Chapter Seventeen: Subspace

:Author: Gospodin

.. meta::
   :shs-title: The Enslavement of Marie
   :shs-author: Gospodin
   :shs-part: 17
   :shs-keywords: Ff, latex, mc, bd

The ring-shaped framework of pistons, pulleys, levers, and flywheels ran
smoothly from the power of the shivering and shaking slavegirl held
within it.  Her every move translated back into a delayed tug, and her
resistance to the tug became an even greater pull. The net result was an
unending cascade of thrashing and stretching that only quieted down when
exhaustion set in.

All things considered, the slavegirl was glad to have had the shower.
She'd been locked into a rubber catsuit and corset for over 24 hours,
and the cold jets of water had removed all of the sweat and grime of the
previous day. Of course, since the nurse had used a depilatory foam to
clean her body, they had also removed all her hair.

As she hung limp in the core of the wicked machine, the lights slowly
dimmed and finally winked out. She drifted to sleep for a while, only to
be awakened hours later as she found herself twitching and tugging the
machine to life again. As she focused on calming herself down again, she
noticed that the lights were slowly coming on again.

She heard the now-familiar slow creak as the framework's flywheels
slowed to a stop again, and exhaled with relief. Soon the lights dimmed
again and she slept once more.

Marie dreamt that she hung on a St. Andrew's cross in the middle of a
stone courtyard. She instinctively searched for all the other familiar
elements of her previous dreams: the nobles all stood with frightening
metal tools and instruments of pain in their hands, and the covered
sedan chair stood opposite her.

She squinted at the chair, to see the occupant's legs exposed in the
sunlight.  She knew, looking at the opulent liter, that the nobles were
owned by this woman just as she was. Marie thought she could make out
the queen's clothing: a black leather corset dress and ballet boots,
just as Angelica had worn upstairs.

"Angie! Please! Stop doing this to me, please!" she cried out across the

"Oh, I have not yet even begun, dear!" Angelica stepped out from the
crowd of nobles, dressed in a steel frame corset over velvety robes with
a slit down the front middle. Around her wrists she wore steel cuffs,
and in her fists she clutched a cat-o-nine-tails.

Marie screamed as Angelica laid into her, shredding her body into leaves
that blew away in the wind. Before darkness again covered her eyes, she
saw the queen draw the curtains on her sedan chair.

Marie woke up slowly, her body feeling much better for the rest despite
her position. She realized she was in pitch blackness again, and
wondered aloud what time it was. As the minutes ticked past, she began
calling out to whoever could hear her.

No response came. Eventually she decided that she needed to move to wake
up her limbs, and she began to pull gently at the machine. She soon
realized that if she simply let her mind tune into the rhythm of the
machine, she could keep it running smoothly and slowly. The room's
lights slowly glowed to full brightness, and she relaxed into the gentle
workout as she felt her joints limbering up again.

Time lost all meaning as Marie's life was reduced to rhythmic exercise,
meditative breathing, and sleep. She lost count even of the number of
times she went through light and dark. Only the hunger in her belly gave
her any sense of how long she had been hooked up to the generator frame.

After a long stretch of dreamless sleep, Marie awoke to a crack of light
casting her bound silhouette on the white tile wall in front of her. The
crack widened and she realized that another silhouette was cast just
beside and below hers. A shapely hourglass figure strutted on stiletto
heels until the two figures blurred inside the circle of mechanical

"Wake up, sleepyhead..." cooed a familiar whisper, "It's time to turn on
the lights now."

"Angie? W-what time is it? What happened to you?"

"Shhhhh..." Angelica cooed as Marie felt something cold and slippery
being rubbed against her back, "What's important is that you owe the
agency 25 lashes. As your Mistress chose me to handle your account, I
will be collecting them from you. This way I can settle the books with
authority afterward."

"P-please, Angie. I'm so cold...and hungry... I haven't eaten in *days*
Angie, please!"

Angelica ignored her protests as she held a rubber flogger's handle up
to Marie's lips. "Kiss the whip, slave, and thank your Mistress for the
opportunity to repay your debt!"

Frightened, but resigned to submission so long as her body was kept in
this terrible frame, she brought her lips to the rubber dildo that made
up the whip handle. "Thank you, M-mistress, for allowing me to repay my
debt." she mumbled, wondering where her Mistress was.

Angelica ran her fingers over Marie's smooth bald head. "Well done, pet.
You will count each one."

Marie screamed as the rubber strips snapped against the small of her
back. She was just able to call out "one!" as the generator framework
rumbled to life and another blow landed diagonally across her left

Angelica stretched and snapped the flogger against Marie's body with a
rhythm that seemed to maximize the reaction from the generator. Each
blow was just slightly off-beat, causing a new type of twitch or jerk
from Marie's limbs. By the fifth stroke, the lights had come on, and by
the tenth, they were at full brightness.

Marie sobbed and screamed as she felt the rubber strips snap against her
back, her counting automatic. The pain was minimal, and she felt the
machine's kneadings less and less as her body seemed to slip slowly
away. Soon she felt that she was nothing but a warm and sore back,
floating in a mist of numbers.  Her eyes lost focus, and the white
room's features faded into an even glare.

While the real Marie thrashed and counted under Angelica's relentless
strokes, her mind floated back to the courtyard in her dreams. White
glare became grey fog, and she felt the flagstones beneath her feet.
Looking around, she realized that the entire courtyard was empty, except
for a tall sedan chair.

