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        Legal Stuff - Most of the characters in this story are
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04 : http://www.GreyArchive.com (The Grey Archive, very popular, well
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05 : http://fanfiction.majorhost.com/index.html - Rogues Erotica,
constantly updating site with something for everyone.
06 : http://members.tripod.com/~sneal_ The X-Men Erotica Archive -
features My Marvel Comics series.
07 : http://www.angelfire.com/tx/TvArcive/ - Age Of Onslaught &
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08 : http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/2506/foepage/ JamF's
FOEpage, features the GenX parts of my Marvel : Herald Of
Armageddon story and X-Files : Grandmaster, with images included.
09 : http://booyani.majorhost.com - Dedicated to the perversion
of your favorite videogame, comic book and anime characters since

        JLA - Dark Angel - Part 15 Of 25.

        Dominic's Lair - June 6th - 8:34 AM.

        They entered the room and immediately fell silent, somewhat
taken aback by the unexpected grandeur of their surroundings.
        They were in a huge room, some kind of giant ballroom or court,
with a huge, dome ceiling and high, expensive looking chandeliers.  Set at
regular spaces across the wall were large, curved windows which let in
long rays of sunlight.  There was a large throne set at one end of the
room, beside which were giant statues reaching up to the high ceiling,
standing on large pedestals almost as large as the throne itself.  The
floor was a deep, white marble.
        Set between the wall and The Throne was a large, square gray box
that thrummed lightly with a humming, buzzing noise.
        But if they found that odd, it was easily overshadowed by the
sight of the man sitting on The Throne and the two women standing naked
on either side of him.
        The man's face was familiar from the image Steel had shown to
them earlier.  Now he was smiling slightly, and despite the good natured
sparkle in his eyes they were overcome by a feeling of malevolent wrongness
about him, seeming to radiate off him in waves.
        He was leaning forward in the Throne, which despite being so
much larger than he was seemed made expressly for him.  He was lean but
well proportioned, with short dark hair slicked back naturally.  His
features were sharp, almost aquiline and his dark eyes gave him an enigmatic,
dark look.
        - Shit, - thought Huntress, - He reminds me a bit of Nightwing. -
        A sudden grin broke over Dominic's features, as if he had read
her mind, he leaned back suddenly and clapped his hands together twice.
        Immediately the two women beside him turned their heads to face
him, they seemed anxious, almost desperate to please.  None of the JLA'ers
bothered to comment that the spell Zatanna had cast was no longer having
any effect, not only could Dominic see them, but so could WonderWoman and
Black Canary.
        "Where are my manners," laughed Dominic,"Ladies, give these
gentlemen and this lady anything they want, food, drink,
blowjobs, anything," he waved his hand negligently, speaking casually.
        "Yes, of course," said WonderWoman and The Black Canary together,
and turned to face the other JLA'ers.
        "I don't fucking believe this," The Flash muttered to Green
Lantern,"You know how many dreams I've had that started just like this?"
        "Would you care for anything?" Black Canary asked,"Food? Wine?"
        "Or perhaps a blowjob?" asked WonderWoman, almost anxiously.  She
cast a quick glance back at Dominic, hoping to have pleased him.
        "How dare you!" growled Superman, enraged at the way that Dominic
was treating two of his teammates, one current, the other former.  To have
them standing naked before them like this, forcing them to offer themselves
to them... especially WonderWoman, forced to expose her large, beautiful
breasts, to stand before him with nothing covering her vagina, including
pubic hair.... he shook his head in an effort to clear it and felt his
headache return full force, pounding through his body like a jackhammer.
        "How dare I what?" asked Dominic casually, reaching out and
sliding a hand over Black Canary's smooth ass, making the woman groan in
content,"How dare I offer you hospitality? how dare I offer you
refreshments? What is your problem?"
        "Cut the bullshit," snapped Huntress,"This isn't a diplomatic
meeting and we aren't...."
        "Quiet yourself woman," muttered Dominic, waving an
arm dismissively at her, obviously bored.
