Codes: ScFi M(+/- f,F) ped bd best/zoo

*                                                                              *
*                                                                              *
* For the love of SPOONS no one under the age of twenty-one (21) or the age of *
* consent for their geographical location (whichever is HIGHER) needs to be    *
* anywhere near this.  This is a story meant for legally-adult readers.  Don't *
* let your kids read this.  Don't let your dog read this.  Don't let your      *
* religious leader within the same postal code as this.  You know, really, YOU *
* probably shouldn't even read this horrible, nasty, terrible story.           *
*                                                                              *
* Hopefully it goes without saying, but if you ever even vaguely ponder the    *
* SLIGHT idea that MAYBE you would CONSIDER doing anything even REMOTELY like  *
* anything depicted herein--GET HELP.  NOW.  Therapy is a wonderful thing.     *
*                                                                              *
* This story can (and probably does) contain one or more of the following (bet *
* your last nickel on "more"): Incest, pedophilia, watersports, extreme female *
* domination, bestiality, psychological torture, and who knows WHAT other      *
* sick, perverted, dirty, terrible, and disgusting things I can come up with.  *
* Really, you ought to stop reading.  Right now.  I'm serious.                 *
*                                                                              *
* ...still here?  You sure?  This is bad-bad mojo.  Last chance...             *
*                                                                              *
*                                                                              *

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                              THE POISON CHRONICLES
                        Chapter Three: Becoming Coryphaeus
                          Forbidden Fantasy Storyteller

        Nine A.M., and I was sitting in the board room at Thatcher-Greggs,
International.  There were three people aside from myself: My Swede, a buxom,
blonde woman who spoke heavily-accented English but was as sharp as a tack; Miss
Sweeney's aide, a tall and slender gentleman who stood behind her and, much like
my Swede, stayed quiet but made continuous notes in his Blackberry; and Miss
Sweeney herself.

        Tall, for a woman; just a few inches shorter than I.  That difference
was made up for with her dark red heels.  They matched her tie, lipstick, and
the frames of her glasses, the latter framing her slate-grey eyes quite
wonderfully.  Her long legs were bare, letting me appreciate their beauty as
they disappeared into the attractive skirt cut just above the knee.  Her suit
was dark, her dress shirt white, cuff links silver.  Over all a quite attractive
and powerful outfit.

        Her heritage was an odd yet attractive mixture of Asian and Caucasian;
she would never be a supermodel, but I never liked those types anyway.  She was
more "real", like an actual woman of mixed genes you'd see on the street.  On
Wall Street, anyway.

        I was wearing my usual black suit, though I'd added a pin on my lapel.
It was a stylized phoenix rising from flames, the symbol for my growing
"family".  I was like a phoenix, after all, as were those who I enlightened.  We
all had "other lives" before now.

        I was a prison inmate turned lab-rat, and the experiment was with an
alien symbiote.  We learned to work together, and that started our new life
together.  In much a similar fashion, those who became graced with small "bits"
of the symbiote were enlightened, as their personalities were re-written to
better fit in with my growing family.

        Marie Sweeney's eyes flicked to the pin, then back up to meet my gaze.
She was a smiler, that woman, the look a decidedly disarming one--but there was
a very keen intellect in her eyes.  She didn't miss a trick, this one.

        "I confess, Mister Moore, I'm not sure what you're doing here," she
said, interlacing her fingers and resting her elbows on the armrests of the
chair.  As C.E.O., she sat at the head of the table, with myself seated to her
direct right.

        "It's quite simple," I replied, glancing out the windows.  The entire
board room was lined with floor-to-ceiling windows, letting us look out from the
fifty-third floor of the Harmon Building.  What a stunning view it was; the
Harmon Building was one of the tallest buildings in Los Angeles, and it afforded
a god-like view.  "You see, I have a lot of friends, and these friends tell me
you've been investigating me.  I want to know why."

        I looked back to her, smiling in return though, unlike her, I didn't let
mine quite reach my eyes.

        It wasn't easy to get an appointment with the woman.  She had things
scheduled MONTHS in advance.  It took most of my "pull" to get this meeting.  I
hoped it wouldn't be for naught.

        "Call me curious," she said with a small shrug of one shoulder.  "You
sweep in, marry Angela Todd in a ceremony attended by only the judge and two
clerks, and in no time you have everything signed over to you."

        Inwardly I grimaced.  She was good.  I'd paid through the nose to make
sure no one knew about my owning everything my Horse Slut had before she was
enlightened, but Sweeney still found out.

        Continuing, Sweeney said, "You have no past--your fingerprints aren't on
file with anyone in the world; no governmental agency foreign or domestic knows
anything about you, but you suddenly receive the reins a multi-billion-dollar
fortune?  Surely you had to know that would raise quite a few eyebrows."

        "Perhaps, but why not just talk to me?"

        She swiveled to look out of the windows to my left.  "It's a small
world, Mister Moore," she said, tone offering a hint of lament.  "A few decades
ago, a man could walk over the hill and to the next town, and completely
reinvent himself.  Now?  Now everything we do is tracked and monitored--
especially someone such as yourself."  She turned her head just enough to focus
her steely gaze on me.

        She flicked a single fingertip, and her aide bent down to retrieve a
black leather briefcase and set it on the table before Miss Sweeney.  She opened
it and pulled out a manila envelope, sliding it across the table to me.
Opening it, I pulled out a series of photographs, detailing the grounds of my

        I arched a brow as I thumbed through the pictures; everything was there.
My mostly-female staff, all nude save for the security personnel.  There were
even good images of my three favored pets and my infant daughter.  The images of
the pets were high-resolution and focused on the brands; all had my stylized
phoenix on their left hip, and their right held a brand according to their
duties.  Horse Slut had a horse head, Dog Slut had a dog head, and Baby Maker
had a stylized womb.

        I thumbed through the rest of the pictures, noting the construction of
my tiger pen, then the tiger himself.  I admit I was irked by that; the tiger
cub was an innocent animal in all this, rescued from a life in a zoo.  I glanced
up at Sweeney.  "Why?" is all I asked.

        "Curiosity," she replied, interlacing her fingers once more.  "You think
you can nearly double your staff every few months and no one would notice?  The
Todd family alone is started to grow curious.  Your excuses and run-arounds
aren't going to hold them off forever.  And what will you do when they start
getting curious enough to find out for themselves?  Kill them?"

        I realized she was completely serious.  Just what did this woman KNOW?

        "What's your interest in my affairs with the Todd family?"

        "Only curiosity; while we are still tied to them in many ways, they
haven't the foggiest idea about our actual operations; we spiritually split from
them years ago.  However, the more interested they become in YOU, the more
likely they'll start poking around everything even tangentially related to you.
And while I don't mind that on the face of it, we have a lot of operations that
we can't pause just to hold their hands and teach them the intricacies."

        I was surprised by her bluntness.  Not many people would have said, even
if actually put far more diplomatically, that the people who brought her
business into existence were doddering old coots.  Then I saw a certain gleam to
her eye. I pounced on it.

        "That's not it, is it?" I asked, eyes narrowing.  "Or that's not all, at
least.  You're definitely curious, but not just for the sake of Thatcher-
Greggs."  Only the very, very faintest of color rose to her cheeks--but it was
like a flashing Neon sign to me, telling me I was on the right track.  I turned
to my Swede.  "Go wait out in the lobby."  I looked at Sweeney's aid.  "You too,

        Sweeney gave a nearly-imperceptible nod, and the two took their leave.
Once the doors closed, I set the photographs on the table and got to my feet,
cupping my hands behind my back as I stepped over to the windows.  Thankfully,
I'm not acrophobic.

        "You see all those women, at my beck and call and obviously HAPPY about
that fact, and that's what got you curious."  I studied her reflection in the
glass.  She was as immobile as a statue, so I pressed on.  "You're definitely
curious, but not in the way most would expect, as if you harbored some deep-
seeded desire to be a member of the flock--but not quite as they are.  No,
it's--something else."

        She narrowed her eyes as she studied me studying her.  "And what else do
you think it is, then, Mister Moore?"

        "I believe we could dispense with that particular formality, hmm?"

        She smiled anew.  "As you wish, Tobias."

        "Thank you, Marie.  You see, just as you've been investigating me, I've
been investigating you.  And while your information network is, admittedly,
superior to my own--for now--I've discovered quite a few things."

        She arched an eyebrow, otherwise staying motionless.

        "You've discovered nothing of my past," I continued, slowly turning to
face her, "but I've discovered quite a bit of yours.  A widower father, raising
you and your sister on a fixed income.  The best schools illegal favors could
buy, a subtle string of convenient job openings.  I have to give your family
credit, that was done intelligently.  Take out the person directly in line, and
it's obvious.  Take out the cousin of someone thrice removed from your goal so
that they quit to grieve, and those ahead of you move up--that's well-planned.
I appreciate good planning."

        Her slate eyes had gained an intensity that, were I anyone else, would
have been unnerving.

        "Didn't think I'd figure that one out, I see.  I'm insulted, Marie."

        "Forgive me," she said, getting to her feet, though her tone was
anything but contrite.  "I am just--surprised--that you would make such alleg--"

        "Please," I cut her off.  "I haven't insulted your intelligence, now
have I?"

        After a beat, spent studying me closer than the scientists who were
responsible for the alien symbiote being bonded to me did, she said, "Very well.
You will, I trust, excuse my hesitation.  Up until now, I thought that none
alive save my father, my sister, and myself heard such--things."

        "And you'd have been right.  He sends his love, by the bye."

        Anger flashed through Sweeney's eyes.  "You spoke with my father?" she
asked, her voice dropping an octave.

        "Yes.  Lovely man.  I admired him two minutes after meeting him.  And he
had quite a bit to say, once he thought I knew everything anyway."

        "He could not have been fooled by such a ruse."

        "Normally, yes, but--I'm persuasive."  I grinned at her, reaching out
a hand to lightly take her shoulder.  "Come, now--you would have done no less
to find out about me, and I give you my word your father was unharmed.  We had

        Her eyes narrowed a touch more, until she was looking at me through her
eyelashes.  After a few beats, a smile spread itself on her full lips.  "I must
commend you on your resourcefulness, Tobias."

        "Please, call me Toby."

        "So be it, Toby."

        "Good.  Now, just because I know a small number of the skeletons buried
in your closet, that doesn't mean I want to work against you.  If I may offer a
token of my sincerity and goodwill."

        I went to my own briefcase, set against the chair I'd been sitting in.
I brought it to the table and opened it up, pulling out a red folder.  I handed
it to her, watching her silently as she flipped through its contents.

        I smiled as I watched the nearly-imperceptible reactions.  There was
another corporation that she was fighting with, one Gruman and Trundle
Industries.  Thatcher-Greggs was in a battle with them; Thatcher-Greggs was
trying to buy them out, but Gruman and Trundle was being obstinate--and sweeping
away other, smaller prospective buy-outs in the process.

        In that folder were contract offers--Thatcher-Greggs could buy them out
for a rather reasonable (read: "incredibly low") price.

        When she was finally through--she was one to read the finest print--she
looked up at me and asked, "How did you get this?"

        "Like I said--I'm persuasive."  I grinned and shut my briefcase.  "As I
also said, I don't want to work against you.  In fact, based on everything I
know about you, I think we would work wonderfully together.  Come visit me at
my estate--we can make a weekend out of it.  And we can see what sort of
business we can do together, hmm?"

        "And what makes you think that I'd spend a weekend at your estate?"

        "Curiosity, as you said.  I'm an enigma to you--I don't operate how I
'should', by everything you know of the world around you.  I'm not a plebeian,
and neither are you.  You're special, different--better."

        She looked down at the contract offers for a few moments, then finally
looked back up to me.  "Well.  I confess I've wanted to see a real, live tiger
cub that wasn't in a zoo."

        I grinned.  "You'll love Agrippa; he's such a friendly and cute thing."

        She arched her brows, impressed.  "Named, I presume, after the Roman

        I was surprised, pleasantly so.  "Why--yes, actually.  You know Roman

        "He won the Battle of Actium against Marc Antony and Cleopatra, after
which he was awarded Octavianus' niece to marry."

        "Quite so."  I couldn't help but continue to grin.  Sweeney was turning
out to be a remarkable woman indeed.  Hopefully just what we needed.  "This
weekend, then?"

        "Quite so," she replied, smiling more genuinely.

                        *              *              *

        She arrived with her aide, and I met her at the door.  I decided to meet
her in my "at home" attire.  A short crimson toga, leather sandals, gold
bracers, and my stylized phoenix pendant.  My hair was loose, my chest bare.

        I opened the door just as the car pulled up; as a matter of course I'd
sent a sedan for her, and my driver was pulling the bags out of the trunk.  I
welcomed her inside, shaking her hand warmly.

        "Welcome to my humble little bit of real estate," I said, watching her
take it all in.  Her eyes were immediately drawn to what I'd affectionately
dubbed the Throne Hall.  It was once the common area, but I'd had it redesigned.
A wooden, tall-backed armchair that served as somewhat of a throne dominated it,
squatting not too far from the fireplace.

        I took her on a tour of the place, which took quite a while.  I showed
her my conservatory, study, library, so on and so forth through the other rooms.
I ended with the eastern wing, where we'd be.  Her bedroom would be next to my
own, with her aide on the other side.  My Swede had directed the driver where
to take the bags, and I noticed Marie taking in the woman.  She was, of course,
nude, as nearly every member of my "family" were kept.  The only ones who were
allowed to be clothed were my security personnel, my Swede when she accompanied
me out into the world, and my driver.

