Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Cost Of War By Loki925 (M/fg+, slavery, cannibalism) ­This story is totally fictitious and does not resemble anything or anyone in reality, whatever that may be. The war between the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire was over. The East had won but the cost for both sides was staggering. More than 2 billion Easterners were killed and many more wounded. But the cost of lives was insignificant compared to the damage done not only to the Eastern cities but to their food supply. ­Bio warfare was indiscriminate; it not only killed people, it killed every other animal on the planet, even fish in the sea. Actually some fish did survive and in another thousand years there would be plenty of fish to feed the world population. However by that time everybody would be hard-wired to eat only human flesh. Indeed toward the end of the war both sides turned to cannibalism in order to survive. Each side used POWs and turned them into cattle. They altered the genetic makeup of millions of POWs slightly so the now two-legged cattle could digest grasses, and other things the now extinct four-legged animals used to eat. To make the two-legged cattle more compliant, at the age of two every two-legged cow was chemically lobotomized. The lobotomy destroyed the higher brain functions. When the war was finally over the East turned what was left of the Western population into cattle. The East flattened what was left of the western cities and turned the entire West into grassland. They transported all the two-legged cattle there, in essence turning the West into one huge two-legged cattle ranch. However some fifty years after the war when the East was finally rebuilt a small movement against cannibalism had started. For a short time the movement seemed to gain popularity but nobody wanted to be reduced to eating grass like the cattle did. Realizing that the only other alternative was to slowly starve to death the movement quickly vanished. The last attempt at change happened another fifty years later. Two fifteen year old girls and a fourteen year old decided to end cannibalism by becoming pregnant by a two-legged bull. The girls figured that their babies would be seen as human, and therefore the bull who sired them must also be human. They somehow managed to sneak onto a two-legged cattle ranch. They went to where the two-legged bulls were sleeping and induced the bulls to fuck them. Much to their delight the girls discovered that the bulls had really big cocks, and they really enjoyed the fucking. The girls repeated the process until all of them were pregnant. ­The girls informed the press that they had been impregnated by two-legged bulls. For a short time the story made banner headlines. The parents of the girls petitioned the court to have the girls' pregnancies aborted. However the rancher petitioned the court to stop any termination of the girls' pregnancies saying any offspring of his bulls was his property. ­The case quickly went to the highest court in the land. The court without a single dissent ruled for the rancher. The court even went further stating that because the girls carried the bulls' offspring they were now nothing but two-legged cows. Their rights as citizens were revoked and the rancher took his three new pregnant two-legged cows back to his ranch. ­As the only cattle that had not been lobotomized, the girls were painfully aware of their new status as slaves. The rancher had a lot of fun with them too, tormenting and fucking the pregnant girls and forcing milk from their breasts. By that time the people had become very accustomed to cannibalism and 99.5% of the population whole heartedly supported the court's decision. With the court's decision the line between human and two-legged cow was even more blurred. Over the next thousand years a very small percentage of lower class females and an even fewer number of lower class males tried to become two-legged cows. When times were tough it was hard to get enough to eat, and they figured at least they would be fed like the cattle were. Until five years ago all the two-legged cattle ranches turned them away. Derek Mathews was only eighteen when his dad died and he took over the ranch. His mother deciding she had enough of ranch life and for the sum of 150,000 credits signed her half of the ranch over to Derek. Although her half was worth much more than Derek paid for it, his mother was eager to get remarried to her long time lover and move to the city. Derek's mom and dad had not gotten along for some time and each sought out the company of others. -­ His dad's constant fucking of the young two-legged calves was the main reason the marriage had broken down. Fucking young two-legged calves between the ages of seven and nine was a very common practice for male owned two-legged cattle ranches. His mom found a new love with the milk truck driver. ­Five years later Derek paid off the money he had borrowed to purchase his mother's half of the ranch. Derek was now twenty three years old and unlike other two-legged cattle ranchers who turned away converts he actively sought them out. While he was vilified by all the other ranchers Derek saw converts as normal, natural, and much easier to care for. Before long one hundred percent of his female breeding stock and a hundred percent of his farm hands were now converts. This pleased Derek who was a true cannibal, and who saw everyone but himself as nothing but meat. As long as females were impregnated by bulls descended from the Western stock, they and their offspring were legally considered to be cattle. He continued to increase his herd of two-legged cows by advertisements in all the local news papers and at the local middle schools. At least fifteen potential converts would show up at his farm every day. Of those fifteen he managed to persuade twelve or thirteen girls into becoming two-legged cows. All he had to do to convince the young girls was to guarantee that at least one of their daughters would become a breeder. They would keep their minds and they would eat all the two-legged meat they cared to. The last selling feature was that they would enjoy being fucked by his more than ample supply of two-legged bulls. Like himself all of his converts were cannibals; the only difference was that the converts saw themselves and their offspring as meat too. Like any other day Derek arrived at the main compound office at 8 a.m. As he entered he noticed all the potential converts sitting and waiting. They were all eating penis and testicle meat sandwiches, which the girls examined with delight before devouring them. The meat came from old worn-out bulls. Derek provided these sandwiches to the girls knowing they would be hungry, and as a special treat to the recruits. Walking past the girls he said, "Good morning girls. We will get started in ten minutes." ­Derek walked into his office. His personal assistant Bethany was waiting for him. Other than himself the only males on the farm kept past puberty were two-legged bulls. Derek believed female working cows made better care givers for his cattle, and not having any other mature males made the converts happy. Converts knew they would be naked from the day of their conversion and although they were cattle they were still somewhat modest. But after a few hours of being naked all modesty slipped away. "Good morning Sir," Bethany said. ­"Good morning," Derek replied. "Sir you have one appointment. It's at 2 p.m. with the man from Acme Farm equipment, and here is your mail." she said and handed him the mail. "Thank you." he replied. He took the mail to his desk and looked it over. Most of it was junk mail so he put it on his desk for later reading. He walked out of his office. He addressed the potential converts saying, "If you have any questions feel free to ask. The first place we'll be going into is one of the main cattle pens. You are also free to speak to any of the cattle. Now girls, follow me." All the girls stood up. The potential converts' ages ranged from eleven to fourteen years old. They were all at the perfect age to be bred to his more than ample supply of two-legged bulls. To keep his converts happy Derek had many more two-legged bulls than normally required for a ranch his size. Derek knew all converts loved to be fucked by big cocks and a two-legged bull was a fucking machine. Males chosen to be bulls were genetically