
Island For Three Final Version (For Real This Time)

November 11, 2009

In a classic case of unfortunate timing, a month after I revised Island For Three, a real, honest-to-goodness sailor contacted me about it. He said he would love to see some of the errors fixed, especially some of the terminology. I hadn't planned to revise it again, but he offered to edit it for me and make the changes himself. I really couldn't pass up such an opportunity, so I accepted his offer.

I'll admit, this story has been like an albatross hanging around my neck ever since I wrote it. I was never quite satisfied with it, but I didn't want to spend all of my time revising and re-revising it and never actually finishing it. I just wanted to move on to other projects, but it kept coming back to haunt me. Thanks to my benefactor (mysteriously identifying himself only as Richard), the weight has been lifted.

All of the changes are minor, so there's no reason to read it again if you've read it before, unless you want to. Of course, if you just have to have the latest and greatest version in your personal e-book library, you're welcome to download it again.

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