        The others turned to stare at Huntress, who stood with her eyes
wide open in shock.  He hand raised to her mouth, which was tightly
compressed together, try as she might she was unable to part them to
        "In case you're wondering," laughed Dominic,"Yesterday, while
Huntress here was busy eating out another woman in the dusty ruins of
a condemned building, I fired a tiny nano into her system which began
to instantly transmit a signal similar to the one in the Amulet taken
from Catwoman by you, Batman.  About 3 AM this morning she passed the
point of being able to say no to me."
        "MMMMM!" roared Huntress through close lips and charged forward
to attack him.
        "Stop," he muttered, almost in boredom,"Go stand in the corner and
don't come out till I say you can."
        Huntress instantly stopped, then twisted about on one foot and
began walking back towards one corner of the room.  Her eyes looked up
at Batman's in agonized pleading, but for now there was nothing that he
could do to help her.
        "Girls, behind me," Dominic said, standing up from The Throne
and moving forward a step.  WonderWoman and Black Canary rushed to get
behind him, jostling for position.
        Still smiling, Dominic lifted his hand and showed them his palms,
outright so as to show they were empty.  Then he closed his fists and
spun them about, opening them up to reveal a perfectly formed black
rose.  The stem was covered in thorns, but none seemed to break his
skin, even when he closed his fist over the stem.
        Dominic smelled the rose, then crumpled it up in his fist, when
his hand re-opened, only black ash remained.
        "Is that supposed to impress us?" asked Batman.  Beside him,
Green Lantern looked extremely impressed, but quickly hid it when he
realized Batman was doing his Clint Eastwood impression.
        "No," replied Dominic, sounding bored,"This is."
        He snapped his fingers and suddenly Superman's body jerked up and
stiffened, his eyes bulging from his head.
        "Supes?" asked The Flash, looking a little unsure of himself.
        "Kal-El," muttered Dominic,"Dispose of them for me."
        He turned and left the room through a door in place behind the
thrumming machinery, WonderWoman and The Black Canary still following
submissively behind him.
        Superman glared at the three remaining JLA members, then his hand
shot out faster than anyone (except The Flash) could follow, grabbed Wally
by his throat and smashed him into the ground with a brutal ferocity never
seen by any of them from the hero before.
        "Dominic is the main problem here," muttered Batman, eying the
still open door, he began to move towards it, Superman's head slowly turned
to eye the Caped Crusader dangerously.  Batman stopped, turning to look at
The Man Of Tomorrow,"Green Lantern, deal with him."
        He turned and left the room.
        Kyle looked up at Superman, gulped.
        "Deal with him, sure Bats, no problem."


        A hand shook Circe's shoulder insistently, waking her
up, irritating her to no end.
        "What the fuck?" she muttered.
        "Circe, Circe it's all coming apart!" cried Barbara Minerva,
half in tears as she continued to shake with desperate need at
The Sorceress' shoulder.
        Circe closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, calming herself so
that she wouldn't blast the whiny bitch across the room.
        "What's coming apart?" she asked with a sigh.
        "I was watching some of the monitors," whispered Barbara
fearfully,"And on one of them, in the big throneroom where Dominic was
with those two women, The JLA appeared!"
        "Really?" asked Circe, suddenly interested, sitting up in the
bed,"What happened then?"
        "I ran!" cried Barbara, then buried her head in Circe's shoulder,
crying and sobbing.
        - Fuck, - muttered Circe to herself.  She was hoping to know just
how Dominic had dealt with The JLA, had he just blasted them, maybe
teleported them away or was he even now torturing them?
        She had no doubt that Dominic could handle them, despite the power
of The JLA, he'd already taken apart over half of the team before any of
them even realized they were under attack.
        She prepared to push Barbara off the bed and make her way to the
Throneroom to see what was going on, until a thought occured to her.
        - Dominic will call me when he wants us to have some fun with
the survivors, - she thought with an evil grin, - Until then, I can either
sleep, or have some fun of my own. -
        She chuckled to herself, then embraced Barbara, hugging the other
woman tightly, making sure that their breasts were pressed firmly against
each other.
        "Shhh," she whispered,"There, there, it's all right, Circe won't
let them hurt you."
        This was going to be fun.


        Batman found himself in familiar surroundings.
