Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. <!--ADULTSONLY--> [REPOST] TITLE: GRANDMA RULES. TAGS: Huge breasts, fetish (mostly clothing), incest, bestiality, BDSM, dildos, stilettos, corsets, humiliation, submission, pain, foul language. SYNOPSIS: The story, `Grandma's Rules' describes the plight of a mother and her daughter, fallen on hard times and forced to move back into the home of the family matriarch, leaving their lives, circles of friends, school and community behind them. The move is not a simple and uncomplicated one, as the Grandmother has imposed her own conditions upon the transition; rules that the Mother fears and the daughter rejects. NN NN OOOOOO TTTTTTTT IIIIIII CCCCCC EEEEEEEE NNN NN OO OO TT II CC CC EE NN NN NN OO OO TT II CC EE NN NN NN OO OO TT II CC EEEEE NN NN NN OO OO TT II CC EE NN NNN OO OO TT II CC CC EE NN NN OOOOOO TT IIIIIII CCCCCC EEEEEEEE DON'T LET YOUR KIDS SEE THIS! These stories have all been written with a very adult audience in mind. They all have a very heavy sexual content and will contain combinations of themes. This is an erotic story, intended, exclusively, for an entirely adult readership. If you are likely to be offended by any of the things mentioned above, you should not read beyond this point, but immediately navigate away from this page. The act of writing does not mean that the author is in any way engaged in or complicit to acts of the nature described herein. The act of writing (or even reading) about deviance, perversion and degradation can be a liberating and strangely cathartic experience, but some ostensibly sexual behaviours are always going to be wrong. I cannot tell you which, or why. You have to make those determinations for yourself. The story... SCROLL DOWN TO READ... A space has been intentionally left blank beneath this... Grandma Rules "But Mom, why do we have to go to live with Gran'ma now? Why can't we just get by on our own and stay here, in our own house in Ruddlington? Why have we got to go? The fourteen-year old was standing with her hands on her hips, arms akimbo, and glaring accusingly at her Mother, damp patches of sweat darkening the grey cotton T-shirt in the cleavage between her large breasts and underneath her arms. She was panting slightly, the curve of her belly alternately swelling and flattening again above the low waistband of a very small pair of denim hot pants that pulled into her crotch at front and back, displaying the outlines of her sex in a faded blue cameltoe. "I don't wanna go live with Gran'ma. I'll be separated from all of my friends." The young girl's voice cracked in emotion as she watch her mother's ample bottom, like a deeply bifurcated peach, jiggle as she bent over a black plastic bin-bag full of old clothes and fussed with things in its depths. There was no immediate response. The peach bobbed some more, and then, in an effort to reach lower, the older woman moved her legs apart and bent lower. Her buttocks bulged obscenely in the skintight Spandex leggings, the outline of the thong panties she was wearing showing clearly through the material above the curves of her big round ass. The younger girl's eyes widened as she saw the thin crotch band of the thong pull into her mother's crack and split the lips of her pussy, and then she noticed the enormous globes of her mother's huge breasts, swinging between the A-frame space between her spread legs like two heavy medicine balls in a canvas bag. She saw that the cones of her Mother's enormous nipples were almost brushing the floor. The girl glanced quickly down at her own burgeoning chest and sighed with resignation. Big tits seemed to run in the women on her mother's side of the family. She was already beginning to wonder what it would be like to have breasts like her own mother's, her own already causing problems in school, particularly with the boys. "Friggin' juveniles," she muttered to herself, and stretched her back muscles by pushing her breasts against the restraining cups of the bra. `31 DD, and I'm only 14,' she thought to herself. `Biggest milk-bags in the school, the juvies say. Friggin' tweezer-dicks.' She returned her gaze to her mother's undeniably amazing assets. "Jeeze, Mom, your ass looks positively obscene in those leggings. Don't you have any shame?" "The older woman straightened and turned to face the girl, pushing her long blond hair back from a face that was straight out of a Renaissance painting, "We've been through all this before, Jenny. We've held onto the house for as long as we can. Once your father... disappeared, and the money ran out, there was no way my job at Blundells was going to give us enough." She paused to wipe the back of a hand across her brow. "Your Grandmother offered, and we can't afford to turn her down. You'll make new friends anyway, once we get there and settled in. Now, pass me those skirts. This can all go to the recycling centre." "But there's nothing wrong with them, Mom. I'm not going to just cave in and wear whatever the old biddy wants us to wear." Jenny's mother was pointing an accusatory finger now, "Jenny Buckson, you'll do exactly as you're told. It was very kind of your Grandmother to give us a place to stay, and she has... well, her own way of doing things. She always expected a degree of liberalism in the way we dressed around the house before I met your father." She paused, and then frowned at some internalised memory. "I guess I can go back to that if I have to," then she focused on her daughter again and her voice hardened, "And we have to." "But Mom, I only met Gran'ma the once, and I was so young then I hardly remember her." Actually, this wasn't quite true; Jenny had a deeply incised memory of a very tall, slim woman with a sneering face beneath very thin arched eyebrows and huge torpedo breasts that hung near her waist; something like a crueler version of an overly endowed Morticia Adams from the original Adams family series, or perhaps Vampirella with beach balls. More than that, she also remembered the micro-mini latex skirt that did nothing to hide her Grandmother's considerable pussy mound, nor the tops of seamed stockings and the broad lower ends of thick suspender straps with big metal clips that showed defiantly beneath the skirt. Even more shocking had been the saucer-sized nipples forming brown cupolas that peeped like half-moons from a nylon boob-tube. Her own mother had told her much later that Gran'ma had never had worn a bra and neither would she allow her daughter to either. It was a small source of pride to Jenny's mother that she had bought her daughter a training brassiere at nine, when the buds of what were now the envy of many older women first began to show. A very young and highly impressionable Jenny hadn't been able to get the picture of her Grandmother, dressed so inappropriately in what she now recognised as borderline fetish clothing, out of her mind for weeks afterwards. She shivered at the idea that these rules might still be applied, `...after they passed within her realm of influence.' The quotation from an old story about a dark queen came so easily into her head that she shook it to clear it away again. "Jen-jen, you will do what your grandmother wants us to do - in her house! as we both must. She was always a stern and serious taskmaster, my Mother, but you'll find yourself fitting in. Just do as you're told and don't upset her and I'm sure you'll get on fine. I'm sure we both will," she added, but with much less conviction. There was something else in her mother's eyes, a recollection from