I can guarantee that there'll be a few missed chapters somewhere,
so just contact me at :


	Why not check out one of the following sites, which contain
my and/or other Author's stories.  Please take note that these are
NOT my websites, I'm just an Author.

01 : http://www.dimitrisarchive.com/ - JayDee's site, includes all my
stories, other authors and Showtime.
02 : http://www.asstr.org or ftp://asstr.org/pub/Authors/Dimitri - The
Alt Sex Stories Text Repository, the most constantly up to date collection
of my stories, because I update this directory!
03 : http://www.giffer.com - excellent, 100% free, lots of areas,
special area for my stories.
04 : http://www.GreyArchive.com (The Grey Archive, very popular, well
put together site with several of my stories).
05 : http://fanfiction.majorhost.com/index.html - Rogues Erotica,
constantly updating site with something for everyone.
06 : http://members.tripod.com/~sneal_ The X-Men Erotica Archive -
features My Marvel Comics series.
07 : http://www.angelfire.com/tx/TvArcive/ - Age Of Onslaught &
Star trek : Original Series story available here.
08 : http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/2506/foepage/ JamF's
FOEpage, features the GenX parts of my Marvel : Herald Of
Armageddon story and X-Files : Grandmaster, with images included.
09 : http://booyani.majorhost.com - Dedicated to the perversion
of your favorite videogame, comic book and anime characters since

	Here's the deal, whatever is the legal age to view pornographic
material in your country and/or state is how old you have to be to read
this story - if you're not that old then you can't read it - by reading
this story you are saying you are of a legal age to view this material - if
you are not I can not be held responsible.
	Also, it's okay to repost this stories in newsgroups as long as you
mention I am the writer (dimitri_resides@yahoo.com) and if any of you
would like to put this story on a site, could you tell me the URL so I can
check it out myself (again, you must also mention I am the writer - don't
wanna be vain, but theses stories are like my babies, and I'm a proud

	Okay - this story contains descriptions of male/female,
female/female and oral sex, if you feel you will be offended by this then
please do not read any further.
	If you have any complaints, criticisms or compliments, send them
to :

	Along with any requests for other stories I have written or ideas
on how I can improve the story.

	Without any further adieu :

		Something Sinister This Way Comes.

	Part One.

	I am the Watcher - recently this planet that it is both my duty
and pleasure to watch - Earth - came near total annihilation by the Mutant
known as Onslaught, had it not been for the brave sacrifice of the Earth's
heroes I would have been made - how would Ben Grimm put it? - I would have
been made redundant.
	But with Onslaught's death came a new hope to this world - the hope
of new heroes, the hope that human and mutant would see past
their differences and end their war - alas this was not to be, human/mutant
relationships have become even more strained with the death of Graydon
Creed, the loss of the heroes and Operation: Zero Tolerance.
	As I always do, I stared into alternate timelines, to see what
would have happened had Onslaught not come about - what I saw shocked me.

	In the Reality we know, Onslaught was created at the point where
Charles Xavier wiped clean the mind of Magneto, but Xavier was only able
to go to this extreme when Wolverine's adamantium was ripped from his
body - what if things had gone differently?
	In this universe, as Wolverine's adamantium was torn from his body,
Professor Xavier let loose with the full force of his immense psi-abilities,
he smashed Magneto's mental defenses and took control of his
powers - sending the X-Men back to Earth, he then shot the remains of
Avalon out of Earth's atmosphere at close to the speed of light, at the
same time scattering Magneto's Acolytes around the world and creating a
small escape pod for himself.
	When the pod landed at the Mansion, the X-Men found him lying
unconscious inside of it - he was deep in a coma and showed no signs of
coming out of it.
	It is a month after these events when the dreams start
to come.....