        He'd stepped through the door from a Courtyard flooded with
sunlight despite the fact that the room was underground and it was only
early morning, so he didn't find his new surroundings all that odd.
        He was in a traditional Japanese practice room, the equivalent
of a Gym, and through the thin screens he could make out the
lush mountain landscapes of Japan.  While he didn't recognize the area,
it was unmistakably Japan, even the air had a different timbre to it,
a lighter smell.
        The room was bare floorboards, and he wasn't surprised to find
that his boots were gone, and that he stood in bare feet.  It would have
been the height of ill-manners to wear footwear inside, and it just
seemed natural that they would be gone.
        He looked around, noting the aged, thin walls and balcony from
which people might observe the trainers, it was up there that the only
wrong element was to be found.
        A sleeper-tube, like that which had held Green Lantern and still
did hold Martian Manhunter, was set into the wall behind the observation
balcony, with tubes running into the walls.
        "Guess who's in there," said a voice, and Batman slowly turned
to find himself facing Dominic.
        The Dark Mastermind was dressed only in smooth black pants that
came down to his knees.  He wore no shoes, had no ornamentation, but his
entire body exuded a power Batman could not deny.
        "I won't play games," replied Batman,"I found you, that earns me
the right to forego all that crap at least."
        "Indeed it does," laughed Dominic, his smile easy-going and
infectious.  Had it been anyone else other than Batman, they probably
would have smiled back.
        "The trail I left wasn't easy to find," Dominic chuckled,"In fact
I wouldn't have been able to find it.  I deliberately covered all my
tracks, burnt all my bridges, so how did you find me?"
        "Sometimes there's no denying the nature of the beast," Batman
replied enigmatically.
        Dominic's grin fell slightly, as if he guessed the deeper meaning
behind The Dark Knight's words, then it rose to full force again as he
gestured at the tube.
        "Inside that tube is a young man who plays at being you, who
is desperately trying to live up to the impossible image he cultivated of
you as he grew up.  At best he's a second rate Batman, living in a second
rate Gotham."
        Batman's eyes narrowed.
        "Yes," laughed Dominic,"It's Dick Grayson... strange that you
guessed correctly to the rather unflattering description, I guess you feel
the same way too, eh?"
        "Let him go," growled Batman,"He's got nothing to do with The
        "Oh but he does," laughed Dominic,"He's my link to you, he's
your weak point.  You see, I have young Dick Grayson's -  or Nightwing if
you prefer, although he's always just been Robin to me - mind hooked up
to my computer system.  Right now he isn't being mind-conditioned, but
he is linked up and ready to recieve information."
        "What are you getting at?" asked Batman, already guessing Dominic's
        "Walk away from this now, just turn and go, and I'll let you
take Dick with you.  Try to stop me, and I'll fry his brain so hard that
they could use his corpse to light up Main Street on Christmas Night."
        He smiled at Batman and waved a hand in the direction of Nightwings
sleeper-tube,"So what's it to be, Bats?"
        Batman didn't hesitate at all.  Dick Grayson was the closest he'd
ever had to a son, he was dearer to him than anyone else in the entire
world.  He'd always hoped that one day they would patch up their differences
and Dick would agree to take over from him as Batman.  He couldn't live
with the knowledge that he had allowed Dick to die when he could have
possibly stopped it.
        "No deal."


        Barbara Minerva's clothes lay in a pile on the floor, half torn
by her insistent, demanding lover.
        Circe's hadn't been wearing clothes herself, she always slept
in the nude, and after hugging and comforting the other scared woman she
had quickly started stroking and kissing her.  Barbara, desperate to be
protected and cared for, had just let the other woman do it for her, just
as she had let herself be forced into the V.R environment in the hopes of
being changed back into Cheetah.
        She felt a momentary thrill as she imagined just how Cheetah would
have handled this turn of events.  She'd be all over Circe, dominating and
enjoying herself, rather than second guessing what was going on.
        But that was the furtherest thing from what Barbara Minerva was
now doing.
        Up on the bed, she was on her knees in front of Circe, her hands
clutching The Sorceress' beautifully rounded asscheeks as she buried her
face into the purple-haired woman's juice-filled cunt.  The Sorceress had
her legs tucked underneath her, leaning back on her arms so as to push
her cunt out a little further.
