Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Author: Cheerleader Fan Title: Cousin's Closet ch4: The Transformation Summary: Adam becomes Abby with the help of Jenny's talented hands. Keywords: tg cd teen msolo Cousin's Closet Chapter 4: The Transformation We arrived back at Jenny's house some time after 1PM and grabbed a quick bite to eat which I was glad to do since in Jenny's excitement to leave for the swimming hole I didn't get a chance to have breakfast. We double teamed the kitchen and in 20 minutes whipped up a tuna and pasta creation. Chef Boyardee would have been proud. We tossed our concoction into bowls and headed to the rec room with them. Downstairs Jenny threw the TV on and we watched a portion of Office Space, which was playing on Comedy Central. After we were done eating Jenny turned the Xbox on and fired up Guilty Gear again. "Gimme a chance this time and play someone other than your best character eh?" Jenny asked. "Actually Johnny's my best character, but to be fair Bridget is my second or third best," I replied with a big grin as I selected Johnny. "Greeeeaaaaat," came Jenny's sarcastic reply. I won the first fight soundly then started rotating characters avoiding my best ones. This time around we had a much more even game than last time and when 3:30 rolled around Jenny turned the Xbox and TV off. "Mom and dad should be leaving any moment now," Jenny said. "I want to be there to see them off, that way we have as much time as possible to get you ready to do our thing." A shiver ran up my spine. It was very close to my first time out in public (after all, the two of us alone swimming doesn't really count as public). I was excited and nervous at the same time. We both climbed the stairs and opened the door to see aunt Stacy hurriedly getting herself ready to leave. "Anything I can help you with, mom?" Jenny asked her. "No, dear, I'm good," aunt Stacy said. "Maybe your father could use some help though. He's outside packing the car." Jenny headed outside to find her father, so I followed her, eager to help as well if it meant Abby could come out to play sooner. "Hey dad, is there anything I can help you with?" Jenny asked her father as she approached his car. "No, Jenny, thank you," her father answered. "This is the last of my stuff." Just then aunt Stacy walked outside with her last two bags and handed them to uncle Mark, who stowed them in the trunk of his Audi sedan. When uncle Mark was finished he closed the trunk and Jenny's parents faced us. "Now kids," aunt Stacy began, "we don't want anything funny going on here while we're gone. No parties or anything like that. Do you understand?" "Yes mom," Jenny answered. "Ab- err, Adam and I are just going to the mall today. And yes, we'll be good the rest of the weekend, too." Satisfied with Jenny's answers, her mother pulled her in for a hug and gave her a kiss on the top of the head. "We'll miss you," she said then let her go so her father could give her a hug of his own. "And you be good too, Adam," aunt Stacy said as she gave me a hug as well. After all the hugs and kisses were exchanged Jenny's parents got into the car and uncle Mark drove off down the driveway. Jenny and I waved after them till they disappeared from view. As soon as that happened Jenny and I practically sprinted for the front door. We were inside and up to Jenny's room in an instant. Jenny pulled open her underwear drawer as soon as we got in there. "Why don't you pick out a matching bra and panties?" she asked. "A special day like this deserves special clothes," she said as she slipped into the bathroom. I combed through Jenny's lingerie till I came up with a mint green lace bra and panty set with hot pink straps and detailing. They were captivating and I knew instantly they were what I was going to wear that day. Jenny appeared once again as I was looking over my selection contently. "Ohh, that's a great choice. You'll look very cute in that. Go ahead and take them into the bathroom with you. You'll be needing a shower now and here, take this." With that Jenny handed me a small plastic bag. I peeked inside and saw a brand new pink razor and a can of Satin Care shaving gel. "You'll definitely need to shave those legs and your pits, too if you intend to wear anything with short sleeves or none at all. "Huh, I never considered shaving," I said to Jenny, with a surprised look on my face. "Don't be silly," Jenny replied. "You'll want to show off those legs of yours and no way do you want them all hairy, do you?" "I suppose not." "You shouldn't need to shave your arms though," Jenny said. "You hardly grow any hair there anyway. Your face either, come to think of it." Pointing out my lack of hair was another thing that would have ordinarily bothered me, but I wasn't even fazed. I guess I was falling into the role of teenage girl rather easily. I grabbed the bra and panties along with the shaving kit already in my