Hello folks, this story is a sequel to my former Marvel Universe
story - Herald Of Armageddon - which in turn was a sequel to my X-Men
story - Something Sinister This Way Comes.  The story is rather large,
and if you miss a chapter or nine, just request them from me, the author,
at :

	Why not check out one of the following sites, which contain
my and/or other Author's stories.  Please take note that these are
NOT my websites, I'm just an Author.

01 : http://come.to/dimitri - JayDee's site, includes all my stories,
other authors and Showtime.
02 : http://www.asstr.org or ftp://asstr.org/pub/Authors/Dimitri - The
Alt Sex Stories Text Repository, the most constantly up to date collection
of my stories, because I update this directory!
03 : http://www.giffer.com - excellent, 100% free, lots of areas,
special area for my stories.
04 : http://www.GreyArchive.com (The Grey Archive, very popular, well
put together site with several of my stories).
05 : http://fanfiction.majorhost.com/index.html - Rogues Erotica,
constantly updating site with something for everyone.
06 : http://members.tripod.com/~sneal_ The X-Men Erotica Archive -
features My Marvel Comics series.
07 : http://www.angelfire.com/tx/TvArcive/ - Age Of Onslaught &
Star trek : Original Series story available here.
08 : http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/2506/foepage/ JamF's
FOEpage, features the GenX parts of my Marvel : Herald Of
Armageddon story and X-Files : Grandmaster, with images included.
09 : http://booyani.majorhost.com - Dedicated to the perversion
of your favorite videogame, comic book and anime characters since

        You must be of the legal age required by law to view pornography
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I recieving sexual favors from Monica Lewinsky (depending on my definition
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        If you wish to put this story up on a website then please send me
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        Enough from me, on with the story, enjoy!

	Age Of Onslaught 
	Part 26/37

        Quicksilver stood over Tony Stark's unconscious body.
        "I wasn't fast enough," he muttered in disbelief.
        Stark had been able to press the button before Quicksilver reached
him.  Now he watched as the computer prepared to purge the Avalon program,
and anyone in it.

        The Astonishing X-Men 8.

        "We only have one more matter to discuss then," said The Russian
Representative,"Who will lead the fleet?"
        This High Council was a great deal different from the one that
had meekly followed Shaw's lead.  Several of the Foreign Representatives
were newly placed in this high position, the former Representatives had
proved either unwilling or unable to deal with this new, aggressive
policy of The Matriach's.
        "Well," said Betsy,"It's obvious that...."
        "Ahem," said a voice, Betsy turned about in irritation and saw
Brian peeking his head through the large double doors,"Has anyone seen
        "Brian!" she growled at him,"We're busy, go away!"
        Brian's uneasy smile faded, he cast his eyes down,"Sorry, sis."
        Betsy's hard look faded,"I'm sorry, Brian, but this is very
important business we're dealing with," she sighed,"I'll help you find
Meggan later."
        He seemed to brighten at this and shut the doors.
        No longer was Brian allowed at these meetings, this was serious
business and The Matriach was quickly stamping her authority on The
High Council.
        "Does anyone have any suggestions as to who will lead the fleet?"
she asked,"This is a very serious matter obviously, without proper,
experienced leadership the pilots, ships and Sentinels are next to useless."
        "Ah'll do it," said Rogue with a smile.
        "You?" asked the Italian Representative - one of the few to
survive from the old regime, along with the German - sounding surprised,"Do
you have experience?"
        "Ah used to run with The Brotherhood," said Rogue,"Ah've piloted
past Apocalypse's and you Eurasian's anti-aircraft fire and Sentinel
attacks before, ah can do it again."
        "Impressive credentials," said Betsy,"And if you were part of
Magnus' crew it just makes it even more so, I second the motion, all in
        "Agreed," they said as one, they'd already learned that Betsy's
position was no longer as figurehead.


