Snuggle Buddies, Part 1 of ?  by The Eternal Student, M/F, Cons, Rom, Oral, Mast, Teasing

   Two lonely, single college students push the boundaries of platonic love
and help each other with their most basic human instincts.

   ------------------------------------------------- This story contains
descriptions of college aged (18+) people engaging in consensual sexual
(and romantic) activities, so if that sort of thing offends you, you'd be
best to stop reading and start again elsewhere.  Also, if you're under 18
or if the reading of such stories is illegal in your area, you probably
shouldn't be reading this story either.

   All characters in this story are purely fictional, and all names and
characters are made up and not based on any person, living, dead or

   If you enjoy this story, please e-mail me at with suggestions, comments, constructive
criticism or just thank you's.  The only pay I get for writing is feedback
from readers, so anything is appreciated.

   This story may be freely distributed in its entirety (with author
information) so long as it is always available for free and not used in any
for-fee websites.  Please include the full text if you choose to
redistribute it.

   Most of all, enjoy the story! 

   University Dorms.  People either love them or hate them.  Bad food, tiny
rooms, dirty bathrooms, and no shortage of drunks wandering the halls. 
However, they do have one strong redeeming factor, the people inside them.
Even for all the inconvenience, you're always surrounded by interesting,
crazy, fun, even cute people.  For this reason alone, I've decided to
return to the dorms for 3 years in a row.  Once you can get a room to
yourself, the dorms are a great place, full of opportunities that you might
never have seen otherwise.

   As I said before, there's always something to do on a college campus,
even on a Thursday night.  Most people are out drinking and carrying on,
but there's always a few sober people remaining, passing the time in all
kinds of different ways.  I was out playing Frisbee on one of the lit
fields that night, just relaxing with my friends.  Suddenly, the flashing
lights of an ambulance drove through, right towards my dorm.  I figured I
should probably have a look at what's going on, so I ran off to the dorm
and bid my friends a good night.  Arriving at the scene, I was strangely
unsurprised as they wheeled out a passed-out Freshman.  (I later found out
that aside from a stern talking to by Judicial affairs and a far sterner
one from her parents, she was quite alright the next day.) Walking back to
my room, I stumbled across a girl waiting in the hall in front of my room.

   "Can I help you?", I asked, "Are you looking for somebody?".

   "Ugh, no", she replied, "My friend works for security and they're
dealing with some drunk guy, I don't want to watch".

   "I don't blame you.  Would you like to come in to my place and have a
seat while you're waiting?"

   Her response was interrupted by her friend sticking his head around the
hall corner, "I'm going to be a little while, you may want to hang out
someplace more comfortable."

   I smiled, unlocking the door and motioning into my room, "The offer
still stands, if you'd like".  She smiled as I walked in, following me.  I
flipped on the other lights and offered her a seat.  I did my best not to
stare, but it was quite difficult given how attractive she was.  Gigi had
all the right padding in all the right places, making for a picturesque
backside, magnificent breasts, and a really cute face.  At around 5'6, she
was shorter than me, but very well proportioned.  Her brown hair flowed
down just beyond her shoulders, combining with the whole sight to drive me
wild.  I realized that I must've been staring, then caught myself.

   "So you got a single room?  You must be a Sophomore then?"

   "Haha, well, not really", I replied, chuckling dryly, "I'm actually a
Junior, I just like this room, I suppose.  What about you?  Sophomore?"

   "Nope, Freshman.  I'd kill to have a room to myself, you're lucky."

   "Well, if you have to, I'd suggest you kill somebody else, I think
people would start asking questions if you ended up mysteriously living on
an all-guys floor.  However, you're always welcome to drop by when I'm here
if you need to escape."

   "Thanks!  I may definitely take you up on that, you're certainly close
enough to provide a good refuge.  My roommate over in my dorm is a total
wet-blanket.  She's in bed by 10:00pm every day, and hates it when I come
home later.  The rest of the time she's just trying to convert me or
condemn me or whatever else.  It's frustrating as heck."

   "Yeah, that's gotta be tough.  So you're right across the creek in
McKenna then?"

   "Yup.  It's nice.  The food could use some help though..."

   I laughed.  "You know, I think I've become immune to dorm food by now,
but I still know the feeling.  So what are you studying?"

   "Well, business for now, but I kinda want to switch to sociology. 
People are more interesting than money.  What about you?"

   "I'm studying Spanish Literature at the moment."

   "Wow, that's pretty intense.  Why Spanish Literature?"

   "I like Spanish, I like literature, so it's the natural choice.  Why

   "Well, my parents are big on my being able to make money, but I hope I
can convince them that sociology can make money too and I can actually have
a major that I enjoy."

   I smiled in reply, and we went on to talk about whatever came to mind,
touching on everything from home to school to work to books.  After about
an hour of conversation, it was almost 1am and we both were starting to
feel pretty tired, especially for a school night.  I finally suggested that
she get back to her dorm and get some sleep, giving her my dorm phone

   "Oh, and before I forget, what's your name, random girl in the hallway?"

   She blushed a little, "Gigi Agostino.  What's your name, mysterious

   "Well, I'm Jim Hendrich.  Nice to meet you", I said as I reached a
mocking handshake out to her.

   She laughed and got up, we exchanged numbers, and after declining an
escort back (her dorm really was just across the creek), she left.  "Wow,
what a nice girl", I thought.  Only later did that night did I start
thinking about her in a more-than-friendly way, so to speak, and after that
string of thoughts arose, Gigi was running around all night in my mind.

