At work I was given something different.  I was sent to see Hal Lebowitz who was the production line manager.


“We ere going to give you a taste of the regulatory part of the operation.  We have to comply with the regulations put out by various state and federal regulatory agencies like OSHA, the EPA and local agencies like the fire department.  Al Westin (assistant supervisor on day shift) and Jared Beals (assistant supervisor on the second shift) are the assigned safety inspectors and it is their responsibility to see that we stay in compliance with the appropriate regulations.


“Your father feels that it is time for you to see that part of the operation.  I’m going to put you with Al and maybe a couple of evenings with Jared for the next two weeks.  Have you met Jared yet?”


“No.  I’ve never even heard the name before.”


“He is one of the ones we picked up from Johnsons.  He’s good.  We pissed off some of our people when we put him on as assistant supervisor instead of promoting one of our own, but your father felt that having one of their own in management would be good for the morale of the Johnson people and I agreed with him on that.  With Jared’s help the second shift was up and running trouble free from day one.


“For one thing if the new people see something wrong they aren’t hesitant to bring it to Jared’s attention where they might have been worried about their jobs if they took it to one of our people.  You do know about the BTTW principal right?”


“Can’t say as I’ve ever heard of it.”


“Because that’s the way we have always done it.”  New people are always leery about stepping on toes so they don’t want to come to management and take a chance at getting labeled as trouble makers.  Having one of their own in management takes that fear away.  We have had a couple of the new people come forward and point out more efficient ways of doing some of the things we have always done and some of them are even hugely cost effective.


“I will tell you this young Robert; you talking your dad into using the out of work Johnson people to start a second shift was a stroke of genius.”


I didn’t bother telling Hal that I had done no such thing because everyone ignored my denials anyway.  He put me with Al and Al filled me in on such things as MSDS data sheets and where to find the book that contained them and then he walked me through the plant and pointed out the areas that seemed to concern OSHA the most.  Uncluttered walkways, shields on grinders, spills on floors, blocked exits and exit signs with burned out light bulbs.


“They are big on covers and guards on moving machinery and, believe it or not, extension cords.  I’ve seen them come in here and unplug every electrical cord in the plant to make sure that the grounding lug is in place on every three prong plug in the place.”


We spent the rest of the shift walking the plant while he pointed out areas that needed to be watched.


 “When you come in tomorrow I’ll sit you down with the OSHA file and you can familiarize yourself with past OSHA inspections.  It will give you a better idea of what to look for.”


I stopped by the office on my way out and Shelly and Andrea had already punched out and gone home.  I stuck my head in Marge’s office to say hi and I got a smile and a:


 “Not tonight stud.  I have family things to do tonight.”


It dawned on me that unless I was free for the night I should stop dropping in on Marge.  Otherwise I would be put in the position of saying no when she told me that she would meet me at her place.  I wasn’t sure how that would go over so best that I avoid the possibility.


As I drove over to pick up Nancy I did some serious thinking.  I was going to have to give up some of my harem.  Gail was already gone, but mom, Mary, Marge, Pam, Shelly, Andrea, Gloria, Nancy and Natasha all added up to more nights than there were in a week and Tasha got two of them so that left five to split between the other seven females.  Mom I could handle in the mornings for the most part and Shelly, Andrea and Gloria could be handled – again, for the most part – at work.  That still left four women and only five nights and Nancy was expecting to get at least two of them.  Fuck!  Thinking about that reminded me that Pam had asked me to call and I hadn’t.  Shit!  Even if I had called her when could I have gotten free to go see her?


What to do?  How weird was that?  A nineteen year old having to decide what pussy to give up when most nineteen year olds were trying to figure out how to get some.  Oh yeah.  My life was definitely weird.




When I picked Nancy up I asked her what she would like to do after we had dinner.




“Depends on what?”


“On our talk over dinner.”


“Why wait?  We are talking now.”


“Once I get started I’m not going to want to stop.  I’m going to want to keep going until I get it all out.  In three minutes or so we will get to the restaurant and then I’d have to stop until we got inside and were seated and then I’d have to start again.  I’d rather wait until we are sitting down and won’t be going anywhere for a half hour or so.”


“Sounds serious.”


“Not really.  I just need to get some things out.”


Once insides Duke’s Steak House, seated and our orders given I reached across the table and took Nancy’s hand and said:


“Okay sweetie, the floor is yours.”


“Sunday I let my mouth run away with the neither one of us is virgins stuff.  I came across as some slut willing to lie down and just get it on with you.  I don’t know why I was thinking that all I had to do to take you away from Natasha was screw your lights out, but that is what was going through my mind.


“There has to be more to a relationship than just sex and I know it.  We have known each other since grade school, but only as friends.  I’ve wanted to know you better, but it never seemed to happen.  Make no mistake here Bobby; I fully intend to screw your lights out, but I have no expectations that the sex alone will make you mine.  I was looking at myself in the mirror the other day and asking myself what was the best way to make myself look appealing to you when I realized I was being stupid.  Looks and sex are only part of the equation. 