        Later, the meeting finished and The Representatives off to their
respective countries to make the final preperations for the attack.
        Betsy walked into the council room just in time to catch the
second Rogue's reaction to the decision on the pilot for the attack.
        "YOU!?! Are you crazy?" she cried.
        "Hardly, it's the most logical choice," Rogue replied, unphased.
        Standing off to the side, leaning against the wall, was Gambit,
whose only sign of emotion was his eyes flicking from each Rogue as they
argued, like he was watching a tennis match.
        "Fuck logic!" screamed the second Rogue, whose reason for being
there still hadn't been explained to Betsy,"You've got a child, what if
you die?"
        "Ah'm not planning on dying," returned Rogue,"In fact ah'm planning
on saving a lot of lives."
        "You can't go," muttered Rogue,"Ah won't let you, ah'll go instead."
        "Don't try fighting me," replied her AOA counterpart,"Physically
we may be identical, but when it comes down to experience ah've got you
        "Maybe so," said Rogue, grabbing Betsy with one gloved hand and
pulling her forward,"But ah know something you don't know."
        "And what's that?"
        Rogue pulled off her glove and pressed her palm against Betsy's
head for a second, then pulled it away.
        "What was the point of that?" asked Rogue,"Our powers are to
absorb the powers of other mutants or superpowered beings, The Matriach
is a remarkable woman true, but she's only human."
        And then the other Rogue slammed a psi-blade through her AOA
counterpart's head, knocking her out.


        Gambit smiled and spoke through gritted teeth.
        "Dis ain't going to work, chere," he said to Rogue,"Other's won't
know, but Banshee used to be de detective, remember?"
        Rogue had been strangely silent ever since knocking out Rogue,
but now she just whispered back for him to stay quiet.
        "Are, there ye are," Banshee said, standing by the large fighter
which Rogue would be leading The Eurasian Fleet in,"We've been waiting, have
ye said goodbye to Belladonna?"
        Rogue had changed her hair to look like her AOA counterparts,
changed into her costume and tried to look comfortable without her gloves
        "Of course," said Rogue,"Let's get going, ah'm eager to ram one
down Apocalypse's throat."
        Banshee looked at her strangely, looked over at Gambit.
        "Come to see us off, boyo?" he asked.
        "Eh... no," replied Gambit,"I'm not a bad pilot myself, thought I
might come along and help out."
        Banshee hesitated, then nodded.
        "Sure, glad to have you both with us," he turned and walked to
the rampway leading up the fighter.
        "Us both?" Rogue asked Gambit.
        "He knows," replied Gambit,"But he not going to say anything, he
knows it's right."
        They walked into the fighter.


        Citizens all over Eurasia stopped in their tracks, looking up
in surprise at the huge rumbling noise in the skies above them.
        As far as they could see, giant Sentinels, huge blimps and countless
fighter planes raced overhead, heading straight towards America, straight
towards Apocalypse.
        "Where are the planes going, Mum?" asked one small child in London,
looking up at the planes,"Where?"
        "They're going away," replied her mother,"And they're probably
not coming back."


        Morph strode purposefully down the corridors, dressed up in the
old uniform of the London Guard, his furry black hat was well over five
feet tall and his face was trapped in a hideously contorted expression.
        "The wind changed," he said to anyone he bumped into (anyone
who didn't run away screaming, that was),"And my face got stuck like
this, that's why they tell us not to show any emotion when we're on duty,
I wish I'd listened."
        Of course there was no London Guard anymore, when the old Royalty
had been wiped out by assassination, the guard had fallen into disgrace
and been disbanded, but Morph didn't care about that.
        He morphed into a princess, wearing long flowing robes and swept
his way into The Council Room.
        "Someday my prince will couuuhmmm! HEY!" he changed back to his
real form, then his eyes bugged comically out of his head.
        Tied up on the table, gags in their mouths and furious looks on
their eyes, were Rogue and Betsy.


        As the fighter led the way towards the sea-wall, Rogue slept,
allowing Banshee and Gambit to fly the large, sleek craft towards the
defensive sea-wall.  When they got close she would take over and
co-ordinate their assault.
        She'd been strangely quiet throughout the entire trip, this was
because of the memories that she'd accidentally picked up from her AOA
counterpart when she'd hit her with her psi-blade.
        Now the strongest of these memories hit her as she slept, coming
back as a dream.

