Twila and Candy

By Charlotte Simmons



Chapter 26


As expected, the day after my visit to Maude’s, Bitch was hurling her guts up in the bathroom. I went to her and held her beautiful, red curly hair out of her face as she heaved. After I’d wiped her face and given her a glass of water, I pulled out the stick. She giggled and spread her legs and peed for me. She was so pregnant the strip read “Pregnant” in less than a minute.



“Well, Bitch,” I teased, “looks like you’ve got a bun in the oven, doesn’t it?”


Still sitting on the toilet, she leaned over and wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. She giggled and said, “Please, Master, don’t make me laugh, my stomach is hurting.”


“See?” I continued, “As soon as you get your wish and get yourself knocked up you get all uppity on me. Should I let Butch have a go at you?”


“Master, I love you so much that if you asked me to, I’d have a litter of puppies.”


“I love you too, Camille. You’ll always have my love.”


“I’m so glad you made me your slave. I love all of you more than anything and now, I’m going to have the man I love’s baby. I’m glad to be a bitch, your bitch and Mama’s, but I feel so confused, Sir. I love you and am glad I’m married to you, but I love Miss Pussy and wish I could marry her too.”


“Someday, when she’s older and if she feels the same way about you, I’ll marry you two.”


“Oh God, Master, that would be a dream come true!”


“Come on,” I said, “the others are dying to see the confirmation.”


“Yes Master.”




Now, let’s take a little break and I’m going to let you all in on a little secret. A secret that I have never shared with any of the girls or women that have ever become mine: either by acquisition or by birth.


When I was in high school, I was doing some research for a biology paper and ran across a very interesting article. It seems that there was a mountain village in Japan during the 1970’s where every newly recorded birth for twenty-five years was 99.9% female. This was very puzzling to the medical establishment on Japan. That piqued my interest too!


After several months of studying environmental issues, and diet, it was conclusively linked to… guess what?


Well water. That’s right, well water.


On the ph scale, neutral ph is seven. Anything above seven is alkaline and anything below seven is acidic


The entire village drew its drinking water from one well. That well water was tested and after analysis, the ph level ranged from 5.8 to 6.2. For those of you who aren’t into this shit, that is definitely an acidic ph.


Normal ph for humans is around seven: plus or minus a few tenths. Municipal water suppliers treat the water to maintain a healthy, neutral ph which will give people the normal 50/50 chance of having either a boy or a girl.


Now for a little biology lesson. Just because I came from the ghetto doesn’t mean I’m stupid. The “Y” chromosome, or male sperm, has less genetic material, is smaller and swims faster but doesn’t live as long as female sperm. Conversely, the “X” chromosome, or female sperm, has more genetic material, is bigger, heavier and slower, but much healthier and lives longer. The female egg carries the “X” chromosome. If an egg mates with a male sperm, it becomes an “XY” egg and a boy. A girl results from an “XX” mating.


Now pay attention because there’s a test next week. LOL.


Now, here’s where the well water study comes into play. Male sperm thrive in an alkaline environment and female sperm thrive in an acidic one. If all the people in a household drink water from an acidic well, their ph levels drop and become acidic. The female egg (an X chromosome) thrives best in an acidic environment.


In men with a neutral ph, the normal ph level for healthy, normal semen is 7.2 — 8.2. The prostatic secretions are acidic while seminal vesicle fluid produced by seminal vesicles is alkaline. If a man’s system is acidic, he produces nearly all X or girl sperm. The Y or boy sperm he does produce are sickly and not as healthy.


Now we get down to the fun part: the fucking part. Acidic Daddy shoots his baby makers into an acidic, receptive and fertile, little girl. This receptive, fertile little girl (hey, this is my science lesson) cums on Daddy’s dick and her cunt is filled with nice, acidic little girl cream. The girl sperm are loving life and swimming around in a luxurious, acidic environment where they can swim to their hearts content all the way through all that acidic cunt cream, an acidic uterus and an acidic fallopian tube to an acidic egg.


