Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Rift Adventure By Donna Z. [donnaz33 at] Hi, this is Donna Z., welcome to my new story. I have kicked around this idea for awhile and it's time to get it out. As usual, if you are not old enough to be at this site and reading this story, or do not like lesbian themes and happiness, then please leave. This story is copywrite to me, Donna Z. 2008 please do not steal this story. Story elements: F/F; rom; sci-fantasy; adventure; war; oral; anal; mild fetish play. This story will be done in parts. Chapter one contains no sex, be patient that activity comes later. Introduction: this is part of a new series which I will call, "The Marin Series Stories." My partner and I have agreed that my early work did not really capture the inner emotions of a lesbian affair, but dealt with the sexual aspects at the expense of the strength of those same emotional aspects. Now, make no mistake about it, the sexual side of lesbianism is good to say the least. But there is much more to it than that, and in this story which is sweeping and in chapters I will try to convey the intense inner feelings that a strongly bonded lesbian affair can have in the form of a fantasy adventure story with science-fantasy like elements to it. Foreword: have you ever thought what it would be like to get away completely, right down to trading places with someone else who lives far away? Gwen Wills and Helene Tyler live different lives in very different places, but they will soon have a powerful connection. It all started with a dream... Chapter One It was an oppressively hot and muggy Nebraska night that followed a day that had been filled with blazing sunshine, and incredible humidity. But now in the quiet evening, it was just plainly unbearable. Heat lightning flashed in the sky, the intricate patterns blazing and flickering. The storm was nearby but tracking easterly and was south of the little farm. Gwen Wills wondered what the storm must be like for the people to the south as she looked out the kitchen window. Yet, there wasn't a hint of a breeze, and not a drop of rain falling at her house, but somewhere someone was getting a fierce storm. Yet out the north window, the sky looked to be clear, with just a light haze from the humidity. The aurora blazed and rippled on the northern horizon. The cause was a much larger than usual series of solar storms wrapping the earth in a blanket of highly charged ions that disrupted everything it seemed. "That ain't a good sign," said her father, "It's going to be a tough winter," he continued as he looked over his daughter's shoulder. Gwen simply nodded and was inclined to believe him. She had seen him look at the sky and predict rain when everyone else said it would be nice, and he had been right and more than once too. "I think I'll turn in early, dad. I sure don't want to go outside into that." Gwen said in a soft, but flat voice. She loved her father. He was the rock in her life, strong, patient, and smarter than most people would suspect. "I don't blame you." He said in a pleasant voice. Radios crackled and popped, and the Television reception was lousy from both lightning and solar activity, and soon the cable was knocked out. The weather had been weird, the sun was stormy, and the late summer `dog days' were shaping up to be a hot, sticky and uncomfortable ones. Finally, the electricity itself started to act up. For 17 year old Gwen Wills, the heat of the night was outside, and it was too miserable to want to go out. There was little to do, and her household chores were caught up. But the young woman also looked out the west window. West, towards the far horizon that was away from this house. Wanderlust gripped Gwen more and more. She yearned to be able to get away, to get anywhere as long as it was far away, but she had a year to go in high school. Gwen both loved and liked her parents well enough, and life on the farm hadn't been too bad. She was torn between her love of home and family and the reality that she was growing up. The area was nice and there were some things you could do. But Gwen wanted more, and the waiting was hard to bear. "So in a hurry to grow up, aren't you?" her mother would say, "So in a hurry to get kicked from pillar to post, don't be in such a hurry Gwen." A quick shower was refreshing and the cascading water felt good. The drying off and all the little rituals she did before going to bed left Gwen feeling pretty good and finally she was ready to turn in; she said good night to the folks and made her way to her room. Thankfully, the electricity had settled down and the air conditioner was working again. Gwen gave thanks aloud as she fell onto the mattress, and got under the covers. The bed seemed comfortable in spite of the humidity and Gwen thought about somewhere far away, like Arizona and her cousin Kathy, but sleep came quickly for the attractive young woman with stylishly short dark brown hair. It was a deep, restful, peaceful sleep. Then the dream started. Gwen was rafting down the Colorado River with her aunt, uncle and Kathy. She could feel the water splash, the jostle and bumping of the raft as they made their way through the rapids. What a ride. Suddenly Gwen felt uncomfortable, like she was laying on rocks, and upon awakening she found she was in a desert setting. "It