Title: The Office Meeting
Author: Dances In Clouds
Keywords: MF, cons, flirt, rom, work


You've been flirting with me all day. You sat across from me in
meeting today. Making sure I catch you watching my crotch as I
try to hide my bored look...I wore the slacks today that you
like. The ones that are probably a bit too tight across the

And you knew my cock twitched when I saw you looking. Between
staring at my eyes and my crotch, your interest was being

I made sure you noticed the tip of my tongue at the corner of my
mouth, just barely visible... Kinda like I was imagining your
clit... A mix of suggestion of anatomy and of tasting...

I saw you flex your hips forward slightly while the presenter
droned on and you showed me that little wet spot that was
starting to form.

I watched you set the folder on your lap in just the right way to
look like you were holding it open on your knees, but I saw your
finger running along the middle of the seam of your pants.
You watched me watch you...
I saw your eyes squint in the middle the way pleasure moves one's
cheeks up and eyelids down, ever so slightly...

And you turned so red when you realized that you'd been being
asked a question...

You recovered easily, though. Being an expert allows that. Soon
you were back at it. Enjoying watching the slight bulge where
there had been flat cloth across my lap...

One little piece of my brain tracked the speaker while the rest
focused on how I wished that wet spot was firmly moistening my

I watched the hairs on your arm stand erect as a chill gave you
gooseflesh when the a/c kicked on. And the energy of that moved
your hips forward again...

That little wet spot was clearly more of an absorbed puddle now,
the distance in your eye reflecting the fantasy you were both
making up and living... You moved the folder on your lap (a ring
binder, really) so that the bottom ring release was over your
clit, and I watched your hands move to the top of the binder and
pull it against your hunched-forward clit, your nostrils flaring
slightly at the pleasure you let me watch you feel.
The 2 minute break for pee breaks and coffee refills arrived
unexpectedly, and we both rushed to our respective restrooms. You
got back first and were back in your seat before I returned. I'd
had a time stuffing my tool back into its hiding place -- which
made me late.

I opened my folder and found in it an extra sheet, a copy of
another sheet I had. Penciled in at the top were the words "Sniff
Here." I did so by using the edge of the folder to scratch my

What I inhaled gave me a head rush. Now I knew at least one thing
you'd done on the break. The smell of aroused pussy immediately
caused a return of the bulge you'd been appreciating earlier... 	

Now it was my turn to push the folder into my lap and push my
rock-hard cock into it just to feel the pleasure. Only you

I saw you mouth two words to me once that far away look had left
my own eyes: "I came." 		

I mouthed back: "Follow me!"

A break happened none too soon...the presenter apparently reached
the end of his bladder limit and invited us to take a breather.

I stood and sauntered down the hallway, you following at an
inconspicuous distance. You saw me turn into an office and close
the door.

A few seconds later, after making sure nobody was watching, you
opened the same door, walking into a dimly-lit room.

I was standing behind the door, and as soon as the door closed, I
put a hand over your mouth, whispering in your ear "Be quiet: the
next office is the boss's!"

When you nodded, I quickly reached for the opening of your pants,
and had them heading toward your ankles before you had taken a
good breath.

Your sandals came off as you stepped from each pant leg.

I pulled your shirt over your head with your bra still in it. The
cool air hardened your nipples obviously, in the dim light.

I was smelling more of what the paper had hinted to...

As fast as I'd removed your clothes, I had mine off. I sat down
on an armless chair and guided you onto my lap, facing me,
straddling my vertical cock.

I put your hands on my shoulders, then reached down with both my
hands, pulling your labia apart and guiding my cock head into the
entrance to your pussy...

Your legs relaxed and in one smooth motion I was buried.

You bent down to my lips and outlined them with your tongue as
you started moving your body up and down with your legs...

My hands were on your hips guiding your movements, and your
breasts were rubbing my nipples.

Between the risk of being caught, the extremely erotic foreplay,
and the hot wetness around my cock, I sensed that there would
soon be a flood between your legs...

Not wanting to cum quite yet, I lifted you from my cock, stood
up, and quietly commanded you to your knees, leaning over the

My still-slippery cock wasted no time in taking your pussy from
behind, and not gently.

The amount of concern for being caught was becoming secondary to
an overpowering desire to fuck you silly. Harder and harder I
slammed into you, rubbing your g-spot with that most sensitive
part of my own tool...

I felt sweat on my scalp, and your hips were becoming moist in my

The undercurrent of pleasure was becoming the all-encompassing
bath of ecstasy as I felt my entire reproductive tract kick into
high gear, cum boiling from deep inside and rushing from its
source down the passage of my cock... 		The friction of your
walls was replaced by the heat and slipperiness of my own cum
filling you.

The screaming in my mind of abject pleasure failed to drown out
your own muffled sounds...

The battle between not being caught and experiencing the pleasure
was in full swing, and the internal dissonance allowed out soft
grunts that were in time with your slamming back against my

Finally, as I felt the last of my cum winding its way into you, I
realized that your body had stopped at the most rearward position
and you were holding your pussy and ass against me, our mutual
sweatiness unmistakable. I noticed feeling your asshole spread
against my belly, twitching with spasms of ending orgasm echoing
my own...
We realized about that time that we were probably late back from
break. I helped you stand up and we redressed ourselves as
quickly as we could...

The light striking our faces as we walked back into the hallway
revealed each to the other our flushed, moist faces.

You excused yourself to check your makeup while I took my seat...

I sat there, completely ignoring the presenter while I watched
you sit down gingerly and saw that the moist spot was now a few
inches down your left thigh as well. You caught me appreciating
my handiwork, and winked.

Feedback welcome: cabinf /at/ gmail