   The next day around noon, while I was home between classes, the phone

   "Hey, Jim?" She sounded quite upbeat, even bouncy, and that was great
compared to some of the depressing people I know.

   "Yup, you've found him.  What's up?"

   "Well, I was wondering if, well, maybe you wanted to hang out this
evening after class?"

   I certainly didn't have any plans, and an evening with Gigi sounded like
a much nicer plan than an evening with textbooks.  "Definitely!", I
replied. "Any thoughts on what you'd like to do?"

   "I dunno.  Maybe I could just head over to your place and we could play
it by ear from there?"

   "Sounds like a plan to me," I replied, "but maybe later on in the
evening, I get done with class at 4 and I just need to finish my laundry".

   "Oh yeah, sure thing, I should do some reading for my humanities class
too.  How about 6?"

   "6 is fine by me, see you here."

   As you may expect, my thoughts were filled not with school or laundry or
the reading that lay undone on my desk, but with Gigi and the evening's
plans.  It had been over 2 years since I'd broken up with my Ex, and I had
been on a strictly platonic basis with the people in my life for so long
that I'd almost forgotten the excitement of an evening with a lady-friend,
even if romance was only a possibility.  Once I finally stashed and folded
all my laundry, it was 5:45, so I quickly ran to brush my teeth and did
some last minute room cleaning, then sat back with my book and read away
the time.  Finally, I heard a knock on the window.  Looking up, nobody was
there, but I figured that she'd probably just run over to the entrance.  I
got up and dashed to the door.  I couldn't help but gasp when I opened the
door and saw Gigi.

   The previous night's jeans and hoodie had been replaced with a tight
pair of terrycloth shorts and a very cute halter top, showing off all of
her assets quite wonderfully.

   "I hope you don't mind," she said, smiling.  "I need to do laundry too
and I didn't have much else left to wear."

   Still awestruck, I managed to stammer out a "No problem" and invited her

   After the short walk back to my room, we went in and I invited her to
have a seat.  Still unable to take my eyes off of her, I offered her a
glass of tea, as I lay back on my bed and relaxed, letting her have the
nice, comfy chair.

   "So what are you looking to do this evening?  Would you like to watch a
movie, just hang out, or what?"

   "Well", she replied, "I figured we could just chill here.  I want to get
away from my psycho roommate, so I'm up to stay as long as you're willing
to have me."

   Smiling, I happily replied "Well, I don't know, I may have to kick you
out early, what with all the crazy orgies I have planned..."

   She laughed.  "Well, I wouldn't want to disturb any orgies." She then
took a slightly more serious tone, "Now wait, do you have a girlfriend that
might disapprove of such debauchery?"

   I leaned back into the bed, laughing.  "Nope.  Actually, I had a bad
relationship and I'm still kinda wary since then, so it's been a little
while since I've dated anybody at all.  I'm still a little
commitment-phobic, so I've mostly just stuck to good friends.  How about

   She nodded her head understandingly.  "Well", she started, leaning back
in her chair, "I actually just finished a "bad relationship" this past
summer, so I feel your pain there.  I'm single and free myself, although
I'm not loving some parts of it as much.  How long ago was your last

   I sighed.  "Around a year and a half ago, actually."

   "Wow, that's a while ago.  How do you stay sane?"

   I laughed.  "Well, I'm trying to learn to be happy on my own.  Given,
sometimes it's lonely, and...  well, certain instincts die hard..."

   She started laughing.  "Those darn certain instincts!  Yeah, I
definitely know that feeling too." Her voice faded out a little bit.

   "Yeah, but that's in the past.", I interjected.  "So you're currently
single, are you looking, or still a bit fazed from the last guy?".

   She paused for a moment to think.  "You know, I think I'm kinda done
with relationships for a while.  I mean, this guy, David, he was a great
guy, but he was also a bit of a jerk sometimes.  We'd go out and he'd be
the nicest guy, but then he'd be completely different the next week, cold,
distant, you know.  Just when I thought it was over, he'd come back, happy
and passionate again, and all was well.  After a few months of this, I
decided that I'd had enough, so I called him on it.  He was really insulted
and it got a bit nasty, and in the end I just broke up with him.  It was
tough, but I'm glad I did.  Still, that was quite nasty.  So yeah, I don't
think I'm ready for anything too serious.  I think I'm just looking for a
few good friends."

   I nodded, "So tell me, did David have a sister named Katrina?  If so,
I'm pretty sure that I dated her."

   She laughed.  "Yikes.  If she was that bad, I take it you're probably
not looking right now either?"

   I shrugged.  "You know, I'm not really off the market, but I'm not
really searching that strongly either.  Quite frankly, I don't see that
many things that one can get from a relationship that you can't get from a
good friendship.  Well, except..."

   "Except what?" she asked, looking into my eyes with a wry smile.

   I blushed slightly, "Well, except sex."

   "Yeah, I suppose that is a problem..".

   Suddenly, the hall was alive with activity outside my room.  "Wooohoooo!
Go Kev!  You can do it!".

   As we turned around, we watched one of the guys on my floor running on
all fours with another guy on his back, both likely drunk out of their
minds.  Both laughing, we got up and stuck our heads out the door just in
time to watch the rider fall off into the laundry room when the "horse"
stopped short at the end of the carpeting.

