What a harsh lot in life it is to be a half-breed, daughter of two worlds but belonging to neither, cast into an eternal limbo where choice is always synonymous with sacrifice. Fortunately, as two of our (anti)heroines find out, there is always solace to be found in those who can understand your condition...

- The Archivist, your narrator

"So Jahyra, the half-elf, now an orphan and the object of scorn and derision, took her bow in hand and a traveller's cloak and sought refuge in the wilderness hoping that, at least, the Forest Mother would embrace her...from thence she came to sorceress' tower, all over-grown with ivy...so the sorceress, who was as beautiful as a flower picked from the garden of Hanali, asked Jahyra what she wanted.

"To be made an elf by your sorcery, so that I would no longer endure the torment of those who despise me." Jahyra replied.

"Is there nothing else in Creation that you would desire?" The sorceress inquired.


"But if I were to say that my heart now burns for a half-elf, would that still be your only wish?"

- An Elven fairy-tale

Cirily had outdone herself. The wide marble kitchen table of the spacious Sigil apartment Elyszara had made her mother purchase on a whim was tastefully arrayed with a large number of elaborate, artistic and exceedingly appetising breakfast dishes. With particular attention to bright, flower jellies, freshly baked cakes, crystallised fruit and exotic preserves, the flame-haired aasimar had transformed the dignified, elegant rose and gold-streaked marble table into an edible canvas which ran rich with every hue the mortal eye could contemplate. All such preparation, however, had a reason behind it. Elyszara's mother, the noble ghaele eladrin - who are to elves as angels are to humans - known to mortals as Nerissa had gated into Sigil for a surprise inspection. It was therefore Cirily's foremost task to ensure that her adoptive mother - the very woman who had given her a home, family and, in the fickle yet enchantingly beautiful guise of Elyszara, a lover, was suitably impressed with her talents as a chef, artist and mistress of the home.

Or so she had planned. As the early Sigil morning light streamed in through wide open windows, beneath which porcelain jars of fragrant dried flowers had been placed to fill the first daybreak air with a refreshing, sylvan scent, the tolls of the Bell Tower in the distance could be heard. It was, by all civilised measures of time, the hour for the morning meal and Cirily waited impatiently in the airy kitchen which had been immaculately cleaned and stocked with the finest cutlery and cooking utensils. Cirily herself was dressed in her informal best and wore a thin, bronze tunic which did much to accentuate her graceful, rounded breasts, short flame-coloured hair - that ranged naturally from bright yellow to dark red - and pale skin which, as a testament to her celestial ancestry, bore a warm reddish tint, like burnished gold. Although slender in human terms, Cirily was considered the epitome of lush femininity by elven standards, something which occasionally caused Elyszara to make pointlessly cruel comments about the supposed dangers of over-indulgence in cream pastries. Besides her carelessness, her debauchery and general inclination to rebel against anything she could find, there was a part of Elyszara which Cirily loved more than life itself. That part was the sweet, compassionate, young woman with boundless love to give which Cirily knew existed somewhere beneath her lover's self-centred, hedonistic exterior.

Thus Cirily waited, almost tensely, by the table, watching the rays of light spread across the brightly polished stone and marble floor. The morning was cool and damp, not dissimilar to the perpetual golden glow of her native Dawnlands in the wildly joyous Plane of Arborea, where the Elven pantheon of Goddesses and Gods hailed from. Elyszara was the first to arrive and, although Cirily had seen much beauty in the Multiverse, her lover, at least in a physical sense, exceeded it all. Long-limbed, slender, with a youthful, utterly flawless elfin physique, she was the envy of all women who set eyes on her and the object of lust for most of those besides. So it was only natural that she carried herself with a certain haughtiness. Her almost transparent silken silver night-gown brushed against divinely pale skin with every motion, just as her long hair cascaded around her shoulders and down her back, resembling the cross-section of a midnight sky: impenetrable black with violet, dark blue and shining, starry highlights.

"Good morning, my love." Cirily greeted, taking Elyszara into her arms to place a gentle kiss on her lover's rosy lips. Though she was as jovial as usual, whenever Nerissa was around, she felt at least a hint of nervousness, knowing full well that her adoptive mother expected only the best.

"Yeah...could you get me a glass warm honey...my head is fucking killing me." Elyszara growled.

- There goes the illusion of domestic bliss - Cirily thought inwardly, before venturing to speak out loud, "Please, do not tell me you are hung over." She scolded, as lightly as possible, before turning to the kitchen counter to fulfil Elyszara's request.

"No, worse," came the pained reply, "I overdid the eolisy tree sap last night, those priestesses of Hanali look harmless, but they really know how to run a midnight revel." With the cut-crystal goblet of hot, spiced honey in front of her, Elyszara's mind and soul seemed, at once, restored, so she could begin to spin her sensual tale.

"So, did you enjoy it?" Cirily inquired. She had been invited and, indeed, tempted to go since she was never averse to some good, sensual therapy - and there was no better place for that than the wondrous celebrations at the temple of Hanali Celanil - the elven goddess of love. Nerissa's presence, however, dictated that she deal with household matters as an absolute priority.

"It was great..." Elyszara sighed, throwing herself on a chair by the kitchen table - her blue-violet eyes, previously glazed over with the excesses of the previous night, now suddenly seemed enthusiastic as the memories came flooding back, "There must have been ten full priestesses and at least twenty novices. It was a tight fit in the Shrine of Cascading Petals, but they covered the marble floor with silk cushions and filled the fountain with feywine, so I soon got comfortable, but just as I was really settling in, something strange happened. I was licking out this really pretty, high-ranking priestess while a cute novice had one hand in my sex and the other in my bottom - don't look at me like that, she was quite small - so anyway, the priestess suddenly says that she would like to see whether I can live up to my reputation."

"Really?" Cirily said, feigning interest. As far as she was concerned, eroticism was one of the highest forms of art, but Elyszara had a decidedly tawdry way of explaining everything.

"So, yeah, anyway, she says that since I know elves so well, I should be able to guess which race is which without ever seeing it. I said I was game, so they blindfolded me and brought me to a quiet room where they put the mystery priestess on the bed and told her to spread her thighs and the priestess who organised the bet said that my only hint would come from tasting the girl's sex..."

"How imaginative." Cirily sighed, finally turning around to give her lover her undivided attention. Her kind, nobly beautiful features bore a certain patient disapproval: as lascivious as Elyszara was, she always managed to find companions who equalled or exceeded her in sheer wantonness.

"Can I tell the story or what? Anyway, I said fine, so she said that if I lost, I would have to pleasure any priestess or novice who asked, but would never be allowed to climax myself. Well, I wasn't going to be outdone by that, so I told her that if she lost, she had to let me fuck her. Well, you know how elves are...they all started gasping in shock. That's simply not something they do, even in the temple of the Goddess of Love. But she was so confident of winning that she agreed and all the novices and priestesses were whispering amongst themselves and discussing what would happen. Well, finally the lead priestess had them all quiet down before leading me, on my hands and knees, between the mystery girl's thighs. She then bound my hands with silk handkerchiefs so I could not feel in front of me and told me to start."

Despite herself, Cirily grew a little intrigued. Elyszara told the story as if she were reliving it, so that the flame-haired aasimar's golden eyes were instinctively drawn to the sensual smile on her lover's lips as her bawdy tale continued, "So I lean down and very gently, just with the tip of my tongue, I test her - to get a feel for the petals of her flower, her aroma, her taste, her reaction...you know, all things I would recognise. I immediately eliminated the obvious ones: she wasn't drow, she wasn't a wood or sylvan elf...now she started to get warmed up and I could just hear a few moans, so they gagged her so that her voice wouldn't give me any more clues. I kept at it, licking deeper into her Well of Hanali, but something wasn't quite right...the scent was flowery, but very light, like honeysuckle and not jasmine, like a grey elf, or tulips like a moon elf, and the taste was less sweet and more a little tart and musky, like wild grapes."

"And how did they react to your indecision?" Cirily said, leaning her hands on the table, ever more fascinated.

"I heard the lead priestess getting licked out by a novice - whatever it was, she was really enjoying the scene. The others were dead silent, as if they were waiting to see just how good the infamous Elyszara was. I certainly had no intention of disappointing them, so I ran my tongue, very slowly, over every petal, every contour of her sex, probed her Well and teased her Jewel so that I could already feel her beginning to tense up under me. It was then that it came to me, like a flash...remember Serryne?"

"No! An avariel?" Cirily said incredulously, her eyes wide with disbelief, "what an underhanded trick."

"Yes, exactly a winged elf, and they are especially rare, so the last one I remembered making love to was Serryne. Rare, but not rare enough for me." Elyszara said triumphantly.

"Well, she was beautiful. She still writes, you know."

"Then you have to write back with this story. Next time she's in Sigil, by the way, remember to organise a dinner for her...well, anyway, I received the greatest applause, and even the lead priestess, even though she was terrified of being fucked in front of all the novices, admitted that I exceeded my reputation."

"But you did you...well, take her, did you not?" Cirily inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her sense of decency.

"No..." Elyszara replied, an enigmatic smile on her lips, "I said that our bet had only stipulated that I could fuck her and not that I would. So I simply said that I would rather spend some more quality time with the lovely avariel priestess and that, at most, we could try it later. The lead priestess was very relieved and grateful to return to the revel with her dignity intact."

"Why didn't you?" Cirily pressed, knowing Elyszara never passed up a chance to push the erotic envelope.

"Simple. I was the guest of honour at, probably, the best revel in Sigil. There was no point in getting on the bad side of a high-ranking priestess. Since I saved her from embarrassment in front of her novices, I can count on even better treatment next time."

"Better?" The flame-haired aasimar snorted - Elyszara's arrogance never ceased to amaze her, "You were the guest of honour, just like you were the guest of honour at the festival of Sune, Eilistraee, Lliira...need I go on?"

"No," Elyszara responded amiably, "but next time remind me to think twice before going to the revel at the Temple of Loviatar, they make all those chains and whips look pleasurable, but it hurts like Tarterus...so anyway, as I was saying, it's shame there aren't more avariel around. Their bones are hollow, you see, so she was really light - lighter than me, even - and she knew these amazing airborne tricks..."

"Good morning, my beloved daughters." Nerissa interrupted, walking - no almost floating - gracefully into the kitchen. A noble ghaele knight of some rank and a personal retainer to the Vigilant Maiden Herself, her presence was like a taller, more powerful, more mature version of Elyszara. In public, she always wore her shimmering breastplate, brilliant as the dawn of three suns, but in more familiar surroundings, she contented herself with a long shimmering blue robe that changed appearance and consistency like a temperamental spring day.