        Magnus smiled warmly at her, he didn't smile often but when he
did he seemed to glow.
        For months now he'd been training her in the use of her powers,
getting to the heart of the psychological damage she'd inflicted upon
herself when she'd put her first boyfriend, Cody, into a coma after kissing
him.  For a long time she'd been able to touch him, because of
his incredible amounts of power and the ability to create an incrediblly
thin electro-magnetic field between them that kept her from actually
touching him while maintaining tactile stimuli.
        "It's in your mind," he said to her,"You've cut off your mind's
access to your power, because you fear what you can do with it.  And so
you've lost control over your powers, which remain... after all, you can't
stop a power based on tactile contact, no matter if your mind has cut off
your control or not."
        "Ah understand all that," she replied,"And ah've tried to reconcile
that in mah own head, but ah'm just not sure."
        "It's a leap of faith," Magnus said to her,"Just believe it, Rogue,
just believe."
        She slowly pulled her glove off and reached out towards him, she
was tentative, cautious... and then he reached out and grabbed her by
the hand.
        "Ahh!" she cried and tried to pull her hand away, he just held
on firmly.
        "Rogue," he said,"Calm yourself, just calm down."
        She struggled to pull herself away, but despite her considerable
strength the magnetic lock he placed on her body kept her in place.
        "Rogue, I'm fine, look at me."
        She stopped struggling and looked up at him, fear in her eyes.
        "There's no electro-magnetic field about me," he said, holding
her hand in his,"It's just you and me, holding hands."
        "Maybe.... maybe it's because you're so powerful?" she asked,
unable to believe that she wasn't draining his powers and memories,"Maybe
I'm draining your powers and it's not affecting you?"
        He smiled,"Rogue, I'm constantly aware of my powerlevels, sometimes
it's higher, sometimes it's lower but I'm always aware of it.... and you're
not taking anything away from me."
        "How can I? How can I be doing this?"
        "Because after all our therapy you've finally learned to make
your mind exert it's authority over your body.  It's the beginning of a
long journey, but you've taken the first step."

        Rogue rolled over in her sleep, her dream skipped ahead to another
memory, a few weeks after the first.