“We need to get to know each other on a higher level than a grade and high school friendship.  It is entirely possible that once we get to know each other a lot better we will decide that there is nothing there other than the friendship we had going in.  Can you understand where I’m coming from?”


“Of course I can.  But in the spirit of honesty I have to tell you that you have your work cut out for you if you intend to try and take me away from Natasha.  To be brutally honest I don’t believe that you can do it.  Natasha is the only one that can put an end to us,”


I explained our instant connection the first time I laid eyes on Natasha and went on to explain what had driven us apart.  I also explained the agreement that we had in place.


“That said you need to understand that just because I date a girl I don’t expect sex as part of the date.  I am perfectly content to just go out on dates and have a good time without even expecting a goodnight kiss when I take the date home.”


“You feel that strongly about Natasha?”


“I do, but again, she can end things in a heartbeat by what she does with others.  Love or not I will not allow myself to be shit on.  I will not just automatically accept whatever she does.  So.  Does this change things where we are concerned?”


“I don’t think so.  I do want to get to know you better and who knows; we may just form a relationship strong enough that if Natasha does do something stupid I will be in place to step in.”


Just then our order came and as soon as the waiter left she smiled at me and said:


“Just so you know.  For dessert I do intend to screw your lights out.”


Based on sex and appearance alone Nancy was everything that a guy could want in a girl.  She had no trouble at all in screwing my lights out.  It was going to be interesting to see just where our relationship would go.




I had just left the house for school when my phone rang.




“Good morning lover.  I missed you on Wednesday.”


“Something came up and I couldn’t make it.”


“I know all about that ‘something’ and I want you to stop by tonight if you can.”


“It may be late.  We have a second shift running at the plant now so I might not get off work at my normal time.”


“I’ll wait lover.”


School was school.  Gail joined me at lunch and as was her style she started on me as soon as her butt settled onto her chair.


“I want my Thursday and Sunday back Bobby.”


“We have already been over this Gail.”


“No we haven’t.  You looked at it from the babysitter standpoint only, but there is a lot more to it than that.  You were never just a babysitter to me Bobby.  I admit that it started out that way, but if you will remember back to the very day that you met Nat I said then that if I hadn’t already gotten Tom I would have gone after you.


“I knew, but didn’t want to admit it to myself, that Tom and I were done when I came back from my visit to him.  I was down, but not out because I had you.  All I have to do is wait until the next time Nat does something stupid – and she will – and then I’ll step in and make you mine.  To do that I need to be close and to be close I need my Thursdays and Sundays.”


“What makes you think that Natasha will do something stupid?  You don’t think that she has learned her lesson?”


“The only thing that Nat learned out of the Eddie mess is that no matter what she does you love her enough to eventually take her back.  You will fight it, you will be pissed and you will ignore and avoid her, but you will eventually cave and take her back and she knows it. I don’t doubt for a minute that she loves you, but she is willful and she is the perfect example of a “me first” person.  What she wants is what she thinks she should have and she will go for it and worry about cleaning up the mess later.  Trust me on this Bobby.  I know her and I understand how she thinks.


“And I know you too.  I know how much you love her, but I also know that your capacity for forgiveness is not infinite.  Sooner or later she is going to go that half-step too far and when that happens I need to be where I can pick up the pieces.”


I wasn’t sure about her being where she could pick up the pieces, but she was pretty close with the rest of it.  I did have my concerns and worries where Tasha was concerned, but I did love her.  Gail was wrong about my capacity for forgiveness though.  I took Tasha back once, but I wasn’t at all sure that I would do it twice.


“And don’t be holding the gangbang and Terrell against me” Gail said, “You are the one who planted the idea in my head when I told you that I needed more than I was getting from you.  As far as Thursdays and Sundays go they are all that I had because they were all that you would give me.  I would have taken all seven days if you would have given them to me.


“My God Bobby, at least be a little fair about it.  You had Mary, Nat and your mother and all I had was you.  With the string you have you know you didn’t even miss what you didn’t get from me that night.  And how many of those times that you broke a date with me were because you needed to see one of your other ladies?  So cut me a little slack okay?”


“What you are saying is that you see yourself as Mrs. Robert Marchant at some time in the future?”


“Say the word Bobby and it could be as soon as next week.”


“You can put Tom behind you that quick?”


“Tom put me behind him.  I have just finally accepted it.  That first gangbang was Tom’s goodbye kiss.  How about it Bobby; do I get my days back?”


“No; at least not for a while.  Nancy feels the same way about Natasha as you do and she says she is going to take me away from her.  I told her I’d give her a chance and to take her best shot.  As close as we are Gail you could have let me know how you felt a lot sooner and it probably would have made a difference.  I can’t give you your days back, at least just not yet, but I will find a way to make some time for you while waiting to see how things pan out with Nancy.”