        A small moan of pleasure slipped out of Circe's red lips as
Barbara's tongue delved deeply into the quivering, juicy pink cunt of the
woman who had once caused several Pantheons of Gods to wage war amongst
        The violet haired Sorceress let her head press against the smooth
wall behind her and brought her hands down, grabbing the back of Barbara's
head.  As the beautiful woman's tongue writhed and twisted about between
Circe's shaven pussy-lips, The Sorceress spread her legs as far as she
could, thrusting her hips forward against Barbara's mouth, forcing her
tongue deeper into her hot, juicy snatch.
        Incredibly erotic feelings were running all throughout Circe's
lower body as Barbara did incredible things to her juicy, gushing slit,
stabbing forward into her tight fuckhole and blasting an incredible,
unexpectedly quick orgasm through her.
        "AHH YES!" she cried out, almost all coherent, rational thought
lost in the huge wave of the orgasm blasting over her body.
        The Sorceress moaned happily, spreading her legs wider and wider,
grinding Barbara's face into her cunt with her hands.  The Sorceress humped
and thrust her cunt up into Barbara's face, wantonly slamming her juicy,
gushing snatch into the other woman's face as she climaxed.
        "Good bitch, good bitch!" chuckled Circe gleefully, fucking her
pussy into Barbara's face with small, quick circles of her hips,"You're
my little bitch, aren't you, aren't you!"
        Barbara felt a quick flare of anger at the way she was being talked
to and treated.  All she had wanted was someone to protect her from The JLA,
who would be sure to blame her as well as Dominic and Circe.  She'd been
happy to go along with the sex as well, linking it with the idea of being
protected, but she didn't want to be treated like this.
        But she was powerless to do anything about it, she was just plain
old Barbara Minerva, what could she do against the mighty Circe?
        So she continued to lap away at the beautiful Sorceress' tasty
cunt, pathetically eager to please.  She chewed and sucked at the hot
cunt before her, allowing the hot, juicy crotch of Circe to jerk and
thrust up into her face, the hot, shaven lips forced into her mouth,
the clit pressing against her nose.
        Barbara, wanting to please her lover, slipped her tongue up into
the juicy pussy and wrapped her lips around her erect clit, sucking away
at it as erotically as she was able to.
        A secret pleasure of hers had always been fingering her ass, and
now she just assumed Circe would enjoy it as well.  As she continued to
suckle on the other woman's lovebutton, she slid one hand between Circe's
asscheeks and began to finger her pink, puckered butthole.
        Circe's eyes widened a little, and then a devilish grin crossed
her face.
        - My bitch showing some gumption, huh? - she chuckled.
        "Oh that's good," she laughed,"Finger my ass, baby, but my cunt
too, don't forget my cunt!"
        Barbara was quite surprised at how good the feel of Circe's hot,
tight asshole clamping down on her finger felt, and couldn't help but
wonder if it was even slightly akin to how a guy felt when he was fucking
a chicks ass.
        She slid another finger up beneath her tongue, relishing the
feel of Circe's juicy, velvety slickness around her fingers.  Now, with
two fingers inside Circe's gushing cunt and one inside her tight asshole,
she began finger-fucking her lover's holes while sucking hungrily on her
erect clit.
        Circe screamed out happily as her hips spasmed as she climaxed
again, the feeling of having her cunt and ass simultaneously fingerfucked
while Barbara sucked on her clit was too much for her, and she was hit
by intense, overwhelming passion.  She clutched onto the back of Barbara's
head, not even realizing how hard her grip was as she ground her cunt up
hard against her lover's, her desire for more pleasure, more sensation,
far outweighing any consideration towards her lover's comforts.
        Barbara, strangly enough, was beginning to feel a heady sense of
power run through her body.  SHE was making Circe cum, SHE was driving
The Sorceress wild with passion. and SHE was beginning to realize just how
good she was.
        She slammed her tongue in and out of Circe's flooding pussy yet
again, releasing the clitoris the moment she felt hot cum flood over her
fingers so she could bury her face into the hot, juicy quim, trying to
suck out as much of The Sorceress' cuntjuices as she was able.
