Hello folks, this story is a sequel to my former Marvel Universe
story - Herald Of Armageddon - which in turn was a sequel to my X-Men
story - Something Sinister This Way Comes.  The story is rather large,
and if you miss a chapter or nine, just request them from me, the author,
at :

	Why not check out one of the following sites, which contain
my and/or other Author's stories.  Please take note that these are
NOT my websites, I'm just an Author.

01 : http://www.dimitrisarchive.com/ - JayDee's site, includes all my
stories, other authors and Showtime.
02 : http://www.asstr.org or ftp://asstr.org/pub/Authors/Dimitri - The
Alt Sex Stories Text Repository, the most constantly up to date collection
of my stories, because I update this directory!
03 : http://www.giffer.com - excellent, 100% free, lots of areas,
special area for my stories.
04 : http://www.GreyArchive.com (The Grey Archive, very popular, well
put together site with several of my stories).
05 : http://fanfiction.majorhost.com/index.html - Rogues Erotica,
constantly updating site with something for everyone.
06 : http://members.tripod.com/~sneal_ The X-Men Erotica Archive -
features My Marvel Comics series.
07 : http://www.angelfire.com/tx/TvArcive/ - Age Of Onslaught &
Star trek : Original Series story available here.
08 : http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/2506/foepage/ JamF's
FOEpage, features the GenX parts of my Marvel : Herald Of
Armageddon story and X-Files : Grandmaster, with images included.
09 : http://booyani.majorhost.com - Dedicated to the perversion
of your favorite videogame, comic book and anime characters since

        You must be of the legal age required by law to view pornography
in your country/state to read this story, anyone who is below that age
is forbidden to read any further.  Also, the story contains characters
owned by Marvel Comics.  The copyright of these characters is theirs, this
story is not meant as a challenge to that copyright and they are used
without permission.  However I am making no money from this story, nor am
I recieving sexual favors from Monica Lewinsky (depending on my definition
of sex, that is) and apologize unreservedly for using these characters
without permission.
        If you wish to put this story up on a website then please send me
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        Enough from me, on with the story, enjoy!

	Age Of Onslaught 
	Part 21/37

        Gambit & The Externals 7.

        "What's that?" asked Sue, staring at the small, black shape in
the distance.
        "Don't know, Susie-Q," said Ben, holding on to the railing and
staring out to sea.  He'd enjoyed this journey more than he wanted to let
on, it reminded him of a brief period when he'd been Blackbeard The Pirate,
he'd been happy then.
        "The Waystation," said a new voice, Susan turned around and found
herself facing Jubilee.  She was rather taken aback, but not for the reasons
that the Thing might have thought.  Every night since the third day of the
journey she had dreamed about Jubilee, about doing things to her and with
her, and she'd had to fight the urge to sneak peeks at the 'entertainment'.
        "Waystation?" asked Ben.
        "Yeah, this is our final stop, from here the passengers are taken
on to Avalon."
        "So, you turn back after this?" asked Sue, trying to hide the
mixture of disappointment and relief in her voice.
        "Yeah, but Remy and Kitty usually have a drink or two with The
Mariner first."
        As they got closer and closer to the tower, The Waystation became
clearer and clearer.  It was basically a small tower sticking out of the
water, the only dry object for miles and miles.  At the top there was
a large hut, large enough to house two or three people comfortably, the
roof consisted of sun dried palm leaves, and it looked like there was a
mechanism to open the roof up on sunny days to allow the occupant to bathe
in the sun's rays.
        "Pretty good life," observed Jubilee,"But I'd get bored by myself
all the time, and The Mariner's mind IS pretty sunbaked."
        Guido moved away from where Captain America was demonstrating
some fighting moves to a fascinated mix of crewmembers and passengers and
came to stand next to Susan, Ben and Jubilee.
        He didn't say a word, just stood watching as the Waystation got
closer and closer.
        "Uh.... shouldn't we stop?" asked Ben.
        "Patience," grinned Guido,"We've made this trip hundreds of times."
        The ship was beginning to slow, but The Waystation continued to
grow closer and closer.  Just as it seemed they must hit, the ship stopped.
        "Cast out that mooring line!" called LeBeau, who had been overseeing
the ship while keeping an eye on Captain America, trying to find a weakness
in his moves and getting steadily more irritated when he couldn't find one.
        Soon The Sprite was secured to The Waystation and crew eagerly
rushed up the riggings, calling out for The Mariner joyfully, all had
missed the crazy old man.
        The old man poked his head out from the hut, cackled wildly and
waved at the crew, who cheered.  He threw down a ropeladder and quickly
rushed down it, landing on the deck easily despite his slight frame.
        "Welcome!" he cried, throwing his arms wide open,"Welcome to The
Waystation! Your journey is ended!"
        But their journey had just begun.