	".....know for sure, chere," Gambit said, looking at the huge
metallic pod,"I've been having dreams about this place, but I don't know
what it is?"
	"It's the Z'Noxx chamber," said Rogue, who was dressed in shorts
and a tight, white t-shirt, Gambit had awoken her from sleep to bring her
down here into the sewers,"It's the most psi-resilient chamber in the
world - anyone in here is totally protected from any sort of psi-talent.
The Prof. used it to fake his death so that he could fight the Z'Noxx
aliens without them being aware of him."
	Gambit walked up to the keypad,"How do we get in?"
	"We can't, Jean is the only one who knows the right code, apart
from the Professor, he's not really in any position to tell us though, is
	The Professor was still in his coma, despite everything that Hank
McCoy tried, he wasn't getting any better.
	Gambit frowned, then reached out and pushed a complex series of
numbers, the chamber let out a hiss, then slid open, allowing them access.
	"Remy, how did you.......?"
	"Shhh," he said with a grin,"I don't know - but I did it."
	They entered the chamber, Rogue looked around and smiled, something
seemed right about this place, she didn't know what it was - but she felt
good.  The chamber suddenly closed behind them, Rogue whirled and leaped
to it, but there was no evidence of a crack of any sort to show where the
parting had been.
	"I don't like this Remy," she said, but she realized she was lying,
this all felt right.  She stared at Gambit as he approached her, he took
her by the shoulders and smiled.
	"I don't know why," he said,"But I feel a sudden need to kiss
	"Gambit, no!" she cried, feeling panic well up in her body,"Don't
spoil this feeling....."
	But he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips, she
cringed back, and then realized that nothing was happening,"Wha........?"
	"I don't understand it either, chere," he said,"But I feel like
this is right - I've dreamt about this chamber, and you were always in
	"Kiss me again," she said, and he did, first slowly and tenderly,
but as she wrapped her arms around his neck, more passionately, Rogue began
to moan in pleasure, as over 15 years of built up sexual tension that had
been impossible to release, ever since she discovered she was a mutant,
began to find a pressure valve.  She pulled him down to the floor and he
lay on top of her, his tongue snaking down her throat, she felt his penis
against her inner thigh, hard as a rock, and for once was not scared, she
reached down into his boxer shorts - which was all he was wearing, and
grabbed it - it felt so good to have flesh against flesh once
more - something she had not felt since she was thirteen years old.
	"Wait," said Gambit, pulling away, she groaned in disappointment.
	"What is it?" she asked, fearful that he had felt some sort of
	"It's going to be your first time isn't it?" he asked.
	"Yes......let's not wait any longer!"
	"No....I,......don't.....don't you want it to be special?"
	"Of course, but Remy, this is special..."
	"No - Rogue, I love you, I want you to have the best of
everything - everything!   I want to cook you a romantic dinner, take you
dancing, and then I want your first time to be special."
	Rogue smiled,"Oh Gambit, thank you," she reach up to him and
stroked his cheek, marveling in the sensation of her flesh
against anothers,"Till tomorrow then?"
	"Till tomorrow."


	Scott Summers slammed the phone down, muttered a curse and walked
down the hallway angrily, his fiancee, Jean Grey stepped out of the
bathroom, looked out the doorway and winced at the way he was hunching his
back - he was angry.
	"Scott, what's the matter?" she asked, running up behind him, she
passed Wolverine's room and stopped, looking in she saw that it was empty,
everything in it had been taken out.
        "Where's Logan?" she asked.
	Scott whirled around, she caught the stray thought in his head
before he banished it,"You care more about him than me!"
	"Scott, that's not true!" she exclaimed.
	He winced as he realized she had picked up the thought through
their psi-link, he walked over and hugged her,"I'm sorry," he said,"I was
just on the phone with Alex."
	"What's wrong?"
	"He's talking about leaving X-Factor, as soon as he said it I just
went off, I should really call him back - he wanted support, not
	"What made you get so angry?" she asked,"Alex is probably just
confused, what with Multiple Man's death and all."
	"I'm having dreams lately, with mixed messages - they tell me not
to hold back the marriage like we decided, and also to watch out for Alex."
	"Watch out for him? Alex is your brother, not only wouldn't he
hurt you, he can't hurt you - your powers cancel each other out after all."
	"I know," Scott said,"I'm going to ring him back up - I don't know
where Logan is," he said with a smile,"I saw him talking with Storm
earlier - perhaps she knows."