"Esteemed Mother," Cirily said with a curtsy, her eyes respectfully lowered to the ground, "it is my pleasure to welcome you to our table."

"Why, it is perfect as usual, my dear Cirily." Nerissa said, taking her adopted daughter into a warm embrace and kissing her on the lips. Shivers ran up Cirily's spine - just touching the eladrin was an otherworldly experience, for she possessed a vital, angelic energy which emanated fierce goodness by its very touch.

"You are too kind, Esteemed Mother," the aasimar replied, before turning disapprovingly to Elyszara, "Lys...show some respect."

"Stop sucking up." Elyszara said dismissively, not even rising from her chair. She may have been Nerissa's biological daughter, but she had no interest in showing grovelling deference to a woman who, as far as she was concerned, had only given birth to her to try the mortal experience of motherhood.

"One day, my daughter," Nerissa said wearily, giving Cirily a reassuring kiss on the forehead and then turning to face Elyszara, "I shall rejoice, for you will have become a mature, responsible woman."

"Right...and do what, exactly? I'm going to die at any rate, you, however, Mother, will be an accomplice of the greatest tragedy of nature - that of a parent outliving her child." Elyszara sneered. Always obsessed with mortality and the contrast between light and dark, she usually preferred deep blue, indigo or violet lip and nail paint, which she complemented with blue highlights to her eyelids. The deliberate effect against her pearl-pale skin, was to give the impression of a fallen angel.

"It pains me to hear you speak in such a manner." Nerissa sighed, falling onto one knee to plant a loving kiss on her daughter's lips. Seizing the opportunity, Elyszara kissed back - in a most un-daughterly fashion, her tongue hungry and wet against her mother's lips. Cirily bit her lip in shock, while, very calmly, Nerissa withdrew, pressing two firm fingers against her daughter's dark-crimson painted lips, "That is for Cirily to do, not me." She reprimanded, her voice laden with a certain sadness. Even though she had given Elyszara everything she had asked for, and more besides, her daughter never once ceased to find the first opportunity to offend or embarrass her.

"Don't flatter yourself," Elyszara snarled, "I certainly don't have to fall back on you."

"Perhaps we should all have something to eat." Cirily said nervously, knowing full well where arguments between Nerissa and Elyszara tended to go.

"I would be glad to." Nerissa replied, taking a seat at the table. As a being of spirit and light, even her physical form needed no food or water, but she could certainly appreciate the delicate perfection of Cirily's cooking.

"Wonderful!" Cirily declared - she knew that cloyingly sweet food had a tendency of picking Elyszara's spirits up, so she served her lover first, placing a crystal goblet of heated, spice-infused honey in front of her. Elyszara drank thirstily, while Nerissa began to inspect the rich selection of dishes under Cirily's expectant guidance, nodding her head in approval as each was described in detail.

"Any news from the Dawnlands?" Elyszara interjected, as soon as Cirily had finished describing the finer points of how she made sure her enchanted, solidified custard held its shape under a crust of burnt, spun sugar to create the perfect imitation of a ripe apple.

"Yes, as a matter of fact," Nerissa replied amiably, pleased that her daughter had sunk into a more pliable mood, "Althea the ranger passed through my demesne again. She sends her warmest regards."

"That all?" Said Elyszara, her tone dripping with derision, "She should be thanking me."

"And why, may I ask, is that." Nerissa invited, though she already knew the answer.

"For introducing her to the delights of aasimar pussy, of course." Elyszara purred, smiling sardonically. Cirily glowered at her. That was certainly no way to speak in front of one's mother.

Nerissa's expression remained unperturbed, "I am pleased that you have no difficulty in finding skilled lovers." She had always spoken to her daughter very frankly about all aspects of the erotic experience though, in retrospect, she could have added that there was a limit. Lovemaking was art, joy and life in Arborea, but there was so much else besides.

"Yes, Mother, you should have seen it. Cirily's great, but she's sometimes a little one-sided. Those ranger women, on the other hand, really show you what going back to nature means..." Elyszara's provocative narration was interrupted by her mother lunging, so quickly that she was a blur, seizing her by the hair and casting her violently on the floor.

"You are certainly not too old for a thrashing, understood?" Nerissa's voice now bore the distinctive power of righteous indignation while an aura of blue light began to dance across her pale skin, "You may say and do what you like to me, but never, ever humiliate Cirily in front of me."

Elyszara lay sprawled on the floor, her eyes burning with resentment, "Bitch!" She cried between gritted teeth even if she feared her mother's anger, "It's easy when I'm so much weaker than you, isn't it?"

"Lys...no!" Cirily intervened, "Esteemed Mother, really, I was not offended, but I beg you both to hold your temper."

"Why is she the only voice of reason?" Nerissa inquired ruefully, her eyes glowing with indignation, "Why is my daughter not grateful for all that has been given to her?"

"Because every day could be my last." Elyszara said, her voice suddenly choked with emotion as she gathered herself up, rose to her feet and left, urgently, through the kitchen door.

Nerissa watched her daughter leave with dejected gaze, thinking only that perhaps, in some perverse sense, Elyszara was right. She had chosen to be a mother to enjoy the experience and, in many place, it had been a truly wonderful journey. But mortal existence meant pain and suffering, as well as joy and discovery. So who was she, an angelic eladrin, yes, but certainly not a Goddess, to impose a life of mortality on her daughter? Thankfully, Cirily was the first to place a comforting hand on her arm.

"In time, she will develop patience, Esteemed Mother." Cirily said softly, "I would let her go and only later go after her. She needs time to herself, but she also needs to know that there will always be someone who loves her and will come looking for her."

"You are wise, my daughter." Nerissa said, taking Cirily into her arms and placing a tender kiss on her soft, fragrant hair, "I wish you both nothing but happiness."

Exactly what would make Elyszara happy, however, was something Cirily had spent many sleepless nights contemplating while her lover slumbered on peacefully by her side. She would have done anything to placate Elyszara's fears, her anxieties and insecurities. But no one, and certainly not Elyszara herself, knew where or in whom this secret happiness resided.


In the Temple Ward of Sigil, a more modest breakfast was being served in the simple wooden kitchen of an apartment in the paladin's quarters of the Order of the Radiant Path. Modest, of course, was a relative term for, insofar as the Radiant Path was concerned, Virginia's cooking knew no equal. As far as Virginia herself was concerned, it was an activity that allowed her to develop the more maternal side of her relationship with her room-mates and, perhaps, even with Lily. Nevertheless, that particular morning had a certain tension to it because Marséna was still distraught after Shesayne's departure, so much so that she could not be coaxed to eat, even when Virginia offered to make a fruit loaf just for her. Now that she had become the centre of Virginia's attention, Lily began to brood and sulk. Her lovemaking had been interrupted the previous day and that, in itself, was unforgivable - worse still she now had to put up with her Virginia fretting over Marséna at any given moment.

The dark elf nonetheless did her utmost to preserve an air of civility for Virginia's sake. Thus she sat, scowling, in her form-fitting, black assassin's outfit which, she found, served her very well for its ease of movement. At least, the magical retrievals and disposals agency for which she now worked gave her something else to focus her mind on for most of the day, even if it was mindlessly defusing, containing and disposing of potentially hazardous artefacts. Syf and Friyya, on the other hand, were a great deal more jovial, even as they tried to comfort Marséna with reassurances that things would either be patched up or move along, as was the natural course of things.

Marséna, however, continued to stare glumly into her porridge. Her countenance was tired, for she had struggled to sleep the night before, instead preferring to lay awake and stare ruefully at the empty spot where Shesayne would have slept by her side. It was a small bed, but Marséna had always quipped how since Shesayne's physique was so petite, it was as good as a double. That had always made her smile in a way that lit up her face, even in the darkness...

"Marséna!" Virginia interrupted the Mareterran paladin's reverie with gentle, but firm pat on the shoulder, "You must eat something before going down to practice. You don't want to look bad in front of the novices, do you?"

"I'm sorry, Virg, I'll get over it." Marséna said, a little unsteadily, as she picked up her spoon and stirred the porridge. She had to force herself to eat just a little, even if only to make sure Virginia did not worry too much. So, very tentatively, she took a steaming spoonful to her lips and began eating. The effect was miraculous - much to Virginia's visible satisfaction - for the porridge was rich, sweet with honey and dried nuts. It was not so much the taste itself, to which Marséna had always been indifferent, but its warmth and consistency which quickly lifted the paladin's morale.

"I'm glad you like it." Virginia said happily, gently stroking Marséna's cheek and placing a soft kiss on her raven-black hair. Lily had to struggle not to make a disgusted face.

"There you go," Syf said with some relief, "now I will see you on the fencing court. You owe me a few bouts."

Even Friyya nodded sympathetically. Her recent experience with relationship troubles with Syf ensured that she held her tongue, because she knew full well the pain of separation from one's beloved. "You must give her a few days to find herself and find her reason, just as you must find yours." Friyya finally suggested, eager to return the favour for Marséna's support during her recent troubles, "But don't worry for her too much, her mind is far stronger than her appearance would suggest. It is, perhaps, a boon that she left, now you will both have space to think."

"I suppose so." Marséna said stoically. She quickly finished her breakfast and motioned to Virginia to follow her down to the Temple for first prayers. The blonde paladin complied, taking a moment to kiss Lily on the lips before following the Mareterran paladin out of the apartment. Lily did not bother to kiss back. Her irritation had been mounting by the second, something which Friyya immediately picked up.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Friyya probed, despite the sharp sensation of Syf's elbow being thrust into her side.

"Just as you were when your mistress was being pleasured by that ridiculous Elyszara woman." Lily snarled back, her red eyes burning with frustration.

"You little monster, Syf is my beloved, not my mistress!" Friyya growled rising to her feet. Lily's demeanour was relaxed, almost casual. She had won, pure and simple. Venomous insults, veiled threats and offensive allusions were common in drow society, even between intimates and the relative strength of the engaged parties was determined by how well they managed to contain their anger and re-deploy it through ever more biting comments. Friyya, had clearly let her emotions spill forth.

"Enough, both of you." Syf interrupted, a little bemused. Deep down, in the more petulant, child-like side of her mind, being called Friyya's mistress was, doubtless, appealing. She did not, however, after years of putting up with pointless, puerile fights between Marséna and Friyya, want to add Lily to that equation.

