Crumbly Writer’s Stories

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The Cuckoo’s Progeny

Purchase “The Cuckoo’s Progeny”    “Lost with Nothing to Lose” not yet available
   “Building a New Nest” scheduled

Available on Amazon, lulu and createspace.

Al and Betty aren’t like their classmates. They’ve developed particular skills which set them apart, and which sets them in a search for others like them. As they discover who they might be, they become alienated from friends, family and humanity in general. They must discover who they are, and where they belong, as there’s no longer room for them in their old community. Between walking into disasters, ungrateful rescues and government agents tracking their every movement, they’re searching for a way out and a way home, wherever that might be.

Searching out others like them, they build a crew to search for a ship which may take them to a home they’ve never known, to a reception they aren’t sure will be welcoming. What’s more, they have no one to rely on other than each other.

The first book of my “Not-Quite Human” triology. The two sequels are not yet available.

The Nature of the Game

Order 'The Nature of the Game'

Available on Amazon, lulu and createspace.

The athletes at Windsor High are aiming for big things: careers in professional sports. They don’t like making waves, so don’t like to stand out. However, when Taylor meets the flamboyant Jacob in the drama department, there’s a distinct clash of cultures. The out-and-proud attitude of someone unable to hide imperils the futures of someone who can. Casual meetings under the bleachers risk not just public embarrassment, but the loss of millions in future earnings.

   Yet two figures can’t keep their hands off each other. Jacob, the drama queen, and Taylor, the guy all the girls are after, keep rubbing each other the wrong way while doing it the right way. Will Jacob’s freedom to be who he is imperil Taylor’s future, or can the two resist each other long enough to survive high school?

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Order 'Singularity'

Available on Amazon, lulu.com and createspace for now.
Posting every Wednesday.

An experimental NASA flight goes horribly wrong, and the unlucky test pilot wakes up, unhurt, back home. Struggling to discover what happened, Eric Morgan returns to NASA headquarters and prepares to face a thousand questions as things continue to change around him. Is he still normal, still human, or some new species which may bring catastrophe to those around him?

   Eric encountered something strange in the dead of space which left him forever changed. He tries to fall off the grid and begin a new life as he struggles with what happened, but the rest of the world won’t allow him to walk away. Is he a threat or a blessing? Is he helping humanity or threatening them? Should he explain himself or hide so he won’t impact others? And what about those close to him? How will the changes to him impact them?

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Stranded in a Foreign Land

Order 'Stranded in a Foreign Land'

Available on Amazon, lulu.com and createspace.

“Never Leave Anyone Behind” is a familiar refrain for American Servicemen. A crew is incapacitated in a strange land and a hostile government tries to capture them and steal their resources; a typical tale of corruption and betrayal. What if you’re not a member of the military? Do you put you and your family’s lives at risk to help those who can’t help themselves, especially for those who may never reward you or who may not even survive?

Josh discovers an injured shipwrecked alien and undertakes to not only care for it, but to seek out, rescue and protect its companions from not only his government, but others too.

The Great Death” Series

A story of an intricate apocalyptic event where most of the the life on Earth is wiped out, but with a difference. This one focuses on the people during the apocalypse, and how it affects them afterwards.


Check out My Books for where to purchase.

1)  Love and Family During the Great Death  (Finished)

A man and his daughter drive into a massive meteor shower that disrupts their lives, but it's only the beginning. It's the beginning of the end, or is it? An Apocalyptic tale that focuses on individuals trying to maintain love, hope and family amongst death and dying. Hopefully it's not overly negative, with a lot of humor and positive emotions, but there is a lot of death in it.

2)  Grappling with Survival  (Finished)

A Post-Apocalyptic world unlike any other. Instead of banding together or fighting each other, instead the survivors find a world with few resources, little trust and no desire to intermingle. Fears of disease prevent survivors from reaching out for help. How does society survive if the survivors won’t participate?

  Though dealing with drastic situations, this book isn't as 'bleak' as the original. Reading the original book will help, but isn't necessary, so if you couldn't take Book 1 you'll be OK resuming the story with this one.

3)  Seeding Hope Among the Ashes  (Finished)

The man telling the country how to survive an apocalyptic event must reach across the country to teach people how to heal themselves. David's saga continues, only without David. Instead six young girls set off in multiple directions, taking his cure to different cities in the hope everyone can treat their own people while not getting killed! This sequel follows each girl as they journey to different cities, trying to convince reluctant survivors to trust them to make them sick.