altered. Unlike a normal male who needed pills to maintain an erection, two-legged bulls needed no chemical enhancement to maintain an erection for hours. A two-legged bull could cum almost every fifteen minutes for hours before they had to be stopped in order to be fed. Two-legged bulls walked around for eight hours a day with half hard cocks. If given the opportunity a two-legged bull would fuck himself to death by starvation. Two-legged bulls' balls were five times larger than a normal male. Their sex drive was greatly enhanced and they only produced one male in fifty offspring. Two-legged female meat was considered more tender than male meat and was by far more popular. The only thing a two-legged bull suffered from was lack of brain power. Their brains were totally focused on sex, leaving little else for intelligent cognitive processes. The girls followed Derek out the back door. -­ Parked a few feet away from the door was a small bus. "Take a seat on the bus, girls. The main barns and pastures are a few miles away." The girls got on the bus. When everyone was seated Derek drove off. About ten minutes later the bus stopped. Derek turned to the girls and said, "If you choose to be converted this is where you will be staying, so follow me." He got off the bus and waited for the prospective cattle to do the same. When all the girls were off the bus they looked around. The huge building only had a roof. With climate control the two-legged cattle only needed to be protected from scheduled rain days. Everywhere the girls looked all they saw were naked pregnant females and naked young girls. Mixed in with the naked female two-legged cattle the prospective recruits saw some clothed females. They were the ranch hands. Derek turned to the girls and said, "Girls, the only other males on this farm beside myself are the two-legged bulls and a few young boys. Now girls, feel free to walk around and talk to anyone you like." ­Derek watched as the prospective converts slowly walked away from him and into the huge barn. As the girls started to talk to the two-legged female cows Derek smiled. He knew this was his best selling feature. He also knew he would enjoy watching all of the girls who converted getting fucked by his stock of two-legged bulls for the first time. He knew almost all of the prospective cattle were most likely still virgins. He loved watching two-legged bulls fucking virgin cows. He kept at least one young two-legged calf at his house for meat and for fucking. The calves he kept were no older than nine. Any older than that there was a small chance he could impregnate them, and he did not want to wind up eating his own flesh and blood. Patricia and Cindy were among the new prospective cattle. They were both eleven years old and had known each other since they were five years old. Although the war had been over for a long time winning the war did not improve their social status. ­The East like the now defunct West had three strict classes: upper, middle and lower class. During the war some of the class structure was blurred but immediately after the war things went back the same way as they were before. ­The largest class by number of people was the middle class. Almost 70% of the population was middle class. Slightly less than 1% of the population was upper class, and the rest were lower class. Few people made it out of the middle class to the upper class and even fewer made it from the lower class to the middle class. This was in itself remarkable given that everyone had access to the same free education system up to the junior college level. Lower class people were often called lazy and without motivation. Indeed they saw little opportunity for advancement. Being born lower class guaranteed your future was one of menial jobs, poor housing, and dysfunctional families. Like almost all of the prospective cattle Patricia and Cindy were from the lower class. They both had no idea who their biological fathers were and they both had three step-fathers. A few months ago when both Patricia and Cindy started wearing their first shabby training bras their recent step-fathers began to pay more attention to them. Quickly it became apparent to both girls what their latest step-dads wanted and that was sex. Having sex with a young step-daughter was nothing new for the lower class.­ In fact it was not only common place it was almost expected, or outright condoned by the mothers of the young girls. Both girls complained to their respective mothers and both got the same exact answer. "Do whatever he tells you to do." It was then the girls both decided to become cows. They actually believed that cows had a better standard of living than they ever could have. The only drawback was that they would be cows and eligible later to become meat. But even that did not seem to matter to the young girls. The group of girls split up. Patricia and Cindy stood there for a moment before Cindy said, "Let's talk to that one," pointing to a young cow. ­Patricia looked at the cow Cindy was pointing at. The cow looked like she was about fifteen years old and she was definitely pregnant. Patricia replied, "Okay." ­They walked over to the young cow. As they drew closer they could see the bar code markings on the cow's forehead and a bright, orange tag hanging from her left ear. Those two things marked and branded her as a two-legged cow. As they approached the cow noticed them and smiled. Alisa was the cow's name. She was now fifteen and this was her third pregnancy. She was as young as the two still human girls that were approaching her when she decided to become a cow. Alisa liked her new life as a two-legged cow and she did not for a second regret her decision. Her life as a cow had been care free and without worry. Her youngest calf was almost three years old and like most of the other converts she had decided to keep her first calf. Patricia and Cindy were about to speak when Alisa said, "Hello, my name is Alisa." Patricia and Cindy were momentarily stunned. They had always thought two-legged cows could not speak. Having their vocal cords nicked they could only make a crude mooing sound. However Cindy quickly realized what the rancher had said was true and said, "Hi my name is Cindy." Patricia hearing her friend added, "And mine is Patricia." "Nice to meet you both and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have." Alisa said. "What's it like being a cow?" Cindy asked. "Like all the other converted cows I love being a cow." ­"What's the best part of being a cow?" Patricia asked. "Three things: getting fucked by the bulls, eating all I want, and getting milked." "Did it---," Cindy tried to say. But Alisa knew what she was going to ask and interrupted her saying, "Yeah it hurt the first time. But after two days of rest the next time I got fucked I loved it and I had a ton of orgasms." Cindy heard enough but Patricia had some more questions, "How often can you be with the bulls?" "Every cow has five time slots but like the other cows I've never gone to all five." "Why is that?" Patricia asked. Alisa giggled and replied, "You'll see." ­With that answer both Patricia and Cindy were almost totally convinced into becoming two-legged cows. But both of them had one question they wanted to ask. They looked at each other and Cindy nodded her head. She had already agreed to ask the question. She looked at Alisa and said, "Was---" she paused then continued, "Was it hard to---to give up your---your," She paused when she heard Alisa say, "No it's not hard giving up my calves. I know they will be well cared for until they are turned into meat like me when I can't have any more calves." ­They had anticipated the answer but they had to be sure. Cindy smiled and said,"Thanks, it was nice talking to you." "You're welcome." Cindy and Patricia turned and started to walked back to where the bus was parked. As they walked Patricia said "Are you sure you really want to do this?" "Look I know it was your idea and at first I thought you were crazy. But after thinking about it and talking to Alisa, I've made up my mind. Being a cow is the best life for me and my calves," Cindy replied and giggled as she said the word calves instead of babies. ­"Let's do it then," Patricia giggled. Although she was somewhat nervous about being fucked for the first time she was now totally certain about her choice. Derek smiled as he watched the first two girls walking back to him. He knew