   "Goddamnit Hunter, you weren't supposed to stop, we almost beat the

   Laughing, Gigi turned back to me.  "Hey Jim, I'm gonna run upstairs to
the ladies' room.  I'll be back in a bit"

   Nodding, I walked out into the hall, talking a little bit with the guys
from the floor.  Apparently they were going for a new speed record for
riding one another down the hall (and they say that college kids lack
ambition these days...) We chatted for a bit, but as soon as the hall
security people rounded the corner, they all disappeared like ghosts into
shadows, leaving me alone in the hallway.

   I went back into my room, lowering the lights a bit to match the
darkening sky, and sat back on the bed, relaxing.  Almost dozing off, I
heard a quiet knock on the door.  The amazingly cute Gigi was standing in
the entryway, smiling at me.  I invited her in, faking a yawn, and sat up a

   "Do you mind if I close the door?", she asked.

   "What's the matter, don't want to watch the Vodka Olympics in the hall?"

   "Well", she replied, "I think I'd really rather just talk to you."

   "I can't argue with that.", I replied smiling as she shut the door and
bounced in.  "Are you hungry?"

   "Yeah, I am.  Wanna order pizza or something?  I'm not really dressed to
go out"

   The reference to her dress again brought my eyes to her fantastic body
and tight shorts, showing off her gorgeous legs and thighs.  My heart
skipped a beat and I tried to suppress a slight gasp.

   She smiled and leaned back a bit.  Smiling coyly, she asked "Wait, is
the big mysterious Junior all flustered?"

   I chuckled nervously.  "No..  well, yes.  Your outfit is very...  and I
suppose it's been too long..."

   She interrupted "No no, don't worry, I'm flattered.  I know the outfit
is a little on the skimpy side but..."

   "But it looks great on you, no excuses." I smiled at her while the fires
of lust calmed down, finally shaking and regaining a bit of my composure.
"So, let's order some Pizza?"

   She smiled back at me.  "Sounds great.  Cheese alright with you?"

   Speaking with a great deal of conviction, I replied "It's definitely all


   A few minutes later, I was on the phone with Dominos.  After going
through all the motions and explaining that no, I didn't really want the
super-mega meal deal special, I managed to place the order.  "Alright, I'll
see you in an hour at the Smith Hall loading dock!" I hung up the phone
with a mock sigh of relief, then turned around to face the amazingly cute
girl who was lounging on my bed.  Just smiling, I went over and had a seat
on the bed next to her.

   "What are you smiling so much about?", she asked with an equally
persistent smile.

   "Hmm, I'm not quite sure.  It's either the fact that there's an happy,
friendly, talkative and cute girl on my bed, or the fact that I'll be
getting pizza soon.  Maybe a bit of both." I lay back against the wall a
bit, smiling at her.

   "Wow, you must really like pizza", she replied, laughing.  She leaned
back against me.  "Wow, I've really been missing just sitting next to
somebody.  I mean, I like it here and all, but school is really lonely,
especially with no boyfriend and a psycho roommate."

   "Yeah, I hear you, it's tough sometimes.  I definitely miss the cuddling
and affection from my last relationship.  Some days I'd give anything just
to get a hug."

   She turned around suddenly and gave me a big hug, wrapping her arms
around my chest and pulling her body tight against mine.  "Like that?"

   A little shocked but quite happy, I smiled at her.  "Just like that. 
Thanks" I wrapped an arm around her and just sat there, smiling for a

   "You know, I think I've figured out the problem.  We're two lonely,
affectionate people on a big, sad campus."

   "Well put.  I think you forgot "Voluntarily lonely", though."

   "Nah, I don't know about you, but I'm voluntarily not putting up with
the BS of the "Boyfriend game", but I don't want to be lonely."

   A little bit put off at first, I realized that she was right, and that I
wasn't meaning to be lonely, I just didn't want to deal with the pain of
the relationship situation.  I leaned back with a mock sigh.  "Damnit Gigi,
now I have to admit that you're right.  I suppose I am just a big softie,
looking for some affection without some of the crazyness."

   She squeezed my thigh a bit.  "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." She
scooted back up against me a little more, sliding right next to me against
the wall.  I leaned over a little bit, wrapping my arm around her and
hugging her.  She looked up at me and smiled.  "Mmm, you'd make a good
cuddle buddy."

   "You're quite nice in the cuddle department yourself.  So tell me, if
I'm a "cuddle buddy", what all might that entail?"

   She looked over at me.  "Sounds like you're volunteering for the post?"

   "Well, assuming it's all in the name of fun and affection, I suppose I
might volunteer.  You know, assuming the pay is alright, and there's decent
health insurance..."

   In the middle of my sentence, she sat up and gave me a peck on the
cheek. "How's that for compensation?"

   Stupefied, I just looked at her for a little while.  Then, with a surge
of bravery, I leaned over and kissed her back on the cheek, lingering a
little more.  "I believe in equal compensation for men and women," I
replied, stifling a laugh.

   "Oh really?  Well, if that's the case, maybe you deserve a raise..."

   She smiled, almost shyly, biting her lower lip.  Shifting her weight,
she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and leaned towards me.  I gently
hugged her, watching in slow motion as her lips approached mine,
anticipating the moment when...


   Gigi fell back away from me, giggling nervously.  After a hearty sigh, I
got up and went to the phone.


   "Hey, it's Dominos, I'm at the loading dock."

   "I'll be there." Then I remembered that the pizza guy had no intention
of calling at the precise wrong moment, so a little politeness was still
necessary.  "Hey, thanks for showing up early." The somewhat surprised
Pizza guy managed something that sounded like a surprised stutter, and I
hung up to walk out to the loading dock.

   "Should I come with?" Gigi asked quietly.

