Family Therapist - Chapter 12 (Fm, some Inc) WARNING: Adults
only. This material is not suitable for minors.


Chapter 12

Johnny was suprised when his mother walked in... he thought she
had dropped him off... was waiting... but here she was. Martha
closed the door behind her... motioning for Linda to sit in the
club chair... Johnny on the love seat...

"Johnny..." Martha started softly after his mother was seated...
Johnny could see his mom was nervous. Martha had decided put it
all out there... immediately. "Your mother found something... on
your computer..." she whispered, seeing him react... the denial
on his face already... the sites Martha herself had shown him...
he was... confused...

"You know what I'm talking about... don't you..." she said
gently... her hand softly touching his knee as she leaned
forward... her office chair in front of him... a reassuring

A knowing gesture...

He nodded.


Gayle lightly grasped the hand rail and started down, her soft
leather flats cushioned by the beautiful runner on the hardwood
stairs. Her stomach fluttered. This is so wrong. She glanced
down, smoothing again the long-sleeved, caramel-colored knit top
she wore... it was a snug fit... forming nicely over her chest,
the high-waist of her pleated, knee-length dark blue business
skirt helping to hide the... love handles... around her middle.
Her fingertips slipped under the waistband... adjusting one more
time... centering the short zipper in the back as it disappeared
behind her...

The feeling... the desire... between her legs... flared again.
She was actually here. She was going downstairs. Again. How
Martha's practice afforded such a beautiful row house near their
offices, she had no idea. But here she was... having just changed
clothes and touched up her makeup and hair for the third time
when she heard them arrive. Heard the car doors close in the
small private courtyard wedged behind the

Her clitoris ached... aroused from an hour of trying to  decide
what to wear for this young... for him... for a... boy... oh my
god. She was being silly... butterflies in her stomach again. A
stair squeaked quietly as she took another step down...
announcing to the world the sin she was about to commit... she
swallowed... hard... she wanted this... soooo much... but...

She knew her hips were broader than she wanted... her thighs
thicker than they used to be, even with all of the walking and
exercize. Sigh. Another step. How she reached the bottom of the
stairs, she didn't know. Her mind racing... she had glanced up...
and caught sight of... she caught her breath... he was young...
NO!... DON'T DO THAT!... he is a YOUNG MAN!... not a.... her
thoughts screamed... she hadn't expected him to look so...
young... just like... oh... my... god... what am I doing? She
hesitated... but it was too late. He looked up... eyes met... and
she knew she what WAS going to happen... so wrong... her thighs
clenched... he is just like...

"Johnny," Martha started quietly, rising from her seat next to
him on the beautiful sofa. He rose with her... unsure of what was
happening... but knowing what MIGHT happen... "I would like you
to meet Mrs. Loren," she said gently, taking her hand as she
moved to stand next to her. "Gayle, this is Johnny... the young
man I told you about..." she trailed off sweetly... introducing
them softly... watching as the mature woman... mother of two...
dressed so properly... nodded gently at him... knowing what she
was thinking...

Martha reached up gently, her fingertips under his chin, seeing
him squirm... turning his head to look into her eyes. "Johnny,"
she paused... "Mrs. Loren is a happily married woman, did you
know that?" she teased playfully... "and she has TWO lovely
children, don't you Gayle?" she trailed off... seeing the mature
mother of two flinch... her eyes go wide... unsure of where

"How old is your son, Gayle?" she asked gently, teasing her
further... but not waiting for a response... "I don't think he is
quite Johnny's age yet, is he?" Martha asked her playfully...
"But he will be soon enough though, right?" she trailed off...
locking eyes with her... insinuating... in front of... what the?

"Martha, I -" she tried to change the subject, but Martha jumped
in... cutting her off... "Johnny, I have a surprise for you..."
she started softly... pausing for a moment... expectation
building... "This isn't the youth Christmas party I scheduled..."
she shook her head no gently with a smile, "is it?" she added
softly. "Your parents won't know..." she paused... "we have the
evening..." she whispered... letting the words hang in the air
between them. Johnny was happy to be out... the situation with
his mother was... so uncomfortable... they avoided each other...

"Johnny... Mrs. Loren is yours..." she paused "for tonight..."
her right hand resting gently on her shoulder now... "to
explore..." meeting her eyes again... the fingertips of her left
hand absent mindedly toying with the band of small pearls draped
across the mature married woman's chest... "to fondle..."

Should she say it? "Johnny," she whispered to both of them...
"Mrs. Loren is old enough to be... your mother... isn't she?" she
asked gently, nodding sweetly as she said it... not expecting a
response... "Mrs. Loren has a secret, don't you Gayle?" she said
quickly. Now or never. She Gayle her try to pull away... could
feel her eyes on her... pleading with her... so embarassed...
cheeks flushed and burning... please don't... please...
"Johnny..." no stopping now... "Mrs. Loren adores young men...
don't you Gayle?" ... please... no... what is Martha -

"Johnny, what would you think if I told you..." Martha pushed
ahead gently but forcefully... ignoring her... she paused... "You
know, I think Mrs. Loren looks kind of like... well... YOUR
mother... doesn't she?" she mused in a whisper... teasing them
both playfully now... seeing his eyes flicker back and forth
between them... unsure... there was a vague resemblance... but
not really...

"Johnny," she said softly, wrapping her arm gently around the
trembling woman next to her... "Mrs. Loren... wants to make love
to her own young son..."

Gayle tried to pull away... what the! What is going on... this
wasn't supposed to... why would Martha say tell- "No... that
isn't quite right, is it Mrs. Loren?" Martha interrupted quickly,
pulling her close lovingly, holding her gently. "Johnny, Mrs.
Loren wants to show her son how... devoted... a mother can be..."
she whispered "Don't you Gayle?" trailing off... arm holding her
tightly now...

"Johnny, next week..." Martha felt the sharp intake of breath
next to her "Gayle... it's OK," she turned, feeling her try to
pull away again, "Trust me..." she said gently... hugging her
close... "Johnny, Mrs. Loren and her son will be right here...
next week..." she said very gently, her tone as reassuring as she
could make it... say it!

"Johnny, Mrs. Loren is going to make love to her own young son...
here..." she said firmly, gesturing toward the stairs... gently.
"She is going to take her son up those very stairs..." she
whispered now... "and teach him everything... aren't you Gayle"
she teased her softly, "Teach him what only a mother can teach
her son..." the silence roared... "with such love... and
adoration..." she said sweetly...

"Johnny," she said playfully... "Mrs. Loren WANTS to fuck her own
son..." she held her tight "She has wanted to make love to her
son's young... hard... virgin cock... for a long... long time...
haven't you Mrs. Loren?" she added softly...

Gayle could NOT believe this. It was wrong enough... coming here.
What has Martha done? Oh - my - god. She trembled. She wanted to
throw up. "And we are going to help her... aren't we?" she barely
heard Martha finish... both of them unsure of what- "Johnny...
tonight is a sort of... dress rehearsal... shall we say?" she
smiled softly... "Johnny, Mrs. Loren is here... tonight... as my
Christmas gift to you..." pause "to do whatever you ask..." she
whispered "to let you do whatever you want..." she trailed off...


"What do you think about..." Martha whispered... "when you go
to... those sites..." leading him. His mother shifted in the club
chair next to him... clearly uncomfortable with where- "Do you
think about... your mother?" she whispered...

She could feel Linda tense... she turned... her eyes meeting his
mother's... it will be OK they said...