
"Well, I see I am interrupting." Sharon paused, her statement 
coming out with slight irritation. And this is how it went the first 
time Sharon met Nik, typical, I should have known.

"Hey Sharon, this is....." I started out upbeat, but before I could 
"Hello Nikki." Her tone cold as she quickly looked back to me 
before the return 'Hello' could come out of Nikki's mouth.
"Hello Sharon, nice to met you." Nikki remained seated, 
seeming none too eager, but then graciously moved to stand 
and then I sensed something odd, that Nikki was actually 
relishing in the moment, her head held high and an air of 
supreme confidence.

I quickly looked over to see Sharon's reaction, she did not 
disappoint, in typical Sharon fashion she couldn't help but 
sneer, most of it full of hostility. But Nikki never stopped staring 
her down, their intense glaring continued until I cleared my 
throat. Before Sharon allowed a look of hospitality to finally 
overcome her expression she let slip a cruel sneer, that 
condescending diva look she had become well known for.
"I just came by to see you." Sharon leaned over to give me a 
warm hug, taking me by surprise, but it felt good.
"We need to talk." She said as she pulled away and put on her 
best pouting expression while gripping both of my hands 
possessively trying to get all of my attention. More girly games.
"About?" I looked up warily.
"About something in private." She raised an eyebrow and gave 
a quick nod in Nikki's direction.
"Well, I uh...." I stuttered and looked at Nikki and then at 
Sharon, I sort of panicked.
"It's okay Corbin, I need to run home and change properly." 
She smiled and her left hand came up and gripped my right 
shoulder. Sharon made a point of studying our exchange, very 
carefully I might add.
"Wait a second...." I followed Nikki out into the hallway outside 
my Dorm room "....be right back...." I looked back over my 
shoulder at Sharon who was standing there, even tapping her 
foot impatiently a couple of times. 

"Nikki," I whispered and Nikki spun around with a faint smile, 
"call me okay." and reached to hug my friend. Nikki leaned in 
and pressed her lips against my cheek, "I'll call you." she 
"What's wrong?" I asked as I watched Nikki turn away.
"I'm sorry Corbin, but Sharon doesn't like me." Nikki shrugged 
and paused in the hallway while taking a step back.
"Phuuullleeeaseeee" I whispered out a plead and leaned 
forward with a look of desperation, "Just try....I'll talk to 
Sharon....she isn't so bad." 

What am I thinking, I am pleading with the wrong person, 
Sharon has to drop the attitude first. I should have known. Oh 
well, hope for the best, prepare for the worst? How do you 
prepare for something like this?


Goalkeeping drills
Defending drills
Possession play drills
Running with the ball drills
Attacking play....blah, blah, blah
It seemed like the coach was trying to kill us as we could never 
run fast enough, score enough, move the ball enough, make 
the right play. 'And it looks like it's going to rain.' I looked up at 
the sky, which didn't really bother me too much. The rain made 
it fun to play at times, the game seemed like it was meant to be 
played in the rain especially when the field got muddy, slipping 
and sliding around. A big fucking, fun mess :) 
And then it did start to rain, not much, just a very, very faint 
drizzle and everyone was getting tired, sloppy, even a little 
punchy with the plays. Of course the Coach saw no humor in 
any of it and just yelled at everyone louder, chastising the ones 
that broke into giggles when they would slip or collide with 
another teammate. A second wind of energy ran thru my body 
when I almost collided into another player on my team. My legs 
and arms were burning and I was now openly breathing thru my 
mouth, but still there was enough reserves to keep pushing 
myself and I even smiled because best of all, I had managed to 
avoid Mora. 

Don't know Mora? 

Oh just another official member of the 'Corbin Haters Club' as I 
like to call them. You either love me or hate me, guess which 
one she is? So other then a couple of close calls during the 
scrimmage we had no problems, Mora was also playing on the 
opposing team, Right-Forward while I was Left-Midfield.
To this day I not sure what happened but my mind simply 
screamed, "COLLISION! FUCK! This is going to hurt!" it 
happened so fast, too fast and there was nowhere to go, at 
least no time to move out of the way. I shuddered and winced 
as I retracted my arms, folding them against my chest and 
every muscle in my body tensed praying I would turn into a 
granite statue and deflect the blow. I grunted and literally felt 
my entire body shudder violently, my feet shifted several inches 
across the ground as a pair of sweat drenched bodies smashed 
into one another. My ears popped and I felt what could only be 
described as a bone-jarring impact and then nothing, silence, 
until a few seconds later I heard a whistle blowing in the 
background and the sound of several voices getting closer. I 
opened my eyes, my legs seemed to wobble and then move on 
their own, I took two steps back to help keep my balance. 
Immediately an agonizing soreness made its way thru the left 
side of my body, inch by painful inch it spread as I tried to relax.
"You okay?" Bev, Nikki, and several other girls gingerly touched 
my shoulders and head, flocking about me. I didn't answer right 
away as I was still trying to figure out if I was still really on my 
feet and what had happened.