her childhood perhaps, a memory lurking there like something black and leathery; perhaps even painful. "Help me carry these out to the gate. The van will come tomorrow." Her mother was absently scratching at a nipple and, as Jenny watched, the nipple began to inflate, pushing out the material of her figure-hugging top like an emerging thumb. "Mom! You aren't wearing a bra, are you?" "Well, no darling," her mother said, with a wry smile. "I thought I'd get a head start before tomorrow. Perhaps you should shuck yours off too. You don't really need it, you know." The young girl was indignant, "Mom, don't say things like that." But as she moved to pick up two of the bags and brushed past her mother, she caught the scent of sweat - and underlying it, the odour of her mother's sex. In an instant, she could feel her own nipples begin to pout against the lacy fabric of her bra. `Jeeze, I hope my tits can go without support like mom's when I'm older,' she thought. While tidying up, Jenny's thoughts also played with the fact that her mother's behaviour had become uncharacteristically liberal, almost slatternly of late. She'd noticed that her mom had practically cast off her habitual jeans and T-shirt causal wear and had taken to wearing very short skirts, starting with a tennis skirt that left little to the imagination when her mom had bent over even slightly at the hips. This had been followed by a selection of increasingly scanty underwear, going from lacy full-cut French panties, front-fastening brassieres and patterned sheer pantyhose to tiny thongs, outrageous quarter cup bras (given her very large cup size) and even an 8 strap suspender belt and seamed stockings. Of late, Jenny had made other discoveries too. One morning, after she'd watched her mother work her way through a bottle of Chablis with dinner the previous night, she'd found an enormous silicone phallus on the dining room floor near the couch. Lifting it to her face, in typical virginal curiosity about something she'd heard of but never seen, she'd sniffed at the simulated veins and ridges in the shaft of the dildo, as thick around as her forearm, and recoiled on the instant as the strong odour of poop flooded into her nostrils. She'd dismissed the idea that her mother could have pushed anything so large into her ass, but couldn't help wondering how the earthy smell had got there otherwise, as she tentatively raised it to her nose again and took a longer, more lingering sniff. The cock-head end of the whopper was as big as a baseball. Her relationship with her mother had changed too. From the typical kind of mother - child thing, it had become much more a meeting between friends, even intimate friends. Since her father had gone, they'd become naturally closer, but never before on a physical level. Two weeks ago, her mother had invited herself into the bathroom after a day on the beach and asked if Jen-jen would mind if they showered together. Her mother had stripped quickly and let herself into the glass-doored cubicle, her breasts swaying and swinging, and then proceeded to soap her daughter's body all over again, paying some very particular attention to the girl's flourishing breasts. As shocking as it was, Jenny had also found herself getting very flushed and short of breath as her mother had soaped, squeezed and pulled at the young girl's titties, to the point at which she had begun to feel distinctly new and, she supposed, mature sensations in her belly and between her legs. When mom had begun to pinch her nipples and tweak them into stiffness, saying that she had to make sure that her `nips' were clean, Jenny had even begun to moan in pained ecstasy and thrust her chest forwards, eager to prolong the feelings that were flooding through her body and mind for the first time. "Gotta make sure your nipples are clean, baby. Gotta get these dirty, big cow-teats washed out baby girl. Can you suck them yourself yet, Jen-jen? Betcha can, huh baby? Look, they're nearly as big as Mommy's. Gonna be a tit-slut when you're older, huh?" Jenny felt herself being grabbed by the shoulders, not realizing that she'd closed her eyes, and pulled into her mother's slick embrace. Breasts rubbed together, slipping and sliding, plopping and bulging. Her Mother's breathing began to get ragged too. Of course, Jenny had tried sucking at her own nipples... and it was easy. She'd suckle herself at nights and experiment with a searching, twiddling finger in her crotch, over her `love button', as her mom had called it, bringing herself to little electric spasms that left her gasping and exhausted. The second time that Mom had asked to share a shower, Jenny had welcomed the suggestion and even begun to reciprocate, getting another surprise when she realised that her mother had absolutely no pubic hair between her legs at all. The changes were a source of amazement to the girl, who had always thought of her own mother as something of a quiet, unassuming prude, but she put it down to the stress of their situation and the harmless growing together of two females that had been thrust, unwilling, into difficult circumstances. Sometimes at night, Jenny lay in that hazy state somewhere between wakefulness and sleep, and wondered what it would be like to slip into her mother's bed, kiss her deeply on the mouth, and suckle once more on those enormous breasts. At these times, she'd draw her nipples into her own mouth, suck hard, until they became stiff and quivering, and then bite and drag them into brown volcanoes, whimpering with the beautiful pain. It was a delicious naughtiness, but one that she would always rue the following day when she looked into the bathroom mirror and remembered flirting with taboo. 2: Moving day As the two Junoesque beauties got into the aging Datsun, Jenny noticed that her mother had changed out of the blouse and slacks that she'd worn to the breakfast table and donned an old artist's smock over black tracksuit pants that the girl couldn't remember seeing before. To cope with the fact that the smock hung away from her mother's body, falling like a curtain from the magnificent globes of her bosom, she'd added a belt at the waist to pull the garment in a little further. Jenny also noted that her mother had to be wearing stockings underneath the pants, because the sheer gloss of the black patterned silk hose showed between the pants and a pair of simple jogging shoes. Weird. "This is for you to change into when we get close," her mother said, as she slipped a small sports bag onto the already cluttered back seat. "It'll take us four hours or so. We'll stop when we get close and you can change." "Aww, Mom. I told you I don't want..." Her mother's reaction was as shocking as it was instantaneous. The older woman reached across Jenny's left breast and grabbed at the front of her thin cashmere between the mounds. The clenching fist caught her brassiere through the tight material, right where the cups fastened at the front As her mother dragged the schoolgirl round to face her angry scowl, Jenny could feel the brassiere pulling away from the front of her ribcage and her breasts beginning to swell downwards into the gaps. As she caught her breath, the vertical length of her cleavage doubled with the pressure now coming from either side and she could sense the material of the bra reach and pass its tearing point. It actually creaked. "Listen young lady, you will do exactly what I tell you to do. Get rid of the fucking bra - and when we stop to change, you will put on everything in that bag in the order in which