Author: Honey Moon
Title: Spellbook
Part: 01
Keywords: magic, bodyswap, nc, gore, horror, bestiality, dom, sub


Part one

By Honey Moon

     Colleen seethed in anger as she strode down the street. How 
dare Richard say he wanted to see other people! Couldn’t he 
understand she needed time to think about giving her virginity to 
him? She had seen the outline of his thing through his pants. The 
size had actually frightened her! How dare he turn to that big titty 
brain dead bimbo Misty just because she was so fucking easy? 
Was Misty really her name? Did her parents want her to grow up 
to be an empty headed whore? The eighteen year old paused and 
glared at a sign. “Great, now the fucking bookstore is going out of 
business! What else could go wrong today?
     The angry young woman looked through the window and 
caught her breath. It was a shame her favorite store was closing, 
but she saw a sight that made her day seem just a little bit better. 
“Fifty percent off? Everything must go?” Colleen could not resist 
such a bibliophile’s dream. She entered the store. 
     “Why, If it isn’t young Miss Hannity.” Colleen jumped as a 
boney hand landed on her shoulder. “I knew you were coming to 
visit me today.”
     “Good day, Madame Bertrand.” Colleen tried to calm her 
racing heart as she turned to face the old woman. “I’m sorry to see 
you’re closing up shop. I’ll miss coming here.”
     “Do not feel sorry, for me.” The woman’s steel grey eyes 
flashed. “It is only time for me to once again move on. Before I 
leave this town, I would like to show you something.”
     The young woman followed the shopkeeper into the tiny 
apartment behind the many bookcases. Being in the main living 
area was like stepping back though time. Madame Bertrand owned 
no television, radio, computer, or even telephone. Colleen 
suspected that if she searched the whole place, she’d find nothing 
more technologically advanced then the light bulbs in the curiously 
old fashioned ceiling lamp above her head. Even with the light, 
Colleen sensed that the woman would rather use candles or a 
hurricane lamp!  
     The teen jumped again when the woman suddenly thrust a 
book at her. “This is for you, my little one.”
     The little redhead was about to protest. Just because she was 
slightly less than five foot tall there was no need to call her little 
one! The four foot five inch woman stood as straight as she could, 
but the anger melted away. “This book is OLD!” she gasped as she 
gazed at the heavy leather bound tome. “Thanks for the offer, but 
there’s no way I can afford such a well preserved edition.”
     The wizened old shopkeeper cackled. “No, you 
misunderstood.” She once again thrust the volume towards the 
younger woman’s hands. “This is a gift! I’ll not be accepting any 
coin in exchange!”
     Colleen took the book and gave it a closer look. “A book of 
magic spells?” she asked after making out the hand lettering on the 
dusty leather cover. “What would I do with that?”
     “If you have ‘The Sight’, you could do nearly anything your 
heart desires!”
     Colleen decided to humor the old hag. “Thank you very 
much! I’ll cherish it always!” Even as she said those words, she 
wondered how much it would net her on EBay!
     When she made it home to her apartment, the young woman 
tossed the book onto her bed. “Witch sight, yeah, right!” She didn’t 
believe in such fairy tales! She gave up all such crazy ideals when 
she had aged out of the foster care system six months ago. “I just 
hope some dumb ass Goth chick will pony up a few hundred 
dollars for the damn thing!”
     Her mind drifted back to Richard and his fuck toy. How dare 
that asshole dump her! “I hope that top heavy walking sperm bank 
infects him with the never-get-overs! I hope the bitch’s birth 
control fails, and he knocks her up!”
     She angrily wiped the tears from her eyes. “This is not 
affecting me!” she lied. “This will not bother me!” She snatched up 
the book to give herself something else to dwell on.
     The petite woman flipped through the pages. “There must be 
hundreds of incantations in here. Why did the author waste so 
much parchment though?” There must be some reason every other 
page was left blank. She tossed the book back to the bed and 
picked up her television remote.
     Dead ideals or not, Colleen was a fan of animation. She 
decided to clear her mind by watching the latest used DVD she had 
managed to acquire. She opened the case for “Shrek 3-D” and put 
on one of the included pairs of 3-D glasses. Popping the DVD 
from the case, she turned to toss it onto the bed before inserting the 
movie into her player. The redhead gasped and dropped the disk to 
the floor.
     “Oh my fuckin’ God!” she stammered as she stared at the 
open book on her bed. Images of Nicolas Cage raced through her 
mind. Was it that simple? Was wearing funny glasses, like in 
“National Treasure” the key to a priceless fortune of knowledge? 
She snatched up the book and frantically turned page after page. It 
wasn’t just the one! Every single supposed blank page was 
inscribed with precisely depicted diagrams of hand motions that 
seemed to go with the facing page’s incantation!  Was this why 
there was no real magic in the world any more? Was ‘Witch Sight’ 
nothing more then a closely guarded secret arrangement of colored 
lenses or crystals? 
     Movie time forgotten, Colleen picked what seemed to be a 
relatively simple pattern to try. Puzzling out the old Latin was the 
easy part. The mousy young woman spent hours frantically waving 
her hands. Thankfully being fluent in American Sign Language 
had made her hands very supple. After what felt like the 
thousandth time, her eyes opened wide in awe. “It works!” she 
screamed as she floated weightlessly near the ceiling. “The 
cadence of the Latin had to precisely match the pace of the hand 
motions! No wonder the secret died out!” Using force of will alone 
now, she experimented with swooping and gliding around the 
     Colleen laughed long and hard as she effortlessly touched 
down on her bed. It meant weeks of studying, but it was well worth 
the effort! “Misty and Richard had best beware! A reckoning is 
soon to be at hand!”
