Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. "Glory Daze: Satisfaction" by Eagle1 (mf, high school, rom) Most jocks would never be caught dead in the library. However, anyone who knew me knew I was about as far from being a typical jock as you could be. I lettered in three sports, and played others, but I was comfortable hanging with folks outside my usual clique, which was refreshing in itself. Sometimes I actually found the library to be a refuge from the rush of school life. And, being a history buff, most of my buddies knew that they could usually find me hidden away in the stacks on those days that there was no practice. I'm not embarrassed to admit it either. I can be a bit of a geek. Now on that particular Thursday though, I wasn't there for pleasure reading. I did have a paper due the following Monday. And we'd had football practice every afternoon that week. So I had put off the paper knowing full well that it would consume all my free time this upcoming weekend. The back stacks were littered with stepstools that shorter students could use to reach the upper shelves. Due to my tendency to get engrossed in my reading material once I pull it off the shelf, I usually parked my ass on one of the available stools and looked over the book before I took it back to my table or checked it out. The stools are only about a foot and a half off the floor, so when I sit on them it tends to mask my six feet, three inches of height so that people wandering around usually can't see me through the gaps in the shelves. As usual what had been meant as a quick glance had turned into a much longer read. I hadn't realized until I heard the hushed voices that I'd become engrossed in a book about the French Revolution and had lost all track of track of time. There were two people talking on the other side of the shelves. Because I was sitting on a stool, it allowed me to overhear their conversation in the next aisle over. I could just see from my perspective how the curve of their jeans wrapped over their firm round backsides. And from the shape of each ass I knew that they were of the feminine persuasion. Obviously their backs were to me as they examined the books on the shelf. Realizing my advantage in the situation, I leaned forward to get a better look, all the while trying not to make too much noise. "Fuck!" said the first girl in exasperation, taking me by surprise, "Where the hell is this stupid book? I need it for class." "Well I think it's supposed to be right here," said the other girl calmly, "I don't know why they have to use the Dewey Decimal System anyway. You'd think there was an easier way. Some stupid fuck probably just put it in the wrong place." "You don't understand," the other girl continued sounding frantic in a voice tinged with hysteria, "I need that book for Kaufman's class or I'm completely fucked." "Look, Ali," replied the other girl, trying to sound rational, "It's going to be okay. What the hell is going on? Are you on the rag or something? You've been a total bitch all day." Duh, I thought to myself stupidly. Of course that's why they sounded so familiar. That was Ali. As in Ali the homecoming queen. Ali the quarterback's girlfriend. The quarterback being Todd. The man who was co-captain of the football team. And a teammate of mine. That Todd. Right. Got it. I noticed Ali paused before responding. "It's Todd," she said matter-of-factly, as if that answered everything. "Shithead Todd?" said the other girl, who could only be Nicole, Ali's best friend in the world and Mike Anderson's girlfriend. Nicole and Ali had been inseparable as long as I knew them. "What's he done now?" Nicole asked concerned. "God," Ali said, sounding fraught and irritated, "I feel so stupid." "Tell me about it?" prompted Nicole soothingly. I had inched close enough so that I could kinda see their faces through the shelf if I looked up. Ali looked about ready to cry, and she had raised her hand to her face, pushing back the strands of her incredibly long chestnut hair out of her eyes. "Last night," she started hesitatingly and softly, "You know...I thought I'd surprise him." I could see Nicole give a nod of encouragement. Ali continued as she said, "My parents are in Tampa, at that conference right? So I figured we could get together at my place. I figured it'd be nothing to get lucky!" "What'd he do?" A tone of irritation sounded in Nicole's voice as if she'd heard these charges read before. "Nothing!" said Ali loudly and with anger, "That's the whole fucking point! Jesus, I was practically fucking naked! Begging him to screw me! And he just sat there like I was a fucking cow or something." "He's a stupid fuck," Nicole told her sympathetically. "The game was on, right?" Ali went on, "But like nothing I could do would get him to fuck me. I blew him during halftime, but he just left afterwards." She had clearly started to cry and Nicole wrapped her arms comfortingly around her friend. "Am I so fucking vile?" Ali asked her pulling away and wiping her eyes, "I mean the sight of me in a bra and panties isn't enough to get him hard?" Well I knew it would have gotten me hard. This conversation was a real eye opener. I can't imagine what Todd had been thinking. "Maybe he's queer?" asked Nicole, but even she sounded unconvinced. "No way!" said Ali, "He's fucked me before! But lately, he's just not interested. I'm getting desperate. His dick was so good. So thick! Not like Ben at all." Okay, I thought to myself, enough is enough. This conversation was taking me to a weird place. I knew both Todd and Ben. It was one thing to be one of the guys talking about doing the girls in the locker room, but this was an insider's perspective that I'd never heard before. I wasn't so stupid that I hadn't realized girls must talk about guy's equipment and performance and all, but I'd just never