Marie took a step forward, and floated toward the seat. As she
approached, a slender hand reached out. Its latex-gloved fingers were
adorned with silver rings and finger greaves, and it held a riding crop
out horizontally. The hand flicked in a downward gesture, and Marie felt
herself flattened to the ground by some unseen force.

    So, you want to meet me, slave?

"Y-yes Mistress!" Marie stuttered, her words coming without moving her

    Your devotion is heartening, slave. However, you are not yet ready
    to see my face or know my touch. You have a long way to go before
    you are worthy to kneel at my side.

"But what must I *do*, Mistress?"

    Empty your mind of worry, little one. Surrender yourself to your
    training, and to your tasks. Once you have given up everything that
    you no longer need, I will appear to you and fill in the void you
    have created.

Marie pressed her forehead against the cold stone and gave a breathless
astral sigh. "Mistress, where is this place?"

    Oh you ignorant little slave! Have you never heard of "subspace"?
    This is the plane of bliss that all good little slaves float off to
    when they are given the gift of prolonged punishment.

"Then this is all in my head? How are you..."

    Hush, little slave. Do not worry about what is happening to you.
    Just accept it. You should know by now that I control you
    completely. Learn to relish that fact. Now, you have been counting
    for a long time for Angie.  She appears to have obliged you by
    continuing her lashes!

Marie turned her body, confused, and realized that her physical body had
twitched. She heard her voice cry out "thirty-two!", and felt a stinging
stroke against her left thigh.

"Aaah! Mercy! Mercy! Please! Enough!" she howled, and heard a giggle
from Angelica behind her. She blinked against the white lights and
calmed her tired limbs until the frame around her rumbled to a stop.
Gasping for breath, she began to feel the burning of her back for the
first time.

"Well well, aren't we quite the little painslut, slave?" Angelica
chuckled from behind Marie's back.

Finally, Angelica strutted around in front of the frame to where Marie
could see her. She no longer wore the corset hobble dress, and in its
place she wore a black PVC bustier with a knee-length zippered black
rubber pencil skirt. In place of the ballet shoes she wore platform
rubber knee-high boots. Over her head and face she wore a black rubber
hood with almond-shaped eyeholes. Her arms and hands were covered with
black rubber gloves that seemed to be secured with wrist cuffs.

"Since you have been such a good trainee during your stay here, I have
been granted a reward." Angelica traced a rubber finger up Marie's inner
thigh, holding the evidence of her perpetual arousal mere inches from
her face, "Isn't that nice?"

Without waiting for Marie's reply, Angelica pressed a platform toe
against a foot-pedal at the base of the generator frame, causing it to
rotate until Marie was completely upside-down. Marie felt the blood rush
to her head, but decided that the change in the nature of the strain on
her limbs was probably a good thing in the end.

Angelica reached down toward her knees and pulled at the zipper that
hung between them. Tugging carefully, she unzipped the pencil skirt
until her thighs were exposed, revealing curious steel bands about each
leg. Finally, she ran the zipper up to the hem of her corset, her bald
and heavily modified pussy hanging just in front of Marie's horrified

The bands about Angelica's thighs connected to silver batlike wings
clamped onto her outer labia, holding them open. Around her clitoris sat
an intricate silver dragon's head, the flesh of her nub looking like a
tongue set behind the vicious fangs. The dragon's red jeweled eyes
sparkled like Marie's own piercings. Between Angie's labia there ran a
number of thin chains that connected to rings on the opposite end of her

Marie stared in confusion at the gleaming pussydragon hovering just over
her face. She watched intently as Angelica reached down and adjusted
some of the chains, causing the dragon's mouth to clamp down
momentarily, hiding her clit.

"All right slave, I'm ready for my reward!" Angie moaned, and quickly
pressed the dragon against Marie's mouth. Marie ran her tongue over the
metal contraption, feeling for exposed flesh wherever it lay. She
tentatively stuck her tongue into the dragon's mouth, and was just able
to brush against Angie's clitoris.

"Mmmmmm! Oh, yes slave! Oh, it has been *so long*..." Angie moaned,
grinding her hips into Marie's face and kneading Marie's abused rump.

Marie began to lick along the length of Angelica's slit, eliciting moans
of pleasure. She worked carefully around the silver monster for a few
minutes, until Angie's clitoris had swollen to where it was more easily
accessed. Marie sucked on the protruding nub, to great effect.

Finally, Marie ran her tongue back up Angie's slit, and pushed her
tongue into the entrance of her pussy. She felt the chains tighten
around the base of her tongue as she rammed it into her friend, and
heard a clicking sound from the dragon's head at her chin.

Angelica roared with pain as the silver teeth clamped down on her
swollen clit, and began to swing the flogger wildly against Marie's
body. She spat and hissed as Marie quickly withdrew her tongue from her
pussy and began to suck on the abused flesh to try and soothe it.

In a short time, Marie had worked Angelica up into an entirely different
sort of frenzy, an orgasmic wail filling the room. Marie did not stop,
however, and before Angelica pulled herself off, she had come three

Angie collapsed onto the floor, leaning against Marie's dangling head.
She stroked Marie's bald scalp with her rubber-clad fingers.

"Oh Marie, I have made such a big mistake!" she whispered, careful not
to be heard, "I crossed the Agency a year ago, and they put this...thing
on me. Every night for the past year it has aroused me until I am near
orgasm, and then the head clamps down. Please, my poor dear Marie, just
do whatever it is they want!  There are women down here who suffer far
worse than I do, and they have no chance for release!"

Marie groaned, her strength gone, "And.. you?"

Angie held Marie's upside-down head in both her hands and planted a kiss
on her temple.

"You, my dear sweet Marie. You are my chance for release!"


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