"Corbin." Nikki's voice finally registered but I wasn't paying 
attention, I was turning toward the girl that collided into me 
"Damn" I sighed when I saw Mora lying on the ground, I 
watched how her legs slowly squirmed over the wet grass in a 
display that conveyed agony as she clutched the side of her 
"You fucking, clumsy bitch!" Mora yelled but she couldn't 
disguise the pain in her eyes, from which flowed tears as she 
struggled to sit up. The Coach and everyone insisted she 
remain still, but that was no use. 'Damn she is one tough bitch' I 
thought, the girl was obviously holding back a lot of pain from 
the way she was nursing her left arm and shoulder, she 
seemed to fight with every ounce of strength to keep from 
openly sobbing, but the tears kept streaming down her face.
"MORA! STOP!" The Coach screamed and something told me 
it was a warning I should heed immediately. For some 
unexplainable reason, maybe luck or instinct, but my entire 
neck and head jerked several inches back, barely enough. 
'Barely' in the sense that a whoosh of air passed in front of my 
face and Mora's knuckles skimmed the very tip of my nose, 
fuck that was close. Mora had thrown everything she had into it, 
but no connection was to be found, lucky me, unlucky for Mora. 
I watched as Mora's entire frame simply continued to twist until 
she lost her balance and hit the deck yet again. I suspect that 
had that punch connected it would have been lights out for me, 
and wrecked my beautiful nose! Mora might have broken a few 
fingers also but that was not likely to be a consideration on her 

By now the Coach and about ten girls were between us. I found 
it odd that I had a few girls holding my shoulders and arms 
because I wasn't even doing anything, just standing there. 
Mora was the one needing restraining, her body flailed as she 
fought to get at me. 
"How's your arm?" The Coach was now standing next to me, 
asking with concern.
"Just sore I hope." I sighed but agreed to get it checked out as I 
rotated my shoulder to continue the check for injury. One by 
one I felt hands release my arms when it was clear I wasn't 
going to retaliate. 

"Come over here." I heard Nikki say and willingly allowed 
myself to be lead to another part of the field by my friend. 

'This sucks' I thought as a really great day just went down the 
tubes, even the sun breaking thru the clouds did little to lighten 
my despair, despair over the fact that no matter how nice or 
accommodating I was Mora was never going to let up, never.
"You sure you're okay?" Nikki asked as she and I stretched out 
on the ground.
"Yeah I'm fine I think just shaken up." I winced as I laid down 
feeling the muscles along my back and left side ache. The rain 
clouds had moved on and I decided it best to wait things out, let 
Mora change and get out of the locker room before going in. 
But emotionally and mentally I wasn't fine, something bad was 
setting in, in an ironic moment I felt like something dark was 
beginning to fill my subconscious even as the sun continued to 
break free from the scattering clouds.
"What a shame there aren't more clouds in the sky." Nikki 
sighed, "I love this time of the day, to be able to relax and 
watch the formations."
I realized how quiet I had become and quickly snapped to 
attention, smiling I lifted my head off the ground looking over at 
Nikki who remained looking up. I rested my head back down 
and studied a small, white billowy formation floating above, "Do 
you see that small one?" I asked.
"Yeah" Nikki said as we both lay in the middle of the soccer 
field. "What are you doing tonight?" Nikki asked, making small 
talk more then anything I think.
"Studying." I said less then enthusiastically.
"Again? You study more then anyone else I know."
"Yeah" I sighed, "It takes several reads for the material to sink 
into my thick skull." and I even chuckled a little.
"Your thick head is great for knocking around the soccer ball." 
Nikki smirked as she sat up brushing the dry grass from her 
legs and arms. Just then I decided to have a little fun and stood 
up first.
"Need some help getting up granny?" I teased.
"I think I can manage." Nikki smiled and went to stand up, but I 
just firmly nudged her back down with my knee, forcing her 
onto the ground.
"You sure?" I asked again and moved right next to Nikki, who 
was almost on all fours now, recovering from my push.
"Yeah I'm sure." Nikki smiled at my sudden mischievous 
actions and went to stand again only to be knocked back down 
with a little more force causing her to roll over onto her left side. 
She looked up at me, standing almost on top of her, my hands 
on my hips looking down with a smile of satisfaction.
"Here, I'm just foolin' about." I smiled and reached down 
offering my right hand. Nikki hesitated, her mouth curling into a 
suspicious grin as she reached up with her left hand. Sure 
enough Nikki had gotten half way up when I suddenly let all of 
the weight from my body come crashing down on top of her as 
if I was trying to smoother the girl. 
"Oh it's going to be like that, now is it?" Nikki grunted as she 
began to resist more. 
"Not going to be," I smiled, "but it is like that!" while I began to 
try and secure the struggling girl's wrists. I worked fast to 
secure Nikki's arms, I knew that my friend was dangerous when 
it came to grappling based on her martial arts training.
"Come 'on wimp, is that all you got." Nikki taunted from the 
I shifted into overdrive and began to power Nikki's arms down 
to the ground that's when I think Nikki realized my strength 
could truly amaze her at times, and this was one of those times, 
"Fuck" Nikki groaned and realized she was going to have to 
utilize all her ground skills and quickly. Although Nikki was 
strong, I could tell it frustrated the girl to no end as her jiu-jitsu 
techniques were quickly countered by my strength, endurance 
and natural aptitude for wrestling. When my fingers curled 
around portions of her soccer top she found it impossible to pry 
them loose. There was no anger here as we carefully avoided 
hurting one another, but there was an intense level of 
competition coming out in both of us, and we both seem to be 
loving it! 