they were the youngest of the bunch and would provide him with many fine calves. Cindy smiled at Derek and asked, "If we become cows can we stay together?" "Sure." Derek smiled. "Then I want to become a cow," Cindy said. "Me too; what happens next?" Patricia added. "Well we will wait for the others and then I will take all of the new cows to be bred by the bulls. Once that happens you will be officially a cow. Then you will be tagged, branded, and brought back to one of the barns." All but one of the fifteen girls decided to become cows. Derek dropped the lone girl off and took the others to get bred for the first time. Derek smiled as he drove back to his office. He now had fourteen new cows. ­He already had the largest two-legged cattle ranch on the planet but had decided to continue his efforts to recruit new converts. Taking care of converts was much easier and using two-legged converts as ranch hands, his salary expenditures were almost nonexistent. ­His only paid worker was Bethany. Bethany was a few years older than Derek and had the same mind as he did. She also loved getting fucked by the bulls but she already had a hysterectomy and could not become pregnant. Derek already had contracts with several large butcher shop chains to provide all the two-legged meat he could raise. His biggest problem in increasing his herd was slaughtering. While butcher shops had no problem cutting up dead two-legged meat they were very squeamish about the actual killing of two-legged cows. The fact was that there was not a single butcher shop on the planet that sold live two-legged meat. ­Derek already had automated slaughtering equipment but it was old and slow. With his profits up, his loan paid off, and his two-legged herd continually increasing, he could now afford new equipment. After dropping off the new two-legged cows he went about checking on the other cow barns as he always did. ­Cindy and Patricia and the other new converts got off the bus and walked through the doors of the breeding barn. As they walked through the door they were met by Ann, the foreman of the breeding barn, and her assistant Donna. "Girls," Ann said, "please remove your clothing and place it in the large bin." Ann watched as the girls undid the buttons on their simple gray dresses. They pulled the dresses over their heads and off their bodies. and tossed them into the bin. Worn old bras and panties were also removed and tossed into the bin, leaving the girls naked. All the girls except for one were a little nervous. The only girl out of the new converts who was not nervous was Sally. She was 14 and the only girl who was not a virgin. In order to keep her fourth marriage together, a roof over her head, and food on the table, her mom served her up to her fourth husband. ­Her mom even smiled every time she watched her new husband fuck Sally. After four months of being continually used as a sex toy Sally ran away from home. It did not take her long to figure out the only way she could make a living was to prostitute herself. But there was one other alternative; she could become a two-legged cow. Prostitution although technically illegal was totally overlooked by the authorities if you belonged to a pimp who made payoffs. This was only true for lower class sections of the city. Prostitutes were never seen walking the streets of the middle class and upper class sections; however it still existed, in other forms called many different names, but it was still the same thing. Sally's decision like the other converts was an easy one.­ Her future looked just like the one her mother had. Married many times, having children she could not take care of, and missing many a meal. Being a two-legged cow to Sally and the other girls meant a better future than being a lower class girl. When all the girls were naked Ann said,­ "Girls if you have had anything, and I do mean anything up your cunts, please stand over by my assistant Donna." ­Sally boldly walked over toward where Donna was standing. As the others followed Ann, Donna said, "Tell me a little bit about your sexual experiences." "Not much to tell. My mom made me fuck her recent husband," Sally replied. "Yeah I know that's really shitty; my mom did the same thing to me. That's why I became a cow." "What? You, are you a cow too?" Sally replied totally shocked "Yes.­ I had a miscarriage on my fifth calf and it screwed up my insides so I cannot have any more calves. I was lucky to get a job as Ann's assistant here in the breeding barn, instead of being sent to be butchered right away." "Are there more like you?" "Everyone except the office workers are now cows." "Wow." "Yeah it's fun being a working cow and I can continue to be a working cow until I am fifty years old, but don't think I will work that long." "Why not?" "Well after you become a cow you will think of yourself as only meat like I do. When you're meat and not popping out more calves all you can think about is the day you will be slaughtered, cooked, and eaten. It's intoxicating." Sally thought a moment then said, "You're right but I already think of myself that way or I wouldn't be here." Donna smiled, "Did you cum at all when your step-dad fucked you?" "I think I had like two, maybe three cums." "Well that's going to change." Donna and Sally walked into the breeding station. Everywhere Sally looked there were bulls fucking cows. In the air was the distinct odor of sweat and sex. The younger girls screamed as their hymens were shredded. Sally could hear the other cows moaning with pleasure as the bulls thrust their big cocks into their cunts. Although she never was excited about getting fucked by her mom's husband, Sally was pleasantly surprised that she could feel a tingling sensation between her legs. She had only felt this way once before and that was when her mom's husband asked her to masturbate for him. It was one of the few times that she had an orgasm when he fucked her. When he was done fucking her he seemed to be upset that she actually enjoyed it. Now she did not have to worry about him anymore; she was about to become a cow. Donna took Sally over to Ann, who had been busy with the other girls. Then Ann was speaking to her as she strapped Sally onto a breeding bench. Her legs were wide open, her knees were up and her butt was slightly tilted up. Ann said, "Enjoy yourself and feel free to cum as much as you like." She knew there was no turning back. Sally watched as Donna led a bull to where she was. She could see his cock, and even half erect it looked much larger than her step-dad's. Although she was ready for what was about to happen she was filled with trepidation. "Don't worry," Ann said in a soft and reassuring voice. She watched as she saw Donna guide the bull's cock into the right position. Suddenly in one swift motion she saw and felt the bull's cock force its way into her cunt. Unlike her step-dad the bull did not push all of his cock into her cunt. Instead of just fucking the hell out of her like her step-dad did, the bull's deep penetration into her cunt was slow and steady. The bull's cock stretched her cunt a lot more than her step-dad's cock ever did but she felt no discomfort or pain. She could feel the bull's cock rubbing her pink inner flesh as he slowly started to move his cock back and forth fucking her. As the cock began to stiffen she was surprised that it already felt good. ­She could already feel a strong sensation as her clit was stroked by the bull's cock. What she did not know was the cock was coated with two agents. The first was a desensitizing agent which was necessary to keep the bull from cumming after only a few strokes. The agent would retard the bull's orgasm for fifteen to twenty minutes. The second was a stimulation agent that caused slightly more blood to be drawn to her clit. The combination of both agents provided every two-legged cow with a plethora of orgasms. By the time the bull finally shot his cum into the two-legged cow she was totally exhausted by the pleasure she had received. The same was not true for the bull who was lead away with his still half hard cock to wait for another cow to fuck. Within a few minutes of her first breeding Sally was moaning and encouraging the bull to fuck her harder. Ann rubbed the bull's ass and fondled his over sized balls, encouraging the bull to fuck the new cow harder. Sally could feel every inch of the bull's cock pounding into her,­ driving her to what she had only felt a