must be a dream." She thought to herself. But, it felt all too real. The heat, the rocks and sand, all of it felt like actually being in a desert. "I was in bed in pajamas, and now I'm in Arizona or something. Where the hell am I?" She wondered. Gwen looked around at the desert emptiness and decided that she better start moving. But moving to where? There seemed to be nothing out there. Gwen started walking, following the easiest route away from her location, heading for a mountain in the distance. Trudging on, the mountain didn't seem to be getting any closer. Hours passed it seemed like and though she was getting tired, Gwen continued on, not sure of where she was going. Suddenly she heard a voice say "Hello there." Gwen about jumped out of her skin from being startled. She turned to see a wizened and very old man dressed in a simple white robe. "Who are you?" Gwen asked, frightened. "You can call me, Eddie, if you like." The old man said in a friendly, lively kind of voice with a smile, and with an accent that sounded New York like. "Where am I?" Gwen asked with growing fright. "You are in an unusual place. You can call it a filter of sorts." Eddie said. "A filter, what do you mean a filter?" Gwen asked with concern. "Filters trap things that don't belong in places, and you don't belong here. My job is to make sure that beings like you get to where they belong and don't stay trapped here. It's a full time job, and lately there has been lots of work." Eddie replied in a funny way. "This is a desert." Gwen said flatly. "No it isn't, you just think it is." Eddie said. "Turn around and see what I mean." He continued. Gwen reluctantly turned to see a stream running in a woodland setting. There was Eddie, right in front of her again. Then Gwen looked over her shoulder and now saw a mountain setting with snow and pine trees. "How is this possible? What the hell is going on?" Gwen said in alarm. "You are having a sort of dream, but it is far more than a dream, it is an `out-of-the-body' experience. Don't be alarmed you are not dead yet. I will explain if you let me. But first, let's go and sit down, shall we?" Eddie said. Sure enough, there were two chairs in the midst of this mountain woodland scene that weren't there a moment before. "Come sit down please, I don't bite." Eddie said in a gentle, reassuring tone. Apprehensive, Gwen sat in the chair which felt unusually comfortable. "OK Eddie, what's going on?" Gwen asked again. "Listen closely Gwen, or at least that is you latest name. You are in a coma in the hospital right now. Your parents went to wake you and couldn't. So, they called the paramedics and you are being evaluated for what caused you to slip into this comatose state as we speak. Out-of-the-body type dreams are common enough and related to the fundamental human condition. Many of the most vivid of these sorts of dreams occur in intimate or exciting settings. You yourself have had a few of them and they were alarming to you at first weren't they?" Eddie said as visions of powerful dreams swept through Gwen's head. It was true, those dreams had been powerful, and Gwen had to agree with the old man. Eddie continued, "The problem tonight was caused by an interaction of solar radiation and Earth magnetic radiation upon your electrochemical energy field. You feel your body here because you are not dead yet. If you were dead, you would not feel your body nor remember those powerful dreams in the manner that you do. But you do remember your body, and do have memory of dreams and family and that is a problem here. My job is to undo this problem; however it is not going to be so easy for you to get back due to the intense solar storm going on which may be raging for quite some time to come. You are safer over here than in traveling back. But, there is another problem, you can't stay here, and your very presence disrupts this place if you do. I have to find a temporary assignment for you, but I think I have a good one. So, let me review here for you. You were having a dream about Arizona I believe, and were having an out-of-the-body experience with your cousin I think her name is, Kathy, while riding a raft down a river; sounds exciting to me. A disturbance in Earth's magnetic fields and a big solar radiation blast sent you into a dimensional rift and you stopped here. This is not uncommon and is usually quickly resolved. However tonight, the storm and disturbance won't let you get back. You are 90 percent "dead" per se, and your body is simply running on low power and can do so for a very long time. You are in a coma, but 90 percent of your energy force is here, so you still feel your body, and remember your life in a way living people remember life, but you can't stay here, so I have a deal for you. As we speak you are feeling a separation between the Gwen that your body is named and the life force within you which is not what you think it is, and are realizing that bodies are tools, or vessels, or housing if you prefer for the spirit that animates you. It's symbiotic, the life force needs a body, and the body needs a life force." Gwen listened, astonished by what she heard and what she saw presented before her. Eddie knew every detail of her life, right down to right down to the most intimate thoughts and emotions. "...I also know that you want to get out