
Allison Chapter 39 (for real this time)

April 1, 2009

I figure I'd better sort this out before I receive any more angry emails. The previously posted Chapter 39 of Allison and the Primdales was an April Fools joke, nothing more. I didn't actually think anyone would take it seriously; by about halfway through the chapter, it should be obvious that it has nothing to do with the original storyline. Once you realize it's an April Fools joke, you can just have fun laughing at it. Fortunately, most people got the joke, but for those who got mad and threatened to quit reading, sorry. I really didn't mean to offend anyone.

About two months ago I thought up the idea of writing an April Fools chapter for Allison and the Primdales, so I calculated ahead to see how many chapters I would have posted between then and now. I discovered that if I squeezed in an extra chapter on Valentine's day and moved the scene where Jeff goes unconscious from the beginning of Chapter 39 to the end of Chapter 38, then I could write an April Fools chapter where Jeff wakes up to a completely new world, one where all his beliefs were questioned. I don't remember why I chose to use vampires, except that they made a convenient plot device.

I've just uploaded the real Chapter 39, so you can read or download what really happened. It's not as exciting as the fake version I'll admit, but at least it stays true to original plan for this story. If you try to read it and end up on the "vampire" version, hit the refresh button on your browser. If you still don't get the real version (titled "Brit's Hero") you may need to wait a couple of hours for ASSTR to update their servers.

We see the result of Jeff's rescue of his little sister, and it's pretty much what you'd expect. Her pretend hero worship of him becomes all too real. Writing this particular subplot wasn't strictly necessary of course; she already adored him. On the other hand, it gave me a good excuse to write some nice scenes with little Britney taking care of her big brother Jeff, not to mention allowing Allison's maternal (and not-so-maternal) instincts to kick in. It resulted in some of the more erotic "false alarms" in the story.

The doctor's diagnosis and instructions are another case where I did research on the internet just so I wouldn't make a complete fool out of myself, like with Island For Three. I took a few creative liberties, but from my research it's fairly accurate.

By the way, you can still read the fake Chapter 39 here.

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