"Right...fine, blame me," Friyya said, angrily flicking back her long, auburn tresses, as she turned to leave, "I have class soon, anyway, I should get downstairs, Gallia needs to brief me on some doctrinal matters." Lily irritated her in a way which was difficult to describe. The dark elf was cynical, sarcastic, always insinuating, always oblivious to what others thought or did...or so it appeared. In sum, she was an unknown quantity and she was very good at masking her emotions, something which troubled Friyya to no end. She had always been good at reading the minds of her fellow novices and, later, paladins, but the drow girl remained an enigma.

"Have a nice day, my beautiful Friyya." Syf called, giving her lover's taut, yet magnificently feminine bottom an affectionate pat as she left. Friyya blushed visibly and smiled graciously in return before exiting the kitchen. It was moments like those that made her realise why she and Syf could never be separated - whether by time, space or other lovers. Even after years of being bound, body and mind, Friyya could still feel like a giddy first year novice with a single movement of her lover's hand.

After ensuring that Friyya had descended the stair that led out of the Quarters building, Lily turned to face Syf, who had been taking her time with a substantial breakfast of black bread and thin-sliced, ivory-white lard, "You are a strong woman," the drow began, scrutinising the paladin's every movement, expression and reaction, "yet Virginia was honoured as squad leader above you. Nevertheless, Friyya has never, to my knowledge, sought Virginia's favours."

Syf winced - for she disliked being reminded of her missed promotion, "We would say love is blind." She conceded, staring straight at Lily with her piercing, steel-blue eyes. Speaking with the dark elf was, as far as Syf was concerned, a challenging, but fascinating experience.

"But, in confidence, she is comely," Lily noted, "I imagine you enjoy coupling with her."

"Well...yes..." replied the paladin, a little embarrassed, "but I also enjoy her company, her voice, her touch...I love her as a whole, not because she has one thing I particularly like."

Lily sat pensively. She detected sincerity in Syf's eyes and that, in itself, was disconcerting. Could it perhaps be that unconditional love truly existed? This merited deeper investigation, "As a mortal, however, she is flawed. So do you willingly ignore these shortcomings?"

"Of course, just as I, with my defects, would be pleased if she tolerated them and loved me nonetheless, I tolerate hers." Syf said with some awkwardness, knowing full well that it would be difficult to explain the principle of reciprocity to a dark elf.

"But what if you are betrayed? Would the disappointment not cripple you?" The drow woman pressed, staring intently into Syf's utterly unflappable countenance.

"You once said that the drow liked to gamble, so you were perfectly capable of accepting total victory or absolute failure. Well...we choose to gamble on this and sometimes we find true love, the sort that grows with us, and, yes, sometimes we are betrayed or disappointed. But in the end, that's a chance we're willing to take." Syf concluded. Her argument may not have had the sophistication of anything Friyya could conjure up, but, under the circumstances, she thought she had made herself clear enough.

"I think I understand," Lily said as she began to evaluate what appeared to be a preposterous idea, "so do you think Virginia should gamble on me?"

The question was provocative and Syf's mind churned to find the appropriate answer even as her expression remained outwardly calm and collected, "I think...she could give it a try. I think you're clever, interesting and quite beautiful...and, if you are reformed as you say..."

"I am," Lily interrupted firmly, "I was considering transferring my allegiance from Lloth to another Goddess. Your Vigilant Maiden would be one of my first choices."

"Glad to hear it." Syf said approvingly, allowing herself a subtle smile. Privately, she thought that reformed drow would be ideal recruits for some sections of the Order of the Radiant Path as, based on what she had seen from Lily, they were intelligent, magically adept and knew how to keep males in their place.

"Out of curiosity, your Vigilant Maiden is attended to by Virgin Huntresses and Shield Maidens as written in your scriptures - does she take them all as lovers?"

Syf was, for once, decidedly caught off guard, "Well..., I mean, you have to ask Friyya about the details...but, I suppose she does, since part of walking the Radiant Path is, after all, honouring the purest of loves."

"Indeed," Lily said, languidly rising from her chair, "a particular illustration I saw of a valiant Shield Maiden very much resembled you."

Syf had to stop herself from indulging in a very vain, self-satisfied smile, "Why thank you, I am happy that you find me pleasing."

"Generally speaking, yes," Lily said casually, "but I would be dishonest if I did not confess that I found you a little too tall and a little too boyish." A teasing grin had spread across the drow's violet lips.

"Is that so?" Syf began, an edge of threat in her voice, "So perhaps you would like to enlighten me as to what real femininity is."

"Why, me, of course." Lily said, as if t were the most evident thing in the world.

Syf sighed in resignation. There was simply no winning against Lily.


Elyszara ran. She wanted to feel her movement through space, barging through the thronging crowds of robed clerks and bureaucrats as they made their way up and down the long, cobbled boulevards that connected the Lady's Ward to the Clerk's Ward. Running was life, it confirmed her existence, confirmed her impact on others as she barged her way through the busy streets. Where she was going - that she did not know, perhaps to the Library of Sensation, perhaps to the next tavern which caught her eye so that she could drink her sorrows away and, hopefully, find a dose of Paradise Moss or Black Lotus. Even in her profoundly irrational state, the aasimar was quite a sight, despite the fact that she had dressed simply in a blue silk blouse, black leggings and black boots for anonymity and ease of movement. Her presence alone was enough to turn many heads, though Elyszara had long since ceased noticing the reactions of profound admiration or jealousy she stimulated in others.

With her mind blank and her heart throbbing almost painfully in her chest, Elyszara careened with grim determination through the crowd, carelessly nudging passers-by out of her way, until, suddenly, a firm, familiar hand caught hers and spun her around with some force.

"Watch where you're going, berk." Min snarled. It had been a long, sleepless night of wandering up and down the Clerk's Ward in search of some order into which to compress her thoughts - the last thing she wanted was to be further disturbed by an ill-mannered stranger. Yet it took her but a few moments to realise that she and the stranger had definitely met before.

"Min, it's me, Lys, remember?" Elyszara said, panting almost desperately, yet beaming her warmest smile. She was happy to have found an acquaintance on which she could unload her sorrowful tale of a tyrannical mother.

"How could I forget?" Came the dry response. The aasimar had put up quite an exhibition of her purported skills with the dagger by facing off against Min in a practice bout. Although her technique and raw talent had been well above average, she was severely lacking in insight and experience, so much so that Min had won without even breaking a proverbial sweat.

"Look, just because you're in a bad mood doesn't mean you get to hurt my feelings." Said Elyszara, pretending to be offended.

"Sorry, I've had a long night, but I s'pose it's nice to see you again." All things considered, however, even when she was modestly dressed, Elyszara was ethereal and utterly stunning.

"My mother's a bitch." Elyszara blurted, rather succinctly, still short of breath, as she flicked back a few strands of violet and silver-streaked black hair.

"I've heard that one before." Min felt her need rise just by observing the casually sensual motions of Elyszara's slender, perfectly shaped limbs, the rise and fall of her rounded, elegantly proportioned breasts made frantic by her exertion. Her passion had smouldered unfulfilled for almost a day - ever since Shesayne had interrupted what had been a most promising session of lovemaking with Aerylle. Now, the weight of that burning desire cascaded back into Min's mind.

"Did you have breakfast? Because I haven't, if you like, there's a tavern down the street...I'm buying. It looks like we both need to talk and I certainly can't do that on an empty stomach." The aasimar said. She had read the hunger - which was certainly not for food - in Min's enigmatic orange eyes, even if the tiefling remained as composed as ever - lithe and alert with sensual energy like a hunting leopard.

"Sure. We could probably do that." Min said, feigning indifference. Elyszara smiled, winked and turned to leave the way in a motion of breathtaking grace. Min followed, her eyes riveted on Elyszara's slender thighs, encased so perfectly in black leather and her pert, tight bottom with its effortless athleticism.

"So...what happened to you? Lost? Can't sleep? Had a fight with Aerylle?" Elyszara queried, knowing full well where Min's eyes were focused.

"I think you could probably say all three and none." Said Min, quite evasively.

"What's wrong? Not in the mood for conversation? I thought you would be happy to see me."

"Yeah, I am, you definitely light up the burg." The tiefling conceded. She cursed her pulsing libido, because every movement of Elyszara's was hypnotic. She had such poise, such elegance.

"Just when I thought I'd never get a compliment...anyway, here it is, to the left." Elyszara said airily, indicating a small, cosy inn with a discreet, but tasteful sign declaring it to be "The Astral Skiff". The aasimar led the way into a sedate, well-appointed dining room furnished in dark wood and leather. There was a certain air of distinction which was complemented by the musty smell of books from a substantial and well-thumbed library which a patron could casually consult from an overstuffed bookshelf in the course of her meal. Even though the breakfast service was in full swing, an atmosphere of dignified silence ruled the chamber. This was perhaps unsurprising in light of the clientele, composed mainly of middle-aged clerks and intellectual types from the neighbouring libraries. A conservatively dressed woman in a starchy, high-collared dress with greying chestnut hair and a forbidding demeanour stood by the bar, tending to a cauldron of heavily spiced, fragrant mulled wine. At the very back of the dining room a large, blackened iron stove supplied welcome heat from the bracing morning air outside.

"Your type of place?" Min commented sardonically. In retrospect, it was probably the sort of locale she imagined Aerylle patronising.

"Not really, but it's relaxing and they have great serv...ah, here we are." Said Elyszara as the stern woman by the bar approached and gave a stiff bow. Min immediately found her formalism stifling.

"Good day, Madams, can I serve you with a table or with a room?" The hostess' voice was soft and cultured - very much in keeping with the staid environment.

"Room." Min interjected firmly, before Elyszara could even open her mouth.

The aasimar smiled conspiratorially. Min had, logically enough, resisted her advances when Aerylle and Cirily had been present, but now tired, needy and alone, the true Min, the passionate tiefling whose every movement was lush, unforced poetry, could come out, "A room it is, then. The very best you have."

It was then that the chain of events was set into motion. Elyszara and Min found themselves drawn into the welcoming silence of the inn, with its scent of beeswax polish and old brass. Upstairs, at the very end of the hallway, a heavy mahogany door was opened, soundlessly for its hinges had been perfectly oiled. Inside, a vast canopied bed with pristine white sheets dominated the chamber, surrounded by assorted armchairs and half-couches, all upholstered in gold-threaded silk. An enchanted fire burned in a stone fireplace while tapestries with rich, floral themes covered the walls, giving the impression that the room was surrounded by a kind of surreal garden, where flowers grew thick and intertwined, like mating serpents.

