Hello folks, this story is a sequel to my former Marvel Universe
story - Herald Of Armageddon - which in turn was a sequel to my X-Men
story - Something Sinister This Way Comes.  The story is rather large,
and if you miss a chapter or nine, just request them from me, the author,
at :

 	Why not check out one of the following sites, which contain
my and/or other Author's stories.  Please take note that these are
NOT my websites, I'm just an Author.

01 : http://www.dimitrisarchive.com/ - JayDee's site, includes all my
stories, other authors and Showtime.
02 : http://www.asstr.org or ftp://asstr.org/pub/Authors/Dimitri - The
Alt Sex Stories Text Repository, the most constantly up to date collection
of my stories, because I update this directory!
03 : http://members.tripod.com/villains_lair - excellent site, well
ordered and maintained.
04 : http://www.giffer.com - excellent, 100% free, lots of areas,
special area for my stories.
05 :http://www.edge-of-midnight.mcmail.com/archive.htm (the Grey Archive,
very popular, well put together site with several of my stories).
06 : http://fanfiction.majorhost.com/index.html - Rogues Erotica,
constantly updating site with something for everyone.
07 : http://members.tripod.com/~sneal_ The X-Men Erotica Archive -
features My Marvel Comics series.
08 : http://www.angelfire.com/tx/TvArcive/ - Age Of Onslaught &
Star trek : Original Series story available here.
09 : http://booyani.majorhost.com - Dedicated to the perversion
of your favorite videogame, comic book and anime characters since

        You must be of the legal age required by law to view pornography
in your country/state to read this story, anyone who is below that age
is forbidden to read any further.  Also, the story contains characters
owned by Marvel Comics.  The copyright of these characters is theirs, this
story is not meant as a challenge to that copyright and they are used
without permission.  However I am making no money from this story, nor am
I recieving sexual favors from Monica Lewinsky (depending on my definition
of sex, that is) and apologize unreservedly for using these characters
without permission.
        If you wish to put this story up on a website then please send me
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        Enough from me, on with the story, enjoy!

	Age Of Onslaught 
	Part 17/37

        Nightcrawler bamfed to the top of the mast, clutching onto the
wood with his three fingered hand.  His ability to stick to surfaces
kept him secured firmly as he leaned dangerously forward to look out at
the view.
        "LAND HO!" he roared, a huge smile splitting his face.
        Down on deck, standing at the helm, Mystique couldn't help but
        "He's always wanted to say that," she murmured to herself, then
turned to look at Wanda and Pietro.
        "Yonder lies Avalon," she said with a grand sweeping gesture towards
the horizon, where the shore was still not visible from this low point.
        "Do you think Magnet.... Magnus is there?" she asked her brother.
        He shrugged, he knew what his sister was thinking, he was trying
not to think the same thing himself, to set himself up for disappointment.
        Ever since discovering Magneto was their father, they had been
at odds with him and his methods.  They had never been able to reconcile
with him, never were able to relate to him as parents and children should.
        They already knew from Bishop that in the Age Of Apocalypse things
had been different.  Pietro and Magneto had had a strong, stable and
loving relationship, Wanda had been a part of that too, a part of the
family until her untimely death.  In this new Age Of Apocalypse there
existed the possibility that the father they should have had and always
wanted might be on this Island.
        BAMF! With a smell of brimstone, Kurt returned to deck, still smiling
but more serious now.
        "A number of outrigger canoes are coming out from the shore, to
greet us I hope."
        They could see the shore now, and small dots that must have been
the outriggers.
        Wanda used her hex abilities to enhance her vision, getting a
much clearer view of the canoes, her heart skipped a beat when she saw
the massive figure hunched at the front of the lead canoe, which was also
the largest.
        "Pietro," she said,"The lead canoe has Cain Marko in it."
        "Who?" asked Kurt.
        "The Juggernaut?" Quicksilver told him, thinking Cain might
go under his codename in this Universe.
        "Never heard of him," said Mystique,"Bad news?"
        "Possibly, he's absolutely, totally indestructible," said Wanda,"He
is susceptible to telepathic attacks when he's not wearing his armor, and
he's not wearing it right now."
        "One thing I've learned," Mystique said,"Is that nobody is as
indestructible as they think."
        The canoes came closer and closer as their own ship moved forward,
when the inhabitants were clearly in sight, Mystique ordered the anchor
lowered.  The outriggers pulled up to within shouting distance.
        "Welcome to Avalon!" cried Cain, standing up (much to
the consternation of the handful of crew operating the machine, as the
ship rocked back and forth as he lifted his bulk),"All are welcome here
who bring no harm or evil with them."
        "Hail!" cried Kurt, the easy-going, charming grin crossing his
face again,"We have come from the outside world to find refuge here, my
Mother and I are friends with an inhabitant of this fair island... perhaps
you have heard of her? Destiny?"
        Cain's eyes narrowed slightly,"None know of Destiny, are you spies?"
        Mystique stood up next to Nightcrawler,"Enough of this nonsense,
Irene was.... is, my closest and oldest friend.  My name is Raven Darkholme,
I'm hear to see her for information about my guests."
        Wanda and Pietro stepped forward, coming into view of Cain and the
dark-skinned sailors for the first time.  Before they could speak, a
collective gasp rose up from the sailors and they dropped to their knees,
lowering heads.
        Cain stared in shock at them, then his face changed from grim
indifference to joyous, religious exultation.
        "The Children Of Magnus!" he cried, and then he too fell to his
knees.... and prompty overturned the canoe.	