few times. "Fuck me boy, fuck me good," she called to the bull. The big, blond haired bull smiled dimly at her, and indeed she felt him fucking her harder. Soon she was beyond speech. All she could do was enjoy her first breeding. ­Ann smiled as Sally screeched with her first orgasm. She barely recovered from the best orgasm she ever had when she was rocked by another. While Sally was being fucked by the bull for the first time her breeding was being recorded by high definition cameras. This would ensure that she could no longer legally change her mind. Not one of the of the converts ever changed their minds, -­ not that they could change their minds even if they wanted to. They like Sally had no regrets and looked forward to producing many calves. Like the other converts she believed she now had a better life than she could ever have as a lower class girl. After several more orgasms Sally could feel the bull's cock get even bigger. She felt his cock push all the way into her cunt. She could feel the cock sealed against her cervix. Then almost with the force of a water cannon she felt the bull's semen flood into her uterus. As every hot shot of the bull's semen pumped into her, she knew for sure that she was a cow now and welcomed it. When the bull was done he was led away. He would be given ten minutes of rest before he was called upon again. Sally felt her butt being raised. -­ "You need to let the bull's seed soak into you for twenty minutes. Then you will be bred again and again until you have had enough." Ann said. "How many bulls do most of the other cows take?" Sally asked in a slightly winded voice. She was still feeling the aftermath of more orgasms than she had since her step-dad started fucking her. "First timers are allowed to rest a day or two after their first fucking. Most cows take three bulls, some take four, but you can take as many as you want. Tomorrow you will have five time slots and every day after that until your ninth month. One week after you drop a calf you will again be given five time slots." ­"Until I cannot be impregnated any more, right?" "Yes." Ann smiled. She continued, "I always get horny after seeing a new cow get fucked so I am going to take the station next to you. Donna or another attendant will see to your breeding. After you have had enough you will be taken to one of the cow barns where you can eat, sleep and never worry about anything again." "It was nice meeting you." Sally said. ­"Same here." Ann replied. Sally watched as another girl wearing one of the old gray dresses strapped Ann to the breeding station.­ She saw Donna lead a bull to where Ann was waiting. She could see that Ann had a huge smile on her face as the bull approached her. She was not able to see the bull's cock as it penetrated Ann's cunt but she knew from Ann's contented sigh that his cock had penetrated her. Sally smiled and relaxed as she waited for her bull's semen to completely soak into her uterus. She could hear the other cows moaning with pleasure as they were bred by the bulls. She was a two-legged cow now and happy to be one. Derek walked into the last cow barn. It was the pre-breeder barn where girls selected to be bred were kept. Here unlike the large meat barns, all the young two-legged calves happily romped around. In the meat barn the two-legged calves diets were supplemented with a natural agent that made the young two-legged calves very lethargic. These meat calves slept almost nineteen hours a day and when they were not sleeping they were eating. This would ensure that when they were slaughtered at five years of age they would weigh between­ 60 and 65 lbs. From the day they were born meat calves were placed in specially designed cocoons. Meat calves never learned to walk or use the toilet. They spent their short lives eating, sleeping, being automatically washed, and gaining as much weight as possible with the least amount of sinew. Such tender veal was very desirable and was the most expensive. The two-legged calves in the breeder barn ranged between two and nine years of age. Derek was here for one thing; he needed a new little fuck calf. He never kept a fuck calf more than a few days before he cooked them. He was not afraid of becoming attached to a two-legged calf. Far from it, they were only human meat and fuck toys to him. For the young two-legged calves in the pen it was considered an honor to become their owner's meal. All the calves in the pen were now the daughters of converts. Derek loved eating converts. Most of the rest of the world blinded themselves, or fooled themselves into thinking that what they ate were nothing but cattle; but to Derek they were still human, making the little girls even more tasty. ­He had a blond haired calf at the house so he decided to pick a brown haired calf. The young calves noticed his approach and flocked toward him. They knew he was here to pick one of them for his fuck toy and his dinner and they were all eager to be chosen. As they flocked around him Derek gazed at the young naked two-legged calves. Any one of them would be a good fuck and a fine meal. He loved the fact that they were all enthusiastic to end their young lives as meat on his table. The young calves had never been exposed to any form of education or complex ideas like life and death. They were happy, blissfully care free, and totally content. Their vocabulary was limited to about ten words and their knowledge of letters was no better. ­The only thing they completely understood and more than willingly accepted was that they were to become breeder cows. They would have one daughter calf to keep and many more to be turned into meat. They happily dined on their younger sister calves cooked in many delightfully, tasty ways. They too were cannibals but did not understand what that was. Derek chose a young eight year old calf. He touched her on the shoulder and said "Come with me." All the other calves were disappointed but they happily cheered, "Yeah! T." The young calf blushed at the applause. Derek smiled and walked out of the barn. As soon as he did the other calves went back to their care free frolic. They would not miss T and in a few minutes they would not even remember her. There were many other calves named T in the barn. It and D were the only names given to breeder calves. Other names were much too hard to remember or pronounce. Although these calves were not lobotomized like all the other ranches meat calves, they were just never taught anything except how to use the potty, and therefore their brains were totally unused. The only way the calves knew each other's names was the indelible ink mark placed on their foreheads just below their bar code brand. Derek understood that the brain needed stimulation in order to grow. Instead of using chemical lobotomy he retarded the brain by its lack of input. Calves were only taught what they were and knowing nothing else they gladly accepted it. ­The calf he had selected happily followed Derek. She knew she was to be cooked and eaten but she was not afraid. She felt special and was more than happy to become the rancher's meal. She had eaten many others like herself and all she hoped was that she would taste good like ones she had eaten. ­She was sure she would hear his comments as she was eaten. She had no idea how wrong she was. Derek took the calf to his home. When he walked into the house the D blond calf with a bright smile said, "Hi." "Hi D," Derek replied, "it's time for you to be cooked." "Yeah!" D cheered only understanding the word cooked. She had seen others like herself being cooked before. They always had smiles on their faces when they came out of the oven. She had no concept of life or death. All she knew was she would be cooked and eaten. And all she wanted was to taste good. He took D and T to the kitchen.