The boy sperm are totally fucked! As soon as they dive their sickly asses into that cunt filled with acidic cunt cream, they start dying off by the millions. Those that aren’t killed immediately, have to swim through an acidic environment and try to reach that acidic egg. Hasta lavista, Baby!!


Well now you get the picture. That’s why that Japanese village birthed nothing but girls for twenty-five years. When the local government ran city water to the village, the following year births started to stabilize back to normal.


How does that apply to me? Well you see, we live off of well water. When I decided to embark on this adventure to find and breed for baby girls, I made sure my water conditioning contractor keeps my system at a ph level of 6.0 and I personally test it to verify it. It’s easy, just dip a ph strip in water and watch it change color. That’s acidic enough to do the job, but not unhealthy.


I knew, with a 99.9% probability, that Bitch will have a girl because she’d lived with us for two months: that’s long enough to change her ph. If Mandy has a girl, I got lucky because of the decrease in male sperm I produce. The others? They’ve got the deck stack in my favor. There will always be a 99.9% chance they’ll have a girl.


I saved that article and treasure it dearly. See? I’m not only a rich, sneaky, conniving, perverted but loving pedophile; I’m also a smart one.




I handed Bitch the strip and told her she could break the good news. When we reached the kitchen doorway, she tiptoed in waving the stick and said, “I’m gonna have a baby bitch!”


The girls went freaky and leapt from the table, joined hands and started dancing in circles. Carmelita looked at them like they’d gone crazy. After the dust settled, Bitch sat to eat and started heaving again. Silvia got her some crackers and told her she would probably be able to eat something later.


Silvia had made an appointment with her OB/GYN, so her and Mandy finished eating and got ready to leave. The girls wanted to go, but Silvia said that maybe next time. We headed to the playroom to watch TV and Carmelita came to my lap. As soon as I set her in my lap, she started squirming so I tilted the chair back and sat her fat little infant pussy on my face. I wiggled my lips in between her folds and started to suck on her tiny pee hole. It was the strangest thing because when I started sucking, her tiny urethra started to quiver and she relaxed her bladder. She didn’t pee in a gush, but it sort of just ran out of her.


After she finished, I gave her a couple of little sucks on her fat little clitty and she giggled. I brought her to my chest and just hugged her, praising her for giving Daddy her pee. She turned around in my lap and reached between her legs and tried to put me to her hole.


I chuckled and while reaching for the lube said, “Here, Chica, let me help you.”


I coated the end of my cock and her vulva and lifted her up some. She dutifully put me to her tiny hole and holding her under her armpits, slowly lowered her down. She wiggled a bit and I slipped inside her and she peeped and squirmed a little until I had filled her to capacity. I reclined the chair so her weight wouldn’t force her past her limit and just started making little jabs into her super tight sheath. I started to rub her little dicky-clit and she was in infant whore heaven.


It wasn’t two minutes when her squeezing my cock with her muscles set me off. When she felt me spurting inside her, she grunted and quivered a soft, gentle baby cum. Every time I fuck Carmelita’s tight, snug hole, I can never last very long. She’s so tight that even when I go flaccid, she can hold me inside her snugly. Invariably, I’d get hard again and paint her tiny cervix with another dose of Daddy cream. My dick was always sealed so tight in her gripping little cunny that ne’er a drop seeped out, but when I pull out, it would run out of her like a river. Believe me, there’s nothing so nasty than to see a river of cum running out of a one year-old pussy!


I called Bitch in and had her suck it up as I pulled out of my little chica. At least she got some protein in her belly. Oh well, so much for fucking my harem. I knew I had to get ready to meet Tom and after Carmelita’s pussy was relatively clean, I handed her off to Bitch so I could get dressed. There must be something special about Bitch’s pale pink, puffy nipple, cone-like breasts because Candy and Carmelita just loved sucking them (So does Daddy!).


As I walked past the playroom on my way out the door, Bitch was sitting on the sofa with a suckling Carmelita in her arms. I stopped and smiled at her and Bitch smiled back as she gave the suckling child a loving squeeze.