	Storm stood staring at the picture - something was wrong, but she
couldn't place it - it was a picture from the X-men 'family' picnic last
year - and she felt like someone was missing.
	She put it down and turned to look at Jubilee, who was sitting
watching t.v - or so she liked to think everyone thought, she was actually
	"Jubilation," said Storm,"You cannot just sit and sulk all day."
	"He just up and left," she said, glaring at Storm like it was her
fault,"Said some crap about strange dreams and that he was losing control
of his wild side, and then just up and left."
	"Julilation, Logan is a very complex man, he has ever been an
enigma wrapped in a mystery, you know that we recently discovered that his
body was further mutating now that the adamantium has been removed from his
body and he finds it's harder to resist his animal impulses."
	"Did he tell you what his dreams were about?" asked a new voice,
they both turned to see Jean standing in the doorway,"And why didn't he
tell me?"
	"I am sorry Jean," said Storm,"He felt that if he talked to you he
would not be able to leave - and he did not tell me what his dreams were
	Jubilee turned back to MTV, she turned the sound up loud and Storm
and Jean both left the room, closing the door behind them.
	"I am worried about her," said Jean,"She hasn't shown an interest
in anything lately, unless it involved Logan."
	"He was her role-model, her hero," said Storm,"That's why she
didn't join Generation X, she was scared to be away from him - since the
Professor's coma Logan has been different - maybe she fears that without
her he will fall apart."
	"Have you been having dreams too?" asked Jean,"It's seems Logan
has, so had Scott - and have you seen Gambit today?"
	"Indeed," said Storm,"He's like a small boy on Christmas day,
rushing around, he actually giggled while talking to Henry, then the two
of them drove into town."
	"He took Hank? And what about Rogue?"
	"She's in her room, singing."
        "Something is going on," said Jean,"And for some reason I'm not
sure I like it."


	What a dump, you'd think the Friends of Humanity would want to
tear this place apart because of the way it degrades humans, reducing them
to nothing but meat - but no, they make it their headquarters here instead.
Guess that about sums up what they're about.
	"Hey runt, get out of my way," yells a large redneck, pushing past
me, I'd like to gut him, one less inbred, beer guzzling bigot about.  But's
that my animal side coming to the fore, lately things like that have been
popping into my head and I find it harder to get them out.
	I'm wearing jeans, boots, a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat, got a
brew in my hand and I'm pretending to be looking at the naked women dancing
on the table - truth is, these so called beautiful woman disgust
me - parading around naked for the enjoyment of others.  Jean and Ororo are
two of the most beautiful women I know, and they're not the type to ever
do this kind of thing, they have a self esteem and dignity to them that
would make them beautiful no matter what they look like.
        A strange odor hits me, I turn and notice the bald man walking into
the back room, he has a diamond tattoo on his forehead, dressed up like a
real good ol' boy, I recognize the scent easily - and I know he see's
me.  He was the last person I expected to see and not the type I want to
get in a fight with - but I got business on the other side of that door and
I mean to deal with it - he won't get in my way, he's too smart for that.
	I cross the room, dodging idiots with stone slabs for arms and
gigantic beerbellies, when I get to the door a couple of big guys step into
my way.
	"Room's for staff only," says one.
	"Go watch the girls," says the others,"Those are the only tittie's
you'll ever see in this life, runt."
	They both laugh, wow, I'm impressed - they were able to make a joke
about my height, they're obviously rhode scholars working here to get
through college.  I turn though, and walk away, I just wanted to get close
enough to the door to smell what was on the other side, now I know I can
leave, for now - I'll be back later by a more indirect route.


