Hi, this is Donna Z.  Sorry for the long delay in writing,
but with the holidays and all, things got quite hectic.
In this new installment to my "Hometown Stories"
series dealing with the rampant lesbian and bisexual
underground among my classmates and friends, in our
medium sized midwestern US city.
In this episode, we'll meet Helen.  Helen is a friend,
and her story is a somewhat cautionary one.
I wish to give special thanks to the real life woman who
has let me describe her encounter.  Helen is a
psuedonym.  As in all my stories in this series, the names
and locations have been changed.  This particular story
differs from most of my other stories in the "Hometown"
series because it came late in my tenure as an
exclusively lesbian young woman.

Story elements: F/F, cons, oral, mild ws, very mild scat
                       Donna Z.
At age 25, I was still in college working on my master's
degree, plus working part time for a marketing
research company as a statistician.  At that job, I ran into
a woman I had gone to school with, but who was a year
older than Shonda and myself.

Shonda had graduated and had been accepted at
Georgetown Universty in a master's program in
public administration.  Our separation was pretty
much permanent.  Yet, I had been lucky to have
friends who were emotionally supportive during
this heartbreaking time.

Finding a partner for a tryst was also no big problem,
though the lonliness I felt without my virtually lifelong
friend, cohort, and "partner in crime" was at times
crushing, usually something came along to bouy my
spirits.  One such bouy was Helen.

Helen was part of the "crew" but ran with the older
crowd.  Toya and Linda who I introduced you to in
"The Lesbian Walk" both knew Helen and liked her.
But her group was just older than our sleep-over
crowd.  Age lines were quite established and adhered
to unless you were really out about your sexuality,
or you had a friend in that other group.  It was just
the way it was.

As Toya was certainly the most out, and the most
sexually active and advanced in our group, far
and away, I didn't doubt her comments when I
told her I had run into Helen and was getting
chummy with her.  Toya told me, "Hon, she's way
ahead of you, you are in for a wild ride with her."

It was a Friday night, I had nothing pressing, and no
work scheduled for Saturday, so I took Toya up on a
date for dinner, a poetry reading where she had
entered, and two nights at a very nice motel near the
university.  That was something I always did, I never
refused a date with Toya, no matter how "wet" it got.
Toya was into pee play in a big way then.  It was
pretty wierd at times but not what I'd call gross-out
bizarre.  Anyway, we got to talking after a delicious
little interlude about this and that.   I remarked about
meeting this woman Helen, and how attracted to her I
was.  Toya lit right up when I said I had a date with

Toya sat right up in bed at the mention of her name.
"You have a date with HER!" Toya exclaimed.
"Hon, you ain't ready for that!

Natually my curiousity was piqued but Toya would only
say, "I wish you a lotta' luck!", chuckling afterwords,
which made all the more curious.

However, I did notice that after talking about Helen briefly,
Toya became very passionate.  I pressed Toya, which
was never easy and finally she broke down and told
me one of the most shocking tales I had ever heard,
before or since.

"Hon, I think you know how caught up you can get in
some one, and I know Shonda and you were pretty
much caught up in each other.  But, you can get hung
up in a bad way.  You would be surprised what can
happen in the heat of passion, you get turned on, and
one thing leads to another, and then you fall into
something nasty.

Poor Helen got hurt like that, and got real sick for
a while.  You deserve to know, but don't pity
Helen.  Just remember, she went through hell for love.
A love that was not returned.

Baby, Helen, Melanie and I used to hang out near the
Hungry Scribe Cafe' over on Arsenal, by the newspaper.
You know that Mary's Place is right near by. Well we
used to sometimes hang down there late at night on a
Friday and watch the dykes.  And, sometimes we would
try and get picked up, or pick up a girl who was a bit
on the drunk side....."

I knew exactly what she was talking about, I went to
Mary's Place now, and it was a ritual to go over to the
Hungry Scribe after a night on the town.  Cripes, we
both did that now.  There were younger girls who did
hang out at the Scribe, and around there, but since I
was with Shonda, I hadn't thought about the girls being
on the prowl.  So, Toya and her friends used to go on
prowl!  A secret revealed.  But, a secret to be kept.

Toya continued, but her voice became more serious.

"Helen, got picked up by this looker one night, who
was half plastered.  I reckon she was maybe 22 or 23,
had some Mexican in her I think, and was drop dead pretty.
Well, Helen was just beside herself with excitement
as she walked off with this cutey.

Donna, the one thing I've learned is that lookers
like that don't usually escape from Mary's
unaccompanied, you dig?  There is usually a
reason why the bulls and the sharks stay away.  But,
when you are 16, and looking for love and kicks too,
you don't think about things like that. Well, cutey
was a charmer, and a hot lover apparently, as Helen
went off the market for awhile.