        Gambit tentatively move his hand up and caressed her cheek,
wondering at his ability to do something so long denied to him.
        They stood in their quarters in the secret base where
The Brotherhood lived between missions.  She'd been studying with Magnus
for a long time now, and Gambit had become jealous of the time she spent
with their leader, suspecting that Magnus wanted her.  He'd already had
a confrontation with Simon over what he'd thought was a pass, and had turned
out to be the two of them re-enacting an old play Simon had once starred
        "I can hardly believe it," he said,"Chere, dis be so unexpected,
I still can't believe it."
        He acted with remarkable composure considering just how long
they'd been going out and been unable to come into contact.  He took her
by the hand (even that had been beyond them before) and kissed it softly,
then began to kiss up her arm, over the smooth, white skin up to the
pulled up green sleeves.  He moved over that to shoulder, lightly kissing
her neck and cheek.  He paused for a second before he finally, after his
long, long wait, gently kissed her on the lips, making it tender and filled
with love, wanting her to remember it.
        "Oh Remy," she said,"I've waited so long for this, so very, very
        She kissed his now, more passionately than their first kiss,
he wrapped his arms around her waist and she did the same, but her hands
quickly moved and playfully squeezed his buttocks.
        "My little Rogue has a dirty mind," he said with a grin.
        "I've been waiting a long time," she said with a smile,"Don't
make me wait any longer, Remy."
        They kissed again, now his hands slid down her back and lightly
circled over her firm ass cheeks through the little shorts she wore, she
reached down with her hands and grabbed one of his, moving it around so
it rested on her groin.  His eyes widened and he smiled as their kiss
        She reached down and grabbed his groin, she cupped his balls
through his tight pants and squeezed them slightly, just enough to send
a quiver through his system.
        He decided to take control of the situation, and pulling his hand
away (with some regret) from her groin, he scooped it under her ass and
lifted her into the air.
        "WHEE!" she laughed.
        He carried her over to his bed and lowered her down onto the
sheets.  He reached up and took the green top she wore in his hands,
then lifted it up over her head.  She helped, and soon her top lay on
the floor next to the bed.  He smiled at her playfully, he'd seen her
breasts many times before, she'd often masturbated in front of him, but
this was the first time he would have a chance to feel up those magnificent
breasts of hers without a layer of cloth between their skin.
        He sat down on the bed and kissed her, as he did his hand began
playing with one of her nipples, pinching it slightly and rubbing it
between two fingers.  Rogue gasped in pleasure and lay back on the bed,
reaching down and grabbing her tight little shorts by the waistband.  She
lifted her ass and began to shimmy the tight fabric down her hips and
over her thighs.
        He also removed his clothes, lying down next to her on the bed
and smiling as his gaze crawled over her beautiful body, her large breasts,
erect nipples, skinny waist, her beautiful creamy white legs surrounding
a neatly shaven vaginal lips, a smooth rectangle of brown pubic hair
over her clitoris.  Her legs lay slightly parted, showing the pink
pleasure within, begging to be filled up for the first time with a real
cock, not just some kind of dildo or cucumber.
        He kissed her lightly on the lips, then began kissing down her
wonderful body, following the flow of form, kissing her neck, the crests
of her breasts, licking small circles around the nipples which caused the
mutant beauty to moan lightly in pleasure.  He continued on down over her
flat waist, finally coming to where he'd wanted to be for such a long time
now - at her vagina.
        Slowly the Cajun began to kiss lightly around her thighs, hovering
just above her damp pussy, ready to lower down and press his lips on her
lips.  But instead he kissed the inside of one shapely thigh, making Rogue
moan in anticipation and spread her legs open wider, wanting him to press
his face into her pussy, to tonguefuck her cunt.
        His hands reached down and slid under her legs, just beneath her
asscheeks, then lowered his face to just an inch over her cuntmound,
sniffing deeply, getting the smell of her clean, hot snatch.
        He softly blew on her wet cunt, making Rogue groan in anticipation
of what was coming, then her eyes snapped open and she gasped out as she
felt his tongue flick out and quickly lick up through her glistening lips
and over the head of her clitoris, which was still mostly hidden inside
it's hood.
        He made several more quick flicks, making them faster but not
pressing down any harder, keeping them light.  Rogue moaned and pressed her
hips up, trying to get his tongue into her, but he pulled his head back.
        "Come on, Remy," she moaned,"Do it!"
        He chuckled lightly, feeling a joy and lightness in his chest that
he hadn't felt since he was a boy.  Then he relented and pressed them,
lightly nuzzling his face into her pussy, brushing his lips over her slit,
but being careful not to push them too far, he wanted her to appreciate and
enjoy it when it came.
        Looking up, he saw that Rogue's head lay back, resting on the
pillow as she moaned happily, calling out for more as she massaged and
kneaded her own large, beautiful tits.  He quickly moved his lips around
her slit as she pushed her hips up, trying to press his face deeper down
into her mound.
        He moved his lips up to just underneath the top of her slit and
right underneath her clitoris, which was coming out of it's little hideyhole
in aroused anticipation.
        The Cajun slipped his tongue out and spread her cuntlips apart,
tasting her juices as it pressed forward into her pussy.  Then he began
running his tongue up the pink innerfolds inside her cunt.  His hands
spread her legs open wider, which in turn spread open her cuntlips and
made her fuckhole easier to access.  He began to bob his head up and down,
making his tongue into a rock hard point, tonguefucking her cunt with
eager abandon, wanting to make her cum, to be the first to bring her to
a non self induced orgasm.
        Rogue cried out in excitement.
        "Oh yes, Remy! Oooooh yeah, lick me, lick my clit please! It feels
so good!"
        "But of course, mon chere," he replied, licking at her erect clit
with his tongue, sending a thrilling buzz throughout her hips and making
her back arch, pressing her chest out and making her tits look even larger
than before.
        Rogue's legs shuddered and quivered as her Cajun lover ate her
out, slipping his tongue in and out of her vagina, running it over her
clit and sucking on the little lovebutton, making her squeal and moan
in desire.
        Remy sucked a little more firmly, a little harder on the little
pink pearl in his mouth, making Rogue's hips buck around beneath his
        He pressed her cuntlips apart with the fingers on one hand,
bringing the other up from under her sweaty thigh and pushing two fingers
up into her cunt.
        "YES!" she squealed, fingers were in her cunt and they weren't
hers!  A man had his fingers inside her cunt!
        He slid the fingers along the roof of her vagina, along the
underside of the clit he was even now sucking into his mouth.  Her hot,
streaming juices lubricated his fingers and allowed him to slide the
digits in and out of her clasping, eager cunt faster and faster, building
up the pressure of Rogue's oncoming orgasm.
        Rogue's breathing had become faster and more frantic, her hips
bucked about beneath his sucking mouth and she squealed out loudly whenever
she could.  Now she began a low keening noise which grew louder and louder
and louder and she was bucking about beneath him, her large tits were
bouncing and jiggling and sweat ran off them and her hair was plaster over
her face and she was cummingcummingcumming!
        Her orgasm rocked through her body unlike any she had ever felt
before, so much better than when she wanked herself.  Her juices ran down
her cuntlips, past Gambit's probing fingers and her hips bucked wildly,
Remy sucked up as much of the juices as he could as he continued to move
his head around with her hips, sucking firmly on her clitoris.
        He pulled his soaking fingers out of her cunt and pulled his mouth
away from her clit, then pressed his tongue between her cuntlips and
began tonguefucking her.  It didn't take long for a second orgasm to
rock through Rogue's body, she squealed out again and Gambit grabbed her
by the hips to keep from being thrown across the room by her powerful
        Finally, after licking up as much of her juices as he was able too,
he slipped his tongue out of her now exhausted, sated pussy and smiled
up at her, her cum running down his chin.
        "Wow!" she gasped,"Ah've been missing out on so much!"
        Remy took his dick in hand and said,"That ain't all Roguey, ye
must wake up coz we're approaching the seawall."