­ He told D to get into the shower and she happily did so. Derek pressed the button on the shower and warm water sprayed D from every direction. She giggled. Five minutes later the shower stopped and D stepped out. Derek told her to lie down on the gutting machine and she did. When she did the machine automatically strapped her in. Suddenly she felt a pinch and yelped, "Ouch!" Her spinal cord had been severed. It was the last thing she would feel from the neck down. A very sharp blade rose from under her belly. The blade cut her from a few inches above her crotch to a few inches below her neck. As the blade cut her a circular blade severed her ass hole from her lower intestines. As first the blade reached her rib cage another blade severed her carotid artery separating it from the rest of her body. A flexible stainless steel heat proof tube redirected her carotid artery to a recycling machine. The machine had cost Derek one hundred thousand credits but it was worth it, for the calf could now be cooked alive until her body was fully cooked. After cooking her body would be sliced up and eaten while she watched. As the blade reached her heart, her guts dropped into a steel bucket that was just below her. To keep her from bleeding to death as the blade cut, it cauterized the opening. When the blade stopped it retracted. Separators pulled her chest open. Her heart stopped beating the moment her main artery was severed; yet she was still alive. When her chest was separated a sharp spoon shaped blade entered her chest just below her neck. The blade scooped her heart and lungs into the steel bucket with her guts. She was almost ready for the oven. She just needed to be rinsed, dried and stuffed. Warm water sprayed her voided body. Next a blast of warm air dried her insides. After a few seconds her body was turned around so she could be stuffed. About five pounds of chopped calf meat, onions, celery, mushrooms and other spices were placed inside her now evacuated body. Her body was then stitched together with cooking thread. Her entire body was basted with a compound butter mixture. An insulating hood was placed on her head covering her entire head down to her neck. The hood would keep her brain alive. She would retain her sight and it would keep her very short hair from burning. After the basting the machine lifted her up and placed her into the upright oven. The stainless steel heat proof tube was retracted toward the back of the oven. The D calf was smiling as the machine strapped her into the large oven. She would be cooked slowly and be ready at 6 p.m, just in time for dinner. When the glass oven door closed Derek said, "T you can watch her cook or you can play in the other room." ­"Okay." T smiled only understanding the words cook and play. Derek turned and walked out of the kitchen. As he did so the door sealed behind him. The rest of the house was much too dangerous for a small calf. A few minutes later as Derek walked out the front door T was already bored and went into the other room. In the room she saw all the toys that she was very familiar with. She smiled and started to play, leaving D cooking in the oven with whatever minimal thoughts she may have had. To ensure he had a future unpaid working force Derek set aside several calves to be trained by his working cows. He drove his pickup truck to the slaughtering barn where the Acme Farm sales representative should be waiting for him. If the machines operated as promised he planned to buy three machines. Two would be for slaughtering and one would be for back up. Derek had already expanded the slaughtering bay to accommodate four machines. With his old equipment it took four hours to slaughter the three thousand calves he was now shipping to butchers every day. The new machines promised to slaughter the same amount of calves in half of the time it took for the old machines. He was also looking toward the future. With his constant influx of converts he hoped in a few years to ship four thousand calves a day. He was already the largest two-legged cattle rancher but he wanted to be even bigger. Still he had a limit in his mind and that was five thousand calves a day. That number would be two times more calves per day than any other two-legged cattle ranch. That number did not include the five hundred calves a day he would need to feed the other two-legged cattle. With converts Derek could no longer feed his cattle grasses. Unlike other two-legged cattle who had their digestive systems genetically altered to digest grasses, his two-legged herd was unaltered, and could not eat only grass to gain weight, or survive as healthy cattle. ­Although his two-legged cattle were completely human, by law they were nothing but cattle, meat on two feet. One thing Derek knew was that the demand for his two-legged calves was very high. It seemed that fully human two-legged calf meat tasted better than their counter parts. In time Derek knew the other two-legged cattle ranchers in order to compete would be forced to change their ways and produce fully human cattle to be slaughtered and eaten. Just the other day Derek noticed two other ranches advertising for converts, but he wasn't worried. He was five years ahead of the other ranchers and his herd was already made up of converts. Derek knew by long dead previous standards he would have been considered a mass murderer, but according to the law now he was not killing huge numbers of humans every year. He was simply supplying needed meat by slaughtering cattle, even if his cattle were in all ways human. Derek loved the smell of fresh blood. Every day at 2 p.m. he would go to the slaughtering barn to watch the automated machines slaughter the two-legged cattle. Except for the newest slaughtering machine which he would buy if it did as advertised, today was no different When he entered the slaughtering barn he was met by the Acme salesman. The man introduced himself as John and shook his hand. While the new slaughtering machines looked basically the same as his older machines, John was quick to point out the differences. All the blades on the new machines were diamond tipped and guaranteed to stay sharp for ten years. The gut shorter was now fully automatic which would not only save time, but eliminate a job that his two-legged work force did not really like to do. The motors were more efficient and required no maintenance. Lastly the new machine was totally self cleaning ­As Derek inspected the new machine, he noticed that the five technicians who had installed the machine were eyeing the ten young female cows that worked in the slaughtering barn. The two-legged cows were dressed in the standard gray button down the front dresses he provided for all his two-legged work force and they were looking back at the men. ­He noticed several of the cows had unbuttoned the top buttons on their dresses exposing their breasts. He felt sorry for the technicians but he was not about to let them fuck his cows. John also noticed what was going on and was a little disturbed, but he wanted to make a sale. ­He turned to Derek and asked, "Do you have any questions, sir?" "No." "Good I will start the machine. That way you can see how fast they operate." "I'll have the cows send the calves in." Realizing what Derek had said John exclaimed, "Cows? Then it's true. You use two-legged cows for your work force." ­"Yes." Derek blankly answered. ­ ­John shook his head. He wanted to say something, state some kind of objection, but it was more important to make the sale. It was also against the law to in any way disparage two-legged meat farming. With as much calm as he could muster he said."Well then, let's get this started." "Of course." Derek smiled. He gave the signal to the head cow to start the conveyor belts rolling. Inside the meat barn the web cocoons holding the five year old two-legged fattened calves started moving toward the opening in the wall. Since the day they were born until this moment each calf had spent her entire life in a web like cocoon. The cocoons were made up of a special material that did not cause the soft skin of the calves to be damaged. Each calf was fed through an automated feeding tube. The feed consisted of a mixture of two-legged cow milk, a very finely ground mixture of cooked two-legged meat, oats, vitamins and a special chemical that made the calves very lethargic. In order to keep them as clean as possible every few hours all the calves were sprayed with warm water. As the first cocoons entered the slaughtering barn the working cows removed their dresses. They knew they were about to be covered in blood. The five technicians gawked at the now naked young females. The two-legged cows smiled suggestively at the men, but they did not want to fuck these human men. They only wanted to tease them and besides, they had work to do. The working two-legged cows opened the pods and guided each one toward the machine.