     Misty Andrews giggled as her fiancé Richard eagerly pawed 
at her heaving breasts. “Don’t tear my blouse like last time!” 
     He laughed, but slowed his hands and carefully unbuttoned 
the straining silk top. “You know I can’t help myself, Misty!”
     The blonde’s eyes sparkled. “After that little bitty-titty girl 
you used to date, I can understand that! You’re just making up for 
lost time with my breasts!”
     “What are you talking about?” he asked breathlessly as he 
fumbled with the clasp of her bra. “Colleen wouldn’t even give me 
a fucking hand job! It’s your whole body that I’m after!”
     Misty slipped a hand down his body and caressed his 
engorged member through his pants. “Well, it’s the little freak’s 
loss! Imagine turning down this beautiful monster!”
     Richard laughed. “You should have seen her face. You’d 
think I asked her to slit her throat when I only wanted to make love 
with her!”
     “I guess she couldn’t help being scared. I can hardly believe 
she’s actually eighteen. After all, she’s built like a little boy.” 
Misty slipped out of her skirt and eased her thong down long 
shapely legs. “You just wanted to bag yourself a barely legal 
virgin.” The twenty-five year old woman smiled. “Aren’t you glad 
you have a real woman now, who isn’t afraid to invite a man into 
her house for a hot session of pre-marital sex?”
     The aroused man shrugged out of his shit and dropped his 
trousers. “You know that I am! I’m hard as a rock right now!”
     The gorgeous blonde smiled sweetly. “Richard dear, I have 
great news. I’m not wearing my diaphragm. If you take me right 
now, I may end up walking down the aisle with a baby bump under 
my wedding dress. Would you like that?”
     The handsome man’s cock gave a mighty jerk just from the 
thought. “Oh honey, I’d love that!” 
     The two fell into each other’s arms, only to be violently 
thrown apart. “How touching!” a scornful voice snapped. The air 
shimmered, and a petite naked woman appeared in the room. “The 
little freak is here to settle a few scores!”
     “You bitch!” Misty dove at the little mousy intruder when the 
woman began muttering and waving her hands. “What? What’s 
happening?” The blonde found herself suddenly frozen, unable to 
     Colleen spun to face Richard. “I loved you! If you gave me 
some time, I would have given you my virginity! But no, you had 
to turn to this big tit skank for an easy lay!”
     “Calm down Colleen.” Richard took a step towards her. “Are 
you saying you want it now?” He glanced at Misty. What do you 
say baby? How about I screw Colleen for old time’s sake?”
     The blonde screamed. “I can’t move asshole! She did 
something to me! How could you think of sex at a time like this?”
     Colleen laughed bitterly. “You may be right. A good fuck 
might be just what I need right now!”  She raised her hands and 
began a long muttering chant as she waved at him. With a final 
flourish, the tiny woman cried out and collapsed to the floor.
     “Richard, get her! Kick the shit out of the little bitch while 
she’s out of it!” The blonde strained, but still was unable to move. 
“Hurry! Kill the fucking flat chested whore!”
     The muscular man flexed his strong arms and smiled. “This 
isn’t bad! I could grow to like being here!”
     “What’s wrong with your voice?” Misty watched in disbelief 
as the sandy haired well built man checked out his body in the 
mirror. He even went as far as grabbing his massive cock and 
giving it a few strokes. “Richard, what the hell are you doing? This 
is serious! Kill that fucking bitch!”
     The bitch in question struggled to her feet and screamed. 
“What did you do?” she wailed in a strangely deep voice. “How 
did you do this to me?” She looked down at herself and began to 
sob like a baby!
     The man laughed. “Misty hasn’t figured it out yet, honey 
child! Why don’t you clue her in?”
     The dainty woman rushed to Misty and wrapped her arms 
around the frozen woman’s waist. “It’s me! Oh God help me! It’s 
me, Richard! I’m in here! I don’t know how, but she managed to 
put my mind in her body!”
     The immobile woman gasped. “You can’t be serious!” she 
tried again to move and sudden understanding filled her soul with 
dread. She faced the man and cried out. “It’s magic! You’re evil! 
You’re some kind of demon!”
     Colleen laughed. “No, I’m just a witch, possibly one of the 
last in the world.” A hand couldn’t seem to help wandering back 
down to grasp the still throbbing erect penis. “Damn, this thing is 
sure distracting. No wonder guys want to use them all the time!”  
She looked the two women up and down. “I think I’ll have to get 
rid of this boner before I can think straight. Now who should I 
chose to ease this unbearable pressure?”
     Richard began to blubber, and showed the true measure of his 
makeup. “Take Misty! She’s used to getting fucked by me, uh, it! 
She’s had so many guys it wouldn’t matter if you tried her out too! 
Besides, I, uh, you’re too small! It’ll hurt!”
     The neo-witch smiled sweetly. “Yet, you wanted to stuff this 
thing into me! I ask you Misty, is that fair?”
     The blonde glared down at the tiny form clinging to her. 
“You fucking little sniveling bastard!” If she could move, she 
would have scratched out the eyes of the woman’s body that held 
her in a death grip. “Take him! Go ahead you cunt! Knock your 
own body up! See if I care!”