	Dazzler grunted.
        "You seem discontent," said a voice from directly behind her, she
jumped slightly, she hadn't known anyone was there.
        Turning about she still found herself facing nothing, the bonfire
she'd been staring into had made the darkness darker.
        "Who's there?" she growled.
        "Calm down, fraulein," said the voice again, and the blue furred
figure of Kurt Darkholme emerged from the darkness,"I find your discontent
refreshing, everyone here is so..." he didn't continue, struggling to
find the right words.
        "Happy?" asked Alison, a small, sardonic smile crossing her face.
        "Ya, ya!" he laughed, staring at the dancing figures around the
bonfire.  The celebration was both a welcome for the new visitors and a
way of dealing with the excitement that the appearance of 'The Children Of
Magnus' had inspired,"Happy, they are all so.... happy!"
        "Things here are just so perfect, it's unnerving," she commented,
reaching unconsciously for her lower pocket for cigarettes that were
no longer there.  Her hand clawed at the pocket, then hung limp there
when she realized there were none.
        "What's the big deal about these guys anyway?" she said to Kurt,"I
mean, so their Daddy was Magnus? I mean, I sometimes wonder if the guy
was all he was made out to be, you know?"
        Kurt's smile faded somewhat, then returned full force.
        "I am a firm believer myself, but nothing like this," he gestured
at the bonfire, where some of the people were making a speech to an
uncomfortable looking Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, pledging their
loyalty to them and their father,"Religious fervor of this nature can
be dangerous, a lot of people have killed and murdered in the name of
religion.... just look at the Madri."
        The Madri were Apocalypse's torture masters, spies and when
necessary his security force.  They were totally loyal to him and absolutely
immune to infiltration from rebel or Eurasian forces.  This was because
every Madri was the same person - Jamie Madrox - whose mutant ability
was to form a duplicate of himself whenever exposed to kinetic energy, e.g
if he was punched in the face or smacked his fist into his palm he would
form a duplicate next to him.  The original Madrox was kept in a top-secret
location and it was suspected that he was totally mad due to the genetic
tinkering performed on him by McCoy to increase his duplicating limit.  If
the original Madrox could be killed, every Madri would be wiped out, which
was why he was kept hidden but always healthy.
        Alison took a closer look at Kurt, seeing for the first time
past his blue fur and the red tattoo over his left eye.  He was a dashing,
good looking figure.  Standing there in his dark, baggy pants, tied off
below the knees and the open white t-shirt exposing his lean, muscular
chest.  That combined with his easygoing, charming smile and his shoulder
length, blue-black hair made him look like nothing so much as a swashbuckler
from the history books... back when history books had still been readily
accessible.  She smiled at him almost shyly, then - never being one to
beat around the bush - said.
        "Say, apparently they put up a new building everytime someone
new arrives, and mine and yours won't be ready yet... there's no point
in using up two tents, wanna spend the night in mine?"
        Kurt cast an appraising look over her in a split second, short
blond hair, large, firm and rounded breasts.  A skinny waist curving out
to shapely hips and long, toned legs.
        "Nothing I'd like better," he told her,"But tonight I just wanna
enjoy being here, you know? I've never been anywhere so beautiful before,
somewhere where the smell of death doesn't permeate everything, where
you don't have to be constantly looking over your shoulder."
        "Sure, sure," she said too fast, trying to hide her disappointment.
        He turned and left, disappearing into the shadows.  She was about
to step away when she heard footsteps and he reappeared from the darkness.
        "Hmmmm?" she asked.
        "I don't know what I was thinking," he said with a grin,"Your tent
or mine?"
        She grinned, linked her arm with his and led the way to her tent.
        And as they walked, Mystique - disguised as her son, Nightcrawler -
wondered just what the hell her son - who was even now smelling the
flowers - had been thinking.
        - Still, - she thought, - Waste not, want not. -        