Our hot, sweaty bodies twisting and turning under the late 
afternoon sun seemed to take on another level of aggression, 
Nikki's legs were conducting their own attack, latching around 
my waist, trying to control me, but I would reach back and hook 
Nikki's ankle spinning out of Nikki's 'guard' repeatedly with 
amazing ease and speed. But then I lost my grip several times 
as Nikki twisted and then rolled out from under my body, 
slipping free, she's an elusive one and did I mention strong! 

Quickly we were both on our knees about three feet from one 
another, gasping thru open mouths, the friendly tussle had 
gone further then either of us intended and I glanced around 
nervously to see if we had drawn a crowd, but the field was still 
barren. Nikki also glanced around taking several deep breaths 
while nervous, frustrated hands fumbled with pulling her long 
black hair into a ponytail. With Nik's hair out of the way I 
suddenly became lost in the beauty of her Portuguese heritage, 
her eyes and lips so full and sensual. Her face was born for 
modeling (which she does do) was now drenched in sweat and 
flushed, even more sensual was how her skin, naturally dark 
from her heritage was even darker now from time in the sun 
playing soccer. I wanted to lick the sweat off her arms and legs! 

Uhmm....Okay, did I just think that? I do like guys remember! 
I'm confused. :(

I felt a droplet of sweat hang off the end of my nose, I wiped it 
away quickly as a smile came over my lips, I wasn't sure why, 
but it felt good to fight and vent my frustrations like this. I just 
wished it was Mora across from me and my fists clenched 
involuntarily at that particular thought, 'That stupid Latin bitch 
staring me down, taunting me.'  Damn! Get a grip I chided 
myself, it was Nikki I was wrestling with and not to get too 
carried away.
"You're going down." Nikki gasped as she took another drink of 
air, her left forefinger pointing at the grassy field beneath us for 
emphasis. Our friendly-fight thus far was now leaving the realm 
of being just lighthearted, Nik and I had so many suppressed 
feelings for each other that this match now seemed inevitable, 
a nice physical way to vent our bottled up emotions.
"Bring it on." I sighed taunting with a flick of my wrist, but I was 
in for a surprise, how quickly Nikki moved and lunged for me. 

Before I could react Nikki's sweaty arm was around my neck, 
our chests thudded together as I was tackled to the ground. 
There was another flurry of activity where it didn't seem like we 
were even wrestling, almost like we were throwing ourselves at 
one another with ferocious intensity, loud grunting as I used all 
my strength, but Nikki would use her techniques to wiggle out 
and try and get a hold, but I could tell her emotions were boiling 
to the surface. Nikki seemed pretty sure she had a submission 
hold within her reach, cranking out a kimura on my shoulder 
causing me to yelp in pain (Wait, did I say earlier we were 
trying not to hurt each other? I guess that's changed!) but with 
the help of sweat and my strength I was able to wiggle out. She 
even almost had me in a guillotine choke! I could feel the blood 
being restricted right before I popped my head out. I tried to roll 
away only to have Nikki instantly latch onto me again, but now I 
was getting exhausted from trying to power out of her 
submission attempts! But she was also getting just as 
exhausted trying to catch me in one too. 

We wrapped arms and legs around one another and started to 
roll across the grass in what felt like a final effort on both our 
parts. I was ready to pass out from exhaustion, I don't know 
how Nikki was still going. I also don't know how the rolling 
stopped with me on top, but here I was, and Nikki was too weak 
to roll me off, or so I thought. My legs wouldn't obey my 
commands at first due to fatigue, but slowly with the aid of 
slippery, sweat soaked skin I somehow snaked my legs into a 
grapevine. As if I didn't think our bodies could become anymore 
erotically mated, I was proven wrong, our shirts were almost 
off, our shorts twisted and pulled down, bare stomachs legs 
and arms crushed against each other and the best for last! Our 
pubic mounds pressed hard against one another. Nikki would 
press up and I would push my crotch right back into hers. It was 
a turn on for damn sure, but I was so very tired now. 

