Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Author: Hoop Title: Cryptozoology Part: 3 Summary: Rachel deals with the aftermath of her tentacle rape, and another girl falls prey to the beast. Keywords: xeno, tentacles, rape, nc -- Rachel still hadn't encountered even one other person by the time she exited the cryptozoology department - the place seemed practially deserted. She had stumbled, dazed, into a bathroom near the building's unattended reception area, and cleaned herself off as best she could with the entire contents of a paper towel dispenser. She had locked herself in one of the stalls to have a cry, and after that, things seemed to become more real again. Water did nothing to remove the orange stains from her top, only serving to work them in deeper. Rachel decided that the best thing she could do was get back to her dormitory room, clean herself off properly, and try to work out what to do next. The department was about ten minutes' walk from her room, all contained within the university's extensive campus. She managed to make the journey without encountering anybody else that she knew - a few people raised eyebrows at her brightly-stained top and dishevelled appearance, but asked no questions. The combination of a skirt and the absence of underwear made her especially nervous, and unable to appreciate what might have been, on any other day, a quite enjoyable feeling of cool, breezy freedom. She took the elevator upon returning to the first-year girl's dormitory, a multi-floored, concrete monolith which had probably looked futuristic when it was built in the seventies. Her room, along with those of two dozen other girls, was on the third floor. Hers in particular overlooked a quadrangle with a few flower beds and benches, and, further away, a tennis court which saw frequent use. The communal kitchen was between Rachel's room and the elevator, on the left hand side of the corridor. As she walked past the open door, one of the other girls called her name. "Hey, Rachel!" Stephanie was on a course studying the literature of some Asian country, Rachel couldn't remember exactly which. Presently, the girl was standing at the worktop, chopping something. Rachel leaned around the doorframe. "Hey." "God, Rachel, you look terrible! I mean- oh, you know I didn't mean it like that, but, did something happen? Are you okay?" She came out into the corridor. "What happened to your clothes!?" There was a pause as Rachel considered what she could tell the girl. She didn't rate the plausibility of explaining that she'd been raped by a tentacle monster. Who would believe that? Who could she possibly tell who wouldn't either laugh, or accuse her of attention-seeking with a ridiculous story? "I- " "What's this orange stuff?" Stephanie leaned close, (a little too close) and sniffed Rachel's clothes. "It smells weird." "I- I fell," said Rachel. "And... I was carrying take-away food. It's sauce." "You're not hurt, are you?" Rachel swallowed hard against the ache in her throat, and wiped away a tear while making it look like she was just scratching her nose. "Nope. I'm fine," she croaked. "You sure?" Rachel nodded vigorously, biting her lip. "Well... okay. Oh, if you still haven't eaten, I'm making pasta, do you want some later?" She nodded again. Rachel hadn't paid much attention to the fact until now, but she was, in fact, feeling quite hungry. "See you in an hour, then?" "Okay," said Rachel, quietly. "You're sure you're all right?" "I'm fine, Stephanie." Rachel made it back to her room without meeting anybody else. She got a clean set of clothes and underwear from her wardrobe, and took her towel from where it was hanging in front of the radiator, disappointingly still not completely dry from the morning's use. Rachel made her way to the bathroom at the end of the corridor, and retrieved a rubbish bag from the cleaning supplies cupboard. She got undressed and put her clothes in it, knotting the top tightly closed and leaving it on the floor by the dustbin. She took the longest, hottest shower she had ever had, scrubbing her skin until it was bright pink, while steam condensed and dripped from the ceiling tiles above her. She cleaned between her legs, and saw faint traces of the orange colour on her fingers. Rachel fell to her knees before curling into a foetal position on the shower floor, bawling without restraint as the hot water rained down onto her, drowning out the sounds of her cries. She scrubbed herself raw, until she was completely certain that none of the vile stuff remained in or on any part of her body, and then she turned the water off and sat, chin resting on her knees, until she became uncomfortably cold. Rachel got dressed in the clean clothes she had brought, and felt much better for it. She