
Back from the Dead

January 30, 2012

No, this has nothing to do with zombies.

I'm just commenting that I took a hiatus for about a year and a half, but I'm still alive and working on a new story. It's not finished yet, so in the mean time, I have a surprise for people who enjoy reading ebooks on dedicated devices.

I've just converted all of my stories to two new formats: Mobi and Epub. I figure that should cover 99% of the ways people like to read stories. If you like to read online, I have HTML and plain text. If you want to print it out, I have PDF. If you want to read it on an ebook reader, Mobi and Epub should handle just about all the readers on the market. Mobi for the Kindle, and Epub for everything else.

There are a few new changes to the site as well. For instance, I've removed the links to the PDF format of each story on the index page. Don't panic, though. I only did this because PDF, like Mobi and Epub, are best downloaded rather than viewed online. So instead of a link to each story, I have a link to my complete collection in each format. This makes the index page more easily maintained.

I also made a couple of minor changes to some of my old stories, the most significant being the correction of an annoying error in my first story Injured Cousin (a couple of characters mysteriously changed names halfway through the story).

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