   "You're welcome to if you'd like, but you're also welcome to stay here
and hold down the fort.  Mi...dorma...  well, whatever it is, it's su

   "Alright", she replied, stifling a laugh, "I think I'll just chill here
for a bit.  You know, keep the riff-raff out and such..."

   I smiled and grabbed my wallet.  "I'll be back shortly".

   Going down the hall and through the lobby, I was walking on air.  I had
a wonderfully cute and happy girl in my dorm room, I had just received and
given my first affectionate kisses in over a year, and it seemed like there
might even be a few more waiting for me back there.  I think my ear-to-ear
grin might have seemed a bit strange to the Domino's driver, but you know
what, I really didn't care.


   As any college student knows, the walk back to your dorm room with the
Pizza is always a tough one.  The smell of fresh, hot pizza tempts your
senses, and the knowledge that all that's stopping you is a thin cardboard
box is fresh in your mind.  Maneuvering through the twisty halls of the
building my desire for the pizza was growing with every step.  Finally,
returning to my room, thankful to be home and to be able to dig in, I
opened the door.

   I was greeted by the image of Gigi's smiling face, laying back on the
bed in a calmly lit room.  Seeing her beautiful figure laid out like that,
I promptly forgot all about the pizza, and the ear-to-ear smile returned
once again.

   "Did they give you any trouble?" she asked with a cute, inquisitive
smile on her face.

   "Aside from the pirates trying to plunder the pizza and the evil
monsters on the loading dock, it was pretty easy."

   She laughed.  "You know, most people couldn't say that and keep a
straight face, I'm impressed."

   Laughing, I set the Pizza down on my desk.  "Dig in, if you'd like"

   We ate together peacefully, enjoying each other's company, and before
long, we had polished off the whole pizza together.  I looked up at the
clock.  Time flies when you're having fun.  It was 8:45 already.

   "So, do you want to watch a movie or something, or would you rather head
back to your neck of the woods?"

   She grew a little bit distraught.  "Oh.  Well, I'd like to stay and hang
out, but if you want me to go..."

   I interrupted "I'd love for you to stay too, I just didn't want you to
feel pressured into staying by some creepy Junior."

   She started laughing.  "Nope, I'm quite happy right staying here, even
with the "creepy Junior".  Maybe we could watch a movie."

   "Sounds like a good plan to me.  What would you like to watch?"

   "Well, I rented the movie version of "Les Miserables" the other day, and
I want to see if it's half as good as the book.  Have you read it?"

   "Oui, Madamoiselle.  I'm a definite fan of the book, but I'm a little
skeptical of the movie..."

   "Well, I could go grab it from my room if you'd like."

   "That sounds like a great plan to me.  Would you like me to walk you

   "Nah, I'll just dash over and back.  There's no sense explaining some
random guy to the roommate.  Ugh, what a nut.  So yeah, I'll come knock on
the window when I get back?"

   "Sounds great to me.  I'll see you in a little bit!"

   I walked her to the exit, and then checked my e-mail.  Suddenly becoming
aware of my acute Pizza breath, I ran to the bathroom to brush my teeth
too. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but I genuinely hoped that I might end
up in a situation where minty-fresh breath might be noticed.  Just as I
walked back into my room, the phone rang.


   "Hey Jim, it's Gigi."

   "Oh, hey, what's up?"

   "Can I ask you a big favor?"

   "Well, sure, I'll do my best to help."

   "Can I maybe crash at your place tonight?  My roommate is hosting a
bible-study party in my room, and she said that some of them might stay
over.  I don't really want to come home to that later, and my other friends
are out partying.  Maybe I can just sleep in the chair or something..."

   "No no, you can have the bed, I happen to find that chair quite comfy to
sleep in.  But yeah, you're more than welcome over here.  Just grab
whatever you need for the evening and you can crash here, no problem."

   "Awesome, thanks a bunch.  I'll be over soon."

   I hung up the phone with an even bigger smile than usual.  "Well," I
thought, "I suppose I'm gonna have to send her roommate a fruit basket or
something to thank her for the time."

   I puttered around the room for a few minutes, trying to keep firmly
rooted in the here and now, but in the back of my mind, the reality of the
situation fueled a constant smile.  I went down the hall to wash my face,
whistling a few bars of "What a wonderful world", and arrived back just in
time to see a smiling Gigi emerge from the shadows in front of my window.

   I ran down the hall to open the door for her, and was greeted by a big

   "Thanks again for letting me crash here, I really didn't want to deal
with them tonight.  Besides, I'm pretty sure that I'd rather spend an
evening with a certain mysterious junior."

   "Well, I'm certainly glad to have you over, besides," I continued,
smiling, "I'll do anything for random girls from the hallway"

   "Oh really?  Well, I'll have to test that sometime," she smiled at me
and started down the hall.  "Shall we?"

   I grabbed her hastily prepared overnight bag, and started walking.  As
she turned to face me going down the hall, my heart skipped a beat and I
smiled even more broadly than before.  "She's got minty-fresh breath," I
thought, "I think that's a very good sign."

   "Did you clean up?", she asked as she flopped onto my bed.

   "A little bit...  I got a little bit bored and such..."

   "Awww, that's so cute.  Trying to impress me?"

   I blushed a bit, trying to come up with a witty response, but failing
miserably.  "Well...  not..."

   "Don't worry, I'm impressed, but you didn't need to do any more
impressing.  So, clean mysterious Junior, would you like to watch the movie

   Smiling from the compliment, I nodded.  She went over to her backpack
and rummaged around a bit.  Then, with a sigh of frustration, she started
checking the other pockets.

