
Allison Chapter 32

March 10, 2009

Chapter 32 of Allison and the Primdales is available. It starts to set up the events that are the theme of Part 2 of the story. The title of the part, "Little Sister" already suggests that it's going to be about Jeff's relationship with Brit. If you've read my short story Submissive Little Sister or my novella New Daughter and enjoyed them, you should enjoy this whole section of the book. On the other hand, if you didn't like those two stories, you'll probably find these chapters overly sappy and sentimental. Personally, I enjoy both reading and writing about these moments between Jeff and Brit. They're sometimes tender, sometimes erotic, and sometimes a surprising mixture of both. For instance, just try to read the line "I wanted that reassurance that you still loved me," in this chapter without it putting a smile on your face or a tear in your eye. Go on. I dare you.

I needed a major event to change the relationship between brother and sister. After all, up to this point they didn't even get along, although there was a subtle turning point earlier in Chapter 25. But I couldn't have it be something obvious that the whole world would know about, and I wanted to hold off on actual sex until a future chapter. I also wanted it to be sexy and erotic. So I came up with the idea of Brit's sexual awakening in the presence of her brother. Then when they hold each other afterward, they begin to realize that it really feels nice to get along for a change. Brit no longer sees her brother as a mean and sometimes cruel torturer (which admittedly, he sometimes was), but a loving and gentle protector. Jeff sees Brit not as a whiny little brat, but as a sweet and vulnerable girl who needs to feel loved.

If you thought it was a little (if you'll excuse the egregious pun) "anticlimactic" that Brit didn't get to experience an orgasm when she masturbated with Crystal on the camping trip in Chapter 29, now you know why I did it that way. I was saving it up for this scene.

The storm scene in this chapter was actually the first scene I wrote. In fact, I wrote it for a completely different story long before I had even thought up the concept of Allison and the Primdales. I abandoned that one, but I liked this scene so much that I had to salvage it. I considered making it into a short story culminating in sex, but then I found that the simple little kiss and spoken "I love you" at the end of the chapter were my favorite part, so I couldn't just replace them with a sex scene. It still could have made a decent short story, but it just felt like it needed to be put into at least a novella. You could, in fact, say that the entire story built itself around this scene. It's gone through many incarnations in my mind, but always the storm scene was a part of it.

These early chapters of Part 2, where Jeff and Brit are finally learning to get along, are some of my favorites in the whole story. Plenty of other chapters are more erotic or just plain amusing, but there's a certain charm to these ones that I really enjoy. I like to go back and read these chapters just before bedtime, not because they're so boring that they put me to sleep, but because I think they're very relaxing.

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