        The Mariner lifted his mug, LeBeau and Kitty lifted theirs just
as high, grinning happily.
        "I shall bring down the refreshments to the passengers and the
crew," laughed The Mariner,"No one goes to Avalon without a drink of The
Mariner's home brew!"
        LeBeau and Kitty smiled at each other, they were used to The
Mariner's strange ways.
        "Anyway," laughed The Mariner,"The other day a couple came in
wearing the most outlandish costu....."
        He was cut off by a beeping noise.
        "Stark?" came a voice out of nowhere,"Get the four of us out of
here... now!"
        "SHIT!" cried The Mariner,"Pipeline!"
        "What's going on?" yelled Remy.
        "Electro-static pulse!" yelled The Mariner.
        Suddenly electricity raced through the entire tower, through the
mooring lines and onto The Sprite, knocking everybody out.  It also
wiped out the holo-plasmic disguise surrounding The Waystation and The
        Instead of an old man with a scraggly beard, long white hair and
skin tanned an incredibly dark brown there now stood a tall, fairly well
built man of about thirty-five years of age.  He had jetblack hair and
a goatee, he wore only tight, tan leather pants that came down just below
the knees.  He was in bare feet and his skin was tanned a nice brown,
not sunbaked like The Mariner's had been.
        The Way Station itself remained much the same, except it was now
made of an apparently seamless white metal and looked more like a small
tower than a large pole with a hut on the top.  It was also obvious that
the tower continued under the water for quite some distance.
        "This is certainly a mess," Tony Stark muttered to himself, then
hit a button on the wall which lifted the table in the center of the room
up, revealing a ladder leading down to an elevator.	


	Shaw smiled.
        "I told you I'd get us out of that mess," he laughed.
        "Don't tell me," moaned Emma,"Stark?"
        "What's the matter," laughed Selene,"A little worried that he'll
remember your puppy love?"
        "Bitch," growled Emma, not wanting to think about Tony Stark, who'd
taken her virginity and been her first love... except he'd only been
interested in fucking her, that was it.
        With a sigh of relief Jason reformed his psionic disguise, so that
he was attractive again.
        "Oh, hello Pipeline," said Shaw, looking up at the young man
standing in the huge, rounded chamber with them.  The room was entirely
transparent, although the walls were incredibly thick (Stark had found
a way to bleed them of color, making them transparent) and strong, they
could see endless miles of greenish blue water, filled with all manner
of fishes.  Along walls and throughout the center of the room were hundreds,
maybe thousands of sleeper tubes, many filled with people.  Their entire
bodies were wrapped in a strange black fabric with wires and diodes
        "Shaw," said Pipeline, bowing,"There may be a problem, a big
ship had just docked and the captain and his woman were chatting with
the boss."
        "Stark can deal with it, Emma, check," muttered Shaw, walking
towards a wall to stare out at the sea.
        Emma telepathically scanned upwards, where several hundred meters
above them The Sprite rested.
        "They've all been knocked out," she said,"Stark's on his way down
        This was the secret of Avalon, 'The Mariner' was the only known
link to the mythical island, and he always knocked out his passengers and
the crews of the ships by use of drugs or electro-static pulse.  He would
then place them in sleeper-tubes and put the passengers in a virtual
reality environment, wiping their memories of being knocked out.  He
would then wipe the crew's minds and put them back on their ship with
false memories of leaving the passengers with The Mariner.
        Suddenly the passengers would find themselves on boats heading
to Avalon, with memories of leaving The Waystation on a new boat.  They
would then reach Avalon, where the inhabitants would come out to greet
them, none of them knowing they were all in a false V.R world.
        The purpose of this was to allow Stark access to their minds,
over a long period of time he could reprogramme them anyway he wanted
to.  This meant that when it came time, Shaw would have at his disposal
an army of humans and mutants to fight for him, or even to act as spies
in both Eurasia and America, possibly in Madripoor or Tonga.
        The large metal colum running down the center of the chamber
had been seamless, but now a rectangular shape appeared in it, glowed
white and then opened up.
        "Shaw," said Stark, walking into the chamber.  He wasn't saying
hello, he wasn't asking a question, he was just stating a fact.  He walked
past The Inner Circle without any further word, although his eyes did
linger over Emma's breasts for a second.  He moved to a small computer
monitor set in a desk by one row of sleeper tubes and quickly checked
through the information being displayed.
        "Good," he said,"The electro-static pulse didn't disrupt the
v.r feeds at all, Pipeline, maintain surveillance on the children."
        Pipeline nodded, then suddenly became blue electricity, his new
energy form hung in the air for a second, then leaped into the monitor.
Pipeline's ability was to change himself and anyone he chose to into
data streams, radiowaves or electro-magnetic currents and transfer himself
and whomsoever he chose to via circuitry or through data links.
        "Listen," said Stark,"Before we discuss whatever caused you to
interrupt my work like this I'm going to need your help to get all those
people down here, as well as the crew... then we'll have to scuttle the
damned ship! I can't wipe memories like this, they imprint directly in
long term memory and they're a bitch to get out."
        He walked past Shaw before he had a chance to reply, making it
clear that when they were on The Waystation, it was he, not Shaw, who was
in charge.
        Shaw let it slide, for now, but he planned to make it very clear
soon that he was the boss now and always would be.


