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Table of Contents: "Group Home"

Story Series (Multiple Episodes)

This story is based on true events of my young and naïve wife, her weak (sick) husband, and a very corrupt Group Home of delinquent boys in Minneapolis in 1972, and honestly told; details and names are fictionalized to obscure identities of real persons and events.

The ages of most of the persons told in the story were technically legal ages of consent in the state of Minnesota (for that matter in almost all states at the time). While the sexual activities described here involve "teenagers," these boys were not preyed upon by anyone, or coerced in anyway.  If anything, these " boys" were predators to my wife.

In 1972 I was 29 and my wife has just one month away from turning 21.  My wife, Karen, was having trouble finding work and was unhappy, actually pretty depressed, and she found it hard to go out looking for work.

We had become Group Home parents for the Hennepin County Probation services, providing a living place for a small group of teen-aged boys--ages 16 to 19 or so, who were sent there because they served some jail time, or it was somehow a better fit environment for them. We were called "Group Home Parents." So naturally the boys called Karen "Mom": ironically, of course, since she was only a few years older than them.

This is Karen's photo ID for the Group Home.

The PO took it of her when we first applied. Oddly, he did not take one of me.

He showed it to his buddies in the office before he put it away in the file. They all liked it.

They had come to interview us too even though it was a Sunday. Though truth to tell, they gave most of their attention to Karen. She was flattered and a bit flustered, but she liked the attention.

She shows in her face, I think, the naiveté and the submissiveness that I liked so much and that I took advantage of.... that the PO would take advantage of. He saw it too. His buddies saw it. They liked it.

She always wanted to please those she loved. She loved me.

At least at first.

The Group Home was on Hennepin Avenue. The street has changed a lot. But in those days, this was the neighborhood.

As you read the stories below, you will understand the significance of these identified locations.

What the house looked like in the day. We lived on the secohd floor.

Installment 1- Week 1 thru 3 - In Which I Explain How it All Began and Why

Installment 2– Week 4 - In Which the I Lose Control & Frenchy Takes Over

Installment 3 - Dinner and a "Show"

Installment 4 - More of the Show - "You Wanna Fuck her?"

Installment 5 - The Fourth Week - Saturday Night: They Take Turns

Installment 6 - The Fourth Week - Sunday Morning: How My Wife Felt

Installment 7 - The Fourth Week - Sunday Afternoon: The Other Boys Come Home

Installment 8 - The Fifth Week - Monday: The Tease

Installment 9 - The Fifth Week - Tuesday: Slider and friends.

Installment 10 - The Fifth Week - Tuesday Night: Another Walk to the Store

Installment 11 - The Fifth Week - Wednesday - The Boys Get Karen and The Girls Get Me

Installment 12- The Fifth Week---Thursday---A Visit from the P.O.

Installment 13- The Fifth Week---Friday ---More Frenchy's Friends.

Installment 14 - The Fifth Week - Sunday - Waiting and Wondering

Installment 15 - The Fifth Week -- Sunday -- Paying the Grocery Bill -- How Karen Paid for It

Installment 16 - The Sixth Week -- Wednesday -- Back in High School Again

Installment 17 - Sixth Week -- Friday -- Crime and Punishment

Installment 18 - After the Group Home