I met Tom on the outskirts of the projects and we drove in my car to his little play toy’s building. We walked up the stairs and he knocked on the door. A medium brown black woman about twenty answered the door. She asked what we wanted and I said, “Hi, My name is Jimmy Hayes and this is Tom Stevens. I hear you’re in a bit of a fix with the cops and maybe we can help.”


She looked at me suspiciously and asked sarcastically, “What’ll it cost me — my kid?”


I chortled and said, “What if it did? Would you pay it to stay out of prison and avoid becoming some lesbian dyke bitch’s slave?”


She didn’t answer, she just turned to walk into the living room saying, “Come on in. excuse the mess. I’ve been busy and haven’t had time to clean up. By the way, my name is Roberta, Roberta Williams, but I’m sure you already know that, don’t you?”


“Yes, Roberta, I know who you are. Roberta is a lovely name. You’re a very attractive woman. How old are you?”


“I’m twenty.”


She motioned for us to sit on a stained sofa and sat in a chair facing us. She said, “How do you know about my problem and how can you help me?”


I replied, “I have some contacts in the neighborhood that keep me up to speed on what goes on and someone mentioned your name. They said it was a shame that you got caught holding for one of your friends and you’re facing ten years in the state pen.”


“Yeah, so what? What’s it to you?”


“Well, they also said that you’re in a real fix because you’ve got a five year-old daughter that they’ll take from you if you get sent up.”

“Yeah,” she answered, “that’s what worries me most. Those state shelters and foster homes are fucked up. I could take going to jail, but I just want my baby taken care of.”


“Why are you taking the fall for this friend of yours?”


“Because she’s got a drug problem and she’s been arrested and convicted on drug charges before. If she gets convicted once more, she’ll do life under that ‘three strikes” law.”


“I stopped by because maybe — just maybe — I can help. Do you take drugs?”


“No, I smoke a little weed, but that’s it.”


“When was the last time you smoked a joint?”


“About a month ago; not since I got arrested.”


“Have you ever been arrested for drugs?”




“How often do you smoke?”


“I don’t know, maybe once or twice a week. Why?”


“Because, Roberta, I might be able to get you off. That’s why. But it’s still an iffy shot. What kind of arrangements have you made for your daughter?”


“None, I guess I just want the whole thing to go away.”


“Are you a prostitute, Roberta?”


“Well, I work for myself and I’d like to think of myself as an escort — not a hooker.”


“Ever been arrested for prostitution?”


“Yeah, twice.”


“Hmmm,” I replied with a nod, “Okay then. Here’s what we’re proposing. Tom here lost his wife and daughter to a drunk driver last year. He’s really been hurting inside since then. Tom just happens to be a very close friend of mine and I hate to see him all tore up like this. Here’s what I propose. I’d like to help someone who’s getting a bum rap and I‘d also like to help my dear friend.


“I’m willing to hire a high classed attorney to represent you, but it’s still a very iffy thing whether or not he can get you off. In the worst case scenario, you get convicted and sent to the slammer and they take your daughter. If they do that, you’ll play hell getting her back.


“How about we do this: I’ll hire you a slick attorney and you give Tom here full custody of your daughter. He can give her a very good life and he’ll love her like a real father would. If you get off, you’re free to run your escort business without the worries of taking care of a child. Well, what do you think? Interested?”


Tom looked at her with a lost puppy dog look and said, “My wife and daughter were black. I miss my little girl and cry every time I think of her. I’d love your little girl and treat her like a princess. You have my word on that.”


She looked at me with a serious stare and said, “I give up my baby and you get me off, right?”


I nodded and replied, “That’s my plan, but like I said, your case isn’t a slam dunk, but this lawyer is good and he’ll get you off if it’s possible.”


Roberta sighed as she sat thinking. She sighed again and said, “I wanna talk to this lawyer first.”


I nodded and answered, “Okay, but I’m telling you that his representing you will be contingent on you signing the custody papers, just so you understand that.”