	Jubilee watched as Jean, Storm and Scott drove away into
Westchester, she smiled - she thought they would never leave.  She walked
into the danger room, staring around she noted that no one was there, she
turned to one of the security surveillance devices.  She saw Psylocke out
by the pool, the beautiful ninja was sunbathing,  a shadow suddenly loomed
over her and she squealed with delight, leaping up and kissing him.
	"Wow," said Jubilee,"I've never seen Psylocke so excited," she
panned the camera up and saw that it was Archangel, back from whatever
mission he had been on, he extended his wings and lifted into the air,
carrying Psylocke in his arms, they flew off into the forest.
	"Geez," muttered Jubilee,"He's only been gone a week," she flicked
through other camera shots, catching Bobby, who was turning the leg
supports of the Beast's bed into ice, she giggled at the thought of poor
Hank's face when he went to bed that night.  She panned to the next shot
and found Rogue in the kitchen, she was grabbing something out of the
fridge while dancing and singing, she turned and danced out the doorway,
she had a cucumber in her hand.
	"Well, well, well," said Jubilee,"A  small smile on her face,"What
are we up to Miss-I-can't-touch-anyone-or-they'll-die?"
	She turned off the surveillance and walked back to the living room,
Iceman was watching Ren and Stimpy.
	"Bobby, I was watching t.v!" she moaned.
	"Yep," he replied with a grin,"Now I am, you can have it back in
half and hour when I go suck up to Mr "I hate Mutants" Graydon Creed"
	"Ooh!" she yelled out, stamping her foot, turning she walked up
the stairs to her room, as she did she passed Storm's door, which was open.
She looked in, it was spotless, everything was not only in it's place, but
it looked like it belonged there.  She walked in and closed the door,
looking out the window she saw that no one was in any position to see her.
She quickly rushed to the closet and looked inside, everything was perfectly
well ordered, it made her mad to see such cleanliness, she hated it because
after going back to her room, everything seemed so chaotic and messy.
	"Come on, I know there's at least something a little dirty in
here," she muttered, grabbing a shoebox, she ripped the top of, inside
was Storm's tax information - but something seemed wrong,"This isn't
	She lifted the tax papers, receipts and invoices up and found
what she had been looking for, she smiled as she looked on Storm's little
vice.  It was a purple vibrator, it was filled with some sort of beads and
had a little face at the tip, she had seen one of these on MTV once she
thought to herself, it also had  what looked like a little dildo protruding
from the base, she couldn't figure out what it was for, perhaps it was
meant to rub against the clitoris, but it seemed to be too far out for that.  She switched it on and watched both of them begin to twirl slowly around, just the look of it made her juices start to flow and she caught her free hand straying down between her legs.  The little beds were moving around inside, which indicated they made up the integral part of the vibrations.
	She looked out the window, there was no sign of Warren or Betsy, and
Bobby was probably still watching t.v, she rushed to the door and turned
the lock.  She rushed back to the closet and grabbed the vibrator in her
hand, she slipped out of her yellow overcoat and slid her pants off,
quickly followed by her panties, which revealed her pussy, which she
managed to keep well trimmed (I may be messy with my room, she thought, but
I keep myself in great shape), as she sat, preparing to run the vibrator
between her legs she remembered something she had seen on a porno movie she
had caught Bobby watching once, she slid her top and bra off, her breasts,
which in her mind were about average size (although, compared to the
mammaries that Rogue, Storm, Jean and Psylocke carried around, she was
practically flat she thought with a grin) stood exposed, her nipples
erect from her sexual excitement, she turned the vibrator on and ran it
quickly over one nipple, a shudder of pleasure rushed through her and she
nearly moaned out loud, she quickly caught herself, lay back on the ground,
her legs bent and spread slightly, and began running the vibrator over her


