Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Little Odessa By FertileMind Copyright A(C) 2010 by FertileMind ------ Description: It's the Russian mafia in New York's Brighton Beach, and Lenny K. is the boss of a small empire. He's a very prosperous man, a very busy man, a man with unusual appetites. The kind of appetites only a lucky few can afford to delve in, but Lenny has been delving in them, no, immersing himself in them, for a long time. But in his world, as a boss in the brotherhood, or the "Bratva", he has earned his privileges, all of them, every one. And he enjoys them and indulges those "appetites" to the fullest! Codes: pedo drug incest gang group oral anal toys beast Chapter 1 "Do you have an adult section"? The stranger asked the clerk as he perused the shelves near the checkout counter of the "Brighton Beach Emporium", a very clean, state of the art adult entertainment establishment. The clerk looked at the customer calmly, wondering to himself if the fellow was from another planet, which in many respects, the fellow was, mentally anyway. He was not well connected to this planet, or any planet for that matter on any given day. What particular planet he claimed to be from however, depended on his mood at the moment, or on what combination of medications he was on at the time. The clerk was a world weary gentleman himself, an immigrant to America, who had experienced the best and the worst of human nature in his life and travels. He had seen plenty of weirdo's and freaks pass through the Emporium in the time he had been in this country, so he just answered the question as normally as he could. With a straight face and a slight eastern European accent he said, "Ah, excuse me sir, you may not have noticed, but the entire store is the adult section, that's why we check your I.D. at the entrance, before we allow you in. This is an adult entertainment establishment." The stranger, his name was insignificant, smiled and had a disconnected look in his eyes with an odd light there as well as he spoke again, "Oh, alright then, can you tell me where is the child pornography section then?" Now of course, the clerk was becoming a little suspicious. He sighed to himself, what a strange country America was, so many odd people wherever you went. Of course there was child pornography, it was actually the main aspect of the clerks job, but the stranger had no clue about this. And child pornography, while available in certain circles, was certainly not available on the public shelves of the "Brighton Beach Emporium", which was a legitimate and licensed business. Lenny K. was the owner of the "Emporium" and many other businesses as well, and he was not a stupid man. He certainly did not want to go to jail for something like having child pornography on the shelves of his perfectly legal and respectable establishment. The clerk smiled and simply said, again in as calm a voice as possible "Aaah, forgive me but I'm very sorry sir, child pornography is very illegal in this city and in the United States in general. We have a few books on the subject, with stories, adult novels and such. They have no pictures and are quite legal, some of them have stories about the `child pornography' you may be referring to in them. But we don't have anything else like that here in the store. Nothing with pictures, or movies of any kind, I'm sorry." As he spoke he pressed a small button on the underside of the counter, it set off and alerting buzzer in the managers office in the back of the business, telling Lenny, or the on duty manager, to check the security cameras. They would observe and listen to what was taking place and make a note of the time and date so the film could be reviewed again later. Well the digital images anyway, film was an old medium for security systems. But this guy could be a cop, trying to set the business up for some kind of sting, so it needed to be examined. Lenny was there this particular evening, having stopped by to drop off some fresh "bliny" or Russian pancakes that his wife had made for the boys on duty in the store that evening. His wife was a wonderful cook and Lenny often had to restrain himself when she baked her delicious bliny or other delicacies she had become very well known for. Lenny was there everyday to check on things, but nights he usually let his trusted managers run the place, but he still dropped in unannounced several times a week to keep his people on their toes. They were all excellent employee's, many were relatives and many were immigrants Lenny sponsored from Odessa in the old country. He smiled thinking it was a bit odd to think of a modern Russia as the old country, but it was for Lenny. He'd come to America as a young man many years ago as a young and ambitious member of the "Bratva", the brotherhood of Russian organized crime. And he had built all of his businesses from scratch, he wasn't going to loose any of them through inattention or a lack of supervision. Lenny checked the monitor and turned up the volume and listened to the exchange. The fellow asking for child pornography looked genuinely confused, he could be a cop, but Lenny didn't think so. Lenny knew all the cops in town, and he paid them enough money under the table to leave him alone, so the guy was probably drunk or stoned on something. Lenny was indeed a major producer of child pornography, but the confused looking fellow on the screen had no inclination or idea of this. Lenny made it, sold it, and recruited women and their children, and occasionally men, to star in it. Well maybe recruited wasn't the right word, no matter. He was no Cecil B. DeMille, but his CP was excellent quality, all digital, all real, no bullshit. "Kids Getting Fucked" KGF Inc. an LLC was the silly name he'd chosen for it. Of course KGF Inc. was a real company, registered in the Antilles, and on paper KGF actually stood for "Krasnoski Group Fidelity