Author’s note:  If you are offended by the “N” word take a pass on this one.




They say that love conquers all, but they (whoever they are) are full of shit.  It doesn’t matter how much you love somebody, there is always something that you just can’t let slide.


I came home from work one day to find my wife in a very good mood and looking positively radiant.  “Guess what lover?  You are going to be a daddy.”


“That was quick.  We only decided to have a child six weeks ago.”


“I guess you are just one potent guy lover.  I missed my period and I’ve been checking myself weekly and last Thursday the stick turned blue.  I went to the doctor this morning and the stick didn’t lie.  You are going to be a daddy.”


In the coming months as Krystal’s belly grew in size she also grew more sexually aroused.  She looked sexier too.  She gave off an Earth Mother aura - everything about her screamed “Come fuck me” - and we fucked like rabbits right up to the day the doctor said should be our last.  The contractions started, her water broke and I rushed her to the hospital.  I paced in the waiting room wondering if it was going to be a girl or a boy.  We’d had an ultrasound done to determine if the baby was all right, had all of it’s fingers and toes, but we told them not to tell us the baby’s sex because we wanted it to be a surprise.


Five hours after I had delivered Krystal to the hospital a nurse came into the waiting room and looked around.  She seemed confused since I was the only one she saw, “Was there a Mr. Williams here earlier?”


“I’m Bobby Williams.”


She looked down at the chart in her hand, “Is your wife’s name Krystal?”




“Oh my” she said as she turned around and hurried away.  Ten minutes later Dr. Thompson came out to see me.  He had been my family’s doctor for over twenty years and he had been the one to deliver the baby.  “Bobby, I wish I didn’t have to be the one to tell you this, but there is a problem - a major problem.”


“What’s wrong Doc?”  Is Krystal all right?  Is the baby okay?”


“Both mother and baby are fine Bobby.  The problem is that you are not the father of the child.”


“I’m not what?”


“You are not the father of the baby.  The father of the child that Krystal just gave birth to is black.”


“No, that can’t be, you must have gotten the babies switched somehow.”


“I wish I was mistaken Bobby, but I was there when the baby came out.  I cut the cord.  I’m sorry Bobby, the baby is black.”


I still didn’t believe him.  There had to be a mistake, there just had to be.  It was another two hours before they let me see Krystal.  When I walked into the room she turned her face away from me and started crying.  I was moving to the bed to comfort her when the nurse came in carrying a bundle.  She was all bubbly and cooing at the baby and she said, “Here she is Mrs. Williams” and she handed the bundle to Krystal.  As Krystal took the baby the blanket fell away and there was no longer any doubt - the baby was black!  I turned and left the room.


They released Krystal and the baby two days later and I have no idea who picked her up at the hospital and took her to the house, I just know it wasn’t me.  Krystal was at the house when I got home and when I walked into the kitchen she was sitting at the table feeding the baby.  I almost tossed my cookies when I saw that black face stuck to my wife’s white tit.  Krystal looked up at me and started to say something, but I threw up my hand, “I don’t want to hear it.  I don’t care what it is, I do not want to hear it.”  I went to the fridge, grabbed a couple bottles of beer and then went out to my workshop in the garage.


I was boxing up tools and everything else that I wanted to take with me when Krystal opened the door to the garage and told me that dinner was ready.  I told her I wasn’t hungry and kept on with what I was doing.  I had already cleaned out my closet and dresser and had everything I planned on taking with me stacked in boxes by the garage door.  As soon as I was done in the garage I would load everything up and get the hell out of Dodge.  Twenty minutes later Krystal came out into the garage, “What are you doing Bobby?”


“I’m packing.”


“We have to talk Bobby.”


“You got nothing to say that I need or want to hear.  That thing you had sucking on your tit said it all.”


“She’s not a ‘thing’ Bobby, she a lovely baby girl.”


“You know what I’m saying Krystal.”


“Please Bobby, can we talk?  Can I at least tell you what happened?”


“No Krystal, you can’t.  It is all too obvious what happened and I have absolutely no interest in knowing how it happened.  You got yourself bred by a nigger and he’s the one you need to be talking to because I sure as hell won’t be paying the bills around here anymore.”


“Bobby please, let me talk, I’m begging you.”


“Okay, start talking.  I’ll listen to whatever you have to say until I’m done packing and that’s it.”


“Please don’t be this way Bobby.  I love you, you know I do.”


I looked at my watch, “I figure that I’ll be done in about forty-five minutes Krystal.  If you want to talk you better get started.”


Krystal worked as a secretary/bookkeeper/file clerk at the local mill.  The office help at the mill is mostly white and the work force is mostly black.  Krystal was really good friends with Cindy who worked in the office with her.  The two of them had gone to high school together and they were pretty close.  Cindy was always a little on the wild side and she had the reputation as an easy piece of ass.  When she started working at the mill she started dating some of the blacks that worked there and in no time she had a reputation as a nigger lover.  White guys stopped having anything to do with her and Cindy could have cared less.  She had all the cock she needed even if it was black.