        She jerked awake, making Banshee jump back.
        "Sorry if I startled ye, lass," he said,"But we're approaching
the seawall."
        "Yeah, yeah," she replied, getting out of the small bunk,"Ah'm
        "Ah'm coming," she said, hoping he wouldn't notice the small damp
patch in the fabric over her crotch.
        He had been a detective of course, but he knew how to be discreet.


        Andreas Strucker sighed glumly.
        He'd once been a powerful mutant in the hierarchy of Apocalypse's
corrupt regime, but when his sister had died he'd lost his mutant power.
        When in contact with his twin sister - Andrea - they had the
ability to create destructive bursts of energy.  When she died he became
nothing more than a human, and he still counted himself lucky to have
ended up where he was rather than dead.
        He was patrol chief of The Infinites who guarded the control
stations situated every third tower of the long sea wall stretching across
the Atlantic.  Nobody ever came through here, those who did without the
proper authorization were blown away.
        "Sir," said an Infinite,"Registering an approaching ship, they're
requesting permission to pass through the sea wall."
        "Tell them to send their authorization code," mumbled Andreas,
        The Infinite passed the message along, then spoke again.
        "The code is no longer valid sir, in fact it's been security
        Andreas lifted an eyebrow, this was curious.
        "Blow them up," he said.


        "Ah shit!" cried Banshee.
        Rogue had ordered the Fleet to hold back while she tried to
get the sea wall's defenses down.  Once it was down she planned to lead
the Fleet through and destroy the sea wall, then move on towards
        "What?" she cried.
        "They're powering up their systems," Banshee cried,"We're fried!"
        "I'm registering a major power fluctuation!" cried
Gambit,"Somet'ing big is happening!"
        To their left they saw a huge flare of white light as one of the
furthermost towers in their view exploded.  Then the one next to that
was destroyed, then the next and next and next, proceeding on out of
        "What the hell was that?" asked Rogue.
        "I don't know, mon chere," said Gambit,"But we free and clear
to go to Manhattan."
        Rogue smiled, then gave the order to the Fleet to proceed, they
were going to take the fight to Apocalypse!

	End Part 26/37
	Compliments, Criticism's or Requests to me, the author, at :