“That’s it?  That’s the best you can do for me?  After all we have been to each other that’s all I can get?  An “I’ll find a way to make some time for you?”


“Don’t get snippy with me Gail.  You more than anyone should know what promises mean to me.  It was my promise to Tom that got us to where we are right now.  I promised Nancy that I’d give her a fair shot and so I will.  She gets Thursday and Sunday and Natasha gets Friday and Saturday and that leaves three days.  Mary and mom get two of them and that leaves me one night a week when I can do something besides fuck.  Add to that my job is stretching into the evenings since we added the second shift and then there is homework, reading assignments and papers to prepare.  I do not have a surfeit of free time Gail and do not forget that I did not take your nights away from you.  You gave them up when you broke our standing Thursday night date to go play with an asshole.  If you aren’t interested in taking what I can give you when I can give it tough shit!”


I got up and left.




At work Al sat me down with the file that contained copies of all of the OSHA inspections that the business had undergone.  As I read through them I gained a good deal of insight into the governmental mindset.  What came through was that most of the people doing the inspections were nit picking idiots.


Most of what was written up was nonsensical bullshit.  On one inspection they had written us up because the left shoe of an employee working on a piece of machinery that had moving parts had a lace that had become untied.  According to the OSHA inspector it was an unsafe condition because the lace could possibly have been caught in the machinery.  It was ludicrous.  The moving parts were at waist level, the employees feet were on the floor, the untied lace was maybe three or four inches long and it was going to get caught in moving parts at least three feet away?


By the time I had finished the file I had a firm picture in my mind of what an OSHA inspector was.  He was some one who had never worked a day at a real job in his life.  He had gone to school, earned a degree and had gone straight to work for the government when he graduated.  Once hired he was indoctrinated by a chair-bound bureaucrat who had also never worked a day in his life and whose sole purpose in life was to perpetuate his job security.


 Then the new hire was given a book of regulations that were written by another clown who had never worked a day in his life and had no idea how things were out in the real world.  Once the new hire had read the book he was told to write up as much as he could.


“The more paperwork we generate the more higher up believes we are needed” or something along those lines.


Then he was turned loose to wreak havoc on people whose only crime was that they had to work for a living.


Near the end of the shift Al asked if I could stay a little late and spend some time with Jared Beals on the second shift.  I’d been expecting it which is why I told Mary that I might be a little late in getting over to see her.


When I was introduced to Jared I recognized him right away.  He was the man who told me that he and his friends had my back the night Eddie and his three buddies had planned to stomp my ass.  After we had shaken hands I said:


“I never got a chance to thank you for your help that night.”


“No thanks necessary.  We take care of our own and you became one of us when you talked your dad into starting a second shift to take advantage of all the skilled people that Jonhsons put out of work.  You saved a lot of people from some serious financial hardship son and we won’t forget it.”


“I keep telling people that I didn’t have anything to do with it.  My dad said we needed to expand the plant because of all the new business we had gotten and all I said was that it would be cheaper and quicker to just add a second shift.”


“That is not the way your father tells it.  He puts it all on you and me and the boys believe him.  Get used to it son.  When you get to be old enough to drink you will never have to pay for even a sip if one of us is around.  Now let’s walk the plant.”


I can’t say that Jared showed me much as far as what OSHA expected, but I was introduced to a lot of people and I shook a lot of hands.  I also decided not to waste my breath any more in denying that I had anything to do with “saving” all the Johnson people.


Just before I left to go punch out Jared did give me a piece of information that went a long way toward explaining the idiocy that I had seen in the OSHA file.


“Congress does not fund OSHA or the EPA with near enough for them to operate properly so they are basically self-funded.  The fines that are generated by their inspections are what keeps them in business so they WILL find something every time that they stop in.  It doesn’t matter how safe we are they will find something they can fine us for just to keep their paychecks coming.”




I called Mary and told her that I was on my way and she told me to come right in when I got there.


“You know where to find me lover.”


And I did.  Up the stairs and first door on the left.  I found her just as I expected.  Naked and waiting.  She smiled at me and spread her legs wide in invitation.  I knew when she called and said that she wanted to talk that there would be some rather strenuous activity taking place before the talking began so I had been undoing buttons and pulling down zippers as I made my way up the stairs and in less than ten seconds from when I entered the room I was naked and on the bed with her.


She wanted oral to start.  Check!  Missionary.  Check!  Sixty-nine.  Check! And then anal.  Check and double check!


As she was washing off my cock with a wash rag she asked, “Now what is all this nonsense about that you couldn’t be here Wednesday?  I know what I was told, but I’m having trouble believing it.”


“I don’t know what you were told, but…” and I explained the situation as I saw it.