     Richard screamed again at the thought of being pregnant. 
“No, oh please God no! I’m so sorry! I swear I’ll make it up to 
you! Please make everything back to normal!”
     “All in good time my little sweetie-pie.” Colleen eyed her 
own body critically. “You know what? I think I was much too hard 
on myself! I wasted so much of my life worried about my 
appearance. Being on the outside now, let’s me see things clearly. 
I’m no supermodel, but I am damn cute! My features are almost 
elfin. With my curly red hair I look like a little pixy girl, or a 
leprecon.” She looked down at the unfamiliar cock jutting out so 
firm and strong. “Maybe it’s this body’s hormones kicking in. Just 
looking at me is making this thing feel like it’s going to explode.” 
She leered at her own body. Richard honey, is this how you felt the 
night you exposed your penis to me? Did it turn you on thinking 
about fucking an eighteen year old woman that can pass as a little 
girl?” Colleen took a deep breath. I guess I should be thankful. 
You must have had a will of iron not to have just raped the hell out 
of cute little ol’ me!”
     At the word rape, Richard backed away from Misty and made 
a clumsy run for the door. The petite form lifted into the air when 
Colleen whispered softly and made a few hand passes. He shrieked 
when the form he now inhabited began to drift towards the bed. 
“Colleen, please no! I didn’t force you! You know I stopped when 
you started to cry! Why are you doing this to me?”
     The witch giggled. It sounded strange coming from such a 
big man’s throat. “I guess I’m doing it because I can!” A smile 
spread across the ruggedly handsome face. “Just think Richard. I 
timed tonight just right. The body I let you borrow is at just the 
right time in its cycle. Misty’s right, I’d knock myself up if I stuck 
this monster up you tonight!”
     Laying on the bed, arms and legs spread wide, Richard 
wailed. “You’re insane! You can’t leave me in this fucking body 
for nine months! I’m a man!”
     You’re a fucking coward!” Misty shouted. “You tried to 
make her screw me! Take it, bitch! Pop your fucking cherry on that 
big fuck stick! I hope her hymen so thick it hurts like hell!”
     Colleen laughed. “Misty, I’m forced to change my opinion 
about you. You’re a girl after my own heart!”
     The blonde managed to spit on the floor. It was about the 
only action she could take. “I’m no friend of yours, you bitch!”
     “You sure are stupid though.” She laughed. “It’s spelled with 
a “W” not a “B”!”
     It took a little getting used to walk in such a huge body, but 
Colleen was getting the hang of it. “I’m going to make a woman 
out of you, so to speak.” She said as she climbed over her own 
prone body. “Damn, this really is exciting! Look, your cock is 
starting to drip! I’m beginning to think maybe I should have let 
you have me. No matter. This way I get to see what it’s like to pop 
me a cherry!”
     “Wait, I’ll do anything you say!” Richard screamed as he 
stared up in open fear at his own face. “I’m too big! You’ll damage 
your own body! You’ll be hurt when you change us back!”
     “What makes you think I want to get back into it?” Colleen 
stopped to think about what she had said, and actually made the 
male body blush. “Well, I do want to get into that body, but not 
quite in the way you hope I do!” Grasping the cock, Colleen 
roughly rubbed the head over the dainty lips of her own vagina. 
“Damn, now I’m glad I shaved for me. This is going to be good!”
     “God in Heaven, please help me!” Richard wailed as his own 
fearsome weapon bore down. “No, please stop!” The head began to 
force the lips apart. “Stop it! Stop it before it’s too late!”
     “It is too late!” Colleen grunted as the head of the cock found 
the tiny warm opening. “It’s much too late!” There was no 
stopping now! Feeling no need for foreplay, Colleen simply 
rammed the massive erect member deep inside the slender form of 
her own petite body! “Jesus Christ, I’m so fucking tight!” she 
gasped as the throbbing organ sent a lightning bolt of pleasure 
shooting through her soul. “I’m glad I saved myself for this!”
     Richard sobbed like the woman he had become! “Get it out 
of me!” he wailed. “Oh God Colleen, it hurts! Please stop! You 
don’t want to do this!”
     Misty glared. “Oh please! Do you think you’re the first virgin 
to be taken like this? Do you think I liked it when one of my 
teachers nailed me when I was a virgin? No, but I took it anyway 
so I could graduate with my class! Now shut the fuck up and let the 
demon have her fun!”
     Colleen settled over her own slight form, not caring if 
Richard’s bodyweight was too much for her unwilling partner. “I 
am having fun!” she gasped as she thrust muscular hips sharply. 
“Damnation, my pussy is practically squeezing off your cock! This 
is fantastic!”
     “You’re raping me!” Richard cried unnecessarily. “It hurts! 
Stop! I’m begging you, please pull it out!”
     “Not just rape, sweetie-pants!” Colleen found a rhythm that 
felt pretty damn good, and began to roughly pound into her own 
petite little body. “I’m going to inseminate you! You’re going to be 
a poor little unwed mother!” 
     Richard sobbed and gasped in sheer panic at the thought. 
“God help me! Please, oh dear God, help me! Don’t let me get 
pregnant! I’m a man! This can’t be happening to me!”
     Strangely, Colleen found his pleading to be quite erotic. It 
felt like the proudly throbbing organ had grown even more erect! 