   She looked up at me nervously.  "Ohh damnit, I forgot the movie!  I'm

   "Do you want to run back and get it?" I asked.

   "Well, if you really want me to..."

   "Quite frankly, I'd be happy just to sit and talk with you here, movies
are fun, but you're more fun.  Maybe we could just put on some music and
chill?" I sat down on the bed next to her and put an arm around her.

   She turned and smiled at me.  "Sounds great."

   I got up and went to the stereo and put on a quiet ambient CD.  Then I
went back to the bed and lay back against the wall.  "So what's on your
mind Gigi?"

   She snuggled right up to me, resting her head on my shoulder.  I wrapped
an arm around her, and gently rubbed her side.

   "So you never answered me earlier," she began, "are you planning on
volunteering to be my Snuggle Buddy?"

   I smiled and looked into her eyes.  "If this is what the job is going to
be like, I have only one question: Where do I sign?"

   She sat up and leaned a little closer to me.  Then, putting her arms
around me, she leaned forward and kissed my lips.  We stayed together,
locked in a kiss for what felt like an eternity, until I finally pulled
back.  Looking into her eyes and seeing her blushing (but smiling) face, I
found all the permission I needed.  I leaned forward and kissed her
passionately, gently running my hands along her back, relishing the contact
and prolonging the ecstasy of our kiss for as long as I could.  Finally, we
both fell back onto the bed.

   I looked at Gigi's smiling face and whispered "You're a magnificent

   "Ooh, so are you.  I really needed that." With that, she sat up and gave
me a quick kiss on the cheek, before laying back down against me.

   "I think I'd forgotten how much I missed that," I thought aloud.  "Some
things you just can't get alone."

   With a contented sigh, Gigi rolled back over and rested her head on my
chest.  "I definitely understand that.  Do you think that we might be able
to do that again sometime?"

   I slid down the bed a little bit and embraced her again, face to face,
resting my hands on her hips and staring into her eyes.  She came forward
and placed a tender kiss on my lips, then, much to my joy, she turned her
head slightly and parted her lips.  We kissed deeply and passionately,
breathing heavily, the world around us completely forgotten.  Finally, I
broke the kiss, and we both relaxed back on the bed, still breathing
heavily and flushed with passion.

   I rolled slightly to the side in an attempt to hide my now full
erection, but she shifted her weight back against me a little bit in the
wrong direction.

   "Ahh...  Sorry," I said, "I suppose he doesn't understand the meaning of
"snuggle buddies""

   She smiled and laughed.  "Don't worry, you guys just can't hide it like
we can.  Besides," she added with a nervous smile, "if I'm not sure what
"Snuggle Buddies" means, how can he be?"

   I smiled, "Now what do you mean by that?"

   She looked around, obviously nervous.  "Well, I guess I was thinking
that...  well...  since we're not dating anybody...  but we still have...
well, certain needs...  maybe we could...?"

   I tried to cover my shock with a sly smile, but probably failed
miserably.  Was this beautiful, happy and passionate girl making the offer
I thought she was?  I felt myself throbbing at the very thought of Gigi's
idea.  My intellect piped in, "Play it cool Jim, maybe it's not what it
seems.  Don't get too crazy".  Finally, I smiled and decided to test the

   "Maybe we could what?", I asked with a mischievous smile.

   "You're impossible!", she replied, laughing.  "Well, I was thinking that
maybe...  we could maybe...  help each other out with...  those instincts?"
She laughed nervously again.

   As the enormity of her statement soaked in, countless scenarios and
fantasies swirled in my head.  Finally, I took control of myself and spoke.
"You'd really be OK with, well, helping each other out...  like that?"

   "Yeah!", she replied with a sudden enthusiasm.  "I mean..  well, sure,
if you'd like."

   I smiled from ear to ear, masking my inner nervousness.  Calming myself,
I finally realized that this wasn't something to be nervous about, it's
just happening, and more importantly, I really wanted it to happen.  My
nervousness melted off, and I replied "I'd love nothing more, especially
with a beautiful girl like you".

   She blushed deeply, giving me a nervous kiss on the cheek and then
leaning back against me, still seemingly unsure.



   "Are you sure you're alright with this?  I don't want to pressure you
into anything, and you seem nervous..."

   "No no, I really do want this.  I guess I just don't want to mess
anything up..."

   I smiled.  "Relax, this is supposed to be fun, remember?"

   She laughed, and seemed to relax a bit.  I reached around her waist and
just hugged her for a second, then planted a kiss on her head.

   "So...  do you.."

   Suddenly a shrill ringtone rang out from inside her purse.  We both
laughed, and she dug through her purse to find the phone.  I fell back on
the bed, secretly grateful for the break in the tension.  Finally, she
found her phone and answered.

   "Uh, Hi?" Upon hearing the voice, she looked over at me and rolled her
eyes.  "Oh, Hi Cindy...  No, I'm staying at my friend's place tonight... 
Yeah...  Sure...  Yeah, she can use my bed...  Yeah, see you tomorrow."

   With that, she shut the phone and threw it back in her purse.  "God, my
roomie is such a pest.  She wanted to know if one of her bible buddies
could spend the night and use my bed.  Luckily, some nice guy offered me a
better place to spend the night." She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

   "Always glad to help, especially to help you", I replied smiling.

   She laughed.  "I'm just gonna use the ladies room real quick.  I'll be
back soon".  We exchanged smiles, and then she headed upstairs to the

   As soon as she left the room, my mind shot into overdrive.  A torrent of
worries flooded my mind as I lay there on the bed.  "What if she regrets
this later?  Maybe this isn't really what she wants?  Am I taking advantage
of her?  What if she gets pregnant?  What if..."