I tell you to wear it. Is that perfectly clear?" Jenny had never seen her mother look angrier than she did at that moment. There were flecks of spittle on her quivering bottom lip and her eyes flashed like anthracite. Tears pricked suddenly at the corners of the girl's eyes. "Yeah mom. Crystal." She stifled a sob, and then she slumped back into the seat as her mother released her. After they'd driven away from the house, neither looking back, Jenny calmed down enough to reflect that they had both been under considerable strain for the past couple of months - her mother in particular. "Sorry Mom," she gulped at last, "I was out of order." She brightened suddenly, "Like mother, like daughter, huh?" Jenny looked sideways and caught a fleeting smile, then chuckled as she leaned forwards, pulled the cardigan over her head, wrenched the already broken snap at the front of the bra and shucked off the straps. "Jen-jen, someone will see," her mother almost shrieked. "Get that cardie back on, quick. My God," and then she started to giggle as Jenny giggled passed her the redundant brassiere. She held it to her nose for a moment and inhaled deeply, glancing at her daughter's nipples as they began to harden in the colder air. "You certainly are like me. Maybe your tits are even bigger than mine were at your age. You're going to have the family rack alright." In a gesture that cut them off from their old life as completely as if they had travelled in time to another world, the older woman wound down the window of the Datsun and threw the discarded bra into the morning air. Peals of laughter drifted in the air behind the receding car like falling leaves. Later, after getting on the road again following a pit stop for lunch, Jenny's mother got serious again. "Jen-jen, it's time I told you some stuff about what is likely to happen when we get to my Mother's house. I know we`ve hardly ever visited, and there are some very good reasons for that. You need to know what these reasons are so that you will understand why some of the things that I think will happen when we get to Mother's will happen." "Wow, Mom, that sounds very mysterious." "Don't joke about this, Jenny, my Mother was a very difficult woman to live with before I got married and moved away. My father too, but that's another story..." "Sorry, mom." "That's alright darling, but this isn't easy for me to talk about. You see, it's very, very personal, and by telling you these things, I might be damaging the relationship we have as mother and daughter." "Don't worry, Mom." Jenny reached across and patted her mother on the thigh, leaving her hand resting there when her mother covered it with her own. "Nothing could change the way I feel about you, mum. I'll always love you, no matter what." "I... just hope so, darling, I really do. Look, one of the reasons why we've hardly ever visited was that your Grandmother was very unhappy when I met your father and we decided to marry. You see, mum was dead against it from the start. Even on my wedding day, Mother basically threw me out, raving that she never wanted to see me again, unless I got rid of my `namby-pamby, pencil-dicked mistake." "Mostly, she hated the idea that I could make a decision for myself. She'd always been very domineering in the house when I was growing up. She reduced Daddy to tears on many occasions; treated him like dirt, but he kept coming back for more, so maybe he liked it that way. I don't know. Sometimes, she'd make him kneel on the floor and spank him right in front of me, or use a riding crop to emphasise every word of her hatred for everything he stood for." "You see, Daddy's research at the institute was going very well. His team had cracked a problem with the kinds of medication that are supposed to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs and tissue and he was showered with money. He always came home happy and went back to work miserable, but he kept coming home." "I think Mother saw me as an extension of my father's problematic existence in her life. I wasn't exactly planned. So, sometimes she'd spank me too." "I went to school thinking that everyone in my class had the same kind of homelife, and as I was never allowed to go to parties, or bring friends home, I went on thinking that until I was sixteen. Naïve, huh, your mother?" There was a long pause while the woman gathered her thoughts and her courage, but there were still tears forming at the corners of her eyes when she went on. "Jenny, my Mother was so strong that we became like slaves in the house. She was our mistress, the determiner of everything we could think or do. Sometimes... sometimes, she would lead me around like a dog. She insisted that I wear a collar with the word `dogslut' engraved on it and she'd make me go out like that, dressed in underwear, stockings and cripplingly high heels and parade me around the garden, pointing out places where I might pee and laughing and sniggering when I had to relieve myself." "And we're going there now? Willingly? Mother, you have got to be crazy to run the risk of that happening again..." "Jen-jen, we have no choice. Let's just run with the flow for a while and when I get a job and we can get back on our own feet, then we'll find something better, don't worry." "Alright, mom, I understand." "Good girl. Look, your grandmother made me do other... stuff too. Stuff that I know now was very, very wrong. At the time, it was all a part of her dominance. I did what she told me to do because she was my mother, and I thought that every teenager did those kinds of things..." She faltered for a moment, remembering, and then... "Jen-jen, I enjoyed doing what she wanted me to do. It made her happy, and she didn't seem so hard on us if we bent to her will. I came to enjoy doing things that a child should never have experienced. It was a way of life, and I knew no other..." Jenny spoke into the pause, "What `things', mom. What did she ask you to do?" "Well..." The mother was getting lost in the lasting trauma of her memories. "She used to get a real thrill out of watching us." And more distantly, "She bought a dog, `to guard the property' she said, but it almost killed one of the maids." "Watching who, mom? Who... " "Darling, I really don't want to talk about that now. I won't keep anything from you, but I need you to stay focused on the situation. Look, whenever I'm with my Mother, she's the dominant force, Jen-jen. I become... well... very meek, submissive. I reckon that that will probably happen again. She'll probably try to re-establish the status quo immediately, so I'm just asking you to do two things: don't speak a word out of place and please, please don't think the worse of me if I seem to become the weak, submissive daughter that she once created. That would destroy me, Jen-jen, knowing that you despised me for my own weakness. I'll do what I can to protect you from harm, but you must understand that she'll use our love for one another as a tool." "My Grandmother sounds like a monster." "Well, she's not a monster. She's just an old woman with a domineering and pernicious streak, that's all. We'll be fine, the two of us. And at least we'll have a roof over our heads and food on the table. It's been pretty short commons these last few weeks. Look, we'll stop here and get changed." She pulled the car off the road and into a lay-by under the trees. "There're no cars on this road now. We can change behind a tree. Bring that green bag." Jenny followed her Mother a short distance into the forest and then watched with widening eyes