        "Hey Cap," said Bobby, standing on the deck of The Sprite next
to LeBeau,"I was flying up near the crows nest, I can see a bunch of
outrigger canoes coming up from the shore."
        The man in the crows nest had seen the highest point of the island
a few minutes earlier, now they could all see the shore and small black dots
that must have been the canoes.
        As they came closer and closer, they noticed the figure in the
lead canoe, taller and wider than even Guido.
        "Cain Marko," said Captain America, eyes narrowing slightly,"This
could be trouble."
        "You know him?" asked LeBeau.
        "He's indestructible," said Cap,"And I don't mean he's really,
really tough, he IS indestructible."
        Remy had a grudging respect and admiration for Captain America,
so he took the warning seriously.
        "So he doesn't have any weaknesses?" asked Jubilee,"Why isn't
he running the world instead of Apocalypse?"
        "I mean physically," Cap said, watching Cain carefully,"He is
susceptible to psychic attacks when he's not wearing his armor - which
he isn't - and he's not particularly smart.  The only person I've ever
meet who is a match for him physically is The Hulk."
        "I thought I got a lot of experience," Remy said,"I been all
around the world, but I never heard of dis Marko or dis Hulk."
        The canoes came closer and closer as The Sprite slowed it's
forward momentum.  Remy wanted to show them that his intentions were
honorable, peaceful.
        Once The Sprite had stopped, the outriggers pulled up to within
shouting distance.
        "Welcome to Avalon!" cried Cain, standing up (much to
the consternation of the handful of crew operating the boat, as
the ship rocked back and forth as he lifted his massive bulk),"All are
welcome here who bring no harm or evil with them."
        "My name is Remy LeBeau!" cried Remy,"Captain of The Sprite, I've
brought passengers....." he stopped, suddenly wondering what the hell he
was doing at Avalon.  He'd never gone beyond The Waystation, why had he
enjoyed The Mariner's hospitality then gone back down onto The Sprite and
set sail for Avalon, how did he even know where to go?  He'd never been
before, The Mariner hadn't told him or even bothered to ask why he was going
on, it was all so...
        They all stood frozen in place, nobody moving.


        "Shit," muttered Stark, sitting at the monitor and typing furiously
        "What's the matter?" asked Shaw.
        "Error," he said,"Didn't think LeBeau would explain why he'd come."
        "Hmmm," murmured Shaw, just loud enough so everyone could hear,"Do
you often make crucial oversights like this?"
        "Only when you blunder into my plans," returned Stark instantly,
in a distracted tone that indicated that not only that he wasn't paying
attention to Shaw, but that the man was beneath his notice.
        Shaw cursed under his breath, biting back another remark which
would only look childish to the others.
        "There," muttered Stark, finishing his work.

	"Welcome to Avalon!" cried Cain, standing up (much to
the consternation of the handful of crew operating the boat, as
the ship rocked back and forth as he lifted his massive bulk),"All are
welcome here who bring no harm or evil with them."
        "My name is Remy LeBeau!" cried Remy,"Captain of The Sprite, I'm
sorry to say I bring bad news, but you have my guarantee that I bring no
        "Bad news?" asked Cain.
        "The Mariner died while preparing for our journey," said LeBeau,
actually feeling depressed,"He was able to give me directions here, but
you'll need a new guardian for The Waystation."
        Cain bowed his head for a second, then looked up.
        "I am saddened by this news, but gladdened to see the number of
people who have come to find refuge in Avalon," he smiled, and Captain
America was surprised to see the radiant bliss emanating from Marko's
        - I made a mistake, - he thought, disappointed in himself, - I
made a call on him based on who he was in my Universe, he's had whole other
chances in this world and made different decisions. -
        "You are welcome in Avalon," Cain said,"Follow me."


        Pietro stood at the crest of the hill, it wasn't High Point Hill,
where Destiny meditated in private still (much to the consternation of
Mystique, who wanted to see her old friend) but it was high enough to
see the ship coming in.
        He lifted his hand up in front of his face and stared at it,
watching it and the background behind jump and flicker almost imperceptibly,
but enough for him to notice.
        "Pietro," said Wanda, his sister, from behind him,"I enhanced my
vision to see the ship's occupants."
        "Yes?" he asked, hearing her excitement.
        "Captain America, The Invisible Woman and The Thing are there."
        "Our or this Universe's?" he asked her, still staring at the
        "The Invisible Woman is wearing her Fantastic Four costume, I've
already asked around and nobody has ever heard of them... I think they're
        "Thank God," he said,"Or perhaps this Magnus they all pray to."
        "Pietro!" she cried, sounding shocked.
        "This is what I always hated about our Father," Pietro muttered
darkly,"The Acolytes who followed him worshipped him with religious
fervor, nothing he ever did was wrong, it was his way or it was no way."
        "He was a different man here!" she cried,"A real hero!"
        "THEN WHERE IS HE!" screamed Pietro, whirling about, his face livid
breathed a sigh, calming himself down,"He did what he always does, in
any Universe, he made false promises and went away, leaving them behind
waiting and praying to him, a false God!"
        He stormed off past her, when she went to grab his shoulder he
disappeared in a huge burst of speed.


        "Look," said Captain America, stepping off the gangplank,"Is that
Pietro.... I mean our Pietro?"
        Pietro was suddenly standing in front of Cap, moving up to the
Living Legend faster than he could register.
        "Hello," he said, then beneath his breath,"Avenger."
        Cap sighed in relief, then they weren't the only ones to come
through to this Universe.
        He also noticed two former X-Men members, Dazzler and Nightcrawler,
standing rather close to an X-Men enemy, Mystique.
        "Wanda is here also," Pietro said, he turned to look at Susan and
Ben,"Ms. Richards, Grimm, hello."
        He began walking Cap down the beach, away from the crowd of
passengers and crew mixing with the members of Avalon's welcoming committee,
leaving Sue and The Thing behind.
        "Cold fish, isn't he," noted Ben, then smiled as he watched Bobby
dump a shrieking Jubilee into the water,"Come on Susie-Q, let's catch some


        "Won't this interfere with the program?" asked Emma.
        "Stark worries too much," laughed Shaw,"Come on, I've changed
some of the stats so our powers are increased tenfold inside the V.R
program... it'll be fun!"
        Emma couldn't help but smile, there were thousands of people
in Avalon, and inside she'd have the powers of a demigod.  And as Shaw
had already explained, after they'd had their fun Stark could wipe the
memory and make everything as it had been.
        Meanwhile, Selene would distract Stark, the best way she knew
        Mastermind chuckled as he picked up his V.R helmet which would
place him in the program without giving it total access to his mind...
he loved to play with others minds, this was going to be fun.


        Stark cursed as he leaned precariously into the wall panel,
checking the circuitry for signs of wear.  He'd been reading a slight
power bleed for the last couple of days and hadn't been able to locate
the source.  It wasn't this panel, maybe it was I-17, it had given him
trouble before and...
        "Hello, Tony."
        He shut the panel and turned around, ready to give a cool hello
to Emma, but his mouth opened and never shut as he found himself facing
The White Queen, totally naked.
        "Emma?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
        "Tony, we have unfinished business."
        "Emma, I told you I wasn't interested in a relationship, I wasn't
then and I'm not now...."
        "You don't understand Tony, I've changed too... I don't want a
relationship, I want to finish what we started."
        "I let you do a lot of things to me, a lot of things with me and
even a few things at me," she smiled,"But I never let you do the one thing
you wanted most, and it's time for some closure."
        Stark's eyes went wide,"You mean....?"
        "Yes," laughed Selene, disguised as The White Queen,"I want you
to do my ass."

