Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Hello asstr reader, If you are looking for our stories don't worry they will be back soon with I hope new installments and maybe some brand new stories if I'm lucky. If you were a frequent visitor to this page please feel free to email and let me know what you thought of them. In the year Defi Kinder and Pope Solomon's stories were hosted on only one feedback email from a reader was received. After nearly a year on hiatus (writers block is a bitch!) I decided to come back and try writing gay man-boy and boy-boy sex stories again. Pope is a little busy these days playing MMORPGs but he wishes me good luck in rekindling this little hobby on my own. As part of this rebirth I have also decided to update my pseudonym from Defi Kinder to JD Kinder as well. I will be updating it in all the old stories and any new ones. Don't worry Pope's name will remain on all the stories he worked on. Lastly, due to the inability to contact ASSTR administration in order to get the root folder renamed to something simpler (a superpower only they have) I have chosen the next best thing for this rebirth: purge this account and start over fresh. After migration is complete all my stories will be back online and I will post a link here to redirect loyal followers to their new home. Thank you for your patients, JDK