
Allison Chapter 41

April 7, 2009

Chapter 41 of Allison and the Primdales has been uploaded. This one has one of my favorite false alarms in the entire book, a steamy scene with Jeff and Allison. She admitted early on that she really liked Jeff and thought he was handsome, but here she lowers her guard long enough to prove it. We see a chink in her armor here, and for the first time we find out what happens when she loses control.

As I mentioned to one of my readers in a private email, I think there's something sexy about a strong woman like Allison. But like Lissa, I'm intimidated by perfection and therefore have an aversion to it. So I think there's something even sexier about a strong woman making a mistake, losing control, or otherwise showing weakness.

In other words, Strong woman = sexy. Strong woman losing control = incredibly sexy. Strong woman losing control in this particular way = oh my god oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD!!!

Ironically, Rachael is the one that keeps it from getting out of hand. Ironic because if Rachael knew what was going on, she would be the one to push it forward.

This is not the last time Allison gets into what I like to call her "Mommy" mood. It's just too fun not to write about it, so it will pop up several more times before the end of the story.

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