­ When the cocoon was just above the machine conveyor belt it was lowered and two working cows removed the calf from its cocoon and placed it on the machine. Most of the calves were either half asleep, or fully sleeping. ­The calf's waist, ankles, and wrists were clamped to an open stainless steel block and its head hung over the block. Just below the stainless steel block was a trough and a rectangular bucket. The block and attached calf moved forward toward the diamond tipped blades. In brutal precision all the blades operated at the same instant. The calf's head, feet, and hands were easily cut off as another blade cut the calf's belly and chest wide open slicing up to her neck. Like a raging river blood poured into the trough. Some of the blood splashed the working cows. As the calf's ass hole was cut from her body, Derek inhaled deeply loving the scent of fresh blood. Another blade scooped the calf's guts, heart and lungs into a large rectangular bucket where her head, feet, and hands waited. The entire process took less than a few seconds. The now dead calf's clamps were released and her dead body was hoisted a few feet into the air. A second set of very precise, extremely sharp blades skinned the calf. A few scant minutes later the calf was fully skinned and what was once a living two-legged human calf was now nothing but a carcass of red meat, and looked the part. A hook was jammed into the meats back and it moved off toward the refrigeration unit. The calf's head, hands, feet, and other parts were sent to separate processing plants where they were turned into sausages, hot dogs and other meat by products. One of the working cows removed the calf's hide and placed it onto a large container. The container would be sent off to another plant were it would be turned into fine, soft leather products. One very popular item was change purses made from the hide of young girls' cunts including the labia, clitoris and vaginal sheath, where coins could be deposited into the vaginal opening. The clitoris was transformed into a button to close the coin purse. Every high school boy just had to have one of these young cunt coin purses to play with, and many boys jacked off into them. ­With its hands, feet, and head removed the butchers had no problem processing the tender veal meat into different cuts, and the public had no problem fooling themselves into believing they were eating nothing but meat. The soft slippers, wallets, and other leather products only reinforced the public beliefs. The overwhelming majority of people had long ago forgotten they were cannibals, or simply denied it. The very few people left that may have objected to two-legged meat farming now faced prison terms and huge fines if they in any way vocalized their objections. Two-legged meat farming was simply now part of this planet's culture, and no one really cared. Fine meat on the table was more important than the facts as to how it got there. Also as mentioned before, it was possible to buy a whole cow corpse to take home and prepare for eating. Teen cows with breasts and cunts intact were very popular for discriminating shoppers willing to pay for it. Some men preferred them with Oriental features while others liked pale skinned blonde Caucasians. It was also possible to buy whole cow dark African meat. Derek realized that the buyers of such teen whole cows had more than a meal in mind, such as necrophilia, fucking the dead girls, but he made good money from this trade. Breeding cows who failed to become pregnant by the age of fourteen were candidates for this special trade. These cows were subjected to intense enemas to clean out their intestines. Then embalming fluid was injected into their veins as they were bled to death. The corpses were then dressed in frilly see-through panties, and packed into special refrigerated storage units. Some buyers managed to keep their cowgirl corpses presentable for as long as three years before they decomposed or became well seasoned roasts. Two hours later and in half the time it took the old machines, 3,500 calves were turned into red meat. The female working cows now covered in calf blood walked past the five technicians waggling their tits and butts suggestively and smiling at the human men, all of whom sported hard-ons tenting out their pants. "Impressive," Derek said. "I already know how much a machine will cost me, but is there a discount for say two machines?" ­"Yes ten percent on the purchase of a second machine and fifteen percent on any subsequent machine." John answered. "Good. Now how long will it take to install three machines?" "If you take the demo model I will knock off an additional ten percent and I can have two more machines delivered and installed in forty eight hours." "If you cart off the old machines you have a deal," Derek said. "Deal," John replied and extended his hand. Derek shook his hand. John could not believe his good luck; three machines would net him a huge commission. He followed Derek to his office. After carefully reading the papers Derek signed them and a five year maintenance agreement. The maintenance agreement was prudent and inexpensive compared to the cost of one service call. John shook hands with Derek once more, about to leave his office. But Derek said, "I know you and your men were greatly turned on by the naked cows working in the slaughtering barn. Now that we have concluded our business I would like to offer you some hospitality. My breeding stock calves are not available for fucking, but they are eager to learn to suck cocks. My staff has gathered six of the older pre-menstrual girls, all nine years old and with titties budding on their chests. You and your technicians are welcome to play with the girls and come in their mouths." John was astonished at such a generous offer. He and his men had a fine time teaching the cute little calves how to suck their cocks off. The men toyed with their young titties and went down on the cute calves and licked their virgin cunts to pseudo orgasms, much to the calves delight. Finally the men had the calves suck them off and swallow their cum until their balls were empty. From that time on Derek became John's favorite customer. Derek glanced at the clock and it was 5 p.m. Plenty of time to return home and watch the videos of the new converts getting fucked. As he stood up Bethany walked into his office, "Sir," she asked, "would it be okay if I stayed the night?" "Of course," Derek answered with a smile. He knew why she had asked to stay in the office for the night. She wanted to get fucked by the bulls. He had long ago converted one of the vacant office rooms into a bedroom so she could stay the night any time she wanted to. Bethany knew the ramifications of what she was doing, but she could not help herself. She was hooked on bull cock and the orgasms they gave her. She was now spending almost every night at the office, but she could care less. She had been married once, but the marriage ended shortly after she had to have a hysterectomy due to an unfortunate accident. She started working for Derek shortly after he took over the ranch, when he hired her and gave her a tour of the very large ranch. When she visited the breeding barn she was mesmerized by the sight she beheld. As she watched and heard the cows gasps of pleasure, as the bulls fucked them, she found herself getting turned on. After she left the breeding barn all she could think about was the bulls. They had such magnificent cocks, nothing like her ex-husband's puny cock. Inexorably three days later she returned to the breeding barn without Derek. Bethany ordered one of the attendants to provide her with a bull. The attendant smiled and did as she asked. She was strapped into a breeding station and before she could change her mind she was being fucked by a bull. The bull's cock stuffed her cunt like she had never been fucked and she lost count of how many orgasms she had. However after she was done she instantly regretted her decision. She also knew Derek would find out. The next morning she told Derek, but he was not upset. In fact he told her she could get fucked by the bulls any time she wanted to. She was surprised that he did not demand that she become a working cow which by law he could do. She was further surprised the next day when Derek converted one of the extra offices into a bed room complete with a bath room. Although he had made it easy for her she quickly realized why he did so. Even if she got paid she in essence was a working cow, but she did not think Derek would turn her into meat unless she crossed him. She