Our struggle became this slow grind of attrition, hands and legs 
slowly twisted and turned. It was a feeble effort but I was able 
to grip Nikki's wrists with both of my hands and slowly powered 
her arms down onto the grassy field. It was not an easy thing to 
do, and I was gasping for every bit of oxygen in the state of 
North Carolina!

I thought I had her solidly pinned to the ground "Do you give?" 
but it sounded more like a plea out of my mouth.

"Never!" Nikki snapped, spit and sweat flying from her trembling 
lips, her hips then heaved, twisted and turned but I pressed 
more of my own torso down, my eyes watched with excitement 
as the cords of muscle starting along Nik's shoulders and 
biceps constricted with this unending amount of energy, 'How 
does she keep going!' I thought in amazements as she kept 
fighting me. I was getting off on this, excited! Nikki even winced 
when I clenched my fists tighter around her trapped wrist. This 
proud, stubborn, Portuguese girl under me was fighting back, 
still twisting and turning. Now I started to wonder how long I 
could hold out!

We looked at one another, eye to eye, Nikki had this resilient 
expression, defiant and determined that she would not submit! 
She wasn't going to give up, no way, never! 

"What about you? Are you going to give up?" Nikki suddenly 

"Never." I said and was stunned when the tears began to flow 
from my eyes in a flush of saline and her face before me went 
blurry. That's when I felt Nikki's lips all over mine, my whole 
body went slack, that's when Nikki leg go with a burst of energy 
as she hooked my right leg and arm allowing her to bridge and 
roll me over onto my back. I felt her breasts press against mine, 
my nipples erect and excited. This kiss, if you could call it a 
kiss, more like a wild rubbing of lips and tongues, but had 
begun to slow to a tender touching.

"I love you. I love you so much." Nik whispered into my mouth 
and kissed me again. I opened my mouth and kissed her back. 

"I love you too." I sighed back. 

Nikki let out a small sob before pushing off, her weary body 
landing with a flop on the ground next to me, her left arm still 
trapped under the crook of my neck, our sweat soaked 
uniforms clinging to our bodies like never before. It had been 
the most exhilarating thing I had ever experienced. As Nikki 
would later confess 'It was like making love, but not quite the 

Slowly she struggled to prop herself onto her elbows and I think 
we were both surprised to see our uniforms in such total 
disarray. The waistbands of our soccer shorts had become 
twisted and pulled down from the ferocity of the wrestling, 
which in turn revealed the upper portions of our panties, bare 
stomachs fluttered with heavy breathing and glistened with a 
heavy coating of sweat. I couldn't help but admire the way Nik's 
dark tan torso was covered in sweat, her strong toned abs 
moving as she gasped for air. I looked up and caught Nikki 
doing the same thing, eyeing my bare stomach, her staring was 
flattering as my abs were the epitome of that 'six-pack'.

Slowly we got to our feet brushing the grass from each other as 
we headed back to the locker rooms, but I sensed something 
wrong in my friends silence. "What?" my head suddenly leaned 
back, my expression going semi-blank simply looking over at 
Nikki thru my tangled, grass filled blonde hair.
"Mora, that's what." Nikki looked with this knowing stare and 
then looked away catching sight of some guys suddenly 
appearing at the far end of the field kicking around a soccer 
ball, they gave us a wave, Nikki waved back to them.
"Gheesh, will you and everyone drop it already, I just have to 
learn to take it, it's no big deal." I shrugged waving my right 
hand as if casually swatting a fly and then proceeded to pick 
some grass of my uniform and out of my hair.
"Corbin, she just tried to cream you a few minutes ago! Where 
the hell where you?" Nikki snapped startling me enough that I 
jumped back a couple of inches.
"It was an accident," I protested meekly.
"That's bullshit and you know it!" Nikki yelled, "She ran right for 
you and ended getting knocked on her ass in front of everyone, 
and if you think she is going to stop now you better think again! 
But you're not thinking, are you? You just want to bury you're 
head in the sand!" Nikki had totally lost her composure and 
quickly turned away swiping the grass and dirt from her palms.
"What do you want me to do? Go start a fight with her?" I 
snapped practically choking on my words as I walked around to 
Nikki's right, trying to look her in the face. 
"Yes! I mean....no." Nikki glared at me and quickly looked 
away, pacing around in circles with her hand on her hips, "No, 
I'm just upset that's all." Nikki sighed as her head hung low 
trying to take slow deep breaths.
We took a detour around some bleachers to avoid going past 
some guys approaching the field, we both wanted to keep 
talking this thru. 
"Look," Nikki took a deep breath "I'm sorry for yelling." Nikki 
reached over and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, "I'm 
just protective of you that's all."

"Thank you." I said and rested my head on her shoulder.