Scrunching down a bit, she managed to kiss the tears off of her 
own sad little face before increasing the strenuous pace of her 
happy work. “I’m such a good little lay! Too bad you wouldn’t 
wait for me! I would have let you do this! You would have never 
turned to that blonde whore if you felt how warm and tight I am! 
I’m glad you did though! Now I have the pleasure!”
     “I’m sorry!” Richard sobbed as the ordeal continued. “Please, 
no more! I don’t want any more!” He tried to struggle, but his own 
two hundred pounds pinned tightly to the mattress.
     “Oh yeah, do it like that! Roll those skinny hips! Work that 
tiny little butt!” Colleen felt a strange but welcomed pressure 
growing. “Shit! I, I think I’m going to ejaculate!” The powerful 
thrusts took on a frantic pace as the witch raced towards the 
unknown goal of her first male orgasm. “I’m nearly there! Oh 
damn, it’s good! Take it you sissy! Take it like a woman!” Colleen 
rammed into her own slender form one last time. The panting male 
body she wore went rigid and she let out an animalistic grunt as the 
explosion began!
     Richard screamed, knowing what was happening. The fertile 
body he was trapped in was being flooded by his own virile seed! 
Tears streamed down the face he had considered cute, but not 
pretty. All he could do was wait for it to stop, and pray that this 
body would not get pregnant!
     Colleen rolled off of the sobbing Richard. “Damn it, that was 
over too soon! No matter. I have an idea on how I can achieve the 
best of all possible worlds!”
     Misty’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head as the male body 
slipped off of the bed and approached. “Get away from me!” she 
shouted as the witch circled her, examining every square inch of 
her frozen body. “You got what you wanted, now turn everything 
back the way it was!”
     “Misty, you may be a top heavy Barbie-doll wanna be, but I 
must admit the look works.” A strong hand reached out and firmly 
tweaked a firm oversized nipple. “Yes, your Amazon body appeals 
to me. I want it.”
     Misty laughed. “So go ahead and fuck me, demon. I can’t 
stop you!”
     Colleen laughed. “No, you misunderstand, whore. While I’m 
sure fucking your centerfold body would be fantastic. I actually 
plan to posses it!” she ran a hand lovingly over the flat tummy. 
“Still, it is a shame you’re fertile today. I find the idea of knocking 
up my brand new body to be a little on the distasteful side!”
     The blonde went pale. “You want to take over my body? You 
can’t! I won’t let you!”
     “You really don’t have much say in the matter, cunt!” 
Colleen looked at the still form on the bed. Richard had rolled up 
in a little ball, and didn’t seem to want to stop sobbing. “I do have 
to make a few minor alterations first.” The muscular shoulders 
shrugged before the familiar mumblings and hand motions began.
     The form on the bed sat up and laughed. “I’m a little sore 
down there, but it’s not that bad though. Richard had me thinking it 
was going to hurt like hell. Jeez, he’s such a little puss!” Colleen 
put a hand between her legs and then held it up to her face. “Hey 
Misty, did you bleed this much on your first time?” she staggered a 
bit as she rejoined the still form of the blonde Goddess. “Look at 
this!” she wiped the blood and seminal fluid over the woman’s 
beautiful face and laughed. “Poor Richard, if he though that little 
ouchie was bad, wait until he finds out what he’s going through 
     Richard struggled to move, but was immobilized the same 
way Misty was. “What am I about to go through?” he asked, still 
sobbing. “Please, leave us alone! You got what you came for! For 
the love of God, please go away!”
     Colleen was about to answer, when she felt something soft 
and warm rub against her. She looked down at the dainty black cat 
that was rubbing its hind quarters against her leg. “Oh, she’s a 
perfect darling! How old is this pretty little girl?” She knelt and 
stroked the silky fur, and laughed as the little queenie bent her 
front legs to lower her head, and thrust her rear end high! The 
pretty little thing then meowed quite loudly, demanding more 
attention. The witch picked her up and rubbed her cheek against 
the happily purring feline.  
     “Are you insane?” Misty glared at her. “Put Princess down!”
     With a happy sigh, the witch did as Misty demanded. “I’d 
guess she’s less then a year. It’s certainly a shame you hadn’t had 
her fixed yet.”
     Richard finally seemed to have conquered his blubbering. 
“How did you know? I was going to take her to the vet tomorrow.”
     The tiny woman actually clapped her hands. “Excellent! I 
came over just in time! She’s absolutely perfect for my plans! Now 
come along you two. I don’t want to put this off any more.” At the 
wave of her hand, the couple lifted up off the floor and followed 
her into the bathroom. 
     When Richard drifted over and settled into the oversized 
claw footed iron bathtub, he started to blubber again. “What are 
you planning? Are, are you going to drown me?”
     Colleen laughed. “Nothing so crude, sissy boy! Just be 
patient while I go fetch something.” She gave his limp cock a 
playful pinch before scurrying off to the kitchen.
     It was Misty’s turn to scream when she saw what the 
diminutive woman returned with. “She’s going to kill us!”
     The witch looked at the razor sharp paring knife and laughed. 
“No, well, not really, anyway.”
     The big strong man in the bathtub cried like a baby when the 
knife wielding young woman climbed in with him. “What now?” 
He looked on in terror as she gently touched his penis. “You 
can’t!” He wailed as she lay the knife across his belly and began 
chanting and waving her hands. “Don’t cut it off! God almighty, 
don’t cut off my dick!” His bladder let loose, which only made 
things easier for the amateur surgeon.   