as her Mother unbuckled the belt holding in the smock and then shucked off the tracksuit bottoms. She was wearing a black leather micro-miniskirt that sat low on her hips and whose hem still finished well above the v-like bulge of her pudenda. The cameltoe of her mother's sex was split by a wisp of a black satin thong with the fleshy labia exposed to either side; several heavy silver rings hung from both, the piercings making a tiny ringing sound in the still of the forest air. The skirt could only have been four or five inches long, but it was tight enough to squeak. The suspender belt that started around her narrow waist flared out and disappeared beneath the leather band, re-emerging as twelve broad straps, five on either thigh, with metal clips that attached to the tops of black leaf-patterned stockings. Jenny had seen stockings like those in old cartoons on soft-core porn sites on the net. Now, here they were, on a model with even more voluptuous assets than the subjects of those drawings. As the smock came off, Jenny saw that her mother was wearing a matching leather corset that fastened in front with flat metallic lever-clips. The half-cups of the corset were no match for the enormous amount of flesh that they were supposed to contain, and her Mother's huge breasts overflowed them like mounds of dough rising out of a pan and spilling forwards. Her Mother's saucer-sized nipples were entirely exposed, hardening, as hers had done, in the coolness. As her Mother bent to unzip the bag, her breasts hung like twin udders, the stiffening teats brushing the leaf-litter as they swung. Jenny was so overcome with the complete transformation of her mother, from Bohemian artist into porn star slut that she was having trouble forming words in coherent sentences. "Jeeze, mom... you look like... like..." Her mother finished that one for her, "I look like a skank prostitute, I know. Now get moving. You have to look like one too." Jenny was dumbfounded into mute submission, with words forming on her lips, but never moving into the space between them. First, her mother lifted out a lacy black full-cup brassiere with half a dozen hooks at the back and pulled it around her daughter's torso, fastening the hooks into the innermost row of hasps. Then, she pulled a black and white striped waspie with a laced back from the bag and got her daughter to pull it on, then worked the laces through each of the eyelets three times before she was satisfied. For herself, Jenny felt as if she could hardly breathe, but her waist hadn't been as small since she was three or four years old. Jenny then shrugged into a garter belt of her own, with seven broad straps on either side that ended in metal stocking clips identical to her mothers. Her Mother clipped the stocking tops into each of these, as Jenny had never worn stockings before. Now, the suspenders started on either side of her butt crack and hauled the tops of the seamed stockings into little pyramids all the way round to the inner bulges of her thighs. It seemed to take forever. Could it be that she was impatient to see what sort of creature she would become? And it was at this point that an amazing thing started to happen. As her Mom busied herself fastening and strapping Jenny into the outfit in which she was to meet her domineering Grandmother, she began to get very turned on by the whole experience. Indeed, by the time she'd wriggled into a tiny skin-tight spandex mini, and then begun tightening the back lacings in her mother's corset even further, she could feel the moisture dribbling out of her pussy and into the gusset of her skimpy satin thong. "Again!" her mother had demanded, leaning into the tree for support as Jenny raised her leg and pushed her knee into the globe of her mother's buttock to get the necessary leverage. "Are you sure, mom?" she gasped. "You look like a brandy glass now. Any more and I'll cut you in half." "No you won't, girl, and I hate to admit it, but wearing clothes like these again is really beginning to turn me on. Can you smell me? I can..." Aw mom, you aren't alone. I'm feeling the strangest things myself. I've never felt like it before, but it's actually very, err, energizing. I feel like a character in a porn movie." As Jenny finished tying off the laces and tucking in the excess strands, her mother turned and took her face between her hands. "Hold on to reality, girl. You'll need every ounce of your wits when we get to Mother's, and you mustn't forget that you're still only fourteen. Still a child, really." Then she took a step back, "Well, a fourteen year old going on thirty. Fuck girl, you look really whorish. I find myself becoming proud that my daughter looks like a complete tramp. Reckon we could make a buck or two on Main Street?" And then, realizing what she'd just said, her face crumbled and tears began to well up, silvering on the garishly mascara-darkened lower lids. "Oh shit, what am I saying?" Jenny put her arm round her mother's shoulders, "Don't get upset, mom. We're in this together. Don't cry, or you'll have to do your make-up over again." "Oh, thank you darling." They hugged: their breasts, in two different versions of fetish sluttiness, mashing together and bulging outwards in every direction. If an onlooker had been standing behind either one of them at that moment, the flare of bulging tit-meat would have seemed like a pervert's eclipse, being so wide on either side of the embracing females that it was adding at least six inches of width. "You're right, but we'll touch each other up when we get to the Gables, just to be on the safe side." Jenny giggled shortly at the idea of them `touching each other up', and then went wide-eyed again as her Mother took two pairs of shoes from the much-depleted bag. "Jeezus mom, how am I supposed to walk in those?" `Those' were black patent stiletto-heeled Oxfords. Jenny had never seen anything with such thin spiked heels. "You'll learn, real fast. Look, I got you ones with a five-inch heel and a one-inch platform, so you're only actually wearing fours. These," and she held up the remaining pair, "...have six-inch heels and no platform at all. Don't worry; the entrance under the front portico at Mother's is paved, so you should be all right. Wait and put them on by the car, then you can practice a bit before we go on. I'm only going to put mine on when we get there. Can't drive else." "Mom, where did you get the money for all this stuff? This must have cost a fortune." "Your Grandmother sent it by return when I accepted her offer to move back, with a whole list of instructions. This is how it's supposed to begin, Jen-jen. Are we up for this?" "Why not, eh?" the garishly costumed girl replied. 