heard it first hand. Despite my curiosity, I decided I did not want to get trapped there listening to this conversation all of study period. I got up off my stool and both of the girls instantly realized they weren't alone as they heard the scrap of the stool against the floor and the heavy tread of my footfalls as I walked around the shelf to their location. "Who's there?" asked Nicole, impatiently, just before I rounded into their row. "Oh, it's you Marc!" she said, catching sight of me, "Didn't expect to see you here. Eavesdropping." She added the last bit with a pointed edge and her look would have killed me stone dead if it'd been a weapon. "Ummm, sorry," I said, blushing, clearly knowing I'd been caught without an excuse, "I was in the next row reading...." I stumbled over my words trying to think of something to say. I caught Ali's eye for a minute. They were puffy and red. She looked away without looking back at me. "Look, I gotta run," I said, handing Ali the book I'd been reading. "But maybe this'll help with your paper. There's a lot of good stuff in there. Well anyway, I'll catch you guys later." I started to walk back out the aisle, but then paused inextricably. "Hey Ali," I told her, "I can't speak for Todd, but for what its worth there isn't a straight guy at this school who wouldn't give his left nut to be with you for one night." I have no idea why I said that. Ali was one of those girls that you dated, and I wasn't the dating kind. I would have been a good boyfriend for any girl, but I was hard to catch. So I settled for being the good, fun loving guy who banged the chicks but never got tied down by any of them. But it meant I never had any real intimacy with any of them either. I started to walk away. "Wait a sec, Marc!" Ali called after me as I reached the end of the row. "What can I do for you?" I asked, turning back to her. "Are you going to Jameson's party Friday night?" "Well," I said, not wanting to commit to the party which all my teammates would be going to, "I got the game Friday, and practice on Saturday, and I still haven't finished this paper." Nicole looked at Ali for a minute, who had suddenly gone all shy, as if egging her on. I turned to leave again. Then Nicole decided to take matters into her own hands. "Oh, c'mon, Marc," she interjected in that guilty pleading tone I'd heard her use on her boyfriend Mike plenty of times, "Practice isn't that early, and you and Ali can work on your papers after practice on Saturday. You'll ace it anyway. You always do." Ali gave her a look. Of course Nicole was right. I didn't need that much time to write a good paper. "Okay," I said, wondering exactly what was doing, "I'll see you guys there." I flashed them my winning smile before I left. * * * That conversation had really got me thinking. Ali and Todd had seemed joined at the hip for months, which seemed like forever in high school time. Ali was a year older than me and she had been dating Ben since I was a freshman. Since I was the only freshman at the school who had made it onto varsity, I'd gotten to know the older kids right away. Ben had been one of my fellow varsity football players before he graduated. When he and Ali had broken up most people assumed it had more to do with Todd having been made quarterback of the team when he'd moved from the freshman squad to varsity his sophomore year. And some people had viewed Ali as a social climber, using the status of her boyfriend to increase her own status. But she and Todd had been one of those sorts of couples that drive the rest of us crazy. They always looked so perfect together. Todd hadn't mentioned that anything had been going on between them, then again why would he? It would have been open season on Ali. Notwithstanding that she was homecoming queen that year, which is mostly a bitchy popularity contest; Ali was by far one of the hottest girls in the whole school. She was perfectly proportioned from head to toe, and standing at about the height of my shoulder, she would have fit perfectly against my broad chest. But she was so delicate looking, I'd be afraid I'd break her if I held her too tight. Clearly the lady was supermodel material; the kind of woman that a guy is lucky to get a chance at once in a lifetime. My accidental meeting with Nicole and Ali was in my thoughts all the next day. We had Kaufman's aforementioned history class together as well as English Lit, so I kept running into her. Todd and I didn't have any classes together though. But I finally got a chance to corner him in the locker room before the game that Friday night. "Todd," I asked him with a punch on the shoulder, "How'ya doing, dude? Long time no see." We were both half dressed for the game. He probably wasn't sure what to make of me. He was in my circle of friends as such, and we joshed around with each other and all, but Steve and Greg were the buddies I usually hung around with. Everyone in school knew they were my best mates, even if our posse included a much broader group of guys who played sports or generally indulged our sexual appetites. Todd had been pretty steady with Ali this past year, so the rest of us didn't really give it much thought when he didn't usually join us in our playful and frequent pursuit of the opposite sex. "What's up, man?" he replied warmly with a nod. "Saw Ali, the other day," I told him, "She said you guys were going to Jameson's tonight." "Yeah," said Todd, "She said she didn't want to go last weekend, yesterday she changed her mind. Chicks, right?" I nodded like I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Yeah, man," I said, "Tell me about it." We laughed. It was kinda stupid, but I laughed because he obviously thought it was funny. "Dude," he asked me with a lascivious grin, "You got something going on for tonight?" "No, man," I said earnestly enough, returning his