of your home and grow up a little. You love your parents and appreciate all they have done, and that is a good thing, but you are growing beyond them, and you know it too. You look at the horizon wondering what is beyond your view. I think I can help if you let me. Just hear me out here." The old man said. "I can send you to a place much like your Earth as it is now give or take a few years, complete with all of the same countries except three, a big island group in the south central Pacific, known as the Robertson Islands, and then there's an island south of Iceland, and another island off the east coast of Africa, much like Madagascar." Eddie said as he showed Gwen panoramic visions of other worlds and planets. "The idea of "Earth" per se'," Eddie continued, "is one of experimentation. There are at least five Earths, maybe six now where the ideas and plans of the higher ones get tested out in real time scenarios. All of these `Earths' have very similar development cycles, and many situations that are identical. But, some events are allowed to play out in different ways in slightly different time frames." "Here, let me show you." Eddie said. A large vision appeared before Gwen, and Eddie explained how the various worlds differed, but were the same. Gwen was fascinated by what Eddie was saying and showing her. "So, in a manner of speaking, I am like a `travel agent' for entities, as well as a `repairman' for misplaced beings, and something of a `traffic cop' too. I like my work, and work has been busy with the solar storms around your earth. I will have at least 5 more lost beings to send home or find shelter for. So let's get you moving here. Here's the deal; you are going to be a very attractive mixed race child in a city called Baltimore. The year will be 1937 and your family is in desperate financial straits and the present owner of the body you will take over wants out due to her family wanting to sell her into prostitution. I have tried repeatedly to have her stow away aboard a Robertson Islands freighter and get out of there, but the girl will not leave for family reasons even though no one in the family really cares at all about her. She is contemplating running away, but has nowhere to run to, in a word, she's trapped. If you will take over this beautiful girl, you need to get out of that place as fast as you can and onto a Robertson Islands freighter. You will go to the islands and stay there and become as one of them, and when the time comes for you to return to your present body you can if you want to, or your body will be given to the poor soul you are displacing and you can stay there, it will be up to you, but I think you will really like this new life. This lovely young woman has the same problems that you do, and please do not try to hide that from me, for I can see it easily. You can prevent a ruined life and the problems that would befall that poor being. The disruption will even out and all will return to normal. What do you say? Gwen thought for a moment, Eddie seemed to know every detail about her life right down to the most intimate secrets. All during his talk he had shown her panoramic visions of the places, people and situations of this Helene's life. Who was this old man? "Are you God? You seem to know everything about me, and where are the Robertson Islands?" Gwen asked. "Heaven forbid! I'm just a worker here. I like my work too. But in this line of work you can see things pretty clearly, that's one of the good points about this job. Oh, and I'll tell you about the islands shortly." Eddie said. The images of a tropical island paradise sprawling across the Pacific flashed before her. It was beautiful! Gwen was left a bit troubled by one thing and asked, "Eddie, if I am going to fill a body somewhere else, where does that soul go? If there is no way for that one to get to my body, and if I am 90% dead, how will the remaining 10% get caught up with me? Also, am I going to die, because, I don't want to hurt my parents?" "Ahh, an analytical mind, I like that." The old man said, continuing, "If you occupy her body there, she becomes as a dead person, completely disembodied. When disembodied, I can move her into your old body for when you occupy that other body; you will die in your given body and be freed. Literally, you will forget that you were Gwen and yet you will carry a wealth of experience and knowledge of sorts with you. The missing 10% will quickly catch up with you in less than a second's time, and in spite of the radiation and magnetic disturbances I can place her in your body very, very quickly, for she has no electrochemical field to be disrupted until she gets into a body. You are only 90% here, thus you are subject to the solar and magnetic radiation because a part of you is still in your body, and getting you back under these conditions is dangerous right now. Gwen, you have yearned for adventure beyond the horizon since you were a little child. I am offering you that chance to have that adventure and more, and asking for your help in saving a poor being from a forced reassignment and life that was not what she deserved at all. To be honest, she was misplaced, it doesn't happen very often, but it does happen, and you can help, because you are misplaced too. Think about it, you don't want the life that is planned out for