remembered something that would definitely help while she was returning her towel to her room - there were still some drinks left over from one of the celebration of other girls' birthdays, a few weeks back. They hadn't quite needed all of the spirits they'd bought, and Rachel had brought a half-full bottle of worryingly cheap vodka back to her room, to save for future occasions. She was glad of her foresight. Rachel reached the bottle down from on top of a cupboard, took a large mouthful, choked, and immediately spat it all over her mirror. The stuff was far too strong by itself. It tasted like paint stripper. Now knowing what to expect, she tried again, and managed to swallow down a few small mouthfuls. Her throat went warm and numb. That was better. She returned to the kitchen, looking forward to whatever Stephanie was cooking. Rachel felt like she hadn't eaten all day. Her stomach growled, and the sound was accomanied by a brief, sharp pain, which she assumed was the hunger. Although come to think of it, it had felt a lot lower down than her stomach. -- There was definitely no egg anywhere. Every time that Amy had allowed Boris to fuck her, she had always had to carefully remove one of the small, white globes from her anus or vulva afterwards. She had made very sure of its absence this time, to the extent that she was now quite sore down there. She scrubbed her hands at the sink, looking at the reflection of the creature in the mirror, and wondering. What if Boris had somehow got at one of the other animals in the basement level? Did it even have to deposit eggs inside another creature? From what little she had studied Boris, she knew that its eggs needed a rich source of biochemicals to grow. Did that necessarily imply an in vivo environment? Where could it be, if not? How far might Boris have ventured from her office since breaking out of the tank? The unmistakeable sound of Dr. Bryant's tuneless whistling reached Amy's ears from the corridor outside. What was he doing down here? If he saw the office, she'd be in serious trouble. It had been difficult enough to persuade him to allow her to keep Boris in there. If he saw the mess, Boris would be straight back in the quarantine zoo with the other specimens, with Amy's identity logged by a card reader every time she took him out to play. She couldn't lose that freedom. She got dressed rapidly, and burst out of the door as Dr. Bryant approached within six feet of it. He was completely unfazed by her sudden appearance. "Ah, Amy," he said. "I forgot to mention, I'll need some slides from you for the presentation tomorrow. Shouldn't be too much work, just ten or so." "Oh, ah, sure," she said. Amy pulled her jeans up properly. "Any content in particular?" "Just the recent work. I think they'll like the nucleotide experiments. Bring out the stuff that'll convince them to keep funding us. You seem a bit out of breath, Amy, is something the matter?" "Nope. Nothing. I'll get started on those slides right away." "Good. Good work." She motioned as if she was going to walk back to the office. She would need to extract Boris after Dr. Bryant had left. "Oh, and Amy?" "Yes?" "Your t-shirt is inside out." The whistling grew quieter as he ascended the stairs, returning to his own realm. Amy rearranged her t-shirt. She paused as she was pulling it down over her head, suddenly aware of a faint rushing sound. She pushed open the bathroom door. A toilet was flushing. Boris was no longer in the corner. Boris, in fact, was nowhere to be seen. "Oh no no no no," she repeated the word as she rushed into the room, throwing the door of the bathroom stall open just in time to see the tip of a blue and white tentacle disappear beneath the frothy water. The flushing ceased with a gurgle, leaving nothing but calm water and white ceramic. "Oh, shit." -- With lectures as the only timetabled activity in the day, Jessica had planned to spend the afternoon reading her notes and going over the textbook. This had started well enough - she managed a full hour of reading after lunch, before she decided that she really should get her laundry done. And, well, if she was going to take care of that, she may as well clean her room a bit. At half past four, she read one more page from her book, and then realised that she hadn't written a letter to her grandmother in a while. Then it was time to eat, and she couldn't work too soon just after eating - it wasn't healthy. Her tidy room was evidence of just how productive she'd been today; surely she could allow herself a few episodes from a DVD as a reward first. At half past one, Jessica finished the last episode of the box set. Too late to start work now. She'd need to be up early for tomorrow's lectures. Best to just get some sleep, she thought. She padded quietly to the bathroom at the end of the corridor, feeling her way along the wall. She slipped inside, not turning on the light. It would cause the extractor fan to come on, and that would disturb the girl in the next room, who seemed to like to sleep early. There was just enough moonlight to see by, coming through the small windows set high up at the tops of the walls. Jessica brushed her teeth first, and then went to one of the cubicles. She felt around in the darkness for the lid of the toilet and lifted it up, before lowering her pyjama bottoms and sitting down. She pushed the door shut with one foot, not bothering to lock it. The chances of someone coming in this late were pretty low. There was a splash in the bowl, which was surprising, because Jessica hadn't started yet. She parted her legs a bit, and squinted down into the gloom. Something wet and slimy burst up from beneath her, soaking her behind with cold water. Dark, black shapes darted from below, wrapping themselves around Jessica's thighs and squeezing tight. She screamed in total terror, and another of the shapes exploded upwards and plunged into her mouth, forcing her head back until it thumped against the tiled wall behind her. She retched as the cold, worm-like appendage squrimed at the back of her throat. The shock made Jessica finish what she had come here to do very quickly indeed. The fouled water splashing up over her legs was the least of her concerns, though, as she grappled with the thing that was trying to force its way down her throat. She tried to scream again, but her mouth was completely filled with smooth, slimy flesh. More of the things wrapped around her wrists, prising her hands away and pinning her arms against the cubicle walls. In the darkness, she could make out nothing but vague outlines. Were they snakes? Eels? What was happening to her? She couldn't stand up, she couldn't move at all, firmly held down in a sitting position by cold, wet tendrils coiled around her legs. She kept trying desperately to cry out, to make some noise, but only managed a faint "Nnnn", through her nose. Biting down on the thing in her mouth was impossible: her jaws were forced open wide, the thing was slightly soft but otherwise unyielding, like an overly ambitious mouthful of steak. The need to scream became even more pronounced as Jessica felt a cold, wet touch creeping along her thigh, towards her genitals. She got one arm free for a brief, desperate moment, and was able to beat her fist against the cubicle wall before it was siezed once more and bent around behind her head. Her feet kicked against the toilet and the floor uselessly, splashing in the dirty water. Jessica's hips bucked forward as something cold, slippery, and horrifyingly large began to force its way into her anus. A wedge of light appeared on the bathroom ceiling. Someone was coming in! Jessica, still unable to scream, made as much noise as she could around her mouthful of invading, slimy limb. Whoever it was turned the ceiling lights on, and the fluorescent strips flickered to life, illuminating the stall in a harsh, blue-white glow. Jessica got her first look at the appendages molesting her. They didn't seem to be individual creatures - no eyes or other features, just smooth, rounded tips. Tentacles. They were the horrible, serpentine limbs of something whose main body remained out of sight in the pipes beneath. Their surfaces were unnaturally colourful, blue and white intermixing in a swirling pattern. There were at least six that Jessica could feel: one for each limb, one for her mouth, and the one continuing to ease itself into her ass hole. A pair more revealed themselves, splashing up between Jessica's legs with orange mucus seeping from small slits at their tips. One of them gripped tight around her abdomen, making her grunt. The other snaked up beneath her pyjama top, wrapped itself around a breast, and squeezed hard. "Oh my God, what the fuck's going on!? Who's in there?" Footsteps came across the floor, stopping outside the door of the cubicle. There was a splash. "What's - eww! Gross! What are you-" "Mmmh!" Jessica somehow managed to make a noise. "Are you okay? Answer me!" "Mm-mmh! Mm-mmh!" "I'm opening the door, okay?" Jessica was relieved that she hadn't locked it. She was going to be saved. Thank God someone had heard her. The door began to swing inwards. There was a blur of movement as a few of the tentacles immediately released their grip on Jessica's helpless body and surged, in unison, at the door. It was punched off its hinges by the impact of the tentacles, with the sound of splintering chipboard. From the other side, there was the briefest of screams, and then a dull thump. The girl from the neighbouring room was sprawled on the floor beneath the sink. She wasn't moving. There was a small, red mark on the sink's rim. Jessica thrashed her limbs as hard as she could, but the tentacles returned to pin her down. Her fists clenched and unclenched in a futile gesture, and what was worse, with the door now gone, she could see her own reflection in the mirror opposite the stall: she was powerless to resist, grappled firmly by all her limbs as the remaining tentacles explored her body, and now able to see every detail of her merciless violation. The one in her ass slid further inside, filling her with its slimy girth. She saw a bulge shifting beneath her pyjama top as the tentacle around her breast uncoiled and snaked downwards. She let out a muffled cry as it reached the top of her pubic hair, and, as if it had sensed that this was the right direction by the change in terrain, the tentacle darted down, under, and then back up inside her, lodging itself firmly in her pussy and writhing vigorously. She felt herself lifted up off the toilet seat by the force of the intrusions. The two tentacles drove themselves deeper and deeper inside her; orange slime seeped from around them as they thrusted relentlessly with a wet squelching noise. A sickly sweet flavour filled her mouth, and she saw in the mirror that more of that brightly-coloured stuff was oozing down her chin. Despite the sudden, horrifying brutality of the assault, Jessica was rapidly being forced to confront one unexpected factor: the tentacles were beginning to feel good. It was profoundly wrong. Jessica, frightened for her life and in a severe state of shock, could feel a telltale warmth and tension growing inside her, ten times more intense than anything she'd managed to coax from her body with her own fingers while curled up furtively beneath her duvet. Her cheeks were blushing red. Her toes were twitching. The tentacles pulled her legs wide apart. The surges into all of her holes became slower, but more powerful, more purposeful. The squriming limbs seemed to be able to alter their shape, bulging and fattening to fill all available space. Her hips ached. Her breath came in shallow gasps around the obstruction in her mouth as another tentacle squeezed tight around her chest, flattening her breasts. Tentacle-tips intertwined, almost playfully, with her quivering fingers. One of them tried to insert itself into her navel, admitting defeat only after half a minute of energetic probing. It left a mucuous trail as it slipped downwards to join the first tentacle in her cunt, insinuating itself into her at the top of the slit, its silky-smooth, slime-lubricated skin gliding over her clitoris. That was too much. Jessica surrendered to the creature with a shuddering groan as an all-consuming orgasm siezed her body. She trembled in the tentacles' cold, moist grip, suffused with ecstasy. A tingling glow welled up inside her, rolling out like a wave to dissipate at her extremities. It brought tears to her eyes - not borne of fear, but of total, overwhelming bliss. She hadn't thought it was possible to feel this way. No drug, no man, surely nothing could cause a sensation like the one she was experiencing now. The creature held her down for what felt like whole minutes while she thrashed and writhed, eventually ceasing her struggles as all her muscles became weak and warm. The tentacles gradually withdrew. Jessica choked up some orange slime, and spat it between her legs into the toilet bowl. She shivered once, gasping for breath. She realised that her arms and legs had been freed. Beneath her, the last tentacle withdrew itself from her ass hole with a sucking sound, and disappeared beneath the surface of the cloudy water. The creature vanished as swiftly as it had come. Jessica was completely exhausted, only semi-lucid as the residual feeling of orgasm flickered through her nerves. She knew that had to check the other girl. She stumbled out of the cubicle, tripping over her own feet - the feeling and function had not yet fully returned to her limbs. She crawled over to the unconscious girl, and listened for breathing. She felt for a pulse on her neck, and was relieved when she found one. She was going to be okay. She lay on the floor beside her, staring up at the ceiling, willing her body to move to no avail. The shock and exhaustion were too much for her. She needed to rest here, even if for only a few minutes. When Jessica opened her eyes again, the pale light of early morning was filtering in through the high windows. Her muscles were stiff and aching. Her mouth was dry, and there was a definite, unpleasant aftertaste of something. Her genitals felt strangely sore, as if there were some kind of swollen tenderness deep inside her. With some effort, she sat up. The other girl was gone.