	When Rogue was eighteen she lost her hymen to a cucumber, it had
hurt slightly, but her body had quickly recovered.  Unable to find any
sexual release except by her own hand or with inanimate objects, she became
a regular masturbator.
	Ever since last night, when she had discovered that Gambit could
touch her in the Z'Noxx chamber, she had been growing hornier and hornier.
She had fingered herself until she came early this morning, and since then
had felt extremely happy, but she had also gotten hornier and hornier - she
longed to lose her virginity - which should have set sail with her hymen
all those years ago.
	Now she lay on her bed, naked, her huge breasts heaving, legs
spread and sliding a cucumber in and out of her vagina.  She had come
twice already, but hadn't gotten any less horny yet, she had actually done
this for several hours once before, till the cucumber had become limp and
saggy - she had not been able to believe that she had fucked out an
inanimate object - but then, a dildo would have probably run out of
batteries several hours earlier.
	She came again, whimpering slightly in pleasure as her juices ran
down her legs, forming a small puddle around her ass cheeks.  The cucumber
slid in and out between her legs, sometimes she slid it slightly in, then
she would slide it nearly fully in before sliding it slowly back out again.
She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what Gambit's cock would feel like
inside of her, would it be like the cucumber, or wold it feel different?
	She slid the cucumber out and threw it to the floor, sliding one
hand down between her thighs, she began pinching a nipple while one finger
made ever declining circles around her clit, finally resting on her wet
button, which she began to rub faster and faster, almost grinding her
finger against the small love button.  She came again and this time cried
out in pleasure, she stopped, listening, no one was coming up the stairs,
she listened for any sort of noise and heard a low moaning from what
sounded like Storm's room - she smiled, she knew Storm had a vibrator in
her closet, she had used it once herself in fact - and hey, which two girls
deserved it more? The two of them hadn't gotten laid in a long time, Storm
in a couple of years, Rogue - never.
	She sighed, then smiled again as her fingers began to slide in and
out of her pussy.


	The dreams, it seems they never end, every night I dream, and each
night the dream gets worse - the demons from my past all rise up for me,
and though I try to fight them off, I can't - my own inner demons are
there too, and this time I can't stop them - I feel my animal side rising
up, and I know that this time I won't be able to stop it.  Every night I
wake up a little further along in that dream, in the beginning I was
fighting the demons, later I found myself being pulled down by my own
inner demons, next thing I know I'm being beaten by them, and last night?
well, last night, everything changed.
	I was being pulled down again, I felt myself changing, becoming an
animal, and then suddenly a blast of pure light tore through the demons, it
hit me and I felt myself standing tall again, well as tall as this runt can,
and I realize that everything has been solved.......for now.
	It's then that I hear the voice, I look over and see Chuck, when I
try and run to him, he moves further back, he shakes his head and tells me
that he's not able to return yet, then a man appears next to him, a largely
muscled, extremely tall black man.  I don't know him, but I feel that I
	"Remember Logan," Chuck says,"Try to remember," and then the dream

	I cut off my ruminations as I catch the scent, I turn and look at
him, he's changed back to his real form.
	"Don't like the human look?" I ask him.
	"Human's are a step back," he says,"Mutants are the new age, and
they must be allowed to evolve to the next step, whether nature intends it
or not."
	"For a guy who loves mutants," I say, lighting up a match for my
cigarette,"You're spending an awful lot of time with the Friends of
	"What do you want with them?" he asks me, I smiled, and replied to
his question in the form of a question, Alex Trebeck would be proud.
	"Why were you there?"
	"They are looking up known mutants, they found Threnody in their
files, I came to destroy that file, I have done so."
	He's lying, and we both know it, but I let it slide,"I'm going
to talk to Creed, You have some sort of problem with that?"
	"None whatsoever," he says, he smiles, but his eyes are dead
- that's something I've always noticed about him, he seems to have no
emotions at all, he can pretend, but I think he really gave up his humanity
when he became a mutant, he decided he didn't want it and just disposed of
it,"And you won't be coming after Threnody will you?"
	"Don't worry, you told us you'd look after her, and as far as we
know, you have, now get out of here!"
	"I wouldn't test me Logan," he says with a slight smile,"Your
adamantium is gone, your healing factor is slowing down - youre showing
your age."
	Incredibly, despite what he was saying was true, I could sense he
was lying again, or at least not telling the whole truth.  I unsheathed my
claws, a large grin on my face,"You want to test that theory?"
	He smiles and walks away, one second he's there, the next his
scent is gone, he deserves his name, I think, because he really
is Sinister.


