Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. <!--ADULTSONLY--> CINDY ON A LEASH (F/F, Blackmail) Cindy Silver Eyes /~Cindy_Silver_Eyes/ ***** Do you like my story? So, what is it that you like then? The one thing that you really like the most? Please let me know: (That's the only pay-off in writing, really...!) ***** The inspiration is "Lisa's Leash" by Marlissa!! ***** Sandra made a right turn onto Walker Street - she tried to avoid driving too fast in her anticipation, but it wasn't easy. She couldn't wait to get to the office. Usually she'd be cursing at the mundane, dead-end job awaiting her downtown, at the small but prestigious consulting firm where she worked, so the 20-minute ride was more of a final break before the bore began - but not today. She lovingly looked at the big manila envelope sitting on the passenger seat. Boredom, hopefully, wasn't going to be a problem... not anymore. She sped past another car. Cindy on a leash... The 36-year old woman could feel the wet heat building between her legs. Silly - how she'd cursed when she had been given the crap work again just the day before. Being the "office manager" - a title that far exceeded the job's actual significance and mainly meant she was doing whatever administrative work that came along - meant she'd been charged with going through John Anderson's desk and separating out business and personal items. John, one of the young, brightest executives of the company, had apparently told the management he was leaving for a new job all the way in Switzerland, taking along his new wife, and leaving the USA for good. Security concerns being what they were these days, and given the kind of top priority projects an executive like Anderson supervised, he hadn't even been allowed to go back to his desk to clear out his personal stuff, lest he may think of sneaking out sensitive material at the very last second - an exceedingly rude treatment Anderson obviously had not anticipated... "Oh, well", Sandra chuckled as she made another turn. She'd liked Anderson quite a bit - but then everyone did, especially the women. Not only was he a success story, having become a top-notch executive at the company at a young age, he was also boyishly handsome and very, very fit, too. Any girl could have fallen for her. Well, some fell harder than others... Cindy on a leash... Sandra bit her lip in amusement and turned the radio from her usual soft romantics channel to Hard Rock 94.50 - she was in that kind of mood. John had called her no more than half an hour after he'd been escorted out of the building by the security. He was always courteous, but the handsome executive had never paid much attention to Sandra, preferring to focus his attention on the younger, fairer beauties hired fresh from college. There was an unofficial policy against office-dating but John didn't pay much attention to it and hardly anyone complained. "Sandra, are you sorting out the stuff at my desk?" he'd asked, in an exceedingly sweet, if somehow alarmed, tone. After a period of mumbling around it, he'd come to the point: Evidently, while everything he left behind was quite valuable to him and he'd like to get them back as soon as possible, there was one manila envelope in the locked drawer, which he really sounded like he wanted back worse than all the other junk that he'd forgotten in his desk. And could Sandra please give the envelope to Cindy Cooper, as John was flying out that very night... Cindy Cooper... Sandra had immediately recalled Anderson and Cindy being an item for a short while, shortly after the young woman had joined the company... It had ended somewhat badly she'd thought... "Sure thing" Sandra had replied to Anderson, agreeable as always. She'd give the envelope to Cindy as soon as the young woman got back from her business trip in San Francisco... Sandra was always the agreeable kind; she knew everyone saw her as the pleasant if unremarkable office colleague, friendly if a bit too plain-vanilla and conservative... And of course she was easy to push around, easy to dump work on, easy to demand things from, wasn't she? She'd hardly turn down a small little request, from one so charming as John Anderson, right? Cindy, on the other hand, was one of those young women Sandra had never been. Beautiful, driven, confident, popular... She was a Georgetown grad, wasn't she? Something like that - Sandra had gone to a state school, one of the good ones, but still a state school. Cindy always seemed to thump her nose at Sandra, perhaps thinking the elder woman was just some big loser. While she was herself an ambitious young bitch, like so many of her kind, armed with ivy-league diplomas and serious business suits, girl-power to the tilt... Cindy was a good 10 years Sandra's junior, yet had to be making twice as much as Sandra already. Of course, whether Cindy had the big brains or not, it sure helped that she always charmed the clients with that pretty face and perfect body of hers... She was a total gym rat as best Sandra could tell, always spending the early morning hours at the Bally's across the street from work. "Good for her" Sandra snickered. "And good for me..." The 36-year old could feel her excitement growing by the minute. Cindy on a leash... That, after all, was what Sandra had seen on the very first picture. Oh, she had to take a look in the envelope, of course... Anderson said it was personal, but really, who could tell for sure without looking? What if the details of the latest project were waiting neatly typed up in that manila folder? Cindy had called, too, of course. In the evening, perhaps after Anderson had gotten around to informing his ex that she was supposed to pick up the precious manila envelope from Sandra. And Sandra had tried to hold her tongue - but failed: "You know", she'd said, "I did have to take a brief look inside the envelope, just to make sure it didn't contain anything work-related..." There had been no sound at the other end of the phone for a few moments, but Sandra could almost sense the conflicted feelings emanating through the miles of phone lines. The older woman had prepared herself for a slew of angry threats but it wasn't what she got for her nosiness: Instead, obviously on the verge of a panic attack, Cindy had dived into a lengthy explanation: She'd been so inexperienced then. Barely 22 years old, fresh out of college and she'd been in total awe of John Anderson. He was just so handsome, so successful, so powerful... And he always wanted her to do such nasty things, he was really like that, and she'd never given in, until that one night when she'd been drunk out of her mind, and it was