you, the married homebody life in an out-of-the-way place. The woman you will take over wants the simple married life in spite of her personal troubles. It is an incredible stroke of luck here; two lives are connected and corrected. You can do something great here." Eddie's voice was reassuring. He continued to show images of the islands, and of Helene, the other girl. As images of the other girl swirled before her, Gwen repeatedly saw visions of a freighter at the docks that flashed over and over; Gwen was intrigued by this and asked, "Why 1937?" Eddie replied, "Time occurs on a curve, and the curve to that reality dimension falls in the year of 1937. How many dimensions are there? Gwen asked astonished. "Oh several million exist, but it is easy enough to keep track of. Now, let's talk about your problem. You are a sturdy and experienced sort of soul that has had many lives; I think the life you will take over will be very gratifying for you if you get out to the islands. Remember, no one in your new family can be trusted, not one of them and I mean not one, and you must move very quickly to escape a life of ruin, ill health, and early death. If you accept this and wake up there, you will see why you must flee. Now as for the other being, don't worry she will be alright, and so will your parents. She will become you in that place, with your basic memories and feelings. Your parents will find this `new Gwen' a lot less likely to want to escape out the west window. She will become you and you will become her." Eddie continued. "So what do you say, shall we be going?" Eddie asked. "Let's give it a try." Gwen replied, adding "This sounds incredible." "Here we go." Eddie said. Suddenly Gwen found herself not remembering her name but instead recalling the name "Helene" and feeling a different body. A strong, lively body that felt tall. "You are here, open your eyes. Remember, you have to get out of here right away. I'll be with you, don't worry. Just get dressed, and I will guide you." Eddie said. Gwen was now Helene; the name Gwen no longer had any meaning whatsoever. The new Helene saw the small room with several other people in it sleeping, a dingy, dirty, bad smelling room. It was a summer evening and the room had to be over 100 degrees. Voices from the other side of the door sounded black and drunken. It was still light enough for Helene to see her clothes and she quickly got dressed. Leaving the bedroom, she made her way to the apartment door and was about to go down the hall to the toilet when her mother asked what she was doing, and Helene told her she was going to the bathroom. At the end of the hall was a fire escape, and Helene clambered out onto the stairway and she headed to the roof. She ignored the others sitting on the stairs and was quickly on top of the building. Running across the roof, she wanted to go down the other side, but on the street below was a cousin of her step-father, he was a hoodlum named Darnell that Helene couldn't stand. Suddenly she heard a voice from below that bellowed, "Get back down here you little bitch or I`ll whup your ass but good, you hear!" It was her stepfather, a mean man given to drunkenness and crime. What to do? "Trapped between the devil and the hoodlum, where do I go?" Helene quickly thought. Suddenly the little voice said, "Over here Helene, go down this drain pipe, it is plenty strong to hold you and I won't let you fall I swear. "Don't make me come up there after you, you little whore, you get your ass down here now!" The dreaded voice boomed. Helene went over the side of the building and slid from joint to joint of the heavy soil pipe drain. Past the third floor, then the second floor and then the first floor and then a short drop to the street, Helene slithered down the pipe in terror of the evil man screaming at her. When she hit the sidewalk, Helene bolted down the street as fast as she could run to the nearby waterfront. In the distance she could hear her father shouting something, but it no longer mattered. She could see the gate light to the docks and knew exactly how to get around the fence, and once on the docks Helene scrambled from cargo pile to cargo pile until at last she saw the ship! There it was, it was becoming hard to remember where she had seen the ship, but she knew that this was the one, the "NRMS Sir Thomas Singh." There was a cop at the gangplank. But, he looked to be sound asleep. Helene crept up slowly and as quietly as she could she made her way up the gangplank and onto the deck. "May I help you?" An accented voice said. Helene spun around startled, coming face to face with a ship's officer. "I want to go to the Robertson Islands and be like them." Helene said, filled with fright that the officer would put her off the ship. He was dark skinned but not a Negro, he was Indian. "Really, why do you want to go to the Robertson's?" The officer asked quizically. "I think God told me to go there, go there or else!" Helene said still frightened. "Really, well if God says you must go, then you shall go. By the way, my name is Gupta, Kim Gupta, you may call me Lieutenant Kim, I am the first officer of this ship, I will take you to the Captain, and I think he has been expecting someone like you." Helene followed Lieutenant Kim silently though she was bursting with questions, yet still very