        "OH SHIT!" squealed Circe,"I'M FUCKING CUMMING!!!!"
        - Well, duh! - chuckled Barbara to herself, shocking herself at
the denigrating image she had had of Circe for a moment.
        The Sorceress was pushing Barbara's face into her cunt, which was
unnecessary, because Barbara would have been willing to fight if anyone
had tried to drag her away from the beautiful, violet haired woman's tasty
cuntjuices.  This newfound aggression was a little frightening, but also
stimulating as well, and she felt her own crotch began to burn with an
unmistakable, irrefutable desire.
        Barbara's tongue shot in and out, pushing deeper and deeper each
time into Circe's gushing, juicy snatch.  The sexy redhead gulped down
Circe's juices again and again, reveling in the taste, feeling her belly
fill up with another woman's cuntcream.
        Circe's body was shaking and jerking about as she moaned and
groaned in excitement.  Her delicious, firm body was shuddering
uncontrollably as her orgasm spasmed through her, sending unstoppable
ripples throughout her body and limbs.
        She cried out in orgasming glee, her long purple hair plastered by
sweat to her forehead, sweat running freely down her chest, over her
firm breasts.
        Barbara felt a momentary burst of disappointment as the stream of
cuntjuices flowing from Circe's cunt slowed to a trickle.  But that was
washed away instantly as another flood of cream filled Barbara's mouth,
filling it up and running all over her cheeks and chin.
        With a cry of joy, Barbara rubbed her face vigorously into her
lover's pussy, almost as if she was trying to dry the juices off of her
mouth, which just left more and more of the copious flowing juices all
over her face.
        Barbara continued to stab her tongue as deep into Circe's hot,
quivering cunt as she could, sliding her lips over the shaven pussy-lips
at the same time as she sucked at them.
        The final wave of Circe's orgasm shuddered it's way through her
body, causing her to stiffen up as she gripped hard on the back of Barbara's
head, her legs spread wide open and shaking from ecstatic exhaustion, pussy
quivering and shaking as finished off her excellent orgasm.
        Barbara kept her head buried in Circe's cunt, lapping away like a
cat at the last, thin streams of cuntjuice, enjoying the juicy, steaming
heat of Circe's snatch.  Finally, when she'd eaten up her full, she lifted
her head up, staring up at Circe with a huge, happy grin on her face, which
was dripping with her lover's cuntjuices.
        Circe opened her eyes, which had been squeezed shut as she wound
down from her orgasm.  They widened when she saw the change that had come
over Barbara, not just emotionally, but physically as well.
        "And now," growled Cheetah with a grin,"The fun really begins."


        Dominic's grin didn't waver at all, but his eyes lost some of
their good humor.  He shook his head slightly, as if to clear it, then
spoke again.
        "I'm sorry, did you just say no deal?"
        "No deal," repeated Batman, expressionless.
        "Don't you get it!" roared Dominic, his face suddenly red with
fury,"I'm not kidding around! I will fucking kill him!"
        "No deal," Batman said again.
        "FUCK!" roared Dominic and slammed one fist into the other,"FUCK
        If Batman was at all taken aback by this display of petulance, he
didn't show it.  His eyes never left Dominic's.
        "DO you know who I am!" snapped Dominic, forcing himself to calm
down,"I'm not like all the other fucking villians who come in with grand
plans and fuck up on the last hurdle, you can't outsmart me, or outfight
me or pluck a win from an impossible situation... this is life or death,
and I play for keeps!"
        "Who are you?" asked Batman,"Explain yourself, isn't that what your
kind always do?"
        "Eh?" asked Dominic, confusion masking his anger.
        "I'm in your power," replied Batman, and a small smile tugged at
his lips, as if the very idea was laughable,"The situation is hopeless,
now is when you explain just why your plan is so brilliant and that,
unlike all the others, you won't fail."
        Dominic suddenly grinned, allowing a small chuckle to part his
        "I can't believe you had me worried," he chuckled,"You are just
like all the rest, the only difference between you and the rest of The JLA
is that you know you're not invincible.  Fine, Batman, if you think you
can stall me long enough to come up with a plan, I'll tell you my grand
little scheme," he paused, his eyes drifting to the sleeper tube up on
the Observation Platform,"But unless you can move faster than the speed of
thought, I wouldn't make a move at that tube, it's psionically linked to
        "I'm listening," was Batman's only reply.
