”


“If she says yes when I propose she will become my responsibility and I’ll get her through college.  Law school too if that is what she wants.  Now, if you have nothing further I need to go into the kitchen and help her with dinner.” 


I could see that he wanted to hit me and it was all he could do to hold back, but he held it in and I walked him to the door.







Tammy did say yes and mom and dad did cut off her college funding.  I bought her a new Mustang convertible to replace the six year old Honda that her father took back.  Our wedding was a small civil ceremony and we did send invitations to her parents, but they didn’t come.  The only member of her immediate family who showed up was her brother.  He spends more time at our place than he does at home.


I did see to it that Tammy got her degree in Business Management and I did get her through law school.  She flunked the bar exam the first time she took it, but I believe that was more due to the morning sickness than anything else.  She passed on her second try.


About six months after our wedding she made peace with her mom and dad.  Don’t ask me what transpired between them because I don’t know and I don’t want to know.  All I know is that I came home from work one day and was told to clean up and put on some good clothes because her parents were coming to dinner.  I do have to admit that some times I wonder how Tammy and her mother got by the night I buried my cock in Mary Alice’s ass while Tammy watched, but I don’t believe I will ever know.  I do know that I’m never going to ask.


From time to time Tammy will slap me upside the head for staring at her mother’s ass and all I can do is grin and say, “Hey, it was a nice one.”


Mary Alice has come to accept that I am her son in law and the father of her three grandchildren, but she still doesn’t like me.  I think one of the reasons might be that whenever I’m around her I do look at her ass and smile when she catches me doing it. A couple of times I have even patted her on the ass when I’ve walked by her.  I get dirty looks, but I smile because it means that my revenge is keeping on keeping on.  The taste of the revenge has changed some.  It is now more about the way she treats me as her son in law and the way she hurt her own daughter when she refused to come to her only daughter’s wedding.  I have come to grips with the fact that what she did when she walked away from me was difficult.  She was only fifteen and scared and I’m sure her parents had a big say in what was done.


Am I ever going to let Mary Alice know that not only is she my mother in law but also my mother?  No!  And I don’t ever intend that Tammy learn that she is my half sister.  To let Mary Alice know the truth - that her own son had fucked her in the ass and was regularly fucking her daughter would be the ultimate revenge, but it would also ruin the life I have with Tammy and that would not -- repeat not -- be acceptable.  I’m still having trouble believing that what started out as pure ass revenge could have turned my life around and sent it off in a whole new direction.


What can I say?  Life is indeed strange.