        While the aide was dealing with putting Sweeney's clothes away, I took
her to see Agrippa.  I'd played and emotionally bonded with him all morning, but
he was still happy to see me.  He was playing in his lagoon, and when he heard
the gate open he leapt out, bounding over without bothering to shake the water

        "There's my big man," I said, crouching and embracing him.  Even as
young as he was, only half a year or so, he would have bowled me over were it
not for my symbiote-enhanced strength.

        "Agrippa, meet Marie.  Marie, meet Agrippa."  She looked at me, silently
asking the obvious question.  "He's a sweetheart.  Let him get used to your
scent, and he likes having his cheeks and neck scratched."

        She crouched beside me, letting Agrippa run his large nose over her hand
and arm.  When his curiosity was sated, he bumped his head against me, and Marie
scratched his neck almost lovingly.

        "He's beautiful," she said, genuine appreciation in her tone.  "Was it
difficult to get him?"

        "Oh, yes.  Definitely.  First you have to have all of this--" I waved a
hand to indicate the pen and everything in it, "--ready beforehand.  Then you
have to get special permits from damn near every organization you could imagine,
each of whom have to send representatives to inspect the property.  THEN you
have to find one that's available.  The San Diego Zoo needed to move his mother
because of budget crises, but they couldn't find a place for him--thankfully I
managed to step in.  And after that, of course, is not only the continuous care
you have to provide, but it's also a crap-shoot, personality-wise.
Surprisingly, tigers are similar to house cats in their ranges of personality."
I smiled and ruffled Agrippa's neck-fur.  "Thankfully it seems I won the crap-

        She smiled anew, looking back down to Agrippa.  He was enjoying having
twice as much attention.  "What about feeding?" she asked, keeping her eyes on

        "Well, he's still learning to hunt, so we're mostly sticking to a
special diet.  Certain fowl and vitamins."

        She looked back up to me curiously.  "You're teaching him to hunt?"

        "Yes.  A lot of people keep their tigers to the veterinary diets, but I
want more for him.  I want him to be a real tiger."

        "Isn't that potentially dangerous?"

        "Not to me.  I'm--tougher than I seem.  I'm keeping him in-line well
enough.  I'm training him to mind me, and he's starting to realize his own
strength, though I'm--I can take more roughness than most people, so in some
ways it's easier."

        She nodded thoughtfully and looked back down to Agrippa.

        "Come on, let's go for a swim," I said, getting to my feet.

        "Where?  I didn't bring a swimsuit."

        "In the lagoon.  And who said anything about a swimsuit?"  My clothes
melted into my body, leaving me nude.  Her eyes widened at the display, her gaze
gaining a cautious quality to it.  "I'm just full of surprises--but trust your
instincts.  You know I'm trying to be your friend."

        After a tense moment, she relaxed and stood as well.  She smiled once
again, and started removing her clothing.  My Swede was there in an instant, to
take them from her, saying that they would be waiting for her in her room unless
called for.

        What a sight Sweeney was.  Hairless below the eyebrows, just how I like
it.  She smiled brighter, saying, "I took the precaution of--studying your
tastes," she said slyly.

        "Well played, Marie," I commended her, then added, "Let's go!"  I took
off running, with Agrippa right beside me, matching my pace.  To her credit,
Marie kept up with me effortlessly, and I took the moment to watch her naked
form in motion.  She kept herself in far better shape than she let on, and I
definitely appreciated that.

        When we got to the lagoon, all of us dove in.  It was around the square
footage of an Olympic pool, though it was curved into a crescent shape, with one
end more shallow than the other.  In the middle of the interior of the crescent
was a waterfall, and after a few laps she and I climbed it to sit atop it and
watch Agrippa play.  He had a few water toys, though his favorite was the ball.
It was supposed to be tiger-safe (you'd be surprised at how large the market is
for toys safe for big cats), but that was the third one he'd gone through in a
month.  Still, he was worth the money.

        "I assume," I said, as we both watched Agrippa, "you've spent more time
trying to figure me out, just as I've done with you."  From the corner of my eye
I saw her glance toward me with an appreciative smile, then look back to the

        "Of course."

        "Then hopefully you've reached comfortable conclusions."

        "You're narcissistic, but not without merit.  Whatever you may have been
and done before, you are successfully building what I can only call--and I hope
it's not insulting--a cult."

        "I prefer the term 'family', but 'cult' serves well enough, considering
that it can be applied to any religion, nearly any group, period."

        "Fair enough.  You're also power-hungry, and you have some of your
'family' in positions near powerful figures across the country."

        "World, actually," I corrected, and she smiled.

        "So it is.  What your ultimate goals are I couldn't guess, but they seem
to be designed to put you in power without anyone realizing it.  People who
oppose you or otherwise stand in your way seem to mysteriously disappear or
suffer inexplicable illnesses.  By the bye, you could have handled that Erikson
business a bit more cleanly."

        "Quite so.  Now it is I who must commend you on your resourcefulness.
And I know I could have, but I was working on a time-table."

        She just nodded once to that, no stranger to such a scenario.  It made
me appreciate her all the more.

        "Now you," I said, grinning and looking at her.  "You're no less power-
hungry than I, and your admittedly brilliant plotting has ingratiated you with
quite a few business and political leaders.  People who oppose YOU also seem to
mysteriously disappear.  Good job on that ChemTek business, by the way.  It took
more favors than I'd like to admit to, to uncover that one."

        She looked rather self-satisfied.

        "You also prefer a more hands-on approach, preferring to look your enemy
in the eye as you 'deal' with them."

        I went silent, and we both kept that silence for quite a while.  Agrippa
played with his ball then climbed out of the lagoon to clamber up the waterfall
and pester us.  We both happily succumbed to such "pestering".

        "We're a surprisingly good match, you know," I commented, peering around
Agrippa's head.  Being an attention-whore, he'd seating himself squarely between
us, ignoring the part of the waterfall that we were sitting on either side of
and running under his rump.

        "It seems so, yes," she replied, looking at me almost demurely.

        I spied my Swede at the entrance to the pen, then said to Marie, "Time
for lunch.  Shall we?"  I got to my feet and turned so my back was to the
lagoon, then dove off backwards.  Agrippa rumbled pleasantly, then leapt off
of the waterfall as well.  Laughing softly, Marie did the same--and I have to
confess, she did it with far more grace than I.

        We padded to the veranda, Agrippa bounding around our legs.  "You let
him out of his pen?" remarked Marie, surprised.

        "Of course.  Like I said, I'm training him to mind me.  And he can't
spend his entire life behind a fence; that'd be cruel to him, don't you think?
As much as is possible, he goes where I go."

        "Mmm."  She looked back to Agrippa, but just before her gaze left me, I
would have sworn that there was more appreciation in it.  That made me smile.

        Since it was such a lovely day, we ate outside, with her aide and my
Swede serving.  The gentleman appeared somewhat anxious by his employer's
nudity, and I commented on it.

        She chuckled and waved him off.  She felt comfortable enough to not have
him hovering over her shoulder.  She asked if my Swede could show him to the
library, and I complied.

        The meal was delightful, of course.  Salmon as the focus with a nice
Australian Chardonnay.  A baby leaf salad on the side with walnut oil dressing.
The meal was passed with more idle chit-chat, discussions on the varying
Chardonnays of the world, discussion on the salmon, Agrippa, and other such

        We relaxed in the chairs afterward, the plates taken away by my Swede
and some other girls.  Marie's gaze lingered on the brands the girls wore, and
she asked about them.  I told them--the phoenix symbol on their left hip and
thighs was my symbol for the family, the symbol branded into their right hips
and thighs their duty.

        She inquired about other girls, so I suggested we meet my favored pets.
We found them in the kitchen, finishing their meals.  The meals were served in
ceramic dishes with their names on them.  Baby Maker had my daughter cuddled
against her, the child nursing as the mother fed.  Their "tails" swished in the
air as they moved in their feeding.  The "tails" were symbiote-bits firmly
embedded in their asses; Horse Slut had a horse's tail, Dog Slut had a dog tail,
and Baby Maker had an enlarged, stylized cock.

        When they saw us, they crawled over and knelt at our feet.  Marie
started to reach out, then stopped herself and looked at me.  I nodded, smiling,
and she stroked Horse Slut's hair lightly.

        "Your pets are beautiful," she commented sincerely, letting her
fingertips brush along my pet's cheek.

        "I'm glad you approve," I replied honestly.  Baby Maker knelt awkwardly,
as she was already swollen with her second child.

        Marie squatted, reaching a hand out to Baby Maker.  "May I?" she asked,
and I nodded again.  She stroked my pet's bulging stomach, surprised.  "She
feels like she's four months along, but that baby couldn't have been born too
long before that."

        "My dear Baby Maker is named quite aptly," I said proudly.  That pride
was reflected in Baby Maker's face, and she stuck her belly out a bit more for

        "I must say, you certainly are resourceful in more ways than expected,"
said Marie as she got to her feet.

        "And you are surprisingly inspirational.  That was the first time I've
ever tasted alcohol, I must say."

        She laughed softly and cocked an eyebrow.  "Really?  You picked the
perfect Chardonnay to go with the salmon."

        "I did research.  Come on, I'll let you walk one of the girls."

        I had Dog Slut fetch the leashes from my bedroom, then once they were
properly hooked up, we all went out into the front garden.  Marie walked Horse
Slut, while I walked Dog Slut and Baby Maker.

        The girls did their business, squatting on their hands and the balls of
their feet, and Marie watched, then commented on Baby Maker not pissing.  I told
her about the girl's inability to control her bladder, which made Marie cast a
thoughtful glance at the girl.

        While the pets cleaned each other and the "tails" grew back, Marie
looked at me.  "You are not what I expected."  Her tone was calm, tinted with
curiosity.  We headed to a nearby bench to sit down and relax.

        "Nor are you what I expected, either," I said, looking at her.  "So much
different, that I have a hard time with accepting the invasion in my home."

        That caught her attention, and she stared at me for a moment.  I would
have sworn that she was genuine in her surprise.  "What do you mean?"

        I related to her the events of the invasion, the branding artist naming
her as the ultimate force behind the attack.  She looked rather angry, though
not necessarily at me.  I found this curious.

        After quite a few tense moments, she got to her feet, saying, "I must
show you something."  I gathered the leashes and followed her into the mansion,
growing even more curious.

        We ended up in her bedroom.  I tied the pets' leashes to the door handle
and stood quietly as she had her aide bring out a briefcase.  It was one of
three that she'd brought, I noticed.  Quite the planner, this one.

        After sifting through the contents, she brought out a handful of papers
and handed them to me.  I glanced through them and realized that the top sheets
were records of her stay in a hotel in Vermont.

        "What do these mean?" I asked, holding the top sheets in one hand while
looking through the papers in the other.

        "The month before this attack of yours, I was in Vermont, dealing with
a potential investor.  As you can see here--and can easily prove on your own, I
imagine--the only contact I had with T.G.I. was through Morton, here."  She
nodded to her aide.  "The woman you spoke of was April, my sister.  We look
enough alike, she likely gave my name as her own, and this brander of yours was
none the wiser."

        I arched a brow.  "That's--rather convenient," I noted, somewhat
skeptical and making no attempt to disguise it.

        "Continue reading."

        I did so, and what I found was rather interesting.  Apparently, April
Sweeney had been trying to acquire T.G.I. for her own; there were numerous
pieces of documented evidence leading to this.  I won't bore you with the
business intricacies, but suffice to say that with minutes of meetings,
transcripts of phone conversations, and more--her sister seemed to be as
ruthless as Marie, but without the foresight or ability to seem charming.

        "Do you mind if I verify this?"

        "Of course.  I will of course stay on your property with you, as--as
proof of sincerity, you could say."  She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but
smile back.  She was like a viper--entrancing, enchanting, and you could never
QUITE tell whether she would strike or not.  Somehow, I found that almost

        I nodded, saying, "Of course.  Please, stay and let me enjoy your
company.  I need only drop the pets off then we can go down to my study, hmm?"

        She agreed, so she accompanied me to my bedroom, and as I chained my
pets to the wall, I noticed her looking around with interest.  There was more
than "mere" curiosity, though I couldn't quite place what it could be.  In any
event, we soon found ourselves in my study, with my Swede taking notes.  I gave
no names in Marie's presence--just in case--but told her to check around,
question "the usual sources", and such things.  My Swede promised me she would 
attend to it personally.

        We passed the evening chatting amiably, and I found myself--or, rather,
both my symbiote and I--found ourselves trusting her.  There was just--something
inexplicable about her.  Oh, I wouldn't trust her to spit on me if I were on
fire or anything, mind you--but there was something about her that told me if
she were truly the architect of the attack, not only would it not have failed,
but she would have reveled in telling me about it.

        Part of that was her being surprisingly forthcoming about other, rather
similar attacks.  There was a former board member who had thought he would take
certain evidence to certain authorities--but the night before he was due to meet
with the district attorney, a team of men had come in and left his entire family
a bloody mess.

        What differed from that attack and the one committed upon me were in
the details.  My attackers came in force; hers had come in stealth.  The man
didn't even know anything was wrong until he was awoken to watch his wife and
children shot.

