Chapter Sixteen: Welcome to the Machine

:Author: Gospodin

.. meta::
   :shs-title: The Enslavement of Marie
   :shs-author: Gospodin
   :shs-part: 16
   :shs-keywords: Ff, latex, mc, bd

Marie shifted suddenly, realizing that the catgirl she had fought with
at the Halloween party was in fact her dear friend Angelica. She stopped
short, her wrists tugging on the X of chain connecting them to the cuffs
on her ankles.  She stared, slack-jawed, as Angelica set her sunglasses
on the desk and popped out the cat-eye contact lenses.

"Yoooou! You..." Marie stammered, but Angelica simply placed a finger
over her lips, pointing discreetly at the cameras mounted in the room's
light fixtures.

Wordlessly, Angelica shuffled over to a large mahogany cabinet, swinging
the two doors open to reveal a padded floor. On the right side of the
interior was a steel helmet, mounted along the wall. From the inside
ceiling hung a thin chain, ending in a pair of rubber-lined steel cuffs.

Marie shuddered as Angelica heaved on the cuff-chain inside the cabinet,
causing the metal hood to butterfly open, revealing a thick penis-gag at
the mouth. Marie stood up, resigned to further bondage at the hands of
her old friend, the manacles keeping her bent forward just slightly.

The thought of the steel helmet closing around her gagged head nearly
made Marie begin crying again, and she pulled up on her chains in
frustration.  Looking up at a camera in the chandelier, she considered
trying to run.

When her attention turned back to the cabinet, however, Marie realized
that Angelica was kneeling on the padded floor. She was held straight as
a board by her locked corset-dress, and she had snapped one of the cuffs
closed about her left wrist. Once her hands were cuffed behind her,
Angelica bent forward slowly, lest she tumble forward onto the phallus.

As her lips brushed against the rubber gag, Angelica turned her head
toward the dumbstruck Marie.

"Submit gracefully," she whispered, her uncovered eyes pleading and full
of fear "and it will be easier for both of us." With that, she took the
helmet's phallus into her mouth and leaned forward against it, the two
halves of the steel hood clanging shut around her head. At that moment,
another weight seemed to fall, pulling on the cuff-chain behind her

Marie watched in disbelief as Angelica's head was bound in steel and her
arms pulled up in a severe strappado. She stumbled forward as best as
her manacles would allow, but the cabinet doors swung shut. Marie
scratched on the wood with her clawed hands, but the doors were solidly

In no time at all, the office door burst open, and two large men in
white rubber smocks and surgical masks lunged toward Marie.

"Nooooo!" Marie screamed as they grabbed her upper arms, dragging her
away from Angelica's prison. "Let her out! You *bastards*! LET HER OUT

Marie screamed and thrashed, her manacle chains rattling with her
struggles.  The men overpowered her quickly, and as her yells softened
into sobs, Marie realized that she could hear Angelica screaming in pain
from inside the cabinet.

"Come quietly." One of the orderlies commanded, "Resistance results in
punishment. First for her, and then for you." Marie sunk into the men's
heavy grip as the screams inside the cabinet died down. Sniffling and
moaning, she let herself be led out of the office and into an elevator
at the end of the hallway.

The lift ran for several minutes, finally reaching the bottom basement
of the building. The doors opened into a gleaming white tile room. The
lights buzzed with harsh energy, glinting off the menacing steel
contraption at the center.  Marie thrashed involuntarily against her two
escorts as they dragged her toward the device.

It was a large ring of steel, arranged vertically, with pistons and
flywheels mounted around it on springs and cantilevers. Cables snaked
back and forth through block-and-tackle pulley assemblies, and the whole
device had a human-shaped gap right in the center.

The men worked efficiently, using small radio devices with loop antennae
to open the cuffs around her wrists and ankles. They released her limbs
one at a time, transferring her body from the X of chain in front of her
to the demonic frame of steel around her. Pistons hissed with air as the
men tuned the tension against her extremities, pulling her taut. When
she was finally locked into the device, her body spread-eagle and her
head secured at the throat and forehead, the men tidied up quickly and
returned to the lift, steel doors closing as it rose once more.

Marie counted her breaths in an effort to determine how long she waited.
She lost count after what must have been fifteen minutes, and began
testing her bonds. The framework she was in seemed to react to her
struggle, providing opposing force for each tug and push. Whenever she
pulled against a section of the machine, it pulled back a little harder,
and she instinctively tensed against that force.

Her heart beat quickly as she sent the machine into amplifying waves of
pulling and pushing, the gyrations building until they threatened to
tear her apart.  The pistons and springs of the machine hissed and
groaned as they kneaded her like dough.

Struggling against her desire to struggle, Marie closed her eyes and
began the breathing exercises she had been taught in her
confidence-building sessions.  She imagined herself outside her body,
and massaged her limbs with her mind until they relaxed into stillness.
She felt herself adrift on a calm blue ocean.