shit eating grin, "But maybe I can get laid tonight. There'll be a lot of pussy there to choose from." We continued putting on our equipment when I decided to venture a little further. "Hey, man," I asked him, "You got Ali all bagged up and ready to go tonight or what? Shit, she's tight, dude. You're one lucky son of a gun." He suddenly grabbed my shoulder and I thought maybe I'd said something he didn't want to hear. Instead of clocking me, he pulled me closer to him in a conspiratorial huddle. He asked me in a low voice, "Sometimes, dude, I just get a little tired of fucking the same old hole, ya know? I mean I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You're a fucking stud, man. You get more ass than a toilet seat. I hear you guys talking, man. Fuck, I bet you've never even needed to fuck the same hole more than once. No one around here has fucked as many chicks as you have. A guy's gotta get it while he can, right? Am I wasting my time with just one girl?" As a matter of fact Todd was both right and wrong. I had fucked more girls than any other guy in school, but I also frequently went back for seconds if the girl was willing. But at that moment I looked at him seriously and said, "Hey, man, I tell you one thing, I may get around, but if I had a sweet little body like Ali's waiting for me, I'd give her more than just a blowjob, ya know? She's not the kind of girl you find just anywhere. She needs special attention." He gave me a funny look, like he wasn't sure what I was talking about. Fortunately I was saved by the fact that the game was about to start. Neither of us said anymore about it. Instead we headed out to the field. * * * The game was short and sweet, the best kind. We totally kicked the other team's ass. A good game gets my blood up, and I was feeling pretty pumped up from all the excitement. It didn't take a lot of coaxing from Steve and Greg to get me to decide to go to the party. I mean what the fuck else were we going to do on a Friday night anyway. So we hit the road in Steve's pick-up truck and headed off to join the rest of the kids at Jameson's. It didn't take long to get there. And immediately after walking in the door it was easy to see that this party was going to be just like every other party of its kind. Too many of the same old crowd hanging around getting drunk of the beer that they managed to steal. I held back the impulse to yawn, and then suddenly Jameson was there giving us an enthusiastic greeting and telling us that since his parents and sister where gone to look at colleges back east, we could have our run of the place. He gave me a knowing wink, figuring I'd take him up on his offer before the night was over. Jameson knew me pretty well and I'd deflowered many a girl in his house. Fuck, I'd probably had more sex in his house than his stuffy parents did. The stereo was cranked up and an impromptu bar had been set up in the kitchen. There were no surprises. Everyone was familiar on sight, so Steve, Greg and I decided to split up and see what our chances were for the evening's fun, and finding a willing score. I wandered through the kitchen and picked up a beer along the way and wound around the familiar layout of Jameson's downstairs living room until I stumbled on Ali and Todd. They were on the couch in the big family room that went off from the back of the house. They seemed pretty intimate so I was going to just turn around and join up with the bump and grind outside near the pool. But just then Nicole, who was sitting across the coffee table from them, spied me. "Hey, Marc!" she called over the racket. I thought for a minute of pretending that I hadn't heard her, but then thought the better of it. I looked over at her. She and Ali looked over at me and smiled. Todd was engrossed in a conversation with Mike, clearly reliving some memorable moment from the night's game. They waved at me and I returned the gesture with a macho nod of the head. Nicole motioned for me to come over. "Be right back," I called to them and pointed to my beer, holding the bottle upside down to signal that it was empty. Ali frowned at me, but I headed off to the kitchen. I was suddenly very self-conscious and I didn't really want to be put in some sort of awkward position between Todd and Ali. I considered them both friends, such as they were. I had thought I had escaped to the safe haven of the kitchen, but Ali appeared a few minutes later at the doorway. "Hey," she said softly, ignoring the story that a drunken classmate was telling to some girl on the other side of the kitchen island, "You're not trying to run away from us are you?" "Well," I started, really at a loss for what I wanted to say, "About the other day...." "Don't worry about it," she told me. "Okay," I said, not sounding convinced. "So," she asked me, changing the subject, "Do you want to dance?" "What about Todd?" I responded. "Oh, don't worry about him. He's talking sports with Mike; it'll be hours before he comes back to this planet. Besides," she paused, thinking it over, "He doesn't like to dance." She moved closer to me than was comfortable for two friends of the opposite sex, and I caught a whiff of her perfume. Any willpower that I might have had rapidly disappeared when she put her hand on my forearm, the clothed tips of her breasts brushing against my chest. "Well, I like to dance," I said firmly, trying very hard not to kiss the lips that were dangerously close to my own. If I had just inclined my head even a few inches I would have been past the point of no return. "Good," she said, with satisfaction, "C'mon." She led me by the hand out the back double doors to the Jameson family pool. Our classmates danced around the edge, while some others indulged in a late night swim. The music was rough and it had a good beat. Ali danced a little shyly at first, but when she saw