        "I am the only born son of Hell," said Dominic, then waved an arm
at Batman, as if to ward off some kind of derogatory comment,"And no, I'm
not a loon with delusions of grandeur, it's the truth.
        Longer ago than you would be capable of comprehending, I led a
revolt against the Dark Angel who ruled Hell and won, taking the Throne
for myself... and then I was betrayed, my lofty Throne ripped from under
me by greedy Demons who took advantage of my vulnerability after the long
battle with Neron/Satan/Lucifer whatever you want to call him.  None of
them were strong enough to hold The Throne themselves, and The Dark Angel
took it back."
        "And what happened to you?" asked Batman.
        "I was locked away by incantations powerful enough to shackle
suns or crush solar systems.  That was his problem back then, Neron always
went for brute force over subtlety, and I slipped through the cracks in
the spell easily enough... nowadays he's the Prince Of Lies, or so they
say, but back then he used unthinking, crude methods of power that looked
impressive and did damage enough if they hit their intended target.  That's
how he got cast from Heaven, by the way, he tried to take on The Presence
directly and didn't even see Michael coming for him, then.... BOOM, a very,
very long fall.
        I dedicated myself to the corruption and collection of souls then,
realizing that my mistake had been collecting an army of untrustworthy,
power hungry monsters underneath me.  When I corrupt a soul, they become
mine forever, and it's so easy to corrupt them, they seem almost eager to
do it."
        "Is that where the sphere comes into it?" asked Batman.
        "You are smart, I'll give you that," chuckled Dominic,"The sphere
plays an integral part in my plans.  I plan to use it to wipe out the
sexual inhibitions of every single person on this planet, to make them
all wild enough to engage in wanton acts of sexual depravity."
        "To what end, might I ask?" asked Batman, still
expressionless,"Unless pre or extra-marital sex is considered a strong
enough sin to go to hell?"
        "Not at all," laughed Dominic,"No, because I want to end all the
inhibitions of this pathetic planets occupants, I want them to murder, to
rape, to kill and lust and let their civilization crumble.  I want them
to become animals.  But they have to do it themselves, they can't be
forced to do it, do you understand?"
        "I believe so," said Batman, nodding his head slightly,"People
are far more willing to have sex than to kill, you'll have the world in
some kind of bizarre orgy and slowly remove the influence of the sphere."
        "YES!" hissed Dominic, excited to be sharing his grand vision,"But
by then the majority, if not all of the humans will be more than happy to
continue and then, with only the slightest nudge from me comes the rapes,
then the beatings, then the killings... it'll be like Lord Of The Flies
except on a worldwide scale, the end of civilization and the corruption
of billions upon billions of souls."
        "And then?" asked Batman.
        "Then I move on to another planet, then another and another, again
and again until my army of souls is large enough.  And then I will make my
triumphant return to Hell, and pass through the various levels with an
army of trillions upon trillions of corrupt, totally loyal souls at my
back, including those of the greatest, most noble souls... do you have
any idea how powerful the corrupted souls of The JLA will make me, what
Superman's soul alone would do for me? This time Neron will stay defeated
and I shall not be toppled from my Throne."
        He finished, slightly breathless, his voice had been growing
louder and louder as he spoke as he became more and more excited by the
        "There is, of course, one error to your plan," Batman said smoothly.
        "And what, pray tell, is that?" asked Dominic with a slight grin.
        "I'm going to stop you."
        "HA!" laughed Dominic,"YES! Of course you will, that's why you're
here, to strike fear into the hearts of criminals, eh?"
        "Something like that," replied Batman.
        "No," hissed Dominic,"Exactly like that, except you haven't
accounted for one thing yourself."
        "And that is?"
        "That to get to me, you're going to have to go through your own
daughter to do it."
        And Batman found himself facing the second Huntress that had
faced off with the current Huntress just yesterday.
        "It's a family reunion, Bats," chuckled Dominic,"But one of you
isn't going to survive it."

	End Part 15 Of 25.