The moment the door closed, Elyszara turned to look Min straight in the eye. The tiefling did not wait, but seized Elyszara roughly by the waist and drew her into a passionate embrace, her smouldering, sultry red lips burning their passionate heat in a lusty, insistent kiss. Elyszara's eyes did not once leave Min's as she returned the kiss with almost savage passion, her tongue wrestling in an almost frenzied struggle with its playmate. Nails dug into Min's exposed flanks, just as the tiefling's teeth bit down, hard and sharp, on Elyszara's crimson-painted bottom lip. The aasimar whimpered in mingled pain and pleasure. With Min, the sensations were as one, because they both flowed into the molten fire she felt in her veins at each touch of the tiefling's perfect, taut and lithe abdomen, with its delectable contrast of soft skin and firm muscle.

"What d'you like?" Min said breathlessly, breaking the kiss to pull off her form-fitting grey top. Fine, firm breasts, in perfect proportion with Min's svelte body, came into view, each capped with a dark red nipple, already rubbery and tumescent with passion.

"What would you like me to be?" Elyszara replied, her hands gliding across the red-tinted, pale skin of the tiefling's abdomen to cup her breasts, "I can be your princess, your lover, your best friend, your stern mistress...even, believe it or not, the shy, but curious little maiden."

Min inhaled sharply at the sensation of cool, dextrous fingers tracing the contours of her breasts before very gently gracing the tips of her hot, stiff nipples with feather-light caresses, "Why can't you just be Elyszara?"

"They're all Elyszara, and much more besides," the aasimar sighed contentedly, "but right now, let's just say that we're picking up where we left off. You defeated me in a duel and now I'm disarmed, helpless, and at your mercy." With that, she dipped down to run her tongue over the soft skin of Min's throat, licking a long wet trail all the way down the valley between the tiefling's breasts.

"Sounds good to me." Min sighed, barely restraining a gasp of surprise as she felt Elyszara's expert, tender lips graze the very tip of an engorged nipple, teasing it at first just with the tip of the tongue, before proceeding to caress the stiff peak with firm, eager licks. The aasimar's mouth was a warm, moist paradise, that seemed to exude sweet, airy eroticism with each breath. Min felt a surge of desire flow through her veins. Just the sight of that painfully beautiful, elfin face nestled at her breast, eyes half-closed in reverence as she suckled at her nipple was enough to send sparks of hungry anticipation down Min's spine. She needed Elyszara, she wanted to possess that arrogant, impossibly resplendent beauty and make it part of herself.

"I am at your service, my victorious heroine." Elyszara breathed, her teeth gently pressing down on the sensitive, rubbery flesh of Min's nipple to add just a little delightful friction to the maddeningly teasing action of her tongue.

"Right...right...just a moment." Min said between gritted teeth, stepping back a moment to quickly discard her boots and pull down her leggings. The moistened arousal of her sex had left a white, filmy residue against the red leather. The soft, spicy smell of cinnamon filled the air. Elyszara watched, almost as if in a trance. Min's body simply continued to exceed her expectations: the reddish tint of her skin, the lithe musculature of her thighs, the irresistible ember-red curls of hair that covered that enticing, spicy sex. As soon as Min had got rid of the offending garments, she decided that it was high time to take advantage of the plush, ostentatiously large bed, so she drew Elyszara close and renewed their fervent, passionate kiss, all the while pulling the slender aasimar closer to the pristine, snow-white sheets.

There, Min suddenly threw herself on the bed, effortlessly dragging Elyszara down with her, "You're wearing far too many clothes for my taste." The tiefling purred, flicking her tongue playfully over her lover's crimson-painted lips, "Get undressed and then I might just consider giving you a taste of what half the girls in the Hive would sell their mothers for."

Elyszara nodded passionately as Min made herself comfortable, propping herself up against the cushions and spreading her taut, firm thighs, revealing the silky, dark red nether lips of her sex, moist and juicing like a ripe tropical fruit. Swallowing the knot of passion that had formed in her throat, Elyszara tore off her blouse, boots and leggings, her mind already fogged with the prospect of the boundless pleasures that lay at the fragrant juncture of Min's thighs. Then, finally revealed in all her splendour, she knelt obediently between Min's legs, a curious, girlish expression on her lips as she contemplated the tiefling's enigmatic, sphinx-like smile.

"I'm only going to say this once," Min said, her admiration getting the better of her, "but you're fucking perfect." It was true: every inch of unblemished skin was an angelic white, with just a hint of light, elven pink peeking out under the girl's perfectly hairless sex; her breasts were rounded, understated perfection and capped with stiff nipples, pink as an alpine flower, that just begged to be suckled. Then there was that midnight-black hair streaked with all the colours of a midnight sky on a cold, winter's day on a high mountain that framed a face of sublime beauty, all accentuated by the tasteful application of the finest sapphire-blue powder around her gracefully elf-like almond eyes.

"Glad you think so." Elyszara said with affected modesty as she settled between Min's thighs. The warm aroma of cinnamon grew stronger. Min was soaked so that the very first lick of the aasimar's tongue against the lust-swollen petals of her nether lips was like tasting the nectar of an exotic plant: rich, stimulating and wonderfully addictive. Min exhaled in quiet contentment, and drew Elyszara closer, her fingers running through the silky mane of the aasimar's multichrome hair. With such a delectable feast before her, Elyszara saw no reason to hurry, so she took her time exploring Min, probing to see which patterns of licking the tiefling liked best, all the while revelling in the sensual flesh before her: silky, moist and endowed with a flavour she had never experienced before. Min bucked her hips, drawing her lover in closer, betraying her urgency that wound like a tense, frustrated coil in her loins. The aasimar reacted with expert poise, gently drawing her long, hungry licks closer to the tiny, stiff bud of Min's clit.

Min gasped suddenly, the heat of her lust spilling through her loins as she lifted her lips higher, inviting a more thorough exploration of her lust-swollen, velvety sex. That was not an opportunity that Elyszara could pass up, so she quite casually began to work two fingers into the sodden depths of Min's channel, easing apart the hot, juicing flesh with well-practised ease. Min's breath was ragged now, her breasts rose and almost frantically. Her need had gathered for too long and now, like an imminent storm, it felt as though all the accumulated tension and electricity were going to be released in a powerful wave of sensation. Elyszara's tongue now lapped a hard, merciless rhythm against Min's clit, her fingers sliding in and out in long, winding motions that caressed the inner walls of the tiefling's slick channel. As Min had expected, Elyszara was an expert at what she was doing: her tongue danced with all the grace of a fairy-like sprite over the passion-engorged nether flesh, her fingers, that so effortlessly mastered the swollen flesh of her channel, had a natural dexterity the tiefling had only experienced in elves.

Feeling her blood quicken just as her passion reached its rushing peak, Min arched her back, digging her curling toes into the soft sheets beneath, her ember-red hair spread on the covers in deep red tendrils like fresh blood on snow. She came in low, ragged gasps, her hips undulating like the thrashing waves of her climax deep in her loins. It was as if everything had been enlightened. All the accumulated tension of her lovemaking with Aerylle, of her bizarre yet viscerally erotic dream, had found its release and it was not savage as Min had been expecting, but long, languid and deeply fulfilling. Elyszara smiled with wicked satisfaction as she felt the spasmodic contractions of the tiefling's sex around her fingers. She could tell from the satisfying tremors of her contracting sex that it had been a profoundly satisfying release for Min.

Sinking back onto the pillows, Min welcomed Elyszara's lithe form into her arms, kissing those cinnamon-spicy with lips with wild abandon as her dextrous fingers explored the poetic harmony of the aasimar's body. With one, deft motion, Min eased Elyszara onto her back, secretly relishing her lover's instinctive submissiveness. It was as if the aasimar anticipated Min's desires, meekly allowing herself to be explored in the quiet confidence that her beauty would be more than enough to satisfy even the most jaded of lovers. Building slow-burning desire was an art that Elyszara practised effortlessly, so as Min lay atop her, devouring her lips with ever more insistent kisses, the tiefling felt something building in her that was beyond the casual sensual pleasure she had taken from countless girls in the past - this was real hunger, a primal, all-consuming desire.

Elyszara cooed in wanton approval as Min departed from her lips and began to kiss with smouldering need up the aasimar's sensitive, delicately pointed ear. Min was no stranger to pleasuring elves and their ilk. Yet there was something more to Elyszara, something deeply sensual like the outwardly coy maiden who, in a private exchange of glances, flashes a knowing, conspiratorial smile. The aasimar had the body of a virgin - seemingly pristine and untouched - the spring flower of young womanhood, but her wanton moans and whimpering sighs at each burning touch of Min's lips down her throat and up the taut little hillocks of her breasts betrayed her true nature.

Kissing lower, down the flat, taut expanse of Elyszara's belly, Min felt the gentle teasing of the aasimar's toenails caressing her flanks, easing her lower to the fragrant well of her sex. There, under the plump little mound of hairless flesh, light pink nether lips were spread by the tiefling's expert fingers, revealing a soft, blooming flower, rich with a sweet, fruity fragrance. Elyszara purred sensually the moment she felt Min's tongue test the silky, glistening inner folds of her sex for the first time. The sensation was magnificent, sending the aching need coursing through her belly and forcing her hips higher to meet the lips of her new mistress.

For Min, tasting Elyszara for the first time was like drinking from the well of a goddess, for the richly aromatic, clear but thick nectar had an intoxicating sweet yet slightly saline quality to it, less overtly flowery than an elf, but certainly not as musky as a human. Elyszara squirmed at the gently teasing of Min's tongue, impatient for more. Min felt her libido blaze like the midday sun: the girl was simply too erotic. Every motion, every sweet, shameless little cry made the tiefling wish she could have Elyszara for a century, just to ravish her every minute of every day. With that pulsing nexus of violence and desire in mind, Min sprung back on top of her aasimar lover, quick and powerful as a hunting cat, pinning her down on the bed.

Any objections Elyszara may have had were drowned out by a gloriously savage, deep kiss. With almost adolescent urgency, Min thrust Elyszara's thighs apart as far as they would go and slid two tensed fingers with uncompromising firmness between the pouting, rosy-pink nether lips of the aasimar girl's sex. Once she had gained purchase deep in Elyszara's slick, velvety channel, Min shifted her hand so that she could grind the heel of her palm rhythmically against the impudently stiff little clit at the very apex of the blooming flower of the aasimar's sex. Elyszara moaned: she felt no pain, because lovemaking with Min could never be painful. It could certainly be forceful, just as it could fill her sex and the base of her spine with the most powerful of wrenching sensations, but there could be no pain. Min was not imposing herself, she was only taking what was hers by right.