other hand and walked into Jenny's bathroom. I put down the lingerie and bag next to the sink and turned the knob in the tub till water started flowing. Moments later the water was up to a comfortable temperature so I switched the flow to shower and stepped in. After getting myself fully wet I grabbed Jenny's pink loofah and squeezed some of her bath gel into it. I lathered it up over my chest and started washing my whole body. Instantly the whole shower smelled of flowers. After I was satisfied that my body was clean I squeezed a dab more shower gel into my hand and scrubbed my face clean. Finally I washed and conditioned my hair. Well, I may as well get to it I thought. I reached outside the shower and grabbed the bag Jenny gave me. I fished out the razor and shave gel and pulled them into the shower then I aimed the shower as far down as possible so I could work without the water washing away the shave gel. I applied the gel to my left leg and rubbed it till it was covered in lather. Then I carefully drew the razor up my leg over and over till the foam was gone. I ran my hands all over my leg to verify that I'd gotten all the hair. My leg felt smooth as silk. My penis jumped briefly. Obviously it approved of my having smooth legs. I repeated the same steps on my right leg and before I knew it I was sporting a full erection. There was no way I could let Jenny see me like this! I aimed the can of shave gel at my crotch and squirted out a small dose then I began stroking myself. In less than a minute I could already feel my orgasm approaching and I doubled my effort. A moment later my balls tightened up and my semen shot from the head of my penis. After three spasms, each throwing cum high against the wall of the shower my cock started to soften. I aimed the shower head at the wall my cum was running down and it quickly flowed down the drain. Having taken care of that I again diverted the shower's flow and applied another dose of gel, this time to my left armpit and worked it in. I went ahead and lathered up my right pit as well before setting to work on my left. Shaving my armpits was a bit trickier than shaving my legs, but after not too long I had both of them smooth and free of hair. I gave myself a final rinse and shut off the water. I dried myself off as quickly as I could and discarded my towel in the hamper. Then I picked up the pale green panties and stepped into them. I pulled them upward, enjoying the frictionless feel of them sliding against my now smooth legs. When I had them in place I did my best to tuck away my thankfully still flaccid penis. The panties were lace, thus somewhat see through, so I wanted to hide my cock from my cousin as well as possible. My panties now in place I picked up the bra and pulled the straps up around my arms. Then I positioned the cups on my chest and reached behind my back to secure the hooks. After adjusting the band's positioning the bra fit me quite well except for the lack of flesh in the cups. Hopefully Jenny had something better than panties like I typically used I could stuff them with. Nervously I turned the doorknob and opened the door. Jenny was standing there patiently waiting for me as I walked back into her room. "I knew you'd look pretty in those," she said as she grabbed me by the hand and led me over to her vanity where she sat me down and started blow drying my hair. There were a bunch of clothes spread out on her bed and I tried looking at them while Jenny dried my hair, but she pointed me back at her vanity as she continued drying my hair. "And... done," she said moments later as she shut off the blow dryer. "I've got a couple of outfits laid out for you to choose from. I'm sure you'll like one of them, but if not feel free to pick your own." I got up and went to the side of her bed to look the outfits over. There were three to choose from. The first was a simple little black dress. It was cute enough, but not for me. When dressing up I liked wearing skirts best and while dresses were similar they were different enough, so I passed this one over. The next outfit was a solid black pleated skirt paired with a sleeveless white top. I liked the skirt, but the top didn't do it for me. Jenny had set a pair of white knee socks next to the outfit. I really liked the idea of wearing knee socks. The last option was a yellow and green plaid mini along with a short sleeve white blouse. I didn't think I could pull off such a short skirt, and said so to Jenny. Her response was "You never know till you try." "Still, I think I'm going with this one," I replied, pointing at the second outfit "but I don't really like the top. Do you think the other blouse would work with it, Jenny?" "Yeah, I think that could work." "OK then," I chirped, delightedly and picked up the skirt. I stepped into it, pulled it into place and fastened the button. Then I grabbed the knee socks, sat down at Jenny's vanity and donned each