Before long Cindy was working on Krystal to go out on double dates with her.  Krystal always said no, that she wasn’t interested, but Cindy kept working on her.  Even after Krystal and I had gotten married Cindy kept after her to go out on dates when I was out of town.  Several times she had even set up situations to try and entice Krystal.  One night when I was out of town Krystal and Cindy went out to dinner.  Cindy asked Krystal to stop for a drink on the way home from the restaurant and they hadn’t been at their table five minutes when the black guy Cindy was dating “just happened” to show up with a buddy.  The girls had a few drinks and Krystal had even danced with the guys, but when one of them had tried to kiss her she had gone back to the table and told Cindy that it was time to leave.  One day Cindy had even told Krystal that she owed it to herself to fuck a black man at least once just for the experience.


The company picnic was held on a day that I was out of town.  Krystal went by herself and before the day was over Cindy had gotten Krystal drunk, fucked and photographed.  Cindy had started by feeding Krystal spiked punch and as the day went on Cindy switched to giving Krystal vodka and tequila.   By late afternoon Krystal was smashed.  Cindy told her that she needed to lie down and she had walked her out to the parking lot where one of the guys had a camper on the back of his pick up.  Cindy had opened the door and had helped Krystal up and then black hands grabbed Krystal and pulled her the rest of the way in.  Krystal was too blitzed to know what was happening as the first black cock had speared into her.  She didn’t know how many there were all she knew was that her pussy was sore when she woke up the next day.


She woke up naked on Cindy’s bed.  Cindy was lying next to her with her legs up on the shoulders of her current boyfriend who was in the process of fucking Cindy’s brains out.  Krystal sat up and started to get out of the bed, but found a black man standing in her way.  He had asked her where she thought she was going and she told him that she had to get home and he told her that she wasn’t going anywhere until she sucked his cock and fucked him one more time.  She had tried to push past him, but he had grabbed her by the hair and asked her what was her hurry.  She told him to let her go and get out of her way and then he had told her that before she hurried away he had some pictures that he wanted her to look at.  He handed her some prints and she saw herself being screwed by several of her black co-workers and then he told her that it was her choice - she could stay and suck his cock and fuck him or he would post the pictures all over town.  She knew that she could never let me see those photos so she caved in to the blackmail. 


Tyrone and Cindy’s boyfriend had taken turns on her and Cindy the rest of the day.  As she was leaving that night Tyrone told her that she was his new girlfriend and that she would be seeing a lot of him from then on.  She had said no and then he had said that she better start running for cover because I would get a set of prints as soon as I got home.  For the next seven months she had seen him twice a week on the nights that I bowled and whenever I went out of town and sometimes he shared her with his friends.


“The next thing I suppose you’re going to tell me is that you did it, but you didn’t enjoy it.”


“Don’t be stupid Bobby.  You know how much I love sex and you would know I was lying if I told you I didn’t enjoy it once it got started.  Yes, I enjoyed it, but I didn’t look forward to it and if I could have found anyway to get out of it I would have.  I couldn’t let you see those pictures Bobby, there was just no way I could let you see them.”


“You had so little faith in me that you believed that I wouldn’t believe you when you said that you didn’t do it on purpose?”


“No, I knew that you would believe me.”


“Then why in God’s name didn’t you just say no and trust me?”


“Because I know you Bobby.  You would have gone after him and Cindy and Cindy’s boyfriend and with your temper you probably would have killed one of them and ended up in jail for murder.  If not that you would have put a couple of them in the hospital and that still would have gotten you in jail and caused Tyrone to release the pictures.  Even if you got out of jail you would have been humiliated by everyone in town calling your wife a nigger-loving whore.  Somebody would say something to you or make some crack and you would put them in the hospital and end up in trouble with the law.   I love you Bobby, honest to God I do and I couldn’t let any of that happen to you.”


“Well it happened anyway, didn’t it?  The whole town knows by now that the kid is black and the nigger loving whore remarks have already started and I’m getting out of town before I do just what you were afraid of.”


“Where are we going?”




“Aren’t you taking me with you?”


“I doubt it Krystal.  I know you too well.  The only way you are going with me is without the kid and I just can’t see you giving the kid away.”


“I can’t do that Bobby, I’m her mother.”


“Yeah Krystal and I’m not her father.”


“Please Bobby, we can work this out.”


“No problem Krystal.  Get rid of the kid and we will get out of here together.  I can live with what you did and I can accept why you did it, but I can not live with the constant daily reminder of it.”


Krystal wouldn’t give up the baby and now I’m living twelve hundred miles away.  I think about her all the time and I miss her like hell, but love does not conquer all - there is always something that you just can’t accept, let slide or live with.