   Suddenly, clarity came to my thoughts.  "Jim, did you see that smile? 
Does that look like a girl who doesn't want to continue?  You've given her
plenty of opportunities to back off and she hasn't, I think she's probably
made up her mind as much as she can." I systematically eliminated my
worries, until finally I stumbled.  "I don't have any condoms," I thought.

   I felt my heart sink, my hopes for a long night of passion dashed.  "I
don't want to risk it all on one night" I thought, trying to force the
forces of lust to respond to logic.  Once I'd finally resigned myself to
missing the opportunity, I remembered the only piece of love advice that my
older brother had ever given me: "Always leave her wanting more, and she'll
always return wanting more."

   A plan developed in my head, and as quickly as I had fallen into
disappointment, I flew back into elation.  I closed the shades and lowered
the lights, then put on some quiet Spanish Guitar.  I shut my computer down
for the evening, and sat back in my chair, sipping a bottle of water and
doing my best to calm my mind in anticipation, but the image of Gigi's
delicious curves kept creeping back into my head.  Finally, I surrendered
to the fantasies and hoped that they would soon be reality.

   I was brought back to reality by Gigi's sweet voice.  "Hey, did I
disturb your nap?"

   I laughed.  "Nah, I was just letting my thoughts wander a bit.  Come on

   She smiled, closing and locking the door behind her, then walked over to
me in the chair.  She then straddled the chair and sat down in my lap,
facing me.  "Now, let's see about some of those instincts..."

   I leaned forward and embraced her tightly, bringing my lips to hers and
kissing her passionately.  We sat like that for what seemed like an
eternity, kissing with a long dormant ardor, until finally she pulled back
and broke the kiss.

   She rocked back and forth slightly in my lap, rubbing against my almost
painful erection and smiling at me.  "You certainly seem to be enjoying

   "Well, I've got a beautiful woman in my lap kissing me, what more could
I ask for?"

   "Maybe a beautiful woman in your lap doing other things?" She very
subtly bit her lower lip and rocked in my lap again.

   "That'd be great too.  Does the beautiful woman have any other things in

   She started to rock back and forth a little more firmly against me,
rubbing herself against my erection through our clothes.  Even through
several layers of clothing, I could feel the heat between her legs, which
made me even harder in turn.  She pressed herself against me, her ample but
firm breasts pressing into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her, gently
rubbing her sides and back with my arms.  I relished the sensation of her
heated body rubbing against mine.

   Finally, I shifted my weight slightly and began to lift her from my lap.

   "Aww, did I do something wrong?", she asked, her eyes full of

   "No no, in fact, you were doing everything too right.  I was starting to
get rug-burn from my boxers", I added with a smile.

   She laughed and got up from the chair.  "Well, I suppose I'll have to
find some other way to stimulate you then..."

   With that, she pushed her fingers under the hem of her shirt and started
to lift, teasingly.  I watched in awe as she gyrated her hips and slowly
pulled her shirt higher and higher.  Finally she pulled her shirt off and
over her head in one swift movement, revealing her lacy pink bra.

   "Sorry", she said, "I didn't think anybody would be seeing this bra
today.  It's a little over-the-top, I know."

   "On the contrary, it looks incredible on you." I smiled at her, and
stood up from the chair.

   She walked over to me and placed her arms around me, reaching for the
back of my shirt.  Then she deftly pulled my shirt off, pausing only to let
me raise my arms.  I took her into a long embrace, quickly kissing her lips
and relishing the feeling of her bare back and stomach against my chest.

   "Ooh," she added, "very sexy.  I think I picked the right snuggle

   I smiled, "Thank you.  However, I think my snuggle buddy is still a
little overdressed".

   She gave a flirtatious smile, then gently pushed me onto the bed.  She
then turned around and unfastened her bra, letting it fall to her feet,
looking back over her shoulder at my amazed expression.  Finally, she
turned back around, revealing the most magnificent breasts I had ever seen,
firm yet shapely and just the right size for her figure.  Her nipples were
already hard, and she reached up to gently caress and stimulate them,
teasing me the whole time.

   Finally I couldn't take it any more and started to get up to caress her.

   "No no, have a seat, I'm not through teasing you yet", she said with a
mischievous smile.

   "Two can play at that game", I said as I stood up and unbuttoned my
shorts, then slid them down my legs and stepped out of them, revealing my
black silk boxers.

   She stared at my erection pressing against the fabric for a moment, and
then caught herself and looked back up at me, blushing.

   I smiled back at her and sat back down on the bed.  "I'm in my undies,
it's your turn."

   She blushed a little bit and slowly walked towards me.  She took my hand
in hers, and said "There's a problem..." She then ran my hand up between
her legs, brushing my fingertips along her thighs and finally stopping over
her heated sex.  "I can't show you my underwear...", she said as she gently
pressed my fingers up against her terrycloth shorts, allowing me to feel
the soaked fabric, "..because I'm not wearing any underwear".

   I gasped in both surprise and arousal, desperately desiring to remove
her shorts and pleasure her in any way I could.  I wrapped my arms around
her and gently pulled her towards me, taking one of her nipples into my

   "Ooh, Jim, that feels incredible", she gasped as I gently licked and
sucked her already hard nipple.  I switched sides, gently sucking and
nibbling her nipple, as I caressed her wonderful backside, pressing her
against me.

