Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Disclaimer. If you're not an adult, you shouldn't be reading this. Trust me, neither of us needs the hassle. The Girl Next Door. (masturbation, some BDSM). She got on the elevator and I tried not to stare. Ever since she moved into the apartment next door I'd been spending a lot of time trying not to stare, but she kept making it difficult. Today she was dressed to kill in a camouflage colored camisole that was mostly see through and a pair of tight black Capri pants that made it clear she did not prefer underwear. She wore her hair down today, and the dark obsidian curls reached halfway down her slender spine. Her face had almost no makeup, but what there was only accentuated her high cheekbones, glittering dark eyes, and almond colored skin. I nodded a curt, business like hello, and became unnaturally interested in the cup of coffee in my hand. It was the only way I could think not to keep looking. In a low voice, she said `Good Morning', and we enjoyed a quiet ride to the lobby of our building. I couldn't help but steal a few glances at her body when I didn't think she was looking. Her muscle definition and low body fat made it clear she worked out, but not in a way to add bulk or make her look masculine. It occurred to me that her body looked more like the women I had seen on a "Miss Fitness America" pageant on ESPN once. She was lithe, and quite tall for a woman, particularly one of Asian descent. I was busy checking out her ass when I realized she had caught me. Only then did I realize that our elevators were almost entirely covered in mirrors, and that she had probably been watching me the entire time. I blushed and put my eyes face forward, praying for the doors to open. When they finally did, I bolted out of the elevator and through the lobby like a shot. Out on the street I flagged a taxi, and it was just pulling away when she emerged from the building. By chance our eyes happened to meet. Instead of irritation or annoyance, she regarded me with a cool, emotionless gaze. She seemed not to be bothered by my teenage antics, thankfully. I sighed in relief and got on with my day. My day was long, hard, and frankly boring. Hollywood makes the financial world seem fast paced and exciting, but let me tell you it's not. Instead of an eight hour adrenaline rush each day, it's mostly paperwork, telephone calls and meetings that go on for far too long. Today was unusual only in that the markets took another dive, spawning yet another series of phone calls from upset clients. Because I spent so much time at the end of the trading day trying to soothe my investor's nerves, it was quite late by the time I finally turned the key in my door. Immediately, I went to my room and peeled off my suit, opting instead for a t-shirt and gym shorts. Nothing relaxes me more than a hard workout after a crappy day. I headed for the gym in the basement of the building, and proceeded to pound my body to the point of exhaustion. I showered, and hit the hot tub for a late night soak. I was the only one in the gym and the only one in the tub. Once I was there, I let the bubbles do their work and for the first time that day, I relaxed. I let go of all my stress and just concentrated on the warm, floating feeling. Images of my neighbor in the elevator that morning sprang up unbidden. I recalled the fullness of her breasts, her tight, firm ass, and her long, beautiful hair. I replayed her walking onto the elevator, noticing again how gracefully she moved. Smooth and slow, but with an economy of motion that hinted at athletic ability. I sighed. She was beautiful, alright. I wondered what she would look like naked. I got out, toweled off, and went back to my apartment, poking around in the fridge for something to eat quickly before bed. I settled on some leftover lasagna, and moved to the couch for some mindless TV. I was about to flick on the set, when I heard her moans through the wall. It definitely sounded like someone was having fun. I should have turned the TV on, and cranked the volume. That's what a normal person would do. They probably would even allow themselves a shake of their head, and a `tsktsk' or something. They might have even thought to complain to the condo board about the sound-proofing we had paid for. I couldn't seem to do any of that, however. As I listened, her moans grew in volume and intensity. Lurid images of her engaged in all manner of sex acts leaped into my brain, as I sat there wondering what it must be like. Who was she with? Was it a man or a woman? Maybe both? My mind raced with the possibilities, and my erection was harder than steel. Before long, she was screaming her orgasm for the world to hear. Long, loud and shuddering, there was no question about her climax. Lucky bastard, I thought to myself, thinking of whoever was fucking her. I waited for a few minutes, worried that if my television suddenly sprang to life, my neighbor would realize I was home, and had just heard her. I was about to turn on the news when she started up again. Incredible, I thought, that she was ready to go again so soon. Again, she made no effort to hide her pleasure, and again, it built quickly. I was sure I was going to rip through my shorts. I couldn't take it any longer, and started to masturbate, picturing what was going on only a few feet away. I could tell her second orgasm was on it's way, and I wasn't far behind. I heard her scream again, louder than the first time, and the blood was pounding in my ears as I exploded sending cum flying right across the room to land on the wall between our apartments. I grunted as the convulsions continued and I could feel the warm, sticky fluid coat my hand. Eventually, I came down to earth, and realized I had created a hell of a mess. I ran to my bathroom and got a towel to clean my hand, the wall, the couch, the get the idea. My jaw dropped as I heard her moans start again. What was she doing, a gangbang? It had been maybe two minutes since we had both gotten off, and there was no way I was ready to go again. I know it's different for women, but none of the girls I had ever been with had been this orgasmic. My mind burned with curiosity, I wanted so badly to know what was going on in that apartment. The balcony! I realized with a start that we shared a balcony. I had never once been on it, and only occasionally opened the sliding door for air. I looked out my window, just to be sure. Yep, there it was, a balcony that connected the two apartments. I couldn't resist. Slowly, I opened the door, hearing it slide almost soundlessly open. The night air flowed around me, and