        "She's ruthless, but stupid," Marie was saying.  "There's a reason I
control T.G.I. and not she."

        "So I see," I said, in a tone of admiration.  And I did admire her
cunning and ability to strategize.

        We talked well into the night.  I had a late-night snack brought to us,
and the discussion was only broken twice--the first time by her aide saying he
was heading to bed, and the second time by my Swede, saying that she'd heard
some initial replies to the inquiries.

        I begged some privacy and departed the study, speaking to my Swede
quietly in the hall.  To give the short version, everything so far pointed to
Marie being in Vermont as she said, and so far it looked like her aide only
carried out routine instructions in T.G.I. on her behalf.  Her sister, on the
other hand, had been in New York City the week before I had the artist brought
to me.  This was odd because she was primarily based in Texas; my contacts as
yet had not known her to be in New York for over a decade.

        When I returned to the study, Marie was at the window behind the desk,
looking outside with her hands cupped behind her back, resting against her small
ass.  She turned to me and there was a thoughtful-yet-malicious look in her eye.
"Your contacts are better than I'd imagined, for you surely received word by
now, yes?"  I nodded.  "Good.  I have a plan."

        We spent the rest of the night talking and planning.

                        *              *              *

        One week later, just before noon, my doorbell rang.  Smiling, I opened
the door in my dark suit.  There stood Marie, and eleven-year-old Isabelle.
Belle, as she was known, was Marie's niece.  And she was going to be my pet,
though on a bet with Marie, I was to avoid using whatever "tricks" I used with
my other pets.  I felt I was worthy of the challenge.

        The child was such a sight--brown hair with red highlights let loose,
flowing to the small of her back, a dark blue button-up sweater over a white
blouse.  A pleated, baby-blue skirt, black shoes with no socks.  Her face was
simply adorable--coal eyes similar to her aunt, a thin line of a mouth, between
those a pert little button nose.

        "Well hello, ladies," I greeted them, smiling warmly.

        Marie smiled in return, though the child didn't see the look of what I
can only describe as hopeful malevolence in her eyes.  "This is Mister Moore,
Belle.  He said he'd take you for the month."  Marie had arranged for her sister
to be out of the country, on a wild goose chase that--April hoped--would lead to
her gaining more control over Thatcher-Greggs.  She managed to spin enough true-
sounding lies to convince Isabelle to stay with me.

        I took Belle's offered hand and brought it to my lips for a genteel
kiss, which made her smile.  Her hesitance was starting to crack.

        "Remember to mind him, now, Belle.  You're fortunate to have your aunt's

        "I guess so," said the child.

        "Don't worry," I said, looking to Marie, "I'll have her thanking you for
this."  And I would, too.

        They said their goodbyes, and I had my Swede bring in Belle's suitcase.
The child marveled at the unashamed nudity, staring openly.

        "What's that?" she whispered, pointing at the brands.

        "Those are her marks, child, her brands.  They mean I own her."

        "What do you mean?"

        "I mean I own her--she's my possession.  And one of my favored ones, I
would say."  My Swede flashed me a smile for that compliment.

        "I am glad to be found pleasing, Master," she said, earning her a kiss
and swat on her ass from me.

        She headed upstairs as I led Belle through the mansion and out to the
back of the property.  She looked around, taking it in.  While her home wasn't
really much different, she marveled at the various nude women, going about the
business of tending to the property.

        Her eyes widened as Agrippa bounded toward us, and she reflexively
sidled against me.  "Don't mind Agrippa," I assured her, wrapping an arm around
her shoulders.  "He's my friend, and he can be yours, too."

        Agrippa skidded to a stop, overshooting us by a length in the process,
and I crouched as he came back.  I scruffed his neck roughly and laughed, then
encouraged Belle to do the same.  She did so timidly, smoothing out her skirt as
she knelt in the grass, and tentatively reached a hand forward.

        "Oh, don't be shy, now.  Give him a good scritch behind the ears."

        It took a few minutes, but the child finally grew more comfortable, and
a warm smile spread on her face.  Agrippa just basked in the attention, and made
Belle giggle when he flopped onto his back, all but demanding belly rubs.

        We ate lunch out on the veranda, and I admonished Belle against sneaking
Agrippa anything.  "He's on a special diet," I told her, "so human food wouldn't
be good for him.  He's not like a dog, or even a house cat.  Some of our food
that would be fine for your pets at home may hurt him--or worse."  I made sure
she understood, then we ate.

        We spent most of the afternoon walking around the property, interrupted
only when my Swede needed to ask me for something, or to relate information.
Dinner was eaten with Agrippa between us, and Belle wasn't much of a
conversationalist, so taken up was she with rubbing the tiger cub with her foot.

        After dinner, I told her that I had some more women for her to meet, and
took her upstairs to my bedroom.  Her eyes widened when she saw my pets,
especially lovely Baby Maker.  She realized not only was the girl her own age,
but that she was swollen with child, too.  At that moment, she was nursing our
daughter, rubbing the infant's tiny clit in her cage.

        "Why's she in the cage?" she asked, voice a soft whisper.

        "She's pregnant, and needs to be kept there so I can control her.  I
want my son to be completely healthy when he's born, and if she weren't under
control, she might suffer any number of illnesses or accidents."


        Using the intercom, I had a glass of sweet tea--the child's favorite--
brought up, and had her sit on the bed.  While we were waiting, I said, "Take
off your shoes and sweater.  You can be comfortable in my home."

        She did so, wiggling her bare toes before crossing her legs on the bed.
From my vantage, I could JUST peek up her skirt and see the white cotton panties
clinging to her young pussy.

        "What did your auntie say about me?"

        "She said that I was supposed to stay with you and listen to you."

        "Good."  Just then, the door was lightly knocked upon, in such a way as
I recognized it as the knock of my Swede.  "Enter," I said, and the door opened.
My Swede had a silver platter, upon which was a pitcher of sweet tea and two

        I plied her with tea, making sure she drank most of the pitcher herself.
She started squirming after drinking so much, and I hid a smile.  Time to use
another bit of knowledge against her.  Having a stacked deck is about the best
thing in the world, I find.

        "If you have to go, go," I said, making her look at me curiously.

        "Where's the bathroom?" she asked.

        "No--just GO.  Don't worry about a bathroom, or anything else."


        "Come here," I said, firmly but not unkindly, having her get off the bed
and stand before me so I could crouch and bring us around eye level.  "I know
your mother would say not to, but--this is a vacation, right?  Why do everything
your mother says when she's not here?"  Like most children, she had a bit of
rebellion in her.  Unlike most children, hers--as far as it concerned her
mother--was going to be fostered.  "Besides, your auntie told you to listen to
me.  Do you want to upset her?"  Marie had made sure the girl knew that she
would be VERY displeased if Belle didn't listen to me.

        "Umm," was all she said.

        "Close your eyes.  Good girl.  Now--let go."  I pressed her stomach,
just over her bladder.  After a moment, the unmistakable sound of her piss
hitting the floor came.  "Good girl!" I said, tussling her hair.  She managed a
smile for me, though there was some uncertainty in her eyes.

        I unhooked Horse Slut and Dog Slut, making a single hand motion.  They
crawled over to the puddle of piss and started licking it up like well-trained

        "Now," I said as they were tending to cleaning the floor, "let's get you
out of those wet clothes."

        "But Momma says--"

        "She's not here, is she?" I cut her off, with a quirked smile, then I
added, "And besides--you're supposed to listen to me, right?"  The girl nodded,
still uncertain, but she didn't put up much fuss as I unbuttoned her blouse.
She had on a training bra, though that was more her mother's desire than from
any actual need.  She was still mostly flat-chested, and I took a moment to
adore the sight.

        "You're a sexy girl," I commented, making her giggle.  I then unhooked
her skirt and set it aside, then slid her panties down her legs.  "There you
go," I said, tossing the panties onto the pile of clothing.  "Definitely a sexy

        I tussled her hair again, as she said, "Umm.  Don't I get anything to

        "Why?  It's warm enough out, and don't you like being looked at?"

        "But Momma--"  This time she cut herself off, forcing a smile and
nodding once.

        "Good girl.  You're as smart as your auntie said you were."

        She smiled brighter at that, then looked uncertain once more.
Hesitantly, she said, "Umm.  I gotta go number two."

        "Alright, I may as well walk my pets, so you can go with them."

        I waited for them to finish licking the floor clean, then I gathered
their leashes.  As a reward for doing so well, she got to walk Dog Slut.  I
discretely mentioned to my Swede to have the girl's clothes removed, and the
four of us headed out to the front lawn.

        Immediately, the girls began tugging on the leashes, lightly of course.
I unhooked Horse Slut and had Belle unhook Dog Slut, and the pair squatted on
their hands and balls of the feet.  Their "tails" disappeared, causing Belle's
eyebrows to raise, but I waved off any questions.

        "Go on, then.  Do as they do."

        "Umm.  Okay..."

        She got down and tried to mimic the posture, though she didn't yet have
a great sense of balance.  She watched the pets pissing and shitting unabashed,
and looked over her shoulder to me.  I simply nodded, and she gulped, then
lowered her head and closed her eyes tightly.  After a few moments of straining
and almost toppling over, she had finished.

        I had my pets clean her, first, then had them show her how to clean
them.  When they were done I beckoned the girl over and crouched before her
again, putting a hand lightly on her thigh.

        "You are a marvelous girl, you know that?  Now, because you listened so
well, you can have anything.  Name it, and it's yours."

        Her eyes brightened at that.  "ANYthing?" she asked.

        I nodded.  "Yep.  Well, nearly anything.  Agrippa is too small for you
to ride yet, for one thing.  So--almost anything.  Name it, and I promise you I
will do my best."  She bit her lip in a delightfully cute display, thinking.
Leaning in a bit, I said, "Isn't there something you want that you would
normally not have?  Something, say, your mother would say 'no' to?  The ONE
thing you want...?"

        She slowly looked up again and met my eyes.  "Well, momma always said
that horses were no-good, dirty animals even though all I wanted to do was just
ride one..."  While my own views on the creatures weren't all THAT different--
though I had an excuse, since I was mildly phobic of them--I grinned and patted
her shoulder.

        "I'll do you one better.  How would you like your very own horse?"

        She gasped, eyes widening to what I can only describe as saucer-sized.

        "You'll have to take care of him while you're here, and there's a lot
to learn.  Think you can handle it?"  Her head bobbed so fast I was almost
afraid it would pop off.  In that moment, any last thoughts of her own nudity or
what she just did sped from her mind.

        "Alright.  Tell you what, let's go look at the horses now, eh?
Since it's so late, you can't ride right now, but we can look.  And first thing
tomorrow, you can start taking care of your horse."  She bobbed her head again,
and I re-hooked the leashes to the pets.  With the leashes in one hand, one of
Belle's hands in the other, we went behind the mansion to the stable.

        She spent quite some time cooing and petting a young Arabian stallion.
She giggled as the horse's muzzle brushed against her bare chest, then managed
to get him to eat from her hand.

        She didn't want to leave, but she was soon starting to totter on her
feet from tiredness.  I gathered her into my arms and took her into my bedroom,
laying her on my bed.  After chaining up my pets, I just looked at the child and
admired her body.  I couldn't help but run a hand over her leg, gently feeling
her inner thigh.

        "Such a good pet you'll make," I whispered, daring to stroke the tiny
cunt.  So exhausted was she that she didn't stir.  My "clothing" melted into my
body, and I snuggled down next to her, pulling the blankets over us.

        The next morning, she awoke me by a startled gasp.  As I rubbed my eyes
and sat up, I watched as the memories came back to her, and she peeked under the
blankets at herself as if to affirm her memory.

        I got out of bed, stretching, and she stared openly at my crotch, then
blushed brightly and made a concerted effort to study the wall on the other side
of her from me.  I chuckled and reached over to tussle her hair.

        "Don't worry about it, sweat pea.  There's nothing wrong with the human
body, is there?"

        She looked to me, uncertainty in her eyes.

        "Well, let me put it this way.  Do you think you're ugly?"

        She lowered her eyes and shrugged, so I reached over and lightly pulled
the blankets down, then off of her.  "Well, I don't.  I think you're very
pretty."  She smiled at me and slid off the bed to her feet.  "In fact, I'm
surprised you don't have a boyfriend," I said as I took her hand.

        "Momma says I'm not old enough."

        I blew air through my lips in that "pfft" sound.  "She also didn't want
you to have a horse."

        She looked up at me as we left my bedroom, thoughtful.  She was silent
as we walked through the mansion, and she peered into the various rooms we
passed with interest.  There were no questions, though, so I was sure she was
focused on her horse, and that thought made me smile.

        We ate in the dining hall, with her at my right.  Breakfast was a
variety of fruits, and some fruit juices she'd never had before.  About halfway
through the meal, I leaned back and, adopting an air of nonchalance, inquired,
"Do YOU want a boyfriend?"

        That made her pause, and she looked to me, worrying her bottom lip.

        "Well, I think you're pretty.  I like you.  Don't you like me?"  She
nodded.  "Good.  Do you want to be my girlfriend?"  She paused again, then
blushed and nodded.  "Good girl," I said, reaching out to stroke her cheek.  I
slid from my chair to crouch next to her.  "Do you know what boyfriends and
girlfriends do who like each other?"

        "They kiss?"

        "Good girl.  I'm going to teach you how to kiss..."