   Finally, she took a step back from me and hooked her thumbs in the
waistband of her shorts.  As I watched, fixed to her movement, she slowly
pulled the shorts down, revealing her sparse pubic hair and then, finally,
her beautiful pussy.  She stepped out of her shorts and moved back towards
me, taking my hand in hers and gently guiding it to her stomach.  Then she
slowly slid it down her leg, and then around to her inner thigh.  Finally,
after what seemed like an eternity, I felt my fingers brush against her
super-heated, dripping wet sex.

   "Oh God Jim, I've needed this so bad..." I slowly started to rub along
her moist lips, gently leaning over to kiss her breast.  I sped up my
rubbing just a little bit, applying a little more pressure, gently sliding
my fingers between her lips and feeling her wetness envelop my fingers. 
Gently penetrating her with my fingers, I started to rub her softly rub her
clit with my thumb.

   "Ooh...  keep that up...  please...".  I rubbed a little more firmly,
eliciting another gasp from her, and then leaned over to kiss her other
breast.  I felt her start to twitch and shake slightly, and I sped up as
her whole body gradually tensed up.  Finally, as I felt her near orgasm, I
removed my hand and mouth and sat back on the bed.

   She let out a frustrated squeal and pushed herself forward, trying to
find my hand again.  "Why'd you stop?!", she asked with obvious

   "Well, if I'd kept up, you probably would've fallen over", I replied
with a smile.  "Besides, I'm a tease".

   She sighed.  "Well, I suppose you do have a point about the falling...
but you're a vicious tease.  Just remember, two can play at that game." She
smiled and stood in front of me, her naked body subtly illuminated by the
dimmed lights.  Then, very slowly, she dropped to her knees in front of me.

   My eyes widened as she slid her hands under my legs, motioning for me to
stand up.  I happily but nervously complied, adjusting my boxers a bit to
maintain some sort of modesty.  Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on my
breathing so I wouldn't lose it at first touch.  Just when I started to
calm down, I felt a tug on the leg of my boxers.  When I opened my eyes, I
was greeted by the sight of Gigi pulling my boxers off with her teeth,
smiling and looking into my eyes.  As she slowly pulled my boxers down, I
shivered from the feeling of her hot breath on my legs combined with the
cool air on my newly exposed skin.  Finally, she gave a hearty tug and
pulled my boxers all the way off, letting my erection pop out from under
the waistband.

   "Oooh!" she said, "Is that for me?"

   "Well, it sure seems to think so", my wit desperately trying to cover
for my nervousness.

   She smiled and stood up in front of me.  Then she moved towards me and
quickly wrapped her hands around my hardness.

   "Ohh, it's so hard," she exclaimed.  "Can I play with it?"

   I had just barely managed a nod before she started gently running her
hands back and forth along my hard member, squeezing gently as she went. 
As she rubbed, I leaned and kissed her, opening my mouth and gently
nibbling on her lower lip.  She started to speed her rubbing as I kissed, a
gentle moan escaping her throat as I pressed up against her.  Finally
breaking the kiss, I kissed my way down to her neck, where I very gently
kissed and nibbled her soft flesh.  I felt her tighten her grip slightly as
I went, rubbing more firmly and bringing me even closer to the edge.

   I reached down with my free hand and started to rub her inner thigh,
gently running my hand between her legs, teasing her most sensitive areas,
trying in vain to concentrate on pleasuring her as she stroked me closer
and closer to orgasm.  I slid my hand up, cupping her wet sex and gently
beginning to rub.  With that, she doubled her pace, stroking harder and
faster than before.

   "Oh God Gigi, I'm not gonna last much longer," I exclaimed as I rubbed
her more quickly.

   She bit her lower lip and moaned "Neither am I...  come with me".  We
both pushed together and I felt my hardness slide up against the top of her
wet slit, causing her to gasp and press back against me even harder.  I
rubbed my throbbing member along her wet lips, sliding back and forth,
rapidly approaching the edge.

   "I'm...  I'm coming.." she gasped and ground down on my hardness.  Just
as she tensed up in orgasm, I pulled out from between her lips and groaned
with my own massive orgasm, spraying my seed all over her lower stomach and

   "Ohhhh..." gasped Gigi, "that was incredible..."

   "Whew, was it ever..." I took a deep breath.  "Umm...  sorry about
the... mess"

   Gigi laughed, then flashed another flirty smile and reached down and
started to massage my seed into the skin of her stomach.  "I've heard it's
a great moisturizer anyways, no problem".  Finally, after massaging every
last drop into her silky skin, she gave me a kiss and sat down on the bed.
"Well...  I think you've definitely got the position of "Snuggle Buddy",
and then some."

   I smiled.  "I see this as working out wonderfully, if it was that
incredible at first, it can only get better, right?  Heck, even kissing you
made me feel better than I have in a long time.  Everything else is icing
on the cake."

   "Awww", she leaned over and gave me a hug and a big kiss.  "So," she
looked over at the clock, "it's 12:30, what would you like to do?"

   Naturally, my first thoughts involved the variety of things one could do
with a beautiful naked girl sitting next to you.  However, I didn't want to
push my luck, and, to heed my brother's advice, I wanted to leave her
wanting more.  "Well, it depends.  Do you need to get up any time in
particular tomorrow morning?"

   She thought for a second, then suddenly tensed up.  "Shit!  I've got to
go to meet with my Advisor at 9am!  That's what I was forgetting... 

   "On a Saturday morning?", I asked, horrified.

   "Ughh, yeah.  I guess they want to make sure we're not too hungover too
early in the semester.  I should be done by Noon, though.  Sorry to make
you get up!"