afraid. Finally, they arrived at the Captains quarters, the first officer knocked on the door and a voice said "enter." The Captain was an older man, balding with darker than Caucasian skin but of a lighter complexion than Lieutenant Kim, who introduced Helene to him. He rose and greeted Helene, "I am Gavin, Charles Gavin, the Captain of this ship, the Sir Thomas Singh, a good ship out of Port Essex, Robertson Islands. I am pleased to meet you. The Captain continued, "I saw you in a vivid dream and knew you would be coming to us. What is your name?" "Helene Tyler, sir." Helene replied. "I am pleased to meet you Helene. But, right now I want you to go with Lieutenant Kim and get settled in your quarters. We have 5 other young ladies joining us for the return voyage, you make it number six." The Captain said in a pleasant voice. A crewman then came by and said, "Captain, the tide is turning, ship is secure to get underway, engines and boilers are at the ready sir." "Excellent, replied the Captain, is the crew aboard Mr. Kim?" "Yes Captain, all present and accounted for." "Prepare to cast off and when our men are aboard, raise the gangplank. Young lady you must go to your quarters. Go with Seaman Rao here, he knows the way. I will be glad to speak with you later." said the Captain. "Lieutenant Kim, come with me." Said the Captain as the two men made their way to the bridge. Seaman Rao quietly led Helene to her cabin and she found she had a roommate, but the roomie was sound asleep. Just then a knock on the door came and a pleasant looking woman stood there and said, "Are you Helene?" Helene answered yes and the woman explained that she was in charge of the girls being transported to the islands, and said, "Helene would you like a shower?" Helene answered yes, and the woman led her to a shower room. The lady was named Audrey, and was very friendly acting. She added, "Would you like some clean clothes? Helene jumped at the opportunity for clean things; she didn't care if it was a ship's uniform dress, as long as it was clean. The dress came with clean cotton undies and a halter type bra, and white cotton stockings. Such things were a dream where she had grown up. The hot water felt good splashing on her body and the soap washed away more than just grime and dirt, it was washing away the feelings of fear and dread that she had felt the bad feelings and memories washed away down the drain. She washed her hair and was both surprised and ashamed at all of the dirt that came out as she rinsed it clean. She washed every inch of herself. Helene didn't want to get out of the shower. But she did eventually, and dried off with a clean Turkish towel. She could not recall ever feeling so clean. Audrey had a good eye for fitting clothing, as the items all fit pretty well. Audrey then took Helene to the doctor and she had powder sprinkled onto her for delousing, and a brief physical exam. Then Audrey took Helene to "Stores" and had her issued undies, dresses, cotton stockings, and halter top bras, soap, towels, washcloths, deodorant liquid, powder, and a razor to shave her legs with extra blades, and a pair of Navy issue shoes that fit well. When Helene was fully dressed, she looked every inch the Robertson Island female sailor. Looking at herself in the mirror that was in her cabin, she marveled at how only an hour before there was the image of a dirty, frightened girl in that mirror and now there was a confident young woman. In the mirror, Helene saw Gwen from before waving to her, and Eddie smiling at her, nodding in approval at what he saw. For that instant Helene remembered everything from her past life. But, when she looked again, they were gone, and the memory of them was quickly gone too. Yet, Helene was a bit troubled by the vision and asked if she could go up on the deck and Audrey let her, but came with her. Already they were some distance down the Chesapeake Bay, and the docks were fading in the twilight and getting farther away. Helene turned and went forward and never really looked back. She returned to her cabin, and went to bed and soon fell asleep to the humming and noises of the ship. The next morning, Audrey awakened the girls for breakfast, and for Helene the start of an unusually extensive series of forms, tests, and paperwork. Helene's cabin mate was named Nancy, and the two of them hit it off well. She was from the area around Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Like Helene, she had had a calling to go to the Robertson's so she did, and so far she didn't regret it. They found they had several mutual interests including needlepoint, sailing, reading, the radio, and a love of cats. The Sir Thomas Singh was a fast freighter and had made good speed out of the Chesapeake during the night, and was already off the North Carolina coast, and past Cape Hatteras. Soon they were off the coast of Florida in just two days, with the weather getting hotter every day. Two days later, the ship put in at Kingston, Jamaica to take on rum and spices, though they had to wait for some time before docking. In less than 12 hours the ship was back underway. Along the way, work was found for the girls, and Helene was assigned to the Yeoman keeping up with the logs and charts. Her roommate Nancy worked with the Boson's Mate, and spent her days mostly painting, a task she