that I had not trouble getting into the rhythm, she moved in closer, and after a while not afraid to grind against me. I couldn't suppress the male reaction of my body. She must have felt my thickening cock as our thighs pressed together from dance to dance. Even through a couple of the slow songs, I didn't loose my boner. If she saw it or felt it she made no comment and we moved together for what felt like hours. During the last song she pulled me in real close to her like a lover and whispered in my ear, "Marc, can we go somewhere and talk?" "If you want," I murmured back to her, completely under her spell. She and I went back into the house. We headed upstairs to look for a secluded place. I knew them all. The first door I opened was Jameson's sister's bedroom, and the sweaty couple grunting in the bed made it perfectly obvious that it was occupied. Our next try was just as fruitless. This room I knew to be Jameson's and whoever was in there, probably Jameson himself, had taken the precaution of locking the door. Their impassioned noises made it clear that they were as occupied as the last couple had been. The only room left then belonged to Jameson's parents. Score! It was empty. I led the way inside. Still not sure at this point what was going to happen. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked her. I turned around in time to see her lock the door behind us. "It's been so long," she said, facing me. She came right up into my arms and snuggled against me. It felt so natural to have her there that I pulled her to me tightly, my body responding as it had earlier. She leaned up to kiss my face, and then I just went for it, throwing caution to the winds. I obliged her by putting my hand on her cheek and quickly bringing her face close to mine. I lowered my head to her lips, kissing her squarely on her luscious mouth. It was an easy kiss, exploratory, her body very close to mine. Her lips separated reluctantly from mine. I looked at her briefly again and then moved back in for another kiss, this time much harder than the last. Her mouth opened allowing me to snake my tongue into hers. She returned the favor, kissing me back passionately, as our tongues explored each other's mouths. Then my hands slid up her back and into her beautiful, long, dark hair, our tongues exploring each other's mouths thoroughly. Her arms went around my neck, holding me close to her face as we sat back against the bed. Our lips were now making loud smacking noises, as our breath came heavier and heavier into each other's mouths. I broke away from her embrace for a moment, catching my breath. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked her. "You heard me the other day," she said huskily, "If Todd won't give me what I want, then I'll look for it elsewhere. I figured, well, with what I heard about you that you'd be a good choice. Besides I know you Marc. You're a good guy. You wouldn't hurt me." "What've you heard about me?" I asked her laughing, "Do I have a reputation or something?" "Girls talk too you know," she replied smugly. Well that much was obvious. Since I figured I knew where she wanted this show to end, my usual cockiness was coming on strong. "So tell me what you want," I said my hands reaching down behind her to squeeze those tender ass checks, and which in turn pulled her closer to the bulge in my jeans. She was breathing heavily onto my neck and didn't seem to be wrestling with any great reluctance as she said, "I want you, not Todd." "Be careful what you wish for," I said, softly, "You just might get it." There was no battle going on in mind or in my jeans. I wanted to get inside her badly. But if Ali was wrestling with guilt or anything else, there was no apparent conflict in her attitude towards me. I looked into her eyes, and swallowed hard. We were safely locked away in Jameson's parent's room, I'd been here before. I knew the drill, and I didn't expect any interruptions. Ali looked fine. And I was dying to touch all over her body. I wanted to lick her like a cat. But this was so wrong. This was a buddy's girlfriend! Ali ran a hand down my chest slowly, and I remembered my earlier conversation with Todd. I thought if he didn't appreciate her, I certainly did. When Ali's hand reached the bulge in my jeans, gently rubbing over it, I sighed into her mouth. That was it. That was all it took. Fuck Todd! If he could let a prime piece of ass like this get away from him, then the dumb fuck deserved to be missing out on her pussy. A man needed to protect his woman and give her the satisfaction she needed. I wasn't going to feel guilty that this precious creature wanted, no needed, a piece of me. More determined now than ever, I let my hand up the front of her sexy body until it found the mound of her soft breast and I squeezed it gently. "Oh, mmmmm..." was the response I got for my troubles, as Ali moaned in pleasure. She was very turned on now. I knew her pussy must have been aching to be touched, to be filled. Her agile fingers undid the button on my jeans and tugged down my zipper, her tongue raced around in the back of my mouth. By this point I was very excited, and very hard, having had a boner off and on for over an hour. I knew I was going to be spared the agony of blue balls tonight as her hand slipped beyond the elastic waistband of my boxers and I felt her cherry red fingernails glide through my pubic hair. I moved my hands down her body until they ended up between her covered legs. Without much effort her little hand found my nearly ten inches of iron hard dick and her fingers gripped it eagerly. She stroked me slowly, still kissing me as I rubbed her clit and crotch under the thin material of her panties. I could feel the incredible warmth radiating from her pussy through the fabric. In that second I knew how badly she needed my cock in