I checked my messages on my cell phone; One from Nikki, two 
from Sharon, two from Dale and one from Carla one of the 
Soccer Coaches asking me to stop by early before practice. I 
felt a lump in my throat upon hearing Carla's voice...I listened to 
the message over and over trying to discern any tone that 
might reveal something bad. I chose not to return any of the 
messages that night but simply lay down on the bed as my 
eyes and body welcomed sleep.

Things always look better in the morning, right? Well maybe, 
we will see.


I didn't change into my uniform before practice but went straight 
to Carla's Office. I was greeted with a smile as I entered which 
alleviated some of my anxieties; Anxieties that were soon 
replaced with another set of concerns when I found out it was 
Mora's position I would be expected to step into.  'There was no 
hiding in the shadows now.' I considered my performance on 
the field would be out there for everyone to judge, especially 
Mora, who stared hateful daggers at me while we changed.

"Hi girl." Came Nikki's sweet voice as she stepped up to her 

"Hi yourself." I looked over and smiled, we both blushed. Aren't 
we just silly? Suddenly I felt inspired to give Nik a big hug and 
reached over and pulled her into me, she hugged me back with 
equal force, it was so comforting.

"Break it up you two!" Katie, the team Captain, snapped as she 
walked by "You're running late!" she then paused to lean in 
whispering, "Love birds." And then kept on walking with a big 
smirk on her face. 


Nikki and I looked at each other totally mortified, I could feel my 
blood rushing to my face and my mouth was just open wide 
with shock. Nikki's cheeks were just as red as mine and that is 
saying something given her dark complexion!

Nikki reached over and gave my shoulder a firm squeeze, 
"Maybe she's just teasing, how could she know?" Nikki 
whispered. I just shook my head, we both were treading in 
uncharted territory and it was shaking us both up. No matter 
how much we professed our love and commitment to one 
another in private actually stepping out into the open for the 
world to see is a whole new emotional challenge, one that 
would hopefully be of our choosing.


'That wasn't so bad,' I thought as I stood hands on hips as I 
watched several team members disperse and head back to the 
locker room. My eyes gazed across the field towards the row of 
trees in the distance sort of daydreaming. 

I was having another moment of peace and tranquility, and then 
*POW* Like an explosion inside my brain, my entire head 
rocked forward, thank God I have strong neck muscles, but at 
the moment, they felt like those very muscles might rip from 
their very base. Involuntarily my arms flew out as I was falling 
forward, "What the fuck?" I gasped as my head spun and an 
incredible ache began to fill my skull. I felt woozy and nauseous 
as I swayed back and forth on all fours trying to get my 
bearings and to figure out what the hell just happened.
"Oh shit Corbin, I'm so sorry!" I heard the voice say.
"Corbin!" Nikki's voice came from across the field, several other 
girls were beside me now, but what really stood out in my mind 
were a few sounds of laughter. Some of them were laughing at 
me as I was helped to my feet. 
'No I am not OK' I thought to myself, I was far from OK, and 
seeing Mora's smile of satisfaction made me almost loose 
it....loose it in the sense I wanted to just blubber like some 
baby. Damn near close to it already as I felt the tears run down 
my cheeks....I was sick and tired of being humiliated by this 
little bitch and her kicking a soccer ball upside my head was 
more than I could take!
"Oh poor baby, you going to squirt a few tears because of a 
small knock upside the head?" Mora laughed and placed her 
hands on her hips, "It was just an accident, maybe you better 
go lay down." and a few of the girls chuckled. That was it, I 
snapped, it was the first time in my life that I could remember I 
was seeing red, blood red....death incarnate rising up from the 
recesses of my brain as I looked across the space separating 
me and that laughing idiot Mora.
"Corbin stop!" Bev yelled and came at me from my left, but my 
brain had checked out, my right hand shot out to block Bev's 
advance. But it was more than a block and I regretted that, Bev 
didn't deserve it, but I wasn't allowing anyone to stop me as I 
simply twisted my entire body and slammed the palm of my 
right hand into Bev's chest. Bev let out an awful grunt and was 
literally knocked off her feet; it looked like she had been hit by a 
truck, her back slamming into the ground leaving her breathless 
and gasping for air. "Jesus Corbin!" She whimpered and rolled 
on the ground clutching the area right below her collarbone.
I would not have to wait long as Mora saw me moving and her 
eyes lit up with excitement....she charged me, her fists 
clenched, "I'm going to kill you!" Mora growled and this time no 
one else got in the way, the rest of the team simply must have 
figured it was time to let this play out. Enough was enough.
I saw Mora charge, amazing how the smaller girl was fearless, 
she so wanted this showdown to happen and now it was at 
hand. Mora practically leapt at me her right fist cocking back to 
strike while she simply kept coming at me. I had no plan of 
attack I just wanted to grab the girl and break her into a million 
pieces so I decided that if Mora wanted to charge in, so be it! 
All I could think about first was deflecting the attack, fortunately 
all Mora could think about was slugging it out. It wasn't 
immediately clear who would benefit as I latched onto the front 
of Mora's shirt, we had closed the distance so quickly that Mora 
misjudged her swing and her right forearm, not fist, hit me on 
the left side of my head. My triceps flexed and I was now 
twisting my body to the right allowing Mora's momentum to 
continue, her entire body continued moving thru the air beyond 
her own control now, but she still managed to throw a wild left 
hook even as she was being tossed aside. 