        I leaned forward slowly, until my lips brushed against hers.  I suckled
her bottom lip, then added a hint of depth before whispering, "Do you like
that?"  I felt her nod.  "Good."

        I kissed her again, my hand at her cheek, stroking softly.  My tongue
slipped out and slowly flicked over her lips, and I felt her smile.  She'd seen
enough movies to not be that surprised.

        Soon I moved deeper, slowly pushing my tongue between her small lips.
She was hesitant, but I could feel that it was from shyness, and she cautiously
extended her tongue as well.  I lightly suckled on it, then let mine dance with

        My hand drifted down her cheek to her chest, where I caressed her
nearly-flat chest gently.  I toyed with her nipples, oh-so-very lightly rolling
them between my thumb and forefinger, feeling her body warm beneath my touch.  I
broke the kiss, but only to trail more kisses along her cheek, suckling her
earlobe briefly.

        "Does this feel good, baby?" I whispered, and she nodded, eyes closed.
"Good.  Do you know what else boyfriends and girlfriends do?"  She shook her
head at that, and I smiled.  "I'll show you, then you can ride your horse,
alright?"  I kissed her brow, then took her hand and led her from the dining

        She was taken to the lounge, where there was a large television.  I had
her sit on the couch, then ran a fingertip over D.V.D.s until I found what I
wanted.  Having access to money and scruples decidedly "different" than most
people's, I had a different sort of D.V.D. collection.

        I finally found what I wanted and put it in the player, then snuggled
up next to her on the couch.  In moments, she was watching children her age--and
many years younger--being fucked.  In many cases, the familial resemblance was
obvious--fathers and mothers fucking sons and daughters.

        The D.V.D. I had selected was one where the children were brought up
being fucked by their family, so all she saw were smiles, even laughter.  As we
watched, my cock hardened, and it drew her attention.  She looked at it, then up
to me.  I smiled and nodded toward the television.

        My favorite scene--at least because it related to Belle--was a young
girl of five or so.  She suckled her father's cock with gusto and devotion,
obviously well-practiced.  She turned around and bent over, spreading her ass
with one hand, the other reaching between her legs to guide him into her.  The
man fucked his daughter vigorously, though the girl was all smiles.  After it
was over, she kissed her father passionately.

        "That's what good girls do for their boyfriends," I whispered, reaching
down to stroke the child's thigh.  She smiled timidly, but didn't move away.  I
leaned over to kiss her again, turning on the couch so she didn't have to move
much just yet.  Her hand lightly landed on my cheek, though she didn't seem to
know what to do with it.

        My hand worked inward along her thigh, brushing just lightly against her
pussy.  To my surprise, I found a hint of dampness.  Her aunt knew what she was
doing when she suggested I make this little girl my pet.

        I started lightly stroking the little cunt, and in response her fingers
curled in my hair.  With my other hand, I found her free hand and lightly pulled
it to my cock, wrapping her small fingers around it and starting to move it
along me.  After some hesitation, she started moving her hand on her own, so I
took my hand away.

        She was slow, almost as if afraid of perhaps hurting me.  "You can go
faster, baby," I whispered against her lips.  "Touch me, like I'm touching you.
Don't be shy."

        She made a concerted effort to stroke my cock without hesitation, and
my heavier breathing in response seemed to be just the positive reinforcement
she was looking for.

        The scent, the feel, the taste of her--I couldn't last long and I knew
it.  With a bit of disappointment, I pulled my lips from her, though I smiled
warmly at her.  "You're so wonderful, baby..." I whispered, continuing to stroke
her pussy.  She looked so cute, looking up at me with apprehension, but that
child's sense of conviction.  She was determined to see this through.

        "I love you, my baby..."  The words caused her eyes to widen, a smile
poorly-hidden blossoming.  I knew enough of her mother to know that the woman
had a twisted sense of love.  I know my own can be called the same, but she
rarely even touched the child.  I knew this, and plied her with just the right
increments of affection.

        I spread her legs and gazed at her pussy, with its hint of moisture.
Glancing back up to meet her eyes, I smiled at her and slowly slid to the floor
on my knees.  Her mouth slowly dropped as I lowered my head to her pussy, then
her eyes closed as I I ran my tongue along her slit with leisure.

        "You taste very good, baby," I murmured, looking up at her.  She blushed
again, but grinned.  My tongue pushed into her, causing her to catch her breath.
I ignored her small clit for the moment, content to simply explore her, taste
her.  I wasn't really fond of eating my pets' pussies, but she tasted so
wonderful I thought she might be the exception.

        When I finally dragged my tongue against her clit, she sighed and
relaxed into the couch, legs spreading even wider.  Her fingers curled on the
cushions, so I took them and placed them on my head, like she saw in the D.V.D.
Rather absently, she curled her fingers in my hair, eyes closing as she lay her
head back.

        She hadn't yet started her period--she was, sadly, a "late bloomer"--but
she was starting to explore her sexuality.  Her mother had caught her "touching
herself", and holy hell was raised.  Being naturally curious, and rebellious of
her mother, what I was doing for her was showing her that sexuality was
pleasurable, and more importantly, "right".

        Her hips started moving a little as I started suckling on her clit, and
her hands tightened their grip.  I didn't mind, nor did I allow any indication
that I even noticed as a few hairs were pulled out.  She was starting to relax
fully, and that's what I focused on.

        Her young legs started to move, toes curling as her feet haphazardly
paddled the air.  I suddenly dove my tongue into her, though kept it pressed
against her clit, and she squeaked in pleasure as she was thrown over the edge
of an orgasm.  It wasn't as "full" as what she would experience later, but it
was more than she'd ever experienced yet.

        When she "came down", as it were, I lowered her legs and leaned up to
kiss her lips.  "Such a good girl," I whispered.  Her eyes half-opened and she
smiled at me.

        "I love you..." she murmured, making me grin.  I doubted she was fully
aware she was even saying it, but she did say it and that's the important part.

        I leaned back on my heels, stroking my cock as she regained her breath.

        "Are you ready to do that for me, now?" I asked her, and nervousness
returned to her gaze as it lowered to my cock.

        "Umm.  I--umm..."

        "Yes, my loving pet?"  Her eyes flicked up at that; she was calm enough
to remember my other "pets".

        "Umm.  I--will it--umm."

        I chuckled and nodded once.  "It won't hurt, or even taste bad.  Don't
you trust me?"  I paused a beat, then gently added, "Don't you love me?"

        She smiled shyly, saying nothing, biting her lip and nodding.  I sat on
the couch and slouched down, having her kneel between my legs.  To get her used
to my cock, I had her stroke it with both hands, letting her look at it from all
angles, and ask any questions about it that came to mind.

        I answered them with ease, giving her the preferred terms for it, as
well as her own body.  She learned to call her cunt just that, or "pussy".  My
cock was that, or "dick".

        When she was out of questions, I pulled her head toward me, bidding her
to lick my cock like I licked her. She did so, even more hesitantly now.  Thanks
to my symbiote, I was kept quite clean, so it wasn't as "dirty" as she was
expecting.  And when my eyes closed and I sighed deeply, I could almost feel her

        To my surprise, she grew bolder and kissed the tip of my cock.  Only a
slight pressure on the back of her head, and she let my cock-head pass between
her lips, like she saw on the D.V.D.  Even with my symbiote, it took a rather
large amount of willpower, but I managed to keep from shoving my cock into her
throat.  I had to grit my teeth, likely hissing through them in the process, but
I managed to keep my hips still.

        I started bobbing her head until she got the idea, then took over
without further urging.  I had to take my hands from her head so I could grip
the edge of the couch, just below the cushions.  Thankfully she didn't notice
the wood creaking and starting to splinter beneath my grip.

        I soon had to urge her off, smiling at her though my mouth was hanging

        "Oh, you're doing so good--SO good, baby..." I whispered, and she beamed
in response.  "Keep doing that, and I'll come, okay?  Thick stuff will come out
of my cock like I told you, and you have to do your best to swallow all of it,

        She bit her bottom lip again, but nodded.  I pulled her head back to my
cock, and she took it in her mouth once more.  It was only a few bobs of that
deliciously warm, small mouth and I grunted loudly, spewing my come into her

        To her credit, though she started to gag she did her absolute best to
swallow all of it.  Quite a bit dribbled out of her mouth, and she had to take
her mouth away before she did gag, but I didn't hold it against her.  I spent
the last of my come on her face and chest, grinning at her.

        She started to wipe herself, but I waved that thought away with a hand.
After I caught my breath, I said, "You know what it means for a man to come on
his girl?"  She shook her head.  "It means that the girl was very, very good.
It means that she was absolutely wonderful and made him feel good.  It means you
do love me."

        That made her smile, and she looked down at her glistening chest, then
back to me.

        "I do love you..." she whispered, meaning it as much as a child can.

        "I know you do--and that proves it."

        I had her climb into my lap so I could fondle her budding tits, and
encouraged her to touch me in turn.  Around fifteen, maybe twenty minutes later,
I kissed her lips softly then whispered, "Ready to be fucked, baby?"

        She knew what that meant, and her gaze shifted to the television, which
now only displayed what passed for a "menu".  A freeze frame of a three-year-old
with her older brother's small cock in her ass, with the word "PLAY" at the

        She looked back at me, brows knitting.  "Umm.  Yeah.  Umm.  Are--are you
gonna--put it in my butt, too?"

        I grinned and pressed my fingertip against her nose playfully, in that
"beeping" motion but without making the sound effect.

        "It's your ass, and yes, I am.  I'm going to prove I love you by fucking
your pussy and your asshole.  That's how men show their pets they love them."

        She just nodded, brows knitting tighter.

        Before she could ask, I said, "And yes, it will fit.  Trust me.  It may
hurt a little at first, but I promise it won't be much, and it will go away the
more I fuck you."

        She nodded once again, then I had her sit on the couch with her ass on
the edge.  As I stroked my cock I knelt between her thighs, positioning myself
and her so my cock was resting against her pussy.

        With more slowness and even gentleness than I thought I possessed, I
pushed against her hymen.  I nudged through it, moving millimeter by aching

        She winced and gasped, but I cooed at her and asked her to be a big
girl.  I didn't dare push in too far just yet, only an inch and a half or so.  I
stayed there, resting inside her.

        "Does it hurt much?"

        "A little..."

        "That's alright, baby.  Tell me when it gets less painful, alright?"

        I haven't a clue how much time passed; it likely wasn't more than a few
minutes, but it felt agonizingly long--like hours.  I wanted to plunge into her
pussy so badly; even just having little more than the head of my cock in her was
torture--but only the sweetest kind.

        After however long, she nodded at me, and I smiled at her.  I started to
push in a little more, until I didn't think she could take much more without
undue pain.  While otherwise that might not be a factor--there was a plan at
work, and that plan required her to love me unconditionally.  To achieve that, I
obviously couldn't indulge in causing her pain--even though my own slowness was
causing me plenty.

        I slowly thrust into her, moving in and out so slowly I thought my balls
would explode.  "Ohhhh, baby, you're nice and tight..." I hissed through
clenched teeth, unable to keep my eyes open.  "You feel so good--I love you so

        She started to get used to the feeling, so I let myself pump faster.
Not TOO fast, of course, but a little faster, until I felt her relax.  I arched
my hips a little to run my cock along her clit with each thrust, and soon her
own eyes had to close.

        I could have enjoyed just kneeling there, fucking the child's cunt all
day, but I had other pleasures to take.

        After slowing to a stop, I gently pulled out of her, then repositioned
myself so my cock was resting against her asshole.

        "Now, this is important--you need to relax, okay?  RELAX.  If you don't
relax your asshole, this will hurt more.  I promise you, if you relax and DO NOT
squeeze your asshole, it will hurt less."

        There was a hint of dubiousness in her eyes, but she nodded, and I felt
her tiny sphincter loosen.  Not much, but enough.  Just as slowly as with her
cunt, I pushed inward.  She gritted her teeth and I could feel the flutters of
her asshole trying to clench, but to her immense credit, she managed to keep her
asshole loose enough for me.

        Also as before, once buried into her as far as I dare, I stopped and
waited, letting her get used to the feeling.  When at last she nodded for me to
continue, I started thrusting, unable to keep from groaning.  The nearly-
pubescent ass was tight, so incredibly tight, and the knowledge that the child
was doing her best to give herself to me was an intoxicating icing on the
proverbial cake.

        I felt the sweat start to roll down my body, the air gaining the
unmistakable scent of sex, and had to use all of my willpower to keep from
thrusting with abandon.

        "Oh God DAMN, it feels so GOOD, baby, you feel SO GOOD..." I groaned,
though the symbiote later told me it came out more like a mouse's squeak crossed
with a rusty door-hinge.

        When I was about to come, I slipped out of her ass and pushed back into
her pussy.  It was all of two thrusts, three tops, until my orgasm thundered
through me and I spurted my seed into her.

        I collapsed onto the floor, my cock spitting out the last few jets to
roll down my shaft.  I weakly beckoned her to me, and she gingerly slipped off
of the couch and knelt next to me.

        "You--you--you are--so fucking wonderful..." I muttered through a mouth
unwilling to co-operate, and looking at her through eyes obstinately refusing to
open more than a few micrometers.