my senses sprang to life. I don't know if it was because I was already aroused, or if because what I was about to do was forbidden, but my senses seemed to be sharper, more clear than normal. I could hear the sounds of the city below me, I breathed the fresh evening air, smelling ozone. The hair on my arms stood up, and I realized that a storm was about to hit. In the distance, I could hear the rumble of thunder over the street traffic. I crept out onto the balcony and looked around. It was quite wide and formed from concrete. The concrete rose up about four feet high to surround it and there was a drain in the middle for rainwater. It had the effect of making it look like a large bathtub. I had never been out here because it received virtually no sun, and was aesthetically pleasing as a parking garage. My neighbor, however, had been spending time out here. I could see an exercise mat rolled up and leaning in the corner, a small table she had put out here, which contained a small portable CD player. I saw a small collection of handweights, colored purple, pink, and teal, and tucked away neatly in the corner by her door was a box of other fitness equipment. Her moans were picking up tempo again, and I could hear them clearly from her door onto the balcony. I couldn't believe my good fortune. She had left it open a couple of inches, much like I do from time to time just to get some air. Obviously she had forgotten it was open. I crept forward, trying to make as little noise as possible. Figuring it was now or never, I peeked inside, thinking I was going to see my neighbor with an entire football team or something. I was wrong. She was naked and covered in sweat. She looked better than I could've imagined. Her chest heaved, and her head was thrown back in ecstasy. One hand was kneading her breast, and pulling hard at the nipple, while the other flashed across her clit, moving quickly from side to side. Her pussy was fully aroused, and I could see the fluid dripping out of her open canal. She was seated on a towel covered chair, and from the look of it, the towel was soaked. Just as she was starting to hit her peak, her head snapped forward, and I ducked behind the wall, afraid of being caught. Instead I heard her typing, and then I realized she was at her computer. I was floored. This girl was having online sex? I thought it was only for people in long distance relationships or more often, ugly people who had to lie about themselves. I snuck another peek, and saw her reading the screen intently, licking the sweat from her lips. Her hand was still thrashing her clit from side to side, and I could see her dark nipples sticking straight out in excitement. She seemed to finish looking at whatever was on her screen, and she put her head back, closing her eyes again. This time however, her free hand reached to the desk out of my sight, and she quickly attached a small plastic clothespin to the nipple she had been squeezing earlier. She howled, clearly in pain, but she kept it there, and started gasping. Her fingers started moving deeper into her pussy, and I could see her excitement was increasing. After a moment, she typed a small amount into the computer, then brought out a second clothespin for the other nipple. I held my breath. Another howl, but this time it was a mix of pain and pleasure. Lost in the powerful sensations, she bit her lip so hard, I could see blood. Questions flew through my mind; why was she doing this? How much of this can she stand? etc. They all went out the window as the storm chose that moment to hit. With a crack of lightning and blast of wind, the rain started to fall. Fall is probably not the right word. It was driven by the wind almost horizontally, so even though I was sheltered underneath the balcony above us I got soaking wet. I didn't care, but I worried that the wind would cause my neighbor to get up and close the door. Looking at her, I realized her mind was on other things, so I stayed with the rain driving into me. My mind was on other things, too. She had regained her senses enough to type shakily a few words. She watched the screen as if her life depended on it, continuing to masturbate furiously. Maybe it did, I thought. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she received whatever she was looking for. She threw her head back one final time and rubbed her clit so fast, I couldn't see her fingers at all. It didn't take her very long and she was screaming again as an orgasm racked her tortured body. I could see the tendons in her neck stand out as she went rigid as a board, except for her fingers. The chair was pushed back to it's limit, and I could see the marks where it had dug into her flesh. Suddenly, she went slack and began pumping her hips in the air, the fluid spraying out of her in greater amounts than I could imagine. The towel, already drenched, did little to absorb it, and much of it ran onto the carpet, and I imagine some even coated her monitor and her wall, so powerful were her thrusts. Finally, she stopped, pushed beyond the limits of her endurance. She sat there, slack, like a puppet with it's strings cut for several minutes, until finally, I began to worry about her. Her eyes, glazed over with fatigue, slowly moved back to the monitor. Gently, her small hands removed first one clothespin, then the other. I could see the purple marks where they would be bruised the next day. Probably for several days, I thought. She began typing, slowly, but picking up speed as she regained herself. Like all people in good physical shape, her body was restoring itself quickly. Her recovery time was remarkable, actually. Already, her breathing had returned to a long, even pace, and her face had returned to it's normal color, indicating that her heart rate was no longer elevated. I probably should've taken that moment to slip away, but I couldn't take my eyes off her, or forget what I had just seen. I watched her move as she gathered her towel, used it to dry up her fluids as best she could, then move away into the depths of her apartment. That same sensual fluidity as she had this morning, even after everything she had just put herself through. Incredible. I didn't sleep that night. My mind kept replaying what I had seen again and again. I must've jacked myself off five times, and that didn't even put a dent in my arousal. My only thought when my alarm went off was whether or not I would see her again. NOTE TO READER: Let me know what you think of this story. I'm thinking of a chapter 2, and possibly others, but I'm still too new at this to know if it's any good. You can reach me at Thanks for your time