I felt totally possessed and some amount of rejoicing as I flung 
Mora thru the air. Unfortunately Mora's flailing left hook found 
contact on my right cheek, it was only a glancing blow, but still 
it would definitely leave a bruise. A bruise? Is that what I am 
worried about now? I'll be lucky to escape with only a bruise!
Upon impact it appeared that Mora's injured shoulder took the 
brunt of her fall, she literally screamed in agony. My own right 
hand was touching my cheek as I watched Mora quickly 
stagger to her feet, her left arm hanging down to her side 
looking painful but still useful as her fist was tightly clenched. 
We started to circle one another, sweat dripping off our shaking 
bodies, Mora didn't wait for me to get my fists up and swung 
first, her target was my 'kisser'. I jerked my head back, blonde 
hair flying in all directions as the punch sailed past my face, my 
eye's focused and found that the entire right side of Mora's 
body lay open, 'Jesus' I thought to myself as if I pictured the 
end result of what was going to happen next, 'The punch', 'The 
effect'...and even 'The after-effect' all played out in my mind. 
(Sharon's dad was a boxer and had held a few impromptu 
sessions to teach us a few tricks of the trade; but the only thing 
I could think of right now was 'Punch thru your target'.) I bent 
my knees a little and brought back my right elbow ('stay loose' I 
remembered) and in what could only be described as one-fluid-
motion my entire body shot forward and up as my right fist 
exploded towards Mora's midsection (tighten up at the last 
second and use your hips!). Every muscle in my body seemed 
to work in unison, driving forward with one goal in mind. I felt 
her body connect with my knuckles, Mora was fit and toned, but 
it didn't seem to make any difference. I initially wondered if I 
had hit the girl at all, that's when I realized that not only had I 
plowed deep into Mora's gut, I had actually lifted the girl off her 

Her body seemed to collapse around my fist and then she 
slumped backward, the sound of her breathing was 
dangerously short, coming in sharp wheezes that soon turned 
into agonizing dry heaves as Mora curled up into a fetal 
position. I was amazed to notice that my left fist was back and 
ready to go yet again as a precautionary follow up punch.

Nikki charged in and grabbed my shoulders pushing me back a 
couple of steps "Stop now!"
"Out of my fucking way!" I screamed and grabbed Nikki under 
her armpits and pushed her aside. Nikki's left leg skidded 
across the grass as she fought to keep her balance, but ended 
up dropping to her knees.
Out of the corner of my right eye Crissy was advancing to also 
block me from heading towards the downed Mora, but I spun 
around unleashed my venom on the advancing girl, "You can 
join your fucking buddy bitch!" I snapped and my left hand 
latched onto the girl's forearm, while my right hand found and 
clamped around Crissy's throat for leverage, "Corbin no!" She 
screamed but I was already using all my strength and weight to 
sling the poor girl in a semi circle before letting go like a shot-
put. Her body crashed to the ground flopping over repeatedly in 
a roll that had arms and legs flailing, kicking up a billow of dirt. 

I now wasted no more time and leapt towards Mora, grabbing 
her by the back of my head and shirt, "Get up....you want to 
fight, well get your sorry ass up cause today is your lucky day." 
I seethed and pulled her up, ignoring her screams and gasps 
for air as she clutched her gut. "You thought that shit was 
funny, didn't you? Well let me tell you, you're fucking dead!" I 
spewed my venom at Mora and propped the girl up by her 
throat, cocking my left fist back, she was doomed!

Thankfully for Mora, everyone was there; Nikki....Katie....the 
remaining members of the team, maybe nine or ten had all 
jumped in to restrain me. But my right leg managed to kick free 
and I stomped my foot into the side of Mora's hip with 
tremendous force, I knocked that bitch back down to the ground 
and hard! Good!
"You even look at me wrong and I am going to make this 
beating seem like a friendly chit-chat!"
"Get the fuck off me!" I yelled and yanked my left arm free, with 
all of the twisting and struggling going on my left fist flew 
around accidentally plowing into one girl's face knocking the 
poor unsuspecting down and wailing in agony from the punch. 

"You fucking bitches aren't laughing now! Why not now! Maybe 
because your about to get the life beaten out of you!" I yelled. 

God have mercy on me, I have totally lost my mind, my feet 
were kicking and body twisted and I actually seemed to be 
fighting my way free from everyone!