3: Knocking on heaven's door. Arriving in front of `Nine Gables', they found that the gate had been left open and drove right up to the front of the house, parking under the portico on the promised paving. Somewhere deep in the bowels of the house, dogs started barking, but stopped abruptly, as if silenced. The Mother and her daughter got carefully out of the small car. "I wasn't really expecting the yellow ribbons and the `welcome home' banners, so I guess we knock. They obviously know we're here. Well, that's your Grandmother for you." Jenny noticed that her mother seemed to have no difficulty walking in her teetering heels at all, whereas she was taking tiny little steps, trying to avoid twisting an ankle, or worse, falling. "Come on, girl." They clicked up the steps to the impressive front door and the older woman knocked on the oak panels with a gloved hand. They'd both donned the elbow-length kidskin gloves at the front gate when they stopped to check their make-up and this sensation, added to the overpowering feelings that had begun when they'd changed clothes in the forest, brought the young girl to the point at which she now felt flustered, hot and uncomfortable, particularly in the breeze-caressed triangle between her legs. The door opened a fraction of a second before the third knock and Alice's words, "Curioser and curioser" sprang instantly into her mind. Standing in the shadows inside the front door was a woman, dressed from head to toe in what seemed to be some kind of wetsuit. The only parts of this creature's body that were visible were the eyes, as the rest of her body was clad entirely in shiny black latex. Even the head had been covered in a hood that enclosed the hair and face, leaving tiny slits beneath the bump of the nose and a black ball filling the mouth behind a small opening in front of the invisible lips. The figure was apparently that of a slim-waisted woman. `Woman', because her hips flared wide into a round globular bottom and curvaceous thighs, and her breasts, almost perfectly round in the costume like small bowls, ended in big button nipples that tented the rubber at the front. It was immediately plain that she couldn't speak, a fact supported by the flexing of the rubber encasing her throat and the momentary pulsing of the ball in her mouth, though no sound escaped her. The blue eyes widened, then long false eyelashes fluttered. Her Mother took the cue: "We're the relatives, coming to stay. We're expected. Is my mother at home?" The rubber doll bowed, the eyelashes fluttered again and she stood aside as she waved them through with a mitten-encased hand to stand in the hallway, shutting the door behind them with a sound like a tomb closing. She pointed at a pair of open doors to their left. "Wait in there?" the older woman pointed. The eyelashes fluttered again, and she followed them in to a room walled on all sides by books - rows and rows of books, from floor to vaulted ceiling. "Wow, mom, a library..." And then a voice rang through the confines of the immaculate room like a falling icicle. "And you will not touch a single one of the books unless I give you leave to do so. Do you hear me girl?" They turned to face the tall figure that was advancing towards them, striding through a shaft of sunlight that spotlit her figure as if it walked onto a stage. She towered in thigh-length boots that fastened from inner ankle to their tops with laces criss-crossing between shiny hooks, but paced as easily as if her feet were clad in slippers. As she got closer, the expected old woman didn't look old at all: far from it. She seemed to Jenny to be a woman in her mid-forties - not much older than her own mom. Her long hair was elegantly curled and coiffed so that it framed her finely sculpted face and fell onto the upper curves of her immense breasts. Blade-thin eyebrows arched over eyelashes made of iridescent hummingbird feathers. These monster breasts projected from her torso like the nosecones of intercontinental ballistic missiles, completely encased in the bodice of a full-length leather corset that had clips at the front, like her mother's, all the way from the base of the cups to her crotch and another vertical row of flat metal levers at the back. Her waist beneath the pipestem of her ribcage narrowed impossibly, appearing so tiny that Jenny thought she might even be able to touch thumbs and fingertips together and completely surround the incredibly small waist of the matriarch. The lower portion of the corset swelled out immediately beneath this stem, burgeoning into a big, jiggling ass that was clad in full-cut French panties with a frilly lace hem, but it was what bulged obscenely over the waistband of the knickers at the front that had Jenny struggling for breath. Projecting outwards from the woman's crotch and curving audaciously to swing between the straps of her suspenders was an enormous shiny black cock. Jenny could hardly take her eyes off its glistening length, the thickness of her own forearm and ending in a bulbous head the size of a man's fist. `Shit,' Jenny thought to herself, `...that can't be real, surely, but I can see the veins standing out all over it. Rubber then, like Mom's dildo, but fuck, it must be sixteen inches long!' "Hello Mother..." the woman standing equally incredulously beside her began, but was instantly cut off. "Melanie, you will speak to me when spoken to, and not before." Jenny glanced sideways and saw her Mother's head fall. Her Grandmother moved silently on the carpet to stand in front of the girl. "So, Jennifer, the progeny of my slutty daughter. Getting to be quite the young woman. Are you a dirty dog-fucking slut too, girl?" Jenny almost framed a reply, her mouth already tasting acid under the sneering insults, but she remembered her Mother's insistent warnings and kept silent, dropping her head like her Mother's. "Ah, I see the submissive in you too, girl. Very good. I will enjoy having a daughter to train again. It's been too long." "You're looking well, Mother." The utterance was timid, but it crackled in the air like shoring electricity. Jenny's Grandmother rounded on Melanie in an instant, whipping an unseen riding crop across the exposed undercurve of her Mother's buttocks with a crack. The cry of pain was immediate, but instantly stilled as the vicious-looking braids on the end of the four-foot crop quivered under her mother's nose. "You have forgotten your place, Melon-cunt. It seems that I have to remind you, but then, your re-learning will form part of your late daughter's pre-learning experience. Wonderful, I love it when one can combine one task with another. We will begin immediately. Turn around, Melon-cunt, and bend at the waist. Jennifer, I need you to watch this very closely. Turn around, girl. That's right. Now, listen to me very carefully." Jenny began to feel a very deep and numbing fear as her Grandmother's eyes fixed her in their gaze. She felt as if she was looking into the eyes of a panther. "Your Mother is a born slut. The result of bad genes on her father's side, but unlike you will be, she was never trained to be anything else. Watch..." With this, Jenny's Grandmother slashed with the crop at the pristine orb of her mother's ass. The effect was as immediate as it had been before. Her Mother jolted in shock, arching her back as the pain bit into her, but, oddly to the young girl, didn't cry out in pain as she had before. "And again... And again... And again." As her mother's bottom began to turn into a wickerwork of reddening welts, Jenny could hear a high-pitched moaning begin to issue from her Mother's mouth, yet she did nothing to move away from the punishment, straighten her back to avoid the slashes of the evil crop, nor beg her own Mother for a speck of human decency to temper her single-minded need to inflict pain. Grandmother paused for a moment and looked away from the ravages she was inflicting on her daughter's ass to smile at Jenny. "Oh dear, your slut Mother has forgotten to count. Now I'm going to start all over again. Remember that, Jennifer, you must always insist that the targets of your displeasure count off the strokes they receive. Sometimes," she gestured with the four-foot stage-coach crop, " can repeat strokes that cause your slut to raise a leg, or scream out, like this. She delivered a particularly heavy stroke, aimed at the untouched valley between her Mother's bottom cheeks, causing her to lift one spiked heel off the floor as the braided tails lashed straight into her anal ring. "You are always the one in control, Jennifer. Always!" As the whipping continued, Jenny found herself beginning to grunt in time with the cadence of the lashes, thrusting her hips forwards ever so slightly on each occasion. This was not lost on her Grandmother, who immediately informed her own daughter of the fact between strokes. "Melon-cunt? [SLASH... "Sixxxxx-nngh"] Your slutty, fat-titted girl is getting off, watching her mommy getting her ass whipped. [SLASH... "Sevennnn-ooh"] so soon after arriving. I can smell you from here, you filthy tramp [SLASH... "Eightttt-ah"]. And to think you had to bring her here to start her real education. [SLASH... "Nine-eeeah"]. What a stupid doggie cum-slut you are [SLASH... "Tennnn-oooh"]. I have to disown you as a daughter and claim Jennifer as my own. You're not fit to raise a young woman like this. Just look at you. Now, Melon-cunt, tell your ex-daughter whether you enjoyed that, or not." Straightening slowly, Melanie turned her face towards the daughter she had just lost and sobbed, "No, Mistress-mother, I really liked being taught a lesson. Thanks you Mistress-mother." Her eyes tried to meet her ex-daughter's momentarily, and then fell to stare at the trails of liquid that were snailing slowly down the insides of her daughter's stockinged thighs. "Well done, Jennifer, now tell this filthy piece of trash to approach you and scoop the juice off your stockings. She knows what to do. Quickly now; control, Jennifer, control!" Jennifer was undergoing a radical epiphany, all in the space of a few seconds: one that was going to irreversibly change her life from this point on. Reasoning in her head clashed with directly with the sensations coursing through her body and soul. `You caved in at once, mom. You walked in the house and became the slut you always have been immediately. You really are a slut, mom. So am I, but I want to be the one in control. I want to be the one in control.' "Mom, get your sorry ass over here, get on your knees, and clean me up. Isn't that what Mothers are supposed to do?" "Very good, Jennifer, but you should stop referring to Melon-cunt as your Mother from now on. She's reneged on her side of the deal, hasn't she, darling. She doesn't deserve to be your Mother anymore, does she? Look at her. Such a driveling slut. What are you, Melon-cunt: what are you now?" "I'm a... a sniveling dog-fucking slut, Mistress-mother. I'm sorry, baby..." The crop sang through the air and buried itself in the quivering flesh of the tottering woman, just above the dimples in her luscious bottom; a vicious scything blow. Melanie screamed open-mouthed. "Never talk to her that way again, cunt. She is infinitely superior to you in every way now. You have lost the right to speak to her as anything but a mistress - a mistress in training that will one day beat you to death and laugh as she does it. Again, Jennifer." There was steel in the young teen's voice this time. She held out an imperious arm and beckoned with a flexing forefinger. "Come here you disgusting slut. Crawl on the floor. Lick the juice out of my sweet little cunt and beg me for my forgiveness." Melanie, mother no longer but slave to two mistresses, did exactly as she was told. 4: Introductions all round: Jenny swayed a little as her own mother carefully cleaned between her ex- daughter's legs, reveling in the unique feelings of power and energy that their new relationship brought to her. She marveled that, in the half-an-hour since they'd arrived, her mother had reverted to becoming the filthy submissive slut that she had always been under the surface and that much of this power had been ceded to her by her Grandmother, who now, it seemed, wanted to make her some kind of domina apprentice. As the tongue lapping at her crotch began to lead her into the throes of her first full-fledged orgasm, she opened her eyes and gazed at the woman who had made it all possible, as her Grandmother moved to stand next to her, looking down at the head of her own daughter bobbing in the snatch of her Granddaughter. Jennifer saw something that stretched her mind and the possibilities forming within it even further, because the previously flaccid `dildo' that had been swinging impotently between her thighs before now stuck out straight from her body, pulsing and throbbing with life. The older woman followed her gaze and smiled. "It's real baby; a gift from your late Grandfather. I wanted it, I took it and I had it implanted before his body was toast in the crematorium. Those drugs of his really worked, didn't they?" With this, she fumbled at the base of the huge fuck stick and then peeled off a tight latex sleeve that had made it appear to be a strap-on. The freed cock bobbed massively above the head of the compliant slave, and Jennifer reached out slowly to take it tenderly into the kidskin palm of her hand. "Want one, baby? Mommy will get a little man-penis for her baby - and then we'll just have to make it bigger, won't we?" As another orgasmic wave washed through the young teen's body, she smiled up into the face of her new Mother and said, "Oh, yes please, Mommy. I want one just like you. Then I'm gonna piss all over this cum-slut here and drown the fucking bitch." "That's my girl. Come now, darling. I want to introduce you to the staff and the slut there to some old friends. Pull yourself together, Jennifer. Control is the key!" "Yes, Mother, control." As she detached herself from the tear-stained face of her erstwhile mother, she smiled almost secretively down at her, globules of cunt-juice and cum smeared across her cheeks and her make-up beginning to make her look positively ghoulish. "Thanks, Melon-cunt. Just think how dull my future might have been if we'd stayed in Ruddlington. You always were a dumb fat tit-slut, but at least you did this right," and she laughed. As her new Mother strode towards the other end of the room, her massive hard-on bouncing in front of her, appearing to `conduct' the way, she was summoning people that had yet to be introduced to the new arrivals. The staff. Four women answered their Mistress's call: one was the latex doll that had answered the door... was it only less than an hour ago? This creature was introduced to Jennifer, somewhat obviously, as Rubber-slut. The next was a slightly older woman, dressed in a vinyl nurse's uniform, complete with red crosses on the sleeves and blouse, stretched tight over very big breasts. Her skirt flared out from the waist like a ballet dancer's tutu, revealing crotch-length white vinyl stockings that descended into white platform boots. Nurse Prick was also sporting a white strap-on dildo that jutted from a triangular pad strapped tightly against her crotch. "They all like to mimic me from time to time," her new Mother said by way of explanation, " amuses me." In line immediately behind the doll and the nurse came a figure dressed in an ankle-length red cheongsam: a Chinese dress that buttoned from waist to throat with tiny buttons that looked like pearly knots. She was clearly Asiatic in origin, with a café-au-lait complexion and eyes that drew upwards at their outside corners, giving her a distinctly haughty air. She was the only one of the women whose clothing in any way covered her legs, but long slits on either side that cut all the way to her hips gave glimpses of sheer charcoal stockings and red stilettos. "My doctor, Sue Lin," her mother said, and the woman nodded somewhat superciliously at Jenny as their eyes met. The last to be introduced was an older woman, perhaps forty, dressed very much as Jennifer and Melanie were now. She had a very pretty face, Jenny thought, but it was careworn in ways that the other faces were not. In each hand she held the ends of short braided leashes that attached to the studded collars of two enormous dogs. They stood like sentinels on other side, peering intently at the new arrivals as if to determine whether friend or foe. One growled, deep in its chest, then quieted as her new Mother raised an imperious hand. "Ah, my darlings. Jennifer, these are my boys, Dido and Bendigo. They... look after our happy home. Now, we must let them get to know you and Melon-cunt so that they'll accept you as members of the family. Bitch, release them," The woman holding the leashes reached forwards and snapped the links holding them to the collars. The dogs watched the face of her Grandmother-mother intently. "Now, Jennifer, don't move at all while they introduce themselves. They're very touchy when it comes to strangers, aren't they, Bitch?" The woman addressed as `Bitch' nodded her head downwards, but didn't speak. "Come boys, meet my daughter." There was a tinge of excitement in the Mistress's voice. Melon-cunt moved her head to glance at her Mother in expectation, but realised quickly that she was referring to her new daughter, not the rejected one. She cast mournful eyes at the dogs as they advanced on the girl she'd lost and tears began to streak her cheeks with runnels of mascara, as they fell unheeded onto the quivering mounds of tit meat bulging beneath her chin. The dogs circled right and left. Jennifer could smell them: huge black and tan brutes. Then one bent his head to thrust his muzzle into her crotch, burying his nose in the wet cleft of her pussy and snuffling. She couldn't help a little shriek escaping her lips. "Steady darling. Dido just wants to be able to recognise you. This is how canines do it. Be perfectly still." The dog began to lick her through the sodden panties, and then she felt the other at her back thrust its snout into her rear, waggling its head from side to side as it drove between the globular cheeks of her bottom. Another tongue began to lap at her sex, only this one had slathered the material of her panties aside and was probing at the brown rosebud of her asshole. An `Ooooh' of pleasure escaped her and her head started to fall backwards on her shoulders as the two doggie tongues invaded her sex. "Dido, Bendigo, that's enough my boys. This is your new sister, Mistress Jennifer." A hand reached out to pat the two dogs on their heads. Manicured nails, like talons the colour of blood, scratched them behind the ears. Without taking her eyes from her ministrations, the woman spoke again, but the sneer was back now, stronger than before. "You'll remember Brutus, won't you Melon-cunt?" A whimper came from the woman standing to Jenny's left. "Of course you do. Well, these are his grandsons. They'll be very happy to make your acquaintance, won't you boys? You see, Jennifer, the slut used to have a playmate as a child: Brutus, a dog of exceptional qualities. They were inseparable, weren't you, slut?" She chuckled, "Especially when he started to get his knot into your dirty little-girl cunt," again, the cackle of laughter. Jenny was staring open-mouthed at her late mother, unable to believe what she was hearing, and yet seeing only submission, humiliation and acquiescence on the face of the cow-titted slut. "She really fucked a dog?" "Oh yes, darling, but not just any dog. Brutus was exceptional. Her father encouraged her behaviour, the limp-dicked scum. These bonny lads have been specially bred, Jennifer. They're trained to dominate weak women like Melon-cunt and turn them into their bitches. I make a lot of money with each puppy that they father. Women who have lost the desire to mate with human males will pay a lot to own a Mastiff-Doberman cross with fourteen inches of doggy cock and staying power enough to fuck all night." She pointed at Melanie and the dogs turned towards her. "Now boys, meet your new bitch." At long last, the tear-streaked woman seemed to draw a reserve of strength and will from somewhere deep within her. She raised her chin, almost defiantly, "No, mother, I will not submit to that again. You cannot make me." She was interrupted, not with the crop, but with a breathless laugh from the woman who had given birth to her. "Oh dear me. I won't have to, slut. My boys will see to that. Now, submit yourself, Melanie dog-slut. I want Jennifer to see the wanton depths to which you will sink. Jennifer, look at the depraved longing on the dog-slut's face." Jennifer's Mistress was grinning like a gargoyle, staring at the degradation of her own flesh and blood as it unfolded. The dogs seemed to know exactly what to do. As one... Dido? Bendigo? Jennifer couldn't yet tell them apart, gripped with his huge jaw around one of Melanie's elbows and began to pull her forwards, the other dog had moved behind her and taken the gusset of her thong between his snarling teeth. By pulling in opposite directions, the dogs were forcing the woman to bend at the waist, to the point at which she fell to her knees with a cry of desperation. The dog at the front then released his grip on the slut's elbow and barked loudly into her face, only stopping this when she sat back on her haunches and he bit instead at one of the woman's enormous teats. She threw her head back and screamed. There was a ripping sound and the dog biting at the slut's jiggling bottom took a pace backwards with the remains of her panties and garter belt dangling from his mouth. He spat them to one side and then launched himself forwards to clamp his jaws on either side of her head, growling all the while. At this moment, Jennifer saw the penis of the dog in front as he reared himself upwards to place a paw on both sides of the chasm-like cleavage. His cock was poking out of the hairy sheath, strangely pointed, but glistening with some kind of excretion and beginning to throb as blood pumped into the heavily veined shaft. Moving his hips forwards, he thrust the emerging cock at the slut's head, while his brother bit down harder on the neck of the bitch. As her mouth opened in another scream, the penis pushed past her lips and slammed straight into her throat. Jennifer watched, awestruck, as the woman who had once been her mother choked on the beast's pillar of meat and tried to push the dog off her to grab a breath of air, but she fell to one side and, as her gloved hand slid through a slimy smear, she found herself lying crumpled on the floor beneath the bellies of the excited canines. Whimpering again, she struggled to get her arms under her heaving tits and lever herself back up onto her knees, but she was now presenting the moon of her pale ass to one dog and he seized on the opportunity immediately. With one bouncing stride, he straddled the struggling slut, squatted slightly and humped his cock in the general direction of her cunt. As she fell forwards again under this assault, he found his dribbling target and plunged half of his cock-meat into the new bitch's cum-hole. As she screamed again, the other dog took over the domineering duties and bit down on the bitch's neck, pinning her face to the floor while his brother continued to work the full length of his dog-cock into this wonderful new bitch-cunt. Without realizing that she was doing it, Jennifer's fingers had found their own way under the ridiculously short skirt and were rubbing her swollen clitoris through the satin of her thong. She could feel the juices dribbling out of her pussy, leaving fresh trails down the insides of her thighs over the stockings. Her Mother-mistress's voice forced her mind away from drinking in the amazing sight of her ex-mother's defilement and etched a new command upon her brain. "Jennifer, kneel down like the dog-slut. Yes, right there." Her Mistress's huge member was so hard now that it throbbed against the material in the vee between her giant tits. It's time I took your virginity, darling." As she moved, dreamlike to comply, kneeling down and then forwards to prop herself on her arms, she watched the dog hammering at the cunt of his new bitch, each inward thrust forcing a squeal out of her. As the older woman knelt behind her, she felt the sodden gusset of her panties tweaked gently to one side, and then the enormous bulb of the woman's fuck-stick pressing firmly into the cleft of her pussy. "I'll be very gentle with you, darling. Mommy will always fuck her little baby carefully..." Her voice hardened, becoming cruel - sadistic, "...that is, I will until you can't get enough of my fucking daddy-dick, baby. Then, I'll make you scream like a stuck pig every time I pork these sweet holes." Jennifer's eyes began to water as the huge fist of her Mistress's cock-head began to force its way into her tight little pussy. She grunted, feeling her hymen tear apart like so much tissue paper, as the invading arm of erectile meat moved slowly, deeper and deeper. The voice was sweeter again. "That's a good girl. You are absolutely perfect, Jennifer. And now you become a woman; fucked by your own Grandmother, using your Grandfather's cock. Isn't that wonderfully ironic? You're a perfect fuck, Jennifer. I expected your vagina to split, at the very least, but it's stretched around Mommy's cock like a wedding band. Oooooh baby girl, I'm in love again..." Slowly but surely, the woman skewered into her granddaughter's cunt began to fuck the nine-inches of cock meat that she'd managed to force in, like a club, in and out of the incredibly tight orifice. With each thrust, she drove a little deeper, feeling her cock-head pound first against the young woman's cervix, then wedge into the cervical opening and begin to pressure open the grunting girl's last bastion of defence against this enormous invader. `I might kill the little slut,' was the thought that went through the domineering shemale's mind, `...but she is such a delicious diversion after all this time that I am tempted to ram-fuck it all the way into the bitch. It's so long since I've been able to get it all into a human being.' She placed her thumbs on either side of the meat-piston and pried the butt-cheeks of her new daughter even further apart, watching her mammoth penis raping its way slowly into the belly of the kneeling child. "Baby, you're doing so well. Mommy's got almost a foot of her cock into your tight little virgin cunt." Then a chuckle, "...although I don't think that we can call you a virgin anymore, can we?" "No, mistress," the onlookers that could speak echoed in unison. She looked at the four loyal members of her staff: One jealous that her mistress was fucking the little tramp instead of raping her own rubber-clad ass; one wanking the rubber cock sticking out from her groin and hoping she'd get to give the big-titted teen her own version of a medical check-up soon; one wondering how long it would be before the girl died under the hugely invasive assault, or whether her internal organs would move and relocate in order to accommodate the Mistress's cock, as hers had done, and one, who's eyes had stayed on the cow with the enormous udders being raped by the dogs, thankful that her duties as kennel bitch and suckling-pig would at last be shared. The Mistress could feel the tension building in her groin, like a kettle coming to the boil. In her mind's eye, she addressed the bitch that had fallen so unwanted from her womb all those years ago. `You almost took my beauty away from me, you ungrateful slut,' she thought. `You consorted with your father, sympathizing with all his inadequacies and impotencies, until he could no longer see you as anything but a cum-receptive cow. Now you'll pay the piper, bitch. Now you'll find that the depths of humiliation you sank to before were merely a phase in your irresistible and inevitable descent. I have already taken your daughter from you, dog-fucker. Now, I am going to take the greatest delight in stripping you of all your supposed humanity.' "Look at her, Jennifer. Look at your mother becoming a doggie bitch. Melon-cunt?" The woman being pounded by one dog and held down by the other could only grunt - a thin and animal sound. "...listen to me, bitch. Look at me!" It was a demand. "I'm fucking your daughter, Melanie. See this? I've taken your daughter's virginity. She wanted me to. She knelt down here, watching her own Mother getting raped by a dog, and she spread this little butt and waited for me to fuck your father's cock into her virgin cunt." The savaged face of the new bitch crumbled in abject woe. "Jennifer, look at the face of your Mother. Doesn't she look sweet? Sue Lin will give her something to make her lactate, and then she can suckle my dogs: the puppies too. After all, it would be a shame not to find a use for those disgusting udders on the fat cow, wouldn't it?" The matriarch's breath was coming shorter now. Little puffs that hissed in rhythm with the pumping of her massive organ into the bowels of the girl. Even Jennifer was feeling the unique excitation of a vaginal orgasm building in the core of her guts. The pain had become less now, but even that had been easily borne. A vague memory, `Pain is all a part of a woman's pleasure...' flitted through Jenny's mind. `Where did I read that...?' "Melon slut," the Mistress ordered, "Suck Dido's cock. Deepthroat your new husband's filthy penis, bitch. That's right, get it all in there. Oh, good bitch." As the feelings in her whole body reached the point of nuclear explosion, Jennifer saw her mother bend her head under the body of the dog that had pinned her to the floor and greedily suck the beast's enormous cock into her mouth. It had fully emerged from the animal's sheath now and the ball of muscle two thirds of the way down the shaft had begun to swell and harden. When the dog felt his knot bump against the woman's teeth, the sensations pulsing through the immersed half of his cock, from the constriction of her throat, caused an instinctive reaction. With a massive thrust, the dog drove the knot past the lips and teeth of this new bitch and rammed all fourteen inches of rock-hard meat down the slut's throat. "Oooooh look, Jennifer. You can see the shape of Dido's cock in the bitch's throat. They've both got their knots buried in the bitch. She's tied at both ends!" As Jennifer felt the first pulses of the meat pole plunging deep into her body, she saw the dog on her Mother's back hump wildly at her slutty ass, and then kick a leg over the globes of her buttocks and stand ass-to-ass, his cock hosing out the whore's uterus with huge gobbets of puppy-juice: skeins of drool dribbling like candy icicles from his jaw. And as her Mistress began to cum, squirting stream after stream of spunk into the fertile womb of her new daughter, Jennifer's brain exploded into a myriad of unbearable delights. Her last thought as unconsciousness claimed her was, `I want it all. I want to take it all. I want my Mommy to love me...' THE END