“So what?  Gail is a big girl now.  If she wants to have fun so what?  Up until she showed up here two weeks ago her sexual experience was limited to you and Tom.  You on the other hand have been involved sexually with at least five others besides her and your involvement with the others short changed her so why are you upset that the poor girl wanted to have some fun?”


“That isn’t what I am upset about.  You were there when Terrell offered to take her home with him and call some friends to keep her busy right?”




“Did I not say in front of everyone there that she couldn’t because we had plans for Thursday, but as soon as I left Terrell talked her into stiffing me on Thursday and go with him and she did it.  I was not here Wednesday because I would have called him on it and ruined the night for you and everyone else.  I’m pretty damned sure I would have gotten you severally pissed at me.”


“Nonsense.  If he had it coming it wouldn’t have bothered me a bit.”


“Maybe.  But what about mom?  She is back into her college days with her basketball team and my getting into it with Terrell could screw it up for her.”


“How do you figure that?”


“What happens when I’m getting the best of Terrell and his teammates all jump in to help him?  You think mom is just going to stand there and let three or four guys pile onto her baby?  I’m pretty sure that she doesn’t want anyone at the party knowing that I am her son.  It is just better that I don’t be here.”


“Are you sure that it was all Terrell’s fault?”


“The only things that I am sure of are that Terrell heard me say that Gail and I had a date for Thursday and that at noon on Thursday Gail told me our date was off because she was going to get together with Terrell and some of his friends.  Doesn’t matter how it happened Terrell knew he was poaching when he got with Gail on Thursday.


“If I am ever in the same room with him and don’t call him on it I will be seen as a ball-less wimp and I WILL NOT let that happen.  I might get my head handed to me, but I will be in his face the next time I am around him.  You want me to do it here?  Fine!  I’ll do it here on Wednesday, but don’t blame me when it ruins everything for everybody.”


“Put a cork in it lover.  Right now I want a lover not a fighter in my bed.”


Mary went down on me and as soon as she had me up she got what she wanted.




School was school.  At lunch Nancy joined me and we talked about things in general and discussed some of the things we might do on Thursday.  I saw Gail coming through the line and I saw her notice us and when she left the cashier she went to the other side of the room to find a table to sit at.  I didn’t know if she didn’t want to sit with Nancy and me or just didn’t want to be around me.  Oh well!


At work Hal turned me loose to play safety inspector and I spent my entire shift looking for problems and not finding any.  I was on my way to Marge’s office when my cell phone chirped and when I answered it was Pam.


“You never called me last week.”


“I’m sorry, but between work and having some school projects due I just didn’t have a night I could get free.”


“Got plans for tonight?”


“Not a one.”


“I’m alone again and will be until late Thursday.”


“I don’t think I can hang with you until Thursday, but I can certainly stop by tonight.”


“I’ll leave the light on for you.”


I skipped stopping to see Marge and headed for Pam’s


I parked my usual one block over and walked back to the house and rang the bell.  Pam was wearing a housecoat when she opened the door and as soon as the door closed the housecoat hit the floor.  I was not at all surprised to see that she was naked.


“In a hurry” I asked.


“What was your first clue” she said as she took my arm and pulled me along to her bedroom.  She undressed me and then she sucked my cock until I pushed her back on the bed and then went down on her.  I gave her an orgasm and then I moved between her legs, lifted them up onto my shoulders and then I fucked her.  She moaned and she dug her nails into my ass cheeks as she tried to pull me deeper inside her.  I got close and when I did I fucked her as hard as I could and as fast as I could and I got her off just a second or so before I got mine.


We rested a bit and she asked me how things were going with me and Natasha.


“So far so good.  Why?”


“I’m starting to feel guilty doing my baby’s boyfriend.”


“Your baby’s boyfriend doesn’t feel the least bit guilty about doing you.”


“Why not?”


I explained the pact that I had with Natasha.  “There is a good chance that even as we are playing here she is playing there.”


“You are telling me that my little girl is a slut?”


I shrugged and took her hand and placed it on my cock and she knew right away what needed to be done.  Once she had me up I did her doggie and then we went sixty-nine until I was hard for the third time and then she wanted me to do her ass. 


The one thing that I really loved when it came to fucking Pam’s ass is that she didn’t moan – she squealed.  I loved the sound of that squeal.  I came and she hurried into the bathroom for a wash rag and when I she had me clean she went down on me again.  It took her a bit, but she did get me up and she wanted it in the ass again.


I was pounding her ass and loving that squeal when the phone rang.  I kept on fucking, but Pam told me to stop.


“It might be Mark so I have to take the call.  Don’t pull out, but don’t go hard.  I don’t want him hearing anything that might make him wonder.”


She answered the phone and it was Mark and he ruined the night.  Pam hung up and told me that I had to get my ass out of the house quick.


“He finished a day early and caught an early flight home.  He just landed at the airport and is on his way home.  He called to make sure that I stayed up because he is horny.  You need to go.  I’ve got to get ready for him.”