there. And, suddenly, as she stroked my tip, I came in her hand inside my boxer shorts, just like that kid in American Pie. I'd been so turned on by her tight body all night that I'd come prematurely like I was a virgin, rather than acting like the prize stallion she and I both knew and hoped I was. My actions were so unlike me; a guy who had scored by that time with over forty of the most prime and eligible pussies at school. "Oops," she said, pulling her hand out of my pants and up to her lips. She licked the white cream off of her coated fingertips. "I'm sorry," I said, embarrassed. My face was turning three shades of crimson. I could feel it. "Well," she said, encouragingly, "Todd used to call me a prick tease. I bet you're good for a least another round." Without waiting to find out, she pulled my slightly softened dick out of my creamed underwear, and stroked it insistently, as she leaned in to kiss me again. I moaned and felt renewed vigor in my meat. "Damn," she breathed, "It's true what they say. And you are way bigger than Ben or Todd!" "They don't call me hammer for nothing," I groaned softly, leaning in to kiss her again. But I pulled away from her mouth to cover her cheek and neck with my warm lips, nuzzling her earlobe as my fingers went to work on her panties under her skirt. My lips found hers again, and my tongue slid back into the mouth of my buddy's girl, as my hand slipped into her panties. I could feel the curls of her nicely trimmed pubic hair as my fingertips ran through it searching for her opening gate. When I felt her hot, silky wetness I knew I'd found the hole that I was looking for. "Damn," she moaned, breaking away from our kiss briefly, letting her head fall back in pleasure, before kissing me again and with even more force than before. By this time I was harder than I'd been the last time I came. Her hand squeezed my shaft again, but this time I knew I'd regained control. My fingers moved in time into her hungry slit, as she beat me off. Then I slowly began to, ever so lightly, run a finger up and down her cunt lips and I sucked hard on her tongue. I knew how to please a woman by this point. I sensed she needed to be fucked, and she needed it so badly that she didn't care Todd was downstairs in the same house. The fact that he was in the living room beneath us was an incredible turn on for me actually. I dipped my fingers repeatedly into her tight box, as her warm pussy gripped me tightly up to the second knuckle of my middle finger. Meanwhile her small hand was stroking me quickly now, almost daring me to cum again, and I'd begun humping upwards slightly into her palm, unable to control myself. Ali was breathing so heavily, I worried she might hyperventilate or something. She was gasping every time my big finger went in and out of her cunt. God, if she liked that, wait till she got a load of my cock. Then she broke our kiss, and looked at me like a jungle cat. "Can I suck your cock?" she asked me, in the sexiest voice I'd ever heard. I wanted to answer with something smart, but my brain had stopped working and so had my voice, for all that came out of me was a groan and an enthusiastic nod. Moving my hand out of her panties, I watched her bend over towards my lap, holding my dick straight up in the air. She examined it for a moment, smiling, taking in the shape and size. I happen to lean a little to the left, but that doesn't diminish the overall size and length of the presentation for someone viewing me naked for the first time. There weren't any other guys in school white or black with a dick that big. And I watched her tongue quickly, eagerly, lick from the bottom of up to the top of the shaft up to the top; I closed my eyes and gave out a long contented sigh enjoying the feeling she was bringing me. My hand reached out to grab on to her long, beautiful hair, wrapping it around my fist as Ali's tongue licked all around my mushroom tip, more slowly this time. Suddenly, I was in heaven as I felt her mouth engulf the first five inches of my cock instantly. I groaned again, squeezing her hair as she began to willingly bob her head up and down on my spike right there on Jameson's parent's bed. Her blowjob was fucking amazing; she clearly had had a lot of practice with Ben and then Todd. What a dumb shit Todd was! My ears were filled with the sounds of the smacking of her lips as she slurped up and down my length. She could probably be heard in the hallway. Her hand cradled my balls, holding them gently as her lips glided up and down my mighty shaft. She tried again and again to take it all the way in her mouth and then pulled out, moving slightly further down each time, stuffing more and more in, over and over, not missing a beat. It only took her about five minutes, and she maintained a fast pace the entire time. I knew I was losing it. "Jesus Christ!" I groaned, and she redoubled her efforts, sucking hard on my dick, slurping loudly I gripped her hair tightly, unable to stop myself, and then I moaned even more loudly, holding her head down on my manhood as the flood gates opened. I came. I came all over. A stream of cum fired deep into her mouth. Ali swallowed most of the load as she forced my dick out of her mouth. She held the tip of my cock against her cheek, stroking me. More cum than I'd ever thought possible spurted out me, which she rubbed all over her cheek like the girls in the porn flicks do. She actually purred like a kitten, rubbing the end of my dick all over her chin and mouth, gathering my cum onto her face as the remaining drops dribbled out. When it was finished Ali looked up at me. Fuck, her pretty face had my cum all over it! Like a facial. Thick and white, it was spotted across her gorgeous face as her hand gently squeezed a little more from the piss slit at the top of my dick. Smiling, not taking her eyes off of me, her