	This was the bit Mystique had been worrying about, getting into
the tent was the first step, staying there was going to be more difficult.
        She was capable of shapeshifting into the form of someone right
down to the retinas of their eyelids.  She could shift and change her
molecules to expand and elongate her bodyparts.  She could, therefore,
flatten her breasts and expand her chest, slide the curves out of her
hips and make her ass appear more muscular.  She could even form a passable
penis and testicles, and fuck with them if necessary.  But she really
didn't enjoy that as much, if she was going to be with another woman, she
wanted it to be as a woman, and preferably in her own shape since hard,
physical sex usually made it more difficult to maintain the false form
she had taken on.
        She decided to do things the quickest way and hope for the best.
        Dazzler turned around, ready to say something wry and witty, to
make Kurt laugh.
        But Kurt wasn't there.
        His mother, Raven, was.
        "Uh?" said Dazzler.
        "Hello," said Mystique, smiling and shrugging.
        "Uh," said Dazzler.
        "Let me explain," Raven said.
        "That should be interesting," replied Dazzler.
        "I uh... noticed you, talking to my son, and he's never known
a good thing when he sees it.  I saw the need in your eyes, your body
language, I know what you want."
        "And what's that?" Dazzler asked, bemused.  Like many people, she
liked to think that her actions, her thoughts and her way of thinking
were an enigma to other people.  But to someone like Mystique, who had
trained herself to notice every gesture, to notice every action and
movement that was unique to a person so that she could copy it, it was
easy to get into someones head.
        "To put it bluntly, you need sex," she said,"Good, hard
and meaningless... you don't want a relationship, you just need a good
        Dazzler was somewhat taken aback.
        "And what if that's true?" she asked,"How could you help if that
was the case?"
        "Oh come on," laughed Mystique,"You're telling me you've never done
it with another woman?"
        "NO!" cried Alison,"That's just.... well it's just not right."
        "You're lying," said Raven with a confident smile,"I can tell
you know? The way you tugged on your ear, your eyes shifting slightly to
the right.  Who was it? Why did you do it? Did you enjoy it?"
        Alison drew herself in righteous indignation, then sagged down.
What was the point in denying it? She may as well get it off her chest now.
        "I made the mistake of passing through the New York area," she
said,"I was set on by some slavers and even though I put up a good fight
I was captured.  They were planning to take me through California and sell
me to something called Deviant Branch in Los Angeles Island."
        "One of the slavers was a woman?" asked Mystique.
        "No, they were all men, led by a freaky mutant calling itself
Toad... he's the reason it happened.
        One night they were playing some kind of drinking game, one of
the prisoners would be the prize.  Other nights it had been other girls,
tonight it was my turn.  They were well out of their faces when suddenly
the door of their little shack burst open and she walked in."
        "Her name was Domino, she was a mutant as well with pure white
skin and a little black patch around one eye.  She walked in alone with
one gun and took on all fifteen of them and didn't even get a scratch on
her.  She killed fourteen and captured Toad alive, some Infinites arrived
not long after and took him away, then she turned her attention to the
        She told us we'd be sent to the pens and they all started bleating
and moaning, begging to be set free.  She paid them no attention, but
she was staring at me strangely, perhaps because I was the only mutant
there, the only one with a Negation Collar.  She told me that if I did
something for her she'd let me go, said she'd been impressed by the way
I didn't beg for help.  I asked her what she wanted and she said she
wanted my body.  I didn't understand at first but she made it very clear
after that and I felt like, you know, what choice did I have?"
        "So you did it? You slept with her?"
        "Yes," said Dazzler,"Although to put it more like it was, she fucked
        "And did you like it?"
        Dazzler couldn't understand why it was this woman was able to
make her say things she'd never intened to reveal, still, why stop now?
        "I felt like I would have, but she was so domineering, so in control
that I felt like I wasn't supposed to, it's not something I want to go
through again.
        Mystique said nothing, she just stepped forward and cupped Alison's
cheek in her hand, lifting her face up to stare into her eyes.  She leaned
forward and kissed the blonde mutant, pressing their lips together and
sliding her tongue into the other womans mouth.  After a few moments, Alison
relaxed and allowed the kiss to continue.
        When Mystique broke away, she smiled at Dazzler.
        "Did you enjoy that?" she asked the blonde beauty.
        Alison hesitated only a second before replying,"Yes."
        They closed together.