Helen walked around with stars in her eyes!  She was
dazzled, and worse, blinded by her feelings.
Worse yet, we were no help for her, as we didn't know
jack about what time it was, much less wierd games
played by older dykes.

Then Helen came down with Hepititis A.  You get that
from shit.

Helen was real out of it for awhile.  She was really
broke up about something and scared about hanging out,
even though Melanie and I had gotten involved with
an older couple for games of our own.  Well, Helen tried
to kill herself.  Melanie caught her in time, and saved her.
But Helen was a basket case.

I got her to talk though, and she told us how she had been
gradually led on by this woman until she was using her mouth
as a toilet!  Yet, Helen stuck with this woman, as this woman
was evidently a hell of a good lover.  This nasty bitch was so
smooth, and so polished, Helen didn't realize how she was
being set up to become something sick, and twisted.

Donna, I like pee games, and I love watching you pee on
me.  I am presuming here, but I can say for me, and I think
you too that we have both watched turds come out of our lovers.
But did we fixate on the shit?  No, we just watched our lovers
bodies do what bodies do.  We wanted to know what it looked
like for that to happen...."

I flashed deep red with embarrassment, for I had watched
Shonda go a number of times, and had even wiped her butt
afterwords, not because I had been seduced into doing this,
but because I was genuinely curious about what it looked like.
Shonda had done that to me too.  But how many times had
we ever done this?  2 times?  Three?  It had been several
years since we had even thought about such a thing.

"Oh yeah, I see you blushing!  Don't even try to deny you
watched Shonda go!  You did, we both did.  And, you
have to admit that Shonda could drop a hell of a pile!
You know why she always wanted to wait to go until she
was at school?  It was because she would clog up the
commode at home!"

I broke out laughing, for it was true!  But, I was howling
when Toya mentioned saying once "Baby, you full of shit"
to Shonda, and Shonda replying, "Honey, you got no idea
how full either!" with a knowing wink.  She then asked
us to come along and see.  Well, we did, and behind a
trash dumpster we watched Shonda push out a log
that had to be 2 feet long, if it was an inch!  From then
on we never let Shonda live that down.  We could be
damn nasty when we were kids.

But, poor Helen had been led into poo play and she paid
with a visit to the hospital, and a sharp sense of utter
self-loathing, and betrayal.  There was nothing funny
about what had happened to Helen.

But, with Toya, Melanie, Linda, and others, as friends
Helen was coming around to her old self.  A date with
me was going to include dinner, dancing, some drinks,
and maybe a kiss or two.

It went way better than I thought it would.  We had more
dates, and after the 4th date, we did the adult things.
We were steady for a year, and I had moved in with her
early on in our relationship.  She wasn't Shonda, and try
as Helen might, she couldn't take Shonda's place, at least
my heart.

She admitted what had happened in the past, and I listened
intently, never letting on that I knew.  We broke up
when Helen accepted a promotion to the office in Atlanta,
with the same company.  It was a big raise, and a good
career move for Helen.  We were really starting to get
comfortable with each other when we broke up.  It was
a friendly good-bye, and we are still friends and write
each other regularly.

For some reason, everyone in my circle, and various
others think I am a psychoanalyst.  Helen was no exception.
Helen's story left me stunned, and mindful of how
love can blind you to evil intent.  Never say that something
like what Helen got involved with won't happen to you.
Take strong passion, mix it with infatuation and immaturity,
add inexperience in dealing with others and a big dose of
evil, nasty intent and you might eat something crappy too!

So what happened?  Toya talked to one of the big bulls
over at Mary's and passed the word about "Miss Pooper."
"Miss Pooper" didn't go around Mary's or the Hungry Scribe
anymore after that!

Today Helen is living in New Orleans, still in marketing, and
living with an incredibly beautiful creole woman.  They are very
happy, and committed to a solid, long term relationship.  Oh,
and Helen is still with the same company too!
Amazing in these times.

Helen was the last exclusively lesbian affair I had.  At age 26,
I met a man, and he would become my husband, eventually.
But he is for a much later day.



Hi, Donna Z here, I hope you enjoyed this segment in my
"Hometown Series" stories.  As usual, I urge all women to
practice safe sex.  Lesbian sex is our wonderful secret.
Let's not make it dangerous, unhealthy, or unnecessarily

Coming up in "Hometown", I'll introduce you to Melanie
and Louise....Mel and Lou.  What a pair!

I have another project comng soon, I'll keep you posted.

Best wishes,

Donna Z.