"One day...one day," Elyszara groaned, lifting her hips and wrapping her slender thighs against Min's waist to ensure a deeper penetration while the tiefling's fingers thrust with devastatingly pleasurable precision, "we'll go out together and I'll do everything you say. Any tavern, any library, all you would have to say is 'Lys, lick me out' or 'Lys, pull up your dress and spread your legs' and I would do it, right in front of everyone, just for you." What pleased Min the most, of course, was that she knew for a fact that Elyszara really meant it. Each thrust of the tiefling's fingers was met with a needy, high-pitched cry, which confirmed Min's assumption that, like elves, all aasimar girls needed was a tiefling woman to sort them out.

Min did not reply, but contented herself with running her tongue down the length of Elyszara's pointed ear. The sudden sensual assault, coupled with the achingly pleasurable grinding against her clit and the marvellous friction of the expert thrusting in her sex was more than enough to send the aasimar into the first paroxysms of climax. She felt it inside her, uncoiling and striking, filling her with light, heat and that airy sensation of someone who has just experienced a shard of paradise. Min gave her hand one last, harsh twist against Elyszara's fragrant, juicing sex, the pads of her fingers thrusting deep against puffy, sensitive inner flesh. The aasimar's velvety inner channel contracted beautifully against Min's fingers, conveying the rippling waves of a long, pulsing orgasm onto the tiefling's invading hand. It took Elyszara a few moments of ragged, whimpering breathing before she could even release the vise-like grip of her thighs around Min's waist.

Min wanted to lose herself in Elyszara's body. Her pale, red-tinted skin glistened with sweat, her taut muscles tensed with the strain of her lovemaking. There was so much more to be done even as the aasimar recovered from her climax, "Fuck..." Min panted, before diving in against Elyszara's parted lips to bring her tongue back into communion with the aasimar's, "Sod it and curse it...I really want to fuck you now."

"There's nothing I would like more in the Multiverse," Elyszara replied, spreading digging her graceful toes into the now ruffled bedsheets and wantonly thrusting her hips against Min, "but, I don't usually carry those things around with me."

"Another time?" Min inquired hopefully, her breath now hot and moist against the aasimar's breasts.

"Definitely...ah!" Elyszara squealed in delight as Min began to tongue a stiff, gloriously pink nipple, covering with a glistening sheen of warm dew, "But for now, just take me."

With breathtaking grace, Min obeyed, for she wanted to possess Elyszara more than anything else. There was such spontaneity in the aasimar's eroticism: everything was offered up instead of hidden, like Aerylle. To be sure, the elven librarian had the great charm of discovery, but Elyszara was an incomparable pleasure. Adjusting herself on the bed, so that one thigh slid under Elyszara's legs and the other hooked around the aasimar's waist, Min began to position herself with careful, precise movements, so that her sex, crowned with the glory of magnificent red curls, slid against the smooth, hairless surface of her aasimar lover's nether lips. Elyszara lay back and submitted to Min's touch, surrendering herself to the tiefling's lust as she casually reaching down to spread the light-pink inner lips of her sex so her tiny, yet resolutely stiff clit was fully exposed to the delightful friction she knew was coming.

Reclining with both arms tensed for support, Min began to grind her sex against Elyszara's, her pace frantic, yet betraying the lust that flowed in her veins like molten metal, filling her mind with desire, making the coils of passion at the pit of her belly quake each time she saw the poetic dance of the aasimar's firm breasts with each laboured breath. Elyszara let herself be guided by Min's thrusts, surrendering herself to that delicious rhythm that mastered her sex so thoroughly, sliding wet slick flesh together, stiff little clitorises gliding across warm, wet love petals - aasimar against tiefling - all bonded together in a sultry, erotic coupling. They lay grinding in hard, tight circles for what seemed like an eternity. Min was merciless, her passion dictating the pace of their lovemaking, but even as she ruled, she did not do so selfishly. Elyszara's spread, blooming sex had become the nexus of her passion, the meeting point of her femininity with Min's. In truth, the aasimar was pleased that her lover had not taken her with a magical surrogate, because now, locked in that frantic nether kiss of parted, lust-slickened sex lips and pliant moans, it was as if their feminine natures, on the surface so different, were finally in communion and in perfect synthesis with one another.

They took much longer to come, yes, but when Elyszara finally whimpered out her passion in long, wanton, mewling sighs, it was as rewarding as only a hard-fought orgasm can be. Like a spring rain, relief flooded her body, filling her with tired but happy satisfaction. Before she knew it Min was on top of her, arms wrapped around her back, kissing with the kind of fiery intensity she knew could only come from the tiefling. Their bodies were redolent with cinnamon and ripe fruit as well as the saltier smell of sweat, but that symphony of sensations, combined with intense, lush pleasure of kissing Min's lips was something Elyszara would not soon forget. Perhaps a little to Elyszara's surprise, Min proved to be profoundly affectionate after their lovemaking, tirelessly planting soft kisses on the aasimar's wondrously beautiful features, all the while lovingly stroking her lithe body and long, soft hair.

"I never thought you'd be one for a nice cuddle." The aasimar confessed, almost embarrassed as Min lavished tender, butterfly kisses on her delicately pointed ear.

Min smiled enigmatically, her gently slanted, orange eyes looking down at Elyszara with bemused patience, "Y'know, I am a woman after all."

"How could I forget," Elyszara said, before realising that her full dedication to her sensual needs had caused her to ignore another, "oh...fuck," she snarled, "I'll be right back." With that the aasimar slid out from under Min and slipped into the adjoining bathing chamber.

Min sat up, admiring the scene around her. No doubt, Elyszara would pay the bill because the room was worth at least five or six days of her salary. She never understood what the fixation with luxury was - it was wonderful to have enough money so as not to have to worry about it, but to waste it on such excess simply defied belief. At least, Min reflected, Elyszara never made a big deal about her wealth and was very eager to spend it on others. Then there was her physical and verbal spontaneity, so even if her accent was clearly that of a privileged young woman, she spoke with no inhibitions, so much unlike Aerylle.

Yet the very thought of Aerylle brought a pang of remorse in the tiefling - for she knew her elven lover would be distraught if she ever found out about the tryst with Elyszara -, so that she rose to her feet and made her way hastily to the bathing chamber with every intention of dipping her head into a basin of freezing water to drown out that irritating emotion. As Min expected, even the bathing chamber had an understated opulence to it with a liberal use of brass and polished hardwood fittings. Elyszara sat miserably on the latrine, emptying her bladder with a dejected look on her face even as Min smiled, perhaps a little lasciviously, at catching the aasimar in such an intimate moment.

"Don't look at me." Elyszara said with a soft, almost disconcerting vulnerability that Min had never imagined coming from her.

"What? What's wrong." Not even Aerylle had a problem with her walking into the bathing chamber at any given time.

"I'm disgusting." Elyszara said, almost inaudibly.

"What in the Nine Hells are you talking about?" Min inquired, as perplexed as she was sympathetic.

Elyszara simply rose to her feet and proceeded to a porcelain washbasin to rinse herself out, "I'm repulsive." She said at length, her long, dark hair obscuring her visage.

"Hey...hey, c'mon," Min said, still quite uncertain as to how to proceed, tentatively wrapping her hands around the aasimar's waist, "if you're repulsive, I don't sodding know what the rest of this burg is."

"Fuck!" Elyszara snarled, whipping around to bury her face between Min's breasts - the tiefling felt warm tears and breathy sobs against her skin, "Fuck! Fuck! Every fucking Goddess-forsaken cycle I bleed, every fucking day I'm reminded I'm a mortal. I'm not a perfect being of light, just flesh, blood, bone and worse! Ask Cirily how I used to wet the fucking bed because I couldn't stand relieving myself during the day. Everybody says I'm beautiful, but every day this beautiful body betrays me...reminds me every day that one day, I'll die."

With a little hindsight, it was then that Min realised that Aerylle, with all her flaws, was at least, generally speaking, emotionally stable. As far as Min was concerned, she now had nothing but the greatest sympathy for Cirily. Deeper still, however, she knew why Elyszara was confessing her fears with such bluntness. Like Elyszara, Min too was descended from an immortal being whose being was infinitely less fragile and temperamental than a mortal body. The difference was that Min had never met her mother or lived amongst immortal spirits, whether they be angels, eladrin, or demons. Nevertheless, Min's loneliness - that loneliness that drove her to find solace and comfort in fellow outcasts like Verden or Shesayne, was the same as Elyszara's loneliness. As distant as their upbringing and family circumstances had been, there was a part of Min's heart that spoke directly with Elyszara's.

"D'you want to stay and talk? I'm sure Shesayne'll cover for me at work, so if you need to say something, I'll listen." Min offered gently.

Elyszara nodded, digging her nails possessively into Min's back, "You won't say I'm disgusting...you won't let go of me, will you?"



As far back as she could remember, Inge had always been the victim. She had trusted her father with the wide-eyed admiration of any daughter in search of paternal security and seen him dedicate himself entirely to her brothers; she had trusted her mother and seen her, behind the little hole she had surreptitiously drilled into the wall, betray her father with countless, low-born, but well-built boys; she had trusted Ithunn and seen herself made a fool of time and time again. The time for trust and the time for victimhood was over. Henceforth she - Ingeborg, soon to be priestess of the Vigilant Maiden - would seize her own destiny by the reins. That had been the idea. In reality, Inge knew just about everyone else in the Order, paladin or priestess, referred to her as 'cute', 'sweet' or the 'pretty little one'. Such diminutives were patently unfair: she was a woman now, end of story, and certainly not a silly adolescent girl to be Ithunn's plaything.

So the time had come to turn her life around and with that objective in mind, she had made her way down to the Library of Sensation. Even though Ithunn had, for all intents and purposes, left her after the disastrous dinner with Friyya and Syf, it had not all been bad news. A very interesting note had appeared at her customary desk in the Temple library that suggested an in-depth consultation of the Library of Sensation on the topic of Inevitable Forms which, according to the neatly written and almost impossibly eloquent message, accorded the user great transformative power. Inge had been intrigued, especially since this echoed with something she had heard whispered between senior priestesses when they thought she was not listening.

That was Inge's great advantage: no-one really took her seriously, so she was already privy to quite a good deal of very interesting information. So, with dispensation from Gallia, her supervisor, who was delighted that a student as brilliant as Inge had opted for some independent research before her Ordination, the trainee priestess or, more formally, Initiate of the Maiden, made her way down the streets of the Clerk's Ward. Unlike most Ortho girls, who were taller than most other human races, Inge was small and very slender, with a delicate physique and a sweetly youthful, charming face dominated by big, sad grey eyes. She loathed the almost unnatural clarity of her elbow-length platinum-blonde hair, so she had long ago decided to dye it a soft, sky-blue.