        She smiled and boldly reached out to touch my cheek with her fingertips,
and I rewarded that boldness with a weak smile and a lethargic nuzzling of my
cheek to her hand.  I smiled wider at the knowledge that in my seed--both the
come she swallowed and the come given to her pussy--was, as usual, mixed with
bits of my symbiote.  While I agreed to not use any such "tricks" to make her my
pet, I said nothing about using them to strengthen her body's immune system and
ready her to bear my children.  Devil's in the details, as they say.

        We rested there, together, on the floor, and I convinced her to not
worry about cleaning herself up.  Letting a man's seed drip from her holes was
another sign of love of her man, I told her, especially since it meant she could
be pregnant.  When she looked surprised at that, I pointed out that if we loved
each other, why shouldn't we have a child?

        "But--momma..." she said, and I almost managed to hide a smile.  Almost.

        "Think of what your mother has said so far.  She said horses are dirty
beasts, but you now know that's wrong, yes?"  She nodded.  "She said fucking was
wrong and dirty, but you enjoyed it, right?"  Again, she nodded.  "Did I hurt
you too much?  Did I FORCE you?"  She shook her head.  "Your mother was wrong
about so much--what makes you think she was right about you being pregnant?"

        That made her stop to think, and I reached out to tuck a strand of hair
behind her ear.

        I let her think for a while, and she snuggled up against me, closing her
eyes and leaning her head on my chest.  She didn't doze off as I half-expected;
instead I watched her eyes move beneath her lids in deep thought.  I passed the
time stroking her face, her shoulder, her chest and back--as much of her as I
could easily reach.  The floor wasn't all that comfortable, but I was content to
stay quiet and let her think.  Her aunt promised she was an exceedingly bright
child, able to arrive at the conclusions I wanted if I handled her right.

        "She wasn't right at all..." came a tiny, almost inaudible whisper.  I
smiled and brushed the backs of my fingers over her cheek.

        "No, she wasn't."

        I left it at that, and after a few more minutes we got up and went to
see about lunch.  A few bites of steak with vegetables seasoned just right.  I
convinced her to try them since like so many children she didn't like
vegetables, but I pointed out that she never had them prepared like that.  To
give her even more credit, she gave it an honest try, and while she couldn't
bring herself to even try cauliflower, her honest attempt let me allow that.  It
was claimed to be an honest loathing, complete with a story about how even the
nanny she had as a baby couldn't get her to eat them, so I again allowed it.
Everyone should be allowed their loathing of certain foods, as long as it's
genuine, as hers was.

        After lunch I retrieved my pets from my bedroom and let Belle walk Horse
Slut while I handled Dog Slut.  I freed Dog Slut to go tend to the dogs, and
Belle watched wide-eyed as the woman was mounted like a bitch.

        I told her that Dog Slut was tending to the dogs, letting them enjoy her
pussy.  It made the dogs feel good, and the child had to admit the dogs were
rather happy-looking.  We stopped and watched as Dog Slut shoved her ass back,
moaning in frank--and loud--pleasure as she was knotted.

        I explained the knotting procedure, how it sealed the dog to the bitch
as he came inside of her.  She watched wide-eyed as the dog got off of Dog
Slut's back and turned around, so his ass was to hers.  As we moved on I
explained that it would take a while for the knot to shrink enough to let his
cock free, but it was necessary.

        In a further display of a bright intellect at such a young age, she
mentioned--not asked, but indeed mentioned--that that was what the dog-head
brand meant.  I beamed and patted her shoulder blade, then she looked to Horse
Slut's right thigh and back at me, silently asking the question.  I nodded.

        She looked thoughtful--but delightfully not unpleasant or distressed--as
we headed to the stables.

        When we arrived, I directed Belle to unhook Horse Slut, but then
directed Horse Slut to wait for instruction.  Crouching next to the child, I
said, "Now, first you can ride, but after that you'll have to learn how to take
care of him, okay?  You have to keep him happy."

        She beamed and nodded, and I kissed her deeply.  She was such a quick
learner.  While she still lacked skill, she was no longer quite as shy, so her
tongue twisted with mine easily.

        I had Horse Slut be her riding teacher, since I wasn't about to do any
more than pat the thing's head.  And--here I must confess that even that much
was done with some timidity.  I'm just thankful my phobia of horses is mild
enough for the symbiote to help me control, or I'm not sure I would have been
able to get within touching range.

        The beasts are strong as hell--I wasn't sure even the symbiote could
help me survive a solid kick to the chest.  And the thing of it all is that the
only thing keeping them in your control is that they THINK they're in your
control.  The minute they get it into their heads, they could buck you off and
stamp you into so much jelly and there wouldn't be anything you could do about

        Ah, well--digression aside.

        Horse Slut showed Belle how to brush the coat, all that, then she helped
Belle climb onto the horse's back.  I'd decided I would have her learn to ride
bare-back, so she was shown how to grip the horse's mane.  Horse Slut had
affixed the reins and bit set-up, so the horse would be under her control, and
before they set off I stepped up.  Closer than I wanted to, but that's another

        "One last thing, my poppet," I told her, reaching up to stroke her inner
thigh, near the hip.  "You can name him.  Anything you want."

        She grinned wider than I thought her small mouth was even capable of,
and replied without any hesitation, "Prince!"

        I chuckled and kissed her hip.  "Prince it is, then.  Go, now, and have
some fun, eh?"

        Horse Slut led Prince away, and I watched.  Agrippa watched me from a
few dozen yards away, mewling for attention.  He finally understood that he
wasn't to go near the horses.  I actually couldn't get it through his head for
the longest time (though, in his defense, he was still a cub) until a horse--
Prince, as a matter of fact, though that's neither here nor there--nearly
clocked him upside the head.  The horse missed and "only" got him in the
shoulder, which was sore for a while afterward.  From then on, Agrippa stayed
away from the stables, though when I was there he wasn't happy about it.

        Chuckling mostly to myself, I headed over and scratched the tiger behind
the ear.  "What do you think, old boy?" I asked him, obviously not really
expecting a response.  "Think you'd like her to be your bitch?  Maybe not solely
yours--but maybe, just maybe she can have your likeness on her hip, eh?."

        Agrippa huffed softly and planted his rump on the ground, shoving his
head into my leg in that feline display of affection.

        Horse Slut was as careful and attentive as I could ask for as she led
Prince around in a small circle, instructing Belle on how to control him.  Belle
looked positively radiant with joy, and was quite attentive to the instructions
she was given.

        So attentive she was that she was able to start having Prince turn and
even canter within the hour.  I laughed lightly, sitting next to Agrippa.  I
stayed there, watching her, occasionally calling encouragement to her, until it
was time for supper.

        She whined in that child's way, begging me to let her stay out longer.
I finally conceded to an extra half-hour and not a second longer, to which she
whooped her joy.  How could I say no?  Besides seeing her face lit with
happiness, the more joyful moments such as this only endeared her to me.

        After dinner, I let her ride Prince some more, until she could handle
the animal at a canter with ease.  She actually shocked me with how quickly she
picked it all up, but I was confident that along with the promised--and
displayed--intelligence, it was the stereotypical girl's adoration of horses.  I
had no doubt that, unbeknownst to her mother, she kept a journal or scrapbook or
some such filled with pictures, drawings, poems, and more devoted to horses.
At eleven years old, she doubtless knew more about them than I did, though in
fairness that wouldn't be a difficult feat.

        When dusk fell Horse Slut kept her closer to the stables, where flood
lights were turned on to provide plenty of light.  I had actually started to
doze, leaning against Agrippa, but the tiger's sudden movement woke me.  He'd
gotten up to stretch and go back to his pen, where he curled up to sleep.

        That was my signal to call the girl back, and she pouted a little, but I
reminded her that she was given more time than I'd intended.

        "And that," I told her as I helped her down, "is only because I love

        That made her smile, and she tugged my hands so I would bend to her, and
she surprised me yet again by kissing me--deeply.  Her little tongue snaked
between my lips to toy with my own.  She finally pulled back with a grin that
really did almost seem like it went from ear to ear.  I, I think obviously,
couldn't help but return it.

        "Now," I said as I stood erect, "you have to learn how to take care of
Prince.  He'll need a lot of care--a horse is a bigger responsibility than a dog
or cat."

        She swore she'd take care of him, so I had Horse Slut show her how to
groom him.  They went through the varying brushes, how to tend to the hooves,
and everything else I knew next to nothing about.  They even got into a
discussion about different types of saddles, with my lovable soon-to-be pet
displaying her knowledge quite admirably.  I didn't even know there WERE
different kinds of saddles.

        Once Prince was groomed and such, Horse Slut brought out a small cot-
like contraption.  "This," she told my "girlfriend", "is what will help you tend
to his most important need--the need of your cunt."

        Belle looked to me, eyebrows shooting up.  I simply smiled and nodded,
motioning for her to pay attention to Horse Slut.

        The elder took the contraption over to what amounted to a large shed
built a ways away from the end of the stable.  Inside was what was dubbed a
"dummy mare", which to me looked more like the pommel horse gymnasts use, though
minus the handles, and of a slightly different shape.

        Horse Slut showed her how to set the contraption up beneath the "dummy
mare", patiently explaining how to lie in it, how to expect the horse to react,
and so on.

        What made me adore the child even more was her bravery.  She was
obviously quite unsure, even a little afraid, but she put on a brave front.
Such a marvelous child.  She lay in the contraption how Horse Slut showed her,
then the woman went to retrieve Prince.

        The moment he was brought into the shed, he aimed straight for the
"dummy".  This room still had the scent from Horse Slut's training, and Prince
remembered well.

        The horse was eased up onto the "dummy", then Horse Slut tied his reins
off to a nearby post before crouching at his side.  She smiled the smile of a
lover as she took his swelling cock in her hands, showing Belle how to stroke
it.  The child, mouth agape, looked to me, and once again I simply nodded.  I
knew what I wanted, even though I wouldn't have been able, for the life of me,
to teach her with acumen of Horse Slut.

        "But-but-but--but--it won't fit!" she exclaimed, and my symbiote and I
mentally studied that comment carefully.  We ultimately decided that there was
no true rebellion in it, simply shock and genuine disbelief.

        "Oh, it will, child," said Horse Slut with a knowing look.  "It will
feel tight at first, if you can even get it all in, but it will fit sooner or

        The child nodded, mouth closing only a few millimeters.  Horse Slut had
her spread her legs, then reach down between them to stroke Prince's cock.  Once
he was good and ready to fuck a cunt, Horse Slut had her take him and nestle his
cock against her pussy.

        "The key is to relax," she said, and was cut off from her next comment
by the child.

        "Like when he--" she glanced at me, "--stuck his, umm, cock in my butt?"

        That made Horse Slut grin, and she nodded, saying, "Yes!  Almost exactly
like that, only you have to relax your pussy.  And more important, don't fight
the movement.  That cot's designed to move, so he can fuck you without hurting
himself, or you."

        She nodded, and closed her eyes.  Horse Slut helped to start pushing
the enormous head of the horse cock, and Belle's face contorted into an
expression of discomfort.  She squeezed her eyes shut in a look of
concentration, and after a few tense moments, the head disappeared into her
pussy.  She emitted a squeak of pain, and I could see tears well up in her eyes.

        "You're doing good, baby," I told her reassuringly, offering her my
warmest smile.  "Be brave, and fuck him."  She nodded, not opening her eyes, and
did her best to contain the grunts as the horse started bucking.  Thankfully,
the device worked as Horse Slut told her, so she rocked with the horse's
movements.  Otherwise, the ferocity would have--literally--torn her right open.

        The sounds of the beast's grunts mixed with the creaking of the device's
creaking springs, and I pointedly ignored the strained gasps and squeaks coming
from Belle.  She was trying so very, very hard.  I could forgive such displays.

        I didn't keep track of the time, so completely was my attention riveted
to the sight of the dark, thick cock pushing into my "girlfriend".  It was only
due to Horse Slut's attention that only the head was allowed inside.  Even that
made the child's abdomen bulge obscenely.

        Horse Slut kept glancing at me, and eventually I nodded to her.  She
eased Prince's cock out of Belle, and the child relaxed with a gasp.

        "Almost done, child," said Horse Slut approvingly.  "Please him with
your mouth, like you did your Master."  Her eyes opened at that last word, but
she was too focused on the dripping horse cock to say anything.

        At the direction of Horse Slut, Belle eased from the contraption and
took the cock in her hands, then started kissing and licking that gripping head
while Horse Slut stroked the cock faster and faster.

        "Here it comes," said the woman.  "Remember--try to not miss any, okay?"
The child managed a nod--then suddenly the cock-head flared and her upper body
was coated in the thin, white-ish fluid.  More and more was ejected from the
horse cock, the final globs thick, gelatinous.

        When the horse was done, Horse Slut untied his reins and led him away,
and I went over to crouch next to Belle, grinning.  "How does it taste, baby?"
I asked softly, to which she--with more of that hesitation mixed with bravery--
licked her lips to catch a taste.

        She pondered that taste, then a slow, shy smile spread.  "Not the same
as you, but--not bad."

        To continue making the point, I said, "Not 'dirty' and 'bad' like your
mother says, right?"

        "Yeah."  That was given with a grin.  She was enjoying breaking her
mother's rules, since everything so far had been pleasurable--or, at the least,
nowhere near as bad as her mother would have proclaimed it to be.  She continued
to taste the horse come, licking her lips and arms.  "Kind'a, umm--I dunno.
Flat, kind'a?  Not as, umm, salty as you."