Inc.". The front for several of his various businesses. All of his cp product was filmed in the US and shipped to eastern Europe for additional editing and distribution, and his contacts in the Russian mafia were his conduit. It helped of course that Lenny's last name was Krasnoski, and that he was related to the head of the Brighton Beach Russian mob by marriage. His brother in law was the big boss, Janislav (Jani) Andropov, and no he wasn't related to the former head of the Russian KGB and short lived President of the former Soviet Union. It was a fairly common name for Russian's but most American's had no clue. Lenny and his store manager watched the screen as Lenny pushed a button spoke softy. The clerk, a Russian immigrant from Lenny's former home city of Odessa named Stanislaw Loski, heard Lenny's voice in his ear bud, "Tell him he should leave Stan or we'll have to call the police." Stan, as Loski was called by his friends and coworkers had a master's degree in film technology, and he made no acknowledgement that he'd heard anything, he simply said, "I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave, if you don't, I'll have to call the police." The customer looked hurt, Stan thought he might start to cry as his voice trembled, "The police, oh my, I wouldn't want that, they don't like child porn." Then he smiled crookedly, "But I sure do, are you absolutely sure you don't have any?" Stan picked up the phone and dialed 911, but he had not pressed a button for a line and so he was speaking into silence, the action he was taking was for just for show. If there had been a real need to call the police other employees would have already been signaled and the man would have been quietly surrounded by Lenny`s security people. Everything in the place was monitored from the offices in the back as well as by employee`s on the floor. Loski spoke calmly into the phone, "Yes, this is a non-emergency, can you please send an officer to the Brighton Beach Emporium, we have a problem with a customer who is causing a disturbance." Jimmy frowned, his cock was hard thinking about seeing some child porn, but he didn't need trouble. The counselor at the group home where he lived had told him he needed to stay out of trouble just before he initialed the pass allowing him to go out unsupervised for a couple of hours. Then Jimmy thought about the little mentally handicapped girl who lived a few doors down from the grouphome and his mind shifted into a different gear. He smiled at the clerk, "Oh, oh no need to do that, okay then, okay, I guess I'll be going, good night! Bye now, bye." Loski watched as the man left, and in the back, Lenny watched the monitor till the man was out of range of the camera's mounted outside on the front of the building. Lenny sighed, it took all kinds, he'd tell all the other clerks to keep an eye out for this guy, he buzzed Loski who pressed a button and answered in the same accented English, "Yea Boss?" Lenny said, "Pass it on to the clerk who relieves you Stan, to keep an eye out for that guy, I'll have Marko freeze an image of his face and print it out. You can tape it next to the register and let everyone know to keep track of him if he comes back to the store. We won`t stop him unless he pulls the same stunt asking about cp." Loski nodded, "You got it boss." Lenny went on, "Stan I'm going to have Marko relieve you early this evening. I need you to come out to the studio tonight, there will be some new product for you to review and do some editing on." Stanislaw nodded at the camera, he replied, "You got it boss." His own cock stirred as he thought about getting Lenny's latest video's edited and cut for shipment. Stan loved everything about film, but even though film was a old medium in the digital age he still loved making films, even with digital technology. But he loved child sex even more, so his vast talents were not wasted working for Lenny K. Stan felt like the luckiest man on the planet to have the job he had. Lenny had paid for his university studies in Russia, and even for an internship in California. His connections had gotten Loski an opportunity to work on the sets and on actual films being made in Hollywood. Now he worked for Lenny here in America, with all the "special" benefits that came with making child pornography. Namely being able to indulge in his own passion for child sex and get paid well to do it! What better way could there be to earn a living? Lenny turned to leave, he had other things on his mind for this evening. He had to get to the studios, they were filming some of the new kids tonight, Jana and Millie mainly but there would be other there as well. Lenny always enjoyed working with the new kids,as long as you didn`t abuse or hurt them beyond a certain point children were always eager to please and experience new things. Especially if they experienced pleasure themselves while it was happening. The mother of the kids was a prostitute from Staten Island who gotten herself drawn into a prearranged situation with one of Lenny's men on the island, and her drug purchases. She was a small time addict of course, and she owed Lenny and his dealer a large amount of money, so a deal had been struck to everyone's advantage, at least to Lenny's advantage for certain. It was really pretty easy, a simple formula routinely followed which almost always worked perfectly. Lenny had some member of his crew who were assigned a special job to target prostitutes with young children, or sometimes even ones with older daughters that could be bred fairly easily. If the women were into drugs, and they almost always were, Lenny had his dealers act as customers at first getting to know the woman. Then he had them front the woman whatever drugs she wanted until they had her owing them a shit load of money. When she couldn't pay, which was also almost always the case after a short time, that's when the kids