Why post my pathetic diary? Easy. While I realize many of us
write in fantasy, I'm tired of 14/16 year olds thinking like 30
year olds. Realism Folks! And what's more real than an actual
diary? In some respects the writing sucks. I have changed
nothing but actual names. Thought about elaborating, but then,
you'd get my near 30 year brain in places it doesn't belong.
This is what it is.  
The basics, however, still apply. This is my work, (for better
or worse) is copyrighted by me, and no posting without my prior
permission. Celeste's blow job principle is still in action
guys. This may or may not include adult situations, so if you're
not allowed to watch a nc-17 movie, scram. All other enjoy (or
not *shrug *).
Dating Diary 1988 part 3
By Dryad

Dear Diary,							12/5/88
Mom called my doctor, and he wants me to go to a gynecologist.
My luck-there's no female gynecologists!
Players is starting a Christmas game. Its called Secret Santa.
For the week of the 12-16th you give the person a present each
day-you receive one too, from a different person.  After school
Friday, there's a meeting. Each person who was in it guesses who
his/her secret santa is-if you're wrong, you make an idiot of
yourself; but nothing happens if you are right.
So far only 3 people have signed up for it. I figure this out
to help narrow it down a little (yes, I joined into doing it!)

Dear Diary,							12/13/88
I'm sorry I've neglected you but, well, you know how it is. 
Today has been a day of ups and downs. First, I know I failed my
English test (vocab and myth) and I got an 88 on my Grammar
test! Then in chemistry, the teacher only gave us the problem
part of the test, which was a snap. Then I got a warning in
Algebra. I didn't even get my gift from secret santa (yesterday
I got a little thing of lip gloss-children's lipgloss!) I'll get
back to that later.
On the bus on the way home, Jason smacked me on the forehead
once and hide in the seat so I didn't see him, then he'd do it
again. I always believed 3 strikes and your out, so I got up out
of my seat; He turned around and went to go in the back and I
grabbed a handful of hair and pulled back-hard. We got into a
scuffle which I got the better of.  That was pretty cowardly-
hitting from the back then hitting a girl? Most ungentlemanly
like. That could be taken as a good or a bad.  I now reinforced
that I'm not to be reckoned with and made Jason look like a
fool, so he'll probably want revenge.  Mom found out and said I
should have told the bus driver-I was in the second seat, and
the bus driver saw!
I told mom he started it, he did it more than once, and I got
sick of it, and I'd be damned if he was gonna hit me again! So
much for my fight, he doesn't deserve the ink I'm writing with.
I am being mean to Sandra, my secret santa person. I created a
riddle to help her guess who I am. Monday I gave her a candy
cane wreath. Today I gave her a pin that said "of course God
made man first--As a rough draft!" She thinks women are superior
to men. I've gotta go now, its past my bedtime.

Dear Diary,							12/25/88
Its Christmas! I have gotten a color TV (!) a skirt from Sasha,
3 pairs of socks from Lianne, powder and a Sachet from Chan, I
got perfume, a mini piano, bubble bath from my secret Santa (who
turned out to be Lindsey) sheets and a unicorn blanket from Mr.
and Mrs. Castle, a book about winter gardening and a sachet
holder from Kim and Al. A shirt and a purse from Aunt Edith and
Uncle Maurice. Perfume and pantyhose from Grandma. The last 3
books to Anne of Green Gables from mom and dad. A scientific
calculator and a Reba tape from Katie; more socks, 3 essential
oils (strawberry, violet and rose) a Bellamy Bros. Tape (which I
already had) Peanuts, Macadamia nuts a whole set of different
colored pens.  My TV is really great. It has push buttons and is
a 13". This is just this morning, though we still have this
afternoon. Katie got a synthesizer for her big xmas present.
Actually, its pretty neat-it plays things like fireworks,
popcorn, iceblocks.

Dear Diary, 							12/29/88
Its Thursday. The week is going by so fast-I am starting to
write a new book-between Rainbow Valley and Rilla of Ingleside.
I am trying something new; I write a chapter, correct it until I
feel it's perfect, then go on to the next chapter. I got a raise
in work. I bought Reba's new tape-sounds pretty good. Paid mom
back and put the money in the bank.-my next check I pay mom for
the tape put half in the bank, school clothes and "Further
Chronicles of Avonlea". I got that stupid rash back (Yuck!)
I talked with Josh today at the music store.  He introduced me
to his father. (saying about Aunt Laura, since his mom went to
school with her-which reminds me, I still have to send a thank
you letter…oh shoot!)
I now have $936 (or something to that extent) in the bank.  Or
was it $948? I don't know and I'm too lazy to look it up! "Rilla
of Ingleside" was soooooo extremely pathetic! Walter gets killed
in the First WW. Jem comes back with a limp, Carl (Meredith)
lost an eye. Rill at first was a spoiled brat, but then she
"adopts a war baby". The mother had died and she became a much
better person for it. (let me tell you!) Diary, its too bad you
can't read, this is like the best book I have ever read (and I
have read more books than anyone could imagine!) All my plants
are dying-yes, I'm a murderess-I never could keep a plant alive
in my room-except that stupid cactus which always comes back!  I
really must go to bed now!

To be Continued 
Dating Diaries, 1989

Copyright Dryad (gbbjg@yahoo.com) 2003