As I drove home I made the decision to remove Pam from my list.  This was the second time that he came home unexpectedly.  Thank God he called instead of just coming home to surprise her.  I wasn’t going to chance a third time.  No three strikes and you’re out for Bobby.




Mom and dad were still up when I got home and it was the first chance that I’d had to brace him on something that had been bothering me.


“How is it that I am getting all the credit for talking you into putting on a second shift to take advantage of all the skilled out of work Johnson people.  You know that I didn’t have anything to do with that, but I’m being told that you are telling everybody that it was all my idea.”


“Putting on a second shift was your idea.”


“But I brought it up way before Johnson Brothers closed down.  All the Johnson people think that I brought it up to you because of them being out of work.  They think that because you told them that is what happened.  They are treating me like some kind of savior.  It is embarrassing.”


“You have seen the loyalty that our employees have for the company right?  A lot of that loyalty is shown to me because of the way I have treated the people that work for us.  Some day you are going to be running the place and it isn’t going to hurt you any – and by extension the company – to have the loyalty of the workers.  You continue running the place the way your grandfather and I have run it and you will keep the loyalty of all of our old employees.  But now you have already locked in the new employees because of the second shift.  So you get the credit.  So what?  The company will benefit in the long run and that is what counts.  Take the praise, smile and shrug and then move on.”


I had already decided to stop protesting whenever the subject came up so all I could do was say goodnight and head off to bed.




I got my usual Wednesday morning wake up, but it wasn’t going to be a play day for me.  I had two papers due so I was going to have to go to the library.  But I didn’t need to hurry.  I had the time to do mom some good.  We sucked and then fucked and then sucked some more before fucking some more.


When it was over and I was getting dressed mom told me that she and Marge missed me on Monday and I shrugged and said:


“You probably had more fun without me being there trying to constantly stick my dick into an open hole.”


“Well, we did have a good time, but we could have fit you in.  You going to be there tonight?”


“I hadn’t planned on it, but where I was Monday was at Mary’s and we talked about my problem and she said that she wouldn’t get pissed at me if I disrupted the party.  I do have some concerns were you are concerned though.”


“In what way?”


“I’m pretty sure that you don’t want any of your crew to know that I am your son so how are you going to play it if I start getting the best of Terrell and his buddies pile on to help him.”


“Does it have to be that way?”


“It does if he and I are both there.  I have to get in his face over what he did with Gail or I’ll be seen as a wimp and I can’t allow that.  Maybe it would be best if you skipped tonight.”


“Oh no motherfucker.  I’m going to be there.  I have a pretty good idea of what I will do if they boys decide to pile on you and I can do it with out them knowing our relationship.  But I’ll warn you ahead of time if you get in Terrell’s face and he whips your ass I won’t get involved.  If you are old enough to challenge a man you are old enough to take what comes.  Best I’ll do for you is kiss it and make it better when we get home.”


I had a productive day at the library and I got both of my papers done.  I was not joined by anyone while I was at the school and I headed to work and got there around two.  I was sent to the office to help out and I got big smiles from Shelly and Andrea along with whispered invitations to the playroom.  Shelly and I were sent down to the basement to pull some old files and shred them and we managed to get in some sixty-nine and some anal.


When we went back upstairs Andrea told me that Dennis was on a run and she didn’t have to hurry home so she would wait until we got off work to meet me downstairs.  Twenty-five minutes before quitting time Shelly told me to meet her in the basement and headed that way.  I gave her a minute’s head start and then went down.  I had not locked the room when Shelly and I finished because I knew I’d be back down with Andrea so I expected that Shelly would be inside waiting for me when I got there. 


Shelly wasn’t there.  Gloria was.


“Please don’t be mad Bobby.  Shelly said that it would be all right.”


She already had her panties off and her legs were wide open so what were the chances that I’d say no and turn and leave?  Slim to none dude.  Slim to none.


I ate her pussy and then I fucked her.  I got her off and I got me off and then she thanked me and told me that she had needed it bad.


“Can we do it again?


“Not tonight, but yes; we can do it again.”


We went upstairs and I punched out and then headed back to the basement to find Andrea waiting.  She sucked me.  I sucked her and then I fucked her ass.  She had a wash rag and she cleaned my cock, sucked me hard and then offered me her ass again and I of course took it.  She wanted to stay and play some more, but I told her that I had some place I had to be by seven and I kissed her goodbye.




As usual I had to park a block away when I got to Mary’s place.  Also as usual she was sitting alone in the living room waiting for me.


“The party started half an hour ago, but I did promise that you would always be first.  Now that you are here we can get started.”


“Do we have to go upstairs just yet?  It has been a while since we did it here on the couch.”


“But there is a perfectly good bed waiting for us upstairs.”