	The girl was flirting with Gambit, but he wasn't even responding,
she seemed to get the message and just helped him find what he was looking
	Henry McCoy, Hank to his teammates, the Beast and Dr Henry McCoy
to the outside world, was in one word - unique.
	At the moment he wore an image inducer, but at
Scientific conventions and when working with the Government, he showed
himself as he was - the blur furred, highly muscled mutant Scientist,
Genius and all around good guy.   He could only do this because he had
once been an Avenger, and people remembered that, and because he was one
of the lead researcher's into the Legacy Virus.
	Despite his genius, however, he had been unsuccessful in his
efforts - but the dreams.......
	.....lately the dreams had been taking on an almost real life
quality, in them he found himself working at the lab when he noted a
chromosomal imbalance in the Legacy Virus, researching further,
he discovered that the imbalance could quite easily be broken, causing the
virus to collapse upon itself, rendering it harmless - but in order to do
so he needed to create a antibody made up of several components, that
- while seemingly real enough in the dream - did not exist in the real
world.  Yet he had the same dream everynight.
	Gambit turned, the plastic bags in his hand and a large smile on
his face, and grabbed the Beast by his arm,"Come along, I have to set
things up back at the Mansion, this'll be a romantic dinner like no other!"
	As he and the Beast strode out, still swinging each others arms, the
checkout girl smiled,"So that's why he didn't respond to me! They're gay!"


	Jubilee slowly slid the vibrator up her cunt, she gasped as the
purple dildo slowly rotated inside of her, whilst vibrating, and she came
straight away from shock.
	"Wow!" she said, truly smiling happily for the first time since
Logan had left, the only trouble was the smaller attachment - it was indeed
to far up for her clitoris, instead it was tangling in her pubic hair, she
groaned as she slipped the dildo out, trying to figure out how to use the
damn thing right.  She smiled as she realized she could turn it upside
down, so that the smaller attachment would rest between her buttocks, which
had a slight itch between them, she figured she could scratch that at the
same time with the little probe,  she quickly turned it around, the small
probe twirling in her juices for a second, then slid the vibrator back up
her cunt - she moaned in ecstasy as it vibrated past her sensitive cunt
lips, and pushed into her, creating a feeling of wholeness and well being.
	She felt the little probe attachment sliding deeper past her
buttocks, it touched the rim of her anus and suddenly she understood what
it was there for, she cried out in shock as the smaller dildo, lubricated
with her own juice, slid slowly up her anus, the slight ache of pain soon
changed into a much more pleasurable ache, she could feel the thin membrane
between her ass and pussy being touched on both sides by each dildo, and
the sensation was incredible, she came again, biting back the loud cry of
ecstasy that wanted to erupt from her.
	The rotating, vibrating dildo was now well lubricated by her own
juices and slid in and out of her cunt easily, her little clit had slipped
out of it's hood, and was also soaking in juices, she slid a finger down to
it and began to rub slowly in small circles, new waves of pleasure rocked
through her as she came for a third time.  She felt a wave of superiority
towards Rogue overrush her at the fact that she was not a virgin, her hymen
had parted company with her cunt several months ago when she had meet a
boy named Robin, who apparently came from another universe.  She still
remembered his long but slender cock sliding in and out of her as he had
nibbled naughtily on her nipples, she giggled at that bit of
alliteration - the truth was, he hadn't lasted too long, only five minutes,
and she had had to wank herself to come, but he had enjoyed watching, and
she had felt that same sense of completeness, but now it was more, the
vibrator sliding in and out of both her cunt and anus made her feel truly
fulfilled, she wondered how she could get this thing away from Storm without
her notice - but decided against it, if she had to, she would buy her own.

        End Part 1

        Comments, Criticisms, Compliments and/or requests to :