Satisfied and relieved, Marie returned to reality and opened her eyes
again.  The device was still tight against her limbs, but it no longer
fought with her.  With a heavy sigh, Marie concentrated on staying
relaxed. This seemed to work for another short while, but an itch in her
back started to make its presence known.

"Oh no." Marie muttered, her mild squeak echoing in the empty tile
chamber. She focused on breathing, imagined a warm energy flowing
through her shoulder and keeping it from twitching, but the itch began
to grow. Marie clenched and flexed her fists, trying to take her mind
off of it.

Just as she felt that she had gained control, the sound of high heels
against linoleum echoed from someplace behind the device. It was as
though someone were walking down a long hall toward her. Marie focused
on the rhythm of the footfalls, calming herself with their regularity.

She nearly started as a door opened and shut behind her, the clicking of
heels echoing loudly in the empty room. Marie bit her lip, hearing paper
rustle behind her, then a metallic tinkle. The heels tapped idly, paced
occasionally, and finally there was a high-pitched mumble of

"Well sweetie, it looks like you're here for a clean-up!" chirped the
sweet girly voice. "First a costume inspection, disrobing, then a
shower, and finally a settling of accounts and preparation for your
first assignment. I think we should get to work!"

Marie counted the items on the girl's list in her head, focusing on the
regularity of the sequence as a way to keep herself calm. She continued
counting in her head, over and over, as the footsteps clicked to her
right side, the girl finally revealing herself.

In front of Marie stood a short pixie of a girl in a powder blue rubber
nurse outfit. The short skirt ended just below her crotch, and her pale
skin showed through at the thighs between the hem and the tops of her
gleaming white stockings. The neck of her uniform was open enough to
reveal the chrome slave collar about her throat. Her ruby-red lips
pursed together to form a glossy cupid's bow, and her high elfin
cheekbones made her eyes seem to smile. Her strawberry-blonde hair was
pulled up tight about her head and held on with a rubber nurse's tiara.
Red crosses adorned the hairpiece and the center of each breast.

The nurse smiled up at Marie and waved with a slender hand. She looked
down at a clipboard and fussed at the floor with the toe of her
powder-blue court shoe.  Reading over the top sheet, she strutted back
around behind Marie and wheeled over a metal cart draped with white
linen. She hung the clipboard on a hook on the side, and fished out a
bundle of red rubber from the bottom section.

"Let's begin with the inspection, shall we?" The nurse wriggled one of
the red rubber gloves onto her left hand and stretched it up to her
elbow, snapping it dramatically. "It says on your roster that you're
wearing a Jack Gummi custom job, so it's five lashes per tear instead of
the usual two." She pulled the other glove on and fished out a wand-like
device, passing it over the rubber skin of Marie's catwoman costume.

"Hmmm, he seems to have done a good job of reinforcing the trouble
areas.  Normally we see a lot more damage in the crotch and armpit
areas." The nurse shone a strange light from the wand, and it beeped
loudly when it passed over Marie's exposed face. "Yes, well, I think we
all agree that those holes are intentional." the nurse chuckled.

The nurse was unable to see Marie's hands up close, but the wand beeped
a few times as she passed it over them. "Oh, you've been a bad little
girl, clenching your fist with those nasty-looking claws of yours. It
looks like you have two punctures in the left hand..." she shifted to
the other side, "...and three on the right. Other than that, your outfit
is in perfect shape. Not bad considering you've been wearing it for 24
hours straight!"

Marie silently focused on her breathing, trying not to let the sudden
beeps from the wand startle her. Finally the nurse verified that there
were no punctures on the back of the costume, and placed the wand back
in the cart. She made a few notes on the chart with a ball-point pen and
then pulled out a device like the one the attendants had used to release
Marie's manacles.

"Now, after 24 hours I'll bet you're ready for a good long shower! We'll
get you undressed and cleaned up in no time." She waved a radio key
device past the cat collar on the outside of the costume's throat, and
it clicked open.  Fumbling around the metal bars of the frame, the nurse
pulled the rear zipper down to the tail. Marie sighed as she felt cool
air against her sweaty back.

The nurse worked the catwoman hood over the back of Marie's head,
temporarily undoing necessary straps as she pulled the garment off. One
arm at a time, Marie's sleeves were removed and her wrists and elbows
re-inserted into the pistons' grip.

Marie shuddered as the nurse pulled the breasts of the suit off, the
rubber pulling her rings as they popped out of the nipple-forms. The
frame rumbled into motion, but Marie soon found her rhythm and brought
it to a standstill.

"You're pretty good at that," the nurse noted, "...for a new fish. These
oscillator frames are actually hooked up to the building's power system,
you know. They say it saves on electricity bills, and I suppose it's
handy to make *some* use of a slave's thrashings."