        "You like it?" I asked, crafting my tone to make it obvious the answer I
was looking for.

        After a moment, she nodded, smiling more widely.  "Yeah..."  She blushed
deeply with that admission, and I laughed, giving her ass a light smack.

        "Good girl.  You'll soon take him without pain, trust me.  We just have
to get your lovely pussy used to it."

        She nodded, slipping her hand in mine.  We walked in silence, happiness
radiating from the child palpably.  As we neared the mansion, she suddenly
stopped.  I watched her, a brow arching, and she closed her eyes.  After a
moment, piss ran down her thighs, and she looked up to me with a hopeful smile.

        "Good girl!" I exclaimed, watching the golden fluid streak down her legs
still dripping horse seed.  She grinned and squeezed my hand, and on impulse I
bent down and kissed her quite passionately, squeezing her ass with my free
hand.  I ignored the noticeable traces of horse seed on her lips--this girl
deserved a true, full kiss for being so adorably brave and obedient.

        When we got into the mansion I gave her a bath, cleaning her quite
thoroughly, which she enjoyed, especially since it was a bubble bath.  I made
bubble-wigs and -beards for her, and we spent more time than needed for strictly
cleaning.  Once she was dry, I took her to my bed.  She fell asleep curled up
next to me, murmuring a barely-intelligible, "Love you..." as she nodded off.

        The next morning she was sore, but I showed her how to climb atop me and
fuck me that way.  It gave her a bit of control, which gave her confidence, and
she quickly learned how to ease herself down onto me.  I had her pause, to give
her sore cunt a chance to get used to being full again, then showed her how to
raise and lower her hips.

        The biggest lesson--and test of trust--was when I had her stop and move
just enough so my cock was nestled against her asshole.  She bit her bottom lip,
and I reached up to caress her cheek.  "Do you love me, my pet?"  She only
nodded, so I prompted her with a quirked eyebrow.

        "Umm--yes.  I love you."


        "Uh-huh.  Lots."

        "Good.  Now show me.  Remember to relax your asshole, just like
yesterday."  She bit her lip again, but nodded.  After a beat, she pushed
downward, and I had to moan as her tight asshole enveloped me.  I took the
opportunity to caress her nearly-flat chest, tweaking her nipples just lightly,
and had her speed up her movements.  As delightful as it felt, as beautiful as
she looked, I obviously couldn't last long.

        I grunted loudly and thrust upward, BARELY managing to keep from
grabbing her hips and yanking them down.  I came furiously into her ass, the
pleasure so great it actually hurt--but I obviously had naught to complain

        When I sank back to the bed, I motioned for her to slide off of me, and
my cock slipped out of her with an audible, wet PLOP.  It was only then that she
realized my other pets were there, and she blushed brightly as she looked at
them--though seemed reassured by their grins.  They were so happy that she
pleased me.

        The two Sluts even gave her a dual thumbs-up each, which made her duck
her head in embarrassment--though I caught the grin before her hair shielded her

        "Such a good pet..." I whispered breathlessly, tucking her hair behind
her ears.

        She settled beside me, cuddling against me, a thoughtful look in her
eyes.  "Tell me," I prompted.

        "Umm.  Why do you call me your pet?" she asked, her mouth a thin line.

        "Because you are.  You are my favorite pet--you see those?"  I glanced
at the two Sluts and Baby Maker.  "They don't sleep in the bed with me--you do."

        She thought about that, looking at the others.  I stayed quiet, letting
her have her pondering.  "Why did she--umm, Horse Slut--call you Master?"  Oh,
how she blushed when she used the woman's name.

        "Because I am.  I own her, just as I own you."

        "So, umm--does that mean I don't have to go back to my mother?"

        "Nope.  You're going to stay with me--and you can ride Prince every day,
and you don't have to worry about her again--if you want to stay."

        She thought about that, closing her eyes.  I stroked her side and back,
once again staying quiet.  This was the moment, and it came much, much sooner
than I anticipated.  I hadn't expected this decision for nearly a week, at the
earliest.  Though I did my best to not let it show, I must, now, admit to having
worried a little.

        I would keep her regardless, of course, but it would make it so much
easier if she thought she had the choice in the matter.  And it would make me
win the bet with Sweeney all the easier, all the more enjoyable.

        At long last I heard her small, soft whisper: "I want to stay with you--
Master..."  I smiled and hugged her against me.

        "And so you shall, my pet."  I reached into a drawer in the nightstand
and pulled out a collar I'd had made the week I was preparing.  I handed it to
her to study, and she looked it over carefully.  Thick leather, designed to be
sturdy and attractive as well.  It was also adjustable, so I could let it out as
she grew.

        Her eyes caught the front of it, where there was emblazoned, "FAVORED
CUNT".  She looked up at me, and I grinned at her.  "Like I said, you're my most
favorite.  This tells everyone that."  She ran a finger over the stitching that
made up the name, then I took it from her and unbuckled it.

        I had her gather her hair up above her head, and I wrapped the collar
around her lovely neck.  There was a sharp CLICK as I locked it with a

        "You're mine and always will be, my favored cunt," I whispered, then
kissed her lips softly.

                        *              *              *

        Through my patience and her brave devotion, she learned to be a good
little slut.  I often reflected that--I have to admit--I may have been wrong to
start out the gate making so many women my enlightened drones.  To be sure, it
was a necessity with the Sluts, and even my Swede, but--there was definitely
something to be said for the chase, for teaching a girl to WANT to be my slut,
my pet.

        I resolved to only use symbiote-bits as a last resort.

        I made sure to continue fostering her devotion.  A week after that
collar was locked, there was a light, but rather warm, rain.  I let her play in
it, and she couldn't believe it when I actually encouraged her to splash in
puddles.  Looking back, I think that, right there, was the last tie to her
mother that was broken.

        Like most (misguided) parents, her mother wouldn't let her anywhere near
puddles, and even had the nanny spank her when she so much as scuffed a boot-
covered foot in one.  I not only allowed it, but--when it was warm enough,
anyway--actually and actively encouraged it.

        For the rest of the month, she didn't leave my side, and grew to accept
being walked on her leash.  She was still allowed to sleep in my bed with me,
though like my Sluts she would be taken out to piss and shit on the lawn, though
"accidents" in the mansion weren't discouraged.  They were, after all,
accidents, and an expected by-product of having her give up any control over her

        She even grew to enjoy fucking me, accepting that I would also fuck any
girl on my property when I so chose.  She was the favored cunt I used, but not
the only.

        Through careful reinforcement and conversation, she perhaps surprisingly
never needed to be disciplined.  Not even a harsh scold.  She wanted to please
me, since I was her Master and "boyfriend" (the latter was allowed to continue
since it was one of the ways her devotion to me was kept).  By the end of the
month, she would quite happily be part of a cunt-sandwich, and even learned to
eat pussy with as much enthusiasm as any other duty.

        It was, thus, quite a happy occasion when her mother stormed into my
mansion.  She'd been back not three hours, and discovered that her child not
only not home, not only not coming back, but then belonged to me.  The man whose
home she'd attempted to have invaded.

        I'd prepared my security for her arrival, and a two-girl team
accompanied her into my throne room.  Her jaw dropped when she saw her eleven-
year-old, naked and kneeling at my feet, my hand on her head stroking her hair
as one would pet a Labrador.  My Swede was at my left, prepared with a

        I was, of course, wearing my royal regalia--my crimson toga, gold
bracers, leather sandals, and phoenix pendant.

        "Unhand her this FUCKING MOMENT, you BASTARD!" she shrieked, causing my
security to reach for their batons.  I only smirked and arched a brow at her.

        "She's free to leave, if she so chooses," I said, looking down to my
pet.  "You may go, if you wish," I told her, to which she actually looked

        "No!  Please don't send me away!" she cried out, clutching my leg.  I
smiled and petted her hair reassuringly, looking back to her mother.

        "You see?  She wants to stay."

        The woman was INCENSED.  "YOU FUCKING COCK-SUCKING ASSHOLE!  You--you
drugged her, didn't you?!"

        "You will find no needle marks on her, you stupid cow," I retorted,
admittedly delighting in the bright shade of rage-red her face became.  "She is
mine--by her own choice."

        "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!  I'll ruin you, you hear me?!  I'll--I'll go to
the police!"

        "Oh?  Would you like to use my phone?"  I gestured to the hall that led
past my study.  "Of course, you do that, and I'll have to give them these..."  I
motioned to my Swede, who opened the briefcase and took out some photographs and
papers, which were given to April.

        Her rage abated, then became shock.  Thanks to Marie, I had photographs
of her meeting with various thugs--some of whom had later been arrested in
botched attempts on certain business leaders' lives.  I swear, the woman
couldn't properly plan how to heat up canned soup.

        "How did you get these...?" she hissed, peering at me over the documents
through her lashes.

        "Simple, you silly bint."  I leaned forward and narrowed my eyes,
affixing her with a gaze of such malice as few have seen.  "I'm that fucking
good, and you're that fucking stupid.  Do NOT fuck with me."  Smiling once more,
I leaned back and addressed my pet once more.  "Now, for the record--would you
like to stay and be my pet, or would you like to return with your mother?"

        There wasn't the slightest hint of hesitation.  "I want to stay and be
your pet, Master."

        I smiled and resumed stroking her hair, looking back to April.  I would
have SWORN the throbbing vein in her forehead was about to burst.

        She turned to leave, but I had my security stop her.  They were rather
strong, and that stupid bitch rather weak, so there was no trouble.

        "I did NOT give you permission to leave," I commented.  "I am not done
with you."  I gave a pointed look to the guards, who suddenly clamped down on
her arms and pinned them to her sides.

        I brought my free hand up, palm-turned upward.  In my palm a small,
black sphere appeared, emerging from my skin and growing until it was just a
touch larger than a golf ball.  Looking to my pet, I said, "Are you ready, my
beloved cunt?"

        She looked at her mother, then back to me, nodding with certainty.  She
got to her feet and I handed that sphere to her, and she slowly walked toward
the woman I'd successfully turned her against.

        "This," I said to April, "is your punishment.  You tried--
unsuccessfully, obviously--to take me out before I could become a threat to you.
I will have you know--" here I paused to motion for my favored pet to stop, as
she reached her mother, who struggled uselessly.  "I'll have you know that I
didn't even know of you.  Oh, I was aware of your sister, but I wasn't concerned
with her, or tied to her in any appreciable way.  Now, however, thanks solely to

        At that signal, Marie stepped out from an adjoining room, smiling with
unfettered malevolence at her sister.  She wore only a thin, white toga, sheer
enough to let her nude body beneath be unmistakably seen.

        "Now," I continued, "we are allies."  I couldn't help but smile as the
realization expressed itself in April's features.  "Your punishment--is to die,
slowly and painfully.  But!  Not before you sign over everything you own to
your dear sister."  My Swede brought out more paperwork; money and influence
will purchase quite a lot--including legal papers that are already notarized.
They only needed April's signature.

        April lost her horrified shock and regained her anger, as impotent as it
was.  "If you think I'll sign ANY-FUCKING-THING--just kill me, then, you stupid
bastards.  Both of you are FUCKING BASTARDS!"

        "Oh, of course I'll kill you.  That's not in question.  It will be slow,
painful, and messy.  But you WILL sign first."  I gestured to both my favored
pet and my guards.  The latter wrenched April's arms so she was forced to bend
over, mouth wide in pain.  Her daughter shoved the black sphere into her mouth,
then quickly returned to my side.

        April gagged and gasped, but the symbiote-bit was working its way down
her throat, acting on the instructions my symbiote and I gave it.  She struggled
rather mightily, but my security had her held fast.  Froth bubbled up from her
mouth--then she suddenly went slack.  I smiled and waved my guards away, and,
though unsure, they did as commanded.

        April teetered on her feet, then shakily wiped the foam from her mouth
with her sleeve.  A glance to my Swede and the blonde took the papers and a pen
to the new drone.  She signed with perfect legibility, and as my Swede returned
to my side, April suddenly started jerking.

        She fell to the floor in a heap, blood starting to seep from her eyes,
ears, nose, mouth--and, I knew, every other orifice in her body.  It was an
interesting way to die, every pain receptor in her body overloaded, as blood
vessels were strained to bursting.

        She gagged on her own blood, and I glanced to my pet--who watched with
calm coldness.  I had successfully made her realize that the woman now dying
before her eyes was her enemy.  I made another mental note to not rely on
symbiote-bits to enlighten girls.  How I ever thought it was a good idea, I
honestly didn't know.

        After quite a few minutes, April's body went slack, then there arose the
unmistakable stench of her soiling herself as every muscle in her body relaxed,
the last vestiges of life trailing away like so much ephemera.

        The security team hurried to gather the body as my Swede called on
house-cunts to start cleaning, and I lightly cupped my pet's chin to turn her
attention to me.

        "You were wonderful, my most favored cunt," I crooned, and she beamed a
wide-eyed smile of adoration up at me.  "You are--no lie--the BEST cunt ever.  I
am incredibly lucky to own you."  Her eyes watered and she impulsively leapt up
to wrap her arms around my neck.

        "I love you, Master," she whispered shakily.

        "As as I love you, cunt," I whispered in turn.

