Chapter Seven: Calling for Help

:Author: Gospodin

.. meta::
   :shs-title: The Enslavement of Marie
   :shs-author: Gospodin
   :shs-part: 7
   :shs-keywords: f, latex, mc, bd

Marie was again in the stone courtyard, her naked body on display for
the nobles in attendance. This time she was standing, her ankles chained
to rings in the paving stones set a few feet apart. Her wrists were
cuffed and tethered by a chain to something high above her head.

The nobles murmured their approval and arousal as a rubber lash snapped
at her taut body. The blows came from behind, and stung her arse, pussy,
back, and breasts. She tried to moan, but the breath would not come out.
Hanging her head, Marie felt the heavy scold's bridle that covered the
lower half of her face, the bit pushing down on her tongue.

The blows stoppd for a moment, and a heavy hand began to massage and
caress her sensitive parts. The soothing manipulations caused her to
relax some, and she looked up at the sedan chair. Its occupant was still
hidden in shadow, but Marie could just make out that her legs were
crossed. Yes, it seemed to be a woman, since the tip of a high-heeled
platform boot poked out into the light just a little. Marie squinted,
and the lash began to lay its biting kisses on her tortured body once

| Click.
| Click.
| Click.
| Click.

At first Marie did not recognize the sound, but when she rolled over on
the mattress to investigate its source, she quickly understood. Her
shackles had snapped open. In a few seconds, she shook them off of her
ankles and wrists, and sat up in the bed.

Freedom... Choices! The endless punishment and pleasure of the previous
evening had distorted her sense of time so severely that it took her
several minutes of concentration and stretching to fully grasp that she
was no longer bound and tortured. She had nearly forgotten how it felt
to have options or control.

The possibilities ran through her mind. Would she just get dressed and
walk out of the house? She looked to the mass of rubber and leather in
her closet and remembered that her everyday wardrobe had vanished.
Finally would she get that orgasm she had craved for all night? Marie
squeezed her legs together and felt her abused clit throb slightly. She
wasn't sure she could manage that at this point, although her need had
not disappeared. Besides, she'd need to get out of the chastity corset
first, and to do that she'd have to call Angie.

Marie growled in frustration around her gag, suddenly very aware of its
filling presence at the back of her tongue and the insides of her
cheeks. With a huge nasal sigh she lifted herself from the latex bed,
almost chuckling at the odd "mmmmffffgggnnnn" sounds she made.

Her eyes fell on the strange note: "Suffer". She realized that she had
fulfilled all her tasks to the letter, that one included. A tingling
chill went down her spine as she realized how obediently she had
submitted herself to the ordeal. She felt something in her gut that
wasn't quite fear, wasn't quite anticipation, and had a strong glow of

Oh how she longed for that day in the hot tub Angie had suggested! Her
poor nipples and clit ached for the soothing bath! Marie undid the
straps of the head harness and spat the foul penis gag out. Or rather,
tried to.

She pushed as hard as she could with her tongue until her lips felt torn
and painful. Stepping over with her jelly-weak legs, she took a long
look at herself in the mirror. The trainer straps hung down from her
mouth like a bundle of bizarre black leather spaghetti. She looked
terrible, a complete mess. During her struggles, the straps had welded
themselves deep into her face and across her forehead. Her hair was
sticky, sweaty. "Gosh," Marie thought to herself, "Good thing Angie did
not see me like this." She brushed her hair the best she could and tried
in vain to peel off the gag. When she had peeled enough of her lips skin
to make it bleed at the middle of the lower lip, she finally gave up.

An sms then! Yes of course, that would work! Angelica had to be on her
way to work right now. Marie did her best to make it sound urgent.

    ``Come by my place immediately, I need your help! Bring those keys I
    sent you! -m``

Reluctantly, Marie redid the harness straps about her head, deciding it
would look a bit less gruesome. "Still," she realized, "How embarrassing
to have her enter and discover me in this state!" She decided that it
was still better than not getting out of the disgusting corset. She
longed for a shower.

Then her mind fell on the package again. How could she have forgotten?
Her mind had wandered to it again and again over that endless night! In
no time at all she had torn the wrapping off and discovered the gleaming
catsuit within.  Taking it out of the box, she discovered that it truly
was a cat-suit. Marie felt her crotch getting warm in spite of the
night's long torment.

What beautiful patterns and special items! The suit had built-in boots
formed like cats paws. Marie felt through the fabric and discovered that
her feet would be forced into a very steep curving arch once they were
forced into the sheaths. Short white fur sprouted at the shoulders and
ran down the spine--and down the tail!

Marie gave the tail a squeeze and felt the inflated rubber give, growing
longer. Suspiciously she felt into the suit and found her worst guess to
be confirmed. The tail would be held up or horizontal by an inflatable
butt plug, and the tail was the pump. She touched her back opening and
already felt sorry for it.

There was a wonderful silver belt attached to the suit with pockets she
could not open, there were gloves with very realistic chrome claws, and
a heavy duty zip ran from the tail right up to the throat and into a
hidden flap. An eyelet would allow her to padlock the zipper up there.

Marie's cell phone gave the short beep for incoming messages.

    ``Be at your place in 10. Do you ever answer your phone?``

Marie scrambled upstairs and closed the bedroom door. She shoved the
suit into the lowest drawer, the one where only days ago her beautiful
collection of cashmere sweaters had been stored. The thought of them
gave a sting to her heart, and she realized that under no circumstances
could she meet Angie in this attire. But what did she have to cover

From the corner of her eye, Marie spotted a yellow dressing gown hanging
from a hook on her bathroom door. It would have to do! She quickly
grabbed it and flung it over her shoulders, unconsciously relishing the
wonderful cool touch of latex on her bare skin.

Before she could inspect it longer, the doorbell rang. Marie checked the
clock and saw that 5 minutes at the most had passed. What if it was one
of the neighbors? She tied the rubber sashcord in a quick knot as she
rushed to the door. As she reached the entrance hallway, she noticed
that the gown hardly concealed anything! It was made entirely of
transparent latex, and where it pressed against her skin or the corset,
everything beneath it was clearly visible.

As she was panicking, trying to think of what to do, the doorbell rang
urgently several times. Marie made an inquisitive "Mmmm?" sound, and
heard Angies voice in reply.

"Are you all right in there, sweetie?" What a relief it was to hear her
friend's familiar voice! Marie mmmpfffed a silly reply and opened the


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