became very efficient and very loyal to Derek. She had no idea how wrong she was for Derek already planned to turn her into meat the second she turned fifty five. Without her knowledge he had already petitioned the court to turn her into a cow. With the evidence he had of her being fucked by the two-legged bulls the court granted his petition. He owned her like any other two-legged cow and all the money she had would go back to him the moment he exercised his rights of ownership. Bethany left the office and walked to the breeding barn. By the time she arrived her panties were soaking wet. She quickly stripped off her clothing and had one of the attendants strap her into a breeding station. As the bull drove his cock into her cunt she immediately had a huge orgasm. She was totally content for Derek had already told her she could make the office her home and she could buy whatever she needed to make the back part of the office look more like a small apartment. -­ With no rent or utilities to pay she would have more money to spend on clothing and to save for her retirement at age sixty five. She had no idea she would be rendered into calf feed long before she retired. When Derek returned to his home he immediately went into the screening room. He wanted to watch one or two of the new calves getting fucked by the bulls before he fucked his new T. He remembered the names of the two youngest girls. He looked through the videos and chose the ones marked Cindy and Patricia. From the two girls bio he knew both of them were just two months past their eleventh birthday. He took off his pants and underwear. He grabbed a soft cloth and pressed play on the high quality HD equipment. As the first girl named Cindy stepped into the breeding center he relaxed and began to stroke his cock. Hours earlier at the breeding barn Cindy was very nervous as a cow named Mary strapped her into a breeding station. -­ Mary and the other two-legged cows that worked at the breeding barn loved to watch the bulls fucking new converts and young virgin calves. They chose the most aggressive bulls with the largest cocks for the task. The female cows that worked at the breeding center had named these aggressive bulls. The one Mary had chosen to fuck this new convert was named Ram Rod. ­Ram Rod was a young two-legged bull and he was good for only one thing, and that was fucking young converts and young first time calves. Erect his cock measured almost nine inches long and three inches around. Ram Rod was also one of the bulls the office working cow Bethany loved to get fucked by. Although Bethany presented herself as superior to the working cows at the breeding center,­ the female two-legged cows who worked there knew better. They knew Bethany for what she truly was and that was just another working two-legged cow. They knew that someday Bethany would be turned into meat just like they would. Cindy shivered as the bull approached her. She had never seen an erect penis before, and this bull's cock looked huge. She was beginning to wonder if she had made the right decision but before she could truly dwell on it, she saw the bull's cock between her wide open legs. She heard Mary say something, but she did not understand her. Her voice was drowned out by fear. All she could hear was her fear and all she thought about was the huge pole between her legs. To ensure the converts and the virgin calves would remember they were nothing but cows the bull's cock was only coated with the desensitizing agent. Mary positioned Ram Rod's cock at the entry to Cindy's virgin cunt. She smiled and slapped Ram Rod's ass. In one quick motion Ram Rod shoved the full length of his cock into the young cow's tight cunt. "YAaaaa!!!" Cindy screamed and screamed. She felt like she was being torn apart. Mary smiled as she watched Ram Rod pull his blood coated cock back a few inches only to slam it back into Cindy's now bloody cunt. She had never let Ram Rod fuck her. Perhaps someday she would, but in her eyes he was more than just a fucking machine; he was a cunt destroyer. Cindy tried to struggle but her bonds were very secure. All she could do was whimper and let the bull fuck her. All she could do was hope it would end soon, but somehow she knew it wouldn't. She could hear the bull's crude snorts as he continued to fuck her. A full twenty minutes later and long past the time that Cindy thought she could not take any more she felt the bull's cock jam into her cervix. She felt his hot semen flood into her womb. She was more than relieved that it was finally over. Then it dawned upon her that she was truly a two-legged cow now and there was no turning back. ­ ­Oddly enough as the bull pulled his spent cock out of her sore cunt she smiled and looked forward to eating meat for dinner. As she felt her bonds loosen she heard May say, "Don't try and sit up. Rest a few minutes and then you'll be okay." Although she did not think it was a silly thing to ask, with concern she asked, "Is my cunt still in one piece?" "Of course it is, you silly cow." Mary giggled. Realizing how dumb she had been Cindy giggled too.­ She was actually happy she was now a cow and again looked not only forward to dinner but to the orgasm she had been promised. A few minutes later Mary helped her onto her feet. As she stood up she could feel the red rawness of her cunt. She could not help herself and looked down. What she saw was her cunt caked with drying bull cum and blood. It was very pink almost red, but it was still in one piece. She found although she was very sore she could still walk. Mary directed her to the shower where she stood under warm water. As the water soothed her sore cunt she heard Patricia scream. She knew that could only mean one thing; her friend was being fucked by a bull. Strangely she did not feel sorry for Patricia. She felt a new bond with her long time friend. A bond she knew only one two-legged cow could feel toward a another two-legged cow. It wasn't exactly love it was something else. Something that said yes she could eat her friend for dinner, or she could become dinner and be happy about being dinner, or eating dinner. This was her life. She was food now, meat on the table. Meat that created more meat to be eaten and enjoyed. Now only a cow could do that she thought with a smile and walked out of the shower. As she exited the shower she saw Patricia getting viciously fucked by the same bull that had fucked her. Mary walked over to her and whispered, "If you like you can watch her getting fucked." ­ ­"Yes," she answered, "I would like that." Meanwhile, with his right hand Derek pumped his cock hard. Cum shot out of his cock and into the soft towel he was holding just in front of his cock with his left hand. With the towel he wiped his cock off and went to the bathroom. ­In the bathroom with a warm damp wash cloth he cleaned his cock and then dried it off. When his cock was dry he rubbed it with a light coating of desensitizing agent. He walked back to the theater room. He glanced at the screen. He saw the new cow named Patricia still being fucked by the bull. He smiled and turned the equipment off. ­He walked to the kitchen and opened the door. He could hear T babbling in the other room. He looked at the upright oven. D's body was a deep golden brown and she looked delicious. He could take her out and eat her now but he wanted to fuck T even more. He stepped toward the play room and looked in. T was sitting on the floor.