     “Good boy!” she cheered as Richard pissed himself in mortal 
fright. Now don’t distract me any more while I’m working!” she 
snapped as she picked up the knife. “I have to get this right the first 
time!” She spread his legs, hanging them over the sides of the tub 
so she had more room. “I want to get the whole thing out intact!” 
She plunged the knife in under the pubic bone, and Richard 
screamed! Humming softly as she worked, the witch dug the knife 
in deeper, circling around his external organs as she attempted to 
remove the entire male reproductive system as one complete unit! 
Blood pulsed hot onto her hands, arms, and face, but Colleen 
continued her difficult task. “Damn, its harder then I though to cut 
through the muscles Thank goodness the knife’s so sharp!”
     “Stop!” the still man shrieked as his immobile body felt 
every slice of the gleaming blade. “You bitch! Please God; make 
her stop before it’s too late!” He couldn’t tear his eyes way from 
the dreadful sight of the petite woman sawing through his living 
flesh! “Misty, help me! It hurts! Make it stop!” He screamed again 
and again as Colleen made a second cut extending from his pubic 
bone up to his rib cage. She slipped a slender hand into the slot, 
and pulled his intestines out of the way and let them drop into the 
bathtub. Spittle ran down his chin as pain and fear drove him to the 
brink of insanity! “She’s killing me! I don’t wanna die!”
     Richard’s screaming turned into whimpers as blood loss 
eased him into shock. Misty’s screams began as her imagination 
told her that she was next! “You’re insane!” she wailed as the 
witch kept right on at her terrible task. 
     The witch dug deeper. She grimaced as the blade nicked the 
rectum, and the smell assaulted her nose. Still, she cut on. She 
slipped her slender fingers into the gaping wound and gingerly felt 
around for the bladder itself. Letting the magic guide the knife, she 
sliced through the connective tissues and parted both ureters. 
Putting the knife down, she reached back into Richard’s wetness 
and gently pushed the now disconnected bladder under the pubic 
bone and out of his body!
     “I did it!” Colleen triumphantly held up her gory trophy. 
“Look! Penis, balls, Vas deferens, prostate, bladder, seminal 
vesicle, everything! I got it all!” Very carefully now, the neo-
doctor cut the bladder free from the rest of the bloody mass she 
held. It would not be needed. She tossed the organ in the tub, and it 
bounced off of Richard’s ashen face. His eyes closed tight as if this 
would make a difference. Now was the tricky part. The magic was 
supporting his life, but Colleen wanted to finish this up before 
Richard bled to death from the horrible wound where his pride and 
joy used to be. She laid her bloody prize across Richard’s stomach 
and turned to her next patient. “Don’t worry, Misty. Your 
operation is much simpler! Come to momma!”
     The blonde’s eyes went huge in terror as she drifted towards 
the blood soaked diminutive woman and landed in the gory tub to 
stand before her. “Don’t touch me!” she wailed. “Please, you don’t 
even know me! I never hurt you! I met Richard after he dumped 
you! It wasn’t my fault! Please don’t hurt me too!”
     With the sweetest of smiles, Colleen almost lovingly slipped 
the knife into the trembling blonde’s vagina. With a sudden flick of 
the wrist she slit upwards, right through the oversized clitoris. 
Misty let out a blood chilling scream! The wailing blonde was 
somewhat luckier then Richard. She passed out as soon as bright 
red blood pulsed from her body onto Colleen’s chest. Colleen was 
thankful that the task was indeed easier to perform on the woman. 
Eyeing the size of Richard’s removed organs, she made the slit in 
Misty’s gorgeous flesh slightly bigger. Working with the speed of 
necessity, Colleen reached in and severed the urethra from the 
overgrown Barbie-doll’s bladder.
     “Here’s the tricky bit.” Colleen grabbed the male organs and 
carefully fed the internal parts of the dying man’s reproductive 
system into the wound she had carefully placed above the flayed 
vagina. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the incantation. 
Torn flesh healed. The vaginal tunnel repaired. Inside, the spell 
forced the blood vessels and nerve endings to join with those 
within the woman’s body. The prostate linked with the bladder, 
and a channel opened between them connecting up through the 
urethra in the penis, instead of the original female method of 
     The witch gently tickled the underside of the flaccid staff 
when the wound completed healing, and was delighted to see it rise 
to attention! “I did it! It worked!” She gave her handiwork a 
critical once over. “That looks hot! The pussy is completely 
accessible under the testicles. Misty’s big ol’ clit is snuggled nicely 
up under the scrotal sac. All that hair is a bit much though.” The 
witch made a slight pass, while muttering a couple choice words. 
All Misty’s and Richard’s combined pubic hair sprinkled lightly 
into the bloody tub. Colleen smiled. “That’s better! Hairless looks 
hot! Yes, I can work with this. I’ll look like I stepped right out of 
some nasty Japanese animation!”  
     Colleen stood up in the tub and thankfully spotted the little 
cat coming to investigate the heady smell of all that fresh warm 
blood. This was going to be a little complex! Waving and chanting 
with frantic haste, Colleen once again relocated herself. 
      The tiny woman collapsed across the dying man lying below 
her. The still standing blonde opened her eyes and smiled. A hand 
slipped down and grasped the stiffening penis. “I feel it! It feels 
wonderful!” Hands waving again caused the cat to stagger and fall 
unconscious to the floor. Her own petite body writhed, and began 
meowing pitifully. “I’m so sorry, Princess. Rest in peace, little 
one!” The busty blonde took a deep breath and once again invoked 
the magic.  
     Richard sat up, drenched in blood, once again inhabiting the 
sore little abused body he was raped in. “Holy mother of God!” he 
cried as he heard a feeble little mewling meow from the body 
squirming weakly under him. Richard gagged at the sight of his 
own ruined body. He looked at the gray sweat soaked face that 
used to be his own. The eyes no longer held the look of human 
intelligence. They looked back at him in dumb animal terror, 
before the inner light seemed to fade and the body gave one last 
massive convulsion and died. “What in the name of all that is 
unholy did you do?”
     The blonde sighed. “I had to kill the cat. It was a necessary 
evil. As you’ll soon see, the results are better then I ever dared to 
dream of!”
     Misty slowly awoke to a nightmare that was destined to 
never end. “I, I feel funny! What’s wrong with me?” She glanced 
up, and up some more! Somehow that fucking witch had made her 
body into a towering giant of a hermaphrodite. Her point of view 
spun wildly, before finally settling down. She wailed when the 
truth made itself known. “You bitch! You put me in a cat? How 
could you, you God damn fucking little bitch? Change me back!”
     Colleen laughed and picked up the little black cat by the 
scruff of the neck. “It was easy, fleabag. Get used to that body, 
because you’re going to grow old and die in it! Don’t forget, cats 
only live about fifteen years!”
     Richard once again began to shake. “My, my body is dead! 
You butchered me to death!” He, no, SHE covered her sad little 
eyes and sobbed anew. “Does this mean I’m trapped now? Oh 
God! I’m probably pregnant! I’m ruined! You ruined me!”
     Misty screamed. “You’re still a human, sissy freak! Worry 
about me! I’m a fucking cat! What am I going to do now?”
     Colleen looked at the pretty little feline and smiled. “What 
are you going to do now?” she giggled. “How does vivisection 
sound? I bet scientists would love to cut open your tiny cat head to 
see why you can talk!”
     The cat squealed and struggled in the grip of the witch. 
“Please no! I don’t want to die!”
     “Don’t worry. I have no plans on killing you, yet.” She 
dropped the cat into the gory mess in the tub. First things first.” 
The statuesque blonde hermaphrodite looked around her and 
sighed. “I better clean this mess up. Luckily, the gore managed to 
keep itself confined to the tub.” Picking up the stray bladder, she 
shoved the dripping sack back in the lifeless body at her feet, and 
then packed in the intestines as best as she could. The blonde then 
began to mutter, while waving bloody hands slowly through the 
air. The severely damaged corpse began to slowly shrink in size. 
When it was about the size of a common garden cricket, Colleen 
pointed one ruddy finger at the trembling little cat. 
     Misty’s sleek black form pounced! Moving like lightening, 
the little cat snatched up the tiny dead body. The humans plainly 
heard the distinct crunch of bones as she chewed! A tiny leg 
dropped back into the tub, but Misty gobbled that up too. She was 
licking the blood from her chops when she finally realized exactly 
what she had done. “Oh God, I didn’t want to do that! Why did 
you make me?” The feline mewled pitifully. “I feel sick! Why did 
you make me eat him?”
     Colleen laughed as she picked up the hand held showerhead. 
“You’re my familiar now. I mean to take good care of you. It 
looked like you needed a snack, so I gave your feline instincts a 
little jump start. In the end, it was all your own doing when you ate 
poor dead Richard.”
     Richard clutched a hand over her mouth and made several 
retching sounds. “I’m really trapped now!” The tiny thing whined. 
“Misty, you fucking cannibal! Now I can never go back! You 
destroyed my body, you stupid little cunt!” 
     The cat hissed. “Don’t be an ass, Richard! Your body was 
dead! Did you think it could be reanimated after your insides 
spilled out? She shrank it down in order to dispose of it! If I didn’t 
eat it, she probably would have flushed it down the fucking toilet!”
     “She’s right, you know.” Colleen turned on the water and let 
its warmth rinse the blood from her wonderful new form. “I wasn’t 
sure Misty would be weak minded enough to let the feline instincts 
control her. If she didn’t eat your corpse, I would have sent it down 
with the rest of the shit!” She inserted the showerhead into its 
receptacle and grinned. “I can reach so high now. This is 
wonderful!” Colleen ignored her sobbing companions and 
luxuriated in washing her new crowning glory of natural blonde 
     Richard watched as Misty, no, Colleen left the tub and picked 
up a towel. “What are you going to do to me?” the tiny former 
male whispered. “I can’t go back to work like this. What am I 
going to do now?”
     The blonde glanced back at the forlorn elfin girl and smiled. 
“Right now, wash the damn cat, and finish cleaning the tub! You 
are now officially my maid. Do a good job, and I may actually let 
you sleep in bed with me. Do a bad job, and I’ll transfer your mind 
into the body of a mouse!” She went back to the tub and knocked 
the showerhead from its receptacle. “There you are baby-girl. I 
wouldn’t want to strain trying to reach it.” She laughed at the look 
on her former face. “Remember, do a good job, or it’s ‘squeak-
squeak’ for you!”
     Richard looked at Misty the cat and whimpered. “I’ll do a 
good job! I promise!”
     The black feline watched as the human left the room and 
managed to scramble up to the edge of the tub. “You damn pussy! 
Snap out of it and stop acting like such a pansy! How are you ever 
going to get us turned back if you don’t stand up to her?”
     Richard scrubbed wildly at the blood in the tub, trying to 
ignore exactly how it came to be there. “How can she turn me 
back?” The petite woman sobbed. “My body no longer exists! You 
saw to that! I’m stuck as a woman for the rest of my life!”
     The cat sneered. “Boo fucking hoo! Poor Richard is a girl. So 
what! I’m a freaking CAT! No matter what, you’ll outlive me by 
fucking decades! I need to get back in my body, asshole! Besides, 
maybe we can make her put you into a new male body! Think 
about it! What other chance do we have?” 
     Richard rinsed the last of the blood away and got to her feet. 
“How can we do it? Who would we get for me to take over.” The 
petite young woman choked back a sob. “It has to be someone big 
and strong! I have to be a real man again!”
     The black cat laughed. “Tonight, when she’s asleep, all you 
have to do is tie her hands together! Haven’t you noticed how she 
waves them around whenever she does something to us? If she 
can’t use them, we’ll be in control! Now hurry and clean yourself 
up!” Misty wasn’t thinking, and began to lick at her fur. Her ears 
twitched in embarrassment when she realized what she was doing. 
With a moan, the cat tumbled into the tub with a little splash. “I’m 
wet!” she cried. It was just about the most miserable feeling she 
had ever experienced. It was nothing like just getting her paws wet 
with a little tasty blood. The cat cringed at the invading thought. 
She splashed about trying to regain her perch on the edge, but just 
slid back into the wicked coldness, “Richard, save me! I’m in the 
     The elfin girl sneered. “You can’t even fight off animal 
instincts! How the fuck are you going to help me get into a man’s 
body again?”
     The cat shook while fighting to compose her fear and 
distaste. “I, I’m f-fine! I can resist! Now hurry up and wash me!”
     Richard turned the shower on to the cat, and laughed bitterly. 
“Sure, you can fight the instincts!” she snapped while the cat 
yowled and hissed as the warm water matted her black fur. “If that 
bitch turns me into a mouse, you’d kill me minutes later!”
     “I am fighting!” Misty cried as she did her best to keep still. 
You’ll see! From now on I’ll be strong as a rock, until we defeat 
that cunt!”
     Colleen was rummaging through the refrigerator when 
Richard and Misty joined her in the kitchen. “I’m surprised at you, 
kitty-cat. You’d think someone who lives on a farm would have 
something healthy to eat! I plan on taking good care of my new 
body! No junk foods for me!” She looked over her shoulder and 
smiled as her cock gave a happy twitch. “Why Richard, you look 
adorable!” The petite thing had donned one of her former body’s 
tee-shirts. It fit her like a night dress! “I’m keeping an eye on you 
too, missy. You will exorcize and take good care of the body I was 
kind enough to give you. I will not let you get it all flabby just 
because you’re having my baby!”
     “Yes, Colleen!” the young woman blushed. “I like to keep in 
shape, remember.” She let a tiny sob escape her lips. “Remember 
how buff my, my old body was?”
     The cat hissed angrily. “Get a backbone, sissy!” She boldly 
went up and raked a claw over the witch’s shin. “This farce is over, 
bitch! I demand that you give me back my body, and find a 
suitable one to put Richard into!”
     Colleen laughed as the deep scratches oozed blood. It was a 
very simple matter to undo the slight damage and cause it to heal. 
“You forget who you’re dealing with, Queenie!”
     Misty looked up at the witch, twitching her ears. “I’m dealing 
with a sick monster!”
     Richard looked from the cat to the blonde. Colleen had 
donned one of Misty’s favorite nighties. Seeing her dressed like 
that made the former male feel strange, deep inside. It didn’t help 
matters to notice a rather large lump protruding in front, either. 
Richard cleared her throat. “Colleen, um, Misty wanted me to tie 
your hands together tonight while you sleep. I, I just wanted to tell 
you so you know I’m being good!”
     The cat yowled in anger. “Why did you go and tell her, you 
candy-ass sissy? You ruined our only chance!” She backed away 
from the laughing witch, sudden fear making the fur on her back 
stand straight up. “No, wait! I never said that to him, her, 
whatever! Please, don’t do anything more to me!”
     Colleen watched in delight as the terrified cat feared the 
worst. “I’m not going to do a single thing to you, pretty little 
Queenie.” She walked across the kitchen and opened the door 
leading out into the farmyard. “I’m just getting a little fresh air!”
     Understanding dawned, and the little cat meowed pitifully. 
An answering yowl was heard in the distance. “Close it!” she 
cried. “In the name of God, please close the door!”
     “Why, it’s a perfectly lovely night.” She smiled at Richard. 
“Doesn’t the breeze feel lovely? Why shouldn’t we enjoy it?”
     The petite redhead glared down at the cat. “Misty has been 
complaining for a couple of days about the stray cats that show up 
every night around this time. I think she’s afraid of them.”
     Colleen giggled. “Guess again, sweetie. I think she’s afraid 
of how she’ll act when they get here!”
     Misty’s tail went stiff, and pointed off to one side. “Close the 
door!” she begged, as her back legs padded against the smooth 
linoleum. “I’ll be good from now on! Please close the fucking 
     For the first time since being trapped in his new petite female 
form, Richard smiled. “This is sort of hot! Look at her! She wants 
to be mated by a stray tom-cat!”
     “No I don’t!” Misty yowled again, and the answering cry 
sounded much closer! “Please, don’t do this to me! Close the door! 
Lock me in a closet! Hide me away! Do something before they get 
here!” The frantic feline dropped to the floor and rolled around. 
“Help me! Don’t let this happen!”
     Richard was keeping one eye on the opened door. “Here they 
come!” The diminutive woman pointed. I can see at least four 
     Misty tried to keep her mouth shut, but a long and agonizing 
yowl announced her readiness for mating! “Hurry! Close the 
fucking door!” The cat jumped to her feet. “I can’t stop! Oh my 
God, I can’t stop myself!”
     Colleen giggled when Misty charged out into the yard. 
“Come on Richard, I want to see this!” She grabbed the smaller 
woman by the hand and dragged her out into the night.
     Misty watched in terror as four, no, make that five cats 
fought for the honor of approaching her first! “Richard, keep them 
away from me! I’m sorry I called you names! Please, save me!”
     The tiny woman held Colleen’s hand as they watched the fun. 
“I can see how you’re fighting your instincts.” She said smugly as 
the sleek little black cat flopped to the ground and lifted her tail 
end high in presentation to the largest tom. “You’re just as much a 
slut as a cat, as you were a woman!” She looked up at Colleen and 
smiled sheepishly. “She made the first move on me. I almost 
wrecked my car when she grabbed, um, my, uh, your cock.”
     Misty looked back and whimpered as the large one eared tom 
strode purposely towards her! “Keep away!” the feline breathed. 
“Stay the fuck away from me! I don’t want kittens!”
     The tom scrambled over Misty and began shoving at her with 
his legs, lining her up properly. He leaned forward and clamped his 
jaws on the nape of her neck. Misty went rigid as he thrust home.
     The little black queen let out a screech. “It hurts!” she cried 
as the cat just held her tightly in his grip. His ejaculate pulsed, 
triggering Misty’s brand new body to ovulate! He rested there for a 
moment before dismounting and sauntering away. Misty cried out 
as another cat swiftly took his place!
     Colleen felt her penis swell and grow as she watched Misty’s 
humiliation. “Richard, did you like getting blowjobs?”
     The elfin girl blushed beneath the light of the full moon. 
“Yes Colleen. I really did!”
     The blonde smiled and sat on the battered old bench on the 
back porch. “Then it’s a safe bet I’ll love how it feels too. Now be 
a good little sissy-girl and service me while I watch the show!”
     Richard whimpered. That was his cock! He used to adore 
having some hot bitch go down on him. Now she was the bitch! 
The petite young woman dropped to her knees and leaned closer to 
the familiar organ. She timidly stuck out her tongue and licked the 
hugely swollen head. “How, how was that?” she murmured as 
strange waves of heat flashed through her unfamiliar body. 
     “That was nice, little girl.” Colleen condescending ruffled the 
curly hair that used to be hers. “Now show me how a little sissy-
girl loves to suck a cock!”
     “Yes Colleen.” With a moan of total surrender, Richard took 
the penis into her mouth. It was so big!  Images of forcing this 
organ down throats, and making girls gag over its sheer size 
invaded the trembling girl’s mind. When hands grasped either side 
of her head, she accepted it as only proper!
     “Good girl, Richard!” Colleen cheered as she forced the cute 
little face tighter between her legs. “You’re taking it like proper 
whore!” The witch watched excitedly as a third cat mounted the 
wailing yowling Misty. “Damn it all, this is so hot! Next time I’m 
going to record it. Kitty-porn could be the next big thing!” She 
began rhythmically bouncing Richard’s head against her, thrilling 
at the feeling of her cock fucking such a tight little throat!  
     When the final cat had finished plastering her insides with his 
nasty feline seed, Misty felt overcome. “It’s so good!” she cried as 
she began rolling all around in the dirt. A feeling of complete and 
utter ecstasy wracked her trembling little body as she just kept 
right on writhing in the dust.
     “There she goes!” Colleen cheered as the little cat hissed and 
cried her passion. The blonde’s eyes opened wide. Her I go, too!” 
She thrust her hips upward while slamming Richard tightly against 
her lap. Her cock exploded! The smaller girl’s arms waved wildly 
as thick hot fluid pumped down her throat and warmed her 
     Richard dropped to the ground and gagged as she coughed up 
streamers of semen. “You, you almost killed me!” she said thickly 
as the thick gooey fluid dripped out of her nose and burned in her 
     “I was nowhere near killing you, Richard!” The witch smiled 
contentedly. “I just wanted to teach you how to be a good cum-
guzzling slut, sweetie!”
     A markedly disheveled black cat staggered over. “This is a 
nightmare!” Misty cried pitifully. “Is this how we’re going to be 
treated from now on?” A firefly winked by, and the cat sprang. 
With a snap, she gulped the insect down. “I’m hungry!” she 
complained. “I need real food, not stupid bugs! What happened to 
treating your familiar properly?”
     Colleen laughed heartily. “I will, I surely will! Tomorrow I’ll 
go buy some cat-food for you, and a nice litter box. How’s that 
     The feline whimpered sadly. “It sounds horrible! What am I 
going to do until then?”
     Richard giggled. “You insisted a cat was needed to control 
the mice in the basement, remember? Go eat one of them!”
     Misty opened her mouth to insult the little sissy, but a hunger 
pang interrupted. She felt a nearly overpowering craving for warm 
red meat! “Why would I do something that disgusting?” she said in 
a huff, before heading back into the house to see if the basement 
door was open.