
What follows is a work of fiction based somewhat but not
entirely on really life events.  The major characters have
been changed beyond all recognition by even their own
parents.  Many other things have been completely made up by
the fevered mind of the writer.  It is a sex story meaning
that it includes descriptions of sex acts and so you should
most likely not be reading it, especially if doing so will
result in prison, spankings, restrictions of privileges, or
excessive numbers of "Hail Marys."

In no way does the posting of this work on the Usenet imply
that the writer has waved any rights under international
convention and copyright law.  The use of this story on any
web site, both commercial and free, is prohibited without
advance permission.  The archiving of this story by ASSM
and Goggle is understood and encouraged.  Come-ons for
penis enlargement systems and hair replacements can be sent
to the address below, where they will be deleted without
being opened.  The occasional piece of fan mail will not be
deleted, but instead, will be read, answered, and saved

Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera

Original Post Date 8 Sep 2002
Crimson Reviews #9 [9,10,10,10]

                    A Reminder of Her
                      Kenny N Gamera

The girl at the bar is not her, my sweet Julie, gone and
lost forever.  She is nothing but a memory fading into a
dim glow of fond remembrances and sad thoughts tinged with

I steal glances at her when I dare and study her face, not
like Julie's, yet so similar to her memory.  They are not
alike at all.  Dark hair vs. light.  Brown eyes against
blue.  Her mouth is not Julie's mouth, which I can almost
see wrapped around my nipple as her small hand kneads the
other breast and a thumb and finger tweak at its rose-
coloured crown.

I wonder why she brings this flood of thoughts and ancient
images even as I wonder how her long fingers would feel
enter into my sex, doing things to me that Julie had done.
I imagine her face between my legs and her large eyes
looking into mine as she closes her lips around the pearl
of my womanhood, as Julie had so many times.

I want to caress her cheek as I did my
Julie's.  I want to kiss her neck as I did my Julie's.

I stand up and drop payment for my drink on my table.  I
lick my lips and follow the heart-shape curve of her face
with my eyes.  I walk towards her thinking of her gold
thighs against my cheeks as I lift my mouth to her and feel
her tongue dip into me.

She shifts in her stool and takes the hand of the scruffy
boy next to her.  Her white smile is just for him.  I pass.
I go through the door and out into the street.  I walk the
empty sidewalk in the light of the street lamps.

My thoughts are on distant Julie.