Ithunn had been her dream lover: someone who would have loved and protected her, as well as making her the envy of initiate priestess and novice paladin alike. Ithunn had been the prize which, so very nearly, had been hers, but now, trudging down the cobbled streets in the middle of a cool, windy Sigil day, she felt profoundly alone. The Library of Sensation, she hoped, would bring some comfort as she ascended the polished, marble stairs and passed the great, ornate entrance, with its finely sculpted statues of aesthetically perfect males and females - and sometimes beings in between - into the main reception hall. The Library was labyrinthine: a sprawling mass of shelves stacked high with volumes bound in leather, rolled up in scroll cases, carved onto metal disks and stranger things besides. Silence and that comfortable, familiar musty smell of old paper and parchment filled the air.

Inge made her way down a few, unfamiliar aisles, her sandalled feet moving almost soundlessly over the carpeting and wooden floorboards. Rows of desks, mostly empty, stretched out as far as the eye could see and, in the distance, Inge could make out a second and third floor, both likewise filled with shelves brimming with books. How exactly she was meant to find what she was looking for was beyond her. Even the longest of journeys, however, had to start with one step.

"May I help you, miss?" A sweet, cultured voice inquired and Inge turned to meet it. It was an assistant librarian who also happened to be an extremely pretty, blonde elf dressed, however, in an unflattering beige robe that reached down to her ankles.

"Oh, most certainly, thank you," Inge said smiling and nodding her head in greeting, "I am new here and was wondering whether you could, uhm...help me with some research."

"My pleasure, come this way a moment and I shall take down your name and details and then we can get started together. I am Aerylle, by the way, and if you ever need anything, I should be the person to ask."

"Ingeborg, but I prefer Inge." The trainee priestess replied, her gaze lingering on the elven woman's graceful body and, best of all, her slender hands that looked so temptingly smooth and pale.

"A pleasure to meet you Inge, now please, follow me." With that, Aerylle led Inge to her desk near the very heart of the library, winding her way through the familiar bookshelves. There, in a clearing surrounded by high cabinets made for storing and filing information, was the long, rectangular desk Aerylle shared with her colleague, Lirai, who was, no doubt, out on a re-shelving expedition. That was their private in-joke: referring to any task which involved retrieving or replacing a book as an 'expedition' which, in reality, was usually not far off the mark.

"So now, you say your name is Inge," Aerylle said, as she leaned over her desk to scribe the trainee priestess' name in magnificently neat, artistic handwriting on a membership form, "and you are with...?"

Inge swallowed as she admired the curve of Aerylle's back and the understated, yet clearly feminine curve of her bottom through the loose, beige robe, "The Order of the Radiant Path of the Vigilant Maiden. Shrine Priestess Gallia is my sponsor, should you need any further details."

"Oh! What a small world it is, I just happen to have a few friends in the Order. Perhaps you know Virginia?" Aerylle said, smiling warmly as she completed the form. Reading and writing, as far as she was concerned, were almost sensual pleasures and her handwriting, testament to years of practice, was ample proof of that.

"I do indeed. Her talent and beauty are the envy of many."

"I know," Aerylle replied, before deciding not to bore the newcomer with details of her personal life, "but now to more important matters. What section did you say you were interested in?"

"Transcendental and meta-mortal experiences." Inge said cautiously.

"Oh, Heavens," Aerylle said with a start, turning to face Inge with beautiful, crystal-clear blue eyes, "that is a pretty ghastly section. Are you certain?"

"I do not wish to relive those sensations, so much as research them from an impartial standpoint." Inge said evasively. Strictly speaking, any sensation that had been stored in the magical books or scrolls of the Library could be relived by the reader, though this was seldom the case unless one dealt with the most innocuous of documents. There were secrets to the Multiverse that were best left undisturbed or, at the very most, examined with the most detached, scholarly eye.

"Very well...but, please, if there is any trouble whatsoever, do not hesitate to call." Aerylle said, leading Inge towards the required section. Despite herself, the grey elven librarian was impressed by Inge's physique: never had she seen a human to so closely mirrored Grey Elf standards of restrained, modest, but unashamedly feminine beauty. Moreover, the young priestess was clearly a bright, competent mind which, even in Sigil, was not always easy to find. As Inge walked by Aerylle's side, the elven girl could not help but notice the effortless grace of her movements and, perhaps most intriguingly of all, those big, grey eyes that seemed to hide a gentle, beautiful soul ready to be discovered.

"You are very kind." Inge said, smiling, as Aerylle indicated the desired shelves and a comfortable desk for her to read at, "If only everyone I knew were as kind as you."

"Oh, Miss, really you flatter me!" Aerylle said, blushing a little, "We have only just met, but I thank you ever so much for the compliment."

"Inge...please call me Inge."

"Certainly," Aerylle said, warming a little to the human woman - few patrons of the library were much in the way of conversation, "and may I be so bold as to ask one thing?"

"Anything." Inge replied amiably, taking a seat at the desk. The cool leather of the chair felt welcoming under the simple, white, initiate's robe she wore.

"Is your hair...ah...dyed?"

"Why, of course, it is hardly a usual colour for a human, though I know it occurs naturally in some elven cultures." Inge said, never once lifting her gaze from Aerylle's fine-featured, elfin face.

"You are prettier than most elves I have seen," Aerylle confessed, gathering up the courage to just graze the silky, sky-blue hair with the lightest of touches, "and very knowledgeable."

"I adore reading about anything and everything." Inge commented, "But now it is you who flatter me, I could only dream of being as perfect as an elf."

"Oh, we are not perfect," Aerylle said, her blush spreading, "just a little longer-lived than most mortals."

"Well, now look how rude of me," Inge said with a sigh, "I must be keeping you up from more important things. I would only have two more favours to ask of you, if that does not sound like too much."

"No, please..." Aerylle replied, her fingers still hovering over Inge's hair.

"If you see anything concerning Inevitables, could you bring it to my attention?"


"And, well, my second favour is more personal," Inge said, a little embarrassed herself, as she turned to face Aerylle, her gorgeous, grey eyes wide and expectant, "I should be back tomorrow and, most probably, for a few days to come and I may well be lonely around mealtimes so perhaps, if you were so inclined, we could take tea together. I am not much of a cook, but I could certainly bring some decent sweet nut-bread."

"Of course, my tr-...uh, Inge," Aerylle said, thankful she had caught her tongue, "I would be honoured to."

"Very well." The initiate said, smiling sweetly, "I shall leave you to your work. Thanks again, Aerylle."

As the elven librarian left, she felt a pang of remorse. She felt guilty for Min, but Inge was such a delicate, cultured, charming girl. Not that Min was somehow inferior. The tiefling was just different; one certainly could not talk to her about literature, art or anything high-minded. Inge, on the other hand, sounded like fascinating conversation and, joy of joys in Sigil, she was flawlessly polite. On balance, however, Aerylle concluded that everyone had their defects.

Min was a little rough around the edges, but Aerylle, despite all the talk of high-minded intellectual discussion, had been hiding an illustrated elven romantic/erotic - for elves made no distinction between the two - novel under her desk. Indeed, she could not wait to get back, hoping Lirai stayed out a few moments longer: she had just read up to an emotionally charged part where the noble-born sorceress elopes with the beautiful archer she had been adventuring with, despite her mother's objections that the girl was a commoner. That part always made Aerylle weep. She would, as usual, have to tell Lirai it was the dust.


The Styx Boatman was having an especially busy night. Or, as Verden often put it contemptuously, the circus was in town. That was with particular reference to a group of stocky, axe and warhammer wielding minotaurs who were hanging around the main dining area of the tavern. They were from the Sons of Minos gang, as evidenced by the double-headed labrys axe which had been branded into their wide, muscled chests. Doubtless, they were waiting for updates on the movements of the Sons of Apis and, for the umpteenth time, the streets of the Hive would run with minotaur blood as they hacked their bloody feud out with bellows, grunts and assorted bovine cries. Verden was no snob, but the smell was overpowering.

At least, the voluptuous half-elf had the satisfaction of knowing that a new chapter in life had begun. Ithunn had returned to Quarters with the promise that they would never again be separated and Ithunn, the good Ortho girl that she was, always kept her promises. Verden could not help thinking of the future even as Min sat by her side. They were at the tiefling's favourite spot: a battered old couch in a quiet, out of the way corner of the tavern.

Min, as usual, was stretched out languidly, her eyes turned dreamily towards the ceiling. She had skipped work, but, in the end, it had all been worth it. After Elyszara's had passed her weepy, sentimental phase, she had dived right back into lovemaking. Then there had been more weeping still until Cirily had come to fetch her. Apparently, the inn, as stuffy as it was for Min's tastes, turned out to be one of Elyszara's favourite haunts. In the end, it had all turned out for the best: Min had managed to secure both a good day of lovemaking and a warm bed in which to recover a few hours of sleep.

"You've got to do something 'bout this woman who's tailing you." Said Verden. Now that Aerylle was absent, she at least had the luxury of leaning her head against the tiefling's shoulder without being met with withering glances.

"I will." Min said curtly, "Has she made any new moves?"

"Nah, but keep an eye on her. That sort looks like she's got nothing to lose."

"Right, then I might go in and find her myself. Then we can have a talk so she can tell me, face to face, just what she's looking for." Min was certainly not one to be cowed easily, "She thinks she's quick and quiet, but she hasn't met Min yet."

"Hmm, Lady Luck save her." Verden said, placing a soft kiss on Min's cheek, "But be careful yourself. I think she's from Civic Security, she could have backup."

"Don't you worry about me." The tiefling said, playfully swatting Verden's lush, firm bottom.

"Bells of the Nine Hells..." Verden interjected, all of a sudden, sitting bolt upright on the couch, "is that Shesayne?"

"What the..." Min began, as she too languidly rose to a more collected sitting position to see Aerylle, tastefully dressed in a long, white and gold dress with a nice, low cleavage to emphasise her small, but pert breasts and someone whom she could not quite recognise by the elven librarian's side. Upon closer inspection it was Shesayne, but not as Min knew her. The petite half-elf wore Aerylle's favourite blue evening gown, which was slit down the middle with a set of intricately, tiny silver chains linking the two halves. Her straight, raven-black hair had been let down so that the tips almost reached her shoulders and she had substituted her usual low-cut boots with flimsy looking blue silk sandals.