tongue snaked out and gathered my semen off the end of my dick and scooped it into her mouth. Finally, for effect, she released me, licking the jizz from around her mouth as she grabbed for some tissues on an end table near the bed. She wiped her face off, smiling. "Was that good for you?" she asked. All I could do was nod my agreement. "Now I think it's my turn," she ordered. She got up off the bed and began taking off her clothing. She started by pushing her skirt down over her silky ass. Then her skimpy panties were fully exposed to my eyes. I was really enjoying the view, but it only got better as her sandals and stockings came off too. I realized for the first time that her toenails were painted to match the color of her fingernails. This was awesome. Ali was putting on her own private strip show just for me, and piece after piece of clothing was hitting the floor. My horny dick never had a chance to go back down! I stopped her before she took off her panties. I wanted to savor all of this. Really enjoy the moment. I wanted to eat her out through her panties for a while, and prolong the opportunity to see her wonderful pink pussy. Which was now much easier for me, since I'd already come twice by this time. As I contemplated my options, Ali lay down on the bed next to me wearing only her panties and I watched her spread her thighs in invitation. What kind of man am I to refuse such a polite request? Her eyes fixed on mine as I went down between her open thighs. I broke our gaze so I could examine my working environment. I heard Ali gasp when she felt my lips brush her inner thigh. I love how soft the skin of a woman's thigh feels against my lips, and I'm sure my five o'clock shadow tickled her skin. Her smell was strong and I knew she was very aroused. I kissed ever closer to her greedy little pussy, gently kissing the tops of her legs, immediately beside the fabric of her panties. Her chest was heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Then with more force I kissed her pussy lips over her panties, feeling how swollen those lips were. I slid my hands under her gorgeous ass, moving them in between her flesh and the material of her panties, in order to hold her crotch up to my face. Then I sucked her cunt into my mouth through her underwear and Ali gasped again, louder this time, tingles firing through her body. She placed a hand on the back of my head, holding it between her legs as I licked at her sensitive spots. Soon she was writhing that horny pussy into my face as my tongue teased her, never touching her bare skin. Her entire body was generating electricity, and I knew she desperately needed me to touch her without interference from her panties. The material was now sopping wet with her sticky juices, and I caught her taste as my stimulation continued. Desperately needing more, she moved her hand between her legs and her fingers touched the side of her panties. Slowly she pushed them aside, gradually revealing her most private area to me. Beautiful, swollen, pink pussy lips emerged, framed by curls of her hair. If I hadn't recovered from that most excellent blowjob earlier, I was making up for it now! I pushed my jeans and spoiled underwear down around my knees. My cock was now dangerously close to being at full attention and it was waving painfully in the air. But I continued gently kissing her sensitive lips. Finally, though, she caught her breath. Then I kissed them once more, slowly running my tongue from her bottom up to her top, while nudging her clit on the way by. "Fuck!" she sighed, softly. I could taste her delicious juices again and again as I collected them with my lapping tongue. Grabbing the sides of her panties, I tugged them down and she raised her ass off the bed to allow me access. I threw them on the floor, staring at the exposed woman before me as she opened her legs again. "This is what I'm talking about," I said, to no one in particular. I buried my face once more between her thighs, my tongue, hungry, sliding into her. I pushed it in as far as I could go, wiggling it, teasing her. Ali was writhing her crotch into my face as I tongued her. Grabbing her ass with my hands, I spread her lips with my thumbs, exposing the pink of her vagina. Then I licked all over everything I could expose, purposefully avoiding her clitoris. Then I sucked her lips into my mouth, running my tongue over her sensitive skin as I held it between my lips. She moaned again, her eyes closed, allowing an orgasm to approach. I stopped, quite suddenly, and to her dismay I pulled back, looking at her. "Get on your hands and knees," I commanded, "I want to eat you out from behind. Your ass is so beautiful I want to see it." My smile was all it took, and she was up on her hands and knees right there on the bed. Her ass was bent over right in front of me, creamy white skin begging to be touched. My cock twitched at the sight. Then I kissed her ass, all over each cheek, hands squeezing and spreading her flesh as I kissed it. The pink of her pussy lips glistened in the dim light of the bedroom, and I kissed them again, finally, causing her to gasp with pleasure. My tongue once more back in her love tunnel, my face buried in the crack of her ass. I was able to suck her clitoris into my mouth, and this set her off. She cried and she moaned as she felt her sensitive clit finally being manipulated. Her heart was pounding and she raced towards heaven. My tongue tickled over her clit lightly as fast as I could move it, still holding it between my lips. She was rocking her ass into my face, gasping for breath. She whined, cumming hard. Her pussy was convulsing around my tongue as I began to lap up her creamy juices. Damn, I was holding the sides of her ass tightly, tasting her yummy sauce as she came violently. As she recovered, my continued licking prolonged her