Welcome to my ftp page. My name is Chrysoberyl, and I'm a writer. 

I've been a writer for quite some time, and hope to be a writer for 
even longer. Someday I'd like to write for money, but until then, you 
get me for free. 

I've written a few stories in my day, and I know there are more on 
their way. Please, peruse the categories and find a story you like. 
Read it, enjoy it, share it with your friends, but make sure my name is 
attached to them. 

All of my stories have explicit sex in them, so don't worry about going 
along to the end of a story and not getting "the good stuff." (Yeah, I 
hate that, too.) But most of my stories have some sort of background to 
them, although I'm not saying this is the most high class material 
you'll ever read. If you like it, then keep reading. If you don't, pass 
it on by. I'm not making any promises. 

I used to write stories exclusively with my two characters--Raven and 
Devon. I've deviated from that a bit in years past and now at the 
present. But it's an interesting concept and it makes it so I don't 
have to go through a baby name book every time I write a story. 
Basically the premise is this: they're my "actors" playing the roles I 
assign. Same facial features, same mannerisms, same everything, but 
they're totally different people every time. 

Confused yet? No? Get to the stories then. 

I love feedback, so if you like what I've written, let me know at 
ChrysRosewood@yahoo.com. Comments, criticism, anything you have to 
share with me would be great.