­ In front of her was a perfect replica of a cooking pit. Above the fake glowing orange flames was a plastic doll. The doll had a metal spit through her body which was connected on both ends to an A frame. The doll was turning slowly over the fake cooking fire. T was humming out of tune waiting for the doll to be cooked. She ran her finger over the doll, licked her finger and said, "Yummy." ­As if giving an order Derek said, "Time from me to fuck you T." "Fuck yes me." T smiled. She felt very honored to be fucked by the rancher. She was his cow and that was all she had been taught, or truly understood. Anything else really did not matter to her and all the other new breeder cows like her. T was all smiles as Derek strapped her to the breeding station. In the room along with the soft toys and breading station there was a bed and a small potty. The room would be T's home for the two days she would be staying with Derek. Then like D she would be cooked and eaten by a new fuck calf and Derek. Derek lined his cock up with T's small pink opening. He looked into her eyes and with only thought of his own pleasure he slammed his cock into her hairless cunt. T screamed, "Mooeeee." ­She had never experienced anything like this before and the big cows dressed in gray were not there to help her like they did when she skinned her knee. She knew what the rancher was doing to her, but she was too young to understand it. She would not have been bred to the bulls until she was eleven years old. But now she was being fucked, raped, at only eight years old. Derek savored the smell of her virgin blood and the extreme tightness of her small cunt hole. He pulled his cock back and began to fuck her with a hard relentless motion. All T could do was whimper, "Mooeee." ­Derek enjoyed her cries of pain knowing that in two days he would be eating this T for dinner. Although he could do anything he wanted to his cows, he would be a poor rancher if he mistreated them, and most likely his working cows would no longer be as compliant. Fucking young calves like T was simply one of the perks of being a two-legged rancher. -­ Although he had used the desensitizing cream T's small cunt hole was applying a huge amount of pressure and friction to his cock. Derek pushed his cock hard against her cervix. He knew if he tried hard enough he could easily destroy her final barrier. But if he did that there was no way he could stop her from most likely bleeding to death and that would be a waste of a perfectly good dinner. -­ Not caring how long he lasted, he continued to fuck her as hard as he could. A few minutes later he could feel his balls churning, filling up with semen. He could also feel the emptiness of his belly. Knowing he would cum he pulled his cock back until it was almost out of her now bloody, gaping hole and shoved it in all the way to her cervix. T felt something shoot into her cunt. Because of what she had been constantly told, and having visited the breeding center, she now understood what had happened to her. She had been bred for the first time. Although she was still in pain she was happy that she had been bred by the rancher. Wrongly thinking he put his calf in her belly she smiled at him. Derek knew why she was smiling so he simply smiled back and yanked his cock out of her cunt. ­He released her bonds. "Wash," he commanded, "Then we eat." The word 'Eat' made T forget almost all the pain she was still feeling. She was very hungry. She moved as quickly as she could into the shower. The warm water on her cunt felt better. With a soft rag Derek wiped his cock off and pulled up his pants. He walked into the kitchen and opened the oven door. D was perfectly cooked. Her skin was a bright, crispy, golden brown and below her was a large pan with her tasty drippings. He put on oven mittens and then released the clamps. D could not feel anything yet she knew she was alive. Derek unhooked her from the recycling device. She perhaps had twenty minutes of oxygenated blood left in her brain. He lifted her out of the oven and put her on a large serving plate. He removed her helmet, then looked into her eyes. She looked back at him and smiled, but wondered why she could not move. She was totally confused. T walked into the kitchen and she saw the yummy cooked calf on the table. She started to salivate. "Sit." Derek commanded. D looked down and she saw her body, but it looked cooked. She screamed, but without vocal cords, or lungs she did not make a sound. All she could do was open her mouth. T sat down. D looked around the room trying to make sense of her situation. She saw another calf sitting in a chair. In front of the calf was a plate. She now realized that she was somehow still alive and was about to be eaten. There was no way she could understand how what had happened to her was possible. Nothing worked, but the utter fear and despair she was feeling in her head. She watched the rancher take a carving knife. Her eyes bulged as she watched him carve several slices off of her body and put them on the other calf's plate. Derek smiled as T picked up the meat and put it in her mouth. "Taste good," T said with a mouth full of tender meat. Those were the words D thought she would hear when she was cooked,­ but now actually hearing them drove her brain into total insanity. Her eyes could still see, but her brain registered nothing. Derek looked straight into D's eyes. He knew from her blank expression that her brain had given up and shut down. He smiled and took a bite of her tender cunt steak. Meanwhile,­ as Cindy and Patricia and the other converts entered the new barn they could smell the distinct odor of roasting meat. "Now remember cows, you're not used to such fine meat. Don't eat too much or you could get sick." the working cow named Rachel said. ­After Rachel showed the new cows where they would be sleeping she took them to the roasting pits which were just outside the barn. As the new cows walked toward the pits they noticed the other cows were already eating. As they exited the barn they noticed four roasting pits with calves spited and roasting above gas flames. -­ The calves had no heads, hands or feet, but there was no doubt that they were two-legged calves. They saw a table. On the table was a whole roasted calf. The calf's arms and one of it legs was missing. Half of its butt was half carved to the bone. "Get in line cows, there is plenty for everyone." Rachel said. The new cows got in line. Cindy and Patricia had never seen a whole roasted calf before, but it looked more than delicious. Most of their lives all they had eaten was very cheap hamburger meat, or even cheaper hot dogs, and there were times they did not eat at all. Cindy was in front of Patricia. She turned and said, "What part are you going to get?" Patricia shrugged her shoulders and answered, "I have no idea." The girls hardly said anything since they left the breeding barn nor did the other new cows. The line moved quickly and it was Cindy's turn. "Take a plate," Rachel said. Cindy picked up a metal plate. The plate wasn't any better than the ones she had eaten on when she was a human. "What part would you like?" the working cow doing the carving asked. Cindy didn't know what to say. "I'll give you some butt meat. You'll find it very tender." ­"Okay," Cindy answered. The working cow carved several thin slices of the cooked calf's butt and placed it on Cindy's plate. She scooped some stuffing off a large pan and placed it on the plate. She then handed Cindy the plate. Cindy had never had such a full plate not even on Victory Day, which was the most important day of the year. She took the plate turned and started toward her bed.­ When she reached her bed she sat down on it. She picked up a piece of the meat and put it in her mouth. She closed her mouth and started to chew. Her eyes sparkled. She had never tasted anything this good. "How is it?" Patricia asked having just arrived. ­"Its---Its WOW!!!!" She answered and took another piece of meat. ­Patricia sat down. She tasted the meat and her reaction was the same as Cindy's. The two new cows quickly gobbled up everything on their plates. They thought about seconds but having eaten more food than they ever did before they were very full. Cindy yawned and said, "I'm going to sleep." "Me too," Patricia replied and stretched out on her bed. In a few minutes both new cows were sleeping. Derek realized his dream, but never stopped advertising for converts. Within five years all the other two-legged ranchers were forced to seek out converts. Within ten years all of the ranches were producing fully human two-legged cow meat. Derek never married but when he was thirty he contracted with a woman to have his surrogate son. It was an expensive undertaking, but well worth it for Derek now had someone to leave his ranch to. When Bethany reached fifty five Derek gave her to the working cows at the breeding barn. She was totally shocked and felt betrayed. The working cows at the breeding barn were delighted and they decided to cook her alive. Although the working cows thought her meat was a little tough they totally enjoyed cooking and eating the snooty cow. Derek's son easily found another qualified female to take Bethany's place, and soon she too became hooked on bull cock. The cost of war for this planet was indeed high and still growing higher.­ Maybe we can learn something from these people; then again maybe not. ­The end: