Almost all of the characters within are the copyright of Marvel
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        For others of my comics, celebrity, t.v or totally made-up stories
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02 : or - The
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03 : - excellent, 100% free, lots of areas,
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05 : - Rogues Erotica,
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06 : The X-Men Erotica Archive -
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07 : - Age Of Onslaught &
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08 : JamF's
FOEpage, features the GenX parts of my Marvel : Herald Of
Armageddon story and X-Files : Grandmaster, with images included.
09 : - Dedicated to the perversion
of your favorite videogame, comic book and anime characters since

        And hey, howzabout, as a wacky kind of idea, if you like this
story you actually let me know about it, and send me some feedback? It's
a crazy idea, but it's just crazy enough to work!
        Dimitri -

        Wolverine : Evolution 2.

        "All the phones are down?" Ranja asked as Jessica slammed the
phone down angrily.
        "Nothing, not even a dial-tone!" the former Spider-Woman snapped,
dressed up again in her black mini skirt and a tight black shirt, no
bra or panties on, but Ranja was hardly in a mood to be sexually aroused
right now.
        It had been close to an hour since the telepathic message had
smashed down, and it had instantly sobered both her and Ranja right up
and kicked her Investigative streak into high gear.  She'd gone around
the neighbors, most of whom had ignored her repeated knocks, many others
claiming she'd been smoking opium or snorting coke, despite the fact that
they'd all seen the same telepathic vision as she and Ranja.
        She slumped down onto her couch and dropped her cheeks onto her
palms, sighing angrily.
        "We get hit with a massive telepathic message that for all we
know was sent to every single person in the world, The Avengers may have
been totally defeated, and people just act like nothing's happened!"
        "Yeah, maybe...." started Ranja, then started as a loud banging
on the door sent tremors through the door-frame.
        Jessica stomped to the door, not bothering to check through the
peephole or put the chain up as anyone who lived in any part of Madripoor
which wasn't based around The Central Business District knew to do.  She
flung the door open.
        "Well.....?" she started, then her eyes widened in horror as
the monstrosity before her was revealed.
        It hissed angrily, slamming into her and sending her flying back
down her hallway.  She instantly flipped and landed on her feet, ready
to fight again until Ranja hurtled into the.... thing, from the side and
crashed it into the wall.
        The big Filipino slammed his huge fists into the side of the
creature, which snarled angrily and flung the young man off of it, sending
him through the wall with a massive crashing noise.
        She leaped onto it, her spider-grip pulling him down as she
dropped to her feet, using leverage to lift him up and over her, crashing
it into the already dented hallway.  It rose slowly to it's feet, eyeing
her with a wary respect as she took in this opportunity to find out just
what the hell he was.
        He was tall and well built, but his body looked crudely stitched
together, as if it was in danger of falling to pieces at the drop of a
hat.  His face was an abomination, the only clear features two heavily
drooping eyes and a rough gash that probably approximated to a mouth.
It's skin was a violent, raw looking red, puckered with what looked like
hundreds of craters, lines of skin healing over them even as she watched.
        It was nude, and worst of all was the long, dangling meat between
his legs, in-between two low hanging, hairy balls.  To her shock, she saw
his cock twitch and move, as if it was about to grow erect, making her
blanch in disgust.
        "Who the fuck are you!?!" she growled,"Or rather, what the fuck
are you?"
        "Soooooo-mah!" it groaned,"Yooooo hahlllp!"
        "Help you?" asked Jessica angrily, turning to look at the damage
done to her apartment, Ranja twitching slightly on the floor, groaning
in pain,"Give me one good reason."
        It grunted, then the rough clumps of it's hands balled into hard
fists and it's neck muscles stretched as it strained it's entire body,
muscles and skin drawing tight with a disgusting, wet sucking noise.
        It's drooping eyes squeezed shut and wet lumps of loose teeth
gritted together, and before her horrified gaze it's skin pulled together,
it's features shifted and changed on it's face and he became
more recognizably human.
        He lifted his face and sighed, his body still looking like a
badly hewn corpse sewed roughly back together by a clumsy Med-Student
and left out in the rain for a few hours, but she could see that when
he was whole, he was probably rather handsome.
        Some of the lank strands of white hair on his head had grown
more lush, now thick clumps of yellowish hair sprouted out from his
scalp and his teeth had grown firmer, his eyes less droopy, even a small
bump forming in the center of his face, approximating a nose perhaps?
        Turning, Suma walked stiffly over to Ranja's unconscious body
and he knelt down, placing his hand on the big man's neck.  He turned
and grinned at Jessica, staring at his hand in horror.
        "Yooo dee-tek-tav," he grunted, his mouth having difficulty
forming the words,"Maii link to Col-lick-tiv snapped, Soo-Mah muhst
prove his-self agin, but orl census dahm-ajed."
        "Step away from Ranja," she warned, eyeing her pistol on the
nearby drawer carefully, weighing up just how fast she really was,"Now."
        "Yooo fihnd Loh-Gahn foh mi," Suma said with a sickly grin,"Yoo
fihnd Wool-Vareen and leed me to hihm... or I snahp dis hoo-man's neck."
        "Try it and I blow your brains out," she growled, Taking a step
closer towards her pistol.  He wanted Wolverine? She knew Patch was
back in town, what had he gotten them into?
        Suma made a wheezing, groaning noise that she realized was his
version of laughter.
        "Loh-Gahn orl-reahdi blow brahns up!" he wheezed,"Ahnd tehl me,
do yoo really....."
        It snorted, spat on the ground and suddenly it's face was a little
more human, a little more less monstrous.
        "Tell me," he wheezed,"Do yoo really think yuur fahster than me?"

        Sim's Clothing, HolyOak Street - One Hour Later.

        The vacant lot of what was once the most popular Bar in town
was deserted, it's only occupants now a few burned remains of timber,
some barrels and tarpaulin.
        Wolverine stepped into the vacant lot where The Princess Bar
had once stood, a building he'd co-owned and been able to enjoy a quiet
drink, smoke and brawl in peace.
        The Canadian Mutant lifted up a cigar, lit it and deeply sucked
in some of the smoke, waiting for something.
        But what?
        "There he is," Jessica Drew muttered, furious with herself for
allowing herself to be forced to track down Wolverine for this monster,
then helping it to ambush a man she'd called friend.
        But Wolverine could handle himself, Ranja couldn't, and she had
to weigh those facts carefully.  So she'd gone out while Suma had remained
in her home - holding Ranja's life in his hands - and discovered on the
grapevine that Patch and Tyger Tyger had something big going on down at
where The Old Princess Bar used to be.
        "There he is," repeated Suma carefully, whispering lightly as
they lay downwind from Wolverine's position, not wanting to give away
their position.
        "Happy now?" she grunted.
        "Not till I hold his head by the hair in my hand," growled Suma,
his appearance returned to fully human again but his skin still feeling
soft and loose on his bones,"And his body lies several feet away from
us both."
        His face took on a look of intense concentration and Jessica
could swear that she saw his skin move ever so slightly, and now his face
had less of a loose look to it, his body looked firm and powerful, his
body humming with a powerful vitality.
        "Go back to your Ranja," he chuckled,"When I have finished with
Logan, I may return to hump that pretty ass of yours."
        He slapped her rear and then leaped off of the roof, flying
twenty feet across and thirty feet down without the slightest sound
or indication that he was ever going to go.
        Wolverine didn't smell him, but he detected the shift in the air,
and was instantly ducking and rolling backwards so that Suma landed hard
on the ground ahead of The Canadian.  He flexed his knees as he landed
to absorb the impact, then threw himself backwards through the air,
arching over Wolverine as the Canadian flung himself forward with one
set of claws outstretched.
        Suma's leg slammed into the small of Logan's back, eliciting a
strangled squawk from The Canadian and forcing the air from his lungs as
the momentum of his forward impetus was joined by the momentum of Suma's
kick to knock him off balance.
        Logan rolled to the side as Suma brought his foot down with ground
shaking force.  With a growl, the sometimes feral X-Man popped his claws
and slammed them into his opponent's ankle, adamantium claws slicing
right through the thick skin like a knife through butter.
        Suma threw back his head with a howl, slamming his fists into
Wolverine's gut and driving all the air out of the short berserker,
hauling him up into the air.  Doing this caused Logan's adamantium claws
to tear through the skin of his ankle, putting him off balance and causing
him to fall to the floor, Wolverine now on top of him.
        Adamantium claws slashed at Suma's face and chest, slicing deeply
into his skin, separating flesh from bone as The Canadian's face contorted
in feral fury.
        A wall of physical force slammed into Wolverine, Suma's body
adapting to protect itself as it sent a wave of energy out from his pores
and sent Wolverine flying.
        Logan rolled along the ground, much further than the blast should
have sent him.  Coming to a stop - on all fours and growling angrily, more
animal than man - Wolverine let loose a howl of animalistic fury, calling
on Suma to face him.
        Suma howled in return, then dropped to all fours himself and
galloped towards his opponent, who....
        Faster than non-adapted eyes could follow, Logan had somehow
triggered a trap door to release for him to fall in, a trapdoor only he
and a small handful of Princess bar regulars had ever known existed.
        Suma skidded to a stop, fearing a trap, and fell right into Logan's
planned ambush.
        Spotlights flooded the area with light, blinding Suma as he was
caught in the center of all the lights, exposing him as a clear target.
        From all the buildings around the vacant lot he stood in, men and
women stood up.  They uncovered themselves from roofs, stepped into
windows and doorways, all of them holding a variety of weapon from shotguns
to rifles, Police Issue pistols and even home-made bows and arrows.
        On The Barker Memorial Library, Pino's Rooking and even Sim's
Clothing (startling Jessica, as men rushed onto the roof with their
weapons, ignoring her as they moved into place) the attackers appeared,
from across the street at English House and Margie's Boarding House,
on the other side of Princess Street at Rah's Orientale they came, all
of them locking onto the clearly lit figure of Suma.
        "NOW!" roared Tyger Tyger, standing next to a startled Jessica
as Sharon Carter (now dressed in baggy army fatigues) and General Tai
moved past her holding a rifle and pistol respectively.
        As one they fired, blasting Suma's body with round after round
of shotgun sheets, rifle rounds, pistol shots and arrows.  His body was
twisted and rocked about, twitching and dancing with the impact of the
        At his body's most vulnerable stage, the hands ripped through
the earth and grabbed Suma's ankles, pulling him down underground the
        Suma's bloody and bleeding body crashed into hard concrete and
his senses screamed in agony as Wolverine pulled him to his feet and
threw back his claws.  Behind him he could barely make out a brightly
glowing rectangle hanging in the air of the large, underground basement
Logan had pulled him into.
        "You claim to be The New Humanity, eh?" growled Wolverine, slashing
down into the broken and bleeding body with his unbreakable claws, severing
the head from the body.
        As Logan had suspected, Suma showed no signs of dying despite
losing his head, his face contorting with anger even as the entry and
exit wounds in it healed.  Kicking the headless body away, Wolverine
stomped over to Suma, lifted his head by the hair and turned to face the
glowing rectangle of light.
        "You say you're the future? Well your future looks grim, bub!"
        With that, he swung his arm back and then forward, tossing the
head into the glowing rectangle of light.  He turned and grabbed the
twitching body of The Fellow, picking him up easily and also swinging
the body through the rectangle of light, making it disappear off the
planet and out of the dimension.
        Wolverine sheathed his claws, turned and walked casually to
a small wall panel, blinking with light.  He lifted his fist up to it,
pressed against it and popped his middle claw into it, his body easily
absorbing the electrical shock to his system.
        With a flickering tremble, the rectangle of light faded and then
disappeared, the Landau, Luckman & Lake portal that had been set up in
The Princess Bar's basement was cut off.
        "It's a nasty environment over there," he chuckled,"Air is your
basic formaldehyde, creatures your basic giant Godzilla/Mothra types,
and they got a taste for human flesh last time I was there.... have
fun being The New Humanity over there, bub."

        An Hour Later.

        Logan stubbed the cigar out and turned to say his farewells,
he hated long good-byes and slipped out of the country unobserved whenever
he could, but after calling out half the population of Low-Town and most
of the Police Force on a favor from Tyger Tyger, at least a little something
was expected of him.
        The Crimelord stood side by side with The Police Chief, Jessica
Drew standing next to Tyger Tyger and looking more than a little nervous
to be with them.  As a Private Investigator she was often at odds with
both of them, but they had saved her and Ranja, so she was at least
appreciative of them.
        "Good luck, Logan," said Tyger warmly,"I would hate to lose
my conscience."
        "I would also regret the loss of one of Madripoor's
more... interesting visitors, Logan-San," said the tall, thin General
        "Look me up when you get back from this one, Logan," smiled
Jessica,"I'll buy you a drink."
        "Maybe I'll look into rebuilding The Princess then," chuckled
Logan,"There's nowhere to get a decent drink in Madripoor nowadays."
        He turned and moved up into the plane, chartered by his old friend,
Archie Corrigan.
        Sharon was waiting for him inside.
        "I've been trying to get hold of Nick Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D but
I'm getting nothing but static," she said, looking up as he entered the
plane and Archie started up the engines,"Whoever that freaks friends are,
they seem to have cut off New York from most of the world."
        Logan settled down into a chair and lit up another cigar,"Fury
can handle himself, darling, I'm just worried that we won't get there in
time to get in some licks of our own."
        Sharon nodded, they were at least 12 hours away from the wrong
side of America in this old plane, and it wasn't likely that they would
get to New York for 24 hours yet.
        An experienced soldier, she settled into sleep quickly while
Logan finished his cigar, then lowered his chin to his chest, shut his
eyes and quickly nodded off himself.

        Sharon stood naked in darkness, feeling no fear, only a mild
curiosity at her whereabouts.
        "Hello?" she asked, her voice seemingly swallowed up by the
        A light whispering sounded in her ear and a thrill ran down her
spine, making her shudder in pleasure.  Hands reached out over her body,
feeling her breasts up and sliding between her legs, fingers running up
the hot velvet slit, invisible mouths nuzzling at her neck.
        She moaned as she felt her nipples lightly pinched and twisted,
wet kisses planted up and down her body as an invisible mouth pressed
against her sex and her cuntlips were parted, a tongue that wasn't there
running up into her pussy as two invisible mouths closed over her breasts
and sucked and chewed at her nipples, a tongue pushing past her lips and
into her mouth, another at her neck while invisible hands parted her
asscheeks and a tongue slowly lapped at her asshole, rimming the now
incredibly aroused S.H.I.E.L.D Agent.
        Her breath came quickly, her large chest heaving up and down as
she parted her legs and leaned forward, her hands coming down to press
against the head of whoever was eating her out.
        But there was nothing there, although she could feel a mouth
at her cunt, tongue snaking deep up into her vagina, her hands closed
down onto her pussy as if she was alone.
        Normally something like this would concern Sharon, but all she
could think of was the pleasure of what was happening to her.
The invisible hands and fingers, tongues and lips running all over her
nude body were driving her wild with desire.  She wanted more, she needed
more! Her arousal had grown to huge levels that no substitute could
satiate now.  She had to have sex, and she had to have it NOW!
        A light grew in the distance and the constant whispering in her
ear became clearer.  She had to go, had to follow the voice and go into
the light, where she would find the satisfaction she so desperately
        Walking through darkness, Sharon Carter stepped into the light.

        Wolverine felt the mouth on his penis, felt it surround his
cock and take his length into her.  His cock was not overly long, but it
was fat and thick and he could feel the lips of the woman giving him
felatio stretching around his shaft.
        He knew it was a woman because he could smell her, smell the
familiar scent of her arousal, her juices steadily flowing.  The feel
of her soft skin, the tenderness of her lips as she ran her mouth up and
down his cock, her hands cupping his buttocks, her hair against his
        All of the senses he was feeling seemed somehow familiar, as if
he knew this women, knew  her well?
        "Mmmmm," she moaned around his cock and the voice hit it home
for him, he recognized her, he did know her!
        "Jean?" he asked, opening his eyes at last.
        There was nothing, he was alone in darkness, naked as the day
he was born.  But his cock was glistening with saliva, he could still
smell her scent in the air, it had been Jean Grey, his beloved Jean, the
woman he could never have.
        "Logan," whispered a voice, and looking up he saw a sparkle that
might have been another person.
        He rushed forward, caution thrown to the wind as he tried to
find the woman he loved with a deep passion that had to remain unrequited.
        "Logan," the voice whispered again, and he caught a whiff of her
scent again.
        This time he saw her much more clearly, it was his Jean, she was
naked and he felt his need to have her flare up.  He rushed through the
darkness, Jean becoming clearer and clearer to him, her skin growing
lighter and lighter until she seemed to flare with light.
        He did not hesitate, overcome by lust for the red-headed mutant,
his usual battle hardened instincts gone as his mind was overcome with
a red haze of lust.
        He leaped into the light, out of the darkness to find the woman
that he loved and lusted for.

        Archibald 'Archie' Corrigan stepped out of the cockpit, the
automatic pilot flying them through the air.
        "We'll be over America in ten hours or so, hopefully," he said,
then stopped and stared around the cabin.
        "Logan? Sharon?" he asked, looking around,"Where the hell are
you guys?"
        The plane was, except for Archie, empty.

        End Wolverine : Evolution 2.

        Compliments, Criticisms and/or Requests to :