John's birthday... so she'd allowed him to take a few pictures like he'd always wanted. He'd never given them back, despite her repeated asking, and they'd eventually broken up, Cindy not wanting to submit to his sick demands ever again, and John just wanting to chase after more accommodating girls... She hadn't sounded like the confident, young, career-building Ms. Perfect at all - she'd sounded like a little girl on the verge of tears. And Sandra had done her part, assuring the young one, the young pretty one, that there was nothing to worry, Sandra would hand over the envelope the next morning, it would all be just their tiny little secret. But then, Sandra had began pondering... Cindy on a leash, wearing nothing but a sexy pair of red lingerie... It wasn't the most X-rated picture to fall out of the envelope - there were a number of topless pictures after all, even a couple full nudes, in addition to a variety of poses with Cindy in bondage and submission. Still, the picture with Cindy on a leash had the most impact on Sandra. It was the most poetic, suggestive one somehow. Even Cindy's face looked different on that one, plainly scared and embarrassed, not quite like taking part in a kinky little private game in a willing fashion. There were a total of 24 pictures in the envelope, along with the negatives. Pictures that could really ruin the young, pretty, oh-so-conceited Cindy Cooper for life... Cindy on a leash - what would that look like in the flesh? Sandra had opened a bottle of wine, drank most of it, and fallen asleep, thinking and pondering... dreaming... In the dream there were two women -- one a slender, short-haired brunette, the other a lustrous, luscious, long-haired blonde. One shy and small-busted, the other a proud beauty. But the brunette held a whip and the blonde cowered before her. The whip-wielding Mistress wore a full corset & stocking set made of shiny, mean leather, the slave-girl just a tiny white thong made of sheer silk. And the Mistress began training the slave-girl patiently, demandingly, ruthlessly. There were lessons to be learned, specific rules to be memorized, skills to be developed in order to become the ideal slave. There was more in the dream - sexual sensations, games with toys... Sandra had woken up with a bed soaking wet with her own sexual juices... She was no lesbian, of course, but the idea of power over another... of at last being the aggressor, the dominator, the one in command... she'd had to go to the bathroom to relieve herself once more... She made a turn onto Washington Street, the last mile to the office. Her mind still wandered through the pictures she'd seen... Cindy on a leash. Cindy handcuffed to the bedposts, only her upper body showing, but her naked tits jutting forward... Cindy on her knees, her wrists and elbows bound tightly behind her back, and a ball gag in her mouth... Cindy wearing just a thong, play-acting with a big black dildo, sticking it in her mouth... Cindy completely naked, sitting on the floor, only her tight little pussy hid from the viewer's eyes... How could she have been so stupid? So delectably stupid? Sandra saw Cindy's sexy red BMW in the parking lot and parked next to it. She lost no time, making her way to the 24th floor where Cindy worked. She still couldn't believe Cindy had a personal office already, at the tender age of 25, overlooking the city and the river. The management had yet to see it fit to give the 36-year-old Sandra an office of her own... Cindy was in her office - must have been there since 6 AM, nervously waiting for Sandra to arrive. As she handed over the envelope and Cindy sheepishly thanked, Sandra noted the young woman was wearing a super-conservative business suit this day - as if that made up for the debauchery captured in the pictures. She wondered in delight what Cindy may look like wearing a spandex mini-skirt and a tight little tube-top... the unofficial uniform of office tarts. Sandra chose to wait as the younger woman opened the envelope. She probably should have just put it away calmly, but her angst got the best of her. She tore open the envelope, probably just wishing to make sure they were all in there. And she sifted through them with a growing terror. "I got the originals on my computer of course" Sandra smiled - her smile was more of an evil glee, surely unaccustomed on the face of the easy-going, pliant Sandra. Cindy was not holding pictures, not exactly; she was holding postcards. Postcards made of the pictures. Address fields were empty, but they were otherwise ready to be mailed. Sandra had gotten to work on PowerPoint early in the morning... "I was thinking your grandmother may enjoy the one with the leash" Sandra remarked. "And your parents would probably like one of the full nudes. Your old college friends would probably prefer something more racy, I'm assuming they'd get a kick from the pictures with the dildo, no?" Cindy seemed to be shaking but remained speechless. "Of course, they may all eventually take a look at the whole set - I've taken the liberty to register a website, Haven't decided what sort of material to place there yet...". She smiled at the terrified young woman again. Cindy tried to say something but nothing really came out. "Be at my place tonight. The address is on the company database." Sandra explained, trying to sound and look as terrifying as she hoped for. "9 PM. Sharp!" As she marched out of Cindy's office, Sandra pondered whether the young woman's current job would be appropriate for her anymore - for a lesbian sex-slave, that is! No worries, Sandra would be looking for a new assistant soon. A secretary, really, in a tight spandex mini. A secretary who'd be doing all the boring, brainless crap Sandra didn't feel like doing and would be punished dearly for her mistakes. The pay wasn't very good at all but Cindy could sure save some money when she moved in with Sandra... As Sandra marched away in evil glee, Cindy slumped in her chair. She was trembling, her hand in a fist, holding the "postcards". An e-mail popped up on her computer. She swallowed, it was from John Anderson. A short message, to the point: "Hi there, honeypots... Hope you liked my parting gift! Sorry you never did get into all that kinky stuff with me, except for that one time, of course... And I sure didn't wanna press on after that, being a gentleman and all. Let's see if your new Mistress will be so accommodating, huh? - Cheers..." Cindy Silver Eyes /~Cindy_Silver_Eyes/ ***** Do you like my story? So, what is it that you like then? The one thing that you really like the most? Please let me know: (That's the only pay-off in writing, really...!) *****