"Good evening, Min." Aerylle said, smiling warmly as she approached the couch where the tiefling was sitting and kissed her warmly on the lips. Verden stared on, speechless at the sight of Shesayne, while Min's mind scrambled desperately for something to say to end the awkwardness of that most bizarre of surprises.

"Hey, girls, like the brand-new, all-improved Shesayne?" The petite half-elf said, a little self-consciously. The moment she had returned from work, Aerylle had been fussed over her, making her try outfit after outfit before finally selecting the blue evening gown and then proceeding to ensure that Shesayne looked her absolute best. It had worked, and now the half-elf noticed that even most elves took her for one of their own. In terms of dress and appearance, she blended in perfectly, though her mannerisms remained just a little too much on the impish side.

"Well, well, well," Verden said, a wry smile on her lips as rose to embrace Shesayne and kiss her on the lips, "aren't you the high-up one now. You're absolutely sodding lovely. Looks like the surprises never end these days. I'd love to just try something like that one of these days, though I'm guessing I'd probably strain the fabric 'round the top."

“'Round the back, too.” Shesayne teased smugly, swatting Verden's bottom for emphasis.

“Fuck you,” Verden replied playfully, “and don't you dare become one of those bitchy elf girls.”

Min remained speechless, even as she held Aerylle reflexively in her arms. Shesayne was heart-rendingly beautiful yet deeply alien at the same time. Only her eyes and smile bore testament to the fact that it was, indeed, Shesayne. Otherwise, the half-elf was indistinguishable from any well-to-do moon elf girl from neighbourhoods better than the Hive. Perhaps her lightly tan skin gave it away a little, but, when all was said and done, the fad for skin with a little colour in it in dark, wintry Sigil had spread amongst the youth so even in Shesayne's case, there was no telling what others would think.

"What's wrong, Min, don't recognise me?" Shesayne teased.

"No...it's just that you look so..."

"Elven?" Shesayne interrupted, causing Verden to chuckle softly at the irony of someone who had spent much of her life doing her utmost to subvert elven aesthetics finally sending up all the whole thing in such grand style.

"Yeah, I s'pose." Min said, still a little dazed. She knew Shesayne to be an excellent disguise artist whose brilliant acting skills made her an especially effective thief and scam artist. But even those roles were always as a half-elf - never, after meeting Min, had Shesayne even shown the slightest interest in dressing or behaving like a full-blooded elf.

"Min, I suspect you ought to tell Shesayne she looks wonderful tonight." Aerylle said sharply with that reprimanding, elder-sister voice the tiefling loathed.

"You're...uh, mesmerising." Min was losing the battle. Doubtless, she would soon find Verden clad in a tasteful pink satin dress and then Aerylle's dark plan would have come to fruition, and Min would be left with no other option other than submitting to an endless succession of tea parties, flower arrangement and hair-brushing sessions.

"Thanks, thanks, thanks and finally I feel I'm ten times the elven woman that sneaky, snitch-bitch, shadow-fiend witch, Essinea." Shesayne crowed. That particular enmity was personal since Shesayne's mother had always made a point of emphasising just how tastefully graceful Essinea as a model of moon elven beauty as opposed to Shesayne.

"You certainly are." Aerylle said with an approving nod, "So, what's the occasion?" She queried, looking at Min and Verden in turn.

"We've got a problem." Verden replied drily. She still had to digest Aerylle's presence in her social life. A full blooded elf was bad enough, but a 'scrawny, haughty grey elf bitch', as she so often privately put it, was more than she normally chose to put up with, "Someone's mighty interested in you, Min, Shesayne and your friends at the Radiant Path. Looks like she's with Civic Security and has something not quite right in mind, otherwise, they'd have been onto us by now."

"What?" Aerylle interjected, a little perplexed.

"What she means," Min clarified, "is that we have been followed and spied on by some time. Which means that it's high time I start dealing with this. She can watch all she wants, but if this involves you or Shesayne, then this mystery woman'll have to go through me first."

"Min!" Aerylle said sternly, "Stop trying to play the heroine. It would be foolish for you to put yourself in danger..."

"No use: it's empty breath, wasted threats and a lost cause when her mind's set on something," Shesayne interrupted knowingly, "you just have to play along and help the best you can." Verden nodded vigorously in agreement.


"Look, princess," said Min, her tone low and reassuring as she drew Aerylle closer into a calming embrace, "I've told you once and I'll tell you again, I can take care of myself. Always have, always will do. And Shesayne knows when I say I can deal with it, I can deal with it, I'm not the sort of cutter who'll give you the rope. But right now, I've a feeling that I should get to the bottom of this and find whatever dark that's being hidden."

"Princess." Verden sniggered under her breath.

Aerylle overheard and shot Verden a withering glance, before deciding to proceed to more important matters, "Well please, please be careful," Aerylle said, knowing how stubborn the tiefling could be, "that and try to go to work tomorrow, Shesayne told me that your supervisor will dismiss you if your absenteeism continues at this rate. As romantic as it would be for me to support you on my meagre librarian's income, we should avoid it if possible."

"Yeah, whatever, I'll turn up tomorrow. How's Lily settling in?" At the mention of the dark elf's name, Aerylle instinctively scowled.

"Really, really well, actually, it's like she's got a special sense for magic - she says she can feel it calling to her, or something like that..." Shesayne commented.

"Quite," said Aerylle, quickly interrupting to change the subject - talk of drow was more than enough to unnerve her, "so perhaps I can buy the first round. What are your preferences?"

Min restrained a soft chuckle as she affectionately stroked Aerylle's golden-blonde hair. The fact that the prim, impeccably lady-like elven librarian was the first to invite alcoholic lubrication for the evening's conversation, was irrefutable proof that it had been a strange day indeed. On the other hand, Min felt an unfamiliar sensation of guilt as she contemplated Aerylle. Rationally, she had only made love to Elyszara, something that - and Min knew this well - in no way indicated that she was in love with Elyszara. But if it had only been a harmless escapade, why was she privately so terrified to tell Aerylle?


It was well after darkfall when Inge finally made her way back to Quarters. She did not have to worry about curfew, since her official dispensation allowed her far more flexible hours than the other initiates. Gallia had been pleased to grant her star student particularly generous treatment, principally because she was certain that Inge, of all the trainee priestesses, was by far the least likely to get herself into any sort of trouble or succumb to the temptations of the outside world. The Temple Ward was well illuminated by night, with a few priests, primarily of goddesses and gods who preferred night-time worship, making their way around the almost deserted streets.

Inge, however, walked with a new sense of purpose. She had not made much progress in her first day, but that was to be expected. She had always been a patient scholar: a consummate thinker who measured time dedicated to study in days rather than hours. All would come in due time, she was certain of it and then, when her due was finally given to her, she would nevermore be the victim. She, Inge, would show them all that her mind was worth ten times Ithunn's sword arm. As her mind played out the endless possibilities of her imminent triumph, she made her way into the great marble entrance to the Temple, and exited through a side-entrance into the courtyard. As there was no moon nor stars in the featureless Sigil sky, the wide, well-tended expanse of the Temple yard, with its symmetrically cut flagstones, was illuminated by torches made perpetually brilliant through enchantment.

"Late night?" A voice called from the darkness, so Inge peered to her side. Sitting on the steps led up to Quarters was a figure she could not quite make out in the shadows, even if the soft, mellow voice with just a hint of a musical accent was familiar.

"I...I have dispensation." Inge began, fumbling through her leather travelling satchel where she kept her notes for the signed authorisation.

"Don't worry. I skipped curfew quite a few times when I was a novice." The figure remained immobile, head bowed so all Inge could see was long, dark hair and the outlines of a paladin's tunic.

"No! I mean, no, I am not skipping curfew. I was merely conducting some research."

"You sound like Friyya." Said the bemused figure as she raised her head to finally look Inge in the eye. The initiate immediately recognised those dark, beautiful features as Marséna's.

"Is everything all right, Sister? You seem saddened." Inge said, stepping closer.

"Don't worry about me, I think I just needed some time for myself," Marséna replied as she rose and began to make her way up the stairs - Inge followed her, "you're Ingeborg, right? Ithunn's girl."

Inge winced at the double insult of still being associated with Ithunn and being called her 'girl' - Marséna, however, was far from the first person to dismiss her as such, "Inge, Sister, I prefer Inge and...well, Ithunn and I re-considered our arrangements some days ago."

"Sorry to hear that. It probably wouldn't help if I said I understood you, would it?" Marséna said wryly, opening the tastefully carved wooden door to quarters and holding it open for Inge.

"I suppose we all have our sentimental problems and I certainly would not want to burden you with mine." Inge replied modestly, nodding in thanks as she passed into the shadowy penumbra of the entrance hall to the Quarters building. A long, spiralling staircase led upwards into the paladin's quarters and the novice's dormitory, while a secondary wing led to the side where the priestesses and the initiates slept.

"No bother. We all fuck up. Me more often than most, but I guess I have to live with myself, right?" Marséna said ruefully, before remembering, belatedly, that she was in the presence of an initiate priestess, "Oh, yeah, sorry about the language, Virg has always been on my case for that, but, hey, what are you going to do: you can take a girl out of the countryside, but you can't take the..."

"Although I would prefer it if you did not use such strong terms in my presence," Inge said, smiling sweetly, her sad, sweet grey eyes fixed directly into the soulful, brown pools of Marséna's, "sincerity of expression is a very much under-appreciated virtue."

"Yeah, look, Inge, I've had a few, so maybe it would be better if you kept your language down to a decent level, too." Marséna joked. Inge was cute, very cute; she would certainly be the last person in the Order to begrudge the young priestess that accolade.

"I hear some paladins like intellectual women." Inge replied. Marséna's body reminded her so much of Ithunn's: feminine, yet lithely muscled, her breasts and hips in perfect, sculptural proportion.

"Yeah, I know Syf does."

"What about you, Sister?" Inge probed.

"Marséna...always Marséna, and...well, it depends, but yeah, I suppose a bookish woman has her charm."

"That's comforting to hear, especially from an esteemed paladin such as yourself."

Marséna smiled awkwardly at Inge's flattery, "Thanks...anyway, I'm probably holding you up and..."

"You will be lonely tonight, will you not?" Inge said suddenly, her gaze shyly lowerered to the ground, "I think I shall be lonely, too."

"Bad night, huh?" Marséna said sympathetically, "Would you like to come upstairs? We could have something warm to drink together."

"I would very much like that - thank you." Inge replied coyly, even if her heart leaped with the possibilities. She knew no self-respecting paladin of the Radiant Path could resist her sweet, charmingly polite approach to just about everything.