  Based on the lack of sex in this book, this book is designed to be read without reading the previous two.

4)  Seeding Hope Among the Ashes  (in development)

David’s mission moves across the Atlantic, as Natalie takes his cure to Europe and beyond. Not only does she face the usual reluctant survivors and paranoid survivalists, but cultural hostilities and language difficulties as she continues discovering new details about the plague which destroyed humanity.

She faces another race against time, covering the northern countries before a new ice age limits travel, visiting as many nations as possible, without wasting time which might wipe out entire civilizations, all while trying to remain alive.

The Catalyst” Series

Alex Jennings struggles with women mysteriously attracted to him, people angry and eager to expose him, while he deals with responsibilities he never imagined. Watch as he cobbles together a movement and figures out how to help those depending upon him, knowing he only has a short time to do so.

   A story dealing with doubt, destiny, confusion and perseverence. I think you'll enjoy it, but it covers a lot of ground.


Check out My Books for where to purchase these books, or click on the images above.

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1)  An Unknown Attraction  (Finished)

A young man, just 17 years old, suddenly finds women mysteriously attracted to him when he visits New Orleans for spring break with his family. He acts as a catalyst to activate strange abilities in them that he doesn't understand.

  There are no superheroes or world saving, it's character and not action based, more an examination of people's reactions and what is involved in building a movement from the ground up.

2)  Trying To Be Normal  (Finished)

Alex, having returned from New Orleans with a whole new life, tries to become just a normal young man as he returns to school. Can he simply blend in for the next 2 months despite having several women following him around? And will his abilities really be invisible to everyone around him?

3)  Normalcy Is Harder Than It Looks  (Finished)

Having wrestled with trying to preserve a ‘normal’ last few months of high school, Alex faces an even harder time, as not only does he have to explain to those he loves what his life has become, but he faces several people who seem to hate him as much as his followers adore him. What’s a confused teenage atheist religious figure to do?

4)  Racing The Clock  (Finished)

Alex finds himself with a mission to find as many new followers as he can during the limited time he has left, as he comes to grip with the knowledge that his abilities will likely kill him. Before that happens, he hits the road with his sister and an ex-cop serving as a bodyguard. Along the way, they learn much more about him, about his followers, and about leading a mission when one doesn't know the way. He needs to connect with enough followers to build a whole new branch on the evolutionary tree, but he only has a limited amount of time to do it, and he has to stay below the radar as he does it.

5)  Touring Under Pressure  (Finished)

Leaving the familiar and somewhat supportive environments of Carbondale and New Orleans after having been exposed, Alex takes his mission on the road. But along with the blur of life on a concert tour are, there’s dark trends as well: Alex is known nationally now, the media is hungry for news about him, and there are still multiple people eager to hurt him.

  As Alex, Cate and Gail travel the country, they gradually learn more about his abilities, and what drives people to either love or hate him.

6)  Building a Legacy (Finished)

With time running out, Alex faces life with a new confidence, even as events and those around him change abruptly. Relieved of the need to save his people, he still feels responsible for them and wants to leave a strong legacy. But just what will that legacy be? Follow along as he adjusts to new challenges as he struggles to continue, in this, the last book of the “Catalyst” Series.

  This is a dramatic conclusion to the series, featuring a lot of surprises as Alex and his team learns more about his abilities, where they come from and what that knowledge implies going forward.

Upcoming Books

“The Zombie Leza”

Order 'The Zombie Leza'

Not yet available.

Leza's an unusual young woman. She lives with Zombies, protecting and caring for them. In an apocalyptic wasteland, where the living are few, she represents a unique hybrid, a living zombie. She speaks with the undead and can teach the living how to survive. If they can only keep from killing her, that is.

Discovered during a final confrontation between a refuge of survivors and an oncoming horde of the undead, Leza steps up, saving the day. She represents more than just another day of survival, but whether that spells humanity's rescue, or the future of the undead, is anyone's guess. She may spell redemption and rescue, or their ultimate annihilation.

Feedback on my stories is welcome. Please send it to [email protected].

Copyright © 2016, Vincent Berg. All rights reserved.
Reposting on other sites without specific written consent from the author is strictly prohibited.