actually liked. The others had a variety of jobs from clerking in Ship's Stores to running messages from Communications. Helene got on well with the others who were all white and at first a bit leery of the darker skinned Helene, though Helene was very light skinned by black standards, less "yellow" than a sort of Mediterranean brown color, Helene had Nordic facial features but a somewhat "African" body. But as the days passed along and the ship neared the Panama Canal, the race issue had disappeared. The girls had become friends, and these were the first real friends Helene had ever had. There were no games, no hustles, and no crimes. It was almost too real for Helene; trust did not come easily to the attractive, very light skinned mixed race girl from Baltimore, but gradually she began to trust Nancy and then the others. The crew was nice and seemed to work together like a good running machine. The girls felt comfortable around the crewmen and besides Audrey, who was Third Officer on this ship insured she knew where everyone was and if they were busy or not. "Mother Suresh" as she was known to many of the crew was well liked, but could be a bit tough where her transport girls and boys were concerned. Helene marveled at the Panama Canal and got to see it from the ship's bridge house, as the pilot guided the ship smoothly from lock to lock, and then across the lake and then down the Pacific side locks past Balboa and after dropping off the pilot, it was out into the Pacific heading west southwesterly towards the islands. Helene had also noticed that everything seemed to come in 2 languages, a squiggly looking script, and English. The squiggly language was Tamil, the National Language, and English was also an official language for all legal, military, and governmental affairs. The society was fully bilingual, and Audrey conducted Tamil classes for the girls and the crew assisted with enthusiasm and soon Helene had picked up several hundred Tamil words including some off-color slang, and soon began to understand the unusual postposition structure of the language fairly well. It was radically different from English, but the 2 languages did seem to complement one another. The ship got into a busy shipping lane and soon they were part of a long convoy of ships that were returning from the Americas and on course to enter the Island waters at Cape Jac Island on the eastern edge of the nation. Helene began to notice that memories of Baltimore and her awful childhood were becoming distant dream-like mirages from some faraway place. She would watch the blinking of the communications lights between the ships and was surprised at how far light traveled over the water. The blinking lights, like she had seen on many a night near the Baltimore docks, but now Baltimore might as well have been on the moon. Each day there was a religious service and it seemed the entire crew showed up. It was an early Vedic based religion that was well over 10,000 years old that until just over a century before was unknown and forgotten. However, the ancient religion and its hundreds of stone tablets that told its message were re-discovered in 1822 by an English explorer visiting India, named Lord Henry Robertson. The discovery was cataclysmic in India, and Robertson was the subject of a great miracle the aftermath of which left his full head of dark brown hair, snow white. Robertson was deeply moved by the event and soon had many thousands of followers from all castes and the Untouchables, and even some Muslims who were profoundly touched by Robertson's teachings. Needless to say Robertson had some friction with the Hindu holy men and the mullahs, especially those yogis preaching to the higher castes. In 1830, facing increasing trouble from the high Hindu priests, Robertson left Madras with several ship loads of settlers and supplies and led the convoy on a long and perilous journey to an uncharted and seemingly impenetrable island group in the South Central Pacific that had been known of since the seventeenth century which even Polynesian natives said no one had ever come back from alive from. Indeed, no one who attempted to penetrate the reefs and rock formations that ringed the large island group had ever come back alive from the adventure, and many hundreds of mariners had tried, and all had failed, or died trying. Called "The Devil's Land" the islands were surrounded by a strange tooth like rock formation system that gave the impression of teeth rising and falling as the waves crashed against the hard granite stone of the outer islands. Then there were the reefs and sandbars which were quite dangerous. Many a mariner had come to his death on the "Devil's Teeth" as those rocks were called. But Robertson proclaimed that through a revelation, he knew of a way in and would lead his followers to a Zion. Back in India, most people thought they had seen the last of Robertson, he and those foolish enough to follow him would never be seen again. Sure enough, Robertson found a narrow and perilous passage on the western edge of the archipelago, and the ships sailed through and eventually landed on what is today, Victoria Island. The archipelago was an unspoiled paradise! The only animal dangers appeared to be certain unusual snakes, very plentiful stone fish and several kinds of smaller tropical sharks, most