   "You know", I replied, "I wanted to run by the bookstore anyways to pick
up a book for one of my classes, so it's no problem, I'll just get up when
you do and get there before it's crowded."

   "Are you sure?  I could go back to my room if you want to sleep in..."

   "Do you really think I'd want you to kick you out just for an extra hour
or two of sleep?" I reached over and gave her a big hug and a peck on the
cheek.  "Don't worry about it."

   She smiled.  "Yeah, I know, I just feel bad, I kinda wanted to stay up
later with you.", an impish grin developing as she finished the sentence.
"Wait, what are you doing tomorrow...  err...  today, in the evening?"

   "Duh!", I thought, "It's Saturday!  We have another whole evening!" I
smiled from ear to ear and replied "Well, I was going to go to a few crazy
orgies, but I suppose I'd be willing to cancel this time..."

   "You're still impossible!", she replied, laughing.  "If you're not busy,
maybe we could meet up in the afternoon or something..."

   "I'd love to.  Maybe we could get some dinner and come back here, maybe
watch a movie?" I replied with a flirty smile.  "Who knows, maybe I'll ask
your roomie to have another Bible study..."

   She cracked up.  "Yeah, I'm sure she'd be willing too," she replied with
a groan.  "but yeah, dinner would be great, and, well, if you wanted to
have me back for another night, I sure wouldn't mind." She replied with a
nervous smile.

   "Sounds like a great plan to me.  You're welcome any time." I laid back
on the bed and set the alarm on my cellphone.  "So, do you want to get to
bed immediately, or do you have time for me to give you a massage?"

   "Ooh...  you do know that there's only one possible answer to that
question, right?  Heck yes!"

   I smiled, "Alright, well, lie down on the bed then, on your tummy.  Do
you want to put any clothes on, random naked girl from the hallway?"

   "Do I have to?", she asked with an impish smile.

   "Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind massaging your naked body too much..."

   She laughed and flopped down on the bed.  I went over to the microwave
and heated up a little bottle of essential oil I kept around, partly to
keep the room smelling nice, and partly for situations just like this.

   Then, very gently, I dripped a line of oil down her bare back, all the
way from her neck to the base of her spine.  Then I started to massage the
oil into her skin, moving in circles, firmly rubbing down her back until
each muscle relaxed, relishing her contented sighs the whole time. 
Finally, reaching her magnificent backside, I very gently traced back up
her back to her neck with my fingers.  To top off the whole thing, I hugged
her and placed a kiss on the back of her neck.

   "Oh..  that felt great.  Do you want to do my front?" she asked, biting
her lower lip gently.

   "Well, I don't know, there's not that much do rub in front..."

   She flipped over before I even finished the sentence.  "Please..."

   Looking down at the naked, curvaceous and obviously aroused brunette, I
immediately hopped to the task, reaching for my warm oil and sitting down
on the bed next to her.

   "Ohh yes", she gasped seeing me reach for the oil, "thank you, I need
this so bad..."

   "No problem", I said as I gently dripped the oil onto her stomach.  I
slowly started to rub her stomach, spreading the oil gently into her silky
skin.  I firmly massaged all over her stomach and shoulders, carefully
avoiding her sensitive breasts and her still moist mound.

   "Go higher..." she gasped, "rub my breasts".

   "Now why would I want to do that?", I replied, teasing her.

   With that, she reached up and took my hand, placing it on her breast. 
"Please, I want it soo bad..."

   I started to rub her breast gently, rubbing my fingers around her
nipple, then I switched sides, caressing her other breast, finally planting
a kiss on each nipple.

   When I finally looked up, I saw that she had snuck one of her arms
between her legs, her fingers firmly rubbing her clit.

   "Can I help you with that?", I asked with a smile.

   "Oh god yes, please.  Please!"

   I slid my hand down her stomach, through her sparse pubic hair, and
finally to her superheated sex.  I gently slid two fingers along her lips,
finally sliding them between her dripping wet lips, eliciting a sharp moan
as she pushed her hips up to try and bring my fingers in deeper. 
Teasingly, I pulled my now moist fingers back out of the range of her
gyrating hips, then brought them back down on either side of her clit.  I
slowly started rubbing in circles, gently at first, but slowly speeding up.
With each circle, Gigi gasped slightly, pressing harder up against my hand.
I brought my other hand down between her legs, teasing her wet slit with my
fingers as I massaged her clit with the other hand.

   As I sped up my movement, I felt the familiar tension building in her
whole body.  I slid one finger in between her lips, sliding it up and down
her slit, as I increased the pressure on her clit.  She pushed back harder
and harder, her low moans increasing in intensity.  Suddenly, I felt her
tense up all over, and I brought my lips down to her clit and gently kissed
it.  Then I started quickly flicking my tongue across her clit, sending her
flying over the edge into orgasm.  She arched her back, pressing her clit
to my lips as I pleasured her, then she tensed up completely and then fell
back into the bed.

   I lay down next to her, and gently kissed her neck, wrapping an arm
around her, my heart feeling a tenderness it hadn't in what felt like an

   "Thank you Jim," Gigi gasped, her breathing still heavy.  "I haven't
felt like that in so long"

   With that, I reached up and kissed her lips.  "Goodnight Gigi", I said
with a smile, and then curled up behind her, smiling.

   We held each other and quickly fell asleep, satisfied and relaxed, a
pocket of tenderness on the big, lonely campus.


   To be continued!

   Snuggle Buddies, Part 1 of ?  by The Eternal Student,