        Cain stood at the base of Highpoint Hill, staring down at the
bonfire by the shore where the inhabitants of Avalon were celebrating
having the Children Of Magnus amongst them.
        Cain's own heart was lifted with joy, he felt light as a feather
despite his giant musculature.  But his expression was grim, his huge
arms crossed over his massive chest, his job was to keep people away from
Destiny while she meditated, she was not to be disturbed by anyone while
this happened.
        At the top of the hill, Destiny - Irene Adler - stood completely
still, not moving a muscle, not blinking and repeated the litany over
and over again.
        "Processing new instructions, please wait.  Processing
new instructions, please wait.  Processing new instructions, please wait."


	Alison and Raven stood naked, holding each others bodies close
together.  Their large breasts - Dazzler's were milky white and Mystique's
blue - mashed together erect nipples rubbing against each other, sending
thrills through their respective chests.  Raven ran her arms up and down
Alison's back, straying down her lower back and coming close to her firm,
rounded buttocks before sliding back up towards her shoulders.
        She couldn't get over how firm Mystique's tits were, especially
considering their size.  Also she was remarkably youthful looking and her
body firmed and toned considering she had a son in his twenties - around
Alison's age.  She could only assume that Mystique's control over her bodies
shape allowed her to look young no matter how old she got.
        The two mutant women were both moving their bodies against each
other, feeling their breasts rub hard against the others.  Mystique bent
her neck down and lightly bit into the side of Alison's neck, surprising
the blonde beauty and sending a thrill through her body.  The blue skinned
mutant moved her mouth up the side of Alison's neck, lightly kissing up the
fair skin towards her face.
        "I promise," the red haired woman whispered,"That you will enjoy
        Alison went to say something, decided not to ruin the moment and shut
her mouth again.  But they only stayed closed a second, then Mystique was
leaning forward and kissing her again, quick light kisses.  Kissing her upper
lip, then her lower, then around the sides of her mouth before finally
returning and kissing her fully, passionately.
        Not even her beloved Paris had kissed her like this, Dazzler's mind
was racing along, jabbering wildly about how good it felt even as it said
that this was wrong.  She ignored both protest and analysis and just went
with it, sliding her own tongue past Raven's and slipping it into her
unexpected lover's mouth.  Her arms came up and her hands slid through
Mystique's bright red hair while Mystique's ran down Alison's back and
grabbed her firm, white asscheeks, squeezing them tightly.
        Moving backwards, not breaking the kiss, the came to the small
stretcher Alison had planned to seduce Nightcrawler on.  Raven finally
broke the kiss and without a word being said, lowered Alison down onto the
bunk.  Sliding on top of the blonde mutant's body she smiled warmly at her
and kissed her again.