pleasure. Finally, I released her from the sexual hold I had on her. My cock was at full attention, my jeans and underwear were down at my knees, so I kicked them off and I knelt behind her. Christ almighty, I couldn't take it anymore! That gorgeous white ass was sticking up at me, and her feet were spread far apart on the bed. Ali's pussy was tingling like mad, her breath came in gasps. I knew that she so wanted this! This is what the whole evening had been about. I ran the head of my cock down the crack of her ass, slowly. My dick twitched again and again as it felt the moist warmth emanating from her slit, and then I slowly ran my mushroom tip up and down her crack. She shuddered. "Ohhhhhhhhh..." she cried out when she suddenly felt me fill up her empty space. I've never met a pussy yet that can take my cock in one thrust. It's just too big to do that comfortably. But with rocking thrusts, I drilled inside her until, with one last mighty push, my cock was sheathed inside her. By that time my massive girth was sliding firmly into her well-moistened hole. I grabbed her sexy ass with both of my hands, and I pressed her against my crotch, making sure every inch of my fat cock was inside her twat, balls banging against her, grinding her down against me. Then she came again, right there. I felt her juices coating my dick and spilling out around my cock. It was the perfect excess lube. With her cum moistening my way I pounded into her greasy pussy like a jackhammer. The friction from my cock drying up her sloppy cunt, as some of her grease spilled onto my balls and thighs. She'd come like a bucket of water, but she was still so tight around me. I heard people in the hallway as sexual partners for the evening did their dance. I'd fucked many a girl in Jameson's house, including his older sister, although he didn't know that. The springs on this deluxe king size bed weren't enough to keep down the noise from our fucking. "Flip me over Marc," she moaned, "I want to watch you fuck me." I got beneath her, and she impaled me from the top. Ali was kissing all over my face, and I met every one, as my pace changed with her hips now in control. Her tongue poured into mine and she began to raise and drop her ass onto my lap quickly, a rhythmic slapping sound accompanying the motion each time as flesh hit flesh. My rod flew in and out of her fantastic hole, and I grabbed her ass to guide her. Her naked titties were bobbing up and down in my face and I couldn't help myself. I reached up to grab them and play with them, cock and pussy be damned. Finally without guidance, my meat fell out of her tunnel, and I turned her over onto her side, sliding back into her waiting hole within seconds. Now we were spooning on top of the covers. The way her walls were undulating around my cock, I figured she was heading for another orgasm. I growled into her ear, as my hungry dick moved harder, further and faster into her. My fingers played with her nipples at the same time like she was a fine instrument. Shit, I was thrusting for dear life, fucking through yet another of her orgasms. I kissed up her neck and rolled her back on top of me, my hands once again latching onto her ass and helping her ride me. My lips found hers and breathlessly she kissed me back. As she calmed down a little, I gently sat up, holding her up above me with one arm, keeping myself deep inside her. I lay her down on the other end of the bed, lying on top of her, keeping my cock inside her cunt the entire time. She was kissing my face as I laid her down on the bed like a babe. Then I began to fuck her hard in earnest. I could hear her moan in my ears as my pistoning hammer continued unabated in and out of her wanting hole. I thrust harder and harder, for minutes at a time. Finally, I couldn't take anymore of my incessant jack hammering in that tight space and I ground my teeth together in an ecstasy close to agony. I glanced at the nightstand. It had been over thirty minutes of relentless fucking, judging from the time on the clock. This was some of the best fucking I'd had in my young life. "I'm cumming again baby," I told her groaning. All she could do in response was moan, another of her own orgasms well on its way, when I slid deep into her, holding my cock inside her. She cried in pleasure, and I felt the particular undulations in her pussy walls that told me she'd just cum again, the pulsating working my dick hard around my iron flesh. The juice just dripped onto my balls as they rested against her ass having no where else to go. Then my cock spasmed too, just seconds later, held there inside her, being milked of every last drop of cum my balls had produced that day. Ali rubbed her cunt around my steely flesh as it was held still inside her, streams of my semen leaking into her. I wondered how many times Todd and Ben had partaken of this very same pleasure before me. Finally the last of my load was shot up inside her willing womb. Her boyfriend's buddy had just committed a venal sin inside her. And man was it worth it! We slowly recovered and I collapsed onto her, her breasts mashed against my chest, my cock softening dramatically, until it slid out of her well-fucked pussy with a long low slurping noise. I rolled off of her then, realizing the gravity of what we'd done and knowing at least half of our social circle was still outside boozing it up. It occurred to me then looking at the double door, that Jameson's parents had a balcony off their bedroom with a staircase rising up to it. A person could easily get away without being seen, provided there was no one near the garage. "That was so good," I told her, and meaning it, "But I think we'd better get out of here if you don't want us to be the talk of the whole school Monday morning." She smiled at me mischievously. "Why don't you use the back deck?" I suggested, "And