notably, lemon sharks. Robertson formed a village on the southwest end of the Island they had landed on and called the community "New Madras," but by 1840 the village, now a prosperous small city, was renamed "Port Victoria." Robertson's ships made 11 voyages from India to the Robertson's and back again. Robertson's triumphant return to Madras in 1831 cemented his reputation as a great mariner and explorer. Robertson left India for the last time in 1840 Robertson was very shrewd, and no fool when it came to the machinations of the British colonialists, and he was able to keep the colonial exploiters at bay, for virtually his entire life, [and he lived to be 101 years old]. But in 1841, and under pressure from the crown, Robertson did accept a British governor-overseer. However Robertson shrewdly maneuvered around and was able to pick a Governor of his own choosing, Sir Harold Mackay, a devotee of the new Vedic faith that Robertson preached, and a man trusted by the Crown. For the next 50 years, Mackay would be the Governor for the Crown. Mackay strongly recommended Commonwealth status for the island nation in 1886 and the Crown reluctantly agreed. Sir Harold stayed on in the islands and died there in 1890. Lord Robertson died in 1897, and his son Harry, who was named for his good friend Sir Harold McKay, has ruled the country as the highly popular elected President very effectively since then. The islands are very wealthy in gold, precious gems, silver, platinum, palladium, copper, and even some coal of high grade. In the 1920's oil was discovered in the Victoria North Channel, and since then the nation has become very powerful. The history of the islands is fascinating with a long love-hate relationship with both Great Britain and the United States. The British settled their issues during the Zulu War of 1879 when elements of the Robertson Islands Army assisted in the battle of Roark's Drift, decisively helping the beleaguered British forces defeat a vastly superior in numbers attacking forces, and then served with distinction for the rest of the campaign. Any remaining issues were settled during the Great War when Robertson Islands Army troops spelled the British in India, freeing up many thousands of troops for the Western Front, its Air Corps served with distinction in France, and its Navy was very effective in keeping the sea lanes open to Britain. Helene learned all about the history of a people that had become great in a short time. She marveled at how the Indian and European, British, and American settlers had intermarried and produced an extraordinary people. And she learned about how some become a strong force for freedom and liberty. But she also learned of American attempts to intervene in the Robertson's and how they had been rebuffed soundly, not once, but twice. Relations with America were another matter. Two times in the nineteenth century America had tried to take over the island nation, both times ended in bloody failure for the Americans. The first time was during the American Civil War when renegade Union Naval units under the command of a man named Underwood attempted to lay claim to the eastern passage. After some initial success in capturing some uninhabited outpost islands, Underwood found himself confronted by the entire Robertson Islands Eastern Fleet under the command of Captain Vejay "Tommy" Jac, and over thirty thousand naval infantry troops. It was a rout. Underwood fled in order to save his ships from certain destruction, but was intercepted by a flying squadron of fast first rate ships and cut to pieces. Captain Jac then chased Underwood's surviving ships all the way back to San Francisco. All land based American troops were captured with only a few getting shot. The aftermath saw over 1100 American troops and sailors captured, 6 warships captured or sunk, 2 troop ships captured, 359 soldiers and sailors killed, and a formal protest to the Americans asking if war was their intention was filed through the British which caught Abraham Lincoln by complete surprise. A furious Lincoln moved to calm the matter quickly and Underwood was hanged. The cause had been Underwood suspecting that the Robertson's were aiding the Confederacy, or at least that's what most of his crew thought. But Underwood's motives were baser; he was looking to get rich quick and thought the peaceful island nation would be easy pickings for an armed horde. The second attempt was a privately funded plot in 1884 to penetrate the nation from the north. A cabal of Republican politicians and wealthy men wanted to "better manage" the island nation. The attempt ended as a bloody fiasco when the ships ran aground on rocky shoals in waters teeming with stone fish and sharks. The men were reduced to cannibalism before naval forces again under the command of now Admiral Jac arrived, and witnessed the horrifying spectacle. The broken, half mad survivors were returned and the story was sensational. Several political and commercial figures of importance were destroyed by the attempt to grab the islands. Tensions rose again when President Teddy Roosevelt had wanted the "Great White Fleet" to be allowed to have a port of call in the islands, but memories of the two previous events with American ships wanting to make "a call" were still fresh in many minds and the nation