4/13/2010 - WoW Servers were down for weekly maint,
so with nothing else to do, I formatted three more
stories and posted them to my FTP. Webpage guy
never got back to me, so looks like I'll be finding
a program that will let me build an easy webpage
myself. The three new stories are My Low Sky Cousin,
Japanese Girl, and One Two Three. Obviously there's 
a theme with my story titles. I'll let you all figure
out what that theme is. As before, comments are always
welcome, I love knowing that I "touched" someone's life.
Or got them to touch something else. I always get mixed
up on that one.

3/23/2010 - First story formatted and posted. Took some
heavy editing, as it was originally posted in a format
meant for a certain popular image/message board. There are
twelve other stories that increase in intensity from the first
that I still need to format, storycode, and place up.
These stories, along with the first that is now posted,
can be located in the "Random Inspirations" folder.
Mind you, all these stories were written "on the fly",
And based on storycode suggestions from multiple people.
Some of them -may- offend, but hey, that's a sign of good
writing. Every author has to offend at least one person
with their writing, at some point. For those of you
interested in leaving a comment to the author, or making
a suggestion for a story, the author's blog and e-mail can be
found at the end of each story he posts.

3/18/2010 - Account Approved. Website work commencing. 
Stories being edited and formated. Disclaimer -definately- 
under construction. Expect the first stories to be posted 
to the FTP when the disclaimer is finished. Once the website 
is done, they shall also be located there.