“Once I go upstairs things could all go to hell in a hurry.  I’ve been looking forward to playing in your sexy body all day.  I would like to get in at least one time before things get hairy.”


“Eat me!”


Never one to refuse a sexy woman I got down and ate her to an orgasm and then I pulled her up and bent her forward over the back of the couch and fucked her from behind.  When we had both gotten off I pulled out of her, kissed her and said:


“Show time!”


I walked into Mary’s bedroom to find that the scene in front of me had almost been scripted for the confrontation.  Mom was on the bed with all three holes plugged and Terrell was standing there with his arm around Gail watching.  I walked up to Terrell and stood in front of him and just looked at him.  It took a second or two before he said:


“What’s the problem?  Why are you standing there looking at me like that?”


“The problem is what is standing right in front of me.  I don’t know how it is where you come from, but in my neck of the woods when an asshole screws around with your girl you do something about it.”


“What the fuck are you talking about?”


“I notice that you are standing there with your arm around Gail.”


“So what?  This is a sex party and she is here to play just like the rest of us.”


“You can’t really be that stupid Terrell.  You know what the fuck this is all about.  It is about you fucking with Gail after that first party she attended.  When you told her that you would take her home and line her up with your friends I told you in front of everyone here that she couldn’t go because we had plans for Thursday.  But after I left you went after her anyway.  I let you get away with that and the world sees me as a gutless wimp.  Ain’t gonna happen.”


“Hold it right there boy.  I did not go after her after you left.  Maybe ten minutes after you were gone she came up to me and asked me if I’d meant it when I said I could find enough friends to keep her busy and when I said that I had she told me that she wanted to do it.  I asked her when and she told me Thursday.  I said what about your boyfriend.  That you said that you already had plans and she told me that you weren’t really her boyfriend and that all you two had going was an arrangement.  I pointed out that you had said no and that if I went against what you said it would create problems for us here.  She told me not to worry, that she would take care of things with you.  She called me about one on Thursday and said we were good to go.”


I looked at Gail and she couldn’t look me in the face. Then Marcus said:


“He is telling it like it was Bobby.  I was here and I heard the whole thing.  He did not go after her.  She is the one who pushed it.”


I looked over at Mary and she said, “I didn’t know lover.  I must have been in the bathroom when it took place.”


I looked at Terrell and sucked it up.  “I apologize for my behavior.  I should have dug deeper before I jumped to conclusions.”


“No need for that Rob.  You did what any man would have done under the circumstances.  We good?” he said as he offered his hand for a ‘fist bump’ which I accepted and said:


“We’re good.”


I turned and looked around and then said, “Sorry for the interruption.  I’ll get the hell out of here now and let you guys get back to having fun.”


“The hell you are” mom said as she grabbed my arm.  “You haven’t done me yet and you aren’t going anywhere until after you have.”


She pulled me down onto the bed and mounted me cowgirl and then things turned into your normal every day type gangbang.  Along with everyone else I took turns with Mary and mom, but I had nothing to do with Gail.  I stayed away from her and the two times she approached me I pushed her away.


Mom and I left at the same time and I could see Marcus heading our way as we opened the door.


“IHOP in fifteen minutes” mom whispered before Marcus got to us.  We walked to our cars, Marcus with mom, and I got in mine and drove to the restaurant.  It was closer to twenty-five before she got there and as she sat down I chanted:


“Mommy’s got a boyfriend, mommy’s got a boyfriend.”


“Hush up motherfucker” but she was smiling when she said it.


“He told me two weeks ago that he wanted to get some alone time with you.”


“He’s trying, but I won’t let it happen.”


“Why not?  He is one of your crew right?  And you want me to get an apartment so you will have a place where you can get together with your crew right?”


“The key words there motherfucker are “the crew.”  Not members of the crew, but the crew.  It’s the safety in numbers thing.  Besides, with you, Mary, Marge and the Wednesday night gangbang I have all that I can handle.  Also, because that is all that I can handle I’ve decided against the apartment thing.  I do have to leave some time for your father.”


“Speaking of which.  How are things going with you and Marge?”


“We are going to make it a Monday night thing and we want you there.”


“I thought you told me that there were times that you wanted it to be just the two of you?”


“We use lunch hours for that.  Three already this week.  That’s why I wanted you to meet me here.  To let you know to keep Monday open for us and to tell you that I’ve dropped the apartment idea.  Also one other thing.”


She paused so I had to ask, “What?”


“I needed to tell you how proud I am of you motherfucker.  Mommy is so glad that she didn’t raise a wimp.”


She looked at her watch.  “Got to get going.  See you at home.”




School was school.  When I got to the cafeteria at lunch time I saw that Gail was all ready there and sitting at a table.  She looked a little upset when I finished with the cashier and went to sit on the other side of the room.


I’d no sooner sat down when Vonda joined me at my table.  She didn’t ask if she could join me, she just sat down and the look on her face was saying:


“If you don’t like it fuck you.”