came into play. Now in real life, even drug addicted Mom's don't usually offer their kids up for sex or to star in child porn films, not at first anyway. But, with that said, most of them can be convinced to let the children be used, sexually, to some degree. Especially if it gets them out of deep shit, or gets them more drugs. The next thing you know, voila, from there it's only a few more small step to making child porn with their kids. They have no idea they are even being filmed the first few times it actually happens, and no recollection of it either. Many times they, the mothers, are the most surprised person in the room when the DVD featuring them and their children is popped into the player. This new woman was no different. Lenny's guy, his dealer, was a good earner name Igor. No, seriously, his name really is Igor, again, not an uncommon name in Russia. So Igor starts things out by "trading" the woman drugs for sex after paying her cash the first few times. Its a tried and true solution for many prostitutes, this was step one in the process. Of course Lenny's man Igor is always quite generous, the drugs are not expensive to Lenny and are just another part of his various businesses, just a tool to use in accomplishing his goals. Igor fronts her as much as she wants for a time, getting her hooked even more completely than she`d been before. But then he cuts her off, he has to tell her are tough and he can't afford to front it to her anymore. If she wants drugs, she had to start paying for her drugs with cold hard cash. She's bummed out of course, she gets whiney, she starts to beg, she's desperate and looking for some sympathy. But Igor is firm, like the rock of Gibraltar, no more trading drugs for sex. But, maybe there's another way she can get what she needs, maybe he'll let her keep running a tab if she promises to pay by a date certain? Because if Igor was anything, he was a nice guy. Of course it didn't take much longer before she owed him another shit pot of money, what a surprise! Well, her current state being what it was, she actually was surprised, hard to believe but true! This was step two. So naturally the next step in the simple plan, step three, is as follows, the offer Igor made was this. With a smile on his face and a calm voice he asks, "Well how about your daughters, I like to play with little girls sometimes." He grins sheepishly here, as if a little embarrassed by his admission, "I won't hurt them, maybe some kissing, a little oral, some jacking off? I get to touch them, feel them up a little, you know, they won`t mind as long as you`re there? I`ll wipe the tab clean and you won`t owe me nothing, what do you say?" And usually the answer is no way, the typical response, even from a crackhead mommy or a meth head is she's offended. She say`s something like, "Hey man, I may be fucked up, but I won't do my kids like that man! What kind of a mother do you think I am for Christ's sake?" But that's before she starts to go into withdrawal, like I said its usually from crack cocaine or crystal meth, and it's not a pretty sight. And now she can't get drugs from anywhere else. Cause she hasn't been doing a lot of hooking lately cause Igor has been keeping her off the streets, stoned and on her back with her legs spread. And unbeknownst to her the word is now out that he's her pimp, so its hands off to any other predators out there. So what's a single mom, prostitute and druggie with two kids to do? Well of course as old Igor is pretty well know out on the island by other pimps and like minded business persons, and as are most of Lenny's crew, by all the other dealers in the area as well. No one wants to shed even a drop of blood over one useless hooker, she was never owned by a pimp anyway, till Igor claimed her. And so since Igor has claimed her, her fate is pretty much sealed, almost. Igor tells her nicely to get fucked, and thanks to Igor putting out the word, she can't even give away her pussy, which was still in pretty decent shape actually. Hell she was only 22, but it doesn't take long in her small world, the customers dry up real quick, thanks to Igor. Like I say, she didn't have a pimp before, cause Lenny only targets the independent whores, so she has no where to turn, except to her new pimp, Igor. Now, when she comes crawling back, begging for a fix, its time for step four. Now like I said, Igor is a nice guy if he`s anything at all. A nice guy with a constantly hard cock for little girls, so he smiles and says nicely, "Hey, all you got to do is let me play with the girls. You know I won`t hurt them, come on, what kind of a guy do you think I am for Christ's sake?" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a few small clear bags of goodies, he waves some big fat rocks of crack in front of her, or a little bag of crystal meth, ice, or both. And guess what they almost always say, as they lick their lips looking at the drugs? Have you guessed, I`ll tell you anyway, they say, "You promise you won't hurt them right, just some kissing, maybe a BJ and some jacking, a little touching, right? You`re not gonna try and fuck `em right, they`re to little right, you`re not gonna hurt `em right?" And Igor looks aghast, as if offended by the thought of it. Then he nods and smiles kindly and he says softly, "Hey, of course not, I ain't crazy you know! Just some kissing, a little head, a hand job, you that." And with all the wind taken out of her ragged sails, she gives in, and the steps are complete. Like I said, viola! Sometimes it takes a step five, sometimes maybe even a step six, and sometimes it takes no steps at all depending on the mommy. Igor plays it by ear, all the women are different, some nuts are easier to crack, some a little harder, it depends on the shell. This ones shell was brittle, and Igor cracked it pretty quick. Igor smiles to himself. It's time to get to know the kids a little better.