        Marie came over and stroked my pet's cheek tenderly.  "You did well,
Toby," she said softly, keeping her eyes on the child.  "You turned her into
your pet, quicker and more thoroughly than I imagined."  Now she looked to me
and flashed a lopsided grin.  "And you did not use your same--techniques--that
made the rest of these women your devoted slaves?"

        "On my honor," I swore, smiling and enjoying the compliments.

        Marie crouched and leaned close to my favored cunt, her lips inches from
the child's.  "May I?" she whispered, gazing at the young face.

        "You may."

        She kissed the child, softly at first, but soon passion overwhelmed her
and I could glimpse her tongue in my pet's mouth, dancing eagerly with the
child's.  To her credit (a term I use a lot, I know, but it's quite
appropriate), my pet returned that passion.

        Marie finally broke off, leaning back and panting softly.

        "Oh, how I always wanted her," she whispered almost inaudibly, eyes

        "I may allow you to partake, but--she is mine," I said, putting subtle
stress on the last word.

        "Of course, Toby," she said, and by now I had studied her well enough to
believe she was sincere--as much as a woman like her can be, anyway.

        I was, honestly, glad the month was over.  While I wouldn't have traded
it for anything, it was quite hectic, what with conditioning my pet, training
Agrippa, exchanging information with Marie, keeping up with my growing network
of information, and most importantly as well as most difficult to control, the
approaching "birth" of my symbiote's spawn.  It was getting more difficult to
let no hint of it surface, and it would eventually become impossible.  A lesser
man would have succumbed in a week, by my estimation.

        On the bright side, Marie and I learned more about each other.  She was
as ruthless as I, though had a similar code of honor.  We were allies, and acted
as such.  None of that silly last-minute back-stabbing you'll see in nearly any
film.  While I'm sure she had just as many plans as I did in case things went
sour, those were back-up plans, created with the hope they would never be used.

        Marie stroked my pet's cheek, only flicking her gaze up to me for less
than a second.  "And she can take her horse already?" she asked, her voice
edging into incredulity.

        "Yes.  Did you not believe the videos?"

        "I wanted to, but--I am impressed..."

        My enhanced sense of smell told me that "impressed" wasn't the only
applicable description.

        She looked up to me again, the question obvious on her face, so I cut
her off with a wave of my hand.  "Tomorrow," I said.  "Tonight, we have much
to discuss."

        That caught her attention.  "Oh?"

        "You are powerful, in a sense--but not as powerful as I.  While this
cunt here is a result of my patience, skill, and fortitude, the others--
including my network that even now is slowly reaching across the globe--are a
result of power you cannot BEGIN to fathom."

        I saw the flash in her eyes--a flash of desire, of hunger for power.
She was no less desirous of power than I, and by now she very well understood
that I would never make such a bold claim without reason.  "Forgive me--but I am
sure such power would not come without cost..."

        I smiled, pulling my pet into my lap so I could stroke her nearly-flat
chest.  She cuddled against me, eyes flicking between us as we spoke.  "There
is, but not a cost as you might understand it."  I paused, here, to gather my--
our, rather--thoughts.  "I hope to build an empire," I said at last, quietly,
looking at her intently.  "I have the means, and the time, to build an empire
the envy of every Caesar.  What I want--what I need--is a Queen."  I stared at
her, and she returned my gaze evenly.

        "Don't you mean a lovesick pet?"  She smiled with that bit of needling,
as possibly true as she may have thought it to be.

        I chuckled softly, and boldly reached out to take her hand.  "I adore
pets, especially my most favored cunt, here.  But I need a Queen--someone who
shares my vision.  Someone who can stand proudly beside me and help me make it

        Her hand curled around mine, and she studied the seam where our skins
met.  After a moment, she softly said, "You want all that power, and you want to
share, hmm?  How would I know that I would have just as much?"

        At that moment, I was pretty sure I honestly loved her.  She was so
intelligent; she didn't need to ask how I knew she could be that Queen I sought;
she knew the answer.  We studied each other as warriors before a fight.  We knew
what the other was capable of.

        "It's not something I can adequately prove, so I must ask for your
trust.  Suffice to say, I need a Queen, and I can grant you the same power I
have.  You would be ONLY subject to me--but as I think we have both proven, our
minds are indeed great enough to think alike, as it is said."

        She didn't immediately respond to that, instead looking down at my
favored pet.  Her free hand reached out to stroke the child's hair
affectionately.  The child smiled the attention, accepting already that Marie
was likely to become my near-equal.  I had, as a matter of course, patiently
explained the basics before all of this.  We would be a "family", of sorts--
myself as the father-figure, the head; Marie as, hopefully, the mother-figure
and below none but myself; and her as our "daughter", loved beyond all

        Eventually, a small, playful smile tried to creep on Marie's lips as she
closed her eyes.  Suddenly there was the unmistakable sound of piss splattering
against the floor, dripping down onto the grass to mix with her sister's blood.
"Make me your Queen," she whispered, opening her eyes to look at me.

        I got to my feet, keeping my pet in one arm and picking Marie up with
the other.  I took them to my bedroom, where I set them on my bed, then smiled
as my clothes melted into my body.  Marie watched me with interest, propped up
on her elbows, one leg bent at the knee.

        I just stood there, at the foot of the bed, admiring the two forms.
"You are so beautiful," I whispered to them both, meaning more than just their
bodies.  Marie was, in some key ways, like a female version of me.  She would
make a fitting--if not wonderful--host for my symbiote's spawn.

        And my favored pet--what more can I say of her that has not already been
said?  She had become a wonderful pet, and would doubtless blossom into true

        I slid onto the bed as Marie spread her legs, and I moved over her,
capturing her lips for an impassioned kiss.  Our tongues danced as our hands
glided over each other.  I ripped the flimsy toga from her and tossed it aside,
my cock hardening at the feel of her toned and taut flesh.

        She was quite adept at lovemaking, moving against me in an expert
display.  I kissed my way down her cheek to her neck, where I alternated nips
with swipes of my tongue, her soft gasping music to me.  I kissed, suckled, and
nipped down her arm, until she suddenly pushed me onto my back.

        Straddling me, she grinned down at me, letting me look at her.  And what
a lovely view she presented.  Her breasts just begged to be touched, and I
cupped them, fondling them as she arched her back into my touch.  I could feel
her cunt on my stomach, wet with piss and growing wetter with desire.

        Her fingers dragged over my arms, then she leaned down to kiss me almost
impishly.  She had my pet come over and helped her onto my face.  I wasted not a
moment, diving my tongue into the child's pussy, one hand reaching up to toy
with my pet's nipples, the other stretching out to blindly glide over Marie.
She started moving her hips, rubbing her ass against my cock, making me groan
lowly into her my pet's cunt.

        I could hear the girls kissing passionately, Marie moaning softly into
my pet's mouth.  I felt her hands join my hand on the child's chest, then one
slipped down and around to the small ass.  I watched two fingers dip between the
wonderfully soft ass cheeks to toy with the child's asshole.

        I reached back with both hands, spreading the child's ass wide for her
"mother".  Marie took the permission and shoved those two fingers into the
child's ass.  My pet started moaning, though with nowhere near the intensity as
her "mother".  She was just happy at being used and found pleasing.

        When she broke the kiss she leaned back, panting softly, and I could
sense her grinning down at me.  She moved to start sliding down my body,
trailing kisses down my chest, over my stomach.  She settled beneath my thighs,
reaching up to have my pet bend over.  She was JUST big enough to reach my cock
while keeping her pussy where I could taste it.

        I soon felt both their tongues on my cock, bathing it wonderfully.  She
cupped our "daughter's" head and pushed it down, the child eagerly swallowing my
cock.  I felt Marie bob the child's head a few times then pull her off--so she,
herself, could have a taste.

        Slowly, she let my cock slip past her lips, bathing every inch with her
tongue in the process.  Without missing a beat, she started pumping her mouth
along my shaft as she moved once more.  This time she turned to lay on her side,
pulling my pet's head between her thighs.  To her credit (there it is again),
the child dove right into the woman's pussy with the same eagerness she had for
swallowing my cock.

        We were already becoming perfectly in sync with each other.  While my
pet wouldn't yet have a full orgasm, she would have what she could--I would make
sure of that.  I did so--or, more accurately, my symbiote did so--by sprouting
tendrils from my shoulders, which snaked up and into both of the child's holes.
This was something she was used to, and started squirming in delight.  It was a
treat, a show of my own love of her.

        We were a tangled mass of writhing, sweaty pleasure that settled into
the ecstasy found at sharing ourselves and each other.  I felt Marie's body
start to quiver with her impending orgasm, that knowledge adding fuel to my own.
I couldn't help it, I really couldn't--I fucked Marie's face quicker and
quicker, as my symbiote stretched and fucked my pet, and I suckled on her clit.

        I gripped her ass tightly, keeping my tongue busy with her clit, then
Marie's release hit and my pet was rewarded with the delightful come flowing
from her pussy.  At nearly the same moment, my own orgasm flooded through me,
and to HER credit, Marie swallowed every drop without missing a single bit.  All
this was followed shortly thereafter with my pet's orgasm, her body shaking and
bucking against my face, trying to drive the invading tendrils deeper.

        When at last she was dry and I was empty, I slid my pet off of me as
Marie dragged her lips from my cock, and we all managed to snuggle together.
Marie surprised me by pulling me into her for a long, breathless kiss.  As our
tongues danced together once more, I could taste my seed mingling with my pet's
juices, but she didn't seem to mind one bit, so I didn't, either.

        We pulled my pet into a three-way kiss--which ended in light-hearted
laughter, as ineffectual as the attempt was.  We relaxed together for a while,
letting hands stroke where they may.  My pet was nearly bursting with happiness,
as long as she looked forward to this moment.  That's not to say I wasn't,
either, of course.

        I got to surprise Marie by getting my cock hard again so soon.  Ah, the
joys of the power I can give her, I told her, and she grinned as she climbed
onto me.  She rubbed the head of my cock with her pussy, teasing us both and
making me truly need to fill her--then she moved her hips forward before
lowering them.  I gasped aloud as she took me in her ass, the tight sheathe
gripping me so tightly.

        She leaned back, resting her hands on my shins, thighs spreading so my
pet and I could watch as her asshole swallowed my cock.  I barely kept my eyes
open for the view, and even that was with the help of my symbiote.

        She smiled mouth agape at me, speeding up her hips until I almost whined
from the pleasure.  I could feel another orgasm rising within me--then suddenly
she moved up and off of me.  Before I could say anything, she'd grabbed my cock
and repositioned it, then shoved her hips downward again, burying me in her

        That was too much, and though I tried to hold it off as long as I could,
another orgasm ripped through me, making me thrust my hips upward with abandon.
She tilted her head back and screamed to the ceiling as another orgasm ripped
through her, coinciding with my own.

        She finally collapsed onto me, panting hard.  I was breathing no more
easily, and I limply wiped the sweat from her brow, then kissed it.  Peering
past her, I looked at my pet and murmured, "Come clean your Master and

        As expected, she didn't hesitate a moment, scurrying to change position
and almost dive at us.  With obvious delight, she set about cleaning Marie's
asshole, my sac, and the meeting of my cock and her pussy with her tongue.  The
feel made Marie smile contentedly, and she spread her legs so the pet could
reach more easily.  I saw her still-glassy gaze move past me to the pets chained
to the wall.

        "They're your pets, now, too, my Queen," I whispered, and Marie focused
on me once more.

        "All of them?" she whispered back, a rather pleasured yet devious look
to her.

        "Of course.  They will follow your word as closely as they do mine."  I
glanced at the pets to make sure they understood.

        "Mmm," was all Marie could say, though it was a happy sound, and relaxed
against me as our most favored cunt tended to us.

        She dozed off, and I didn't disturb her.  Truth to tell, it was quite a
nice feeling, staying buried inside of her pussy after fucking her.  Something I
hadn't thought of before, but knew I would now do whenever possible.  I smiled
as I watched my pet's eyes start to droop as she crawled back over, sleep
claiming her as well.

        I stroked their backs as I lay there between them.  My symbiote and I
decided we'd wait until Marie awoke to deal with the spawn.  It was getting too
large to be contained, but it could wait just a bit longer.

        It would be nice, we decided, to have a Queen, a near-equal to us.
Pets--especially those as sincerely-devoted as our favored cunt--had their
place, of course, and we would obviously continue to enlighten as many girls as
we could, but it would be nice to have someone to share all that with.  Every
emperor needed a wife who helped run the empire.

        She started to stir after around twenty minutes, and I greeted her with
a smile and a kiss to her eyebrow.  "Did you have a good nap, my Queen?" I
whispered, and she smiled and clenched her pussy muscles in response.

        I gently slid her off to the side, then showed her how to use the
intercom system hidden in a drawer of the nightstand.  I called my Swede, and
told her to spread the word that Marie was now Mistress to all, and to attend
her accordingly.  The Swede nodded once, smiling warmly at her Mistress, then
my Queen dispatched her to fetch coffee.

        I let her drink two cups before broaching the subject of the spawn.  I
didn't actually really explain anything about the symbiote, but said that to
give her the power, she needed that trust I had mentioned earlier.

        "I trust you, my King," she whispered, laying back on the bed.  Our
favored pet started to stir as well, rubbing her eyes sleepily.  I smiled at her
and motioned for her to slide off of the bed.

        I had Marie close her eyes, then the symbiote covered the top half of
me, extending to cover her as well.  She started, surprised, but I again asked
her to trust me.  I felt a connection with her mind, but before I could explore
it I felt the spawn being pushed through the symbiote.  It--I can only imagine
that, in some fashion, it was what human girls felt when giving birth.  There
was some pain, though it was the symbiote's which I felt through that mental
link of ours.  There was an odd and saddening severing of a connection I didn't
even realize existed before then as the spawn slipped from us and entered Marie.

        Through loose bond with Marie's mind, I felt the spawn take hold,
burying itself in my Queen.  Mentally I bid her to stay calm, then I felt the
spawn lightly touch her consciousness.  Like a human infant learning to walk,
the spawn was flexing its proverbial muscles and learning to establish a

        Marie accepted it and they started to communicate with each other, so
my symbiote slowly started to pull back.  When the connection was severed, I
opened my eyes and looked down at her.  She didn't look any different; in fact,
she looked like she was sleeping peacefully.  In her mind, however, I well knew
how tumultuous it might be.  They were "talking", the spawn sharing all that it,
and my symbiote and I, were.  I saw her eyelids flutter as she tried to parse
all of the new, doubtless surprising and unexpected, information.

        I remembered my own bonding with my symbiote, and remarked that Marie
took it far better than I had.  Though, I suppose I shouldn't have been
surprised.  She was a pragmatic person, able to see the differing sides of a

        Like myself, I mused, she would probably not really care much about the
other extra-terrestrial life in the universe.  It was partly just too large of a
concept to truly ponder, and partly not something that really concerned Earth.
What aliens existed were content to leave our planet be, seeing us as little
more than infants.  We're unimportant, so they don't bother coming here, and
that was fine with me.

        It was nearly an hour before Marie opened her eyes.  Her gaze darted
about the room, finally settling on me.  Otherwise, her expression was blank--
and then she suddenly broke out in a grin.

        "Now THIS is power..." she whispered, sitting up.  "And you have her
father, right?"

        I arched a brow at that.  Technically the symbiotes didn't have sexes,
but that worked well enough.  It likely made it easier for both human and
newborn symbiote to deal with things.

        "So much knowledge she gained from her father," Marie whispered,
marveling.  "I--I'm glad I trusted you, my King."  She leaned over and kissed
my lips quite chastely.  Just the barest hint of subservience--she was accepting
me as the only person on the planet who was higher in station than she.

        The rest of the night was spent experimenting.  The infant symbiote had
"her" "father's" experiences to draw on, so in no time they were experimenting
with clothing, which our pet watched with ill-restrained awe.  For a royal look,
my Queen and her symbiote decided on a miniature, royal-red, ruffled frock of a
skirt--one so short it didn't even fully cover her pussy--a gold belt over a
sheer silk sleeveless tunic that matched the skirt, thigh-high black leather
heeled boots with elbow-length gloves to match, a golden crown with a miniature
skull at its peak, my stylized phoenix symbol on a gold pendant, a fur-lined
bright-red cloak, and--the most interesting bit--a black scepter with a small
skull for a handle.  It was long enough to almost be a cane, really.

        "We've even thought of a name, our dear King Poison," she said, grinning
at me with what can only be described as--as much of an oxymoron at it was--
loving malignity.

        "What's that, my Queen?" I asked, reclining at the head of the bed, my
back against the headboard.

        "We are Scourge..." she hissed, and the outfit started to morph.  Her
body was covered head-to-toe with a red so dark it was very nearly black; only
the highlights actually showed the red, but it was striking.  The crown morphed
into a set of bones--human-sized scapula (shoulder blades) ringing her head,
with a human-sized coccyx (tail bone) at the front, and a skull between her

        Her eyes became pupil-less, though a dark red in color.  The cloak
became darker, too, and lost its fur while and the pendant became a skull that
held it together at the base of her throat.  The belt became a string of small
skulls, and the boots and gloves took on the same dark-red color as the cloak.

        The most interesting changes where that she actually formed a mouth in
the "mask", and her fingertips elongated into vicious-looking claws.  I--we--had
to admit, she had a flair for frightful fashion.

        "We--are--Scourge..." they repeated in a snarl, grinning widely, voice
low and with the dual tonalities to it that would frighten others.  I canted my
head, studying the look.  Over all, I quite liked it.  The "costume" was so
tight her nipples, navel, and pussy were very clearly defined.  It was more like
body paint than the form-fitting spandex-ish look I and my symbiote went for.

        Our pet clapped and beamed her approval, having seen our own "costume".
Granted, she only saw it once, but that was the level of devotion I'd managed to
instill, where even something so--odd, so unlike anything she had ever conceived
of, was accepted with almost no hesitation.

        I slid off the bed and wrapped my arms around Mar--Scourge's--waist.
"Such a beautiful image you present, my Queen," I whispered, then pulled her
against me to kiss her deeply.  She beamed when I leaned my head back.  Turning
to glance at the other pets, I saw that they were staring openly, smiling.  They
had a Mistress as worthy to serve as their Master.

        My Queen's "outfit" shifted, melting into the royal outfit, her hair
pulled back from the flowing halo it was into a rather elegant look, and she
leaned on her scepter like a walking stick.  "We are glad you approve, our

        I reached under her skirt and cupped her bare ass, enjoying how the
skirt actually hid nothing.  She looked to the pets, then said, "Come and
worship your Mistress."

        I showed Scourge how to sprout and control tendrils, and after a few
tries she managed to unfasten the Sluts from the walls and open Baby Maker's
cage.  Once free, they all scrambled over as she lay back on the bed, and Dog
Slut spread her legs to eagerly get to her pussy.  Horse Slut suckled on one
breast, Baby Maker the other, and the infant was given to my Queen, to be probed
with finger and tongue alike.

        "Mmm, she tastes wonderful," murmured my Queen, then brought the
infant's pussy to her lips once more.  She enjoyed being worshipped, quite
obviously so, eventually setting my daughter on the bed and closing her eyes.

        Our pets were just as eager to please their Mistress as they were me,
much to my happiness.

        Suddenly, my Queen opened her eyes and looked to me.  "Our King, could
we give your youngest pet to Agrippa as his devoted toy?" she asked, hopeful.

        "Would this make you happy?" I asked, smiling and leaning against a bed

        "Oh, yes.  We would love to see his spiny cock fill her."

        "Then it is done.  He won't be ready yet, but when he is, she'll be his
devoted slut."  While of course our favored pet would still feel his cock, the
youngest would be his devoted pet, his toy.

        That made my Queen smile, then she turned and pushed the pets away.
"We just realized, there's something Marie always wanted to feel, and now we

        She had Dog Slut get on her hands and knees on the bed as my Queen stood
behind her.  Her skirt ruffled then morphed, the front becoming quite a
respectable duplication of a black dildo.  She stroked it and groaned, softly,
making me smile anew. It was certainly a quaint idea, and something I imagine
plenty of women wondered about--what it "felt" like from the man's perspective.
At least my Queen could now find out.

        Without further ado, she aimed at Dog Slut's pussy and pulled the pet's
hips as she thrust her own.  She squeaked in surprise, then looked at me,
saying, "No wonder you'll stick it in anything you can!"  And that was just from
the first thrust.  As she really got going, her eyes rolled back in her head,
itself tilted back rather far.

        I watched, enjoying the show.  I confess I never really thought about
the whole "chicks with dicks" scenario, and I could have told her right then
that it'd be a cold day in a Mercury Summer before she tried that with me, but I
was glad she was enjoying herself, and our pet.

        She suddenly pulled out and grabbed the head of Horse Slut, forcing her
head between her spreading thighs as the dildo receded.  "Worship your Mistress,
pet," she hissed, and Horse Slut was only too eager to comply.  She stretched
her neck to be able to let her tongue explore the woman's dripping folds, to let
her suckle on the engorged clit.

        My Queen was brought to orgasm in record time, and she gripped the bed
post I was leaning against hard enough to make the wood groan in protest.
Thankfully she came down off of that high before permanent damage was done, and
collapsed onto the bed in a gasping heap.

        "Is--is this what--it's like for you--every time...?" she panted, to
which I grinned and nodded.

        "Of course.  Your symbiote partner will enhance everything--including
your pleasure."

        Smiling, she turned over to slinkily crawl closer to me.  She placed a
hand delicately on my stomach, murmuring, "We are both very, very happy to be
your Queen, and your spawn."

        I leaned down, cupping the back of her head, so I could kiss my Queen.

        We ate dinner on the veranda, while work was being done in the mansion.
Another (slightly smaller, obviously) throne was added to the Throne Hall, and
the dining hall table was being revamped so we could sit beside each other.  A
few other such small changes were made, and they couldn't have made me happier.

        For the meal, our favored pet knelt on the ground--though she was given
a pillow to kneel upon--between us and we both fed her tidbits.  I laughed as my
Queen taught her to balance a morsel on her nose, waiting until instructed to
turn her head and let it fall into her mouth.

        "Wonderful cunt!" my Queen exclaimed jovially, scritching the back of
the child's head approvingly.  I added my own smile and affectionate cheek-
stroking, and the girl beamed up at us.

        During the meal I noticed that my Queen had bonded closer with her
symbiote than I had with mine, making personal declarations in plural.  My
symbiote noted it was a common side effect; on his world, spawn are kept from
taking a host so early, and time is usually taken to make sure they're taught
the things they need to know which can take quite a while.  On Earth, however,
the spawn needed the host for protection and feeding.  There shouldn't be any
other major, actual problems, though, so I was content.

        After breakfast, we taught Scourge about sectioning off small bits of
the symbiote, to give them basic instructions.  Her first test was her gentleman
aide--which went horribly awry.  He was forced to swallow the crimson orb, and
after a few minutes veins started to enlarge on his forehead, and blood trickled
from every orifice north of his neck.

        He died painfully, which we studied closely.  "This," I noted with a
sardonic smile, "is how you DON'T do it."  I aimed that smile at my Queen, who
had the humility--at least for me--to give an embarrassed smile in return.

        She picked it up after a while, though we went through two pizza
deliverers, a mail carrier, and a door-to-door Bible thumper, but means to an
end, really.  It would take months, if not years, to be able to give
instructions as complex as what my symbiote could do, but she would get there.

        After she tired of that, we sat out with the dogs, petting them as Dog
Slut knotted them in turn.  She was so good at it, so devoted.  She would lick
and nuzzle the dog, then present her ass to him.  He would sniff and lick, then
soon hop up.  His claws would dig into her sides, but they were above her still-
healing brands, so I wasn't concerned.

        The dog would furiously start humping, and usually she'd have to guide
him into her.  She enjoyed her work enough where she'd automatically start
pushing back at the beast, especially when she felt his knot start to swell.
That was the important part, and she always made sure that the dog's knot was
tightly sealed inside her pussy.

        She'd happily wait, resting her head on her hands, as the dog squirted
into her and turned so his ass was to hers.  It would take anywhere from fifteen
to forty-five minutes for the knot to decrease enough to let the dog's cock slip

        She'd rest for a bit then go on to the next one.  And we had a fair
mix of breeds, though mostly the larger, intelligent ones.  Some German
Shepherds, some Dobermans, some Labradors, and such.  The dogs didn't much care
for Agrippa, and I had to stop him from batting one who got in his face.  He
could have taken the dog's head off, even at such a young age, but, thankfully,
I managed to intervene before it got that far.

                        *              *              *

        Three months later, my Queen sat at my right hand on her throne, our
favored cunt kneeling between us, beaming with pride at being displayed.  Not
only was she rather swollen with my child, but she had quite a few brands on
her--and to her credit (there's that phrase again), she only cried out twice.
My phoenix design on her left hip, Scourge's barbed-whip design on her right,
a tiger's head on her lower back.

        More, her nipples, navel, and pussy were pierced, with sterling silver
that glimmered brightly. A hoop through each nipple, studs lining her navel, two
hoops through her clit and quite a few lining each set of pussy lips--she
jingled when she walked or was fucked, a fact she was taught to be proud of.

        Her face was tattooed--a phoenix with wings outstretched, clutching a
barbed whip in its talons.  That was her reward for not crying out during the
branding (save those two times when it started, which were forgivable), nor the
numerous piercings.

        I petted her with my right hand, my left stroking Agrippa's neck.  He
was growing rather nicely, starting to not require much in vitamin supplements.
Quite an adept hunter, he was, though that's for another time.

        We received a most interesting visitor.  Normally we'd have had him
turned away at the gate, especially since he arrived at nearly three o'clock in
the morning, but--he arrived with a young girl, couldn't have been older than
six years old according to my security.  And!  She was naked save for a collar,
displaying no less obedience than our own favored cunt.  Surprising, no?

        Dressed in our royal finery, the man and what could only have been his
daughter were shown in.  He was unassuming; the sort who would be lost in the
crowd the very second you took your eyes off of him.

        "Good morning, Sir and Madam," he said, after introducing himself, with
an air of genuine politeness.  "I do apologize for the early hour, but there was
no other time, as you could see."  He glanced down to the girl kneeling silently
at his feet.  I looked to my Queen, and we shared a "look".  We agreed--whoever
he was, traveling with a nude child bound in a collar of obvious slavery was
something that demanded travel by secrecy.

        "What may we do for you?" I asked, steepling my fingers and resting my
elbows on the arms of the throne.

        "I represent a certain--organization, let us say.  We think you would be
definitely interested in us..."

                             END OF CHAPTER THREE