Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. After that night, things changed between Mom and me. All my life my nightly blowjobs had been gentle and sweet. now they were dynamic, her doing things with her sweet mouth that brought me to raging climaxes. i began fantasizing about them during the day, wanting night to come so she could get me off. I knew nothing of mastubating, needed no releaswe other than the one she gave me. I still labored under the belief that every boy's Mom did the same for them. That was the first big mistake Mom had made - she'd never told me to keep our fun quiet. i guess I need to tell you a little about Mom. She's only 14 years older than me. When I was 12, Mom was only 26. She'd got knocked up by a guy whose kids she had been baby sitting. To keep him out of jail and from his wife taking everything, he had reached an agreement with Mom's parents. Mom was set for life, never had to work for a living. Her trust fund kicked in the day i was born. That good fortune had also been her down fall because with no respnsiblites other than me, she'd started drinking by the fime she was 16. Life for her had been a series of wild sexual encounters with anybody that wanted her. Her Dad had been furious about the situation and forced mom to get her tubes tied so she wouldn't have more kids. All that did for Mom was make sex a game. Between the money, the booze, and the unlimited sexual freedom, Mom was a wreck. Oh, she still looked great, I guess. I always thought she was the prettiest person in the world. She was small, her blond hair fell to her ass, her tits were high, firm, and small - and usually on view. She never kept me from seeing or touching them, but I really wasn't that interested. i was too young to have sexual drive for her pussy but I probably could have had it if I'd wanted. But now it was her mouth that held my interest. My school was 2 blocks from home and i usually stayed after to play with the other boys. Basketball was my favorite. My three friends, Billy, Max, and Raylon, and I showered together after play. Raylon was the best player. he was taller and could shoot the ball from the base line and jump a lot higher than the others of us. It never occured to me that he was black, he was just my friend. In the shower I glanced down at his dick. It was a lot bigger than mine. He was stroking it with his soapy hand. As i watched it got bigger. He looked back at me and smiled. He started jerking it for real, his eyes glued to mine. i don't know what came over me but I felt the need to feel him, maybe do to his black dick what Mom did to mine. Max noticed what was going on and poked Billy in the ribs, pointing to Raylon and me. He started jerking his own dick. Billy stepped closer to Raylon and reached for his now rigid dick. Raylon glanced at the white boy's physical advance and hunmped his hips forward in approval. Billy's dick was about the size of mine and it jumped up in full erection. The four of us merged together in an impromptu group grope. I went to my knees and took Raylon's erect cock in my mouth. In three strokes the boy came in my mouth. Without thinking I swallowed his small load. "Man, that was sick. Where'd you learn to suck dicks?" I was confused. I thought everyone knew how to do that. My dick had been sucked every night of my life. "My Mom, of course," my innocent reply. "Your momma sucks your dick?" "Well, of course. Doesn't your Mom suck yours?" I was about to learn that my relatinship with Mom was something special. I was now King of the Hill. My Mom sucked me off. They wanted to know everything and in my innocence I told them. "Will she suck mine? Can we come over? Is she home?" Their questions were endless and their interest in her sucking them was enormous. They would do anything to have my Mom suck them off. i saw no problem with it. Mom sucked my dick every day, what's the difference if she sucked my buddies, too? The four of us dressed hurridly and headed for my house.