        One of Selene's favorite sexual activities was anal sex, however
she was also a dominatrix and didn't often get to indulge in an act that
was by it's nature a passive, submissive one.
        In this case it was different, she was manipulating Stark, making
him think he was in control, that he was dominant when it was really her
in charge.  She'd been more than happy to be the distraction in Shaw's
little pissing game with Stark to see who was going to be the big boss.
She'd prepared herself, rubbing oil into the appropriate places, and so
it was that when Stark's cock pressed against her ass, it received little
resistance before her ass parted and he was able to press his cock forward
into her sphincter.  He moaned happily, he'd always regretted not drilling
this hot bitches butt, and now his cock was pushing forward against her
butthole, fighting to get every inch into her tight little rectum.  He had
to struggle to just get the head of his cock sitting warm and snug inside
of her anus.
        "Ahhhh yeah!" he cried out,"Tight ass!"
        Selene's face (or rather, Emma's) was lowered to the floor, sweat
running down her face, her mouth and eyes wide open as she breathed heavily,
getting used to the feel of his cock inside of her sphincter.
        The feel of her tight little asshole around his cock was just so
incredible and tight that if felt like the two inches he had in her rectum
was throbbing and throbbing larger and larger.
        He grabbed her clear, milky white hips firmly in his hands and
began to pull her ass back against his cock as he pushed forward, forcing
inch after inch down past the slowly parting walls of her anal passage.
He managed to force just over seven inches of his meat down deep into her
anus, she moaned and thrust back with him, but he could get no more in
without seriously hurting her (which he didn't really care about) or doing
some damage to himself (which he didn't want to do).
        "Come on!" she moaned,"Get it all in me, fuck my tight little ass,
I want you to root my butt!"
        He certainly tried, and he moaned happily as her asshole relented
and let another half-inch of his cock become engulfed in her hot, tight
little ass.
        "Ahhh man, I don't want to do this," he moaned, not wanting to pull
any of his cock out of her ass at all.  But he had to, and so he did.
        Gripping her hips even tighter than before, he began to slowly
pull inch after inch out of her tight, gripping sphincter.  His cock didn't
want to leave the tight, hot home it had found, and her ass was clamping
down so tightly it was as if she didn't want him to pull out either.
        "Oooh yeah, I love having that cock of yours in my ass, fuck me
Tony, fuck my ass!"
        He pulled back slowly, her ass eventually relenting and letting
inch after inch pull out until only the head of his cock was plugging
her hot little butthole.  Sweat was running down her body, making her
ass seem to glisten, the sight of her pink, puckered anus stretched around
his shaft of fuckmeat was an incredible turn on, and he could feel his
cum ready to blow.
        Selene moaned happily as Tony shoved back forward, his cock
plunging back into her ass, cramming eight inches of his cock deep into
her asshole.  He began to repeat his thrusts, penetrating her butt again
and again, slamming into her still incredibly tight asshole again and
again.  He pushed his cock in and out, in and out, plunging well over
eight inches into her hot pucker.  He was fucking her ass, fucking her
butt harder and faster, driving her wild as she slammed her ass back,
getting as much of his cock as deep into her butthole as she was
able as he fucked her tight little rectum, pushing nearly his whole
length into her asshole, loving the sensation of having her rectum gripping
down tight on his cock.
        "OH YEAH!" squealed Selene, her entire body locking up into place
as she prepared to cum.  She threw her head back and began slamming back
and forth, her big tits jiggling forward and back in time with his strokes
into her asshole.  Her eyes became whites only, glowing with powerful
energy as her powers kicked into overdrive with her oncoming orgasm,  her
asshole clamped down hard around his cock and squeezed his meat in a viselike
grip.  Her anal passage was now even tighter than before, and Tony knew
he couldn't hold off with this much friction and pressure on his cock, he
had to cum, and cum soon!
        "AHHHHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!" he cried as her cum burst from her cunt,
splashing over the clutching, spasming hands pressing against her cuntlips,
and out over his thighs.  Her asshole tightened even more and that was it,
he couldn't take no more.
        He shot his cum, shooting stream after stream of sperm deep up
into the what he thought was the White Queen's butt.
        He slammed his ass forward, burying every inch into her asshole,
grinding against her smooth, white asscheeks.
        "Ah yeah!" he groaned, fell forward so that his chest was pressed
against her back.
        "That was great," she moaned,"We should have done this earlier."
        "I know," grinned Tony,"It was fun, Selene."
        "Yeah," she said,"I....Selene!"
        She scrambled away from under him, her telepathic disguise falling
away,"You knew!"
        He laughed,"Of course I knew," he looked down at his cock, still
covered in sweat and the oil she'd rubbed into her asshole,"I've got this
entire installation wired, I heard Shaw's plans, I let him get away with
        "Why?" she asked.
        "To get him out of the way, I don't want anyone trying to take over
MY installation."
        "But he's only gone into Avalon for a little trip... hasn't he?"
        "I think our friend Shaw just may have bitten off more than he could
chew," laughed Tony.

	End Part 21/37
	Compliments, Criticism's or Requests to me, the author, at :