I'll go out the way we came in." She was reading my mind already and I lay on the bed as I watched her get up and get dressed. There are few things sexier than watching a woman you just fucked get up and put her clothes on. I gave her about a three minute head start and I checked the clock. It read 11:12. Surely Todd would be beside himself at this point wondering what had happened to his girl? I tugged on my jeans and shirt. And when I opened the door the upstairs was actually pretty quiet. Jameson's bedroom door was cracked open and pushing it a little further, it looked like he had his dick buried in someone. Seeing more than enough, I took off for the stairs. That's when I ran, quite literally, into Todd coming out of the bathroom. "Sorry, man," he said, zipping up his fly. "No problem," I replied, and then I asked him, "Good party?" I could smell the beer on his breath and knew he was way past sobriety. "Shit, yeah," he grinned, "Melissa Connors, just gave me head in the bathroom." "What?" I asked him stupidly. "Well, Ali disappeared about an hour ago, then Nicole disappeared too. We figured they went home," then suddenly switching subjects he said, "Hey was that you in the bedroom, man?" "Uh, well, yeah," I said. Todd's grin grew even broader, as he mistook my sheepish reply for false modesty. "Well, score dude!" he said enthusiastically, punching me in the shoulder, "I could hear you nailing that pussy in the hall, man. Listen, dude, I gotta jet. If you see Ali, tell her I took off and I'll call her tomorrow. If the stupid bitch can't stand by her man at a party then she's no fucking good anyway." I kept my mouth shut, realizing that to defend Ali's honor at this point would just get me into trouble. Besides she'd just banged the shit out of me while her boyfriend was getting head from some girl down the hall. So people in glass houses should throw stones or whatever. What a weird world. "Dude," I asked him, "You got a ride?" "Don't worry, man," said Todd heading down the stairs, "I'm covered. Melissa's gonna give me a ride home." Then he started to laugh at himself, and then made a drunken attempt at a joke, "Or maybe she'll give me a ride at home?" "Okay, my man," I said laughing, more at him that with him, "Don't have too good a time." I'd fucked Melissa a few times last year, and I knew that if Todd wanted it, she would definitely let him get lucky. People were openly making out at this point and it was clear that the party was wrapping up as a few couples hooked up for the night and the rest of us just headed home. Of course Greg and Steve took off without me, probably to the bars to score some chicks. Which was cool with me considering they must've figured I'd found some girl to shack up with for the night anyway. I figured I could just crash at Jameson's that night and catch a ride with him to practice in the morning. Suddenly Ali and Nicole came out of the kitchen. "Need a lift?" asked Nicole, jiggling her car keys at me and giving my crotch a thorough, and not too subtle, once over. "Well," I said, "I guess I could." That settled it. We were off in a flash. Ali and Nicole acted pretty much like nothing had happened that evening, although Ali managed to avoid my eyes. Nicole made small talk about what a lame party she thought it was. She was just finishing up her thoughts on it as she pulled up to my door, saying, "Jesus, fucking Mike in the Jameson's laundry room is getting pretty dull. But I think the smell of Jameson's sister's dirty undies turns Mike on. Hey, I got an idea, maybe you can throw a little party at your house one of these days Marc? That'd be pretty cool." She winked at me in the rearview mirror. "Right," I said, as I got out of the car, and wondering what exactly she meant by that comment, "Anytime." "Be careful what you wish for," said Nicole, smirking. The comment had an eerily familiar ring to, and then she added, "Cause sometimes you just might get it." "Right, again," I smiled, and then to Ali in particular, I added, "Thanks for the ride." "See you later Marc," said Ali suddenly, sitting in the passenger seat. She rolled the window down and looked at me for the first time since our journey home began, "We're still going to study tomorrow afternoon right? Finish that big paper?" "Sure," I said, leaning towards the window, "My parents are out of town and my brother's at college, so we'll have the place to ourselves." "Great," she said, "Call you later." Then she and Nicole looked at one another and giggled. They sounded like they were in junior high. Then Nicole hit the accelerator, and I took a step back as Nicole's car peeled off down my driveway to the main road, kicking up dirt and dust in its wake. I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Hell, I wasn't sure what exactly had just happened in the last couple hours. It felt like I'd just stepped out of a dream or something. And I realized I'd just been used for my cock by the homecoming queen so she could satisfy an itch. Me, the kind of jock who usually does the screwing and then does the leaving afterwards. For the first time I felt the other shoe drop, and even though I might have been a little bit in love, and feeling used, I think I liked it. She was a girl who could fuck me anytime. Jesus, I thought to myself, laughing out loud as I headed up to my front door. Women! What's a guy to do? * * * Copyright (C) 2002, 2009 by Eagle1. All rights reserved. All characters portrayed in this story are meant to be over the legal age to consent to sexual activity. Any similarity to characters or situations, real or imagined, is purely coincidental. Unless you happened to be there of course. May be reprinted without permission of author in materials distributed free of charge or on websites where there is no fee charged for access, provided this copyright notice is attached.