"Actually," the nurse smiled somewhat coyly, "my first day, I honestly
blew a fuse. They said it was a wiring fault, but I think they just
didn't want to admit that a little girl like me could break their
precious toys. My muscles were jelly for a week!"

"How long," Marie whispered as she kept slow, even breaths, "have you
been here?"

"Since I was eighteen. They made me nurse about two years ago, but I was
in strict training for five years before that." The nurse waved the
radio key down Marie's spine, causing the corset to spring open
suddenly. Marie twisted as her back muscles lost their support, and her
regular breathing broke down as her abdominal muscles were released. The
framework started running again, and Marie's efforts to calm herself

"Ah, there we go!" The nurse giggled, "I don't think they would have
been happy if you hadn't generated at least *a little* power for us!"

"Oh no... Please, turn it off!" Marie panted, her stomach growling as
the pressure on her digestive tract had suddenly been released. "Please!

"There's nothing to turn off, slave! Your struggles are simply fed back
to you with a little delay. Your reactions to the return force are then
also run through the delay. After enough feedback, you generate the
spare force that keeps the generator flywheels spinning. It's a gorgeous
system... from the outside anyway." The nurse winked at Marie and turned
her attention to the tail, which flicked and switched as Marie
involuntarily worked the generator.

The nurse reached around in front and caressed Marie's stomach
soothingly as she inspected the anal bulb at the base of the tail. She
cooed at Marie as she pulled off the utility belt, and calmed her to the
point where she could finally rest again. Looking at the base of the
plug where it disappeared into Marie's anus, the nurse clucked her
tongue and walked around to the cart again.

She bent over to retrieve something from the bottom of the cart, and
Marie saw that the back of her uniform was just a series of buckled
straps across her back. The gap revealed a white rubber corset and a
chrome chastity belt underneath. The belt blinked silently with a series
of colored LEDs along its length.

The nurse straightened up again, holding a menacing looking steel
syringe and a bedpan in her gloved hands. "Now, your plug has dried out
over the past day, so I need to moisturize it before we can remove it.
You've also been fed slavegruel recently, so you'll be making a bit of a
mess. It's crucial that you keep yourself still for this. Clear?"

"Yes..." Marie gasped, feeling the rumbling in her belly as the nurse
moved around behind her again. "Please, what is your name?"

"I don't have a name any more other than 'Nurse'. I was a slave like you
for several years, but now I have an important function. I am very proud
to serve the agency and its Masters and Mistresses." She used the
syringe to inject a moisturizing lubricant into the space between flesh
and plug, massaging Marie's stomach to help her relax.

"All right, now keep very still for this next bit..." The nurse expertly
twisted the plug out of Marie's distended anus, and immediately
positioned the bedpan to catch Marie's involuntary expulsion. She set
the syringe down on the cart and picked up a cloth which she used to
clean up.

"Aaaand, well done, slave! You look like you took quite a stretching
back there! Was someone naughty, squeezing her tail for fun?" She
giggled and began tugging Marie's labia and clitoris out of the rubber
forms in the suit's crotch.

In no time at all, the entire costume was removed from Marie's body
entirely.  The nurse tidied everything up, and then brought out an
unmarked bottle of white goo which she squirted into the rubber palm of
her left glove. Reaching up, she massaged it into Marie's sweat-soaked

Marie sighed as the red rubber fingers squicked and lathered her scalp,
before moving down to her armpits and then crotch. Soon her whole body
had been massaged with the strange-smelling soap except the regions
around her eyes.

"All right, that's the last of it." The nurse smiled, snapping off her
long red gloves and tossing them in a waste container, "You should feel
a tingle as it works its way down to the folicles."

"Folicles?" Marie didn't like the sound of that. "You mean, like, my

"That's precisely it." The nurse picked up the clipboard again and
pointed to an entry on the chart. "Says here your Mistress ordered
completely bald except eyebrows and eyelashes. Near as I can tell that's
the last item on your chart that I'm here for, so I'll just go and punch
up your shower."

"Oh no! Please, not my hair! Please, leave me my hair!" Marie begged as
she began to lose her control over the generator frame again, the
pulling and pushing sending ripples through the foaming cream that
covered her body.

"I'm afraid there's nothing for it now, slave. All that's left is the
rinse." The nurse pushed the cart back around behind Marie, "If you've
been good, you might even get warm water!"

Marie screamed as jets of cold water shot from spouts in the ceiling,
rinsing her hair off of her smooth head. She lost all abiliy to remain
calm as the cold shower sent her muscles into spasms that were amplified
by the generator frame.  She pumped and twisted and screamed and moaned
as her hair was washed clean off her body.

"Ah well!" called the nurse as she left the room, "You're due
twenty-five lashes when you're done! That ought to warm you back up!"


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