
          by Drifter

     It wasn't long until Karen had her chance to help her
husband Dave with another client meeting..   The following week
she was fresh out of a shower when the phone rang.  It was Dave
and he asked if she would mind joining he and a customer for
dinner in a couple of hours. When she agreed he said,

     "Good darling,  you really made an impression on Paul.  I
talked to him this morning and he mentioned how much he enjoyed
talking to you. In fact he wants to visit us again soon."

     "I'm glad hon,  I will do anything I can to help.  I never
dreamed I could really help you with clients."

     "Well obviously you can the way Paul talked...  the one
tonight is the son of the owner of a huge firm, about our age,
single.  He seems to want to sign a contract but keeps
hesitating.  Maybe a good dinner and drinks and the distraction
of a gorgeous woman will loosen him up.  Anyway, having you with
us will be nice even if he doesn't sign."

     "Gorgeous woman, why thank you darling.  Shall I dress
conservatively or a bit sexy?" 

     "I think sexy might be in order.  I want him distracted and
a you in a low cut blouse certainly will do that."

     "DAVE my, my...  you are a nasty boy...  I will call a cab
and  meet you at the restuarant at six."

          more coming soon