“And to what do I owe the bestowing of your presence on me?”


“You called me a racist.  I am not a racist and I want you to apologize.”


“I know at least a hundred people who want to win the lottery, but I doubt it will happen for them.  Just wanting something doesn’t make it happen.”


“If I prove to you I’m not a racist will you apologize then?”


“How you going to do that?”


“Meet me in the student parking lot after class and I’ll show you.”


“Can’t do it.  My last class is at two and then I have to go to work.  You don’t get out of your last class until after three and I can’t wait around.”


“I’ll skip my last class.  Two o’clock in the parking lot okay?”


“I guess.”


After that we ate in silence and when I got up to leave she said, “Two o’clock.  Don’t forget.”


She was waiting for me at the east exit when I got out of my last class and she asked which car was mine.  I pointed out the Impala and she took my arm and said:


“Let’s go.”


When we got to my car she opened the passenger door saying, “This side is away from the school so we can’t be seen.  Sit down on the seat with your feet out the door.”




“Just do it and see.”


I did what she asked and as soon as I was sitting she reached for and pulled down my zipper.  Not what I expected, but I sat there quietly and watched her.  She reached inside my fly, found my cock, which started to get hard as soon as her fingers touched it, and then worked it out.  She looked me in the eye and said:


“Would a black girl who is a racist do this to a white boy?”


And she took my cock into her mouth.  She licked it and sucked it for maybe thirty seconds and then she took her mouth off of me and started tucking my cock away as she said:


“That should prove that I’m no racist.”


“Doesn’t prove a thing Vonda.  It just proves that for a couple of seconds that you can fake it.  I remember one time when we were kids I accused Beverly Abbeg of being afraid of frogs.  She told me that she wasn’t afraid of anything so I dared her to pick up a frog.  She picked one up and then quickly dropped it and said:


“See smarty pants?”


“But to the best of my knowledge she never picked up another frog.”


“What the fuck does that have to do with anything Marchant?”


“Nothing really other than you can make yourself do something distasteful for a few seconds if you are dared to.  You took my calling you a racist as a dare so you forced yourself to go through this little one minute act.  You want to prove to me that you aren’t racist?  Suck my cock all the way and then swallow.  Watch me eat your pussy and when I’m done with that let me fuck you in both your pussy and ass.  And as a lead in to all of that go out on a date with me and be seen with me in public places.  Hold my hand while we are walking or sitting and talking so every one can see it.  Then and only then will I apologize.  Now if you will excuse me I really do need to get to work.”


She stepped back so I could get up and said, “You are such a fucking asshole” and the she spun around and hurried off.




At work I spent my time in the office helping get the payroll ready for Friday and I was able to sneak off for a short session with Shelly and I had a much longer session with Andrea because she didn’t have to hurry home that evening.


Marge caught me at the time clock and said, “I had lunch with your mom today and she told me that she has put in a claim for your time on Mondays.  That right?”


“She has.”


“Is that all I’m going to get now?  Just Mondays?”


“I don’t know what to say.  Between mom, my girlfriend, homework and now giving you my Mondays I am running a little short on free time.”


“Maybe you could give me some of your playroom time?”


“You know about that?”


“I told you way back when stud, that girls talk.  It is closely held information stud.  Outside of you only Shelly, Andrea, Gloria, Tina and I know about it.  I can fix it up so that your time at work will all be spent here in the office.  Would you like that?”


“Not really.  I am a full believer in what the plan is for me.  I need to know how this place works from top to bottom if I am going to take over running it some day so I can’t spend all my time here in the office.”


“How about a week on and a week off?”


“I could do that.”


“Good.  Next week will be your office week.  See you Monday.”


I picked up Nancy and asked her what she wanted to do and following her wishes we had burgers and fries at Harry’s and then went to Skate City.  At Skate City I saw Vonda and she was with two black guys that I didn’t know.  I would swear that she never took her eyes off Nancy and me the entire time we were there.  I just couldn’t figure out what was up with that girl.


From Skate City we went to the motel where Nancy did her level best to fuck my eyes out.  She did get me to the point where I couldn’t get it up again, but I didn’t let that stop me and I went down on her and got her off one more time before taking her home.


We made a date for Sunday night and I headed home to get some sorely needed rest.




No shower sounds or hot mouths to wake me up in the morning.  I had to settle for a plain old alarm clock.  Over breakfast mom asked me if I had plans for the evening and I told her Natasha would be home from school.


“How’s that working out?”


“So far so good.”


“I hope it does work out for you.  I like that girl.”


“Time will tell.”


School was school and at lunch time no one joined me although I did see Vonda sitting and watching me.  I had just cleared the east exit on my way to the parking lot when my phone went off.  It was Tasha.


“I hope my timing was right.  I wanted to catch when you got out of school, but before you got to work.”