Amongst the chaos, confusion and rage, I actually heard Nikki's 
voice in my left ear, it was soothing, soft....how strange, and 
strangest of all she wasn't fighting to restrain me. No she was 
merely holding me more like hugging in a friendly embrace, it's 
effects were immediate. "Corbin please stop." Nikki kept 
repeating so softly pleading with me to calm down and it was 
working, her voice and touch was so caressing. I then spotted a 
couple of the Assistant Coaches running across the field and 
with it a healthy dose of reality came with it.
"Corbin, come with me now!" The coach said and pulled me 
free of the throng of girls. I suddenly slumped and rested my 
head against the Coach's left shoulder and began to sob, I 
didn't know why, but one instant I was filled with total, 
uncontrollable rage and the next....sadness. I looked back over 
my shoulder for Nik, she was there, trailing behind me with 
tears streaming down her dirt covered cheeks, she had this 
look of terrible worry. I know she wanted to follow, I understood 
now, as the distance between us grew that she only cared 
about me, no one but me, she wanted to make sure I was okay. 
Reluctantly she began to turn back to see if anyone else 
needed help.
Sitting I held the ice pack against my right cheek as I leaned 
forward, wiping the tears from my eyes, the Head coach and 
two assistants were now with me in his office. Once again my 
stellar grades, good attitude and athletic abilities kept the brow 
beating and punishment to a minimum.

Back in the locker room I tried to make amends, "Crissy," I 
walked up behind the girl as she was getting dressed.
"Forget about it." Crissy mumbled.
"Look I'm,"
"I said drop it!" Crissy snapped and glared at me, but quickly 
looked away. I felt my heart pound with regret and took a step 
back, I just wanted to get the hell out and get back to my dorm 
room to rest. Only a few girls, of course Nikki, hung around and 
tried to reassure me that I had no other choice but to stand up 
for myself. But the worst feeling of all was how so many of my 
team members were looking and acting different around me, 
'Maybe they just want to give me some space? Or they never 
liked me to begin with.'
And then the oddest feeling started to come over me, I felt 
liberated, dangerous, and oddly satisfying to look back on what 

Like me....love me....or hate me, people were starting to know 
exactly how far they could push, before I pushed back, and 


'If I miss one day of studying I panic, one day of exercise more 
panic!' hence the frantic way I was brushing my teeth and even 
worse it was six o'clock in the morning. 'What the hell am I 
doing up so early?' 

My hair, my lord, I can't remember the last time I had it cut, it 
was getting long (down the middle of my back) and out of 
control'. Sloppily I had pulled it back into a ponytail as my eyes 
now focused on the white foam bubbling over my bottom lip. All 
the while my right hand was zipping up and down, back and 
forth in a blur. 'Ahhhh I love that feeling, that just brushed 
feeling in the morning!' as I smacked my lips together, a smile 
forming as I continued my stare into the mirror. 'Damn I should 
do toothbrush commercials I love brushing so much. But am I 
doing commercials? No I'm just standing here smiling like an 
idiot in the mirror.' 

Several adjustments to my sports bra, 'fucking boobs' and 
presto, bingo I'm ready to go!' 

Hey when you're a fashion wreck dressing is easy: 
1 pair of plain cotton panties
1 pair of running shoes. 
1 pair of knee length shorts, something light. 
1 pair of socks (anything available). 
1 sports bra. 
1 tee-shirt. 
1 cap or bandana to keep the hair in place.
(Maybe a pad or two just in case it's around that time, you 
know, of the month! HAHAHA you didn't need to know that did 
you? But I told you anyway so deal with it! By the way if 
anything is color matching it's pure luck.)
Dale suddenly sat up still groggy with a sheet over his lower 
half as he looked around the room (yes he had boxers on), it 
was early morning and the radio was still playing. Suddenly he 
flopped back down on the bed when he saw the clock, 
"6:00am, Holy Shit! Do you know what time it is?" He called 
"Yeah sorry, but I need to get a move on with practice and 

'Mmmm' I thought as I stepped into my room and looked him 
over, my eyes repeatedly swept up and down his exposed 
upper half. He has some body, those shoulders and 
biceps...OKAY ENOUGH! I need to focus.
'Even with Dale and his good looks, I still maintain my 
willpower. Some areas are off limits to him till I am married: End 
of discussion!' I quickly idled my sex drive into neutral. Time to 
get serious and I planted my feet about shoulder width apart, 
fists planted firmly on my hips as if trying to do my best stance 
of authority, yet a smile slips past my lips while watching him 
struggle to awaken.
"When do you want to get together next? There's a big, fancy 
social next weekend you know, all of the Fraternity's and 
Sororities are going...." He enthusiastically smiled.