Now she wanted to haggle price for the kid. She said, “If I give you my kid, and I get off, I’ve got no way to get my business started. How much could you afford to help me get my business of the ground?”


Tom answered, “I’m not a rich man, but I could give you half of my savings. That’s about ten grand.”


“Okay,” she replied as she thought out loud, “I’ll do it, but I want to talk to the lawyer first. If he can get me off, you give me the money when I leave court. If I get sent up, you hold it for me and give it to me when I get out. Deal?”


Tom nodded and said, “You’ve got my promise. In fact, I’ll set up an account in your name and the money can start earning interest first thing in the morning. If you can give me your cell number, I’ll call you when it’s finished.”


She smiled and said, “I like the idea.”


Roberta looked around the room silently for a few moments and turned and said, “When do we see the lawyer?”


I pulled out my phone and called Mark. I’d already set this deal up and the custody papers were ready to be signed. He said his partner always had time for a client like me and said to come on in. I told her, “Mark said that he can see you now and for us to go to his office.”


She asked if she could change. She’d put some make-up on in the car. She also asked if we could pick up Tamisha from kindergarten and I agreed. We pulled up in front of the school and Roberta got out. I just smiled at Tom and he was damn near salivating he was so anxious.


Roberta came back holding her daughter’s hand. She was a little chunky, but she wasn’t fat. She had her hair done up in corn rows and she had full lips with really big, doe-like baby brown eyes. She was a cute little girl and my little stiffy thought so too.


I started the car after they’d gotten in and buckled up. Roberta sat up front with me while Tom lavished the chunky little princess with compliments. She ate it right up and blushed so hard her chubby little brown cheeks turned pink. When we got out of the car at the lawyer’s office, Tom and his little honey were holding hands. Damn, I thought, and I thought I was a fast worker!


Tom wooed his future lover in the waiting room while Roberta and I talked to Ted, the attorney. He told her that there was a good possibility he could get her off if what she said was true. The only thing they had to do was find a way around was the amount she was holding. He had to be able to prove she wasn’t a dealer. He told her that with no prior drug arrests or convictions, and if she tested clean on a piss test, there was a good possibility she might never see the inside of a cell. He asked if she would be willing to take a piss test when she left his office and she agreed wholeheartedly. Ted and I worked out his fee as she listened in and she was shocked at the price.


Ted gave her the form for the drug test and then we went out to the waiting room. She heaved a huge sigh of relief and I said, “Well, there you have it. Are you ready to sign the custody papers?”


She looked at her daughter and silently nodded. We four went to Mark’s office and she didn’t even read them — just signed on the dotted line. Tom signed and the secretary notarized them and that was that. We returned to the waiting room and let Roberta break the news to Tamisha.


Watching from a distance, Tamisha didn’t seem all that upset and kept looking over at Tom. She’d smile and he blew her a kiss and she smiled and look back at her mom. I told Tom, “If you’re smart, you’ll go slow with her. She seems kind of innocent and you don’t want to spook her.”


“I know,” he agreed, “but Daddy’s going to give her a nice stimulating bath the first chance I get.”


“Damn, like minds think the same,” and I chuckled.


Roberta came over with Tamisha and Tom held out his hand. She took it with a smile and he picked her up and gave her a tender hug. We left with him carrying his newfound joy and headed for the drug test center.


After Roberta went in and pissed in a cup, I drove them back to her place. She put Tamisha’s things in a suitcase and with dolly in hand Tamisha came out to her new daddy. Mother and child hugged and kissed, but sadly there were no tears. I just watched in sadness.


We left and I drove Tom and Tamisha to his car and we parted company.


Knowing what Tom had in store for that chubby little chocolate bunny, I was harder than a rock. When I got home, I grabbed Twila. I took her by the hand and led her to the stairs and said, “Mama, I need your sweet little black ass and I’ll fill up with a quart of piss while I’m in there.”


She shivered and replied, “Oh, Daddy, you knows how ta make my pussy wet!”