“Your timing was perfect.  I just walked out of school.  What’s up?”


“I won’t be coming home this weekend.  I was put on a project with three others and the only time all four of us can get together is tomorrow.  I don’t see any sense in spending most of the day between the lab and the library and then driving home just so I can turn around and drive right back up twelve hours later.  I’ll find some way to make it up to you.  Promise.”


“No problem sweetie.  I’ll just find one of those many who want me to keep me company.”


“Yeah.  Right.  You can come up here.  I won’t be able to spend any time with you until after eight or so, but we could have the night together.”


“Not this time.  I’ll survive, but you better be ready for one hell of a workout next weekend.”


As I had been talking to Tasha I was walking toward my car and I saw Vonda sitting on my right front fender.  When I got to the car she stood up and said:


“About time you got here Marchant.”


“Had I but known that you were here waiting for me I would have abandoned all other tasks and would have rushed to your side. What can I do for Miss Williams today?”


She handed me a piece of paper and said, “That’s my cell number.  I like Italian and Mexican.  I like movies, the arcade and Skate City and all my nights this coming week are free.  Call me.”


She turned to walk away and I said, “I’ll take tomorrow.  Pick you up at six?”


She turned back to me and her expression was priceless.  “You were not supposed to call my bluff” was written all across her face.  I think it killed her to say it, but she said, “Six will be fine.”


As I drove to work I was already planning my date with Miss Williams.  We would do Mexican and I would take her to the movies and I would of course let her choose the film, but after that it was going to be the teen club.  We would just see how Vonda handled being held close during slow dances by a white boy.  Then I of course wondered how her mom was going to handle seeing her baby going off to with mom’s fantasy white boy.  I was looking forward to it.




On the drive to work I wondered what to do with my suddenly free evening.  I could give Nancy a call to see if she was free, but then decided not to.  I wanted to go slow there and Thursdays and Sundays were enough for now.  Maybe I could give Mary a call.  It would be short notice and she might all ready have plans for the evening.


Yesterday Marge indicated that she would like a little more of my time, but again, it was Friday and a prime date night and she just might have something going.  I wondered if Andrea’s husband might be on a run and she would be free and then I thought I remembered Shelly saying that her husband was going to be gone until sometime Saturday so she might be a possibility.


Thinking of the girls in the office reminded me that I’d told Gloria that I would go out with her again so there was another possibility.


Choices, choices, choices.  And then I had to laugh at myself.  Laugh at the absurdity of it all.  Not once did I even consider giving myself a night off and giving my dick a rest.  Not once did I even consider that I just might not be able to find someone to play with.


But damned if that isn’t what happened.


Marge had a family thing to go to at her sisters.  Mary had a date.  Shelly had left work early to pick her hubby up at the airport.  Andrea’s hubby was not only not on a run, but he was picking her up when she got off work to take her out to dinner and Gloria had called in sick.


Mom was surprised when I came home in time for dinner and I explained what had happened where Natasha was concerned.  Mom smiled and said:


“That means that for once you will get a good nights sleep and be well rested for me in the morning.”




My Saturday started the way they had all started since mom decided to start playing with me.  A hot mouth on my cock to wake me up and then when she saw I was awake she mounted me cowgirl.


“Come on motherfucker, fuck mommy; fuck mommy hard” and I did my best.  As usual when I felt myself coming close I rolled her onto her back and fucked her hard so I could get me off.  She dug her fingernails into my ass cheeks and pulled me to her as she moaned:


“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me baby; fuck mommy hard and make me cum.”


I got us both off and as soon as I started to go soft mom pushed me off of her, swung over me in a sixty-nine and we went to work on each other,  she got me up and wanted it doggie and I got us off again and then it was more sixty-nine until I was hard and then she wanted to be butt fucked.


Following that we showered together which ended up with us back on the bed with me pounding her missionary.  Then it was a second shower – separately – followed by a trip to the Village Inn for breakfast.  Over breakfast we talked about what we would be doing on Monday with Marge and on Wednesday with whomever.


After breakfast it was back to playing until two at which time she called it quits so she could change the sheets and get ready for dad to come home.  I went up to my room to work on a paper that was due the coming Tuesday while I waited for the time I would have to leave to pick up Vonda.


I was typing away on the computer when mom came into the room, pulled me away from the computer and said:


“We have time for one more if we hurry.”


She led me downstairs and had me take her while she leaned over the back of the couch and kept an eye on the driveway.  The Gods were not with us.  We were both close to cumming when dad pulled into the driveway.  As close as we were we still had to quit, because there wasn’t anyway I was going to be able to get either one of us off before dad walked in the door.  We broke apart and I headed for my room and mom headed for the kitchen.  I have no idea how mom handled being left hanging, but I had my ever present pair of dirty panties to help me out.  I tossed the cum soaked panties on the floor for mom to find and got back to my paper.



To be continued.