	She began to move her her body up and down against Alison's, their
tits pushing against each other, their pussy's trying vainly to connect
together but being held back by their hips and thighs.  Mystique came up
with the solution by sliding slightly to the side, allowing her thigh to
lower and rest against Alison's cunt, while Alison could now raise hers
and press it against Mystique's red haired pussy.
        They once again began to rub up and down, sliding their bodies
over the other's, their shapely long legs stimulating each others erect
clits as their breasts pressed firmly together and their tongues tasted
the insides of their mouths.
        When the kiss broke and Mystique raised her head slightly, a thin
stream of saliva between their lips continued to connect them.  Mystique
then moved down slightly and lowered her open mouth to her neck, kissing
her their briefly, letting the saliva run down Alison's neck, she continued
on down, sliding her wet mouth down to Alison's large breasts and sucking
on her erect nipples.  As she did so she had to move her leg at an angle to
keep it between Alison's soaking pussylips.  Alison also changed the angle,
liking the wet heat pressing against her thigh.
        The two beautiful women began to move faster now, sliding up and
down, causing the friction to grow and grow.  Suddenly, Mystique arched her
back up high, causing Alison's tits to jump and bounce at the sudden movement,
enjoying the feeling as her own large tits bounced as well.  She began to
rub her thigh against Alison's cuntlips, the angle her leg was now on simply
increased the pressure (and hence the pleasure) on Alison's dripping snatch.
        Then, without warning she lifted her whole body up, balancing her
entire weight on her hands, and spun about.  Suddenly Alison found herself
in a '69' position, staring straight up at Mystique's red pussy hair, the
shaven cuntlips and inside the pink innerflesh.
        - Wow, we're all pink on the inside, - she thought to herself, then
wondered where that had come from.
        Mystique obviously wasn't too concerned about the innerworkings of
Dazzler's pussy, because she promptly buried her face between Alison's legs
and began grinding against the blonde's bare cuntlips.
        Not wanting to be left behind, and exhilarated by the thought and
feeling of having another woman's face shoved in her lap, Alison reached up,
grabbed Raven's ass and began to make quick darting motions with her tongue
into Mystique's cunt.  She had to lift her head to do it and as she
progressed found to difficult to keep it up, especially with the added
distraction of having Mystique's lips wrapped around her clit, sucking like
mad on her lovebutton.
        Being a considerate lover when she had to be, Mystique lowered her
ass slightly, therefore allowing Alison to plunge her her face up into the
blue skinned mutant's cunt.  As she did so she squealed in pleasure at the
feelings racing through her lap, this in turn caused Mystique to moan in
pleasure at the vibrations running through her pussy.  Alison's moans,
groans and also the movements of her mouth as she attempted to eat out
Mystique caused her chin to rub up and down against Raven's erect clitoris
and this was having it's affect on the red haired beauty.
        Alison came first, and this caused Mystique to stop holding back
and she too came.  Alison screamed in pleasure into Raven's cunt, bucking
her hips wildly up into Mystique's face, grinding her gushing cunt into her
lovers face.  Her tits squashed and shook against Mystique's waist and
the added friction and pleasure caused Mystique to let go.
        She came hard, her juices exploding out of her cunt and down over
Alison's face, running into her mouth, down her cheeks, through her hair,
coating the beautiful mutant with her juices.  She pulled her own dripping
face out of Alison's cunt and squealed out in delight, grinding her pussy
down into Dazzler's face, and then she collapsed onto her female lover.
        After catching her breath she rolled off of Alison and collapsed to
the floor by the bunk, panting hard, her sweaty breasts rising and falling
rapidly.  On the bunk, Alison lay in a sweaty heap, her legs spread wide,
arms hanging over the bunk's sides.  Her face was shining from a mixture
of sweat and pussyjuices, her short blond hair was sticking up at all
angles, held in place by the wet, stickiness of female cum.
        Soon Mystique sat up, crawled forward on all fours and leaned over
to kiss Alison lightly on the mouth, tasting her own cum.
        "Did you enjoy that?" she asked, smiling.
        "I've wasted my life," moaned Dazzler with a satisfied grin,"I
could have been doing this for years."
        Mystique chuckled, running one finger around Alison's nipples,"So
is there anything else I can do for you?"
        "Just one thing," moaned Dazzler, still smiling in satisfaction.
        "Anything, just name it."
        Alison sat up, taking on a serious, longing look.
        "You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, would you?"  	


	Finally Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch found themselves left
alone, it seemed as if every resident of Avalon had come to thank them
just for being born, to ask for blessings or tell them about dreams
they'd had.
        Mystique had left after Cain had told them that Destiny was
meditating at Highpoint Hill and could not be disturbed by anyone short
of Magnus himself.  Nightcrawler had faded into the shadows not long
after, although Wanda thought she had seen him wondering off with Alison
Blaire, whom she'd recognized as a member of the X-Men from her world.
        "This is all so much," she said to her brother,"This whole place,
Avalon, seems almost too good to be true.  Everything is so green and
beautiful, the people so friendly, humans and mutants living in utter
peace and harmony."
        "It is too good to be true," muttered Quicksilver quietly, then
turned to face his sister,"Tell me, do you remember what happened when
we went to The Mariner's tower?"
        "We had some cool drinks, he gave Mystique directions to get
to Avalon and we left," she told him,"Why?"
        "I remember that as well," he said,"But it's all wrong."
        "It's probably because of my accelerated senses, but I can tell
the difference between seeing something real with my eyes and having
information beamed directly to my brain."
        "I'm not sure I understand?"
        "It's like watching one of those old flick machines that animated
an image, you could tell it was a series of pictures rather than something
real because of a slight flicker between each movement.  I've been seeing
something similar to that ever since we drank the liquid at The Mariners."
        "What are you saying, Pietro?" asked Wanda, already guessing but
hoping it wasn't true.
        He frowned,"I'm saying that this, all this," he gestured with his
arm, taking in everything around them,"The land, the bonfire, maybe even
the people, are a computer generated image... Avalon is nothing more than
a Virtual Reality Simulation."

	End Part 17/37
	Compliments, Criticism's or Requests to me, the author, at :