....but I interrupted that little party.
"What the hell was that? Are you asking me out?" I snapped. 
'Really now, has he lost it? He knows I'm picky about good 
Dale finished rubbing his eyes and looked back up at me and 
right away he could see I was not happy, "What I meant to 
say...." He smiled.
"Yes, you better rephrase that earlier question." I glared, still 
rooted to my original spot, analyzing every word coming out of 
his mouth.
"Would you please go to the party with me, as my date?" Trying 
to give the most humble expression he could.
"We'll see." came the casual sigh and a shrug as I turned away 
to shut off my radio.
"What? Corbin this is a really big deal!" He sat up, speaking a 
little louder.
"I have to check my schedule." Oh I was going with him to the 
party all right, but he has to learn patience and better manners. 
And I like it when he grovels.
Unfortunately this Social Event was very important and formal, 
so that meant I needed a great deal of help, and I knew exactly 
whom I needed to ask help from, but things were on-again-off-
again with Sharon because she was not at all pleased with the 
time I was spending with Nikki. Yes, I could always ask Nikki, 
but like I have always said we don't like to talk about boys when 
"Sorry gotta go." I smiled with a shrug and walked out the door 
as Dale was getting his pants on briskly.


I didn't see Mora till a couple of days later and instantly there 
were many regrets; She was limping and her left arm was in a 
sling, her face had a couple of bad bruises although I don't 
remember hitting her in the face....then again. So many things 
happened in such a short period of time it's hard to recount 
every annoying little detail.
I had a small bruise on my cheek, but it was barely noticeable, 
once again I somehow managed to come thru practically 
unscathed. It seemed to only pile on the resentment, more girls, 
their boyfriends even, seemed anxious for me to take a major 
spill. As if I was the one with a chip on my shoulder! Are they 
kidding? What fucking chip! If there was a chip on my shoulder 
I didn't put it there THEY DID! 

There I go 'blaming again' as Sharon would say, yeah Sharon 
your one to talk, Queen 'blamer'!
Anyway I don't know if that little fight on the soccer field set 
Mora straight, but I was never going to let her blind side me 
again and took the initiative, regardless of how bad she 
appeared to be feeling. I could have confronted her in front of 
her friend's right in the student commons, or at some party, but 
chose a more private moment to lay it on the line. I knew she 
could have run back and ratted on me that I threatened her, but 
I was thinking less and less clearly during that year of my life. 
Basically I cornered her between two parked cars and asked if 
we had any more problems between us, 'cause if we did we 
were going to "get-it-on" right there in the parking lot. Shit I can 
remember that moment like it just happened yesterday, it was 
so fucking hot and humid that day, and the heat coming up off 
the blacktop was almost unbearable. Okay, as I was saying, 
when I saw her I quickly crossed the parking lot, but I already 
knew the answer, it was in her eyes, it wasn't even the same 
Mora looking at me (and why should that bother me, even 
sadden me now? It was like I beat the spirit out of her or 
something, but she started it you know?) So anyway she had 
this fear in her eyes I had never noticed before and she 
seemed to almost start crying when I dropped my backpack 
and suggested we slug it out in the parking lot if there were any 
more issues to resolve.

"I'm sorry!" She about choked on her words as her eyes got 
that glassy look. I felt a little satisfied by the fear I had put in 
her, I picked up my backpack and strutted off back to class like 
some big shot.
What the fuck was wrong with me? 
Telling some girl in the middle of a campus parking lot that I 
was going to start reigning down punches if she crossed me 
again. I need to get a grip!

Not to mention all the crap I was getting from Dale and Sharon 
'What a terrible girlfriend I was, always late for dates now, 
spending way too much time with Nikki, and forgetting to return 
phone calls.'

Can't I just go to class and study in peace!? Guess not.


That's it, it is all settled, I am in Love. 

With Dale.

You probably didn't expect that did you. Well for a short period 
of time it really did feel like everything fell into place.

It happened when Dale and I went up north to visit a friend of 
his up at Yale. It was January and cold with threats of snow 
showers all weekend long.

Dale and I were sitting outside, bundled up in coats, gloves, 
scarfs and huddled up close to one another. My arms were 
locked around his left arm which was pulled tight against his 
body. Even with long underwear on I was still cold.

"Can I sit in your lap?" I leaned over at asked. I could have just 
done it, but asked anyway.

He looked over at me with this look of longing and joy, "I would 
love that." he smiled. So I got up and wrapped my hands into 
the warm confines of his coat and sat down. I snuggled up as 
close as I could to my man's warm body.

"Somebody is getting very cozy." A girlfriend teased.

It was so romantic that we started to tune out the game, and 
focus on heat generated by our two bodies, in such close 
proximity. I rubbed my nose against his and we smiled, looking 
into each others eyes as his hands pulled me tighter against 

That was is, no words spoken, just blissful togetherness. His 
smell, his touch, his body, they all sent electric, exciting shivers 
into all parts of my body, and I do mean all parts. The growing 
bulge in his pants was telling me he was feeling the same thing. 
Guys are simple. Dale knew what he wanted, he wanted me 
and never looked at other women. He didn't want to go to 
parties without me, he wrote me emails and texted me every 
day, I like that, I came to expect that.

I wanted so bad to make love to him, it was like a painful ache 
inside of me.
