Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Mother and Son A short story of incest, Fb, Mg, incest, romance If adult stories are illegal or not appreciated by you or your government, please go away. I miss Mom. I really loved her. I never knew my father. Mom always said he was a good man but that he couldn't handle commitment so he went away before I was born. I didn't care though. I had Mom. The fondest memories of my youth were the times when she and I would lounge for hours in the hot bath. OK, so it wasn't for hours `cause the water got cold, but to me as a kid it seemed like hours. I'd lay there leaning against her chest. Mom would reach around and play with me. My little dick would get so hard at her touch. It wasn't until I was about 11 or 12 that she could actually make me cum. That memory is indelibly etched in my mind. We were in Cancun on vacation. That evening we'd gone to a fabulous restaurant at a nearby hotel, the wine had flowed freely and we were both pretty tipsy. Mom looked great. She was wearing a pale blue skirt that seemed to float in the ocean breeze, a white bandeau halter over her beautiful tits, her tanned shoulders bare, tiny sandals on her slender feet. I was so in love with her, so proud to be the man with her. We walked arm in arm back to our hotel, stopping along the way to kiss. Mom's kisses were special kisses, soft, tender, loving but demanding. I love the feel of her sweet tongue in my mouth as we kissed. I took her head in my hands and pressed her mouth against mine as Mom reached down and grasped my hard little dick. I felt her unzipping my board shorts, happy that I had gone commando so she could easily touch me. There on the dark beach, Mom dropped to her knees and took my little 3" dick in her mouth. I think it may have reached 4" that night. Mom was great, I felt her warm tongue glide over me, her suction was not too hard, not too soft. Like Momma Bears bed, it was just right. I wanted to get naked right there, I wanted Mom to touch my butt, to touch that special spot that only she touched. I wanted Mom more than anything. I loved my Mom. I felt something I had never felt before, like a whirlwind of feeling, something that started in my toes, that tingled up my legs, my legs grew weak, I thought I would fall, Mom bobbed her head back and forth, my balls seemed to pull up tight under me, my head began to swirl. I don't know what overcame me but I began to moan, I began to make a howling sound I'd never made before. I grasped Mom's head and shoved her hard against me. Things went dark. For just a moment, at least I think it was just a moment, I lost consciousness. I passed out. I awoke in Mom's arms, laying on the cold sand of the Cancun beach. Mom was kissing me, a different taste to her kisses, cuddling me against her, warming my body with hers, sharing her softness with me. When I "I love you, son." was all she needed to say. I stayed with Mom until I was 27. My daughter is also my half-sister. She's 9 now. Every night as she and I lay in bed together we talk about Mom and how much we miss her, wondering why she left us for another woman. But Angela and I are OK together. She had her first orgasm just last week and I have to stop typing now. She's calling for me.