one in turn. I straightened them as best as I could and stood. I looked at Jenny's full length mirror as I did a quick turn, enjoying the way the skirt flew out as I spun. I reached out to grab the shirt, but Jenny told me to wait a moment. She left the room for a moment and returned with a pair of small pink balloons filled with water. She slipped the first one into the left cup of my bra, placing the knotted side against my skin and arranged it carefully. She repeated the process with the other one then evened the two of them up. After both were in place Jenny grabbed them in both hands and hefted them. When she released them they bounced realistically. I now had a set of tits that were very similar to Jenny's pair. "OK, you can put the blouse on now, Abby," she said. I grabbed the blouse from Jenny's bed, feeling the balloons pull on my bra slightly as I bent over. It's going to take a bit to get used to having boobs, I thought. I put the blouse on, being careful as I pulled it down over my fake tits not to move them out of place. I smoothed it into place and asked Jenny what she thought. "I think you look cute, Abby," she said. "Now have a seat at the vanity again and I'll make you a knockout." She smiled as she said that. I followed her instruction and sat down. "I really liked the Scarlet Empress lipstick," I said. "Is there any way I could wear that again?" "Oh definitely," Jenny answered. "I think the Scarlet Empress will compliment your light complexion nicely." With that she pulled the lipstick out of the collection in her drawer and grabbed a number of other items. "I'll have to show you how to do this on your own, but for now I'll do it," Jenny said as she went to work on my face. I watched her progress in the mirror out of the corner of my eye and saw my face gradually become more feminine. "All done," Jenny said a few minutes later. "You really seem to like this part, so why don't you do it," Jenny continued as she handed me the tube labeled Scarlet Empress. I pursed my lips and gently applied it then pressed my lips together. "How's this?" I asked. "Pretty good, but you need to blot it a bit," Jenny replied as she handed me a tissue. I gently bit the tissue with my lips, pulling some of the color away. "Perfect," Jenny said when I finished. Then she turned me towards the mirror and I took a good look at myself. "Wow," I said. "I totally look like a girl." "Here, gimme your hands," Jenny said. I placed my right hand on the edge of the vanity and Jenny carefully started painting the nails a shade of red very similar to the lipstick I was already wearing. When she was done with the nails of my right hand I offered her the left and she went straight to work on those. She finished my nails and stood as she turned me back towards the mirror. "One last finishing touch," Jenny said as she pulled my hair into a pony tail and wrapped a black scrunchie around it. "NOW you look like a girl." And I did. My transformation was complete. Looking at myself in Jenny's mirror I knew I had nothing to worry about when we left. There was no way anyone was going to mistake me for a boy at the mall. I WAS a girl. "It's my turn to get ready," Jenny said. "You can stare at yourself all you want, but when I come out of the bathroom I'm going to need that vanity." "Uh huh," I said barely hearing her voice. I continued staring at myself as I heard Jenny enter her bathroom and turn on the shower. I was still staring as the shower turned off and minutes later when Jenny emerged from her bathroom wearing in the black dress I passed over, I was still staring. "OK, Abby, you can move now," came Jenny's voice from my side. "There's another mirror you can use if you still need to look. Ohh, but you should put on your heels first." She motioned to the closet as she spoke. "I'll be ready to go soon." I stood up and Jenny took my place at the vanity where she started doing her own makeup. I walked over to her closet and opened the door. I bent down, once again feeling my fake breasts jiggle, and picked up the pair of heels I'd worn last night, then had a seat on Jenny's bed. It took a little bit of fiddling with the straps, but I finally put the heels on by myself. By then Jenny had finished her makeup, then she sat down next to me on her bed and put on her own heels. "Well, Abby, shall we head out to the mall now?" Jenny asked with a beaming smile. "I'd love to," I responded, once again trying out the feminine voice I'd be using the rest of the day. As we left Jenny's room she grabbed her purse and handed me one of her spare ones. I threw the purse over my shoulder and it bounced against my hip as we descended the stairs. Another odd feeling I'd have to get used to as a girl, I thought. We both left the house, Jenny locking the door after herself, and we walked arm in arm toward the bus stop at the end of her road. -- Thanks for reading. If you have any comments send them to