They proceeded up the stairs while Marséna's head, already dazed by the half bottle of wine she had consumed in the course of the evening, began to reflect on what she was doing. Was this healthy? Was this right? Perhaps not, but, in any event, it was what was happening and it was not her place to argue with events. Inge, after all, would never, under any circumstances, be held by Marséna to do anything she did not want to do.

As they arrived in front of the door of Marséna's shared apartment, the paladin paused a moment to gather her breath, before ushering the trainee priestess inn and silently closing the door beside her. They moved wordlessly to the darkened kitchen where Virginia, as considerate as ever, always left a little lamp on for anyone requiring the pantry in the middle of the night. Marséna paused by the kitchen counter with Inge beside her. Silence filled the small, cozy apartment. Syf and Friyya had been making love when Marséna left, but now, even that bed-chamber lay quiet.

"Uh, Inge, if you see a dark elf around here, don't worry, it's just Lily..." Marséna warned before she was interrupted by Inge's soft, pale, slender hands cupping one of her own. Silently, Inge brought Marséna's hand to her lips to press a soft kiss against its sun-kissed skin, before guiding it lower to rest against her small, but nicely pert breasts.

"Inge..." Marséna began, quite unsure as to what exactly she was meant to do under such circumstances.

"Do you not find me pretty?" The trainee priestess inquired softly, her voice almost trembling, her wide, grey eyes brimming with disappointment.

"Oh Goddess, of course I do...but you don't have to do this, if you just need some company I'm happy to share my bed, but you really don't have to do this."

"No, Marséna, I want this, if you want it too, then my love is yours." Inge said fervently.

Marséna nodded and very gently, as if in a dream, took Inge into her arms. The first contact of their lips was a revelation because kissing Inge was like kissing something so soft, innocent and pristine that it reminded Marséna of those clumsy but unspeakably tender kisses she had exchanged with Virginia when they were first year novices. Although the initiate clearly had passion and was eager to please, her lips were adolescent in their over-enthusiasm, her tongue just a little too imprecise. None of that mattered, however, because Marséna had resolved to be a patient teacher. It did not bother her in the least that they were in the kitchen because Inge had re-awoken a spontaneity in her which had been lost. This was the passion that needed no privacy - like that night as a novice when her wanton need had been such that it did not bother her that Friyya - herself whimpering in pleasure with Syf between her legs - could see her being taken on the opposite bunk, in that most private of positions, with her face buried in the pillows and her bottom thrust up in the air for Virginia's olisbos to plunder.

Now was the time for re-discovery and Marséna could feel Inge's slender, almost frail, body tremble with each glancing touch of her fingers as she explored the girl's soft, delicate frame. It was then that the Mareterran paladin realised that she had been lying to herself. She knew it even as she continued to kiss Inge, her tongue passionate and needy for sustenance to be found in the ethereal softness of the initiate's mouth. The truth was Inge did not remind her of an adolescent Virginia - she reminded her of Shesayne. Their bodies were so similar - even Inge's breasts, so silky-soft even under the fabric of her robe, had a similar weight and heft, the nipples stiff but pliant. So Marséna needed to take her, more than she needed anything in that dark, lonely night.

With gentle, yet firm hands Marséna began to undo Inge's robe, letting the white garment spiral off the initiate's body, until it pooled around her feet. The girl's skin was pearl white, unblemished and soft, like the flesh beneath it. Virginia had been firm and taut with athletic muscle and even Shesayne had a certain wiry tension in her, but Inge, quite simply, felt like someone who had never performed superfluous exercise in her life. She had the body of a poet or a scholar, a sensation utterly new to Marséna. So she handled Inge with feather-light touches, afraid that she may bruise or damage that beautiful skin. With the lightest of jerks, she lifted Inge onto the kitchen table and began to trail the softest of kisses down the girl's smooth, milky-white throat. Inge sighed, her fingers tentatively breezing through Marséna's silky, raven-black tresses, as if she were guiding the paladin lower.

By the time Marséna reached Inge's breasts, she could feel the beating of the initiate's heart and the quickening of her breath. Inge felt that needy fire burn deep within her, burn as it had when she had made love to Ithunn under the covers. But now, with Marséna's soft, wet, expert lips leaving warm, wet trails on the snowy surface of her delicate, conical breasts, a new sensation was added to her mounting pleasure, this time it was sharper, almost electric. Inge gave sharp, high-pitched gasp, her toes instinctively curling as she felt Marséna's tongue tenderly flick a firm, pink, lust-engorged nipple.

"Teach me..." Inge begged, blushing in both desire and embarrassment, "you have seen how...inexpert I am, please teach me."

"All right." Marséna replied kindly, rising to the challenge, "First things first: when you kiss, pretend it's a dance. Like all dances, you want to be soft, intimate and think a little about what you're going to do before doing it." The paladin's breath was hot against Inge's sensitive nipple, so the initiate could not contain her sharp, contented sighs of pleasure.

"When you're here," Marséna continued between long, wet licks, "always be careful with your teeth. Never bite unless you know what you're doing and, above all, make sure she feels how much you love the curves of her body, let your mouth flow with her shape, so that you both become one." With that, Marséna knelt down on the floor in front of Inge, trailing her tongue down the girl's flat, yet soft belly. It was almost concave - Inge could probably have stood to gain a little weight. The paladin loosened and removed Inge's sandals, before easing her slim thighs apart with the lightest of touches. Arching her back, the trainee priestess whimpered as she felt the moistened flesh of her sex greet the cool evening air.

Marséna paused for a long moment, watching in silent admiration as Inge presented herself to her every desire. Then, almost reverently, she leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on Inge's sex, crowned with a thatch of pale blonde curls. Inge whimpered, biting her bottom lip, her sex now felt as if it were the centre of her existence: hot, needy and tense. She steeled herself, fingers gripping into the side of the table, her breath ragged as she felt Marséna's tongue begin to probe her moistened nether lips, gently coaxing them with well-practised licks. Inge's body never ceased to surprise Marséna - for even the initiate's sex had something softer and more delicate about it. Her taste was warm, with a trace of feminine salinity, but not nearly as richly - or deliciously - musky as Virginia. The velvety nether lips were prettily pink, with a new, pristine quality to them and it was Marséna's pleasure to explore that strangely enticing flower and its warm, slick petals.

"Now feel what I do." Marséna said, before beginning to lap with hungry precision at the inner lips of Inge's sex. There was simply no way to describe it: Inge would have to experience it for herself. With consummate passion, her tongue slid in hungry, asymmetric arcs, teasing the lust-inflamed, moist nether flesh for its most sensitive spots, before settling on what she knew would make Inge ask where Marséna had been all her life. Focusing short, firm licks on Inge's tiny, stiff little clit, Marséna began to work a single finger into the initiate's sex. She was tight, but very aroused, so that her fragrant slickness eased the passage of the paladin's tensed finger. Inge mewled with pleasure and felt her hips buck at the contractions that were beginning deep within her sex. It was more than a little embarrassing to feel her climax so soon, but she was, simply put, unused to a woman of such vast experience and such beauty as Marséna. Even with Ithunn, her orgasms had never taken long because of her over-active intellect reminding her with each fevered beat of her heart how she was the centre of attention for one of the most beautiful women in the Order.

Inge's cries became louder and higher still, until the kitchen was filled with her rapid, plaintive moans. Marséna was certain she would wake the whole apartment, but continued her licking unperturbed, only to pause in surprise when she felt Inge's sex begin to contract spasmodically around her invading finger. The contractions deep in the sodden channel of the initiate's sex were as long-drawn out as her cries, but, even then, there was something reassuring about those high-pitched, girlish whimpers. Even Virginia, in her first tentative steps of sensual discovery had been that vulnerable and uninhibited. Those, Marséna reflected as Inge indulged in the slow-burning embers of her post-coital trance, were the days: a magical first time early in their second year when they had begun, like most nights, with deep kisses and some fumbling, but passionate exploration until Virginia, blushing furiously, finally relented and lifted her night-gown for Marséna to try 'it'. Objectively, it had been a disaster, with Virginia forced to help Marséna out with her own hand, but, as far as both were concerned, that was still the night when time, if briefly, had stopped.

"Marséna..." Inge said softly, interrupting the paladin's reminiscence, "perhaps you would allow me to return your kindness."

"Of course..." Marséna replied, collecting herself as she helped Inge off the table and led the initiate to her room, "if there's anything you're curious about, now's the time to ask."

That night Inge made many discoveries. She discovered the sublime, breathtaking curves of Marséna's body, the goddess-like, tanned globes of the paladin's bottom - so firm and perfect they looked like something out of a sculpture. She discovered the sun-kissed, iodine skin of Marséna's body, the cafe-au-lait delight of her nipples and the soft, wonderfully feminine treasure nestled between her legs under a canopy of raven-black curls. There, Inge drank thirstily from the velvety nether lips, indulging in the rich taste of womanhood. Marséna, the patient teacher, guided her, showing her where to touch, lick and caress. But Inge's journey did not end there, for even as she finally brought the Mareterran paladin to a slow-burning, but satisfying orgasm, she had still more questions.

With painful shyness, Inge had complimented Marséna's bottom for being divine and the paladin had smiled knowingly and languidly turned around so that she was on her hands and knees, informing the fascinated young priestess that it, too, could be the source of great pleasure if properly attended to. So Inge, hesitantly at first and then with almost wanton eagerness, had discovered that dark, musky valley between the perfect globes of Marséna's bottom, discovering the joys of coaxing the tightly-knotted, earthy rosebud of muscle hidden deep in that mystical rift. But best of all, in darkness illuminated only by a solitary lamp, Inge discovered the joys of working her well-oiled, slender hand, fractions of an inch at the time, with slow, consummate patience as befitted her character, deep into Marséna's juicing sex. That act of profound intimacy had allowed Inge to discover a brand new world of sensation - to push the limits of her erotic understanding, happy in the knowledge that she had made Marséna, renowned in the Order for her skills with the blade and for her wild passions, cry out in ecstasy as she was touched in her most secret spot, deep in the recesses of her sex.

They only found sleep as daybreak was stirring in a dark blue Sigil sky. Marséna did not feel Inge in her arms as she surrendered herself to the empire of dreams, but an adolescent Virginia, her face still girlish - or, as Marséna teased, 'like a pixie' - and flushed with desire as she said, "we just have to do that again...". Inge's dreams were more fantastic still, for she saw herself making passionate love to Aerylle on the librarian's desk, her mouth cloyed with the sweetness of the nectar of elven arousal. The funny thing was, however, that Inge did not recall dogs - least of all very large, menacing black-and-tan specimens - being allowed in the Library of Sensation.


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