refused. Roosevelt was not pleased, but did not force the issue. Following the Great War, thousands of British, American, French and German ex-soldiers emigrated to the Robertson's, and their influence has been profound. These war damaged men were a strong voice for liberty and freedom and found the peace and tranquility of the Robertson's very much to their liking. However, after the war there began a slow but steady influx of mainly American youths who stowed away aboard Robertson Island ships, claiming God had told them in a dream to go out to the islands. When the High Priest of the National Temple claimed that this was indeed a command from God, and that they should be welcomed, the stowaways were treated as honored guests. The result has been a slow steady influx of Americans into the nation that varies considerably from year to year. But there is one trend that is very noticeable, and that is that there are more stowaways during trying times than during quiet ones, and no one is sure why that is. But the issue also provokes controversy as most of the stowaways are girls who marry darker skinned islanders, or are homosexual, and the homosexual group is by far the larger of the two. Boys come to the islands too. They tend to be white or mixed race, are mainly British, Canadian, or American, marry island women, and lead exceptionally happy family lives. But the number of boys who go to the islands is smaller than the number of girls and these boys have a number of somewhat specific features. But the days went by steadily, and for Helene the life of a sailor seemed to be very agreeable. The daily routines became the pulse of the ship's life. Helene impressed the officers with her, neatness, pleasant manner, orderly conduct, efficiency, and attention to detail. She picked up on the order and protocol of the Navy Merchant Marine service to such an extent that Captain Gavin strongly suggested that Helene join the Navy when her school terms were completed, and stated he would write a letter of recommendation on her behalf if she wished. Helene watched the sky and kept note of the increasing cloudiness, and increasing size of the waves. Four days out from the Panama Canal, the ship found itself in a powerful storm, and facing huge waves. Captain Gavin was well experienced with Pacific gales and kept the ship safe. But the pitching and rolling was so severe that the cooks were unable to feed the crew and sandwiches had to be sent to them. While some others got quite seasick, Helene held her own quite well. Lieutenant Kim said that Helene was a "good sailor" meaning she didn't get seasick and had good sea legs, and that she should join the navy. She also made friends by being one of the people who brought sandwiches and drink to the crewmen. The pitching decks did not seem to affect her balance as badly as some of the others. Good sea legs. While delivering food to the crew during the worst of the gale, Helene happened to open a wrong door and found herself in a crew showers location. In there was a young man who could not have been a day over nineteen, he was a light skinned mixed race lad with somewhat Indian facial features and eyes, and he was very handsome. He was also naked, and Helene could not help but notice the good physique and the astonishing manhood of this beautiful young man dangling nearly half way down his thigh. The man quickly moved to cover himself and Helene promptly fled the room. She would later meet him on deck, and learned his name was Richard. He was eighteen and fresh from training on his first voyage as an engineering mate, and he loved the Navy. They talked a little but they had duties to do, and besides, "Mother Suresh" was keeping watch. She admonished Helene to not fraternize with the crew, "even though he is a very handsome one" she added in a humorous manner that Helene understood immediately to mean "don't fraternize, but if you do, that boy is a fine one to do it with." So much to learn, but when the call of "Land Ho" came from the lookout she knew it was all worth it. There it was in the distance, the tall peak of Cape Jac Island. They had lost three days in the powerful squall, but that was past them now, the sun was out and the sea was calming down. The `Eastern Passage' to the Robertson Islands is a narrow one and it can be treacherous. Ships must pass in single file due to the narrowness of the deep water passage, and there is traffic control to allow ships in and out in an orderly way. Helene watched closely and stayed out of the way as the Captain and helmsman guided the large freighter into the passage. She saw the many antennae of the radio and navigation signal stations that festooned Cape Jac Island. Cape Jac is literally a tall mountain in the sea, and its southerly neighbor, Passage Island is no small affair either. But with skill and care and plenty of patience, Captain Gavin got the big freighter through the narrow inlet and into the area of the first ring of islands called "The Barrens" because they are little more than massive granite rocks with nothing growing on them and no fresh water sources. It was another day before the ship was through the marked but still troublesome passages through "The Barrens." But they had made it, and Helene knew she had made the right choices in coming to this land. End of Chapter 1